Monday, March 4, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 52

 At General Hospital-Josslyn was in the hallway waiting on news about Dex when Alexis and Jax and Carly came by.”Josslyn, Are you alright “Carly ask “Yes, I walked in the coffee shop after “Josslyn said “Thank God, Why were you there? I thought it was over between you both”Jax ask “Jax”Carly said as Skye and Lila Rae and Gabriella came by,”How is our brother “You still think of him as your brother‘Josslyn ask “Yes , Dex is family no matter what “Gabriella said “His still in surgery “Josslyn said “First you’re plane crash and now the shooting, I wonder if it’s connected “Alexis said “I thought with Lorenzo in jail the danger goes”Jax said “No it doesn’t, Please don’t make this into something “Skye said as she went to sit down she was feeling exhausted and worrying as Carly sit by her,’We both know a new mob boss could be on the way it’s the way it works”Carly said “Yes it is”Skye said as Tea and Daniella came by,”How is my son! I want to see him now! I demand it”Tea yelled as Skye got up,”Tea,Dex is in surgery just stay calm, Try too”Skye said “We are just getting to know each other “I know”Skye said as Mac came by.”Josslyn, Did you see anything “No”

Gabriella's secret phone rang and she looked at it was Lorenzo she went to take it.”I don’t know anything yet his in surgery “Gabriella said as Skye came by and Gabriella hang up the phone.”Why did your secret phone ring,It was your father wasn’t it”Yes he heard about Dex”Oh”We are all connected still “Yes I know, This is what I wish I could protect you from the violence your father lifestyle is”Skye said 

Carly was comfortable Josslyn .”I still love him mom”Oh Jose I wish I could’ve of stopped you from loving a man like this you deserve to love someone who not in the lifestyle “I know but I don’t regret it”Josslyn said as Tea came by.”Thank you for saving  my son”You’re welcome “You still love him don’t you” Yes” I hope you both can work it out you both deserve to be happy “Yes we do “Josslyn said “Dex and I were just starting to form a relationship “Tea said as Portia came by.”I have some new on Dex”Portia said “Go ahead you can share the news we all love him”Tea said “Some “Jax said “Dex is stable right now “Portia said 

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