Thursday, March 30, 2017

Family part 1 ch 6

At John-John was at home when their was a knock on the door it was Laurel. “Laurel, Why are you here “John ask “I want to tell you something, I have thought about this and I just told mother and Daddy, I'm going to carry a baby for Luis “Laurel said “Wow, Are you sure about this giving the baby away”John ask “Yes I can do this I'm not giving the baby to a stranger I'm giving the baby to our brother and his husband,”Laurel said “I will support you if that's what you want to do”John said “Thanks, Do you like working with Daddy “Laurel ask “Yes I do, I will be safe “John said “Good I love you and I can't lose you”Laurel said “Never “John said “Never, I sure go”Laurel said she left.

At Nikolas-Alexander-/Jenny-Nikolas-Alexander was on the phone.”No I think we sure do it we been putting it off for too long I will talk to my mother, I want it done today “Nikolas-Alexander said as Jenny came in. “I will call you back in a hour “Nikolas-Alexander said and hang up the phone. “Is everything okay “Jenny ask “I’m just trying to get my mother to stop putting off Father will reading, I want us to do it today “Nikolas-Alexander said ‘Nikolas-Alexander, You're mother just got back from dealing with the lost of you're father give it time”Jenny said “My mother wasn't at a spa or anything it was a rehabilitation center my mother is a alcoholic “Nikolas-Alexander said “You sound upset with Genevieve “Jenny ask “I'm “Nikolas -Alexander said

At Genevieve-Genevieve came in with Sunday Rose who she was upset with. “Sunday Rose! Are you happy that you got suspended from school for the rest of the year! You have miss so much of school already! You are so smart why are you doing this! Genevieve yelled “Because I don't care about anything! Sunday Rose yelled and went upstairs. Genevieve went by the bar and pour herself some water wish it was wine and open her purse and pull out her cellphone and look at the contact wanted to call Lorenzo but change her mind , Genevieve didn't want to rely on Lorenzo too much and called someone else. “I need you're help “Genevieve said and hang up the phone,

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Family part 1 ch 5

At Kelly's -AJ was their ordering coffee when Skye came in. “AJ, we haven't talked in awhile,,I miss you, Don't let what has happened come between us”Skye said “I miss you too , Let's sit down “AJ said Skye and AJ sit down and Skye order tea. “I have been thinking about what you did for Genevieve and I would of done the same thing for my children too”AJ said “I didn't want to lie to you but I didn't want Genevieve to go to jail either it's so hard that she is a alcoholic “Skye said “I can imagine it don't want that for my children either ‘AJ said “The only good thing out of it is that Genevieve let the anger go and she trying not to rely on us as much “Skye said “That's good”AJ said “Yes, So are we okay”Skye ask AJ took her hand. “Yes we are “AJ said

At The Cassadine crypt-Alexander grave-Genevieve came in. “Sorry I haven't been here in a long time my darling I love you so much, I wish you were here I'm worrying about our little girl Sunday Rose,How do I help her love A’dora Belle like I do? Genevieve ask she touch Alexander gravestone. “It's not fair my love you sure be with me.We sure of growing old together and watch our grandchildren grow”Genevieve said as she cried

At The Private all girl school-Sunday Rose was in class sitting down while the teacher was talking. “Ms. Sunday Rose, Do you know the answer? The teacher ask “I don't give a damn about this”Sunday Rose said “Ms. Sunday Rose, You can't swear in class! The teacher said “I don't care! Sunday Rose yelled and got up. “I'm calling you're mother “The teacher said

At The Cassadine Crypt-Alexander gravestone-Genevieve was still their. “What I'm suppose to do with all the jewelry “Genevieve ask as her cellphone rang. Genevieve open her purse and pick up her cellphone. “Genevieve Cassadine, I will be right their”Genevieve said and hang up the phone. “Oh Alexander our daughter in trouble “Genevieve said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Family part 1 ch 4

At Genevieve-Genevieve look into the boxes that were in the closet and open one of it had gift that we're wrap and Genevieve pick one up and open it was a bracelet and Genevieve look at the tag it was from Alexander. Genevieve started to cry and sit on the floor and lean against the couch and holding the gift close to her heart as Skye came in.”Genevieve, Why are you sitting on the floor “Skye ask and help Genevieve up. Skye wipe Genevieve tears. “What is wrong “Skye ask Genevieve open all four boxes full of gift. “Alexander left me all this box of gifts, We had a fight before he died I accuse him of not being romantic enough and then I find this! I was a horrible wife to Alexander Genevieve said “No you were not a horrible wife , Couples fight it's part of being married , Alexander know you loved him”Skye said “Yes I do, Mother why are you here”Genevieve ask “I wanted to check on you , You're father told me about the project you want to do around here”Skye said “Yes I need to do make a sensory room for Skye “Genevieve said “Yes, So what are you going to do with the gifts of jewelry “Skye ask “I don't know ,Mother thanks for checking on me but I need to be alone “Genevieve said “Will you be okay “Skye ask “Yes Mother, I need to go for a walk, The nanny can watch the children “Genevieve said “Alright, You can call me anytime “Skye said “I know”Genevieve said Skye left.

At The Skye's-Lorenzo and Luis and John. “I'm going to handle the shipment the man that I have work with for years trust me on this”Lorenzo said “Yes Father “John said “I'm glad to work with both my sons on my business that I have work hard for”Lorenzo said “We are glad to work with you to”Luis said

At General Hospital-Dr Webber office-Steven was at his desk when Alan came in. “Dr. Quartermaine,,What kind I do for you “Steven ask “I want to know did you risk you're medical license to cover for my granddaughter “Alan ask “No, Tea really did have a brain tumor you can look at her file if you want too”Steven said he pull out Tea file and handle it to Alan. “So it was true “Alan ask “Yes”Steven said “Thanks “Alan said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, March 27, 2017

