Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Family Portrait ch 10

 “Family Portrait ch 10”

At Carly’s-Carly was at home having coffee when there was a knock on the door it was Bobbie,” Mama, The funeral is over “Carly said “Yes, I have some news to tell you” Bobbie said as a man came in the open door.”Can I help you” Carly ask “Ours you Carly Corinthos Spencer” The man ask “Yes I’m, “Carly said “I’m an FBI agent, and you are under arrest for insider trading with the Aurora company, “The Man said “No, You can’t do this, “Bobbie said as The man was arresting Carly.”Mama, Call Diana and take Donna to Sonny” Carly said “We will get you out of this “Bobbie said as Carly was taking away .

At The Quartermaine mansion- The family was there talking to AJ.”Michael, How have you been “AJ ask “I want you to meet my wife Willow, and our children Wiley and Amelia,” Michael said “You're a father, I’m so happy for you, I hope we can get a second chance, “AJ said, “Yes we can,” Michael said, “So AJ what happened “Tracy ask “I was shot by Sonny and I did almost die that night but I did recover and Mom was worrying that I wouldn’t be safe,” AJ said “From Sonny,” Michael said “Yes, I’m sorry “No it’s okay, “Michael said “So Monica called me and ask me to help get AJ in a hospital in Switzerland, “Skye said “You know” Tracy ask “Yes! I would do it again for my brother “Skye said “Did someone else help Monica at the hospital “Tracy ask “I did” Elizabeth said as she came in,” Yes you did and I’ll always be grateful for you too” AJ said “I’m sorry about Monica but I’m glad you’re here “Elizabeth said “Thanks” AJ said 

Drew's phone rang and he answered it was Bobbie .”No, I’ll be right there” Drew said as he hang up the phone,” What is wrong “Michael ask “Carly been arrested for insider trading, “Drew said “I’ll go with you,” Michael said “I need to put the children down, “Willow said they left with Olivia.”So Carly been arrested “AJ said “Yes, It’s been a great day, You're Back and she was arrested, “Skye said “You had something to do with it? Tracy ask “With Ned’s help,” Skye said “What else are you both up to”Tracy ask 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Family Portrait ch 9

 “Family portrait ch 9”

At The Church-Monica funeral-Ned and Tracy and Skye and Olivia and Michael and Brooklyn were greeting the guests as they came in for Monica's funeral. Bobbie and Lucas and Elizabeth and Audrey.”Audrey, I’m glad you're here” Ned said “I can’t believe that Monica gone, “Audrey said “Me too, Who will I fight with over a guy” Leslie ask as she came in with Laura,” You and Monica should have your years of fighting, “Audrey said “Yes we did,” Leslie said “Mother wants to give her condolences, “Laura said “Of course, “Ned said as Felicia and Mac and Anna and Robin came in,” Robin, you came,” Elizabeth said “Yes, Monica was one of my mentors, Patrick would be here too but his doing surgery on a patient, “Robin said “It’s okay, Monica would understand, “Ned said as Willow and Lila Rae and Drew and Austin came in.”Skye, I want you to meet Austin,Jimmy Lee son”Ned said “Oh”Skye said as the father came by,”It’s time to start “The father said as everyone sit down.

“We our here to say goodbye to a doctor,Mother and Wife of the late Alan.The family would like to say something about her”The father said as Ned got up.”Monica and I share our history of our own before we know that she was also a part of this crazy family of ours, Monica love Alan so much now they are together again and with Emily their daughter they lose”Ned said he sit down as Tracy got up.”No matter what my brother loved Monica I always thought he could do better and he did she was perfect for him.Monica I wouldn’t let this family fall apart “Tracy said she sit down as Drew got up.”I would like to say something about Monica even though she isn’t my biological mother “Drew said as a man came in.”I don’t think so,I will be speaking about my mother “AJ said as he came in and shock everyone.

“Dad”Michael said “Oh Michael I miss you so much “AJ said as they share a hug,”You’re alive again “Tracy said “You can’t keep a Quartermaine down “AJ said “Ni you can’t “Skye said as Tracy saw something between Skye and AJ.”You know AJ was alive didn’t you”Tracy ask “So did Monica”Skye said “I’ll full you all in later I would like to speak about my mother “AJ said as Drew sit down.”I disappoint my parents so much in life but my mother never give up on me for the second time she save me and this time I will get it right, I wouldn’t disappoint my mother again or my son this time “AJ said 

Brooklyn went up and sing as they removed the casket.

