Friday, March 29, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 29

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Brooklyn came in with Ned who had a caste on his arm.”Leo upstairs sleeping, he seems a little confused on Olivia death”Brooklyn said “I’m too and we will help him, Dante is coming over tomorrow to go over the funeral and about Leo”Ned said “Leo should stay here he did come back and forward when you and Olivia divorced “Yes, I can’t believe this happened tonight! Olivia And Alexis and Laura and Drew are all gone! Ned yelled “Anna has a lead on who did this, Faith Rosco and Olivia Jerome “Two psychopaths “Ned yelled “Do you know them” Yes unfortunately I have a history with Faith “Dad” It was just a one-night stand, Now let’s go to bed” Ned said 

At Skye’s- Skye came in to her house and went into Lorenzo office and look though his secret place he would hide information.”This violence has to stop! I don’t want the mob or you back here again “Skye said as she found a cellphone and text Lorenzo knowing he would get it.

At The Police station-Anna came in with Olivia and Faith,”You both are under arrest and will face charges and go back to your home pentonville you should get use to it”We were not alone in all this “Who helped you! Ava? Anna ask “We will tell you everything but we want a deal”Faith said 

At Sam-Sam was on the couch looking at pictures of her and Alexis thanking for the relationship they had when Dante came in and sit by her.”How are you doing “Sam asks “I hate that both our mothers are gone, because of the mob” Me too, it’s time we stop the mob from this town, I loved Jason but I’m sick of the violence “Me too, I loved my father but it’s time to end it and honor them” Yes, What’s going to happen to Leo” I’m going to talk to Ned tomorrow, I do believe he should stay the way it has been him going to The Quartermaine and stay with us if you don’t mind “No his my brother too” Yes, How is Danny and Emily “They are sad about this “It should of been an happy day” Yes”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Elizabeth and AJ room-AJ and Elizabeth came into the bedroom and found rose on the bed.”Aww that’s romantic “I know it’s not the way we wanted to spend our honeymoon “It’s alright we are alive and have the rest of our life to celebrate together “Yes we do, I’m sorry what happened “It wasn’t your fault, I loved our wedding “Me too”

What lies Ahead part 2 ch 28

 At Carly/Jax-Carly and Josslyn came in from the hospital they both were so sad about Jax. Josslyn picked up a jacket that was on the couch and smelled it. Should we try to call Jerry” No, Jax wouldn’t want him here besides he is dangerous “Alright “Josslyn you’re father loved you so much” I know Mom” I don’t want you to push me away from what you’re feeling, I will help you with this” I just want to be alone right now” Josslyn said she went upstairs and Carly pick up a picture of her with Jax,” I will get revenge on your death”

At Sam -Sam and Molly came in together.”Thanks for letting me stay here”Molly we will help each other through this”I can’t believe they both are gone, Kristina and mom”Me either “I’m going to take a bath if that’s alright “Yes it is “Sam said as Danny and Emily came in,”Did you both hear us”Yes”How was the wedding? Why do you both look sad”We have some sad news to tell you, There was an accident at the hotel,It hurt a lot of people And killed your Grandmother “No”I know you’re grandmother loved you so much and Emily you’re Dad loved you too, he was killed in it too “So I lose my Daddy too”Yes I’m sorry baby,You’re father loved you he give you the nickname Scout “I like it, but I’m to old for it”I know you are,We are going to help each other through this “Sam said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Monica was looking at pictures of her with Drew when AJ came in,”Mom,I want to check on you left the hospital so fast”I just can’t believe Drew gone I loved him but when you came back I just push him aside and I feel guilty about it”Don’t, I try to get to know him too but he didn’t fit in our family but I don’t wish him death “Me either “It was supposed to be a beautiful day my wedding to Elizabeth it wasn’t supposed to be a horrible day in the end”AJ said “No it wasn’t, I can’t believe that Laura is gone I remember meeting her when she first came to town she was a trouble girl but grown into a strong woman, See Aj people can change and become respected in this town”Yes they can “AJ said as Elizabeth came in.”Elizabeth ,How are you doing “Not good I was in the surgery room with Laura we try everything we could to save her”I’m sure you did your best”Thanks, Robin was the doctor in the room she did everything too but in the end we couldn’t save her “Elizabeth said 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

What Lies Ahead part 2 ch 27

 At General Hospital-Skye was waiting on news about Lila Rae who had been in surgery when Robin came by.”How is my daughter “Lila Rae is out of surgery and stable for now, You can see her “Thanks, it’s been a long day”Skye said “Yes it has “Robin said Skye left and went to see Lila Rae.

