Thursday, April 28, 2016

The one and only part 1 ch 43 "Sax Honeymoon"

 “Sax Honeymoon”

At Howard/Quartermaine hotel~Skye and Jax room~ Jax carrying Skye into a room to fine rose all over and candle everywhere. “Oh Jax this is so romance”Skye said “I want to give you a great honeymoon even though we can’t go on a real one”Jax said “This is all I need”Skye said Jax put Skye down and opening some sparkling cider. “Cider for both of us”Jax said “Oh Jax, You thought of everything didn’t you”Skye said “I hope so, Do you want any strawberry”Jax ask as he pick up one and feed it to Skye. “I want more then just a strawberry”Skye said “Me too”Jax said and kiss Skye and lay her on the bed and they made love. “Oh Jax”Skye said

At Carly’s house~Carly and Lila Rae and Josslyn came in. “Josslyn, Why don’t you show Lila Rae you're room”Carly ask “Sure, Mother I’m glad to be home”Josslyn said “Me too, I love you so much”Carly said and kiss Josslyn as Bobbie came in. “Josslyn it’s good to have you back”Bobbie said “Thanks Grandmother, I miss you too”Josslyn said and left with Lila Rae. “So Lila Rae is staying over”Bobbie ask “Yes Josslyn and Lila Rae are close now and I can’t take how I feel about Skye on Lila Rae”Carly said “Good, I just want to see how you are doing with Jax remarry Skye and AJ”Bobbie said “I’m fine with Jax marry Skye but I wish AJ stay dead”Carly said “Carly, I know you're upset that Michael wants to know him again but Michael has a right to, You know how that feels want to know who you are, You want to know me when you found out you were adoption”Bobbie said “It’s not the same, AJ could hurt Michael”Carly said “I’m sure Michael can take care of himself”Bobbie said “I hope so”Carly said

At The Quartermaine mansion~ Monica and AJ and Michael came in. “I’m so glad to be back”AJ said “Yes, I’m glad this is over keeping this secret”Michael said “I know it was hard but I’m glad you help us”AJ said “Me too”Michael said as Ned and Tracy came in. “So when our you going to tell us how you pull this off AJ”Tracy ask “Fine, I will tell you”Monica said “I know you were keeping something”Tracy said “After AJ was shot by Sonny and he crash I was alone with AJ and I saved him and I ask Michael to help me get him out of the hospital and I called Skye to help us too”Monica said “Why would Skye help”Tracy ask “Because Skye love me , Unlike you”AJ said “Why did you let us all believe AJ was dead”Ned ask “I could not risk it that Sonny would fine him and finish the job”Monica said “But now Sonny is in a wheelchair, AJ did you have anything to do with that”Ned ask “No”AJ said “Why come back now, Beside Sonny being in a chair what has chance”Tracy ask “Sonny can’t touch me anymore, His in a wheelchair”AJ said “Sonny doesn’t have his territory anymore either Julian stole it”Michael said “Really”AJ ask as if he was in shock. “So how long are you staying now”Tracy ask “Forever, It’s time come home”AJ said as Lydia came in. “This is my wife Lydia, I’m sure you remember her”AJ said “Yes we do she a gold digger”Tracy said “I have my own money”Lydia said “You're both welcome in this house, Tracy on the other hand”Monica said “Thanks Monica”Lyda said

At Howard/Quartermaine hotel~Skye and Jax room~Skye and Jax were in each other arms. “Do you know what would make tonight perfect”Skye ask “What”Jax ask “Making a baby with you”Skye said she touch Jax face. “I would love to make a baby with you but we sure make sure it’s okay first”Jax said “You're right, I just want another baby so bad”Skye said “Me too , But we have all the time in the world for that”Jax said “Yes we do”Skye said they share a kiss.

At Sonny house~Sonny went into his desk drawer and pull out a gun.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 42 "Quartermaine on top"

Quartermaine on top”

~AT Howard/Quartermaine hotel~Skye and Jax wedding~ “Everyone was still there. “I would like to make a toast to Skye and Jax”Monica said AJ look at Monica. “Mom”AJ said “It’s okay, Skye and I let the past go, I’m glad you're happy, Alan would want you to be happy Skye, You and Lila Rae are welcome in the house anytime”Monica said “Thank you Monica, I want to put all the stuff I did in the past, I have chance, I had to I’m a mother now”Skye said “Yes you do”Monica said Skye and Monica share a hug. “I also want to make a toast, The Quartermaine will be take this town back, We our not going anywhere and I’m glad to have my son back in my life”AJ said as Michael came by. “I’m glad to have you back to Father”Michael said “His not you're father”Carly said “A DNA test say I’m a Quartermaine not a Corinthos and that’s what I will be”Michael said “Michael, Think of what AJ did do you”Carly said “Dad and I have work it out last time he was in town, We were getting close till Sonny shot him”Michael said “I can’t believe you keep this secret, I went to jail for killing him”Sonny said “You sure of been in jail for another things anyway”Michael said “If you want to be a Quartermaine then I can’t stop it”Sonny said “No you can’t”AJ said “No”Michael said Sonny left.

“Skye, What are you up to beside marry Jax, Who know how long this marriage will last”Tracy ask “My marriage is going to last,And you will find out soon”Skye said as she walk away from Tracy.

Rae and Monica were talking, “It’s going to be okay, Soon”Rae said “I hope so, I hate keeping this lie to but I was for my family safety”Monica said “Yes it was”Rae said as Skye came by, “What are you both talking about”Skye ask “Noting, We our just make peace with everything”Monica said “Really”Skye ask “Yes, I was just telling Monica that Alan has always loved her not me”Rae said “Yes he did”Monica said “Yes, Dad did love Monica”Skye said as Tracy came by. “Alan isn’t you're father, I know you're up to something”Tracy said “Tracy Leave my daughter alone”Rae said Tracy left. “Oh I can’t wait to tell her the truth”Skye said “When are you going to tell Tracy that you're Alan daughter”Monica ask “Soon, There is something you need to know”Skye said

Jax and Josslyn were dancing when Carly came by. “Jax, I just want to say I do hope you and Skye are happy, I meant it and thank you for let me have Josslyn back”Carly said “I just hope I don’t regret it”Jax said “You will not, I’m done with Sonny”Carly said as Skye came by. “I just want to make one thing clear, I’m Josslyn mother”Carly said “Carly,I know that, I would not take another child from her mother, I know how it feels”Skye said “Yes you do, I do hope you and Jax and Lila Rae are happy”Carly said “Thank you, Josslyn and Lila Rae are close”Skye said “They do have a lot in common what has happened to us doesn’t have anything to do with the children”Carly said “No it doesn’t”Skye said “So did you know AJ was alive”Carly ask “Carly”Jax said “I do want to know the truth and I will”Carly said “Daddy, Can I go to mother’s tonight”Josslyn ask “Yes you can”Jax said “Thank you”Carly said “What about Lila Rae”Josslyn ask “Lila Rae is going to stay with my mother tonight, While Jax and I stay at a room here”Skye said as Lila Rae came by. “Mommy, Can Lila Rae come over and stay the night with us”Josslyn ask “Josslyn, It’s okay”Skye said “No that’s fine with me, If it’s okay with you”Carly said “Fine, Just keep my baby safe”Skye said “I will”Carly said “Thank you Mother”Lila Rae said “I want you to be a good girl for Mrs. C”Skye said “I will, Bye Daddy and Mother”Lila Rae said “Bye, Lila Rae and Josslyn, Thank you Carly”Ja said “In away we our family”Carly said “Yes, I guess so”Skye said Carly left with the girls.

