Thursday, October 27, 2016

Always part 5 ch 11

At Genevieve/ Alexander - The next day -Alexander was looking at the divorce papers in his hand Alexander had not sign or date the papers they were still married. Genevieve was coming downstairs with luggage in her hand.Genevieve went by Alexander who was still looking at that paper. “Alexander, What are you looking at “Genevieve ask “Just paperwork from work”Alexander said he put the paper in the desk drawer. “Oh,Anyway I have you're bags packed, Sunday Rose is getting ready”Genevieve said “Good, Now today you need to be seen in public with the belly “Alexander said “Yes, I have plans to go to lunch with my mother “Genevieve said “Good”Alexander said the nanny came down with Skye and Lorenzo Jr. “Oh Lorenzo Jr and Skye I will miss you”Alexander said he took the twins in his arms. “You will not be gone long “Genevieve said “No, They are getting big”Alexander said “I know they're both grown out of their clothes so fast “Genevieve said as Nikolas-Alexander came in. “Mother, Father I just want to say goodbye to Sunday Rose, How is she doing “Nikolas-Alexander ask “Good, Sunday Rose went out last night for a walk by herself “Genevieve said “That's good “Nikolas-Alexander said as Sunday Rose came down with her bags. “Nikolas-Alexander, You're here”Sunday Rose said “Yes I want to say goodbye  to you and we will see you soon”Nikolas-Alexander said “Thank you , Everyone for you're support “Sunday Rose said “It's what we do,Now let's have breakfast “Genevieve said they sit down to breakfast. “Sunday Rose, I been thinking of a name for her”Genevieve said “Mother, I don't care about what you want to name her it's all on you all her life decision is you're and Daddy to make “Sunday Rose said Genevieve was still worry about Sunday Rose. “Alright.So in a few days I will come and meet you both”Genevieve said “Yes, We sure go “Alexander said he kiss Genevieve. “I want to go to the airport with you”Genevieve said “Alright “Alexander said

At The Quartermaine-Skye was over talking to Monica about the central.”Now I want it to be a free center where women and children can get free help from healthcare to education “Skye said “Skye, This is a great idea “Monica said “Thanks I even have a name for it, The Lila Rae center “Skye said “That's wonderful “Monica said “Now we just need to find
a building for it”Skye said as Emily walk in. “Are you looking for a building “Emily ask “Yes why, I want to open a center in my daughter name”Skye said “You can have the old building we had for Alexander center we need to close it “Emily said “I'm not sure “Skye said “I understand “Emily said “Thanks, I sure go I'm having lunch with Genevieve she needs to be seen today with the belly “Skye said “Yes , Sunday Rose leaving today “Monica said “Yes, I hope this will be easy for Sunday Rose but I'm not sure “Skye said “It's going to be hard at first “Emily said “Yeah, I'm worrying what this is going to do to Genevieve to , She never deal with the lost of her baby and now this, I'm worrying it could push my little girl over the edge “Skye said “I know you want to help but we can't save our children all the time “Monica said “No we can't”Skye said and left .

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Always part 5 ch 10

At Genevieve/Alexander- Genevieve and Alexander were kissing.” We sure wait Sunday Rose sure be home soon “Genevieve said “You're right , Do you agree about keeping it a secret “Alexander ask “Yes, You're right we have a lot to look for our wedding for one”Genevieve said “Yes we do, Whatever you want in the wedding you can have “Alexander said as Sunday Rose came in.”Sunday Rose, How was it”Alexander ask “Good, I just went for a walk and I ran into Papa and
Nana on the docks “Sunday Rose said “That's nice, Are you okay”
Genevieve ask “Yes, I'm going to bed”Sunday Rose said she went upstairs. “Sunday Rose looks okay “Genevieve said “She going to be okay , She our daughter “Alexander said he kiss Genevieve and they went upstairs and into their bedroom and close the door and made love.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was upstairs and saw the light in Lila Rae room on and went inside and saw Gabriel in the room. “Why are you in my daughter room”Skye ask “I'm sorry,I didn't know this room was off limit I didn't know you keep you're children room even when they move out”Gabriel said “This is my daughter Lila Rae room she died in that bed in my arms! And if that make me crazy for keeping it then I guess I'm ! Skye yelled Gabriel took Skye's hand.”Skye , You're not crazy you're just a mother and you have a right to keep this room I'm sorry I came in”Gabriel said “Thank you , It was one of the hardest thing I ever had to do saying goodbye to Lila Rae , I never thought I was going to be a mother then I become pregnant with Lila a Rae and Luis my miracle babies then to have four more “Skye said “I'm glad you got you're miracle “Gabriel said “Thank you, Have you ever thought about having a family “Skye ask as Lorenzo came in. “What is going on”Lorenzo ask “I overstepped and again I'm sorry “Gabriel said “It's okay, You didn't know it does hurt to talk about Lila Rae but we are going to open a center in her name “Skye said “That's wonderful “Gabriel said “Thanks , We try once before to open one but it didn't work”Skye said “Well if you need any help”Gabriel said and left.
“Skye, Are you okay “Lorenzo ask “Yes,Let's go to bed”Skye said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, October 24, 2016

Always part 5 ch 9

On The Docks-Skye and Lorenzo were walking when they ran into Sunday Rose who came by . “Sunday Rose, Are you out here alone”Skye ask “Yes Nana, I'm taking back my life a little , I have my cellphone “Sunday Rose said “That's great , We all want you to get you're life back just don't push it “Skye said “We love you Sunday Rose “Lorenzo said “I know Papa, Have a nice night “Sunday Rose said and left. “I hope Sunday Rose will be okay”Skye said “Sunday Rose will be she strong like you and like Genevieve was”Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said they left.

At Genevieve/Alexander-Genevieve and Alexander were talking, “Why do you think I was at my parents house “Genevieve ask as she pick up the blanket and folder it. “Genevieve I know you , We have been together for a long time even when we thought we were not , I was brainwashed into thinking I was my brother,I know you and you want to confess about Matthew “Alexander said he touch Genevieve face. “Yes I do, I'm having a hard time living with it”Genevieve said “I know but you have to think of our children and I agree with Lorenzo it's for the best”Alexander said “I can't believe you're on my father side”Genevieve said “I know just think if you keep quiet we can finally be happy “Alexander said he touch her hair. “I want that too “Genevieve said they share a kiss.