Robin was feeling exhausted and emotional about losing Laura and Jax and Alexis she hope to save them and sit down on the couch when Elizabeth came by and sit down.”I hate this part of losing our loved ones I wish I could have saved them, I loved Laura I know her forever and Jax and Alexis “Robin said “I hate it too, Laura was like a mother to me and Jax was a friend to me” Elizabeth said “Yes me too, it’s a sad night “Robin said “Yes as nurses and doctors we try to save everyone but sometimes we can’t do it” Elizabeth said “No, Today was supposed to be a happy day for you” Robin said “It’s a mix of emotions day” Elizabeth said 

Kevin was in the hallway when Lucy came by.”Kevin, I’m sorry about Laura do you need anything “Lucy ask “My wife “Do you want me to take you home “No I want to be alone “Kevin said he left.

Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was in bed when Skye came in.”Lila Rae, I’m so glad you’re all right “Is Gabriella alright “Yes she just has scar on her body from the chandelier fell on her “No this isn’t good “No of it is good, There is some deaths from this, this was a mob hit”No”Yes it needs to stop “Was Daddy behind it”No”

At a cabin-Olivia And Faith were packed up getting ready to leave when Anna kick in the door holding a gun.”Olivia Jerome we meet again! Faith Rosco I haven’t met you yet but you both are under arrest for the explosive that killed Laura Spencer Collins and Jax Jack, Olivia Quartermaine and Mayor Alexis Davis and Drew Cain “Alexis said as she arrested them.

Dex was outside on the phone with Lorenzo.”Olivia and Faith are being arrested right now, I do have information to tell you about Skye”Dex said 

Anna came out with Olivia and Faith, “Tell your father his next “Anna said 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 26

 At General Hospital-Dex was about to tell Anna who was behind the explosion as everyone was waiting on news when Skye came by.”Dex,Can we talk first “Skye it’s all right, I follow Ava to a cabin and she meet two women there”Dex said he show Anna the pictures.”Who is it”Carly ask “Faith Rosco and Olivia Jermore”Anna said “What! I though Faith was dead and Olivia was in jail ,How did this happened “Carly yelled “I don’t know I will find out,You’re not the only one who lose someone today I lose my two great friends “Anna said “I just want justice “We will get it, Take me to the cabin Anna said as Ava came by.”I heard about the explosion is everybody all right “Ava ask “ You have some nerve coming here! This is all your fault! You have blood on your hands “Carly said “Who’s blood is that “Ava asked “Jax and Laura and Drew and Olivia and Alexis are all dead “Anna said “No thank you “Carly said “Ava, I have proof of you talking to Faith Rosco and your sister, Did you help Olivia out of jail” Anna ask 

“ No, That was Faith “Why didn’t you tell us she was out there “Anna ask “It was business “Ava said “All this was for the mob! So you could get control! Sam yelled. “Yes, it’s rightfully mine! Ava Yelled as Kim came by.”What about Faith how did she fake her death all these years “Anna ask “ask her daughter the doctor “Ava said as she pointed to Kim.” Faith is your mother “Anna ask “Yes she raised me”Kim said “What! ,Faith raises your daughter “Carly ask “It’s a long personal story “Skye said “Did you help hide her “Anna ask “Faith push me to become a doctor so I could save her again and again “Let’s to to the cabin “Anna said she left with Dex.”Kim,Why don’t you go finish checking on everyone “Skye ask Kim left.”So Faith stole your daughter “Carly ask. “Yes, leave my daughter “I’m not after her , I’m after Faith and Olivia “ Me too it’s time this stopped “ Yes I agree “I don’t know how we keep the mob from this town”Skye said as Sam came by.”It’s time we stop the mob in memory of my mother “I’m sorry about Alexis “Skye said “Me too we have an history but I never wanted this”Carly said “Me too”Sam said 

At The Cabin- Faith and Olivia were about to leave when Anna came by.”Faith Rosco and Olivia Jerome you’re under arrest “Anna said 

What lies ahead part 2 ch. 25

 At General Hospital- Laura body was in the morgue when Kevin came in.”No! You can’t be gone! I love you so much we were supposed have our whole lives together, I will never forget you or the time we had together my love’Kevin said as Elizabeth came in.”Elizabeth “I’m here not just to say goodbye but to clean her up”Thanks, Did you get a hold of Lucky “No, Anna going to use her connections “Good”I’m sorry about this it was supposed to be a nice wedding “It wasn’t your fault, Don’t blame yourself ,Laura was happy to be on your special day “Kevin said he left the room.”Laura, I can’t believe you are gone, I love you so many people in this town did”Elizabeth said as she clean up Laura,

Carly was in the hallway by the picture on the wall looking at Bobbie.”Oh Mom today was supposed to be a happy wedding for Elizabeth and AJ but the end wasn’t Jax and Laura and Alexis and Drew are gone were going to get married again “Carly said as she touched Bobbie's pictures.

