Tuesday, November 15, 2016

“Always part 5 ch 30”

At the Docks-Genevieve was walking holding her bags ahead to the airport when she ran into Lorenzo.” Princess, We need to talk”Lorenzo said “Stop calling me princess and I don't have time to talk to you I'm on my way to the airport “Genevieve said “You are taking a pirate jet you can be late, I'm sorry for taking it too  far with you but you need to deal with the truth, It's Sunday Rose baby “Lorenzo said “You hate the baby don't you , That's why you don't want me to name the baby after Lila Rae, After the accident I had you are more control of me then Luis and Skylar they can do whatever they want in you're eyes even work with you or sleep with someone they don't love but not me “Genevieve said “You're right because you don't have common sense “Lorenzo said “Well my common sense is telling me not to talk to you anymore “Genevieve said “Genevieve I'm doing this out of love, We use be close when you wake up I miss that and I know you miss that too, You're a parent to and you know that you would do anything for them to stop them from falling and making a mistake “Lorenzo said “I have to go”Genevieve said Lorenzo moved closer to Genevieve.  “I will always be here for you Genevieve even when you push me away and you know I'm right about what I say that's why you're upset you know it's not you're baby , You can't have one”Lorenzo said she started to cry . Genevieve move away and left. Lorenzo hope he got through to Genevieve.

At General Hospital-Monica was at the nurse station looking at a chart when Rick came by. “How are you setting in”Monica ask “Great it's been like the good old days “Rick said “I'm glad you're like it here “Monica said as Alan came by. “What's going on” Alan ask “Just talking “Rick said and left. “Alan stop being so jealous “Monica said “It's hard to see you with Rick I'm sorry “Alan said “I know I hurt you with Rick but I'm not going to hurt you anymore “Monica said “Yes I know I trust you “Alan said “Good, How was Genevieve “Monica ask “Not good, Genevieve think the baby is hers and it's too  late to stop it”Alan said “I'm sorry I love Genevieve to “Monica said “I know you do”Alan said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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