Monday, July 31, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 46

“Goodbye is the hardest word”
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo Jr were about to leave when Sierra came by. “Mother, Lorenzo Jr I'm glad you're getting out of here I love you “Sierra said “I love you to”Lorenzo Jr said “I'm taking you're brother home to my house to recover “Skye said “Actually, Can we talk Mother? “Sierra ask “What is it”Skye ask “It's Daddy, I'm worrying about him at the wake he kick everyone out “Sierra said “Sierra you're father just needs time to deal with this on his own”Skye said “Mother, I'm just worrying about Daddy can't you just check on him”Sierra said “Lorenzo will you be okay “Skye ask “Yes I can take Lorenzo home”Sierra said “It's fine mother “Lorenzo Jr said “Alright “Skye said she left. “Baby sister I know what you are doing, Pushing mother and father together, It's not a good idea “Lorenzo Jr said “Why not? Mother and Daddy love each other and both our dealings with the lost of a spouse”Sierra said “You were only a child when Mother and Daddy it wasn't good they would fight all the time”Lorenzo Jr said “They had to have some good time “Sierra said “Yeah when they didn't fight”Lorenzo Jr said “Lorenzo, I'm glad you're okay I love you and I know what you did but I forgive you “Sierra said “Thanks sis, I do love you and I don't want anything to happen to you “Lorenzo Jr said “Same here, Let me take you home “Sierra said “No it's okay”Lorenzo Jr said and left.

Monica office -Monica and Alan were having a meeting. “We need to do a PR job our image in the hospital needs to be fix”Monica said “I agree “Alan said Laura and Sierra came in. “Monica, Alan what is it”Laura ask “We need a to change our image, Hire a PR”Monica said “Yes we do, I have a idea we could do a fundraiser in honor of Cameron and Carly”Laura said “That's not a bad idea, We sure ask the family first “Sierra said “Yes”Laura said “We could have it at the hotel I'm sure AJ will okay it”Sierra said “Yes, This sure work “Alan said “I can plan it”Laura said “I will help you if you want to I been planning charity for a long time “Sierra said “Sure let's go now and work on it”Laura said they left. “I'm going to check on Bobbie “Monica said and left.

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Morgan was having a drink as Lila Rae came in, “You're home “Morgan said “Yes, Morgan I just had to let Cameron go that's all I'm right where I want to be with you and our daughter “Lila Rae said she touch his hand. “I understand, I'm sorry for yelling at you “Morgan said “I know you're in pain with losing you're mother and I want to help “Lila Rae said “You do”Morgan said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 45

“Goodbye is the hardest word”
At The Quartermaine hotel-A office space-Skye and Kate and Ava pick out a office. “I talk to AJ it's all set this office is ours”Skye said “That's great, We just need a name “Ava said “Yes a good one”Kate said “I'm going to leave you both in charge of that , I have to pick up my son at the hospital “Skye said “You have children “Katie ask “Yes four adults”Skye said “Oh”Katie said Skye left. “So what sure we name the magazine “Ava ask

At St.Ann-Cameron funeral-Liz and Laura and Nikolas and Spencer and Hayden and Ayden and Lucky and Steven and Alan and Monica and Lila Rae
 were their. “Lucky it's good to see you I'm sorry about why you are back, Lulu want to come but she couldn't get it off”Laura said “It's okay Mother “Lucky said they sit down. Liz got up. “Cameron was my first born son I loved him and I will miss him, Cameron died a hero , Cameron died being a doctor and putting the patient first “Liz said she sit down. Lucky got up. “Cameron wasn't my biological son but I loved him as my own, I was proud of him”Lucky said he sit down.
Lila Rae got up. “Cameron was the love of my life we never got a chance I push him away for something he didn't do, I will always love you”Lila Rae said and sit down. Ayden got up. “Cameron was a great brother to me, I will always remember him”Ayden said he sit down as Alan got up. “Cameron was a great doctor and the hospital was lucky to have him”Alan said Lucky and Alan and Steven and Ayden carrying the casket.

At General Hospital-Lorenzo Jr room-Lorenzo Jr was all dressed and getting ready to leave when Skye came in. “Son, I want you to recovering at my house, I want to make up for everything “Skye said “I forgive you mother you were upset with me”Lorenzo Jr said “I know you killed Ric”Skye said “I'm sorry “Lorenzo Jr said “Me too, Ric loved you”Skye said “I know Mother, Are you going to tell the cops,”Lorenzo Jr ask “No, It will not bring Ric back and I don't want you to go to jail I just wish you did something else in you're life you're so smart “Skye said “I been thinking of a change “Lorenzo Jr said “Good, I can help you”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 44

“Goodbye is the hardest word”
At Lorenzo-Carly's wake-Lorenzo and Ramen and Bobbie and Morgan and Michael and Sabrina and Lila Rae and Josslyn and Sierra and Grayson and Luke and Lucas were their. “Lorenzo, I know in the past we have disagreed but you did love my daughter and made her happy so I thank you for that “Bobbie said “You don't have to thank me , I will remember Carly if you need anything “Lorenzo said “I know”Bobbie said she left as Lila Rae came by. “Daddy, How  
are you doing “Lila Rae ask “I'm trying to heal”Lorenzo said “I have to go but if you need anything “Lila Rae said “I will “Lorenzo said

Lila Rae was putting on her coat as Morgan came by. “Where are you going “Morgan ask “Cameron  funeral, I have to go”Lila Rae said “This is my mother wake”Morgan said “Morgan, I went to the funeral and stay for the wake “Lila Rae said “Find! Go”Morgan said Lorenzo came by.”Don't yell at my daughter! Lorenzo yelled “Daddy it's okay “Lila Rae said and left. “You will respect my daughter “Lorenzo said “I do , She the one going to her old love funeral “Morgan said and went to get a drink.

