Sunday, October 23, 2016

Always part 5 ch 8

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye and Lorenzo were having dinner eating their food.”Skye, How is the fundraiser going “Lorenzo ask “So far good we are going to raise a lot of moneys for this center, I been thinking of a name for it, I want to name the center after Lila Rae , What do you think? Skye ask and was crying a little and Lorenzo took Skye hand. “I think that's a wonderful idea in honor of Lila Rae, Skye I believe things will get better for us”Lorenzo said “I hope so, I hope Genevieve keep her mouth shut “Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said as Andrea Floyd came by their table. “Skye, How do you sleep by this man who kills for a living!! I know you killed Gail and Gavin! Andrea yelled Lorenzo got up . “If I were you I would not mess with me”Lorenzo said “Are you threat me , The Mayor wife”Andrea ask as Skye got up to. “I want you out of my family hotel , You have no right to be here, You stood by Matthew after what he did to our Granddaughter “Skye said as the security man came by. “Guy , Take Andrea out of this hotel and I don't want her back in”Skye said “How dare you! Andrea yelled and left with the man. “I hate to say that but that was fun”Skye said “Yes it was, We make a great team “Lorenzo said “Always “Skye said

At Genevieve / Alexander-Genevieve and Alexander had just finished dinner with Sunday Rose. “Mother and Daddy, Thank you so much for the support “Sunday Rose said “You're welcome , That's what we do support each other, We love you and you will heal in time “Genevieve said “It does feel better talking to Grandma Rae”Sunday Rose said “Good, You sure keep going , Sunday Rose, Do you want to talk about the baby “Genevieve ask she touch Sunday Rose hair.”No thanks mother, I think I want to take a walk before bed “Sunday Rose said “Alright we'll go with you “Alexander said “No thanks I want to go alone, I have my cell phone and I will be fine “Sunday Rose said “Alright, Don't stay out too long”Alexander said and Sunday Rose left. “That is a great step “Genevieve said “Yes besides we need to talk alone”Alexander said “About what”Genevieve ask “I know why you were at you're parents house tonight “Alexander said

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