“I hope I don’t regret that”Jax said “I don’t think you will, Carly a mother who would throw her life for her children”Skye said “Yes, Let’s go on our honeymoon Mrs. Jacks”Jax said “I love that”Skye said “Skye and I would like to thank you for coming but now we will be leaving to a room upstairs , You can stay as long as you want, It's’ on us”Jax said Skye and AJ share a look and Skye and Jax went upstairs.

“Jr I know you're up to something”Ned said “All I’m up to is getting my son back and take what is ours, I did get the hotel for our family”AJ said “That wasn’t just for us it was to get back at Carly”Ned said “True but we will have it all soon”AJ said “Are you the one steal ELQ”Ned ask ‘Why would I steal ELQ , Isn’t Tracy running it”AJ ask “No we lose it to Nikolas”Ned said “Oh”AJ said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 41 "A Sax Wedding"

A Sax wedding”

~At Howard/Quartermaine hotel~Skye/Jax wedding~Everyone was still in shock that they were there for a wedding. Skye and Jax were holding hands. “Skye, I’m so glad we made up in London and are close again, I promise to always put you and Lila Rae and Josslyn first, We our a family and I love you, I love everything about you, You're not perfect and I learn that no one is perfect,We both had made mistake the first time we got marry and this time if we do make mistake we will not give up we will work it out, I love you Skye and only you”Jax said and he put a ring on Skye finger“I’m so glad you and Josslyn came to London, Back into my life, and that I took a chance and fell in love with you again I was missing something in London beside work and Lila Rae and it was you, Yes we will make mistake but we will not walk away and I’m so glad that you're going to be a father to my Lila Rae”Skye said she put a ring on Jax finger Lila Rae came close to Jax and Skye. “Lila Rae I have a ring for you it’s a promise ring that I will be you're Daddy, No matter what happens I will love you”Jax said “ Love you too Daddy”Lila Rae said and kiss Jax. Josslyn came by Skye. “Josslyn I promise to be a good stepmother to you, I’m glad that you and Lila Rae are close, I love you”Skye said Skye put a ring on Josslyn finger.“I love you to and I’m glad that you and Daddy are marry” Josslyn said Skye and Jax took hands again. “Does anyone object”The father ask no one say anything. “You are husband and wife you may kiss the bride The father said Skye and Jax share a kiss. “Thank you all for coming to our surprise wedding”Jax said as Carly came by Skye and Jax, “So you're now marry”Carly said “Yes, Carly don’t”Jax said “I do hope you're happy and I’m glad that Josslyn and Lila Rae are close but I’m Josslyn mother”Carly said “I know , I will not take Josslyn from you”Skye said “I’m glad that Jax adoption Lila Rae”Carly said “Thank you”Skye said “Can I see Josslyn”Carly ask “Yes, Thanks to Skye ,She point out that I was wrong in take her”Jax said “Really”Carly ask “Yes a child belongs with the mother”Skye said Josslyn came by. “Mommy”Josslyn said Carly pick up Josslyn. “Oh Josslyn, I miss you so much”Carly said “Mother, I have a sister”Josslyn said “Yes, You and Lila Rae are close huh”Carly ask “Yes”Josslyn said “While don’t we all to to the reception room”Kate said “Yes there is one more surprise”Skye said

Everyone went into the another room it was set up for dinner. “Congrats Jax”Alexis said “Thank you, I’m glad you're here”Jax said “I’m glad you're in town, So are you sure about Skye”Alexis ask “Yes, Skye and I both made mistake the first time but this time we will get it right”Jax said “I hope so”Alexis said Skye came by. “You better make my best friend happy”Alexis said “I will”Alexis said

“So Rae you're in town”Monica said “Yes’ Rae said “For how long”Tracy ask as she came by. “For good, I’m here for Skye and my granddaughter”Rae said “ Really”Tracy ask as Monica and Rae share a look. “I have some news”Nikolas said “You will have to wait, I want to make a toast on my sister and Jax”AJ said as he came in with Lydia. “AJ”Carly said “You're alive”Sonny said “Yes, You didn’t kill me after all , Looks like you're the only one who is hurting, In that chair”AJ said “How”Carly said “Yes, How did this happened”Tracy ask “Dad”Michael said he went by AJ. “Stay away from my son”Carly said “I’m glad you're home”Michael said “Wait, You know that AJ was alive this whole time”Carly ask “Yes I did”Michael said How”Carly ask “All that matters is I’m back Carly, I have my son and my wife Lydia! What do you have, Not the hotel! AJ yelled “Wait was that you”Carly ask “It doesn’t matter now time to celebrate my sister and Jax”AJ said “Yes I want to make a toast, To my wife Skye Jacks, We will be happy”Jax said Skye and Jax share a dance as everyone watch.

Josslyn and Carly were sitting at a table. “Are you okay with you're Daddy and Skye”Carly ask “Yes I like Skye and Lila Rae, I want a sister we our close in age”Josslyn said “Yes you are”Carly said “Can I still be friends with Lila Rae”Josslyn said “Just because Skye and I don’t get along I see why not you and Lila Rae can’t be friends, It’s time I put you first”Carly said “Are you still marry to Uncle Sonny”Josslyn ask “No ’Carly said “Do you love Daddy”Josslyn ask “No, I’m glad you're Daddy is happy with Skye, I meant it”Carly said Lila Rae came by. “Mrs. C, Can Josslyn and I go get some cake”Lila Rae ask “Sure , Lila Rae I’m glad that you and Josslyn are close and that you have a Daddy”Carly said “Thanks, I been want one,Mother hardly talk about my real one just that his in heaven”Lila Rae said “Yes he is, Go play”Carly said Lila Rae and Josslyn left as Bobbie came by. “Carly, Are you okay”Bobbie ask “Yes, I have moved on from Jax”Carly said “Good”Bobbie said Carly look at Skye and Jax who were laugh and dancing. “Jax happy with Skye”Carly said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 40 "A Sax wedding"

~At Kate hotel~Kate was setting up a room making sure it was perfect, “Oh tonight is going to be so fun”Kate said as Skye came in. “Skye, You're here, Did anyone see you”Kate ask “No, I came in from the back, So how is everything going”Skye ask “Good, You look great”Kate said “You too, I’m so glad you have this hotel now”Skye said “Me to it was so fun when Carly got the news that I owned it now and she doesn’t”Kate said “I’m sure it was, Tonight is going to be fun to”Skye said “Yes it is, Is this part of the plan”Kate ask “No, I do love Jax that’s not part of the plan”Skye said “Good, I care for Jax we our friends”Kate said “I know, We both have came a long way from board school”Skye said “Yes we have”Kate said

At the boathouse~ Monica came in and saw AJ and Lydia. “I’m so glad you're here”Monica said she hug AJ, “Me to, So here is the plan for tonight”AJ said AJ told Monica the plan. “What about Michael you sure call him”Monica said “I will”AJ said “Good, His become a Quartermaine”Monica said “Good he is”AJ said “Yes, This plan sound perfect”Monica said “Yes it is”AJ said

At Nikolas house~Nikolas was talking to a man. “I know who has been take over ELQ , It’s all in this file”The man said “Thank you”Nikolas said he read the file. “No it can’t be”Nikolas said