“Michael, How are you “Josslyn ask,”I'm okay, How about you “Michael said “Trying “Josslyn said “We all are”Michael said as Morgan came by. “Morgan,”Michael said “I just want to make a toast to mother “Morgan said “To Mother “Josslyn said

Lorenzo was by the bar pouring another drink as Sierra came by. “Daddy, Let me help you “Sierra said “If you want to help me make everyone go home , I want to be alone “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 43

“Saying Goodbye is the hardest words”
At St. Ann-The next day-Carly funeral-Bobbie and Luke and Morgan and Lila Rae and Michael and Sabrina and Josslyn and Lorenzo and Lucas and Sierra and Grayson and Ramon were their. Bobbie got up to do the eulogizing.”My daughter and I had a completely relationship but we fix it and loved each other, Carly loved her family so much and I will take care of her children “Bobbie said she sit down. Lorenzo got up. “I loved Carly she was a great wife and mother and stepmom to my children we were a family and still our that hasn't changed at all,Carly I will never forget you and I will always be their for our children “Lorenzo said he sit down. Michael got up. “My mother and I had a completely relationship but I loved her and will always miss her “Michael said he sit down. Morgan got up, “Mother, I will always miss you I will do my best in honor you “Morgan said he sit down as Josslyn got up. “Mother , Thanks for saving me you risk you're life to save mine what a mother does, I love you “Josslyn said as Sierra got up. “Carly I'm sorry I was never nice to you and you give you're life to save me along with Josslyn, You treat me like a daughter “Sierra said she sit down and Morgan and Michael and Lucas carried the casket out as Bobbie cried.

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye and Ava were having breakfast together. “I give all the shipment back to Lorenzo “Ava said “Good, Can it be trade to us”Skye ask “No”Ava said “Good”Skye said as Kate came by, “Skye Chandler “Kate ask “Kate Howard , Actually I go by Quartermaine now, This is Ava Jerome “Skye said  “Nice to meet you,”Kate said she sit down. “Are you staying in town “Skye ask “Yes, I want a new start so I came here to opening a magazine “Kate said “Really? What kind “Skye ask,”I’m not sure Kate said “How do you both know each other “Ava ask “Boarding school ,I been following you are a great journalist “Kate said “I was , Ava and I been thinking of starting a magazine, My daughter has her own magazine I don't want to compete with my daughter and her business partner Maxie Jones “Skye said “What is their magazine about “Ava ask “It was a fashion magazine now it's going to be a magazine about this town”Skye said “It sound like a great idea, I don't want to be a fashion magazine either I was thinking about female empowerment, What do you say Skye “Kate ask “I like it”Skye said “Do you have any experience with running a magazine “Kate ask “No but I can learn ,”I'm looking for a new start”Ava  said “We all are”Kate said “Yes,Let's looks for a office and think of a name and we need more staff “Kate said “I can get a office right here “Skye said “Great “Ava said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Sunday, July 30, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 42

“Painful Past”
At Skye's house-Skye was holding a picture of her and Ric when Ava came in. “Why are you here in my house “Skye ask “To tell you I took another shipment of Lorenzo so what is next”Ava ask “Actually, I been thinking I want to call this whole thing off I don't want to have anything with the mob anymore “Skye said “What about the shipment “Ava ask “You can have it, Start a mob war with my ex husband but leave my children out of it “Skye said “You would think that I would love all this taken shipment from Lorenzo finals having power but I don't want it , I want something else”Ava said “I been thinking of a new start to but I'm not sure “Skye said “What are you good at “Ava ask “I was a great journalist and I ran ELQ great but I left that because it was making me into a person I don't like “Skye said “I know this is crazy but why don't we start a magazine or something “Ava said “I like that let's meet tomorrow at the hotel for breakfast “Skye said “Sounds good “Ava said and left as Lila Rae came in. “Mother, Can we talk”Lila Rae ask “Sure , What is it”Skye ask “When Cameron was sick my feeling came back for him, I love my husband but I keep thinking what if”Lila Rae said “Their nothing wrong with wondering but are you having regrets “Skye ask,”No, Morgan a great husband and father to Grace “Lila Rae said “Is it different with Morgan then it was with Cameron “Skye ask, “Yes with Cameron it was more passion “Lila Rae said “I'm sorry you lose the man you loved “Skye said “Mother, Do you still love Daddy “Lila Rae ask “Yes but I love him like the father of my children that's it”Skye said “I sure go , This week is going to be busy, Maxie and I are going to change things at the magazine “Lila Rae said “What is it going to be about “Skye ask “The history of the town,Mother why don't you join us”Lila Rae ask “No Thanks, I'm thinking of start a new kind of magazine but I will not take business from you “Skye said “I know you will not”Lila Rae said and left.

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was looking at a picture of young Sierra when Grayson came in. “I want you to know that it wasn't an easy choice for Sierra to make about the abortion and it still haunted her today but Sierra was fifteen years old and a child herself . “Grayson said “Did you help Sierra deal with it”Lorenzo ask “Yes, At first Sierra want to push me away but I would not let her”Grayson said “Sierra like her mother and I “Lorenzo said “Yes Sierra is, I love my wife and I will not have you punished my wife for a choice that was up to her and Sierra is pregnant and doesn't need to do deal with the rape anymore “Grayson said “I understand what you're coming from,”Lorenzo said Grayson left as a man came in. “I have news the shipment have been found “The man said “That's great”Lorenzo said the man left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 41

“Painful Past”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo Jr room-Lorenzo Jr was lying in the bed when Alexis came in. “So Lorenzo how did you ended up shot”Alexis ask “I was clean my gun”Lorenzo Jr said “Really “Alexis ask “Yes, Now if that all the questions you have I would like to rest”Lorenzo Jr said “Did you do anything to LJ”Alexis ask “No”Lorenzo Jr said Alexis left.

