Thursday, March 31, 2022

Matter of the heartstrings part 3 ch 57

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 3 Ch 57”

At Lila’s place-Skye was helping Genevieve and Sophia set up for tonight she wanted tonight to be perfect for her daughter when Skye look at her watch.”Genevieve,I need to go the hearing for Monica is soon”Okay,Thanks for helping me”Skye touch her daughter's hair.”You’re going to be perfect tonight “I Hope so”Skye left as a woman peek in and watch Genevieve from behind.

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ and Ned were talking about the car accident.”So you helped Emily cover it up”Yes and I know for the sake of Emily to keep it a secret but it’s not easy for me”I understand you are close to Skye,

Are you thinking about drinking “No, I have a family that needs me, I wouldn’t hurt my children “I’m here for you” Thanks “We should go”

At The Police station-Monica was in the cell when Rae Came by,”What do you want”Be Nice to me,I hold you're future in my hands “What do you mean by that” As Alexis Came by,” You need to go” Rae left,” Alexis I have to get out of jail “You will”

In the courtroom -Skye and Rae were talking.”Are you should about this” Yes it’s the right thing to do” As AJ and Emily and Ned and Alexis and Monica Came Into the room as the judge Came by and Ric. Rae went up to the court,” You’re Honor, I’m Dr. Rae Cummings, I want to t to drop the charge against Dr. Monica Quartermaine, I also course her pain” DA Lansing “It’s fine with the state” The Case was dismissed Monica went by Rae,” What do you want “For this to end “I agree “

Skye was about to leave when Lorenzo Came by.”Skye the judge want to see us about Chander”Let’s go”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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