Wednesday, March 13, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 10

 At A Cabin-Kim was there with Faith, “I told Skye who I am and she knows you raised me” Well that’s unexpected, I’ll have to move my plans fast” What plan! Were you the one who tried to kill my mother in the crash? Kim asks “Now look here she's not your mother! I’m I raise you’No Nannie’s did! You just wanted me for revenge you didn’t love me, You don’t love anyone! You even killed your grandmother “You're right I did because she betrayed me! Just remember that! Faith yelled  “Are you threatening me” Maybe, Anyway I need your help?”Faith said as they walked into a room and saw an injured woman on the bed,” Who is she” Don’t worry about that just heal her, The only good thing about raising you is that you’re a doctor “Faith said “I’ll need my medicine bag” Kim said she pick it up and helped the woman.

At General Hospital-Tracy and Gabriella were in the hallway as the lab came by.”Here are your test results “The man said and left as Tracy opened them and read them.”So what is it” She is your sister “No” I know we need to support your mother Yes I guess we do, Mother is going to need us, Althea died this morning “I heard “

At Lucy’s -Lucy and Scotty were talking to their daughter Christy.”So Christy, What is your news” It’s a very difficult thing to hear but I can’t live a lie anymore I know you both will still love me” Yes we will no matter what we miss you so much” Lucy said “This was one reason why I stay away so I could live my life and not in secret, I’m a lesbian “Oh, Well we still love you “Scotty said “Yes we do, You’re the little girl that I fight to raise and love and I’ll always love you, I never want you to feel ashamed “No, Your mother and I love you “I love you both so much, I’m glad to be home and not live a lie anymore “Me too”

At Gabriella, Gabriella was hanging up some wedding dresses when Elizabeth and Carolyn and Laura and Monica came in.”Elizabeth,I’m glad you are here for a wedding dress, I just pull out some dress that will look beautiful on you “Gabriella said she show them to Elizabeth.”Wow,They both are beautiful “Elizabeth said “Yes, I’m surprised ‘Carolyn said All my dresses come from Paris , I have a lot of friends in the fashion industry “Gabriella said “Why don’t you try them on”Monica ask “Yes, Who is going to be your maid of honor and bridesmaid “Dr,Robinson is going to be in my wedding but she working today “Elizabeth said “Aunt Monica this will look great on you “Gabriella said “Thank, Elizabeth I’m so happy for you and my son”Me too”I called Nina and told her about the wedding after all she saved my son that night with Britt “Yes she did, is she coming for the wedding “She may”

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