At the hotel~Skye and Rae and Lila Rae and Josslyn were in a room getting ready for the wedding. “Skye, Are you sure about this”Rae ask “Yes Mother I know what I’m doing, Things are finally going my way”Skye said “Mommy you look pretty”Lila Rae said “Thank you, So do you and Josslyn”Skye said “Yes they do”Rae said

Downstairs~ Monica and Tracy and Ned and Kristina and Michael and Nikolas and Laura and Bobbie and Carly and Sonny and Alexis and Molly and Ric came in. “Welcome to my new hotel called Howard and Quartermaine hotel”Kate said “Why Quartermaine”Carly ask “Oh you will find out soon”Kate said she smile at Monica. “Kate, The hotel looks good”Sonny said “Thank you, I’m over you Sonny and it feels so good”Kate said “I’m sorry I hurt you”Sonny said “I’m not, I’m too good for you, Now everyone just follow me”Kate said the guest follow Kate into a room where white chairs were and flowers. “Just have a seat”Kate said “What is going on here”Tracy ask “You will find out soon”Kate said as Jax walk in wear a tuxedo . “Jax”Carly said he just walk pass her and went into the front of the room and Music start to play. “Is this one of Jax weddings”Tracy ask “Who would he be marriage”Carly ask as Lila Rae and Josslyn walk down. “Joss”Carly said Josslyn look at her mother and keep walking and then Lila Rae. “Lila Rae”Tracy ask Lila Rae walk down by Ja and then Skye walk down with Rae. “Skye”Carly said Skye look at Carly and then walk down by Jax and took his hand as the father came up. “ I know you were all thinking you were here for a reopening of a hotel but Skye and I fall in love again and want to get marry with everyone we love here”Jax said “ It’s time for the vows ’The father said

The one and only part 1 ch 39

At The Quartermaine mansion~ Monica was having some tea when Bobbie came in. “Bobbie why are you here”Monica ask “To talk to our grandson Michael, Monica I know you're happy that Michael wants to be a Quartermaine and he has a right to but I don’t want him to turn his back on his mother”Bobbie said “That is up to Michael his a grown man”Monica said “You're right he is”Bobbie said as Michael came in. “Grandmother”Michael said “Michael, I get that you want to be a Quartermaine and you're anger but you can’t push Carly away. She you're mother”Bobbie said “I know and I’m going to try but I want to be a Quartermaine, I’m a Quartermaine”Michael said “You're right you are, I never like Sonny with Carly or raise you boys, I was always worry about the violent”Bobbie said “Me too”Monica said “I know”Michael said “Just try with you're mother”Bobbie said “Maybe”Michael said Bobbie lef. “Whatever you want to do with Carly is up to you, But I’m glad you're a Quartermaine”Monica said “What I have been doing is for this family and it’s what I want”Michael said “Good”Monica said

At Edward gravestone~Tracy was there . “Oh Daddy, I lost ELQ to Nikolas and now someone is take it from Nikolas, I’m sorry but I will not give up till it’s ours again , You will be happy to know that Michael is take our last name, I still think Michael and Monica are up to something, Something is off, Ned is back, I’m so glad his back and okay from being shot at, Kristina is his, She a Quartermaine, This house is start to be full with family, What you would want”Tracy said she touch Edward gravestone and left.

On a Jet~Skye and Jax and Rae and Lila Rae and Josslyn were ahead to Port Charles. “Home sweet home”Skye said “Yes, Is AJ coming”Jax ask “Soon he will, You will keep the secret about him right”Skye ask “Yes”Jax said “Good”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 38

At the Quartermaine Mansion~ Monica room~Tracy was in Monica room looking around when Monica came in. “What are you doing in my room! Monica yelled “Look I know you and Michael are up to something and I will find out what it is”Tracy said “We our not up to anything, Now get out of my room or I will throw you out of my house! Monica yelled “I will find out what it is”Tracy said and left.”Soon you will”Monica said she pick up a notebook that had names on it. “One by one they all go down”Monica said and smiling.

At Nikolas~Hayden was looking around Nikolas desk when Laura came in. “What are you doing”Laura ask “Nothing, Just leaving Nikolas a note”Hayden said “I know you're up to something, I just hope you're not going to hurt my son”Laura said “I will not hurt Nikolas, I love him”Hayden said “I don’t believe you do”Laura said as Nikolas came in, “What is going on”Nikolas ask “Just some girl talk”Hayden said “Yes”Laura said and left. “Did you find out who is taking over ELQ”Hayden ask “No but soon I will”Nikolas said “I know you will”Hayden said Nikolas and Hayden share a hug.

At ELQ~ Nikolas office~Ned was looking around and trying to find out anything when Tracy came in. “Did you find anything “Ned ask “No, You”Tracy ask “No, I guess we our never going to get ELQ back”Ned said “Bite you're tonguen. We have to get Daddy company back, Daddy would want us to have it not the Cassadine or anyone else”Tracy said “You're right”Ned said “Yes I’m”Tracy said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 37

~At London~AJ house~ AJ was pour himself a drink of coffee when Lydia came in , “You look happy”Lydia said “I’m, Oh Lydia we our going back home, Guess how we our going to tell everyone that I’m alive! AJ said “How! Lydia ask “At the reopening of the hotel Skye and Jax are going to get marry! AJ said “Wow! Skye is back with Jax”Lydia ask “Yes it’s going to be a perfect wedding , Can you picture the look on Carly face when she see Jax marry Skye and I’m alive! AJ yelled “It may kill her”Lydia said “That would be the icing on the cake”AJ said “AJ I know you hate Carly but you promise no one would die with you're plan”Lydia said “You're right , I’m sorry”AJ said “I know you want payback but sometime it can go too far”Lydia said “It will not go too far, I love you Lydia that you marry me and help me with this plan”AJ said “I did get something out of it too”Lydia said “Yes Money”AJ said “That’s not all, AJ I do love you for real”Lydia said “I love you for real to”AJ said “You do”Lydia ask she move closer to AJ, “Yes”AJ said “There is one more thing I want from you”Lydia said “I will give you anything”AJ said “I want a baby”Lydia said “I will give you a baby , I do want a child that I can raise”AJ said “Me too”Lydia said they share a kiss and made love.

At Skye’s house~Skye and Jax were laying on the couch in each other arms.. “Oh Jax, I never thought we would get another chance”Skye said “Me either, I’m glad that I came to London and ran into you in that park”Jax said “Me too and soon we will be marry, I love the way you ask me with the help of our girls”Skye said “I love it too, Josslyn and Lila Rae loved pick out the ring they want jewelry too”Jax said “I’m sure they did”Skye said “Soon we will be back in Port Charles and married”Jax said “Yes”Skye said

At Port Charles~ Kate ran into Monica on the docks, “We can’t talk here”Monica said “I just want to say that soon it’s going to be a night no one will forget”Kate said “Oh yes”Monica said and left.