Family part 1 ch 3

At Genevieve-Sunday Rose was downstairs in the living room when Genevieve came in carrying A’dora Belle. “Sunday Rose “Genevieve said “Mother I know it sounds cold but it's hard to see her and be neither her I wish I had a abortion “Sunday Rose said “It was you're idea to give her to you're father and I we would of support any decision you make”Genevieve said “I didn't think it would be hard to see her”Sunday Rose said “I know Baby but I'm not giving her away I know she wasn't made with love but when I look at A’dora Belle I see you what you look like as a baby “Genevieve said “I don't, Mother it's either her or me”Sunday Rose said “I can't do that I love you both,Now let's go to school “Genevieve said as the driver came in. “Ms. Sunday Rose , Are you ready “The driver ask “Yes she is now Sunday Rose we will talk more later, I love you go to school “Genevieve said she kiss Sunday Rose on the cheek and Sunday Rose left. Genevieve put A’dora Belle in the playpen and went by the closet and open the door and saw some cardboard box and pull them out. “Oh my God”Genevieve said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we're having coffee. “Lorenzo my father is a little suspicious of Tea brain tumor “Skye said “I know you hate this but it's the only way “Lorenzo said “I know “Skye said “Genevieve came over today , She wants to hire a man to make young Skye a sensory room, I think Genevieve wants to make projects instead of dealing with the pain”Lorenzo said “I will talk to her”Skye said as Luis and Lucas and Laurel came in. “Daddy, Mother we have some news”Laurel said “What is it”Skye ask “I'm going to carry a baby for Luis and Lucas “Laurel said Skye and Lorenzo share a look. “Where did this idea come from”Lorenzo ask “Lucas and I want one and Laurel say she would be our surrogate “Luis said “Laurel let's go talk”Skye said Skye and Laurel went to talk. “Luis, Do you really want to be a father “Lorenzo ask “Yes if you're worrying about my pills I'm done good”Luis said “I know you are son”Lorenzo said he put his arms around Luis.

“Laurel, Are you sure you can do this carry a baby and give it up “Skye ask “Yes Mother, It's my brother so I will be a part of this baby life”Laurel said “Are you use you're ovaries “Skye ask “Yes Mother, I know what I'm doing I want to do this I already went to the doctor and got checked out”Laurel said “If you want to do this I will support you”Skye said Laurel and Skye went by Lorenzo and Luis and Lucas. “You have our support on this “Skye said “Yes you do, Laurel I think this is wonderful for you to do, Lucas and Luis I'm happy for you both “Lorenzo said “Yes we are, You both will be great fathers “Skye said “We think so too “Lucas said “We are going to use Laurel ovaries so we know this baby will have great genes”Luis said “Yes it will, I think it's good that you're not use a strange, Have you told anyone else”Lorenzo ask “No, We want to tell you first “Luis said “We are glad you did, Are you going to tell the child about this “? Skye ask “We don't know yet”Laurel said “I sure go back to work”Lucas said “I have to go to”Laurel said “Luis, We need to talk about work “Lorenzo said Lucas and Laurel left. “I'm going to go to, Luis have you talk to Anna”Skye ask “Not yet”Luis said “Don't give up”Skye said and left to .

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family part 1 ch 2

At Genevieve-Genevieve came into the living room and pick up Sunday Rose clothes that were on the couch and went upstairs into Sunday Rose room she was sleeping. “Sunday Rose, Wake up “Genevieve said Sunday Rose wake up . “Mother, What is it”Sunday Rose ask “Why aren't you at school “Genevieve ask Sunday Rose got up. “I don't want to go to school anymore Mother “Sunday Rose said “Sunday Rose,You are going to school now go get ready “Genevieve said Sunday Rose did a heavy sigh and went into the bathroom. Genevieve left and went into A’Dora Belle room. A’dora Belle was crying and Genevieve pick her up and rocked her. “Mother here”Genevieve said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was talking to one of his man when Skye open the door and came in. “Sorry to interrupt “Skye said “You're fine, We are done here”Lorenzo said the man left. “Lorenzo I'm sorry “Skye said “Don't, Skye I need to tell you something I know I give the boys the business but some of my associates don't trust our sons so I want to go back and help the boys “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I don't care if you want to go back into the business we have always been honest with each other and I want you happy and I know it make you happy just keep our sons safe and you “Skye said “I will be safe I promise and I will keep our sons safe too”Lorenzo said “I know you will “Skye said they share a kiss.

At Genevieve-A’dora Belle room-Genevieve was rocking her as Sunday Rose came in. “Mother, Do you love her”Sunday Rose ask “Yes I do, Sunday Rose you need to deal with A’dora Belle “Genevieve said “Honesty Mother I can't stand being in the same house as her! Seen her! I wish I never had her “Sunday Rose yelled “Sunday Rose, Don't say that “Genevieve said “It's true, I don't know if I can handle this mother seen her”Sunday Rose said “Then what do you suggest I do”Genevieve ask “Give her away “Sunday Rose said “That's not going to happened, Now let's get you to school “Genevieve said “You're so unfair! Sunday Rose yelled and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Family ch 1

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was at home looking at a picture of Tea that was on the fireplace. “Tea, I'm sorry and I know you would understand what I did I had to protect my daughter and I know you would do it to”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came in. “Daddy “Genevieve said Lorenzo turned around. “Genevieve, It's good to see you, Why are you here”Lorenzo ask as he walk to Genevieve and kiss her on the cheek. “I need you're help, Is mother here”Genevieve ask “No she had a meeting, Now what is it”Lorenzo ask Genevieve put out a file. “I want to hire this man to make Skye a sensory room and her teacher recommended this man to do it but I know how you want to do a background check on them”Genevieve said “Yes I do, I have to protect our family “Lorenzo said “Yes I also need him to build me a new closet so I was hoping you could have it done soon”Genevieve said “So instead of going back to work or deal with the pain you are going to decorate you're house “Lorenzo said “I don't want to practice law anymore Daddy I need this”Genevieve said Lorenzo went by the bar and pour a drink. “I will check him out , But Genevieve the pain will still be there and you will have deal with it”Lorenzo said “I know Daddy “Genevieve said as Lorenzo men came in. “Sorry Mr.Alcazar we need to talk”The man said Lorenzo went by Genevieve. “I will have that information as soon as I can”Lorenzo said “Thanks Daddy “Genevieve said she kiss her father on the cheek and left. Lorenzo closed the door.”What is it”Lorenzo ask “It's the shipment they want you to handle it not you're sons”The man said “Then I will, I was never really gone “Lorenzo said