At Alexis house-Alexis was at home reading when their was a knock on the door Alexis open it was Sunday Rose. “Sunday Rose, Come in, What can I do for you”Alexis ask “Do you know the truth that I'm pregnant “Sunday Rose ask “Yes I do”Alexis said “My parents are going to raise the baby and I was wondering if you can help with the legal stuff,I don't want my name on the birth certificate, I want my parents name on it, I want them to make all the decisions for the baby”Sunday Rose said they sit down. “Are you sure about this, This is a hard decision to make”Alexis said “Yes, I know this is cold but I don't want to be in her life as her mother and I want her to have a great life, Yes my childhood wasn't normal but mother always made it fun, We would have special days and Daddy is a good Dad, She needs this “Sunday Rose said “Sunday Rose, I know this isn't an easy decision but it's a unselfish one, You are doing the right thing for her and I will help”Alexis said “Thank you, I sure go home it's my first day out since the rape without my family “Sunday Rose said “That's great, You will heal, You're a fighter you're a Cassadine “Alexis said “Yes”Sunday Rose said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Always part 5 ch 8

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye and Lorenzo were having dinner eating their food.”Skye, How is the fundraiser going “Lorenzo ask “So far good we are going to raise a lot of moneys for this center, I been thinking of a name for it, I want to name the center after Lila Rae , What do you think? Skye ask and was crying a little and Lorenzo took Skye hand. “I think that's a wonderful idea in honor of Lila Rae, Skye I believe things will get better for us”Lorenzo said “I hope so, I hope Genevieve keep her mouth shut “Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said as Andrea Floyd came by their table. “Skye, How do you sleep by this man who kills for a living!! I know you killed Gail and Gavin! Andrea yelled Lorenzo got up . “If I were you I would not mess with me”Lorenzo said “Are you threat me , The Mayor wife”Andrea ask as Skye got up to. “I want you out of my family hotel , You have no right to be here, You stood by Matthew after what he did to our Granddaughter “Skye said as the security man came by. “Guy , Take Andrea out of this hotel and I don't want her back in”Skye said “How dare you! Andrea yelled and left with the man. “I hate to say that but that was fun”Skye said “Yes it was, We make a great team “Lorenzo said “Always “Skye said

At Genevieve / Alexander-Genevieve and Alexander had just finished dinner with Sunday Rose. “Mother and Daddy, Thank you so much for the support “Sunday Rose said “You're welcome , That's what we do support each other, We love you and you will heal in time “Genevieve said “It does feel better talking to Grandma Rae”Sunday Rose said “Good, You sure keep going , Sunday Rose, Do you want to talk about the baby “Genevieve ask she touch Sunday Rose hair.”No thanks mother, I think I want to take a walk before bed “Sunday Rose said “Alright we'll go with you “Alexander said “No thanks I want to go alone, I have my cell phone and I will be fine “Sunday Rose said “Alright, Don't stay out too long”Alexander said and Sunday Rose left. “That is a great step “Genevieve said “Yes besides we need to talk alone”Alexander said “About what”Genevieve ask “I know why you were at you're parents house tonight “Alexander said

Always part 5 ch 7

At Lorenzo and Skye-Lorenzo and Skye were trying to get Genevieve to keep quiet about Matthew. “Genevieve “ Skye said as Alexander came in. “Genevieve, Their you are I came home from pick up dinner and you were not in the sunroom”Alexander said “I had a nightmare so I came to talk to my parents”Genevieve said Alexander came by close to Genevieve. “I know you been feeling guilty for killing Matthew but you sure not it was out of love”Alexander said “You told Alexander “Lorenzo ask “Daddy I can trust Alexander his my husband” Genevieve said “Ex-husband “Lorenzo said” Genevieve it's better if you don't say anything “Skye said “Let's go home and have dinner with Sunday Rose before she goes to bed”Alexander said” How early does Sunday Rose go to bed “Skye ask “It 7:30 then she wake up at 5:00 am”Genevieve said Lorenzo pull Genevieve aside to talk. “Genevieve if you go to the cops you're on you're own I will not help you out of this anymore I'm done I just got you're mother back and I want to enjoy my life with Skye”Lorenzo said “Daddy , You well not just turn you're back on me, I'm you're daughter “ Genevieve said” I'm done “ Lorenzo said Alexander came by and took Genevieve arm. “Let's go home” Alexander said Genevieve look at Lorenzo and left.”Lorenzo, What did you say to our daughter “Skye ask “ That if Genevieve confuses to this I'm done take care of her I'm not going down for this “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo ,We can't let Genevieve go to jail she will not last “Skye said “ Why not,Genevieve let me go to jail”Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo you don't meant that “ Skye said “ You're right , I just want to scare Genevieve it work when she was little, I just don't know what else to do “ Lorenzo said “ I don't know either” Skye said “Let's have a dinner just us” Lorenzo said “I like that let's get ready”Skye said

At Genevieve/Alexander- Genevieve and Alexander came in. “Why are you feeling guilty “Alexander ask “ I'm also worry that Sunday Rose will fine out and hate me secret do have a way of coming out .”Genevieve said “Yes they do”Alexander said as Sunday Rose came in . “Let's go have dinner” Alexander said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Always part 5 ch 6