At Liz house-Liz was at home when their was a knock on the door she open it was Lucky. “Lucky , Our son died and I believe that LJ is gone to “Liz said “What”Lucky ask “LJ is missing and Lorenzo Jr was shot at and I think Lorenzo did something to our son after he found out what our son did, I hate that our son raped Sierra, But his my baby”Liz said “I get it, I was there for the trial it wasn't easy for all of us , I hate what our son did to Sierra who would have to deal with this for the rest of her life “Lucky said “I hate it to, I do feel for Sierra but if her father killed our son “Liz said “I know, Did you called the cop”Lucky ask “Yes,, Alexis is looking into it”Liz said “Good”Lucky said “How long are you here for”Liz ask “For as long as you need me to be”Lucky said “Thanks “Liz said

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae was looking at a picture of her and Cameron when Morgan came in. “Lila Rae, Are you still in love with him”Morgan ask,”I love you I just been thinking of the past that all”Lila Rae said “Are you regret marrying me “Morgan ask “No, I know I made the right choice in falling for you “Lila Rae said “I hope so I don't want to be second choice “Morgan said “You are not “Lila Rae said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 40

“Painful Past”
At Lorenzo-Lorenzo had finished going over things with Josslyn and Michael and Morgan he was by the bar pour a drink when Skye came in. “We need to talk, I know you're upset with Sierra and the fact that she had an abortion but it was our daughter choice not you're or mine we just have to be support to her, Going thought that rape was hard for Sierra and she wasn't ready for a baby she was a child herself, If Ric and I didn't talk her into see Dr. Collins she could of had a break down “Skye said “Did LJ go to jail”Lorenzo ask “Yes their was a trial and LJ has been in jail till Audrey passed away “Skye said ‘How did Sierra handled the trial “Lorenzo ask “It wasn't easy for Sierra but the whole thing wasn't easy for anyone, Lila Rae broke up with Cameron and I had to deal with my past but we got through it and then you came back to town with Carly who was pregnancy and Josslyn “Skye said “Yes I know I just wish you told me this was a big piece of Sierra life which I was shut out of”Lorenzo said “I'm sorry you feel that way this was a painful time in Sierra life, Just listen to her”Skye said “I will, How is our son”Lorenzo ask “Good, I don't believe our son shot himself clean his gun”Skye said “He did”Lorenzo said Skye didn't him. “I'm sorry about Carly , Do you need anything “Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said “I would like to be at the funeral “Skye said “Sure”Lorenzo said Skye left.

At The Police station-Alexis was working when Liz came in.”Alexis, I need you're help my son LJ is missing “Liz said “No”Alexis said “I'm worrying about my son if Lorenzo know what happened between my son and Sierra “Liz said “I will look into it, Do you know where he was staying “Alexis ask “At my house, I just want my son home before tomorrow when we buried his brother “Liz said “I will try my best to fine him”Alexis said

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was having a meeting with his man. “Did you take care of it”Lorenzo ask,”Yes but I have some bad news another shipment was taken”The man said “No! This isn't good who is doing this to me! Lorenzo yelled “I'm trying to find out “The man said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 39

“Painful Past”
At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and Alan were in the living room as Tracy came in. “I'm back “Tracy said “Tracy , You are not welcome here”Alan said “This isn't you're house and I'm sorry about the past I want to make it up to you “Tracy said “You can by leaving Skye alone if you are going to stay in town leave us alone to! You are not my sister! Do you know what you did when you changed Skye DNA tests ! Skye started to drink! I lose months without my daughter Skye she moved out of town for a while! Alan said “I'm sorry I was hurt to I lose time with this family and Mother and Daddy funeral “Tracy said “Yes you did “Alan said “Did they suffered? Tracy ask “Mother died in her sleep first then a couple years later Father had a heart attack, He wasn't the same without Mother “Alan said “I”m sure, Who is running ELQ”Tracy ask as AJ came in. “I'm running ELQ with my son “AJ said “Oh great we will be poor soon”Tracy said “Tracy, Did you forget that father took you're ELQ share away before you left? Tracy I'm not ready to forgive you so go! Alan yelled Tracy left. “Alan , Calm down getting upset with Tracy isn't worth it”Monica said “I can't get past what she did”Alan said “It work out we found out that Skye is a Quartermaine “Monica said “Yes but Skye went downhill “Alan said “Yes she did till she came back to town and fall in love with Lorenzo “Monica said “Unfortunately, I hope Skye stay away from Lorenzo “Alan said “Me too, I heard Lorenzo Jr was shot”AJ said “Yes Lorenzo Jr is okay, He claimed he was cleaning his gun”Alan said “Really”AJ ask “I know I don't buy it”Alan said

At Sierra/Grayson-Grayson was home worrying about Sierra when she came in. “Sierra, Where have you been”Grayson ask Sierra sit down and Grayson sit by her. “Daddy found out about my abortion and his upset with me”Sierra said “Sierra, It was you're choice to make if he can't get passed it then it's you're father problem not your, Now don't get upset by this your pregnant “Grayson said ‘You're right, It wasn't an easy choice but I did it because I wasn't ready to be a mother I was still a child myself “Sierra said “Yes you were”Grayson said “I'm going to relax and take a bath”Sierra said “Good”Grayson said “Thanks for stand by me through the raped”Sierra said “Always “Grayson said they share a kiss. Sierra went upstairs.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, July 28, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 38

“A Secret from the past”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo Jr room-Lorenzo Jr was lying on the bed and Skye was talking to him. “I don't believe that you shot yourself clean The you're gun”Skye said “Mother leave it alone, Use you're connected with the police to make sure the case is closed and I will not tell Father that I give you my share of his territory and you're take his shipmates “Lorenzo Jr said “You're blackmail you're own mother ? Skye ask “I don't want to “Lorenzo Jr said “You're father shot LJ didn't he ? And you try to stop it and ended up shot to, Where is LJ”Skye ask “Father did it for Sierra “Lorenzo Jr said

At Liz-Liz was at home with Ayden. “Have you heard from LJ? I try to call him but his not pick up the phone “Liz ask “No I haven't “Ayden said “I'm worrying about you're brother, I'm going to call the cops “Liz said