At Rae/Rick-Rae and Skye and Alan were having breakfast together. “I'm glad Genevieve got the help she needed “Alan said “Me too”Skye said “Skye, Did Tea really have a brain tumor “Alan ask “From what Dr. Webber told us yes”Skye said “I just hope it's true., Dr. Webber is a great doctor and I would hate for him to risk his license for anyone “Alan said “I know Daddy, Thanks for what you did for my daughter too “Skye said “You're welcome “Alan said “Therapy has help Genevieve she let go of the pain and anger with Lorenzo and I and doesn't want Lorenzo to always fix her problems “Skye said “That's good, Is Lorenzo okay with it”Rae ask “I think he miss it”Skye said “How is the center going “Alan ask “Great, I sure go thanks for everything “Skye said and left. “Alan, Do you think that Dr. Webber is lying “Rae ask “Yes I do”Alan said “No”Rae said

At AJ/Lydia-AJ was on the phone with Constanza . “I miss you too but I'm glad you're happy in Llanview! AJ said and hang up the phone.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 43

At General Hospital-Alan and Monica were their when Steve Webber came by, “Steve, How was you're vacation “Alan ask “It was nice, Have you seen Tea she had a appointment with me this morning “Steve said “Steve , Tea dead”Monica said “No I was too late “Steve said “What is going on”Alan ask “Tea had a Brain tumor and I wanted her to start treatment before I went on vacation she wanted to wait, Was it the tumor “Steve ask, “We know that Tea was in a car accident “Alan said as Constanza came in. “Constanza, What are you doing here “Alan ask “I found this in my mother things did my mother have a brain tumor “Constanza ask “Yes, I wanted Tea to get treatment “Steve said “I also found a note Genevieve didn't hit my mother it was suicide my mother wanted to die she must of hit Genevieve car “Constanza said as she cried, “Constanza I'm sorry about this I love you “Alan said “I love you to Grandfather I just wish my mother didn't do this . Could my mother of beat the tumor “Constanza ask “It would of killed Tea in the long run”Steve said “I'm glad I know the truth,I'm going to tell Genevieve when she gets back “Constanza said “Constanza that's big of you”Monica said “I didn't like all the angry I was feeling “Constanza said “It's not good to feel angry “Alan said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Genevieve and Lorenzo and Skye came in and Lorenzo Jr and Skye and A’dora Belle were in the playpen with the nanny, “My babies “Genevieve said and pick up Skye. “Mommy home for good ,Where is Sunday Rose “Genevieve ask as Sunday Rose came in. “Mother “Sunday Rose said Genevieve give Skye to her mother and went by Sunday Rose. “Sunday Rose, I love you and we are going to get our life back “Genevieve said she hug her daughter. “I love you to Mother,I'm glad you're home “Sunday Rose said Genevieve touch Sunday Rose hair. “Thanks, Why don't you get you're belongings we are going home “Genevieve said Sunday Rose went upstairs. “Genevieve you can stay here”Lorenzo said “Daddy in rehab I learn that I really on you too much and I can't do that anymore ,You and mother have you're life and I have mine”Genevieve said “You're right I just don't want you to push yourself “Lorenzo said “I will be fine”Genevieve said as Constanza came in. “Constanza, Why are you here “Genevieve ask “Genevieve it's good to see you I know you think you killed my mother when you were driving after you been drinking but you didn't “Constanza said “What are you talking about “Genevieve ask “I just learned that mother had a Brain tumor and it was a suicide you didn't killed my mother “Constanza said “I don't know what to say”Genevieve said “I sure be mad that you all try to keep the truth from me, Mother was family too but I get it you both were protected you're daughter “Constantza said “I'm still sorry you lose you're mother “Genevieve said “Thanks,I'm glad I know the truth I'm moving back to Llanview with Dani “Constanza said “It will never be the same for us will it “Genevieve ask “No”Constanza said and left.

“So I didn't killed Tea”Genevieve said “No it's over “Lorenzo said “I'm going to get the children belonging “Genevieve said and left . Skye closed the door.”Lorenzo I know that was you,Tea didn't have a tumor did she”Skye ask Lorenzo just look at Skye.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 42

At LA-Rehabilitation center-Genevieve and Lorenzo and Skye came in. “Genevieve you're back’ The doctor said “I'm going home “Genevieve said “Genevieve,You haven't finished you're recovering “The doctor said “Skye take Genevieve to get her belongings I will handle this”Lorenzo said “Daddy just be nice “Genevieve said and left with Skye. “My daughter is leaving this center she will finished her recovery at home now how much money is the bill”Lorenzo ask as he pull out the checkbook.

Genevieve and Skye were packed Genevieve things. “Mother I'm scared “Genevieve said “This is one of the hardest part living in the real world where alcohol is but you can do this think about you're baby's “Skye said “I been thinking about them while I'm here,I hope Sunday Rose and I can fix it,”Genevieve said “I believe you can “Skye said “How is Nikolas -Alexander “Genevieve ask,”I don't know his been working and staying at his place “Skye said “His a good man , His been seeing Jenny Jack a lot “Genevieve said as Lorenzo came in. “Are you ready to leave “Lorenzo ask “Yes, Is it ok to leave “Genevieve ask “Yes I paid you're bill, We are all set”Lorenzo said “I do love how powerful you are Daddy, I like that Alexander was powerful too “Genevieve said “I know it does get you want you want”Lorenzo said “I can't wait to hold my babies “Genevieve said and they left.

