Monday, November 14, 2016

“Always part 5 ch 25”

At General Hospital-Dr Webber was looking at young Skye while Genevieve was holding her. “What do you think it is “Genevieve ask “It looks like a ear infection “DR Webber said “ Skye been getting them a lot”Genevieve said “Down Syndrome children do get them a lot”Dr Webber said “Is that all young Skye has”Genevieve ask “Yes another then that Skye is healthy “Dr Webber said “Good, I been trying to keep Skye healthy “Genevieve said “You're taking great care of Skye , Mrs. Cassadine, I will write you a prescription “Dr Webber said

In the Hallway-Nikolas-Alexander was waiting for Genevieve to come out as Skye and Lorenzo came out of the elevator and came by Nikolas-Alexander. “Any news on Skye “Skye ask “How did you know”Nikolas-Alexander ask “ I came to see you're mother and the maids told me “Skye said as Genevieve came by holding Skye in her arms. “How is Skye”Nikolas-Alexander ask “It's just a ear infection “Genevieve said “That's good “Lorenzo said “Nikolas-Alexander, Take me home “Genevieve said “Princess, I'm sorry “Lorenzo said “Don't Daddy right now I don't want to hear it, I just want to take my baby home “Genevieve said as Alan came by. “What's going on, I heard you brought Skye in”Alan ask “Yes it was a ear infection that's all, I'm going to take Skye home “Genevieve said” Genevieve, I'm glad you're daughter is fine,”Lorenzo said Genevieve just give him a look and left.

“What is going on”Alan ask “Alan , It was a mistake to have Genevieve fake the pregnancy she thinks that she is really pregnant “Lorenzo said “No”Alan said “We were hoping you could talk to Genevieve she listens to you “Skye said “Sure “Alan said “We sure of never allow this”Lorenzo said “Genevieve would of still of done it for Sunday Rose “Alan said “Yes she would “Skye said

At Genevieve-Alexander-Genevieve had put Skye to bed. “I'm so glad you're okay I love you Skye “Genevieve said her phone rang and Genevieve pick it up and Answer it. “Alexander, Sorry I miss you're phone call , I had to take Skye to the hospital , It's just a ear infection that's all,How is Sunday Rose I can't wait to see you both tomorrow” Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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