Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Always part 16

At The Quartermaine hotel-Lorenzo was by the bar having a drink when Tea came by. “You look upset “Tea said “I'm , Skye and I had a fight and I had to clear my head “Lorenzo said “What was the fight about “Tea ask “The newest member of our family “Lorenzo said “Why don't you come to my house and we can talk , I want to talk to you about Gabriel anyway”Tea said “Alright “Lorenzo said they left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Rae were still talking. “Lorenzo doesn't get it that I see myself in this baby , No one wanted me when I was a baby, I will not let this baby feel that way either “Skye said “I hate that you ever felt that way, To me you were never unwanted “Rae said she touch Skye hair. “I wish you know me too, I have moved on from the past I just want to prevent the pain and I'm scare for both Sunday Rose she could change her mind about this months from now what will that do to my baby? Genevieve is very unstable “Skye said “No one know what is going to happened and we can't stop the pain no matter how much we try”Rae said “You're right I just wish we could “Skye said “Are you still angry with Lorenzo “Rae ask “I just loved the name of having another Lila Rae, I miss my baby girl “Skye said “I know baby I wish that I could bring her back to you”Rae said “Me to mama”Skye said they share a hug.

At Tea-Tea and Lorenzo were talking.”Genevieve want to name the baby Lila Rae and Skye loved that idea but I didn't like that idea, I'm having a hard time accepting this baby and I know that Skye will make sure the baby doesn't feel unwanted like Skye was as a child and yes I sure accepting this baby but I hate what he did to Sunday Rose., I think she should of had an abortion not to much what this is doing to Genevieve she can be unstable “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, You can't always control you're family and this is one of them it was Sunday Rose choices and you have to accept that and this little girl is going to need her Papa just like Sunday Rose need you “Tea said “I do remember holding Sunday Rose when she was born it was right after we lose Lila Rae, Sunday Rose was just what we needed, Do you think I'm cold for not wanted the baby to have my Lila Rae name “Lorenzo ask “No”Tea said “Thanks””Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I don't trust Gabriel, Did you have her check out”Tea ask “Yes I hire a PI I haven't heard from them yet but I know she my sister “Lorenzo said “I hope so”Tea said “Don't worry I haven't give her any money “Lorenzo said “Good, Now go make up with Skye “Tea said “I will”Lorenzo said he left . Tea pick up her cellphone, I need you're help “Tea said and hang up.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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