Monday, December 25, 2017

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 68

At a house in Llanview-Rae came into the house to fine a man their. “It's you “Rae said “Who are you “The man ask 

At Juanita-Juanita was at home cleaning a gun when Mateo came into the room. “Mother, I know what you are up to”Mateo said “I'm just taking care of our family “Juanita said “I know you killed Victor “Mateo said “I will not apologize by taking care of you're sister to make sure Tea gets to keep her son it had to be done “Juanita said “I agree Mother it had to be done and I will cover for you “Mateo said “Thanks, Now that Lorenzo is paralyzed We need to step the danger is still out their “Juanita said “Yes it is, Lorenzo ask me to make sure everyone listens to the guards”Mateo said “We will, I have a lien on where your sister is I need you to go look for her”Juanita said “Where is she “Mateo ask as Tea came into the room. “Who are you looking for “Tea ask “You're sister, I found her”Juanita said “Where is she”Tea ask “In Mexico a drug lord has her, Mateo I need you to go fine her and bring her back to us do what you have to do”Juanita said “Why don't I go with you just in case you need a lawyer “Tea said “It's dangerous “Mateo said “I can take care of myself “Tea said “What about you're son”Mateo ask “I can watch him, Tea right you may need a lawyer, Tea I want you're brother to do whatever it take to bring you're sister home “Juanita said “I agree, Mother I will have the nanny bring my son here, I haven't heard from Victor “Tea said “Tea, Victor will never hurt you again “Juanita said “Mother, What did you do to him”Tea ask Juanita touch Tea hair. “I did what I had to do for my family “Juanita said “Thanks Mother “, If you need me as a lawyer “Tea said “I know”Juanita said Tea left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was alone when Sierra came into the room. “Grandfather, What did you want to see me about “Sierra ask “Sierra, I know it's hard to admit you have a problem, I was addicted to the same pills”Alan said “You were”Sierra ask “Yes, I injured my hand and as a surgeon I was wondering about ruin my career so I been addicted to oxytocin “Alan said “Did you go to rehab “Sierra ask “Yes”Alan said “The reason I didn't want to admit I'm a addicted is because I never been weak, Not even when I was kidnap by Luis”Sierra said “You don't have to be strong all the time we all have our moments “Alan said “I just feel so lost I have to start over again without Grayson in my life “Sierra said “I know it's scary but you can do it”Alan said “Thanks “Sierra said

At General Hospital-Monica was working when Skye came by. “Skye, How are you doing “Monica ask ,”I know this isn't going to be easy but I hope that Lorenzo and I can handle this “Skye said “Just remember his still the same man you love”Monica said “Yes he is “Skye said “Have you hires a nurse “Monica ask “I don't think Lorenzo would want one”Skye said “Skye you can't do this alone “Monica said “Yes, I know but Lorenzo is just a proud man”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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