Copyright by Skye’s The limit 

Family Portrait ch 8

 “Family portrait ch. 8”

“Ms. CEO”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Tracy were talking.”Ned, What is going on with ELQ” Tracy asked as Skye came in,” Skye, What did you do to ELQ! Tracy yelled as Valentin came in,” Skye just got it back and outing me as CEO” Valentin said “Yes I did” Skye said “I thought you were on my side you sold me you're share” Valentin said “I was desperate and angry with my family but I regret it and you been away dealing with you're family and neglecting ELQ so it was simple to get the company “Skye said as Michael and Drew and Brooklyn and Olivia came in.”Skye, You our CEO of ELQ” Michael said “Yes I’m and I’m taking charge of this company, Ned I want you to stay on as CFO” Skye said “What about Lucy's share of ELQ” Valentin asked “I wouldn’t worry about Lucy now this is a family business “Skye said Valentin left.”You brought Lucy's share” Tracy ask “Yes she need money for Deceipton and I was willing to help, “Skye said “If I didn’t know that you are a Quartermaine after all. Today you just proved it” Tracy said “Thank you,” Skye said “Congratulations Skye on getting Valentin out,” Michael said “Thank you, You can come back to the company, “Skye said “No I need to be here for my wife she sick, “Michael said “I’m sorry, “Skye said as Drew phone rang it was about his company and he hangs up the phone,” Skye, You been business first getting ELQ back and now you have my company, “Drew said “It was just business, “Skye said “What else are you up too” Drew ask 

At The Metro Co-Lucy was walking in the lobby as Valentin who was upset came by.”Lucy, I know you betrayed me for ELQ” Valentin said “It was business. The deception needed more funding or I would lose my company and Skye had a great offer “Lucy said “Well now I’m out of the company! Valentin yelled “ELQ has always been owned by the Quartermaine only let it go, “Lucy said 

At Nikolas -Nikolas was rocking his son Ace he got full custody with Emse being gone .”I’m going to get it right this time “Nikolas said as Laura came in.” I brought more diapers over “Thanks “How is it going “Good “

Copyright by Skye’s The limit

Family Portrait ch 7

 “Family portrait ch 7”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned was having some coffee when Tracy came in.”Mother, You’re here” Ned said “Yes, I stop at the crypt, Why did you call Skye “Tracy ask “Because she had to know about Monica and you will be grateful to Skye after I tell you something, “Ned said “Why would I be grateful to Skye! Tracy ask “It’s about ELQ,” Ned said 

At Lorenzo's old mansion- Lila Rae was looking around as Skye came in.”Lila Rae, Why are you here” Skye ask “Because this was our house, Mother can we get it back “Lila Rae ask “The house was left to you, You're father left you everything, “Skye said “So it’s mine” Yes” Can we live here “Lila Rae ask and Skye touch her daughter face.”If you want to, Yes let’s go back to the mansion “Skye said as they left.

At Valentin/Anna-After bringing down Victor, they move in together with Charlotte and were happy.”Valentin, Did you hear about Monica” No, What” She died” No” Yes I need to call Robin, Monica was one of her mentors “Anna said as Valentin's phone rang.”Valentin Cassadine, No! He yelled and hang up the phone.”What is it” Anna ask 

At Metro, Co-Nina office-Nina was in her office looking at the stock of the hotel and was worrying about the hotel.

Copyright by Skye’s The limit 

Family portrait ch 6

“Family portrait ch. 6”

At Lorenzo's old mansion-Lila, Rae came in; she remembered hearing about the house from Skye and wanted to remember the house that she shared with both her parents before her father died.

At The Quartermaine, crypt-Skye was visiting the grave.”Oh Alan I’m you're daughter after all I had a DNA test done, I have so many secrets I wish you were here Daddy “Skye said as Tracy came into the crypt.”Why are you here “Tracy asks “Ned called me about Monica, I know you’re secret Tracy that you changed the DNA test! I’m Alan's daughter after all” Skye said “Yes you are '' Tracy said as Skye slapped her.”Why did you lie? Alan died knowing I wasn’t his daughter “Skye said “It’s your baby daddy's fault that Alan died! Tracy yelled as Skye's phone rang and she picked it up .”I need to take this “Skye said and went outside.

