Monday, March 4, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 59

 At Stateville-Anna and Mac we’re looking at the severance camera of any visitors that Lorenzo had.”Most of the visitors were his daughter Gabriella “Mac said “Yes , She wanted him out of here’Anna said “You don’t think Gabriella help him escape “Mac ask “I hope not, Alexis is going to talk to her “Anna said as they watch another visit of Gabriella and saw her hand Lorenzo a notebook and a cellphone.”This isn’t good”Anna said “No I don’t want to change a teenager with hindering apprehension “Mac said “Maybe we can get Gabriella to tell us where Lorenzo is “Anna said “Maybe “Mac said “I’ll call Alexis “Anna said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Althea and Monica and Olivia and Tracy were having breakfast with Lila Rae and Brooklyn and Gabriella.”So what is everyone going to do today “Olivia asked “Nothing, “Gabriella said as the maid came in with Alexis.”Alexis, Why are you here “I need to Question Gabriella about her father escape and the visit she had with him”Alexis said “You’re not questioning my daughter without a lawyer “Skye said “Call one”Alexis said as her cellphone rang and she went to take it.”Mother “Don’t worry earlier I called Tea she come to talk to you “Skye said 

Alexis was in the foyer on the phone with Anna when there was a knock on the door and the maid opened it was Tea who came in as Alexis hang up the phone.”If you’re here to question my niece you’re not going to without me “I haven’t questioned her yet,Gabriella going to need you I just got evidence that she helped Lorenzo escape “Alexis said “You don’t want my niece you just want Lorenzo”Yes he is responsible for killing my daughter “Alexis said 

Gabriella was in the den with her family when Alexis and Tea came in,”Gabriella, I’m your lawyer and Alexis or anyone isn’t questioning you without me present “Tea said “Now that you’re here I can talk to Gabriella, Gabriella I know you had the best tension of helping your father but you broke the law it’s called Aiding and abetting, we have it on camera that you give Lorenzo a phone and a notebook”Alexis said “That’s all you have! It’s nothing “Tea said “We don’t know who Lorenzo made the phone call too but we have proof that they knocked out the cops on duty and cut the power off”Alexis said “Are you changing my client with anything “Not yet but we will,If any of you hear from Lorenzo you are to report to the authorities “Alexis and And left,

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