At the Hill-Genevieve was still their when she saw Matthew. “So you're just like you're father , Your a murder too,,! Your not going to get away with killing me! Matthew said” No I'm not like my Father I just did this for my daughter you hurt my baby I had to stop you! Genevieve said “When Sunday Rose fine out she going to hate you ! I beat she going to get close to Skye now! Matthew yelled “No leave me alone!! Genevieve yelled as a man came behind her and touch her arm. “Genevieve “ The man said Genevieve turn around it was Lorenzo. “Daddy is it you “ Genevieve ask “ Yes Princess let's get you home “Lorenzo said “I saw Matthew here! “ Genevieve said “Let's talk at home “Lorenzo said He took Genevieve hand and they left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was pour some water when Gabriel came in.” Skye, I have to ask Do you trust me? Gabriel ask “I want to for Lorenzo sake he loved you so much and blame himself for you're death”Skye said “I was closed with Lorenzo “ Gabriel said “Lorenzo didn't talk about you much”Skye said “Oh, I'm glad my brother found love “ Gabriel said “ I love Lorenzo with all my heart”Skye said as Lorenzo and Genevieve came in, “Gabriel can you give us some private to talk to Genevieve “Lorenzo ask and Gabriel left.
Lorenzo help Genevieve sit down. “Genevieve, What is going on? Lorenzo ask “I had a nightmare about Matthew about what I did and Sunday Rose fine out and hating me’, We are so close and I don't want to lose it, I don't want a relationship like mother and I had when I was that age”Genevieve said Skye sit down by Genevieve.”I don't want that either Genevieve, You just have to let that go and this “Skye said “ Alexis was here and she know and will keep quiet it's over” Lorenzo said Genevieve got up, “It's not that easy it wasn't just Matthew who died it was his parents and Clinton to many people were hurt over one bad decision I made” Genevieve said Lorenzo got up. “Yes one bad choice you made that I clean up, We all could go down for it ., Think of Sunday Rose and the twins and the baby Sunday Rose want you to raise”Lorenzo said “Genevieve , Please”Skye said “ I just feel guilty this is my first murder,I guess. I'm my father daughter” Genevieve said Lorenzo touch her face. “Yes you are, You can handle this Genevieve, Just let it go , You protect you're daughter just like I did when I killed you're rapist” Lorenzo said” Genevieve , Are going to keep quiet” Skye ask

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Always part 5 ch 5

At Genevieve/Alexander-Genevieve was laying on the couch taking a nap and having a nightmare about Matthew. “You really think you will get away with murder me! Just wait till Sunday Rose fine out she will hate you! Matthew yelled “Mother, You killed Matthew!! You're not my mother anymore! I hate you ! You are nothing to me! Sunday Rose yelled as Genevieve wake up. “No”Genevieve said she got up and put on her coat and left.

At The empire -Nikolas and Alexander and Nikolas-Alexander were working.”Nikolas-Alexander, You need to find a wife soon”Nikolas said “Father I don't want my son in an  arranged marriage “Alexander said “I don't want that either but I just don't want Nikolas-Alexander to have women problems like you and Victor did “Nikolas said “True but I don't regret falling in love with Genevieve “ Alexander said “True you're mother and I had our issues to, I guess no one love story is perfect “Nikolas said “I did like Layla but she family “Nikolas-Alexander said “I know I'm sorry “Nikolas said

At the Hill-Genevieve was at the spot where she killed Matthew she had been feeling so guilty of it.

At Lorenzo/Skye-Lorenzo and Skye were having a drink . “Lorenzo I think all the bad stuff is behind us”Skye said “I hope you're right “Lorenzo said as his phone rang and Lorenzo pick it up. “Lorenzo Alcazar, I'll be right their “ Lorenzo said and hang up.

“Lorenzo , What is it? Skye ask “Genevieve is at the spot where she killed Matthew “Lorenzo said “Go get her”Skye said “I hope she taking her pills “Lorenzo said and left as Gabriel and Luis came in.”What going on Gabriel  ask “Nothing “Skye lied

Copyright by Skye the limit

Friday, October 21, 2016

Always part 5 ch 4

At Lorenzo /Skye-Sage was upstairs going through Gabriel belong she didn't trust her either Luis didn't talk about his sister. Sage found a newspaper column all about Lorenzo and his family. Sage took it and left .

Downstairs-Lorenzo was pour a drink as Skye came in. “Skye , How was the Quartermaine “Lorenzo ask “Good, Alan and Monica are going to help me with the center I have a good feeling about this “Skye said “Good, I will help too”Lorenzo said they share a kiss as Alexis came in.”Alexis, Why are you here? Lorenzo ask “Look I'm not here on business I'm here as a mother I know that Genevieve killed Matthew and you're both covered it up and this case will remain closed “ Alexis said “Thank you Alexis”Skye said “How can we trust you”Lorenzo ask “ I love Genevieve and Sunday Rose and Alexander they are my family to and family is important to me too” Alexis said “I believe you “Lorenzo said “But this is the only time I will look away “Alexis said and left, “Looks like this is over “Skye said “ I hope so, I'm just worried about Genevieve keeping this secret she been acting weird lately “Lorenzo said “It could be just stress with Sunday Rose “Skye said “ I hope you're right “Lorenzo said

On the Dock-Gabriel was on the phone.”I'm gaining his trust but I know his keeping something from me “Gabriel said and hang up the phone as Luis came by. “Luis” Gabriel said “ Gabriel, I'm on my way to see my parents “Luis said “I'll go with you”Gabriel said they left.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Always part 5 ch 3

At Alexis office-Alexis and Alexander were talking . “Alexis, Are you going to look into where Matthew is”Alexander ask “ Alexander what is going on ,You can trust me I haven't told Genevieve that you're married still “Alexis said “ Yes I know I can count on you, Genevieve killed Matthew “Alexander said “I thought it may of been her,Genevieve been acting a little off “ Alexis said “Well you keep the secret “ Alexander ask “Yes I will, One of Kristina boyfriend hit her and I ran him over and he died and I didn't go to jail , I will protect Genevieve “Alexis said “ This means protect Lorenzo too” Alexander said “I know, I will do it for Sunday Rose and Genevieve “ Alexis said “Thank you, I'm so worried about my little girl she not the same Sunday Rose like to go to bed earlier and she hate leaving the house “ Alexander said “Is she still talking to Rae” Alexis ask “Yes”Alexander said “Good, Sunday Rose is strong and will get through  this”Alexis said “Thank for this”Alexander said and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Alan and Monica were having coffee when Skye came in. “Skye , What are you doing here ? Alan ask “I need both you're help in a project I would like to do”Skye said “What project is this”Monica ask “I want to open a center for women  and children who are raped and abused they can get free Health care and counseling and any legal help “Skye said “ I think this is a great idea I will help “ Monica said “Me too “Alan said “Thanks I'm going to ask mother and Genevieve to help , I know this is going to be a lot of work but I believe we can do this”Skye said “Yes you can , We could have fundraiser to get funds for it” Monica said “Thank you both for you're support “ Skye said “ You're welcome “Alan said Skye left.