At Lorenzo -Lorenzo was by the fireplace he was upset about Sierra raped and the abortion when Sierra came in. “Daddy, I know you found out about my abortion”Sierra said Lorenzo wasn't looking at Sierra. “Sierra, I'm not ready to talk about this right now I have a lot to do pack you're stepmom belongings “Lorenzo said Sierra went by Lorenzo and face him. ,”Daddy it wasn't an easy choice but I had to do it, Dealing with the rape was hard enough I couldn't have a baby”Sierra said “I wish you told me about this sooner “Lorenzo said “When? When you came back into town with a pregnant wife and a whole new family! I don't care if you are upset with me! This was my choice! My body and no one else choice!!  I was liking how close we were getting but I don't care if your upset with me I'm not going to apologize to anyone for my choice! Sierra yelled as Josslyn and Michael and Morgan came in. “Sierra, I need to talk to you're step sister and step brothers right now about Carly “Lorenzo said “Fine! I don't care if you are upset! Sierra said she wasn't feeling good. “Sierra, We are glad Lorenzo Jr is okay “Michael said “Me to”Sierra said and left. “Lorenzo, Are you okay “Josslyn ask “I will be find, I want you all to know you are still a part of this family and I will always be there for you, You will always have the bodyguard “Lorenzo said “I know we have disagreed in the past but I know you loved our mother, Thanks you “Michael said “You're welcome, Yes I loved you're mother and we had a great life”Lorenzo said as Ramon came in. “Ramon, I’m glad you're here, We have a lot to do,”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 37

“A Secret from the past”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo Jr room-Lorenzo was lying in bed when Lorenzo came in. “Son, I'm so sorry, I love you son and if anything happened to you “Lorenzo said “Father, Here what we are going to tell everyone”Lorenzo Jr said

In the hallway-Skye had just hang up the phone as Alan came by. “Skye, How is Lorenzo Jr”Alan ask “Good, Patrick remove the bullet”Skye said “Good, Do you know how it happened “Alan ask “That's what I'm going to find out”Skye said

Lorenzo Jr room-Lorenzo Jr was lying in bed talking to his father. “Our you sure son”Lorenzo ask “Yes, Did you killed LJ”Lorenzo Jr ask “Yes his out of you're sister life”Lorenzo said as Skye came in. “Lorenzo,I'm so glad you're alright I love you I know I was upset with you last month but you're still my son”Skye said “I know Mother, I love you to “Lorenzo Jr said “How did this happened “Skye ask “I was clean my gun and it went off I'm sorry “Lorenzo Jr said “Really”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo Jr said “I hate that you know how to use a gun and you're sister “Skye said “If I taught Sierra how to use a gun earlier then she would not of been raped! I wish you told me about our daughter “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I know you're upset about Sierra raped but she handed it well made all the right choices “Skye said “What does that mean? Was Sierra pregnant “Lorenzo ask Skye and Lorenzo Jr share a look. “Their was a baby “Skye said as she look back at Lorenzo. “Are you saying that Sierra had a abortion? Lorenzo ask “Yes “Skye said Lorenzo was upset and touch his chin. “Why didn't you fake a pregnancy like you did with Richard “Lorenzo ask “I suggested it but Sierra didn't want to it was her choice “Skye said as Lila Rae and Sierra came in. “Lorenzo Jr , I'm so glad you're okay, We love you “Lila Rae said “Yes we do”Sierra said “I have to go”Lorenzo said and left.  “What is going on with Daddy”Sierra ask “I let it slip about your abortion “Skye said “No”Sierra said ‘Just give Lorenzo time to deal with this “Skye said “I will”Sierra said “How did this happened “Lila Rae ask “I was clean my gun”Lorenzo Jr said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up Part 2 ch 36

“A Surprise return”
At Bobbie house-Bobbie was looking at pictures of Carly when their was a knock on the door it was Luke. “Luke”Bobbie said “I figured you need me , I'm sorry about Carly “Luke said “Thanks, I can't believe she gone, The virus wasn't good at all we were not sure if anyone would make it “Bobbie said “Who else died”Luke ask,”Cameron Webber , Robin was almost going to make another cure but the lab blow up “Bobbie said “Do you know how”Luke ask “No, Oh Luke I miss my daughter “Bobbie said “I'm here for you, I'm going to stay as long as you need me “Luke said “Thanks”Bobbie said

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo were sitting on the couch holding hands waiting on news about there son . Sierra was watching them as Lila Rae came by her. “Sierra “Lila Rae said “Would it be nice if Mother and Daddy got back together? Sierra ask “No it wouldn't be good, You were too young but all mother and Daddy did was argue all the time “Lila Rae said ‘They had to have some great times, Mother and Daddy had to be in love they had us”Sierra said “Sierra. This isn't a good idea “Lila Rae said as Grayson came by. “Any news “Grayson ask “Not yet”Sierra said

Skye and Lorenzo we're sitting on the couch. “Do you remember when we found out I was pregnant again? You were hoping for a boy and we did have a son, This is why I didn't want our son to work with you”Skye said “Lorenzo isn't working with me anymore I fire him”Lorenzo said “Then how did this happen “Skye ask as Patrick came by. ,”I have news about Lorenzo Jr”Patrick said Skye and Lorenzo got up.”Is our son okay”Skye ask “Yes I removed the bullet, Lorenzo Jr is just going to need to recover, You can go see him, No stress”Patrick said “Thanks “Lorenzo said “Mother and Daddy go”Lila Rae said Skye phone rang. “I will be right their ‘Skye said Lorenzo left to see his son.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 2 ch 35

“Waiting on news”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo was waiting on news about his son when Skye came storm in. “Did you do this! Did you have anything to do with my son being shot! Skye yelled and try to hit Lorenzo. “His my son to “Lorenzo said as Rae and Josslyn and Michael and Morgan and Sierra and Lila Rae and Richard came in. “I don't know what happened but our son will be fine , His in surgery now ‘Lorenzo said “Mother, Why don't we get some tea”Lila Rae ask “No Thanks, I just want my son to be find and to get out of this lifestyle “Skye said she went to find information on Lorenzo Jr.

