Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 14

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was up early arranging flowers in a vase as AJ came into the room.”Good Morning “Good Morning, We have a lot to do today, Skye and the girls are coming for breakfast and then we will go make sure the hotel is perfect for tomorrow “I can’t believe I’m finally going to be happy “AJ said “AJ ,You will be you deserve it”Monica said “Thanks “AJ said as Skye and Lila Rae and Gabriella and Kim came in,”Skye, I’m glad you’re here,My condolences to you about Althea “Thanks, She didn’t want a funeral so I cremated her”Skye said “Are you doing alright “Yes I’m “Skye said as Elizabeth and Sara and Hayden came in.”Skye, I want you to meet my sister Sara, and Hayden”nice to meet you both”You too”Sorry I wasn’t there yesterday “Skye said “It’s alright, Gabriella helped me fine the perfect dress”Elizabeth said “Yes she did, Gabriella do you have connections with all the fashion designer “Hayden ask “Yes,Why”I need some new clothes “I would be happy to help you”Gabriella said as Tracy and Ned and Brooklyn came in,”Now we have a lot to do after breakfast, We will go to the hotel to decorate it,I want tomorrow to be perfect for my son and new daughter in law “Monica said “Monica you been great at supporting me though this”Elizabeth said “I just want you both happy though marriage are not easy but you both will get through it together no matter what “Monica said “Thank “Elizabeth said as the doorbell rang.”Who could that be”Tracy ask “I’ll get it”Monica said she went to the door and open it.”Hello Monica “Come in,I’m glad you are here”Monica said as they walked into the den,”Who is it”Tracy ask as Maya  Monica walk into the room,”Maya Your here”Tracy asked “It’s so great to see you,Tracy’Maya said “Mia! I’m glad you’re here”Skye said they share a hug,”Who is she”AJ ask “Maya Ward is the granddaughter of Bradley,Maya last time you were here,AJ was gone but his alive now and you remember Elizabeth they are getting married tomorrow “Monica said “Nice to meet you AJ, I’m happy for you both”Maya said “Maya this is my daughter Lila Rae and Kim and Gabriella “Skye said “Nice to meet you, Skye I’m glad to see you again “Maya said “You too”Why don’t we have some breakfast and catch up”Monica ask they sit down.”Maya, This is my sister Sara and Ha Eden” Elizabeth said “Nice to meet you” Maya said, “Maya are you still a doctor “Tracy asked, “Yes, That’s why I’m here “I asked Maya to come work at the hospital and clinic too, Sara are you still a doctor “Yes I’m, I would like to work at the hospital and Clinic I’m ready to come home “Sara said “That’s wonderful “Elizabeth said she was feeling overwhelmed with her sisters back and the wedding.

Elizabeth got up from the table and went into the den she looks at a picture of Edward and Lila at the fireplace as Sara came in.”Elizabeth,Are you alright “Elizabeth turn around.”We have a lot to talk about , it’s been a long time since I saw you, I been through a lot”Yes you have and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, I had a life in California too”We both need to catch up”Why don’t we do that today just us”Yes after the hotel”Yes”I’m glad you’re staying and that you’re here for the wedding “Me too”

Maya and Skye were talking,”So who is Gabriella father! Is it Jax”No, It’s Lorenzo, We were married it a long story now his on the run”Oh”Maya I need you as a friend and doctor, see these scar I want them off”I could look at it”Thanks “Skye said 

Sasha and Cecil came in.”Maya this is Sasha she your cousin and this is her mother Cecil,”Monica said “Nice to meet you”You too “It’s so nice that are family old and newest member keep growing maybe soon we will have a little one come around “Monica said “Mother “AJ said “What you both would make a beautiful baby together “Monica said 

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