Sam and Molly were in the hallway.”I can’t believe mom is gone “Molly said “Me too it’s just us now”Sam said as Lucas came by.”You both are not alone, I’m here for you both”Thank “I loved Alexis”Lucas said “Mother wanted to take down the mob and in the end it killed her”Molly said “We will get justice for our mother “Sam said 

Olivia was in her room deceased on the bed when Ned and Leo and Danto came in.’Leo,Remember I told you mom isn’t sleeping she gone”Yes she in heaven “Yes”We love you”Ned said “Mom, I will make sure to bring justice to everyone who died in the explosion “Danto said 

Skye went into the hallway she was exhausted from this and worried about the danger situation when she saw Dex came in as Josslyn went by him.”Is this your father! My father was killed in this! Was it because of your! Josslyn yelled “I’m sorry about Jax, but I didn’t do this and my father didn’t “Dex said “Was it an enemy “Josslyn ask “We will get justice for your father “Dex said 

Dex went by Anna.”Anna, I have a lead you may want to look at “Dex said “You know who put the bomb in the hotel? We try to look at the security cameras but they were destroyed “Yes I know who it is”Dex said 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 24

 At A cabin -Dex pulled away from the cabin as he saw Ava go into the house he got out of his car walked by the house looked through the window and saw Ava talking to Faith and Olivia and took pictures of them with his cellphone and went back to his car and sent his father the picture.

At South Africa-Lorenzo saw the picture that Dex sent him.”No! There both alive! Lorenzo yelled “Who”Johnny ask “Faith Rosco and Olivia Jerome they both are dangerous and probably were behind the explosion “Don’t take them out yet we need to bring them down and Ava too”You’re right “

At Port Charles-Gabriella was laying on the bed covered in gauze when Skye came in with Robin,”Gabriella had a lot of scars from the chandelier she going to need a lot of care‘Thanks for your help”Skye said Robin left as Skye sit down on the chair.”This violence has to end , Why can’t it just leave us alone! Skye yelled 

Charlotte room-Charlotte was in bed as Valentin was by her.”I’m glad it was just minor injuries “Me too is Gabriella all right “No she was injured by an chandelier “No she my best friend “I’m glad you have one “We have a lot in common “Yes I guess you do”Is Grandmother alright “She in surgery “

In the hallway-Elizabeth was exhausted and worrying about her love ones when Steve came by he was in surgery trying to save Laura who was injured in in the explosion she looks at her brother and know the answer as Kevin and Lucy and Steve came by.”Laura she gone isn’t she! Kevin yelled “Yes I’m sorry “No! Lucy yelled 

“Another important citizen of Port Charles gone too soon Laura Spencer Collins she was a mayor of this town at one time we have an total of five deaths from this explosion “Jackie said as she was reporting.

Scotty was upset as he came by Jackie,”Now isn’t the time to report on this , It’s time for family to grieve for their love ones”You were married to Laura”Yes we always loved each other we always had each other back now please stop this “Scotty said 

Anna and Mac were talking.”I can’t believe Laura gone too”Me too, This is a sad day “Yes it is”Mac said Valentin came in the hallway and look at Anna as Elizabeth came by.”I’ll get an hold of Lucky”Elizabeth said 

.”No”Valentin said he went back to see his daughter and look at her .”No! Papa! Charlotte cried 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 23

 At General Hospital-Skye and AJ and Hayden and Carly and Tracy  and Lucy and Scotty were in the hallway waiting on news about their love ones they were not as injured as everyone else so they were waiting on news .”AJ,I’m sorry about this wasn’t what was supposed to happen “Skye said “I know”Is this  Lorenzo or a new mobster! Jax was injured and could be dead he wasn’t responding to me! Carly yelled “I don’t know! My daughters were injured too! I didn’t want this! Skye yelled 

Robin and Maya and Elizabeth and Steve and Sara and Portia  were working on the injuries.”I can’t believe this happened on my wedding day”Elizabeth said “I’m sorry “Me too, I’m just glad my boys are all ready “Elizabeth said Emma was trying to help but wasn’t feeling good,” Emma let me look at you” Mom” You were injured “Robin said she look at Emma.