At Port Charles-At Tea house-Constanza was looking at a piece of paper it was a medical notes from Tea doctor and their was another note from Tea by it. “No”Constanza said as Blair came in. “Constanza , Are you okay “Blair ask “Mother was sick, She had a tumor “Constanza said she show Blair the notes. “It was suicide , Genevieve didn't killed my mother I have to tell her”Constanza said “Are you sure “Blair ask “Yes Genevieve loved my mother and she family she just been lost without Alexander “Constanza said “You're a good person “Blair said “I'm glad I found the truth I was so angry and I don't like it”Constanza

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 41

At LA-Restaurant-Genevieve and Skye and Lorenzo were their having dinner. “Who watching my youngest children “Genevieve ask “Nikolas and Emily they want to see them”Skye said “Oh that's fine we can trust them besides they are the grandparents too, Did Sunday Rose and A’dora Belle go too”Genevieve ask “Yes”Skye said “I called Sunday Rose but she not picked up”Genevieve said “Genevieve, Sunday Rose is a little angry that you went away “Skye said “I figure, Did she tell you anything else”Genevieve ask “No Sunday Rose is you're daughter for sure she doesn't do feeling and I'm worrying about her feelings towards A’dora Belle she had to breastfeed her the other day and she act like it was a favor for her sister not take care of her daughter “Skye said “I been worrying about Sunday Rose since she learned she was pregnant I know this was going to be hard on her “Genevieve said “Well Sunday Rose will get though it”Lorenzo said “Yea, Daddy I have a question when you and Luis burned Valentin he was dead right “Genevieve ask “Yes he really was dead, Why are you asking “Lorenzo ask “I just want to be sure his gone”Genevieve said “He is don’ t think about him anymore and Genevieve it will not change anything if he is Bianca father, She still you're daughter and Alexander just let the past go”Lorenzo said “I think you're father is right “Skye said “Did you go to Tea funeral “Genevieve ask,”I did go to the burden it was just like Tea wanted “Lorenzo said “I hated that she gone, I hurt my best friend for sure “Genevieve said “Genevieve you have to keep quiet “Lorenzo said “Part of my recovery is to take responsibility for what I did in drinking, I could confess and get community service “Genevieve said “No I loved Tea to but I can't have you do that “Lorenzo said “I just hate myself “Genevieve said “I know, But we can all go down “Lorenzo said “Also in my recovering I have let all the anger go”Genevieve said “That's good, It does feel good to let it go”Skye said “I do feel different I want to be a better mother to my children “Genevieve said “Good and you will “Lorenzo said “I don't know if I will keep my law office, I think I sure do something else “Genevieve said “You will fine something, Genevieve do you think you're well enough to come home “Lorenzo said Genevieve was in shock and got up and so did Lorenzo he went by Genevieve and touch her face “Genevieve I think you sure come home, You can get more help at home “Lorenzo said “Daddy I can't go to General Hospital AA meeting “Genevieve said as Skye got up . “Genevieve you could just get a sponsor I could sponsor you “Skye said “Yes I want to go home even though it's scary “Genevieve said “Good , Let's go get you're belongings “Lorenzo said they left.

At Port Charles-Nikolas and Emily house-Sunday Rose was looking at a picture of her parents. “I miss you Daddy “Sunday Rose said as Emily came in. “Sunday Rose I know you're anger at you're mother but she loves you so much, Genevieve just missed you're father “Emily said “I loved him too “Sunday Rose said “Yes but it's not the same as the love Genevieve has for him”Emily said “I know, I wish we could be happy “Sunday Rose said “Me too, How are you doing about the rape “Emily ask “The nightmares have stopped I think I'm finally almost normal I will never stop dealing with it but I'm in a good place I can sleep without thinking about it “Sunday Rose said “I didn't tell you this but I was raped to and I always have the pain but it doesn't have control over me “Emily said “Who raped you”Sunday Rose ask “It doesn't matter but his gone I think that helped “Emily said ‘Yes I was glad that Papa took care of him”Sunday Rose said “Me too”Emily said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 40

At LA-Rehabilitation center-Genevieve room-Genevieve and Skye and Lorenzo and the therapist were in the room. “The secrets is about my late daughter Blanca I don't know who her father is and I may never know it could be Alexander uncle Valentin I'm not even sure happened that night “Genevieve said “Did Valentin rape you”Lorenzo ask “He could've of , Alexander and I went to the Cassadine islands for a romantic weekend well we had a fight and I need to cool down so I went to look around the house and I went to the towers and Valentin was there and we talk his very charming and all I remember is wake up and Valentin was in the bed with me and I try to ask him what happened and he disappeared “Genevieve said “Disappeared “The therapist ask “Yes Valentin is great at mind games and disappearing, Mikkos his father hated Valentin and never loved him so Valentin wants to make the Cassadine pay especially my husband because the Cassadine loved him, I will never know who Blanca father is but I guess it doesn't matter they are both gone”Genevieve said “But it's eating you”Skye said “Yes, But how can we find out”Genevieve said “We can look at Bianca medical charts , You need to know”Lorenzo said “Yes to but then I keep thinking if Valentin is the father how mad he would be just like when I give Bianca up “Genevieve said “How did you both feel when Genevieve give Bianca away “The therapists ask “This sure be fun”Genevieve said “We didn't want Genevieve to give Bianca away, I had my own issues with it,I was stolen as a baby and sold on the blackmarket I was a unwanted child and went I found the truth I was angry and I had my own issue and I was worrying that Bianca would have them too”Skye said “I didn't want Genevieve to give the baby away we even say we would raise Bianca but Genevieve rather have strange raised Bianca then us”Lorenzo said “Daddy, You know why I didn't want you and Mother to raise my children, What you do for a living I was trying to be a good mother even though I wasn't raise her”Genevieve said “I know my work isn't normal but it is a great living we have all the money we want you're an heiress on both sides, Yes we had to have bodyguards but you never wanted for anything “Lorenzo said “I just wanted a father who had a job I could talk about with
my friends but it doesn't meant I don't love you Daddy or not worry about you and now my brothers,I'm not that cold”Genevieve said “I know and it's fine that you are not okay with what I do for a living “Lorenzo said “Genevieve, Is their anything else you want to say”The therapists said “Mother, Why did you always dress all of us girls in the same dresses “Genevieve said “I wanted a family I always did and I finally had one and I wanted us to be happy and just a little perfect that's all, Are you angry about it”Skye ask “No I was just wondering “Genevieve said “Are we done “Lorenzo ask “I think so for now”The therapists said “Good,I want to take my wife and daughter out to dinner “Lorenzo said “We have to ask the doctor “The therapist said “Go, I want to freshen up “Genevieve said Skye and Lorenzo and the therapist left.