At Genevieve/Alexander- Genevieve was home looking at pictures of Sunday Rose when she was a baby when Alexander came in and sit by her. “Genevieve, What is it” Alexander ask “ I just wish I could make all the pain go away like I did when Sunday Rose was a baby” Genevieve said Sunday Rose was listening to them . “ I want to make it better to for our baby girl , I think by taken in the baby it will help” Alexander said “ I hope so, Sunday Rose doesn't know how hard it's going to be give up the baby “Genevieve said “You didn't regret give up Bianca” Alexander said “I only told Lila Rae but I did regret it that's why Lila Rae let me be in Raelyn life”Genevieve said “I still wish you didn't give up our daughter either “ Alexander said “ I can't believe you're still mad at me for that ! Genevieve said she was getting upset and went by the fireplace as Susan came in .”Genevieve I have you're morning pills “Susan said she give them to Genevieve who took them.” Thank you “ Genevieve said Susan left. “Genevieve I just wish we both handle things differently I wish I didn't leave you on our wedding day then things would not be different “Alexander said “ I agree we both made mistake but we can get passed  them because the love is still their “ Genevieve said “Yes”Alexander said they share a kiss as Sunday Rose came in.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Always part 5 ch 2-

At Genevieve/Alexander- Sunday Rose and Rae were sitting down talking. “So how are you doing?Rae ask “ I still can't go out and I like to go to bed early “ Sunday Rose said “ That's okay and soon you will feel normal again , What about the baby ? Rae ask “ We leave on Friday , I just hope we can do this and no one finds out”Sunday Rose said “If someone find out that you're pregnant, How would you feel? Rae ask “I don't know I just don't want this baby to feel ashamed of who he or she is “ Sunday Rose said “ I know” Rae said “ I still love him Grandmother “ Sunday Rose said “ He was you're first love it's going to take some time but you will find love again I believe that and you have to believe that” Rae said “ Thanks Grandmother for all you're help in this” Sunday Rose said "You're welcome “ Rae said

At the Police Station-Alexis and Ric were talking.” You believe that Matthew didn't skip town that his dead, By the hands of Lorenzo “ Ric said as Alexander came in and listen to them.”Yes I do, Yes I want to take down Lorenzo but not by this, I killed the man who hit Kristina and I know if this was Molly you would do the same thing “ Alexis said “ Yes I would , Alright this time he walks but next time we get him, Besides I owned it to Genevieve she was a great lawyer here “ Ric said “Yes she was”Alexis said Ric left as Alexander came by.” Alexis can we talk in you're office ? Alexander ask “ Sure “ Alexis said they left.

At Skye and Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo had just finished breakfast with Gabriel and Sage and Genevieve. “So Genevieve how many children do you have?Gabriel ask “ I had a daughter Bianca she in heaven and I raise her son Nikolas-Alexander and I have a daughter Sunday Rose and the twins and now this baby “ Genevieve said “ Nice, I love you're daughter name it's so unusual “ Gabriel said “Thank you , When Alexander and I were dating Sunday where are day to spend time together “ Genevieve said “ Very romantic , Alexander sound like a keeper “Gabriel said “ He is,Alexander is a real life prince”Genevieve said “Wow”Gabriel said “ I sure go,Thank you for breakfast “Genevieve said and left. “Sage , I have to ask was Luis a good father to you ? Gabriel ask “ Yes he was, We travel a lot and I would take classes online but I never wanted for anything except one thing a mother “Sage said and Skye look at Lorenzo. “Do you know what happened to you're mother “ Gabriel ask “ All I know is my mother had mental illness and Daddy loved her”Sage said “She loved you too and I'm glad you're both here”Lorenzo said “Me too”Gabriel said “This family means everything to me” Lorenzo said “We know Dear”Skye said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Always part 5 ch 1

At Lorenzo and Skye- A week later after the dinner with the surprise guest Lorenzo was talking to the woman who came into the hotel it was Lorenzo sister Gabriel. Lorenzo and Gabriel were sitting down having coffee. Lorenzo touch her face. “ I still can't believe you are alive and father keep you hiding from us” Lorenzo said “I know I wish I found you sooner, You look so happy with Skye and the children who are grown “ Gabriel said “”I'm happy and I want you to get you're life back and I will help you “ Lorenzo said “ Thanks, I still can't believe that mother and Ricardo are dead”Gabriel said as Skye came in and look at Lorenzo.  “ Well mother was old and having memories issue” Lorenzo said “Yes,What about Ricardo” Gabriel ask as Genevieve came in push the twins who were in the stroller.” Genevieve , Why are you here? Skye ask “ The twins have been cranky this morning so I been trying to calm them down “ Genevieve said “ Let me hold my Grandchildren “ Skye said she pick up little Skye. “ They are cute what their name ? Gabriel ask “ Skye and Lorenzo Jr” Genevieve said “ That's sweet that you name them after you're parents “ Gabriel said “Thank you, Are you setting in”? Genevieve ask “Yes I'm Gabriel said “Breakfast will be ready soon, You should stay Genevieve “ Skye said she was still holding Skye.” I will, Sunday Rose is talking to Grandma “ Genevieve said “Good “ Lorenzo said Gabriel look at them and know they were keeping something. “ I need to get something out of my room”Gabriel said and went upstairs as Sage came in. “Daddy I know you're happy that you're sister is back but are you sure she Gabriel “ Genevieve said “Yes I do believe she my sister, Gabriel will be a part of this family “ Lorenzo said “ Yes Daddy I will make her feel welcome “ Genevieve said “Thank you, I have a phone call to make before breakfast “Lorenzo said and left. “Mother, Do you trust Gabriel “ Genevieve ask “ No but I trust you're father opinion , Lorenzo not stupid , I'm going to check on breakfast “Skye said and left. “We finally have something in common , I don't trust her either” Sage said “”Good now what are we going to do about it”Genevieve ask