Sierra went over to Lorenzo. “Daddy, Did you do anything to LJ”Sierra ask “Sierra, We can't talk here “Lorenzo said “Daddy if I had anything to do with my brother  been shot at I have a right to know “Sierra said “Baby girl this isn't you're fault “Lorenzo said

Lila Rae was talking to Josslyn and Michael and Morgan. “I'm sorry about you're mother “Lila Rae said “Thanks you, We are going to have the funeral on Friday “Josslyn said “We will be there, We are still a family “Lila Rae said “Yes we are”Michael said

Skye was worrying about her son when Richard came by. “Mother, Lorenzo Jr will make it “Richard said “I hope so”Skye said Richard phone rang and he went to take it as Lorenzo came by. “Skye, I get you're upset with me but our son will make it, Lorenzo Jr is strong “Lorenzo said he took Skye hand. “You're right our children are strong, Sierra told me she told you about LJ”Skye said “Yes, I wish I knew sooner “Lorenzo said “I'm sorry “Skye said “It's okay our son is going to be fine “Lorenzo said they share a hug as Sierra was watching and smile.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Thursday, July 27, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 34

“A man on the edge”
At Josslyn-Josslyn and Bobbie we're going over the funeral plans when Sierra came in. “Josslyn, I just wanted to give my condolences and say that if you need anything, You're mother use to say we our a family and we are still “Sierra said “You are right we are, Thanks “Josslyn said as Michael and Morgan came in. “I sure go”Sierra said her phone rang and Sierra open her purse and pull out her phone. “Daddy, No I will be right their “Sierra said and hang up the phone. “What did Lorenzo want”Morgan ask “Lorenzo Jr been shot, I need to go”Sierra said “We will go with you, We all love Lorenzo Jr to and want him to be ok”Josslyn said ‘Yes, I hope my brother okay”Sierra said ‘He will be”Michael said they left.

At Skye-Rae was still at Skye when Skye was on the phone she hang up. “Skye , What is it”Rae ask “My son Lorenzo has been shot ! This is all Lorenzo fault! Skye yelled “I will give you a ride “Rae said they left.

At Spencer office-Spencer was working when Tracy came in. “Do we have ELQ yet”Tracy ask “No, I had to drop the takeover, I was blackmailed “Spencer said “Did you fix it”Tracy ask “Yes, But I'm done with try to get ELQ”Spencer said “Find I will get it on my own”Tracy said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 33

“A Man on the edge”
At Josslyn-Josslyn was sitting on the couch looking at pictures of her and Carly when Spencer and Spencer Jr came in. “Spencer, I need to tell you something, You're Grandmother Carly died”Josslyn said ‘I'm sorry “Spencer Jr said “Me too, You're grandmother loved you so much “Josslyn said “Carly loved all of you ‘Bobbie said as she came in. “Great-Grandmother “Spencer Jr said ‘Spencer “Bobbie said ‘Why don't Spencer and I get us some food”Spencer ask “Sure, Thank you,”Josslyn said “Anything you need “Spencer said and left with their son. “Josslyn, How are you doing “Bobbie ask “I feel alone my marriage ended and now my mother died”Josslyn said “You are not alone and if you want a change fight for you're marriage “Bobbie said “Grandmother,, Spencer cheat on me”Josslyn said “I know and marriage is complicated but if you love each other you can fight “Bobbie said “Mother always believe in love “Josslyn said ‘Yes she did “Bobbie said “Do you think Mother loved Lorenzo as much as she loved Sonny or my father “Josslyn ask “Carly loved all them but different “Bobbie said ‘Yes, Now we sure plan the funeral, Lorenzo ask me to do it”Josslyn said “I will help you and you're not alone”Bobbie said they share a hug.

At The Warehouse-Lorenzo Jr was on the ground he had been shot and bleeding. Lorenzo was kneed by his son. “Lorenzo don't you leave me son, I love you “Lorenzo said as a ambulance came in and took Lorenzo Jr. “I will be right their son”Lorenzo said the ambulance left with Lorenzo Jr. “This is all you're fault that my son was shot! Why did you raped my daughter! Lorenzo yelled “I'm sorry I just loved her so much”LJ yelled Lorenzo shot LJ as his man came in. “Take him away “Lorenzo said “Yes boss”the man said ‘Now I need to call Skye and tell her I shot our son “Lorenzo said “We got that too,,”The man said and Lorenzo left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 32

“A Man on the edge”
At Skye's house-Skye was home sitting on the couch when Rae came in with a bag. “Skye, I have some breakfast from Kelly “Rae said she sit by Skye. “Mother, I'm glad you are here and that you stay in town, “Skye said ‘Me to”Rae said “I have some new to tell you, Unfortunately Tracy is back in town,”Skye said “We will not give Tracy the time of day “Rae said “No, I wonder how Lorenzo is”Skye said as Sierra came in. “Sierra, How are you “Skye ask “Good, You”Skye ask “I'm good”Skye said “Mother I think I made a mistake, I told Daddy about LJ , I thought it would help him but I'm worried “Sierra said “No “Skye said ‘I called Lorenzo Jr , He can always claim Daddy down “Sierra said ‘Yes he can, I know that you're father had to know some day”Skye said “Daddy is losing it , The house smell like Brandy, Maybe you can help him”Sierra said “I will call Lorenzo “Skye said and left, “Sierra, I know you want you're parents back together but it's not a good idea “Rae said “Why not”Sierra ask “You're parents have a lot of history “Rae said “What do you know? You were not here, I know nothing about you “Sierra said “You are you're mother daughter “Rae said

Skye was calling Lorenzo. “Lorenzo please, don't do anything stupid I know you think you have nothing to lose but you do, Call me when you get the message “Skye said she hang up the phone and put it by her heart.

Lorenzo warehouse-Lorenzo came in and LJ was waiting for him.”So you raped my little girl! Lorenzo yelled and pull out a gun as Lorenzo Jr came in. “Father, What are you doing “Lorenzo Jr yelled “Take care of you're sister! This bastard raped you're sister! Lorenzo said “I know, Father don't “Lorenzo Jr said a gun went off.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 31