The one and only part 1 ch 36

~At Port Charles~ The Quartermaine Mansion~ Michael and Monica and Kristina and Tracy and Ned were having breakfast when Alice came in. “I have mail for all of you”Alice said she handle it out. “Who could it be from”Tracy ask Monica open it was an invitation from Kate Howard about the hotel reopening. “Oh this sure be fun, It’s from Kate Howard about the hotel reopening”Tracy said “We have to go”Monica said “Why”Tracy ask “Why not, I like Kate and the fact that it’s her hotel and not Carly’s”, Sorry Michael “Monica said “No it’s okay, I will go to the party”Michael said “Yes I think we all sure go”Monica said “Why”Ned ask “Why not, We our an important family in this town and it’s time everyone remember that”Monica said “You're right, Why not”Tracy ask “Yes, Kristina why don’t we go shopping for a dress to wear”Monica ask “Sure, I would love to go”Kristina said “Great”Tracy said Michael and Monica and Kristina left. “Mother, Be nice to my daughter”Ned said “I will back off for now, I’m still trying to figure out who is take ELQ”Tracy said “Me too, I’m beginning to think it’s not someone in the family but someone doing it for payback”Ned said

At Carly’s house~Carly was having coffee when someone knock on the door and Carly went to open it was Bobbie. “Mother, Come in”Carly said “I ran into you're mailman, Here you're mail”Bobbie said “Thanks , Come in”Carly said they went inside and Carly open it was an invitation from Kate Howard, “That bitch”Carly yelled “What”Bobbie ask “It’s an invitation from Kate Howard about the hotel reopening that she stole from me”Carly said “Oh, Well just throw it out”Bobbie said “Oh no, If Kate wants me there then I will be there”Carly said “Carly”Bobbie said “What, Will you come with me”Carly ask “Yes but just don’t do anything”Bobbie said “I will just go to see what this is all about”Carly said “Good”Bobbie said “Anyway, I talk to Jax last night, He agree to bring Josslyn home and I can see her if I stay away from Sonny”Carly said “Will you”Bobbie ask “Yes, I will give up Sonny for Josslyn”Carly said “Good, I know you would do the right thing and it hurts but it’s worth it”Bobbie said “Yes”Carly said

At Sonny house~Sonny was in his wheelchair looking at the invitation that Kate sent him to.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 35

 At London~Skye’s house~Skye was sitting in the living room looking at wedding magazine when Rae came in. “Mother, Come help me plan my wedding”Skye said Rae sit down by Skye. “So you have work out the wedding plans”Rae ask “Yes , We our going to get marry at Jax former hotel that is run now by Kate Howard”Skye said “Really, What else are you up to”Rae ask “Nothing,We just want to have our wedding in the town with our love ones”Skye said “Skye, I hope you're marry Jax for the real reason.. Love”Rae said “I’m marry Jax for love”Skye said “Good, I want you to be happy”Rae said “I know mother, What about you, Will you come back to Port Charles with us, We don’t have to live together if you don’t want to but I like having you close by and I like that we our close now”Skye said “I like that too and I will go back with you”Rae said “Thank you”Skye said ‘Skye, I’m glad you're happy with Jax”Rae said “Me too, I just hope it will last”Skye said “You will have some ups and downs, but work it out”Rae said “We will”Skye said “Skye, The other day when you were talking about you're childhood, I’m sorry you were hurt by Althea”Rae said “It’s not you're fault and after I had Lila Rae I realize that to be a good mother to Lila Rae I need to move on from my childhood and let go of the pain”Skye said “That’s good but you need to deal with it to let it go you can’t burned it”Rae said “Mother please, We our in a good place now”Skye said “Alright, I would love to help you with you're wedding”Rae said “Thank you”Skye said “So Kate is letting you and Ja have it at the hotel”Rae ask “Yes, Kate and I went to board school together”Skye said “Oh, Were you two friends”Rae ask “Yes, Kate came a long way from where she was”Skye said “You both have”Rae said as Jax came into the room. “ I think I found us the perfect house”Jax said “Good, This wedding is going to be a beautiful wedding”Skye said “Our last one for both of us”Jax said and kiss Skye. “I sure go make a phone call”Rae said and left. “Skye, I meant it we will have a good life together this time, You will always be the only woman for me”Jax said “Oh Jax”Skye said they share another kiss.. “So Are you going to share custody of Josslyn”Skye ask “If Carly agree that Sonny is out of her life then yes”Jax said “You're doing the right thing here”Skye said “Thanks”Jax said Josslyn and Lila Rae came in. “Daddy”Josslyn said “Lila Rae let’s go and get a snack and let Jax and Josslyn talk”Skye said Skye and Lila Rae left.

Josslyn and Jax sit down to talk, “Joss, When we get back to Port Charles, I’m going to let you see you're mother, Just as long as she can keep you safe”Jax said “Oh”Josslyn said “Do you want to see Carly”Jax ask “I do miss mother but I want to see her”Josslyn said “I know, You're mother love you and just made a mistake that’s all”Jax said “Yes”Josslyn said “Are you okay with me adoption Lila Rae”Jax ask “Yes Daddy, She needs a Daddy and you're the best one for the job”Josslyn said “Oh Josslyn”Jax said and hug his daughter.

At The kitchen~ Skye and Lila Rae were sitting at the table having a snack, “Lila Rae, Do you really want this, Jax to adoption you”Skye ask “Yes I do mother, I want a Daddy”Lila Rae said “I know you do, I know what that’s like, I wasn’t raise with my Daddy and it’s time I fix that and I’m glad you want Jax to be you're Daddy”Skye said “Mother I’m glad you say yes”Lila Rae said “Me too baby”Skye said they share a hug as Josslyn and Jax came in. “Lila Rae, Let’s go back and play”Josslyn said the girls left. “We have strong girls right their”Skye said “Yes we do”Jax said “I want Lila Rae to be strong and independent and loved”Skye said “She will be”Jax said “Thank you for adoption my daughter and coming back into my life”Skye said “I’m glad I did, Life is boring without you” Jax said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 34

~At Sonny’s house~Sonny was in his wheelchair having a drink when Carly came in. “What do you want”Sonny ask “I just came to get my things, Why are you in a mood”Carly ask “Kristina isn’t my daughter , Alexis lied”Sonny said “What”Carly said “I know and I lose custody of Avery, She now going to live with Michael full time, I lose you and my daughter’s , and I can’t walk again! Sonny yelled “I’m sorry, Sonny please don’t go down to the dark side”Carly said “Why not, You don’t love me anymore”Sonny said “I love you but I can’t be marry to you, It cost me to much”Carly said “I lose everything! Sonny yelled Carly went by Sonny and kiss him.

In London~At a restaurant~Skye and Jax were having breakfast with the girls, “Mommy, Are we going to have the wedding at Port Charles”Lila Rae ask “I think that’s a great idea”AJ said as he came by, “Who are you”Josslyn ask “This is my brother”Skye said “Yes , Skye can we talk”AJ said Skye and AJ went to talk. “So you and Jax our getting marry again”AJ ask “Yes”Skye said “Good, I do hope you're happy and I have an idea, Why don’t you have you're wedding at the hotel reopening”AJ ask “What are you up to now”Skye ask “Just think it will be in front of the whole town and then after I can make my enter and let everyone know I’m alive”AJ said “It would be nice to see the look on Carly face when she see that Ja and I are back and you're alive”Skye said “Yes it would be”AJ said as Jax came by. “Is everything okay”Jax ask “Yes, I was just telling AJ about our engagement”Skye said “Yes, I’m happy for both of you, Jax you better not hurt my Sister again”AJ said “I will not”Jax said AJ left. Skye and Jax sit back down at the table with the girls, “Jax I was thinking we sure have our wedding back home”Skye said “Really”Ja ask “Yes, At the hotel, What do you think”Skye ask “I think you're up to something but why not”Jax said “I’m not up to anything”Skye said “I know you Skye”Jax said they share a kiss. “Can we be in the wedding”Josslyn ask “Yes you can”Skye said “Yes, We have a lot of work to do but why not have it at the hotel”Jax said “Good, Let’s go”Skye said the girls got up first and walk a little ahead of them. “Skye, Are you up to something”Jax ask “Don’t you think it would be nice to have our family there at the wedding”Skye ask “Yes and at my former hotel that I ran with my ex-wife, I like it, That’s why I love you Skye, You're never boring and always keep me on my toes”Jax said they share a kiss and left.