Carly was waiting on news with Josslyn when Robin came by,”Carly, We did everything we could to save Jax but! Robin said “No! Carly yelled”You know I love him too! I want to save him”Robin said “No! Daddy! Josslyn yelled Carly comfort her daughter.

Maya went by her family.”Is Monica and Olivia all right “Ned ask “Monica is alright but Olivia didn’t make it,I’m sorry “ Maya said as Hayden came by.”Could you save Drew”No I’m sorry “He wasn’t a real Quartermaine “Tracy said “Tracy! Hayden yelled “How is Monica”She suffered a head injury she going to need some care”Maya said 

Carly and Josslyn were grieving for Jax as Lucas came by.”I’m sorry “I wish you could of saved him”Me too “Lucas said 

Jackie was in the hospital reporting on the news.”We have some new two more collisions Olivia Quartermaine and Drew Quartermaine and Jasper Jacks”Jackie said 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 22

 Outside of AJ’s hotel-Jackie was outside reporting on the explosion,”Today was supposed to be an happy day Elizabeth and AJ Quartermaine wedding and at the reception the hotel explosion we don’t know if there are any casualties or who is injured but I will be reporting on it”Jackie said as the paramedics came out with some of the victims who needed to get to the hospital as AJ came out.”AJ Quartermaine! Do you know who did this! Who was injured “Jackie ask “I will not give you an interview right now, You need to let the rescue team do their job “AJ said as the paramedics came out with Alexis who wasn’t in an body bag yet.”No! The Mayor Of this town Alexis Davis is deceased “Jackie said As the paramedics came out with Gabriella who was on the stretcher bleeding and Skye was by her.”Skye, do you think this is an enemy of your ex husband “Jackie ask “Leave me alone”Skye said 

At South Africa-Lorenzo was missing his family when his cellphone went off it was Dex,”What’s going on! Is this an emergency it’s a risk to call me”Lorenzo said as Dex was telling him about the explosion he hang up the phone and throw it as Johnny came in the room,”What’s wrong “There was an explosion tonight in Port Charles my family was injured “No! Did anyone die “So far just Alexis who made me a dead man” I have an idea, Have your son follow Ava, She could be on this to take over the business now that you’re in hiding “Great idea,” Lorenzo said he called his son.

In Port Charles-Ava was at home when she saw the news about the explosion and went outside into her car as Dex followed her

What lies ahead part 2 ch. 21

 Outside of AJ’s hotel-Anna was outside she was late to the wedding reception when she saw the hotel explosion,”No! Robin! Emma”Anna yelled as she pick up her cellphone and call for help before she went inside the table and chair were all destroyed and everyone was laying down on the floor injured.”Robin! Emma”Anna yelled as Robin show her hand she was under a table and Anna help her.”What happened! Emma”Robin yelled as Anna help her up .”Mother “Emma said she was trapped by one of the chandeliers and Robin and Anna helped her as Mac and the paramedics came in.

“Gabriella! Lila Rae! Skye yelled as she was tapped by the table and pull it off.”Mother! Gabriella yelled she was tapped underneath two chandeliers Skye try to help pull it off her but she couldn’t as the rescue team try to help her.”AJ! Monica! Ned! Brooklyn Tracy yelled as she got up and the stage was on top of Ned and Brooklyn And Lila Rae .

Olivia was tapping under the bar with Carly and Jax,”Carly,Are you alright “Olivia ask “Yes,Just some cuts,Jax! Carly yelled he was unconscious Carly try to wake him up,”No! Carly yelled as Olivia try to help get the bar off them it hit her head again and she was knocked unconscious.

Drew got up and try to help with the rescue when the ceiling fell on him.”No! Drew”Hayden yelled 

“We need to get everyone out as soon as possible “Anna said “My daughter Gabriella needs to get to the hospital and Lila Rae is still stick under the stage “Skye said “We will try to rescue everyone safe”Mac said “Where Alexis “Anna ask as she walked and saw something under the ceiling and pull some of it off with the help from Mac and it was Alexis who was deceased.”No! Anna yelled 

The rescue team got the stage off Ned and Brooklyn and Lila Rae and Elizabeth and AJ,”Ned! Are you alright “Tracy ask “Yes”Ned said “Good,We need to find Monica”Tracy said she flop over another table and found Monica,”Thank God”Tracy said 

“This was some wedding party”Mac said “Yes someone wanted to kill a lot of people I do believe this was deliberate “Yes me too”Mac said 