At the Police Station-Alexis was working when Andrea came in, “ I need you to look at the car accident of Gavin and Gail Barrington” Andrea said “ We did look at it, The car was part of a recall by the manufacturer “Alexis said “We know that's not true Lorenzo did this”Andrea said “We can not prove it I'm sorry”Alexis said Andrea left as Ric came by.”Do you believe that lie” Ric ask “ No I don't “Alexis said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Always part 5 ch 1

At Lorenzo and Skye- A week later after the dinner with the surprise guest Lorenzo was talking to the woman who came into the hotel it was Lorenzo sister Gabriel. Lorenzo and Gabriel were sitting down having coffee. Lorenzo touch her face. “ I still can't believe you are alive and father keep you hiding from us” Lorenzo said “I know I wish I found you sooner, You look so happy with Skye and the children who are grown “ Gabriel said “”I'm happy and I want you to get you're life back and I will help you “ Lorenzo said “ Thanks, I still can't believe that mother and Ricardo are dead”Gabriel said as Skye came in and look at Lorenzo.  “ Well mother was old and having memories issue” Lorenzo said “Yes,What about Ricardo” Gabriel ask as Genevieve came in push the twins who were in the stroller.” Genevieve , Why are you here? Skye ask “ The twins have been cranky this morning so I been trying to calm them down “ Genevieve said “ Let me hold my Grandchildren “ Skye said she pick up little Skye. “ They are cute what their name ? Gabriel ask “ Skye and Lorenzo Jr” Genevieve said “ That's sweet that you name them after you're parents “ Gabriel said “Thank you, Are you setting in”? Genevieve ask “Yes I'm Gabriel said “Breakfast will be ready soon, You should stay Genevieve “ Skye said she was still holding Skye.” I will, Sunday Rose is talking to Grandma “ Genevieve said “Good “ Lorenzo said Gabriel look at them and know they were keeping something. “ I need to get something out of my room”Gabriel said and went upstairs as Sage came in. “Daddy I know you're happy that you're sister is back but are you sure she Gabriel “ Genevieve said “Yes I do believe she my sister, Gabriel will be a part of this family “ Lorenzo said “ Yes Daddy I will make her feel welcome “ Genevieve said “Thank you, I have a phone call to make before breakfast “Lorenzo said and left. “Mother, Do you trust Gabriel “ Genevieve ask “ No but I trust you're father opinion , Lorenzo not stupid , I'm going to check on breakfast “Skye said and left. “We finally have something in common , I don't trust her either” Sage said “”Good now what are we going to do about it”Genevieve ask

At the Police Station-Alexis was working when Andrea came in, “ I need you to look at the car accident of Gavin and Gail Barrington” Andrea said “ We did look at it, The car was part of a recall by the manufacturer “Alexis said “We know that's not true Lorenzo did this”Andrea said “We can not prove it I'm sorry”Alexis said Andrea left as Ric came by.”Do you believe that lie” Ric ask “ No I don't “Alexis said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Monday, October 17, 2016

"Always" video

Here is what's happened in "Always" starting tomorrow!! I hope you like it! Lot's of twist and turns!

"Always" video

Here is what's happened in "Always" starting tomorrow!! I hope you like it! Lot's of twist and turns!

Unexpected Family ch 42

At Alexis-Alexis and Ric were getting dressed from making love.”Alexis “Ric said “This is just sex that's all we are grieving for Molly”Alexis said “So this was just sex”Ric said “Yes I'm sorry “Alexis said “Don't be”Ric said and left.

At a news conference-The Mayor was on.”I have decided that this is my last term I love this town but it's time for me to go”The Mayor said

At Blair-Blair and Dorian had just watch the news conference.”So is that why you're in town”Blair ask “Yes , I'm going to run for mayor of Port Charles”Dorian said

At Lydia -AJ was still there waiting on Lydia to answers when Lydia came up to him and kiss him . “Let's take this slow “AJ said “You're right “Lydia said

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo and Alan and Rae were waiting on news when Robin and Patrick came by.” How is Lila Rae “Skye ask as she took Lorenzo hand.

At Llanview-Clint was at home when their was a knock on the door he open it,” Who are you “ Clint ask “You're daughter “Emily said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected Family ch 41

-At Alexis house-Ric and Alexis came in. “Thanks for bringing me home “Alexis said “You're welcome “Ric said “Can I get you anything “Alexis ask Ric kiss Alexis and they had sex.

At AJ house-AJ was working when their was a knock on the door AJ went to open it was Michael who look sad.”Michael , What is it? AJ ask “Molly was in a car accident and didn't make it they are donate all her organs, Lila Rae is getting her bone marrow “Michael said “That's so sad , She so young”AJ said “Yes it is”Michael said “I guess it goes to show you that life is short “AJ said “Yes it is, I'm glad we have a chance “Michael said “Me too”AJ said

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo were waiting on news about Lila Rae went Rae came by..”Skye”Rae said “Mother. Did you heard? Skye ask “Yes, Alan called me , It's sad but I'm glad Lila Rae will be fine”Skye said “Me too, Is it wrong that I'm happy about Lila Rae “Skye said “No it's not”Rae said “I'm ready to go back to my normal life after this”Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said

At Blair-Blair was having some tea when someone knock on the door and Blair open it , “What are you doing in town”Blair ask

At Lydia-Lydia was at home when the doorbell rang she open and it was AJ. “AJ , What are you doing here”Lydia ask “Life is short and I want to try it with you for real “AJ said “You do? Lydia ask “Yes, What do you say"AJ ask

Unexpected Family ch 40 “Molly Cassadine Lansing “

At General Hospital-Molly room . “Alexis and Ric and Michael and Skye and Kristina who was in a wheelchair were their to say goodbye to Molly. “Molly I love you so much, You were a great sister to me and I will miss you I'm so sorry”Kristina said “I loved you , Molly yes we were not family by blood but by love and I know Morgan love you too“Michael said “I'm sorry I wish I did know you , I will never forget that you save my daughter “Skye said Robin came in.”I need to get Molly ready “Robin said Ric knee by Molly body. “Oh Molly I love you if I could take you're place I would “Ric said “”Mother, I need you to take care of my baby girl , We will never forget you”Alexis said she kiss Molly and Robin took Molly away and everyone except Alexis and Ric left the room.
“I guess we sure plan the funeral “ Alexis said “This is so unfair to lose a child first”Ric said” Yes it is “Alexis said they went into the hallway and Ned came by.”Alexis “ Ned said “ I'm fine “Alexis said “No you're not”Ned said and hug Alexis.”I just want my baby Molly back !! Alexis yelled into Ned arms.

In Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was in the bed and Lorenzo was with her when Skye came in. “It's so sad that Molly died and now is going to save our daughter “Skye said “Yes it is “Lorenzo said “I wish I could do something for Alexis “Skye said “I don't think they're anything we can do but be their for her”Lorenzo said they share a hug then went by Lila Rae.”Oh Lila Rae, Soon you will be better thanks to a strong woman name Molly”Skye said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected Family ch 39

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo and Ned and Monica and Alan and Nikolas and Emily were in the hallway.”Dad, Lila Rae red blood cell are low “ Skye said “That's great”Alan said “Yes, It's sad about Molly , I wish I know her”Skye said “Yes it's sad”Alan said Ric and Alexis came out, “We have decided to donate all Molly organ she just registered to donate and I know this is the best”Alexis said “We are truly sorry”Alan said “Thank you, I know you did all you could “Alexis said she went by Skye and took Skye hand. “ If Molly is a match you can use her bone marrow to save you're daughter “ Alexis said “I'm so sorry about Molly I wish I know her”Skye said “ I wish you did to , Enjoy every second with you're girls “Alexis said “I will , If you need anything I will be here for you “Skye said Alexis kiss Skye on the head and left.

Kristina room-Kristina was in bed and Michael was talking to her.”Michael, Do you know anything about Molly”Kristina ask as Alexis came in. “Mom, How is Molly”Kristina ask Alexis took Kristina hands.
Molly is gone they are pull her off life support soon after she donated her organs “Alexis said “No!! Kristina said Alexis pull Kristina into her arms

In The Hallway-Ric was sitting down crying when Lorenzo came by and sit by him. “Ric ,We had our differences but I'm sorry about this no one sure lose a child like this”Lorenzo said “Molly was the best of me”Ric said “I get that , My twins are the best of me”Lorenzo said “Do me a favor and be the best father to Lila Rae and Alana Edward “Ric said “I will, If you need anything let me know “Lorenzo said “Thanks”Ric said he left.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected Family ch 38

At General Hospital-Kristina room-Monica was looking at Kristina who only had small cuts on her. “How is Molly ? Kristina ask “ I don't know yet “Monica said “ Molly has to be fine” Kristina said 

In the Hallway-Skye and Lorenzo were their when Alexis and Ric came in. Skye saw them and went by. “Alexis, Ric what is going on? Skye ask “We got a call from Liz that Molly and Kristina were in a car accident “Alexis said as Ned and Michael came by. “Any word ? Ned ask “No not yet”Ric said Nikolas and Emily came out then Alan and Monica came by and Alexis look at Alan and know it was bad. “No! Alexis yelled “I'm sorry Ric and Alexis Molly is brain damage there isn't anything you can do , We have her on life support till you decided on what you want to do, I'm sorry we try all that we could “Alan said “No! Ric yelled “What about Kristina “Michael ask “Kristina is fine , She just has cuts on her”Monica said Alexis was wiped her tears as Nikolas came by and took her hand.”I'm fine, I'm going to say goodbye to my baby girl “Alexis said Ric and Alexis left. ‘This is so sad”Skye said “Yes it is,Molly was so young she was like a sister to me”Michael said “ I get that ,I wish I know her”Skye said “Does Kristina know”Michael ask “No”Monica said Michael left.

At Molly room -Molly body was lay on the bed as Alexis and Ric came by and Alexis fix the sheets.” Oh Molly, You were the best thing that came out of our marriage “Alexis said “I agree Molly was the best of both of us”Ric said “Yes she was, Oh Ric I don't know how to do this, Do we let go or hang on”Alexis ask “I don't know , We don't know if Molly will wake up and be damage “Ric ask Alexis look at Molly purse and went by it and pick it up and look at the piece of paper that was stick out and open it and read it. “What is it”Ric ask “Molly registered to be a organ donor “Alexis said “Do you want to pull the plug ? Ric ask he looks at Alexis and cried and Alexis wipe it. “You know what we have to do, It’s going to be hard but we can do the right thing out of love “Alexis said

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected Family ch 37

At General Hospital-Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was in the bed and Lorenzo was by her bedside. “Oh Lila Rae.We love you so much and we want you to get better “Lorenzo said as Robin came in to look at Lila Rae. “How is she ? Lorenzo ask “ I have good news earlier we check Lila Rae red blood cell and I have the test results back they are finally normal we need to look for a bone marrow “Robin said “That's great , I will go call Skye .,Lila Rae I will be right back “Lorenzo said he left with Robin.

In the hallway- ambulance came in with Molly on one stretch and Kristina on another one as Liz came by. “Oh no”Liz said as Bobbie came by.”Liz , Call Alexis and Ric , Take them to room 2 and 3”Bobbie said

At Dr Kelly office - Dr Kelly was looking at Emily and Nikolas was holding her hand. “How is our son”Emily ask “So far so good “Dr Kelly said “Thank you, I'm glad my son is Healthy especially now”Emily said “Me too “Nikolas said

In the Hallway-Lorenzo was their when Skye came by.”So our daughter red blood cells are finally normal “”Skye ask “Yes, We can do the bone marrow soon as we fine one , Skye are little girl will be okay”Lorenzo said “Thank God”Skye said they share a hug.

