Thursday, April 28, 2016

The one and only part 1 ch 35

 At London~Skye’s house~Skye was sitting in the living room looking at wedding magazine when Rae came in. “Mother, Come help me plan my wedding”Skye said Rae sit down by Skye. “So you have work out the wedding plans”Rae ask “Yes , We our going to get marry at Jax former hotel that is run now by Kate Howard”Skye said “Really, What else are you up to”Rae ask “Nothing,We just want to have our wedding in the town with our love ones”Skye said “Skye, I hope you're marry Jax for the real reason.. Love”Rae said “I’m marry Jax for love”Skye said “Good, I want you to be happy”Rae said “I know mother, What about you, Will you come back to Port Charles with us, We don’t have to live together if you don’t want to but I like having you close by and I like that we our close now”Skye said “I like that too and I will go back with you”Rae said “Thank you”Skye said ‘Skye, I’m glad you're happy with Jax”Rae said “Me too, I just hope it will last”Skye said “You will have some ups and downs, but work it out”Rae said “We will”Skye said “Skye, The other day when you were talking about you're childhood, I’m sorry you were hurt by Althea”Rae said “It’s not you're fault and after I had Lila Rae I realize that to be a good mother to Lila Rae I need to move on from my childhood and let go of the pain”Skye said “That’s good but you need to deal with it to let it go you can’t burned it”Rae said “Mother please, We our in a good place now”Skye said “Alright, I would love to help you with you're wedding”Rae said “Thank you”Skye said “So Kate is letting you and Ja have it at the hotel”Rae ask “Yes, Kate and I went to board school together”Skye said “Oh, Were you two friends”Rae ask “Yes, Kate came a long way from where she was”Skye said “You both have”Rae said as Jax came into the room. “ I think I found us the perfect house”Jax said “Good, This wedding is going to be a beautiful wedding”Skye said “Our last one for both of us”Jax said and kiss Skye. “I sure go make a phone call”Rae said and left. “Skye, I meant it we will have a good life together this time, You will always be the only woman for me”Jax said “Oh Jax”Skye said they share another kiss.. “So Are you going to share custody of Josslyn”Skye ask “If Carly agree that Sonny is out of her life then yes”Jax said “You're doing the right thing here”Skye said “Thanks”Jax said Josslyn and Lila Rae came in. “Daddy”Josslyn said “Lila Rae let’s go and get a snack and let Jax and Josslyn talk”Skye said Skye and Lila Rae left.

Josslyn and Jax sit down to talk, “Joss, When we get back to Port Charles, I’m going to let you see you're mother, Just as long as she can keep you safe”Jax said “Oh”Josslyn said “Do you want to see Carly”Jax ask “I do miss mother but I want to see her”Josslyn said “I know, You're mother love you and just made a mistake that’s all”Jax said “Yes”Josslyn said “Are you okay with me adoption Lila Rae”Jax ask “Yes Daddy, She needs a Daddy and you're the best one for the job”Josslyn said “Oh Josslyn”Jax said and hug his daughter.

At The kitchen~ Skye and Lila Rae were sitting at the table having a snack, “Lila Rae, Do you really want this, Jax to adoption you”Skye ask “Yes I do mother, I want a Daddy”Lila Rae said “I know you do, I know what that’s like, I wasn’t raise with my Daddy and it’s time I fix that and I’m glad you want Jax to be you're Daddy”Skye said “Mother I’m glad you say yes”Lila Rae said “Me too baby”Skye said they share a hug as Josslyn and Jax came in. “Lila Rae, Let’s go back and play”Josslyn said the girls left. “We have strong girls right their”Skye said “Yes we do”Jax said “I want Lila Rae to be strong and independent and loved”Skye said “She will be”Jax said “Thank you for adoption my daughter and coming back into my life”Skye said “I’m glad I did, Life is boring without you” Jax said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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