At Port Charles~Sonny’s house~Carly was getting dress from having sex with Sonny , “This is a mistake, I just talk to Jax today and his willing to share custody if I stay away from you”Carly said “We can work something out”Sonny said “No we can’t, It’s time I put Josslyn first, I’m sorry that you lose Kristina and Avey but Josslyn is my daughter who I long to have”Carly said “I know, I’m sorry’” Sonny said “You will get through this”Carly said “I hope so”Sonny said Carly left.

At the park~Michael and Kristina were pushing Little A in her stroller, “I’m glad you got little A”Kristina said “Thank you, I would like you to help me raise her too”Michael said “I will”Kristina said “Are you okay that you're no Sonny”Michael ask “Yes, So we our cousin now”Kristina said “Yes’ Michael said

Monday, April 25, 2016

The one and only part 1 ch 33

~At London~Skye’s house~Skye was in her robe looking out the window thinking about the wedding when Lila Rae came in, “Mommy”Lila Rae said Skye turn around and look at Lila Rae who was in her Pj, “Lila Rae”Skye said she walk by Lila Rae and took her hand and help her sit down, “Lila Rae, Are you really okay with Jax and I”Skye ask “Yes Mommy, I want you happy and I want a Daddy”Lila Rae said “I know you want a Daddy”Skye said “Can Jax be my new Daddy, Can I take his last name too”Lila Rae ask as Jax came in. ‘Oh Lila Rae”Skye said “Jax can you be my Daddy now”Lila Rae ask “Sure, I will”Jax said “Lila Rae, Why don’t you go shower”Skye ask “Yes Mommy”Lila Rae said and left. “I’m sorry about that”Skye said “If it’s okay with you, I’m fine with adoption Lila Rae”Jax said “You are”Skye ask “Yes, Lorenzo is dead and Lila Rae needs a Daddy”Jax said “I would like Lila Rae to have a Daddy and a different last name no connection to Lorenzo business and enemy”Skye said “True”Jax said “Alright you can adoption Lila Rae”Skye said as Lila Rae came back in the room all dress for the day. “Lila Rae, We talk and if you really want this, I would love to adoption you”Jax said “Yes! Lila Rae said Jax pick up Lila Rae.”I finally have a Daddy, Thank you”Lila Rae said “You're welcome”Jax said Josslyn and Rae came in the room all dress for the day. “What is going on”Rae ask “Jax is now going to be my Daddy”Lila Rae said “What”Joss ask “I’m going to adoption Lila Rae”Jax said “Oh, That’s cool”Josslyn said “Are you okay with it”Jax ask he put Lila Rae down. “Yes, Now we our sisters”Josslyn said “Yes, You are, Why don’t you get you're bag and we will go out for breakfast”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “Mother do you have an opinion about this”Skye ask “I think this is a good thing, Lorenzo is gone and Lila Rae needs a Dad”Rae said “She also will be safe with Jax last name”Skye said “Yes, So have you set a date yet”Rae ask “We haven’t yet”Jax said “Thanks for helping last night with the girls”Skye said “You're welcome”Rae said “I’m going to get dress”Skye said and left. Jax phone rang. “Jasper Jacks, Carly what is it now”Jax ask

At Port Charles~Michael was in the den when a social worker came in with Little AJ, “What is going on”Michael ask “After looking at who family will be the best for Little AJ, The court decision that you're what is best for her, Now that her mother is gone and her father is in a wheelchair thanks to his lifestyle”The woman said “So no more share custody”Michael ask “Yes”The social worker said “Thank you”Michael said he took Little A from the woman arms and kiss her, “I will do the right thing by her”Michael said “I know you will”The woman said and left as Monica came in, “What’s going on”Monica ask “I just got full custody of little A, She staying here”Michael said “Good, Little AJ belongs here”Monica said “Did you have anything to do with this”Michael ask “Well the judge on this case is a dear friend of Edwards I just help”Monica said “Thank you”Michael said “You're welcome, Sonny not the only one with power”Monica said “No his not”Michael said as Kristina came in. “Why is Little AJ here”Kristina ask “I have custody of little AJ”Michael said “Wow, So Sonny lose it all”Kristina said “I guess so, I sure go get Little AJ room ready”Michael said “I will help you”Kristina said Kristina and Michael left and Monica pick up her cell phone and made a phone call, “Sonny lose Kristina and Little Aj and Carly, Now is time”Monica said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 32

At London~A Restaurant~Rae was there with Lila Rae and Josslyn. “So are you both happy about the wedding”Rae ask “Yes, I ‘m”Lila Rae said “Me too”Josslyn said “Good”Rae said “Can we get ice cream”Lila Rae ask “Yes ’Rae said they order some ice cream.

At Skye house~Skye was wearing a robe and in the nursery room and holding her son blanket to her chest with Jax came in wearing a robe and pull Skye in. “What is it”Jax ask “I just thought it was time to put our son’s thing away”Skye said “Yes but I want to do it with you”Jax said Skye turn around and look at Jax. “Sure, If we have another baby , Do you want a son”Skye ask “I would love a son, But I don’t care what sex it is, As long as the baby heath”Jax said “Me too, That’s all what matters but the name Jasper Jr belongs with this baby”Skye said “Yes it does”Jax said “We sure get this clean up before Mother comes back with the girls”Skye said “Does Lila Rae know about the baby”Jax ask “Yes, Lila Rae was heartbreak to she want a little sister or brother so much”Skye said “Lila Rae is a good kid”Jax said “Thank you, She wants to be Josslyn sister so bad”Skye said “I’m glad they are both close”Jax said “Me too”Skye said “Let’s get start”Jax said they put their son things away. “Jax promise me we will never forget our son”Skye said “I promise”Jax said “Thank you , Now let’s get dress”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 31- “Sax proposal”