Genevieve went into the bathroom and look into the mirror and thought she saw. Valentin. “Valentin,You are dead you have to be dead I'm just seeing you it's just a game”Genevieve said “No I'm not dead I'm just alive as you are! Valentin yelled “No you're dead! Genevieve yelled

In the Hallway -Skye and Lorenzo we're talking to the doctor. “We want to take Genevieve out for the night it will be good for her “Skye said “Sure it's fine Genevieve is doing great “The doctor said “Good, Oh next time I call to check on my daughter someone better answer “Lorenzo said “Yes sir”The doctor said “Oh and if anyone touch my daughter just remember what I do for a living “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo ,Let's go”Skye said as Genevieve came out she was trying not to believe that Valentin was alive that it was just the guilt from killing him. “Genevieve you look great “Skye said “Thanks Mother “Genevieve said “Let's go”Lorenzo said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 39

At LA-Rehabilitation center-Genevieve was in her room talking to the therapist. Genevieve was stand up. “I miss Alexander so much ,We wasted so much time apart and we will never get it back “Genevieve said as she cried and The therapists moved closer to Genevieve. “I'm sorry about you're husband he was a lucky man “The therapist said he touch Genevieve face and wipe her tears as Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Genevieve “Skye said “Genevieve Rae “Lorenzo said Genevieve move away from her therapists. “Mother, Daddy, Why are you here”Genevieve ask “Can we talk to our daughter alone “Lorenzo ask “Sure”The therapists said and left. “Why are you both here, Is it my children “Genevieve ask “The children are find “Skye said “Yes we were just checking on ours you haven't answered my phone call “Lorenzo said “I have been busy that's all, I'm getting help”Genevieve said “We are glad you're getting help , Genevieve the way you're therapist was looking at you “Skye said “Mother, I'm never going to fall in love again Alexander is the last man I will ever love “Genevieve said “Don't close you're heart off”Skye said “If God forbidden we lose Daddy you would not move on either “Genevieve said “You're right”Skye said “I been thinking a lot about Alexander , Mother remember the day Alexander first saw me in the park when I was a baby “Genevieve said “Yes I remember, Alexander say he would marry you when you both were older and I thought it was cute”Skye said as the therapist came back in. “Since you are both here, We could have a session “The therapist said “Sure I think that's a great idea “Skye said They sit down. “Mrs. Alcazar you sure go first “The therapist said “Alright, Genevieve I know that you are grieving for Alexander and are in pain but I wish you didn't drink and it all come to this you here when you sure be with you're children and Tea”Skye said “I hate what I did to”Genevieve said “Where were you going when you had the children in the car”Skye ask “I don't remember, I'm just glad the children were in their car seats,If I hurt them it would kill me, Daddy I'm sorry about Tea “Genevieve said “I know you are”Lorenzo said “Genevieve I'm sorry to, I give this to you,I'm a alcoholic and you inherited it from me”Skye said “Mother as much as it would be easy for me to blame you I can't , I pour the alcohol not you “Genevieve said “True , I'm glad you realized that it's a big step “Skye said “Yes it is “Lorenzo said “Genevieve are their any secrets you need to tell that will help you're recovery “The therapists ask “No”Genevieve said as she got up and look at the window.

“Genevieve, You have a secret “Skye said Genevieve look at her mother, “I'm not going to talk about it”Genevieve said “Genevieve ,,You have been doing a great job on you're recovery it's only us”The therapists said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 38

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica were talking, “What will you do if it come out that Genevieve did this and you covered it up you could lose you're license “Monica said “I planned on retired anyway “Alan said “Can you live with this “Monica ask “Yes, I do hate this I love Constanza too”Alan said “I know you do”Monica said as AJ came in. “AJ, Why are you here”Alan ask “I want answers Dad did Genevieve do this and are you covering for Genevieve , Do you love my daughter “AJ ask “I love Constanza and Genevieve the same and I have done nothing wrong “Alan said “Mother, Did Genevieve hit Tea car? Was she drinking “AJ ask Monica look at Alan. “I look at Genevieve file she wasn't drinking,I'm sorry “Monica said “Thank you for looking into it ,The girls just need some closure in the dead of their mother “AJ said “Yes they do, AJ you're a good father “Alan said “Thanks Father “AJ said and left, “Thank you Monica “Alan said “You're not the only one who loves Genevieve “Monica said

At Luis/Lucas-Luis was at home when Lucas and Laurel came in. “Laurel, What is going on”Luis ask “I heard you both want a baby and I will like to help”Laurel said “You want to be our surrogate “Luis ask “Yes, We our family “Laurel said “Thank you, Father not to crazy about Lucas and I having a child “Luis said “Daddy will come around,Mother will help him”Laurel said “Yes, So where do we get started “Luis ask

At Nikolas/Emily-Nikolas and Emily came in with Skye and Lorenzo Jr and A’dora Belle and Sunday Rose. “Sunday Rose, You can pick any extra room and if you need anything “Nikolas said “Just my father “Sunday Rose said “We miss Alexander too he loved you so much “Nikolas said “Thanks Grandfather,I wish my mother could help me with this too”Sunday Rose said “Me too,You're mother loves you”Emily said “Yea”Sunday Rose said and went upstairs. “Skye, Worrying about Sunday Rose and so I'm “Emily said “Sunday Rose has a right to be angry “Nikolas said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 37

