Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 10

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 10”
Cynthia was walking when she ran into Millie. They didn’t get along; it went way back. “Cynthia “Millie I heard you're open a business with Jacqueline,She can’t trust you”Actually it didn’t work out “Good for Jacqueline “Cynthia left..

At Jacqueline office-Jacqueline was setting up her office when Cynthia came into the office.”Jacqueline, I ran into Millie what happened between the both of you”I decided to run this company on my own , I’m bringing back my father company “Oh Jacqueline” “You we’re one of the top actress here,Would you come back “Maybe”“Let Me know”“I will”Cynthia had Secret about Robert ”Thanks for the first time I believe in myself that I can do this”It’s Nice to see the old Jacqueline “Thanks, I got lost in myself take care of the children “Jacqueline phone rang. “Jacqueline Rockefeller,I will take care of it”Jacqueline hang up the phone.”What is it”My daughter’s are not in school “I hope everything okay “Thanks me too”

At Plan Parenthood-Celeste and Poppy we’re their,”You can’t go though with this without our parents permission “Poppy “Celeste,Don’t do this I know you’re scared but still don’t “

At Jacqueline/Alistair-Jacqueline came home.”Poppy,Celeste! Jacqueline went into Celeste room and went through it as Alistair came into the room,”Jacqueline,What are you doing here “Both our daughter’s are not in school Something is going on”Jacqueline “Jacqueline saw a pregnant test in the garage and pick it up.”No! One of our daughter’s is pregnant “No! “I have an idea of where they are”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 9

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 9”
At Jacqueline/Alistair-Celeste and Poppy we’re downstairs.”Celeste,How long will you keep this secret “Poppy not now”I’m just worrying about you”As Jacqueline came by.”What are you both up to”Nothing Mother we sure go”It’s early for school,Have some breakfast “We have an test today “Celeste took her sister hands and they left as Alistair came into the room.”Our daughter our up to something “I’m sure it’s nothing,Jacqueline you always look for trouble “Maybe, I did marry into it”You keep complaining about our marriage I want to make Love last night and you push me away “Can we talk about this later? I need to meet Millie “Yes”Jacqueline left.

At Isabella-Isabella was having breakfast with her mother she always intimidated her.”Mother,Have you thought about how long you're staying “Isabella,I’m old and I need someone to help take care of me ,If you want you're inheritance then you will let me stay “If not”Then you will be kick out of the will”Isabella smirked at her mother.

At at office space-Jacqueline was in it looking around when Millie came into the room.”So what are we going to do”I been thinking of reopening my father’s company production company “Really “What do you think of it”I like it,I don’t know much about it”I do I remember going to work with my Daddy he was a smart businessman and it’s Time I remember where I came from a Fairbanks “Jacqueline smile for the first time she was happy.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 8

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 8”
At Jacqueline/Alistair -Jacqueline And Alistair were getting ready for bed,”We were a great team tonight “When it come to our children we have always been on the same page “Yes,Alistair you’re right,I haven’t been happy so I’m going to open my own business with Millie “Whatever you want to do I will support it”Yes, I sure go to bed”Do you want to make love “No Thanks “Jacqueline walk by Alistair and went into the bathroom.

At Elena/James-Elena and James we’re having dinner,”Jacqueline came by today she told me you wouldn’t help her “No lawyer will go after Alistair his a powerful man that no one will cross “Yes”How was your charity today”Good,We raises a lot of money for the Hospital “Good”

At Millie/Benjamin-Millie and Benjamin we’re having drinks together,”Jacqueline and I our going into business “Doing What”We haven’t figured that out “Well just watch you're back when it come to the Rockefeller “I will “

At Jacqueline/Alistair-Jacqueline when to check on her daughters. “Celeste,How are you”Good Mother “Do you need anything “No mother “Well,Goodnight my darling daughter “Jacqueline left and went to check on her younger daughter but she was sleeping.Jaqueline went back into her room and Alistair was in bed sleeping and Jacqueline felt a slight of relief

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power , The Passion Part 1 Ch 7

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 7”
At Sandra/Ronald-Sandra and Emma were having some wine together. “Emma,What’s going on”I think my husband is having an affair “Emma, Michael love you he wouldn’t cheat on you”We been so stressed trying get pregnant it’s been hard on our marriage “I’m sure it had been ,Our you going to keep trying “I’m not sure it’s been so disappointment “If you can’t get pregnant you can always adopt “Maybe,How’s the art gallery “Good we our hosting another fundraiser for the Hospital “Nice ,I’ll donate “Thanks “Ronald came into the room.”I brought some dinner,Emma do you want to stay “No I sure be going,Sandra thanks for listening “Emma left,”What’s going on “Emma thinks Michael is having an affair “Wow”He better not”

At Katherine/Winston-Katherine was looking over legal documents for a case when Winston came into the room holding a bag,”I brought us some food”Thanks my wonderful husband “Katherine Kiss Winston. “Do you really have to work “No I can take a break”

At Emma/Michael-Michael was on the phone when Emma came in and he hang up the phone. “Michael,We need to talk, You been on the phone sneak around and I just have to ask our you having an affair “No, Emma I’m not”Our you upset that the fertility drug not working “No it’s not that it’s been business that’s all”Do you want to keep use the fertility drug”I want a child but I know it’s been hard on you,We can always adopt “Thanks “I love you Emma “They share a kiss.