At London~Skye house~Skye came home from work to fine rose all over the room and candles when Josslyn and Lila Rae came in wearing party dress. “What’s going on”Skye ask “Follow us Mommy, You will like it”Lila Rae said “Where is Jax”Skye ask “Just follow us”Lila Rae said she took Skye hand and Josslyn took the other hand and they went out to the dinner room to fine Jax in a nice tuxedo and a romance dinner set. “Thank you Girls,, I will take Skye hand now”Jax said Jax took Skye hand and went down on his knees. “Skye, Will you marry me,I promise you this time you can trust it, I love you Skye and Lila Rae, All three of us can be a family”Jax said “Oh Jax, This is all romance”Skye said “So is it a yes”Jax ask “Mommy”Lila Rae said Skye look at Josslyn and Lila Rae. “I do love you Jax, I did fall back in love with you when we went to Spain I want to stay there because I love you then, You're right this time we can deal with whatever comes our way, Yes Jax I will marry you I love you”Skye said Jax got up and put the ring on Skye finger. “Do you like it, We help Jax pick it out”Lila Rae ask “Yes I do”Skye said Skye and Jax share a kiss. “Josslyn, Are you okay with this”Skye ask “Yes, You make my Daddy happy”Josslyn said “Can we be in the wedding “Lila Rae ask “Yes you can”Jax said “Yes”Skye said “Cool! I’m glad you say yes Mommy now I have a Daddy”Lila Rae said as Rae came in. “Mother, Jax and I our getting marry”Skye said “I’m happy for you both”Rae said “You know about this”Skye ask “Yes, We had a talk, Girls come on, We our going out so Jax and Skye can spend some time together”Rae said “Thank you”Jax said Rae and Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “So what did you and my mother talk about”Skye ask “Rae, Just want to make sure that I will not hurt you anymore”Ja said “Oh, Lila Rae really love you”Skye said “I will not replace Lorenzo but I will be there for Lila Rae”Jax said “Thank you, Lila Rae needs a Daddy”Skye said “Let’s have dinner”Jax said He help Skye sit down. “Oh this is so romance”Skye said “The girls help me, Lila Rae say it had to be perfect”Jax said “Lila Rae wants things to be perfect all the time but nothing is”Skye said “No”Jax said “Jax I don’t want a big wedding”Skye said “Whatever kind of wedding you want , I Just want you happy”Jax said “I’m”Skye said “Skye, I been thinking of that baby you lose of ours, Can you have another one”Jax ask he took Skye hand. “If I do get pregnant again I have to take it easy,No stress, but I would love to try, I want to have a baby with you”Skye said “I want that to and I will help you with it this time”Jax said “I do wish I told you about John Jr”Skye said “I have let it go”Jax said “Good”Skye said Jax got up and took Skye hand and they went to Skye bedroom and had sex again.

The one and only part 1 ch 30

At London~Skye’s house~Rae and Jax were talking. “Last time you and Skye were together,You hurt Skye very bad that she hit the bottle and turn Skye off on love, Skye was afraid to fall back in love with you but I push her to fall in love with you again because I want Skye and Lila Rae happy, I hope I don’t regret it and that you love Skye “Rae said “I do love Skye, I get that you want to make sure I don’t hurt you're daughter , I will not hurt Skye, That was one of my regret in love hurting Skye, I love Skye and I want to be with her and I promise not to hurt Skye or Lila Rae”Jax said “I believe you”Rae said “Good, I would like to ask Skye to marry me, Do I have you're blessing”Jax ask “Yes you do”Rae said “Thank you, I know I’m not just getting Skye back but also a stepdaughter”Jax said “Yes, Lila Rae needs a Daddy, She missing Lorenzo a man she never know”Rae said ‘I want to be that guy for Lila Rae too”Jax said as Lila Rae and Josslyn came back in. “Girls, I want to ask Skye to marry me, What do you think”Jax ask “Yes! I want a Daddy”Lila Rae said “Oh Lila Rae, I will not try to replace you're father but I will be there for you”Jax said “Thank you”Lila Rae said “Josslyn”Jax ask “Yes, I like Skye and you're happy Daddy”Josslyn said “Yes I’m”Jax said “We sure go get a pretty ring for Mommy”Lila Rae said “Yes”Jax said “Have fun”Rae said “Grandmother isn’t this good new”Lila Rae said “Yes it is”Rae said “Mommy better say yes”Lila Rae said and left with Jax and Josslyn.

At Skye’s Newspaper~Skye was looking at the paper when AJ came in. “AJ, I’m glad you're here, Did you have anything to do with a shooting last night in Port Charles, Alexis and Ned and Carly”Skye ask “No, I promise it wasn’t me, I give Julian all of Lorenzo old territory to Julian that’s all I did, I didn’t order a hit on anyone”AJ said “I do believe you”Skye said “Good, Soon we will go back home”AJ said “Good”Skye said “How are you and Jax doing”AJ ask “Good, It’s going to good that I’m scare”Skye said “Jax does love you”AJ said “AJ, I’m not use Jax or Josslyn in you're plan”Skye said “I get it”AJ said “I have done a lot for you”Skye said “Yes you have, I’m glad you're my sister”AJ said “Me too”Skye said

At Skye’s house~Jax and Josslyn and Lila Rae came back in from ring shopping. “Mommy is going to love the ring, Now how are you going to propose to my mother”Lila Rae ask “I thought Skye and I could have a romance dinner here and then you both could help me ask Skye”Jax said “It has to be romance”Josslyn said “Yes”Lila Rae said “I know how to do romance, Now let’s get ready before Skye gets here”Jax said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 29

At London
~Skye’s house~Jax was in his robe carrying a tray about to go back to Skye room when Lila Rae came by. “What are you doing”Lila Rae ask “Lila Rae, I just have some coffee for you're mother”Jax said “Did you and Mommy have a slept over too”Lila Rae ask “Kind of, I like you're mother Lila Rae, Is it okay”Jax ask “Do you love my mother”Lila Rae ask “Yes I do, Are you okay with it”Jax ask “Yes, Just don’t hurt my mother, Mother was sad before you came to town”Lila Rae said “She was”Jax ask “Yes”Lila Rae said “I will try to make Skye happy”Jax said “Good, I want to be sisters with Josslyn”Lila Rae said “I’m glad you and Josslyn are close”Jax said as Skye came out wearing her robe. “Mother, You had a slept over with Jax”Lila Rae ask “Kind of”Skye said “Lila Rae, Why don’t you get dress and we can go out to breakfast”Jax said “Cool”Lila Rae said and left. Jax and Skye came into Skye bedroom. “What did you and Lila Rae talk about”Skye ask “She ask me if I love you and that you been sad”Jax said “I just was stress that’s all , What did you tell Lila Rae”Skye ask “That I love her mother”Jax said and kiss her. “Oh Jax”Skye said “You have to trust this”Jax said “I’m”Skye said “Good”Jax said “Let’s go shower”Skye said Skye and Jax went into the bathroom and shower.

At Port Charles~At The Quartermaine Mansion~Kristina was in the den looking around when Molly came in. “Kristina, How are you doing”Molly ask “Mother told you”Kristina ask “Yes, I can’t believe mother lied to you”Molly said “Me either, But I’m glad that I’m a Quartermaine and we our still sisters” Kristina said “Me too, I don’t want to lose you to, I miss Sam since she left town after Jason died”Molly said “Me too”Kristina said

At London~Skye’s house~Skye bedroom~Skye and Jax were getting dressed when Skye phone rang. “Skye Quartermaine, I will take care of it”Skye said and hang up the phone, “I have to go to the office”Skye said “I will spend time with the girls”Jax said “Thank you, Jax, I trust this, That you will not hurt me”Skye said she kiss him.”Good, Never again”Jax said “No”Skye said “If we go back to Port Charles, Can you take you move the company there”Jax ask “Yes”Skye said “Good”Jax said Skye and Jax went out of the room and Lila Rae and Josslyn were in the living room. “We our ready”Lila Rae said “You and Skye had a slept over too”Josslyn ask “Yes”Jax said “I have to go to the office, Jax is going to spend the day with you both, Lila Rae listen to Mr. Jacks”Skye said “I will”Lila Rae said “You can call me Jax”he said Skye kiss Lila Rae and left.”Do you both want to help me with a surprise for Skye”Jax ask “Yes”Josslyn said “What surprise do you have for Mommy”Lila Rae ask as Rae came in. “Jax can we talk”Rae ask “Sure”Jax said “Let’s go get some hot chocolate”Lila Rae said Josslyn and Lila Rae left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 28

~At London~Skye house~Skye and Jax were in each other's arms. “Oh Skye, that was great”Jax said “Yes it was, This feels right being with you”Skye said “I’m glad you feel that way, I want to do this right, Yes a relationship isn’t perfect and we will have ups and downs but we can’t give up, This time we will work it out, Whatever that will be”Jax said “Yes, Love isn’t perfect or any human and I want to try it again with you”Skye said “You will not regret that and when we go home no one will come between us”Jax said “I hope not”Skye said “Let’s go to slept”Jax said “Yes, I want you to stay”Skye said Jax pull Skye close to her and they fell asleep.

