Monday, April 25, 2016

The one and only part 1 ch 3

At The Quartermaine~ Monica was looking at a picture of AJ when Tracy came in. “Monica, What are you keeping from me”Tracy ask “I’m not keep anything from you”Monica said “Yes you are, After AJ murder you been act wired”Tracy said “Well my son was murdered by Sonny again! Monica yelled “Yes, I’m sorry but there more going on here”Tracy said “Just go try to save ELQ from Nikolas”Monica said “Oh I will save ELQ”Tracy said Monica phone rang and she pick it up. “Dr Monica Quartermaine,,, Yes”Monica said she went outside to talk and close the door. “What is it”Monica ask

At London~A house~A woman had just hang up the phone as a little girl came in the room. “Mommy”The little girl said “Let’s go for a walk”The woman said she took her daughter's hand and they left the house.

Outside At a park~ Jax and Josslyn were sitting on a bench, “Josslyn, Are you okay”Jax ask “Yes , Daddy I want to be with you, Mommy hardly did spend time with me, She love Avery more”Josslyn said “Oh Josslyn, No she does love you, We both do”Jax said “Do we have a house here”Josslyn ask “We will go buy one and you can help me pick one”Jax said as Skye and Lila Rae walk by. “Skye”Jax said “Jax”Skye said Skye and Jax share a hug. “What are you both doing here”Skye ask “Josslyn and I are moving here”Jax said “Really both of you”Skye ask “Yes, Is this Lila Rae”Jax ask “Yes, Lila Rae this a good friend of mine, While don’t you both go play”Skye ask “Yes, Just stay where we can see you”Jax said Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “So you and Josslyn are moving here”Skye ask “Yes , I just got full custody”Jax said “You took Josslyn from Carly”Skye ask “Yes, Carly hasn’t been a mother to Josslyn lately”Jax said “Wow, I’m not on Carly side here but I know what Carly is feeling right now, Lorenzo did that to me he took Lila Rae from me”Skye said “I’m not like Lorenzo”Jax said “No you're not , So are you sure about this”Skye ask “Yes, Carly is with Sonny now who was just shot again”Jax said “Do you want Carly back”Skye ask “No I’m done with Carly , I do regret marry her but not Josslyn”Jax said “I get that, I do have some regret being with Lorenzo but not our daughter, Last time I was in town for Edward funeral, I thought Lorenzo was alive, I was so worry”Skye said “It wasn’t he”Jax ask “No just his cousin”Skye said “That’s good, So what do you do here”Jax ask “Rae and I run a newspaper here”Skye said “That’s great”Jax said “Yes, I want to fix my relationship with my mother so I could be the best mother to Lila Rae, A daughter I never thought I would have”Skye said “I’m glad you're happy Skye, With all this talk about regret I have some to, The way our marriage ending, Pick Brenda over you”Jax said and kiss her. “Jax ,I can’t go back again”Skye said “Don’t you remember last time in Spain”Ja ask “Yes after you help me get Lorenzo money back we share a night in Spain but it has to stay their”Skye said “Why not”Jax ask “Because I can’t fall in love again, I can’t risk get hurt again , I just want to be the best mother to Lila Rae, That’s all that matters to me”Skye said “You can’t run from love”Jax said “Yes I can, Last time it cost me to much”Skye said She look at Lila Rae who was having fun with Josslyn, “Looks like Josslyn and Lila Rae are friends”Skye said “Yes, Can at least we be friends and let our girls be friends”Jax ask “Yes. Lila Rae needs a friend, She been asking about Lorenzo lately and I don’t know what to say”Skye said “Did you really help Jason, Kill him”Jax ask “I did what I had to do”Skye said “Yes, Skye I do hope you chance you're mind when it comes to love”Jax said “I know, Lila Rae and I sure go home”Skye said “Yes Josslyn and I need to get a house, We sure have dinner soon”Jax said “Maybe”Skye said Josslyn and Lila Rae came by. “It’s time to say goodbye”Skye said “Bye, Josslyn, It was fun playing with you”Lila Rae said “Yes I have fun too”Josslyn said “Skye, Lila Rae”Jax said Lila Rae and Skye left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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