At Jacqueline/Alistair-Celeste was in her room on the phone . “I miss you”She hang up as Poppy came into the room.”So when our you going to tell our parents ‘Never,How about that “Celeste you have to tell them that you’re pregnant “Daddy going to kill me”No just him”Yeah “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power , The Passion Part 1 ch 6

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 6”
At Jacqueline/Alistair-Jacqueline was fixed the vase with flowers in it when Alistair came into the room.”We need to talk,Jacqueline I don’t understand why you want a divorce you’re not unhappy here you’re just bored if you want something to do then I will support you”Alistair it’s not just that you don’t love me ,I wasn’t the woman you want to married “We can’t change the past.We our stuck together till death do us part my darling “Alistair Kiss Jacqueline passionately and Jacqueline was in shock by it as they pull apart.”The Children sure be down for dinner “Yes”Celeste and Poppy and Alistair Jr came into the room.”Is everything okay “Yes, Let’s have dinner “They sit down.”My beautiful daughters how was you're day “Good Daddy “Hopefully you’re grade our good “Yes they are”Good you’re both our smart girls “Thanks Daddy “Father,We need to talk”If it’s about the business we don’t talk about it here “It’s okay Alistair “I want to open my own company ‘About what”A Technicality company ,Father I need to be on my own “Alistair was upset and left the room.”It’s okay, I’ll go talk to him”Jacqueline left the room.

Alistair was in his home office when Jacqueline came into the room.”Alistair, I know you’re upset about our son but he wants to be on his own we have to support him”Who will take over the company when it’s time for me to step down “Maybe one of our daughters “Jacqueline “Alistair,We made a promise to be different then our parents “You’re right,I’ll try “Alistair Jr came into the room.”Alistair,I will support you're company I just want to pass my company to you”I know Father and I enjoy working with you”Do you need any funds for it” Yes “We will Give you funds”Thanks “You’re going to be successful “Thanks Mother “Yes you will our family the Rockfellere our a successful family “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 5

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 5”
At The Lexington-Amanda was at home having a drink when Calliope came into the room.”I’m sorry about our fight I just want you to be successful “I know and I will figure out my life “You better soon, I will not keep on supporting you”You can’t cut me off”Yes I can”Amanda took another drink when Matthew came by,”What’s going on “Mother,is going to cut me off”You're Mother not going to cut anyone off”Calliope left the room.”Matthew,Why can't you support me”Not when it comes to this”My  daughter is wasting her life “

At Emma/Michael-Emma and Michael were having dinner.”How was you're day “Alright, The Hotel is doing well”Good”Yes”I heard from Sandra today she having a party at the art gallery today “Oh Nice “Yeah”

At Alistair/Jacqueline-Jacqueline was at home when Her younger daughter Poppy came into the room.”Poppy,How was school “It was good “Good,Poppy Don’t Changed for anyone “I wouldn’t “Good “As AJ came into the room.”Mother,Can we talk”Sure “Poppy went upstairs,”What is it”I don’t want to work at the empire anymore I want to open my own company,I’m just not sure how to tell Father “I will help you ,I want my children to be happy “Thanks Mother “Aj left. Jacqueline took a picture of her family off the shelf.”I love my children and will do anything to keep them happy not unhappy like me “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power , The Passion Part 1 ch 4

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 4”
At Alistair office-Alistair was at work he was a smart businessman and very successful and Restless when it came to power when Alistair Jr came into the room. “Son,Did you get the deal we need “Yes Father “Good, Maybe one day you will run this company after all”Father “We don’t have time to talk,I need to go to another meeting “Alistair left, Alistair Jr want to tell his father he didn’t want to run the company anymore he want to be on his own.