“A Man on the edge”
At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was sitting in the dark drinking when Sierra came in and turn on the light. “Daddy “Sierra said “Sierra, You sure not be here”Lorenzo said “I'm fine, I have a clean bill of health, I”m so sorry about Carly she loved you and wouldn't want you to go to that dark place it's not fun”Sierra said “You been to that dark place “Lorenzo ask “Yes,It was before you came back to town”Sierra said Lorenzo got up. “What happened to you”Lorenzo ask “I was friends with LJ Spencer and dating Grayson and LJ want us to be more then friends but I didn't know that he felt that way and I went to the prom with Grayson I was wearing a short red dress and Grayson and I danced and having fun and thirst so Grayson went to get us a drink and I went into the woman room to fine LJ waiting for me and the door was locked he pull me down and raped me”Sierra said “I'm sorry, Did LJ go to jail “Lorenzo ask “Yes and he did,It wasn't just my life that changed, Lila Rae was dating Cameron till that happened it torn them apart “Sierra said “Did you get help “Lorenzo ask “Yes after it happened I told Grayson and he took me to the hospital and I got check out and Mother and Ric suggested I see Dr. Collins which help but I didn't want to, I wanted to just buried the pain but mother would not let me she help me though it”Sierra said as she cried. Lorenzo wipe Sierra face. “I wish you told me about this before “Lorenzo said “I wanted to but I was worrying now promise me that you will leave him alone “Sierra said “I will “Lorenzo said “Good, Do you need help with the funeral”Sierra ask “No thanks “Lorenzo said “Daddy, I know you're in pain but don't do this , I didn't get along with Carly but she loved you”Sierra said ‘Yes she did, I'm going to clean up “Lorenzo said Sierra left.  

Lorenzo open his drawers and pull out a gun.

Sierra was in the hallway on the phone. “Lorenzo Jr, I told Daddy about LJ , I'm scared “Sierra said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

All Mixed up Part 2 ch 30

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was sitting in the dark there were bottles everywhere when Alan came in. Alan turn on the light. “Lorenzo “Alan said “Why are you here “Lorenzo ask “To check on you and give my condolences”Alan said Lorenzo got up. “How did the lab blow up! My wife sure of got the cure”Lorenzo yelled “We are looking into it ,I'm sorry that Carly died”Alan said “You just don't want me to sue the hospital and right now I will not , Now please go “Lorenzo said Alan left.

At General Hospital-Skye's room-Skye was lying in bed wake when Tracy came in. “Tracy, You're in town “Skye ask “Yes,I'm sorry about the past I want to make it up to you “Tracy said “Because of you're lie that I wasn't a Quartermaine I lose months with my father, I have children I don't want you neither my children “Skye said as Lila Rae and Lorenzo Jr and Richard Jr came in. “Who are you “Lila Rae ask “Let me guess these are you're brats “Tracy said “Get out! Skye yelled “I will help with that “Lorenzo Jr said “What's you're name ‘Tracy ask “Lorenzo Jr”He said “So where you're husband? I take it you got over Jax”Tracy said “I been over Jax for years now his dead”Skye said “No “Tracy said “A lot has changed since you were in town, Trying to mess up my life “Skye said Tracy left. “Mother, Who was she “Richard Jr ask “Unfortunately she family, Alan sister Tracy Quartermaine, Last time she was in town she lied saying I wasn't a Quartermaine and played with the DNA test and it was a lie “Skye said “So Grandfather push Tracy out of town”Lila Rae ask “Yes, This is the first time Tracy been back and it's not good “Skye said “Mother, You just rest”Richard Jr said as Alan came in. “Dad, I just saw Tracy “Skye said “Yes she back,,How are you “Alan ask “I want to go home “Skye said “That's why I'm here, You have the okay to get out “Alan said “Good,What about Sierra “Skye ask “She out “Alan said

At Liz-Liz was having coffee when their was a knock on the door it was AJ. “AJ ‘Liz said “I just wanted to say I'm sorry about you're son, If you need anything “AJ said ‘Thanks “Liz said AJ hug Liz. “If you need anything “AJ said “I don't need anything that you can bring me “Liz said “I know”AJ said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, July 24, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 c 29

At Liz-The next day-Liz was looking outside she was so sad and angry that her son died when their was a knock on the door Liz open it was Lila Rae. “Lila Rae, Why are you here”Liz ask “To say I'm sorry about Cameron “Lila Rae said “My son loved you “Liz said “I loved him to, I do wish Cameron made it and was here”Lila Rae said “Thanks, I'm sorry about Carly “Liz said “Thanks, No one blame you're son for the virus “Lila Rae said “I wish we could of saved everyone but my son want to die a hero”Liz said “He did, If you need anything “Lila Rae said and left as Laura came in. “Liz , I'm not going to ask how you are, I'm here for support “Laura said “Thanks, I lost my Grandmother and now my son, My first born son but he died a hero”Liz said “Yes he did, Cameron was a great man and doctor , Do something to honor it”Laura said

On the Dock-Lila Rae was sitting on the bench crying as Morgan came by. “Lila Rae, Why are you crying “Morgan ask “It's just been a emotional week that's all”Lila Rae said “Yes it has, Does this have anything to do with Cameron “Morgan ask “I do hate that his dead but your my husband ‘Lila Rae said they share a kiss. “I'm not going to be jealous of a ghost ‘Morgan said “You don't have to be”Lila Rae said

At Kelly’s -Kevin was there waiting on Laura when Rae came in.”Rae, How is Skye “Kevin ask “Great, My daughter is going to be fine for now ‘Rae said “What do you mean for now”Kevin ask “I'm worrying now that Carly is dead that Lorenzo will pull Skye back in”Rae said Kevin took Rae hand. “Skye is strong and she going to be find “Kevin said as Laura came in. “Kevin, Rae I'm glad that Skye is better “Laura said ‘Thanks, I sure go,”Rae said and left. “Laura, We are just friends that's all “Kevin said “I know “Laura said

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 28

At Michael/Sabrina-Michael was looking at pictures of Carly when AJ came in.”Michael,I'm sorry about you're mother, Carly and I had our history but I'm glad the last few years we got along for you and our grandchildren “AJ said “I'm glad to that you and Mother did get along, Mother made us promise not to get into the dark side “Michael said ‘Carly loved you,I'm here to help you “AJ said ‘Thanks , I know it wasn't easy get along with mother but I'm glad you did”Michael said “I would do anything for you “AJ said “We came a long way “Michael said “Yes we have “AJ said

At BJ gravestone-Bobbie and Lucas came by. “BJ, You're sister is with you now, I want you to take care of her,We will love and miss you both so much”Bobbie said “BJ , I miss you and love you “Lucas said they left.