“Alan I did change Skye's DNA test for you're good, I love you, Alan, Monica you too I can’t believe I wouldn’t have you to fight with anmore, “Tracy said 

Skye was outside on the phone.”Yes, It should be done soon and then you can come home “Skye said as Tracy came by as Skye hang up the phone.”Who are you talking too”Tracy ask “No one you care about “Skye said “You are up to something “Tracy said 

Copyright by Skye’s The limit  

Family Portrait ch 5

 “Family portrait ch 5”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Ned was talking .”You have been trying to take the hotel” Skye ask “Yes but it may cost me my marriage Olivia owns half of it “Ned said “Why don’t you just say it was my idea” Skye said “Oh Skye you are a Quartermaine “Ned said “I’m, I had a DNA test, I’m Alan daughter after all” Skye said 

At The Metro Co- Olivia was working when Carly came by.”Carly, I’m sorry about Ned” Olivia said “Don’t be, I don’t have a right to be at the funeral after everything I did to the Quartermaine “Why aren’t you with Ned Carly ask “Ned needs to talk to Skye about something “She back” Yes, Ned called her she family “Yea I guess “Carly said as Sonny and Nina came by.”Sonny, Did you hear? Monica passed away “No I didn’t, How is Michael “Sonny asked “He hanging in,” Carly said 

On the Docks- Lila Rae was walking looking around when she came by Spencer and Josslyn who were walking.”You're new in town” Josslyn said “Yes the last time I was here I was a little girl, I’m Lila Rae Alcazar “Josslyn Jax, Spencer Cassadine “Nice to meet you “Lila Rae said 

At The Metro co- Drew office- Drew was in his office upset when Carly came in.”Drew, What is it you look upset “I’m! I just lose my company “How” Someone took it over “I’m sorry “This isn’t good for you either “

Copyright by Skye’s The limit

Family portrait ch 4

 “Family portrait ch 4”

“Welcome Home “

At Kelly’s- Laura and Kevin were having lunch together.”It’s been a crazy week “Yes, It has with Emse being caught and Ryan, I’m sorry about him” Laura said “Ryan is my brother but now he wouldn’t hurt anyone “No he wouldn’t “Laura said as Lucy came by,” Lucy, Are you okay “Kevin asks “I’m sorry about Ryan” Thanks, I'm glad you’re safe” Kevin said “Me too, I’m glad we caught Victor “Me too it’s all over “Laura said “Yes but I have some bad news, Monica passed away “Lucy said “No” Laura said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Ned was looking at a picture of AJ when Olivia came into the room,” Why are you looking at a picture of AJ? Olivia ask “Because Monica is gone, I hope you’re not going to give me a lecture about inviting Carly to Monica's funeral, “Ned said “No I understand the history, “Olivia said “Good the funeral has to be the way Monica wanted, “Ned said as Skye came in with a teenage daughter.”Skye, I’m glad you're here “Ned said “Thanks, I can’t believe that Monica is gone, You remember my daughter Lila Rae”Skye ask “Yes,You're all grown up,This is my wife Olivia “Ned said “Nice to meet you “Lila Rae said “You too, I need to run an errand “Olivia said she left .

“Skye we need to talk”Ned said as she went by him.”Mom,Can I just go look around town”Lila Rae ask “Yes,Take the bodyguard and be safe “Skye said Lila  Rae left and Ned closed the door.”So Skye,What have you been up to? I know about the letters you and Monica wrote “Yes then you know what I been doing “Skye said “Some I know you are trying to take over Drew's company “Ned said “How do you know” I have connections too and I think it’s a great business opportunity, Drew isn’t that great at business “Ned said “No, and I have something that’s the ice on the cake! Carly will be charged soon with insider trading “Skye said “I know it! I know Carly lost some money and the Hotel because of it! Ned said “Carly lose the hotel “Skye ask “Yes and to the woman who’s now with Sonny, Nina Reeves “Ned said “You know we could try to get the hotel back with us”Skye said “I have been trying too”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Family portrait ch 3

 “Family portrait ch 3”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Michael and Willow and Olivia and Ned were talking with Drew and Bobbie.”I can’t believe that Monica is gone “Drew said “Me too” Olivia said as Brooklyn came in carrying the box she found.”Dad, I need to show you something private” Brooklyn said they went into the foyer as the maid let Carly and Lucy in and they went into the living room.