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we're in the living room when Nikolas and Emily came in. “Why are you here “Lorenzo ask “We are here to talk to you both we have a right to see our grandchildren too and we want to be in their life too “Nikolas said ‘How can we be sure you will not take the twins and leave the state”Lorenzo ask “We will not take the grandchildren and leave town we just want to be apart of there life”Emily said “I know you both would not take the children and run, You both our their grandparents too”Skye said “Yes we are,Skye and Lorenzo Jr are the only connection to our son and A’dora Belle too”Nikolas said “I guess we can trust you both, We need to check on Genevieve you can take the youngest children today, Sunday Rose is out she been staying with Nikolas-Alexander,”Lorenzo said “We will check on her, We hope Genevieve feels better our son loved Genevieve “Emily said “Both of them”Nikolas said “The children are in the nursery room “Skye said Emily and Nikolas went upstairs. “You want to check on Genevieve “Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “Fine I know you're not going to stop worrying till we do, Do you think it's okay that they take A’dora Belle”Skye said “I think Sunday Rose will be fine about it”Lorenzo said as Sunday Rose came in. “Sunday Rose, I'm glad you're here, Nikolas and Emily are going to take Skye and Lorenzo for a couple of nights is it okay that they take A’dora Belle too”Skye ask “Yes it's find you don't have to ask me,I'm not her mother “Sunday Rose said Skye touch Sunday Rose face. “It's okay to feel something and open up”Skye said “I'm fine Nana”Sunday Rose said “Good, We are going to check on you're mother “Lorenzo said “Do you want to come with us”Skye ask “No”Sunday Rose said “You're upset with Genevieve aren't you,”Skye ask “Yes my mother sure be here she not the only who lose Daddy “Sunday Rose said ‘You're right you both lose Alexander “Skye said as Nikolas and Emily came in with Skye and Lorenzo Jr. and A’dora Belle, “Sunday Rose, Do you want to come with us”Emily ask “Sure, Let me get my belongings”Sunday Rose said she left. ,”Emily I will get you Skye pills “Skye said Emily and Skye went to talk .

“Lorenzo,I'm glad you took care of Andrea, She got what she deserved “Nikolas said “Yes she did, In away she took both our children “Lorenzo said

“Emily, I'm worrying about Sunday Rose she upset with Genevieve and she hasn't deal with A’dora Belle “Skye said “I will talk to Sunday Rose and I promise you that Nikolas will not take off with the children I will not let him”Emily said “I trust you both “Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 36

At Kelly's-Sunday Rose and Anna were hanging out having fries. “Sunday Rose, I have some new, My mother told me who my father is “Anna said “Who is it”Sunday Rose ask “It wasn't good news but the only good thing is that we are family, Luis is my father “Anna said “Wow, We our cousin, Why aren't you happy about it”Sunday Rose ask “I also found out what happened between our families, My Great Grandmother Anna was The Police commander and was murder in this town”Anna said “By Papa”Sunday Rose ask “Yes I guess they could never prove it was Lorenzo”Anna said “Uncle Luis is a great man you sure get to know him”Sunday Rose said “Their more, My Grandfather was behind the kidnapped of you're grandmother and went to jail for it”Anna said “I remember that anyway you can't let the past stop you from getting to know Uncle Luis “Sunday Rose said “Maybe, How are you “Anna ask “I'm so angry at my mother for not being here for me when I need her, She not the only one who missing Daddy “Sunday Rose said “I guess we are both mess up “Anna said “Yes, I know it's completely but Papa and Nana are great and so is Aunt Skylar and Aunt Laurel and Uncle John”Sunday Rose said “I may give it a try ‘Anna said “Good”Sunday Rose said

At General Hospital-Lucas was at the nurse station looking at the computer for surrogate when Laurel came by. “Why are you looking up surrogate “Laurel ask “Luis and I want to have a baby “Lucas said “I didn't know that my brother want a child “Laurel said “Yes we both do , We just wish we could have a family member carry a baby for us “Lucas said ‘Maybe you can”Laurel said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was at home on the phone. “Genevieve, Why aren't you pick up ? Look what I say in therapy doesn't mean I don't love you,Princess please pick up I'm starting to worry “Lorenzo said as Skye came in and Lorenzo hang up the phone. “Skye I'm worrying Genevieve not pick up her phone “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo,Genevieve is with doctors she fine , I'm sure she just busy with therapy “Skye said “I still think we sure go check on Genevieve “Lorenzo said “What about the children “Skye ask

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 35

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Skye were still having breakfast. “I just hope when Genevieve comes home she better and acts like the old Genevieve the one I fight with “Skye said “I hope so too”Alan said as Monica came in. “Alan , Skye while you both are here having breakfast I was with AJ and our granddaughter who just lose her mother “Monica said “Monica,I'm sorry about Tea I loved her she was my family too and I love Constanza too but I have to protect my daughter and I know you would do the same for you're children, Genevieve is getting help and she can't go to jail Genevieve the only parent to the children “Skye said “I get Genevieve made a mistake by drinking and driving but a woman died”Monica said ‘I know it kills me to hide this “Skye said as Tracy came in. “What's going on, Monica I hope you don't turn you're back on Genevieve we are family and we protect each other that's just want we do, What Daddy wanted us to do, Yes it's horrible that a woman died but having Genevieve going to jail will not bring back Tea”Tracy said “I just hate having to lie to my son and granddaughter “Monica said “I do hate that too,I know this is going to ruin thing with AJ and I “Skye said “AJ would do the same thing, Skye you are a mother first and sure not apologize for protection you're daughter, I have always love Genevieve so I'm on you're side on this “Tracy said “Thanks you Tracy,Monica I hope you keep quiet about this “Skye said and left,

“Monica “Alan said “For now I will keep quiet it's just so hard to watch our granddaughter say goodbye to her mother “Monica said “I hate it too, I love Constanza too “Alan said “Monica, Just keep quiet about it you don't want to piss off Lorenzo “Tracy said “Tracy “Alan said “You know I'm right, Lorenzo would do anything for his children “Tracy said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 34