At The Country club-Cynthia was having a meeting when Jacqueline came by. “Jacqueline “She sit down.”Cynthia,Thanks for seeing me”You’re Welcome,What do you want”I just want to see my friend that’s all”Really? Jacqueline What’s going on”I’m thinking about opening my own business “That’s wonderful,You our a smart woman “Thanks,I need something in my life my children don’t need me anymore “They are just grown “Yes”What’s the business “I haven’t figured out all the details but I’m thinking of working with Millie Buchanan “Really? Millie Buchanan you cannot trust her”Oh Cynthia you need to stop the feud you have with Millie “ she started it “

At Isabella-Isabella was making the house perfect when Sophia and Gabrielle came into the room.”Mother,Why our you so work up? When is Grandmother coming over “The doorbells rang.”Today “Really! Yes” Isabella open the door.”Hello Mother,You Remember my girls “Yes by different fathers “Mother”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 3

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 3”
At Elena/James-Elena was on her away out when Jacqueline came by,”Elena , I need to talk to you “About what “You’re husband,I want to get a divorce and Alistair stop James from being my lawyer “I’m sorry but I don’t interfere with my husband business “Of course you don’t “Jacqueline , I’m sorry about you're marriage, I was on my way out to the tea”Yes I know”Jacqueline,If you want to talk “I just feel lost the children our gone, Now what “You can reinvent yourself,Jacqueline you’re smart “Yes I’m “

At Isabella - Isabella and Gabrielle and Sophia were having bunch together.”Mother,What are you up to”I’m not I just want my children here “We know you better then that”Alright, You're grandmother is coming to town”No,For how long “I’m not sure,I know my mother can be a handful but she got getting younger “No,so that’s what this is about “Yes I want you both to behave “We will try”Good “

At The Country club-Elena and Jacqueline and Amelia ,Millie were at a charity having tea and raising money when Jacqueline had a idea and went by Millie,”Millie, We need to talk I have an business proposal for you”Really,What is it”I think we should go into business together “I’m ready for some kind of change “Me too “What we’re you thinking “Fashion Or we could raise money for charity we both our good at it”Yes we our”

Amelia went to make a toast, “I want to thank everyone for the fundraiser we have raise a lot of money to open a woman centered “Amelia step down,”Thanks Madam mayor “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 2

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 2”
At James Huntington office-James was working he was a wonderful lawyer he always won his case their wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for a case just to win when his phone rang.”James Huntington,Yes I will take care of it”James hang up the phone as Jacqueline came into the office.”Jacqueline,What can I do for you”I need a lawyer,I want to divorce my husband “Jacqueline, I’m sure you and Alistair are just going through something you will get passed it “Alistair talk to you ! Didn’t he! “His  a powerful man,No lawyer will go after him,Maybe find a new hobby “Jacqueline was upset and left.

At Alistair office-Alistair was on the phone.``Thanks you for understanding my wife is just going through something that’s all”Alistair hung up the phone as Jacqueline came into the room and was upset. “You bastard! Jacqueline slap him.”I’m  powerful you know why you married me, I don’t know why you want a divorce but you’re not going to get it! “Alistair,You’re not happy either “No but if we divorce it could cost us our money and I’m not going to let that happen “Alistair “Jacqueline , go do something with you're life, I’ll support Whatever you want just not a divorce “Jacqueline was upset and left.

At Isabella-Isabella was getting the place ready she was having her daughters over for bunch when they both came inside the room.”Sophia,Gabrielle,come in and make yourself at home “Mother,What’s going on”Nothing, I just want my children here “Isabella left the room,”She up to something “Yes she is”Gabrielle and Sophia were wonder what was going on with their mother.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 1

“The Power, The Passion ch 1”
At Jacqueline/Alistair's-Jacqueline was at home looking at a picture of her and Alistair on their wedding day everyone would think they were a happy family but they were not happy at all.Alistair came into the room.”Jacqueline,Are you okay”Not Really “Jacqueline look at Alistair. “I want a real marriage,I want us to be close and make love”We slept in the same room,We our close “Alistair “We both agree to this kind of marriage,We have three wonderful children and all the money we need “Yes it’s wonderful “Jacqueline was upset and left the room..Alistair pour himself a drink.

At Lexington Home-Amanda was having breakfast with her brother Matthew and daughter Calliope.”Calliope,Have you decide on going back to school “No I don’t want to go back to school,I’m going to open my own business “But you could be a great lawyer like me”Mother,We been over this a million times I don’t want to be a lawyer like you”Calliope left. “Amanda,You’re pushing her like mother did to you”I just want the best for Calliope “I know but don’t push to hard “

At The Herrington Hotel-Emma was working when Jacqueline came into the room and sit by the bar.”I would like something strong “Emma pour a drink and give it to Jacqueline.”Thanks,Here to divorce “Jacqueline pick up her glass,”You’re divorcing Alistair “Yes I’m ,I want my freedom back and my independent “Here to that,Jacqueline we go back and I know you still love Alistair , I remember the way you dating the way you look at him,Sometimes we get lost in everything ,Remember the good time “Jacqueline was thinking about what Emma said,

Copyright by Skye’s the limit