At Lorenzo/Carly-Lorenzo came in and throw everything as Ramon. “Father “Ramon said Lorenzo touch his son face. “Son, You're mother loved you so much “Lorenzo said “I know, I love mother to and we both have to deal with this “Ramon said “Ramon, I want you to go back to school do something with you're life make you're mother proud “Lorenzo said “Yes father ‘Ramon said

At General Hospital-Sierra room-Sierra was lying in bed and Grayson was holding her hand. “I feel better “Sierra said “Good”Grayson said “I been thinking of baby name, What about Christopher for a boy and Cecil for a girl “Sierra said “I like it, It's going to be okay now, We are going to have a healthy baby”Grayson said

At Josslyn room-Josslyn was lying in bed when Bobbie came in. “Grandmother, How is Mother “Josslyn ask “I'm sorry baby, You're mother didn't make it”Bobbie said “No”Josslyn yelled Bobbie pull her granddaughter into her arms.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, July 21, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 27

“A Quartermaine Returns”
At General Hospital-Skye's room-Skye was lying in bed she was feeling better when Lorenzo came in. “Lorenzo, Why are you here? Skye ask “I been at the hospital for a while now, Carly and Josslyn and Sierra were sick too”Lorenzo said “Is our daughter okay”Skye ask “Yes Josslyn and Sierra and Monica are fine, Carly and Cameron died”Lorenzo said Skye took Lorenzo hand. “I'm sorry, I know you loved Carly and she loved you and our children “Skye said “Yes Carly loved our children, She wanted Josslyn and Sierra to have the cure first”Lorenzo said ‘I will always be grateful to her, If you need anything “Skye said “Thanks”Lorenzo said “Go get some slept “Skye said Lorenzo smile at Skye then left as Rae came in.”What was Lorenzo doing here “Rae ask “Carly died”Skye said “Oh no”Rae said “I hope Lorenzo doesn't go to the dark side “Skye said “Skye, Do you want Lorenzo back “Rae ask “No”Skye said

In Monica room-Monica was lying in bed sleeping when someone came into the room. Monica wake up. “You're back “Monica said “Yes it's time I come home “Tracy said “Oh Tracy, Does Alan know yet”Monica ask “No, Now what is going on with you “Tracy ask “The bird flu but I'm better now “Monica said “Good, Who else was sick? Tracy ask “Cameron and Carly and Skye and Josslyn and Skye daughter Sierra “Monica said “Did anyone die”Tracy ask “I'm not sure “Monica said as Alan came in..”Tracy, Why are you in town “Alan ask “I want to make things right with you and Skye “Tracy said “For months I thought Skye wasn't my daughter and it killed Skye till we figured out the truth! I'm so glad I kick you out of town! I don't want you in town”Alan said “I'm sorry that I lied, I miss Mother and Father funeral because of it but this time I'm not leaving town you can't run me out of town “Tracy said and left. “Alan “Monica said “I don't want to talk about my sister, I'm just glad you are here “Alan said ‘Me too, Did everyone make it”Monica ask “No, Carly and Cameron didn't, The lab blow up before Robin could make another cure”Alan said “No”Monica said “I need to figure out how to lab blow up”Alan said

Thursday, July 20, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 26

 “Goodbye Carly”
At General Hospital-Hallway-Liz was crying as Lorenzo came by he was upset to. “Liz, Are you okay “Lorenzo ask “No my son gone “Liz said “I'm sorry my wife is gone to”Lorenzo said “I'm sorry I wish everyone had the cure”Liz said “Me too”Lorenzo said

At Morgan/Lila Rae-Lila Rae and Morgan had just came in. “Morgan,Let me help you don't push me away “Lila Rae said “I will not, I just can't believe that my mother is gone “Morgan said “I know I'm sorry, Carly was a great stepmom and mother in law she loved our daughter “Lila Rae said “Yes she did”Morgan said as Grace came in. “Grace, We have some new to share, Their was a virus going around and one of the persons who got it was Grandmother Carly, She didn't make it”Morgan said “Grandmother in heaven “Grace ask “Yes”Morgan said “I'm sorry Daddy “Grace said “Me too, Can I have a hug”Morgan ask Grace hug her father.

At Michael/Sabrina house-Michael and Sabrina came in. “I wish I could of saved you're mother “Sabrina said “Me too”Michael said as Avery and AJ the second came in. “Avery, AJ I have some news, You're Grandmother is in heaven “Michael said ‘I'm sorry “Avery said ‘Me too”AJ said “Thanks Mother loved us”Michael said

At Bobbie house-Lucas came in with Bobbie who went by the table and throw a vase. ‘I want my daughter! Bobbie yelled and Lucas came by and pull her into his arms.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 25

At General Hospital-Josslyn room-Josslyn was lying in bed she was feeling better when Michael came in pushing Carly in her wheelchair and Morgan was by her. “Mother “Josslyn said “Josslyn,I'm not going to make it but I love you and I want you to remember you are strong and can handle anything “Carly said “Didn't you get the cure”Josslyn ask,”No, Their wasn't enough and I want you and you're sister to get it”Carly said “You pick Sierra “Josslyn ask “No one is to blame for this”Carly said she was getting weak, “Mother I love you”Josslyn said “Be a good mother to you're son and fine something that make you happy “Carly said “I will “Josslyn said “We sure take you back to you're room ‘Michael said he push Carly wheelchair away. “Morgan , I hate this”Josslyn said “Me too”Morgan said

At Cameron room-Cameron was lying in bed he wasn't feeling good when Lila Rae came by and took his hand. “I did love you I love my husband but sometimes I wonder what could've been,”Lila Rae said and left. Liz came in.”My son I can't lose you I love you”Liz said as Alan came by. “Alan, Do you have a cure for my son”Liz ask “I have some bad news, Robin lab explosion with the cure inside “Alan said “No! Liz yelled and Alan hug her.