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was their when Skye came in. “Skye, I'm glad we can do this , Breakfast has just been sit up , Do you want some coffee “Alan ask “Sure, Dad what is it you look worrying “Skye ask “Monica knows and I'm not sure if she will keep quiet about this”Alan said “No, I do hate what my daughter did but Genevieve can't handle jail and the children, I do hate that Genevieve is drinking we sure of stop it a long time ago “Skye said “Skye, Are you okay “Alan ask “I blame myself for this pass off the alcoholism to Genevieve it's in my genes that one of my children would get it , I just never thought it would be Genevieve she always been so strong “Skye said “I think losing Alexander was the break point we all have one”Alan said “Yes I agree I just hope Genevieve stop this”Skye said “Me too”Alan said “I hate lying to AJ “Skye said “Me too”Alan said

At The graveyard-AJ and Lydia and Dani and Constanza and Blair and Monica and Michael were their. “We loved you and will miss you “Dani said “Always “Constanza said “Dani and Constanza you will always have family who are here for you”Monica said “Thanks Grandmother “Constanza said Blair sing another song as they burned Tea. Lorenzo came by, “Tea, I will always miss you I do love you are my cousin “Lorenzo said “If you loved Tea then why would you cover for Genevieve we all know she hit my mother “Dani said “It was just an accident, You both are family and we love you “Lorenzo said and left. “Dani be careful “AJ said “I will”Dani said

At Luis/Lucas-Luis and Lucas we're looking at the computer about getting a surrogate. “We should find someone we can trust to carrying our baby”Luis said “Yes but who “Lucas ask as their was a knock on the door Luis open it was Lorenzo. “Father, Why are you here”Luis ask “I just wanted to see how you are I know last night was hard”Lorenzo said “I'm fine Father, We are going to look into having a surrogate carrying our baby”Luis said “Lucas, Can I talk to my son”Lorenzo said “Sure, I have to go to work anyway “Lucas said and left. “Luis, I love you and you are doing so great but do you really want a child “Lorenzo ask “Yes I want a son, Don't you want me to have a son to carry on are last name “Luis ask “I just want you and think about this alright “Lorenzo ask “I will Father”Luis said “Good”Lorenzo said

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 33

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was downstairs on the phone. “Genevieve please pick up ,I still love you even after what I said “Lorenzo said as Skye came in the room and Lorenzo hang up the phone.”What's going on”Skye ask “Genevieve not pick up her phone and either is the doctor “Lorenzo said “I'm sure Genevieve is fine, Did you put bodyguards on Genevieve “Skye ask “Yes, I just have a feeling that Genevieve is upset with me”Lorenzo said “Just give Genevieve time she has a lot of healing to go through “Skye said “Yes I guess so I just wish the doctor would answer, Skye do you still blame yourself for Genevieve drinking “Lorenzo ask “Yes I do still it was my worst fear that one of our children will drink , This isn't the first time Genevieve was drinking, Remember “Skye ask “Yes after it came out that Victor killed Alexander “Lorenzo said “Yes, I wish we got Genevieve help then anyway I'm going to see my father this morning “Skye said “Good, I sure go see Luis “Lorenzo said “Yes, The nannies are with the children, Sunday Rose is still with Nikolas-Alexander “Skye said “I hope Sunday Rose is ok”Lorenzo said “I have a feelings Sunday Rose is upset with Genevieve “Skye said “I hope they can fix it”Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo left.

At A church-Tea funeral-Dani and Constanza and Blair and Monica and AJ and Lydia and Michael were their. “We are here to say goodbye to a mother and lawyer and best friend and wife “The father said Constanza got up. “I wasn't raise by my mother it's completely but we thought she was dead and I was raised by my father and stepmother and sister and aunt and uncle and cousins but I'm glad that my mother wasn't dead I was angry but I was glad to have my mother back I just wish I could have her back again! I love you and I will never forget those who took you from me”Constanza said and sit down. Blair got up. “I used to hated Tea it's a long story but I'm glad we put it behind us and become friends I will watch over you're children, I will miss you Tea”Blair said and sit down as Dani got up. ‘Mom I'm glad we made up from the past I love you and I wish you were still here with us, Constanza and I will fine you're killer “Dani said and sit down as AJ got up. “Tea I care for you and thanks for giving me Constanza “AJ said and sit down as Blair got up again and singing a song as they carrying Tea casket out..

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 32

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo came into the living room. “I'm worrying about Luis “Lorenzo said “Me too,I didn't realize that Luis want a child that bad , Did you know “Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said “Maybe tomorrow you sure talk to him”Skye said “Yes but let's go to bed”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye. “I miss you Skye it's been a while “Lorenzo said “Yes it has, Let me check on the children then I'm all yours “Skye said “Sounds good”Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo went upstairs.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica were talking. “I can't believe you are blackmailed me! You're own wife! Monica yelled as Tracy came in. “Did someone say blackmail “Tracy ask “Yes, Alan I didn't realize that you love you're own granddaughter more then me”Monica said “That's not true, I love you Monica but I'm also saving Genevieve “Alan said “This is all going to come out soon”Monica said “Are you going to tell AJ? Look Genevieve went to get help she wants to stop drinking. It was just one mistake “Alan said “The same mistake that you hate AJ for “Monica said “So Genevieve had been drinking before she got into the car? Tracy ask “Yes,I will not apologize for saying my granddaughter “Alan said “You were doing what we have always done in this family we protect each other “Tracy said “Thank you, Monica I know this is hard but we have to keep this secret “Alan said “I'm going to bed, Alan slept in the guest room tonight “Monica said she left, “I did what I had to do”Alan said “Yes you did, I would do the same thing and so would Monica because that's what we do”Tracy said ‘Yes, I just hope Genevieve gets the help she need “Alan said “Me too”Tracy said

At Luis/Lucas-Lucas and Luis were talking. “So it didn't go well”Lucas ask “Anna hates what my family did to hers”Luis said “I'm sorry “Lucas said “I wish we had a child “Luis said “I want one too, We could adopted one”Lucas said “Not with what I do for a living “Luis said “What about surrogacy? Lucas ask”We could look into that”Luis said “Good,Give Anna time she will come around “Lucas said “I hope so “ Luis said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 31