Monday, March 25, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 20

 At AJ’s hotel-Elizabeth And AJ wedding reception-Elizabeth and AJ were greeted everyone who came to celebrate with them.”Alexis, Thank you for coming  “ You’re welcome, I’m happy for you both” Alexis said “Thank you” Elizabeth said 

Charlotte and Gabriella were talking.”The wedding party looks great in the dress they brought from us”Yes they do ,We also made a lot of money “Good”Charlotte said 

“Brooklyn, I heard you and JR are a thing “Skye said “No we just had fun”Oh”Skye said “Are you like Tracy hoping for an chandler And Quartermaine wedding “No I just think you both will be perfect together “Skye said 

Monica and Carolyn and Laura were talking.”The wedding was beautiful,Monica you made my daughter feel like an princess you both have been there for her more then I have “Carolyn said “I’m just glad you’re here now”Laura said “Yes me too”Monica said 

AJ went on the stage “I want to make a toast to my wife Elizabeth Webber Quartermaine, I love you so much and Cameron and Jake and Ayden I love you all like my own you are a honorable Quartermaine”AJ said he went down to Elizabeth and they dance as Ned and Brooklyn singing together.

“I can’t believe that AJ will be apart of Jake life his Jason son”Carly said “It’s Elizabeth choice “I know, Jax how much financial trouble are you in”I’ll tell you later “Jax said 

Monica and Drew dance and Laura and Kevin And Lucy and Scotty and Skye and Jr dance everyone was having a good time of their life when a bomb went off and exploded 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 19

 At The Quartermaine crypt -Elizabeth was in there.”Em, I just had to see you on my wedding day, I’m married AJ, I wish you were here we were the three musketeers you and me and Nikolas and Lucky I thought we would always be here together, I though Lucky and I were forever but we were not, I Love AJ you would be proud of your big brother he has changed a lot, He handled losing Michael without falling apart and drinking , AJ has become a wonderful man he care for my boys and believe in Ayden dream of being a chef his everything I need “Elizabeth said as Monica came in.”I should of know you would be here “I had to see my best friend she would of been my made of honor “Yes she would, I miss Em too she would love this you and AJ being happy “Yes she would “I found this box in Emily room I keep it the way it was before she was murder even though she moved out before she died I couldn’t clean out her room “Monica said she handle Elizabeth a box it had her name on it.”It’s everything I need for today my something blue and something borrowed and something new”Elizabeth said she pull out a necklace with a locked picture of both of them together.”She is with you “Yes she will, Thank you Emily” Elizabeth said they left,

At The Church-Sara was helping Scout get dressed.”I’m glad to be the flowers girl”You will be great “Sara said as Monica And Elizabeth came in the room with Carolyn and Gabriella and Skye and Hayden and Laura .”It’s time to get you ready “Yes it is”Elizabeth said 

At a Cabin-Faith was talking to Olivia.”There a wedding day in town everybody will be at the Quartermaine hotel for the reception “Then we will make our move, Let’s go”Olivia said they left.

At The Church -Elizabeth was getting ready in her dress she was so happy,”That necklace is beautiful “Hayden said “Thanks it’s from Emily she with me”Elizabeth said “Oh that’s cute”Sara said 

Skye went into the hallway and greeted everyone who came in as Carly and Jax came in,”Why are you here “AJ invited us, I’m not here to make trouble “You better not”We are engaged “Carly said she show Skye her ring and Skye look at it in shock,”Why are you looking at my engagement ring like that”Because that’s the ring Lorenzo brought me, I sold it”Skye said and walk away,”You brought me a use ring “I’m in financial trouble”I understand but I want a new ring “I didn’t know it was Skye”I know “

AJ was in the chapel waiting on Elizabeth with Jake and Ayden and Cameron and Steve.”AJ, I do hope you make my sister happy “I will”Aj said as Scout,Lila Rae, Gabriella and Skye and Sara and Hayden walk down then Elizabeth was walking down by Steve.”We are here to celebrate the marriage between Elizabeth Webber and AJ Quartermaine,”Elizabeth, You have made me happy since I came back to town I love you and the boys with all my heart we can handle anything together “I love you it’s been so long since I been happy,I love the way you care for my boys ,We will handle anything that life throws at us”Elizabeth said 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 18