Carly room-Carly was lying in bed and her sons Michael and Morgan and Ramon were there. “Don't blame anyone for this, Don't be angry “Carly said “We will not”Morgan said “No”Ramon said as Lorenzo and Lila Rae came in.”Carly, Thanks for loving my father and us”Lila Rae said “You're welcome, I want to be alone with Lorenzo “Carly said the children left. “Lorenzo, I want you to be happy with Skye I know you love her and I want you happy not angry “Carly said “You sure of got the cure”Lorenzo said as Bobbie came in she had been crying, “Mother, What is it”Carly ask “The lab explosion their no cure for you I'm sorry “Bobbie said “Mother, It's okay I had a great life just watched over my sons and Josslyn and Sierra and Lila Rae”Carly said “I will “Bobbie said “I'm glad we made up from the past”Carly said “Me to, I love you so much “Bobbie said Carly close her eyes and flatline. “No”Lorenzo said Bobbie check her . “She gone”Bobbie said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 24

At General Hospital-Robin and Patrick had just give out the only cure for Skye and Sierra and Josslyn and Monica. “Do you want to get some coffee “Patrick ask “No, I sure make more of the cure”Robin said she was about to go into her lab when it explosion up and Patrick pull Robin out of the way. “No! The cure! Robin yelled “Don't “Patrick yelled as Alan came by. “What happened “Alan ask “I don't know but everything to make another cure is gone Robin said “No”Alan said “This isn't good “Patrick said

At Carly's room-Carly was lying in bed Lorenzo and Michael and Morgan and Ramon were there visiting Carly who wasn't doing good. “Ramon, I love you now I want you to go to college become someone “Carly said “Carly, You're not going anywhere “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo “Carly said “I'm going to see what's take long with the cure”Lorenzo said and left. “I'm dying and I need all of you to help each other and you're father this isn't anyone fault “Carly said ‘Mother, Don't give up “Morgan said “Tell the Grandchildren I love them”Carly said “We will , I wish we could bring them here “Michael said “I know “Carly said as Lorenzo Jr and Lila Rae came in.”Lorenzo Jr and Lila Rae , I love you and you're sister we were a family,Tell Josslyn how much I love her”Carly said “Mother, Do you want to see Josslyn “Michael ask “Yes if I can”Carly said “Let me find out “Michael said and left.

At The hallway-By Robin lab-Robin was in shock about the explosions when Alan came by. “I'm sorry, The cure is gone “Robin said “This isn't good “Alan said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 23


At General Hospital-Carly's room-Carly was lying in bed and Lorenzo was holding her hand . ‘You are going to make it, I love you”Lorenzo said “We had a great life, We saved each other “Carly said “Yes we did “Lorenzo said as Bobbie came in. “Mother, What is it”Carly ask “Robin found a cure but their isn't enough to go around “Bobbie said “So who is going to get it”Lorenzo ask “Right now Skye and Sierra and Monica and Josslyn, Robin pick the one who are wore off but will get a cure , Robin is working on it “Bobbie said “Carly isn't getting one “Lorenzo ask “It's okay , I want our girls to get it “Carly said “You will get it ,Just hang on”Bobbie said “I love you mother I'm glad we put all the bad stuff behind us “Carly said “Me too and you will make it”Bobbie said and left. “You're mother is right you will make it”Lorenzo said Carly close her eyes..

At Monica room-Monica was lying in bed when Alan came in. “Monica, We have a cure and you are going to get it”Alan said “Who else “Monica ask “Sierra and Skye and Josslyn, You are the one get worse, Carmen and Carly are doing okay so far and kind wait till Robin can make more “Alan said “Alan I love you”Monica said ‘I love you too”Alan said

In the Hallway-Michael and Morgan were waiting on news and worrying about everyone when AJ came by. “Michael, How is you're mother,”AJ ask “Mother is doing fine so far , Josslyn and Sierra aren't doing well”Michael said “Either is Skye and Monica “AJ said as Alan came by. “It's all going to be over soon, Robin has a cure and will give it out but we only have enough for four people “Alan said “Who is going to get it”Morgan ask “Skye, Monica, Sierra, Josslyn only the one will the worse case “Alan said “What about mother”Michael ask ‘Robin is working on more of the cure and Carly is doing okay and can hang on”Alan said “She better”Morgan said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 2 ch 22


At General Hospital-Carmen was lying in bed when Liz came in all cover up. “Carmen, My beautiful son I love you so much “Liz said “I love you to, I had a good life “Carmen said “Don't talk like that , You are going to fight this “Liz said as Robin came in. “Dr. Drake this is the bird flu isn't it”Carmen ask “Yes I been working on a cure “Robin said “How much cure do you have “Carmen ask “Not as much for everyone “Robin said “I know how to decide whoever is worse get it, I'm sure their are more patients with this that are worse then me”Carmen said “Carmen “Liz said “Their is, You're a great doctor “Robin said and left as Ayden and LJ came in.”My brothers I love our family but it's time for me to say goodbye I had a great life working in Africa “Carmen said “I'm sorry that what I did cost you the love of you're life “LJ said “I know you are sorry for what you did . You paid the price and so did Sierra “Carmen said “You're a great brother “LJ said “Yes you are “Ayden said “Thanks”Carmen said “Carmen I love you, You're father we didn't love each other it was just a one night stand but he would of loved you “Liz said “Where is he”Carmen ask “His in heaven ‘Liz said

In the Hallway-Alan was all stress about this when Rae came by. “Alan, Have you found a cure yet”Rae ask “Robin is working on it ‘Alan said as Robin came by. “We need a staff meeting now”Robin said Rae left as Steve and Bobbie and Patrick and Liz came by. “I only have a cure for four patients and Dr. Webber suggestions that we only give the cure to those who are getting worse and I have came up with a list, Josslyn and Monica and Skye and Sierra are getting worse “Robin said “What about Carly “Bobbie ask “What about my son “Liz ask “I believe they can make it while I work on more of a cure”Robin said “My daughter better make it”Bobbie said “Bobbie , Carly is strong and will make it”Alan said “Carmen always want to help another “Liz said ,”I will get the cure ready to pass out ‘Robin said

Nikolas and Hayden came by. “Liz, How is everyone”Nikolas ask “Not good, We have six patients who are sick and only enough of the cure for four of them and my son isn't going to get the first round “Liz said “I'm sorry “Nikolas said they share a hug.

Copyright by Skye's the limit