Molly Room-Molly wasn't looking good and she keep crashing as Alan came in and try to bring her back to life.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Unexpected Family ch 36

At The Park-Skye was sitting on the bench and Alana Edward was in her stroller. “Oh Alana Edward , You're Daddy is with Lila Rae I just wanted a break , You got better and I know you're sister well to”Skye said as Vicki came by. “Vicki , What are you doing here? Skye ask “I'm moving here, Katie Howard her mother was a friend of mine and Katie need help with her magazine , I heard you live here,Who is this little princess? Vicki ask she seat down. “This is my little girl Alana Edward, I have another daughter Lila Rae but she in the hospital “ Skye said “I'm sorry, What wrong with her? Vicki ask “Lila Rae has cancer right now her red blood cell are low, So we just have to wait till we can do a bone marrow “ Skye said “Lila Rae, We'll get better , You look happy Skye besides this “Vicki said “I'm , I'm married to a man that loves me “Skye said “I'm glad”Vicki said “I'm sorry about the past “Skye said “It's forgive “Vicki said “You may want to see Rae she live here and it's a long story but I'm not her daughter after all “Skye said “I'm sorry, I will see Rae I know she will always love you Skye a mother never stop “Vicki said “No, I know that now , It was great seeing you , Good Luck with the magazine Skye said “Thanks, I'll be praying for Lila Rae”Vicki said “Thanks “Skye said Vicki left. “We should take you home “Skye said

Kristina was driving in the car with Molly when another car came by and hit them.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and Alan were their when Nikolas and Emily walk in . “Mom , What is it? Emily ask “ I was walking today when I heard a woman on the phone she was talking to him, To Clint Buchanan “ Monica said “Do you think his coming to town? Emily ask “I don't know , We could go see him this is all up to you”Monica said “We are here for you”Alan ask “I want to wait till the baby arrives,Thanks mom, We should go to the hospital I have a check up “ Emily said “We will go with you”Alan said they left.

Copyright by Skye the limit

Friday, October 14, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 35

At Nikolas/Emily -Emily was looking at the piece of paper when Nikolas came in.”Emily, Are you okay”Nikolas said “Not really ,Yesterday I was going through Page things and Monica was here and found a piece of paper it had the name of my birth father on it”Emily ask “Who is he”Nikolas ask Emily handle Nikolas the piece of paper.”Wow, I know this person I have done business with his family and him”Nikolas said “ Is he nice”Emily ask “His a ruthless businessman” Nikolas said “I don't know if I want to fine him or not “Emily said “That's up to you , Now let's get you to you're doctor appointment “Nikolas said “Yes, I want to check on Lila Rae after”Emily said “Sure”Nikolas said they left.

At Tea/Victor-Victor was home when their was a knock on the door it was Vicki. “Vicki , You're here”Victor said as Vicki came in. “I got a call from a old girlfriend daughter who needs help with her fashion magazine , I'm going to help her and I had to see you”Vicki said she touch Victor face.”I'm so glad to see you back , Are you and Tea happy “Vicki ask “Yes I just hope it will last “Victor said “It well. so what is you're plan? Vicki ask “I'm working for Tea brother “ Victor said as Tea came in holding Victor Jr and Alana Edward. “Tea,Did you have twins”Vicki ask “No this is my niece, Alana her sister Lila Rae is sick and we are watching her”Tea said “Oh that's so sad, I hope Lila Rae make it”Vicki  said “Me too.Skye just call me Lila Rae red cell are still low”Tea said “That's sad, So you're brother is marry to a woman name Skye”Vicki said “Yes, Why”Tea ask “I know her, Skye use to live in Llanview”Vicki said “Blair say she know her to they made up “Tea said “Good, I'm glad I moved here, I miss my family Jessica and Natalie move and Landfair is so big by myself”Vicki said “Where are you staying”Victor ask “With Todd till I find a place”Vicki said “You can stay here”Victor said “You need to take care of you're son, Victor don't blow it”Vicki said and left .

Copyright by Skye the limit

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 34-

At General Hospital -Lila Rae room- Skye was by Lila Rae bedside. “Oh Lila Rae , You have to make it, I love you so much my love”Skye said

In the Hallway-Lorenzo had just hang up his phone as Alan came by . “Alan. Is there anything we can do for Lila Rae to get the blood cell in control”Lorenzo said “I'm sorry but no , We are trying everything we can the Chemotherapy and pill “Alan said “We just can't lost Lila Rae”Lorenzo said “I know” Alan said as Skye came by. “Dad, Any news on Lila Rae “Skye ask “No but we are not giving up I promise you”Alan said “Thanks Dad”Skye said they share a hug. “Lila Rae is a fighter and She going to fight this”Alan said “Thanks Dad”Skye said “ I have to go check on patience”Alan said and left. “Skye are you okay”Lorenzo ask “I'm just going to seat first”Skye said “I'll right I'll be with Lila Rae”Lorenzo said he left and Skye seat down as Alexis came by and sit by Skye. “Skye , Are you okay”Alexis ask “No I'm not okay! I feel like I'm losing my little girl!! I have done a lot in my past mostly bad but I just want a family of my own a child to take care of and find out I was pregnant was the best day of my life I promise to take care of them and protect them now this!! Skye yelled and cried. “I know this is hard to deal with Kristina had this two and she made it and so well Lila Rae”Alexis said they share a hug as Rae came by and saw it she was a little jealous. Rae went to her office. “Thank you, I know this is all new to us but we will figure it out, I'm in the same boat as you it's a long story but I give up a daughter to”Skye said “Wow” Alexis said “I know, it's a long story but Lorenzo is the father of her to”Skye said “ I would love to heard that story “Alexis said “I will tell you it , Thanks for this”Skye said and left .

Vicki was outside when her phone rang . “Vicki Lord, Look I don't want to talk to you right now Clint “ Vicki said as Monica came behind her and her that and was in shock and left .

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Unexpected Family ch 33

At Skye hotel-Katie and Vicki were having coffee. “This is a nice place”Vicki said “Yes the hotel just got a new owner I help decorate it , I really like the new owner “Katie said “Oh what her name”?Vicki ask “The same as the hotel Skye”Katie said “ Really” Vicki ask “What is it” Katie ask “I know of a Skye she try to come between one of my husband anyway that's in the past, You have come a long way since you're youth”Vicki said “Yes I made myself into someone who came from nothing not even help by my parents but I always think if my mother didn't marry my father she would of had a great life and Grandfather would not cut her off her funds” Katie said “ I know honey but you would not be here if she didn't marry you're father “ Vicki said “Truth. Anyway I need you're help to get the sale of my magazine back up”Katie said “I never work at a fashion magazine but I have some ideas” Vicki said “Thank you, Do you have a place to live”Katie ask “Yes with my brother Todd he just moved here and so did my other brother Victor and his wife Tea”Vicki said “What do they do”Katie ask “Todd has a newspaper a the sun , I'm not sure what Victor is going to do now I haven't seen him yet,For a while we thought he was dead”Vicki said” I'm glad his back to you “ Katie said “ Thank you, Are you seen anyone “Vicki ask as Jax came in and look at Katie. “Kind of “Katie said “As Jax came by. “Jax I want you to meet a friend of mine Vicki Lord she going to help me with the magazine this is Jax Jack” Katie said “Nice to meet you “Jax said “ You too, Why don't you take my seat I have to go anyway”Vicki said as she got up. “Vicki I will see you later “ Katie said Vicki left. And Jax sit down. “So the magazine is in trouble” Jax ask “ Our sales are down but we will get it back”Katie said “I believe you will, Do you need funds”Jax ask “ No I need answers, What is  going on with us”Katie ask “ I would like give it a try”Jax said “Me too” Katie said they share a kiss as Alexis came by.

“Sorry”Alexis said “No it's ok”Jax said “I'm happy for both of you”Alexis said Jax and Katie got up. “Thank you, How is Lila Rae”Jax ask “ I was on my way to the hospital and l left my cell phone here from breakfast , I had breakfast here with my new found daughter and her husband and Julian and Rae”Alexis said “That sure of been fun”Jax ask “Yea, It's hard knowing Skye as my daughter from what I know of her in the past”Alexis said “I know but all Skye want is a mother , All I know from her past is that Althea hurt her”Jax ask “I get that”Alexis said “I know you would “Jax said Alexis went to pick up her cell phone.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 32

At General Hospital -Patrick and Robin were talking about Lila Rae . “Lila Rae red blood cells are still low , We need to get them low before we do the bone marrow transplant “Patrick said “I agree”Robin said as Skye and Lorenzo came in. “What is going on with our daughter “ Lorenzo ask “We need to get Lila Rae red blood back to normal “ Robin said “ How do we get them back to normal “ Skye ask “We don't have a cure for this it need to just happened naturally “Patrick said “ I just want my baby better”Skye said Robin took Skye hand. “I know this is hard and scare but we will save Lila Rae”Robin said “Thank you” Skye said “Let's go see Lila Rae”Lorenzo said they left. “Why did you promise Skye that”Patrick ask “Skye needs some hope”Robin said as Alan came by. “How is my granddaughter ” Alan ask “Lila Rae red blood cell are still low”Robin said “What about the chemotherapy ? Alan ask “ It's working but not enough we only give Lila Rae a little because she a baby “ Robin said “I hate this”Alan said “I know, Me too this is the hard apart to see a baby sick “Robin said “Do whatever you need to do to save Lila Rae”Alan said “ Thank you , I'm going to be in my research room “Robin said “Thank you both for working to save Lila Rae”Alan said and left.

At Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was in bed wake smile at AJ . “I love you Lila Rae , We will get you better “ AJ said as Lorenzo and Skye came in. “How is my baby girl “ Skye ask “We been talking how I'm going to spoil Lila Rae and Alana Edward when Lila Rae gets out of here,We our going to have special Uncle AJ day's” AJ said “ I like that , Thank you AJ “Skye said “Anytime I mean that”AJ said he kiss Skye on the cheek and left. “Did you have fun with uncle AJ ,He love you and Alana Edward so much”Skye said “Lila Rae is going to get better”Lorenzo said “Yes” Skye said and cried Lorenzo wipe her tears. “Darling it's going to be ok. Lila Rae is going to get better and drive us crazy over boys and driving”Lorenzo said “Yes she is”Skye said

In the hallway-Alan was by the nurse station as AJ came by.”AJ, What are you doing here” Alan ask “I watch Lila Rae so Skye could get a break”AJ said “That was nice of you” Alan said “Dad , Is Lila Rae going to make it”AJ ask “If we don't get Lila Rae red blood cell low it's not going to be good”Alan said “No”AJ said “I know , We are going to make sure that doesn't happen”Alan said “I hope so it will kill Skye if she lose Lila Rae”AJ said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Monday, October 10, 2016

Unexpected Family ch 31

At The Quartermaine - Monica and Alan were talking . “We need to tell Emily about what you found”Alan said “I know we have to see Emily”Monica said as Emily came in who was five weeks into her pregnancy . “Mom and Dad what is going on you both look serious “Emily said Alan and Monica share a look.”Emily when I was at you're place I found this in Page belong”Monica said she pull out the piece of paper.”It's about who you're birth father is”Monica said she handle Emily the paper. “I always want to know who he is but I'm not sure”Emily said “That's up to you Emily we are here for you”Alan said “I love that you both took me in after my mother dead but with the pregnancy I been wonder about him”Emily said “That's normal to feel that way”Monica said Emily look at the paper.”Wow”, Do you know him”Emily ask “We have heard of that family and we can help you bring him to town”Alan said “Thank you”Emily said she share a hug with her parents.

At Skye's hotel -Skye and Lorenzo were having breakfast with Julian and Alexis and Rae it was wired for Skye. “We sure get back to the hospital AJ with Lila Rae”Skye said “Yes we sure”Lorenzo said “Skye, Molly and Kristina well test for the bone marrow”Alexis said “Thank you”Skye said “We all will”Julian said Skye took Lorenzo hand and they left. “I sure go to”Rae said and left . “That was odd “Julian said “Yes it was”Alexis said

At Katie office-Katie was working on her magazine when a woman walk in. “Katie Howard”The woman said Katie didn't look up at her. “Yes I'm working I don't know why my assistant let you in”Katie said “Maybe because I'm family”The woman said Katie lookup. “Aunt Vicki”Katie said she got up and hug Vicki. “ I got you're message that you need help with you're magazine so I thought why not move here? A fresh start” Vicki said “I'm glad you're here”Katie said “I know we are not real family but I loved you're mother she was a close friend and I know she would want me to help you” Vicki said “ I do miss my mother everyday but I'm proud of who I'm now”Katie said “I get that”Vicki said “Why don't we get some coffee and talk over things, I'm not sure how much I can pay you “ Katie said “I don't care about money” Vicki said they left.

Copyright by Skye the limit