Sunday, July 30, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 42

“Painful Past”
At Skye's house-Skye was holding a picture of her and Ric when Ava came in. “Why are you here in my house “Skye ask “To tell you I took another shipment of Lorenzo so what is next”Ava ask “Actually, I been thinking I want to call this whole thing off I don't want to have anything with the mob anymore “Skye said “What about the shipment “Ava ask “You can have it, Start a mob war with my ex husband but leave my children out of it “Skye said “You would think that I would love all this taken shipment from Lorenzo finals having power but I don't want it , I want something else”Ava said “I been thinking of a new start to but I'm not sure “Skye said “What are you good at “Ava ask “I was a great journalist and I ran ELQ great but I left that because it was making me into a person I don't like “Skye said “I know this is crazy but why don't we start a magazine or something “Ava said “I like that let's meet tomorrow at the hotel for breakfast “Skye said “Sounds good “Ava said and left as Lila Rae came in. “Mother, Can we talk”Lila Rae ask “Sure , What is it”Skye ask “When Cameron was sick my feeling came back for him, I love my husband but I keep thinking what if”Lila Rae said “Their nothing wrong with wondering but are you having regrets “Skye ask,”No, Morgan a great husband and father to Grace “Lila Rae said “Is it different with Morgan then it was with Cameron “Skye ask, “Yes with Cameron it was more passion “Lila Rae said “I'm sorry you lose the man you loved “Skye said “Mother, Do you still love Daddy “Lila Rae ask “Yes but I love him like the father of my children that's it”Skye said “I sure go , This week is going to be busy, Maxie and I are going to change things at the magazine “Lila Rae said “What is it going to be about “Skye ask “The history of the town,Mother why don't you join us”Lila Rae ask “No Thanks, I'm thinking of start a new kind of magazine but I will not take business from you “Skye said “I know you will not”Lila Rae said and left.

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was looking at a picture of young Sierra when Grayson came in. “I want you to know that it wasn't an easy choice for Sierra to make about the abortion and it still haunted her today but Sierra was fifteen years old and a child herself . “Grayson said “Did you help Sierra deal with it”Lorenzo ask “Yes, At first Sierra want to push me away but I would not let her”Grayson said “Sierra like her mother and I “Lorenzo said “Yes Sierra is, I love my wife and I will not have you punished my wife for a choice that was up to her and Sierra is pregnant and doesn't need to do deal with the rape anymore “Grayson said “I understand what you're coming from,”Lorenzo said Grayson left as a man came in. “I have news the shipment have been found “The man said “That's great”Lorenzo said the man left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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