 At ELQ-Skye was at her office looking at paperwork that she missed from recovery from the accident and thinking about the next step in her life when AJ came in.”AJ, Why are you here”I need you to watch over the hotel when I’m on my honeymoon “Of course, Where are you taking Elizabeth “I brought a yacht for her and we are sailing away wherever she wants to go”Aj said as Skye got up and went by him and pour herself some water.”That’s great, I want you to be happy “Thanks,Skye your wedding ring is missing “No I stole it to a pawnshop,I want a whole new life “That’s wonderful “Yes it’s about time I move on, Lorenzo can’t come back “No And I want you happy “We both deserve to be happy “Yes”

At Carly/ Jax-Carly and Jax were celebrating their engagement when Josslyn and Lucas came in.”What is your news”Lucas ask “We are getting married! Again! Carly said “That’s wonderful! Jax you always been my favorite “Thank Lucas”Jax said “I’m happy for both of you! Josslyn said “We will have a big beautiful wedding “Yes”This time we will get it right “Yes”Do you have a date set “Not yet “

At AJ’s hotel-Drew was in the lobby when Hayden came by,”Drew”Hayden I didn’t know you were in town “Yes for my sister wedding, I didn’t see you at the Quartermaine “I been at odds with them,Skye takeover my company And left me bankrupt “I’m sorry “It hasn’t been a good year for me “I’m sure you will get it back “Maybe are you staying in town “Yes I’m, I’m ahead to a job interview with Skye at ELQ”Really “Drew,This time I’m not going to do any cons,I want to make my daughter proud “Same here “Drew said 

At ELQ office- Skye and Aj we’re talking.”Tracy want me to hire Hayden to work here or at Crimson”She res took a shine to her “I know I don’t get it”Be careful “Always “Skye said as Hayden came in,”Hayden,I’m glad you’re here “Me too, Do you have a job for me”We may “

What Lies ahead part 2 ch 17

 At South Africa-Lorenzo house- Lorenzo was in his vacation house missing his family and Johnny was driving him crazy.”We need to figure out how to get back home “Without being arrested? How”Johnny ask “We need to fight back like we always have “Lorenzo said “What’s the plan “Johnny ask

In Port Charles -Alexis And Anna's office -Alexis and Anna were talking.”We need to find Lorenzo And Johnny , John is breathing down my neck “We have look every house Lorenzo and Johnny owe and have been tracked the family and haven’t got a lead “We have to win against them we can’t let criminals smart us”No we can’t “Maybe Ava will know something she may have connected to Johnny “Maybe “

At General Hospital- Monica was showing Maya the hospital as Robin came by.”Dr,Scorpio this is Dr.Maya Ward”Ward, I know you’re great grandmother she was very important to this community “Thanks I wish I met her”Will you be working here”Yes”That’s great “Robin said as Elizabeth and Sara came by.”Elizabeth, I’m sorry I wasn’t at the hotel this morning “It’s alright, You remember my sister Dr,Sara Webber “Yes I do, So are you staying too”Yes, Dr.Quartermaine promised me a job here too”That’s wonderful “Robin said as Portia came by.”Dr.Robinson this is my sister Dr,Sara Webber “Nice too meet you,What is your practice “Children pediatrician “Sara want to work here”Monica said “That’s wonderful we need an new pediatrician “Yes we do,Maya what about you”An surgeon “That’s wonderful, Dr.Quartermaine I believe the hospital is head toward the right path “We still need to do some fundraising for the hospital but I believe so too”

“Elizabeth are you ready for the wedding “Yes I have everything set”Good”

At Ava Art Gallery -Ava was working when Alexis came in,”Why are you here”I was just wondering if you heard anything in the mob world were Lorenzo or Johnny could be”No I don’t know where they are if I did I would Kill Lorenzo with my bare hands, Lorenzo family has house all over South America “Yes we been looking “Alexis, I understand you want justice for Kristina but an new monster would be just as dangerous as Lorenzo “I would love if no mobster was here”You married one and had an child with another “Yes and your one too”Alexis said and left.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 16

 At AJ Hotel- The hotel was all decorated for the wedding reception tomorrow and Monica was looking around her family talking her son was happy as she picked up a glass and banged it,” I just wanted to make a toast, I’m so happy for my son and Elizabeth getting married this wedding tomorrow will be perfect and I’m also glad we are finally all together we do have some family members who are not with us anymore and we will remember them always but I’m grateful for the family I have here” Monica said “Here to the Quartermaine and Ward and Webber “AJ said everyone cheers.

