Friday, July 7, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 15

“Epidemic “
At General Hospital-Alan was working when an ambulance came in with Skye. “What is going on? Alan ask “I don't know she was pass out when we came to the house “The paramedics said as Rae came by. “Rae, What happened “Alan ask “I don't know Skye was passed out when I came home, I hope she not drinking “Rae said “Me too”Alan said they took Skye to a room.

Other ambulance came in with Sierra. “What happened “Alan ask as Grayson came by. “Sierra hasn't been feeling well so we were on are way here when she passed out. Alan, Sierra is pregnant “Grayson said “We will take care of both of them”Alan said Sierra went to a room. Grayson was scare about his wife and unborn child when other ambulance came in with Carly. “Oh, No”Alan said as Lorenzo came in. “Carly just had the flu and I found her passed out on the floor “Lorenzo said “Take her to a room”Alan said Carly went into a room. “You look worried,”Lorenzo said “Yes, Sierra and Skye have the same thing whatever it is to”Alan said “No, Sierra is pregnant we have to get whatever this is under control “Lorenzo said “I agree “Alan said

Other ambulance came in with Carmen. “Dr. Quartermaine I don't know what happened Carmen just passed out”Liz said “Take him to a room”Alan said Bobbie came by. “Alan, What is going on”Bobbie ask “I think we have a epidemic here we need to have all the staff cover up when dealing with patients and no more patients coming in”Alan said “I will let the nurse know”Bobbie said “Bobbie one of the patients is Carly “Alan said “No”Bobbie said “I know this is going to be hard but we need you”Alan said “I'm going to be find “Bobbie said she left as two more ambulance came in. “Josslyn “Alan said

Alan went to the other ambulance it was Monica, “No”Alan said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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