At Emma-Emma and Luis we're talking. “You got what you wanted our daughter doesn't like me”Luis said “That's not why I lied , It was the right thing to do with what you and you're father do for a living I had to keep my daughter safe “Emma said as Anna came in. “I don't want to know you the only family members I care about is Sunday Rose she a great friend to me that's it “Anna said “I want to know you,Maybe after you cool down you will see, I see some Alcazar in you and when you're ready I will be their “Luis said and left. “Anna , I don't want you to use the past against Luis his a good man”Emma said “You love him still “Anna ask “I know the good man Luis is and I want you to see that in him”Emma said “Did you take out what happened between the families on Genevieve “Anna ask “Genevieve never prove of what Lorenzo does for a living the reason we stop being friends is because she was busy I sure give it a try I know Genevieve is missing Alexander like hell”Emma said “Sunday Rose say Genevieve went out of town to rest”Anna said “Huh”Emma said “I'm going to bed,Mother thank you for being honest with me “Anna said “You're welcome “Emma said Anna kiss Emma and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was in the den went Monica came in. “Alan , I have to ask do you want to lose you're license “Monica ask “What are you talking about “Alan ask “I know you're cover for Genevieve “Monica said “You would do the same too, Genevieve needs help not prison time, Genevieve a mother of small children who need her”Alan said “Alan, Have you thought about Constanza she our granddaughter too”Monica said “I know and I love Constanza too but I will protest Genevieve and so will you “Alan said “AJ is looking into this and he wants answers for his daughter “Monica said “We will just have to tell AJ what he want to heard “Alan said “Why would I help you”Monica ask “If you don't I will divorce you and take the house “Alan said “You would not dare”Monica said “You want beat”Alan ask

At Luis/Lucas-Luis came in he was upset that Anna didn't want to be his daughter Luis want a child so bad when their was a knock on the it was Skye and Lorenzo. “Luis, We saw Anna on the docks she told us that she doesn't want to know you “Lorenzo said “Yes my daughter hates me I finally have a daughter and she hate me”Luis said “Luis give it time “Skye said “I really hope that works I really want a child “Luis said Skye and Lorenzo share a look.,”I know you both think I sure not have a child because of my bipolar but I want one and I have it under control “Luis said “Yes you do , We love you and will support you”Skye said “Yes I'm sorry that Anna hate you it was part my fault”Lorenzo said “It's okay, Anna a lot like us I see it in her”Luis said “We sure go, If you need anything call us”Lorenzo said they left .

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 30

At Emma-Emma and Anna were at home. “Anna I need to tell you something it's time I tell you about who you're father is “Emma said “You're going to tell me finally the truth “Anna said “Yes”Emma said “Who is it”Anna ask “I just want to let you know I have reasons of why I keep the truth I did him and I was hurt when it ended but also our families have history between each other”Emma said “Who is it”Anna ask “It's Luis Alcazar “Emma said “Sunday Rose uncle? His gay”Anna ask “Yes we slept together before Luis came out he try to fight it”Emma said “Why did you keep the truth “Anna ask “Luis has always broken the law I want to keep you safe so I lied “Emma said “Why are you telling me know “Anna ask “Because I'm sick of secret I told Luis he want to know you”Emma said “Is it true that Luis father killed Grandmother “Anna ask “Their was never proved but yes, We all had a feeling “Emma said “What else”Anna ask “Skye was poised by a woman who prepared to be her late daughter and everyone thought Skye was dead because my father had a hand in fake Skye dead “Emma said “Wow! Did Grandfather go to jail”Anna ask “Yes for a while “Emma said “Lorenzo killed him”Anna said as their was a knock on the door it was Luis. “Anna , You know I would like to know you “Luis said “I don't want to know you,I'm glad mother keep me from you! It's not because you're gay it's because of the family's history with each other “Anna said “Anna”Emma said ‘Mother ,I'm going to get some air”Anna said and left. “Why did you tell her”Luis ask “For the first time in my daughter life I decided not to lie”Emma said “You only waiting till now because Anna is almost eighteen and I can't get custody,I had a right to know “Luis said and left.

On the Docks-Skye and Lorenzo we're walking when Anna came by, “Anna”Skye said “So you're my grandparents, I don't want to know him or you I'm not a Alcazar “Anna said “Why are you upset “Lorenzo ask “I know what you did to my namesake “Anna said “I'm in a line of work that I have to make hard choices but I love my family “Lorenzo said “I hated that I never meet My grandmother because of you! Skye I'm sorry for what my Grandfather did to you,This is the last time I will talk to you both “Anna said “What about Luis,Our son wants to know you”Skye said “I never need a father “Anna said and left. “This isn't good “Skye said “No it's not”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 29

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye and Lorenzo we're having dinner. “I'm glad that Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander are close “Skye said “Yes “Lorenzo said “Are you okay about Luis news”Skye ask “Anna going to hate me when she finds out what I did to her namesake “Lorenzo said “Probably ‘Skye said “Whatever happened we can get through it”Lorenzo said “Yes we can”Skye said Skye took Lorenzo hand.

At General Hospital-Alan office-Monica went into Alan office and look around for Genevieve file when Alan came in. “Monica, What are you doing here”Alan ask “I just came to see you, If you want to get some dinner “Monica said “Sure”Alan said Alan and Monica left.

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye and Lorenzo we're having dinner when Dani and Constanza and Blair and Lydia and AJ came in. “Skye, Here”Lydia said “Yes that's nice let's get a table “AJ said they pass by Skye who hated that, “AJ hates me “Skye said “AJ not perfect either he did the same thing that Genevieve did “Lorenzo said “Yes but Jason didn't die he just end up brain damage “Skye said “That's as close as dead”Lorenzo said “Do you think this is our fault? Sure we really be covered in up”Skye ask “It's not our fault Genevieve is a adult and yes we are doing the right thing “Lorenzo said “I hope so”Skye said

“Daddy, Why didn't you say hi to Skye “Constanza ask “I just don't feel like talking to Skye I want to be with my daughter “AJ said

Copyright by Skye's the limit