At Port Charles~At The Quartermaine~ Monica and Tracy and Michael who was holding Little AJ were in the den as Ned and Kristina came in. “Kristina, Why are you here”Michael ask “I have some news, Alexis just told us that Kristina is mine”Ned said “Wow, All this time”Monica said “Are you sure, You need a DNA test to make sure’ Tracy ask “I trust Alexis”Ned said “You're a fool”Tracy said “Welcome to the family Kristina”Monica said “Thank you, I’m not after the money, I just want to know my family”Kristina said “We know”Monica said “Does Sonny know”Michael ask “Yes, Sonny wasn’t happy about it”Kristina said “Sonny will be fine”Tracy said “Yes, Kristina you can stay here if you want”Monica said “Thank you”Kristina said “I sure call Brooklyn you're sister would love to meet you”Ned said “I would like to meet her too”Kristina said

At Carly’s~Carly was looking at a picture of Sonny when Bobbie came in. “Carly”Bobbie said “I’m okay, I will be”Carly said “Yes you will”Bobbie said “Now I need to find a job tomorrow”Carly said “I’m sure you will find something and I know it’s scare but you can do this”Bobbie said “I know I can”Carly said

At a warehouse~Julian was there when a woman came by. “So was it you who shot at Carly and Alexis and Ned”Julian ask “Yes it was, I was trying for Alexis”The woman said “I regret team up with you”Julian said “You sure’ The woman said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 27

~At Port Charles~Carly’s house~Carly and Michael came in , ‘So is it really over for you and Sonny”Michael ask “Yes, I will always love Sonny but I can’t do it anymore, I want Josslyn back,”Carly said “What about Ja”Michael ask “Jax and I are over , I saw that when he took Josslyn from me, Jax is still upset that I slept with Sonny when we were marrying and I don’t blame him at all”Carly said “Jax was a good guy”Michael said “Yes he was but I could not be it for him, Maybe it’s Skye or Brenda”Carly said “Aunt Skye”Michael ask “Yes, Skye still love him I’m sure last time she was in town I could tell”Carly said “Maybe, I do hope you stay away from Sonny”Michael said “Thanks, I’m sorry I took you from AJ, Maybe you're right in keeping Little Aj from Sonny”Carly said “I just want to keep her safe”Michael said “I know”Carly said “Get some rest”Michael said and left.

At Alexis house~Alexis was looking at a note when Ned and Kristina and Sonny came in. “Alexis, Why did you call us”Ned ask “I been keeping a secret, I found this out when Kristina was a baby and sick and Morgan were not a match, The reason why Morgan wasn’t a match to save Kristina is because Sonny ,Kristina isn’t yours, She Ned”Alexis said “What! You lied to me”Sonny said “Yes, I want to tell the truth I did, But for whatever reason I didn’t, I’m sorry”Alexis said “I’m glad that I’m not yours”Kristina said “Kristina , I love you”Sonny said “Really, I’m so glad that I hardly saw you when I was a little girl, You have no one, Carly walk out and Michael turn to his real family, All you have is Morgan, I’m glad that Michael took Little AJ”Kristina said “I do love you and that will never chance”Sonny said and left. “I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything till now”Alexis said “I wish you did tell me, I love Kristina”Ned said “I know you do”Alexis said “Kristina, If you need anything or a place to stay”Ned said “Thank you, I would like to know you”Kristina said “You too”Ned said “Ned, Don’t hate me”Alexis said “Why”Ned ask “I was anger that you and Skye took Kristina from me when she was a baby so I did it to hurt you back”Alexis said “Both of you sure of put me first”Kristina said “You're right, We sure of “Ned said “Yes, I’m sorry”Alexis said “I would like to meet my family”Kristina said “Sure let’s go”Ned said they left.

At London~At Skye’s place~Skye and Jax were having a drink while the girls were in bed sleeping. “This was a fun day, I kind of feel that we could be a family”Skye said “Yes we could”Jax said they share a kiss, ‘I know I say we sure wait but I want you Jax”Skye said “I want you to”Jax said “Let’s check on the girls first”Skye said Skye and Jax check on the girls who were sleeping they kiss the girls goodnight and went to Skye bedroom and Jax lay Skye on the bed and they made love. “Skye, I do love you, Only you, I was a fool”Jax said “Yes you were, I love you too”Skye said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 26

~ At London~Skye house~Skye had just ask Jax about his feelings for Carly, Now that Carly and Sonny were over.”Skye, You don’t have to worry about Carly, I will not go back to her, Carly and Sonny maybe getting a divorce but one thing I learn she will never be truly over Sonny, Just like Brenda will never be over Sonny either, Both of them never truly love me, Like you did”Jax said “That’s true, I love you and no one else , But I will not get hurt this time”Skye said “I will not hurt you, I’m over both of them”Jax said “Good, So are you going back to Port Charles”Skye ask “I will think about Josslyn seeing Carly, You're right a girl needs her mother”Jax said “Thank you”Skye said “You're welcome, If I do agree to let Carly see Josslyn she better put our daughter first”Jax said “I’m sure Carly will”Skye said “Will you come back to Port Charles with me”Jax ask “Maybe”Skye said Jax kiss Skye again. “We sure check on the girls”Skye said “Yes, Thanks for taking Josslyn shopping, What do I owe you”Jax said “Don’t worry, Thanks to you I have all of Lorenzo money”Skye said “Good, I have to ask if Lorenzo was alive, Would you take him back”Jax ask “No, I know this is wrong but I would not even let Lorenzo see Lila Rae, I could not trust him”Skye said “I don’t blame you for that”Jax said “Thank you”Sky said Lila Rae and Josslyn came in.”Girls, Are you hungry”Jax ask “Yes”Josslyn said “Let’s go to dinner then”Jax said as Rae came in. “Rae, Do you want to go with us to dinner”Jax ask “No thanks, I have plans”Rae said “Really”Skye ask “Yes, Have fun”Rae said and left. “I swear mother is keeping something from me”Skye said “Let’s go”Lila Rae said they left.

At Port Charles~ General Hospital~Carly’s room~Carly was in bed when Michael came in. “Michael, I’m glad you're here, I get that you're anger about AJ, Maybe I sure of done things different when you were little but I can’t chance it,But I do love you”Carly said “I love you to, I just want to be a Quartermaine now”Michael said “I will support that”Carly said “Thank you, I’m glad you're okay”Michael said “Me too, I have news I end things with Sonny”Carly said “Good”Michael said “Sonny love you still , I know you love him too, You can love both AJ and Sonny”Carly said “Maybe”Michael said Monica came in. “Carly, You can get out today”Monica said “Thank you”Carly said “You're welcome”Monica said “I will go get the car”Michael said and left. “So you finally got what you want, Michael”Carly said “Michael sure of been raise a Quartermaine, I’m so glad that Jax took Josslyn from you, Now you know how AJ felt”Monica said “Yes I do”Carly said “Are you having regurts, If you never took Michael from AJ, A lot of things would've been different’ Monica said “I agree”Carly said as Michael came in, “The car is ready”Michael said Carly and Michael left.