At the Bar-Carly and Jax were eating and talking.”I can’t believe Elizabeth is going through with marrying AJ” Why do you care “I’m not jealous I just know she going to end up hurt” Elizabeth can handle it” True “Jax got up from his chair.”Carly come with me”Where the dining room is closed “Not outside “Jax said they went outside it was decorated with balloons and candles and tables with rose on it and Jax kneeling down.”Carly, will you marry me”Jax ask as he pull  out a diamond ring.”It’s beautiful,Yes.I would love to marry you again “Carly said as Jax got up,”We will be happy “Jax said And kiss Carly,”Yes we will “Carly said 

Inside-Skye was getting her coat and saw Jax and Carly outside kissing as Maya came by.”Skye, Do you still have feelings for Jax”No, I’m over him , but I do want love”You will find it”We both will “Skye said 

Brooklyn was thinking about JR went Maxie came by,”Brooklyn you look like you’re an million miles away “Sorry I was just thinking about someone “Who”Jr Chandler “You and Jr”It was just an one night stand “Wow, What was it like “Wonderful he is amazing “Are you going to date him”We just want to have fun but if my grandmother had her way we would have an wedding “Will an Quartermaine and Chandler married would be something “Yes but I’m putting myself first “Good”

Sasha and Hayden were talking.”How is the sale of crimson going “It could be better “If you don’t mind I would like to help “Sure that would be great “Sasha said 

AJ and Elizabeth were outside talking they wanted to be alone together.”AJ, What Monica say about an baby”I would like one but it’s not the reason I want to marry you”I’m almost in menopause we may not be able to have an baby and I don’t know if I have the energy for a baby “You did a great job raising your boys by yourself “Thanks “Are you glad you’re sister are back”Yes but we have something to deal with “

What lies ahead part 2 ch. 15

 At The Quartermaine shopping center Skye was showing Maya around.”This is a wonderful way to honor Edward he would love this making money “Oh yes and so would Lila” Skye said “Yes I wish I met her, Skye what’s going on with you? I know you and Tracy share something at breakfast you both were nice to each other “You may want to sit down,It turn out she my mother “You and Tracy are mother and daughter “Maya ask “Yes it’s a long story but Tracy keep it an secret “Wow, How do you feel about it”I’m trying to fore a relationship with her, We deal with the past that’s why we end up in an plane collision “Wow,Do they know who was responsible for it”No”Oh,Where is Lorenzo “He escaped from pentonvillie I hope he never comes home, I want to finally be free of him,Yesterday I stole my wedding ring at a pawnshop and felt free”I’m glad you are “Thank it’s time I put myself first my girls are healthy and working on their careers, Lila Rae is a singer and songwriter and Gabriella had her own banquet and is finally healthy she had an eating disorder “I’m glad she recovered “Me too, I’m glad you’re here,Now tell me about you”Nothing much”Any man back home”No”

At AJ’s hotel-Carly came in and saw a sign by the dining room about Elizabeth and AJ's wedding Elizabeth came.”So you really are going to marry him”Yes I love AJ,Carly why can’t you let the past go”Elizabeth ask as AJ came by.”Why are you in my hotel’AJ ask “I’m meeting Jax here”Carly said as Jax came by.”This room is closed for the wedding tomorrow “AJ said “Congratulations I do hope you both are happy” Jax said “Yes I guess we should be happy for you, I’m happy with Jax” Carly said as Skye and Maya came by,” Jax, Do you remember my cousin Maya” Skye ask “Yes it’s good to see you, You remember Carly “Jax said “Yes I do” Are you here for the wedding “No I’m here to stay, I have a job at the hospital “Maya is a doctor “Congratulations it’s good to see you back, Skye you look good” Thanks “Why don’t you both come to the wedding tomorrow it’s time to put the past aside for Michael “Aj said “Sure “Carly said as they went to the bar and Skye and Maya went with Elizabeth and AJ to the dining room.

Steve was talking to Sara.”I’m glad you’re home”Me too, it’s time we were a family “Yes it is “Steve said as Elizabeth came by.”All of us working at the hospital the Webber and Hardly grandchildren “Steve said “Yes Grandfather and Gram would be happy “Elizabeth said “Yes they would “Sara said 

Hayden and Tracy were talking.”So what are you going to do while you’re here”I’m not sure, I’m not in the medical field as my siblings “No but I’m sure you can do business you are very smart “Tracy said as Skye came by,”What’s going on”Hayden and I were just talking “So you are close “Yes we are, Skye, Why don’t you hire Hayden as your assistant at ELQ”Tracy ask “I could use some help, Hayden do you have business experience “Yes I do I was the financial manager at the hospital and CFO of Crimson”I’m sure we can find something for you, Sasha run Crimson now”I’m just glad to be home with my family “Hayden said 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 14

