Monday, January 15, 2024

Secret part 3 ch 14

 At Skye/Lorenzo-Gabriella was upset about how Lorenzo was upset with her and poured herself some hot water for tea and started to sit down on the couch to read a book for school.

Lorenzo and Skye were in the den talking about Gabrielle.”Lorenzo, I understand your are upset, I’m too but having our daughter work at Bobbie's with Carly is out of the question “Skye said “I understand your feelings about Carly but I believe this is good for Gabriella “Are you going to cut her funds?”No, But I want for Gabriella to think that I will “I’m going to talk to her about sex, Lorenzo you need to come to terms with this”I had to deal with a lot today “what else”I told Dex the truth about his parents “Oh, I hope he understands “Me too “

Dex was in the penthouse that Lorenzo brought for him he was upset about the truth about his parent and picked up a picture of him with Lorenzo and threw the frame and it broke as there was a knock on the door it was Josslyn.”Josslyn “I try to call but you didn’t answer “I know, I had to deal with a lot today “Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it? Josslyn ask “I found how who my mother is, I never know anything about her and that Lorenzo isn’t my father “I’m sorry, Who are your parents “Tea is my mother and Luis is my father he raped Tea his own sister! Isn’t that sick! Dex yelled “Yes it is , Dex your not to blame “I need to be alone right now “Alright if you need me”I know,Thanks for understanding “Dex said Josslyn left as Lorenzo came in,”Leave me alone I need to deal with this by myself “The reason I keep the truth from you is because I didn’t want you to hate yourself,I have enjoyed raising you “I understand why you keep the truth but I hate the fact that I’m a child of raped”You are more then that,You have a family with Me,Skye love you and so do your sisters you are not alone”I need some time away from you”I love you and you can’t push me away no matter how much you try”Lorenzo said and left.

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