At the Quartermaine Mansion~Ned was at home looking at a picture of Kristina when she was a baby when Tracy came in. “Ned, What are you looking at”Tracy ask “A picture of Kristina when she was a baby, I still wish she was mine”Ned said “You really did love her didn’t you”Tracy ask “Yes I did”Ned said “I’m glad you're okay”Tracy said “Me too”Ned said

At Alexis house~Alexis was at home and looking at a piece of paper. “It’s time for the truth”Alexis said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 25~

 At London~At Skye’s house~Skye and Lila Rae and Josslyn came in from going shopping, “That was fun, Thanks Skye”Josslyn said “You're welcome, I’m glad you both had fun”Skye said as there was a knock on the door Skye open it was Jax “Daddy”Josslyn said “Did you have fun”Jax ask “Yes We did, We went shopping and had a manicure’ Josslyn said “That’s nice”Jax said “Mother, Can we put on a fashion show so Mr. Jack can see our outfits”Lila Rae ask “Sure, I would love to see it”Jax said “Yes”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “Looks like the girls had fun”Jax said “Yes, Lila Rae love fashion, Jax I talk to Josslyn today, She miss Carly so much, It make me sad”Skye said “I know it’s hard on Josslyn”Jax said “You know a little girl needs her mother, You don’t want Josslyn to grow up like me, Full of anger and pay back “Skye said “You're not like that anymore and you're strong”Jax said “It took a while but for a long time I was just a little anger girl inside who miss her mother”Skye said “I don’t want that for Josslyn”Jax said “No you don’t, You don’t want Josslyn to feel unloved or unwanted”Skye said “No that’s why I did this”Jax said “You also did it to hurt Carly, You can’t use a child like that”Skye said “You're right I did, I was hurt that Carly cheat on our marriage with Sonny”Jax said “It does hurt”Skye said “Yeah , I guess it was payback”Jax said “Anyway, You need to do the right thing, I want to give Lila Rae nothing but the best childhood and I know you want that for Josslyn to, I don’t want Lila Rae or any child to have a childhood like I had where a mother doesn’t love you and love man and drinking and hurt you more”Skye said and cried and Jax wipe her face. “Skye , Did any of the man Althea had over rape you”Jax said as Rae came in. “Skye”Rae said “I don’t want to talk about this, Anyway, Just think about it”Skye said “I will, You can open up to us”Jax said “Yes”Rae said “I know”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn came in, “Are you ready for our fashion show”Lila Rae ask “Yes”Skye said Josslyn and Lila Rae show off their outfits.

At Port Charles~General Hospital~ Alexis room~Alexis was in bed when Bobbie came in.”Bobbie”Alexis said “Alexis, I’m glad you're alright, Carly ending things with Sonny, Can you help her get Josslyn back”Bobbie ask “Are you sure it’s over”Alexis ask “Yes, It is, Carly missing Josslyn and you know what it’s like, Kristina was take from you”Bobbie said “Jax just want to keep Josslyn safe”Alexis said “I know, Alexis do the right thing”Bobbie said and left. Alexis pick up her phone and called Jax

At London~Skye’s house~Skye and Jax and Rae were watching Lila Rae and Josslyn do a fashion show when Jax phone rang. “I have to take this”Ja said he walk out of the room. ‘Girls, That was great, Now why don’t you go get a snack”Skye ask “Can we have cookies”Lila Rae ask “Yes just one and hot chocolate”Skye said Lila Rae and Josslyn left. “Skye, Are you okay”Rae ask “Yes, I don’t like Carly but I believe that Josslyn sure have her mother and I was telling Jax that”Skye said “Yes she does, Skye you're a good person”Rae said “Being a mother chance me”Skye said “It does, I wish I was a mother to you when you were little”Rae said “Me too”Skye said Jax came in. “Is everything okay”Skye ask “That was Alexis, Carly is going to leave Sonny”Jax said “Really”Skye ask “I’ll let you two talk”Rae said and left “So Carly and Sonny are over, What does that mean”Skye ask

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The one and only part 1 ch 24

~Port Charles~General Hospital~Carly’s room~ Bobbie was by Carly bedside watching her sleep and holding her hand as Carly wake up. “Mama”Carly said “Oh Carly, I’m so glad you're okay”Bobbie said “Where you here all night”Carly ask “Yes, I was scare last night when you came in with the ambulance, My mind when to the worst place, Carly you just lose Josslyn and you could of lose you're life because of Sonny, It’s time to end it,”Bobbie said “Mama”Carly said “What will it take for you to end things with Sonny, You and Michael are fighting”Bobbie said “Last night , I was thinking the same thing that it’s time to end things with Sonny”Carly said “Good, Then maybe Jax will agree to come back and you both can share Josslyn”Bobbie said “I would like that, It’s over with Jax and I too but I would like to share Josslyn, I miss her so much”Carly said “I know and you will get her back , Just hold on to the fact that Jax will take care of her till then”Bobbie said “Yes, Jax is a good Daddy”Carly said “Yes, So do you want me to get a lawyer for you”Bobbie ask “I have one Tea, I will call her”Carly said “Alright, I know it’s going to be hard but you can do this, You're not alone”Bobbie said “Thanks Mother”Carly said as Sonny came in push himself. “Mother, Can I talk to Sonny”Carly ask “Sure”Bobbie said She left, “I’m glad you're okay, I think I know who was behind it”Sonny said “Who, Julian”Carly ask “Yes”Sonny said “Sonny , I do love you but loving you has cost me to much, Josslyn, It’s time to end this, I need to fight for my daughter and I can’t do that with you”Carly said “I do love you and I want you to get you're daughter back, I want to get my daughter back too, I will agree to it”Sonny said Carly lean toward Sonny and kiss him as she cried. “I will always love you”Sonny said “Same here”Carly said Sonny push himself out of the room and left.

At Alexis room~Alexis was in bed looking at a ring on her finger when Ned push himself in a wheelchair, “Ned, Why are you here”Alexis ask “To see you”Ned said “I’m glad you're okay, I know who did this”Alexis said “Who”Ned ask “It was one of Julian enemy”, I ending things with him last night”Alexis said “I’m not going to say I’m sorry”Ned said “I know”Alexis said as Kristina came in . “Mother”Kristina said “Kristina, Do you remember my friend Ned Ashton”Alexis ask “Yes, It’s good to see you”Kristina said Ned look at Kristina, “It’s good to see you too, A long time ago you stay at the mansion for a while”Ned said “I did”Kristina ask “Yes, I thought you were mine, It was a long complicated time ago, Skye and I raised you for a while”Ned said and left. “Why did I stay at the Quartermaine”Kristina ask “I was keeping you from Sonny, So I lied that you were Ned’s and I wasn’t well”Alexis said “I’m Ned daughter”Kristina ask “No, You're Sonny, Don’t you want to be Sonny daughter”Alexis ask “Not really, Dad and I aren’t close, He has his own little girl now”Kristina said “Oh Kristina, Sonny love you, A long time ago I did wish you were Ned’s to keep you safe”Alexis said “Oh, How are you doing, I know you loved Julian”Kristina ask “I will be fine, I have you and Molly”Alexis said

Ned was in the hallway when he ran into Sonny. “Ned, I’m glad you're okay”Sonny said “I do wish that bullet killed you then the danger would go away and this town would be safe, Julian only took you're power to hurt you, It’s still you're fault and one day you will go down”Ned said “Is it enough that I’m in a wheelchair”Sonny ask “Not for me”Ned said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit