Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“Always part 5 ch 31”

Genevieve was on her jet sitting and crying about what Lorenzo say to her when the fly attention came in with a tray of Tea and cookies. “Thank you”Genevieve said her phone went off Genevieve pick it up it was a text from Lorenzo . “Genevieve I love you that's why I had to tell you the truth you need to hear it “ Love Daddy. Genevieve close the phone.”You just want to be right that's all”Genevieve said to herself.

At The Center-Skye was fix it all up it was almost done when Lorenzo came in. “Skye “Lorenzo said as he smile. “Why are you smiling “?Skye ask “I ran into Genevieve on the docks and I think I got through to her”Lorenzo said “Did you upset Genevieve again”Skye ask “A little but it was the only way to get Genevieve to listen to me, When I told her she not pregnant the look on her face killed me but I know it got through to her”Lorenzo said “I do hope you did get through to her but I don't want to ruin things with you and Genevieve either Skye said “I don't either , Anyway how is things going here “Lorenzo ask “Great , I'll show you around “Skye said as her phone rang . “I have to take this”Skye said she pick up her phone. “Constanza, Is Tea with you”Skye ask and hang up the phone. “Lorenzo I don't believe that Tea is at Constanza so I called Constanza and Tea isn't there I think something is going on “Skye said “When I went to Tea a chair was tip over like their was a fight “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Don't get upset but I haven't seen Gabriel for a while and I know Tea doesn't trust her either “Skye said “You don't trust my sister “Lorenzo said “I just think something is off the way she look at you isn't the way a sister sure look at her brother “Skye said “Maybe. I'm going to Tea house “Lorenzo said “I'm going with you”Skye said “Skye “Lorenzo said “Don't argue with me”Skye said “Alright “Lorenzo said they left.

At General Hospital-Rae was head to her office when Rick stop her. “Dr Cummings, I was wondering if you want to get some dinner tonight “Rick said “I thought you were marry to Leslie “Rae said “No we are just ex's and friends “Rick said “Alright, How about tonight “Rae ask “Sounds good”Rae said

At Tea house-Skye and Lorenzo came in and look around Skye saw the laptop on the table and look at the history as one of Lorenzo man came in with another man. “You are to guard my cousin so what happened “Lorenzo ask. “Someone came behind me that night and I wake up in a warehouse, I'm sorry Sir”The man said “Lorenzo. Come see what I found “Skye said Lorenzo sit down by Skye. ,”Tea was looking up information on Gabriel “Skye said “Their not information about her on it, I guess you're right Gabriel is hiding something and has Tea we need to look at her room”Lorenzo said “I'm sorry “Skye said “Me too I sure of look into her past”Lorenzo said “You just want to believe in you're sister that's all”Skye said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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