“Brooklyn, What is it” Ned ask “I found this in Monica's room it’s letters that she and Skye wrote to each other, “Brooklyn said “Why would Skye and Monica write about “Ned ask “What’s the one thing they had in common, “Brooklyn said as Ned pull out a letter and read it.

In the living room-Michael and Willow and Olivia and Drew and Bobbie was in the room when Lucy and Carly came in,” I remember when Monica and I were fighting over Alan, I try to fight it but Monica belong with him not me” Lucy said “I couldn’t agree more” Bobbie said 

Carly went by Drew,” Are you okay “No but I can’t deal with it now” Drew said “When I came in it look like Ned and Brooklyn were talking about something “Probably the funeral arrangements “Yeah” Carly said as Ned came back in.’Ned, Are you okay “Yes,” Ned said “When is the funeral “Carly asked “Carly, do You think you will be invited? Monica made all the arrangements before she passed and you and Sonny are not on the list it’s bad enough you were at AJ's funeral and Alan’s “Ned said “Ned” Drew said “No it’s okay, I understand “Carly said, and left.”Michael, I hope you understand what you’re Grandmother wanted “Ned said “Yes I do,”Michael said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Family portrait ch 2

 “Family portrait Ch 2”

At General Hospital -Bobbie was in the hallway by the portrait of the late doctors and nurses of the hospital as Elizabeth came by.”Bobbie, What is it” Elizabeth ask “Monica passed away, “Bobbie said “No,” Elizabeth said “Yes we lose another great doctor “Yes we did,” Elizabeth said they share a hug as Carly came by,” Is everything okay? Did you lose a patient “Carly ask “No it’s not okay” Elizabeth said as she left,” Mama” Monica passed away today” Bobbie said “No, Monica and I have our history but she's Michael's grandmother that doesn’t change one bit, I do have some regrets I did to the family “Carly said “I’m going to the Quartermaine “Bobbie said 

At Aurora, Media-Drew was upset about who was trying to take over his company when his phone rang .”Drew Cain, No I’ll be right there” Drew said 

At The Quartermaine mansion -Ned was on the phone with Skye,” Skye I do hope you come to the funeral, I know you and Monica had your history “Ned said as Michael and Willow came in and Ned hang up the phone,” Ned, I’m sorry about Monica, Do you need anything “Michael ask “I have made all the phone calls, I just got off the phone with Skye she coming” Ned said “Who’s Skye” Willow ask “My aunt” Yes and Tracy coming in the funeral will be soon” Ned said as Bobbie came in.”Ned, I want to give my condolences “Bobbie said “You and Monica had you're favor share of issues but you both need each other in you're life” Ned said “Yes, Now Monica is with Alan” Bobbie said “Yes they are probably arguing about something “Ned said “Probably “Bobbie said 

Monica's room- Brooklyn was helping the maids clean up the room and pick out a dress for Monica when she found a box that had paperwork in it.

At London -Skye was packing up her belongings.”I’m on my way home “Skye said to herself.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Family Portrait ch 1

 "Family portrait ch 1"

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned went to check on Monica who was in her bed still sleeping when he found Monica passed away he cried and went downstairs to find Olivia and Brooklyn in the living room."Ned, What's wrong "Olivia ask "I went to check on Monica she passed away, "Ned said "No, Not Aunt Monica, "Brooklyn said "We keep losing family members, "Ned said "Do you want us to make some phone calls "Olivia ask "Yes and I need to call my mother and Skye she would want to be here, "Ned said 

At Drew's office -Drew was working at Aurora when a board member came in."We need to talk about the company it's in trouble "What is going on "Someone is buying all the stock of you're company "Do you think it's a takeover "Yes I do"

At The Gatehouse- Michael and Willow were home she still was fighting cancer there was a knock on the door it was Brooklyn."Brooklyn, You look sad "Michael said "I'm, Monica died today in her sleep, "Brooklyn said "No Grandmother, "Michael said 

At General Hospital-Bobbie was working when the phone rang."General Hospital nurses station, Ned what is it? Monica is late, No"! Bobbie said as she cried and hung up the phone.

Copyright by Skye's the limit