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was up early arranging flowers in a vase as AJ came into the room.”Good Morning “Good Morning, We have a lot to do today, Skye and the girls are coming for breakfast and then we will go make sure the hotel is perfect for tomorrow “I can’t believe I’m finally going to be happy “AJ said “AJ ,You will be you deserve it”Monica said “Thanks “AJ said as Skye and Lila Rae and Gabriella and Kim came in,”Skye, I’m glad you’re here,My condolences to you about Althea “Thanks, She didn’t want a funeral so I cremated her”Skye said “Are you doing alright “Yes I’m “Skye said as Elizabeth and Sara and Hayden came in.”Skye, I want you to meet my sister Sara, and Hayden”nice to meet you both”You too”Sorry I wasn’t there yesterday “Skye said “It’s alright, Gabriella helped me fine the perfect dress”Elizabeth said “Yes she did, Gabriella do you have connections with all the fashion designer “Hayden ask “Yes,Why”I need some new clothes “I would be happy to help you”Gabriella said as Tracy and Ned and Brooklyn came in,”Now we have a lot to do after breakfast, We will go to the hotel to decorate it,I want tomorrow to be perfect for my son and new daughter in law “Monica said “Monica you been great at supporting me though this”Elizabeth said “I just want you both happy though marriage are not easy but you both will get through it together no matter what “Monica said “Thank “Elizabeth said as the doorbell rang.”Who could that be”Tracy ask “I’ll get it”Monica said she went to the door and open it.”Hello Monica “Come in,I’m glad you are here”Monica said as they walked into the den,”Who is it”Tracy ask as Maya  Monica walk into the room,”Maya Your here”Tracy asked “It’s so great to see you,Tracy’Maya said “Mia! I’m glad you’re here”Skye said they share a hug,”Who is she”AJ ask “Maya Ward is the granddaughter of Bradley,Maya last time you were here,AJ was gone but his alive now and you remember Elizabeth they are getting married tomorrow “Monica said “Nice to meet you AJ, I’m happy for you both”Maya said “Maya this is my daughter Lila Rae and Kim and Gabriella “Skye said “Nice to meet you, Skye I’m glad to see you again “Maya said “You too”Why don’t we have some breakfast and catch up”Monica ask they sit down.”Maya, This is my sister Sara and Ha Eden” Elizabeth said “Nice to meet you” Maya said, “Maya are you still a doctor “Tracy asked, “Yes, That’s why I’m here “I asked Maya to come work at the hospital and clinic too, Sara are you still a doctor “Yes I’m, I would like to work at the hospital and Clinic I’m ready to come home “Sara said “That’s wonderful “Elizabeth said she was feeling overwhelmed with her sisters back and the wedding.

Elizabeth got up from the table and went into the den she looks at a picture of Edward and Lila at the fireplace as Sara came in.”Elizabeth,Are you alright “Elizabeth turn around.”We have a lot to talk about , it’s been a long time since I saw you, I been through a lot”Yes you have and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, I had a life in California too”We both need to catch up”Why don’t we do that today just us”Yes after the hotel”Yes”I’m glad you’re staying and that you’re here for the wedding “Me too”

Maya and Skye were talking,”So who is Gabriella father! Is it Jax”No, It’s Lorenzo, We were married it a long story now his on the run”Oh”Maya I need you as a friend and doctor, see these scar I want them off”I could look at it”Thanks “Skye said 

Sasha and Cecil came in.”Maya this is Sasha she your cousin and this is her mother Cecil,”Monica said “Nice to meet you”You too “It’s so nice that are family old and newest member keep growing maybe soon we will have a little one come around “Monica said “Mother “AJ said “What you both would make a beautiful baby together “Monica said 

Friday, March 15, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch. 13

 At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ and Ned were in the den talking.”So Elizabeth is shopping for wedding dresses “Yes it is happening “I’m happy for you”Thanks “Elizabeth is perfect for you just don’t blow it”I wouldn’t “AJ said “speaking of relationships “Tracy said as she came in.”What are you talking about “Ned ask as Tracy went by the bar and pour herself some water.”I was just at the hotel and who do I see having lunch with Jr! Brooklyn and they went up to a room”Tracy said “Brooklyn and Jr”Ned ask “Yes! Brooklyn is finally dating someone with class and wealth! A Quartermaine and Chandler wedding is something that would be amazing for our family! Now I just need to find someone for Gabriella “Tracy said “Mother,You will not push Brooklyn to a relationship! If Brooklyn wants this then we will support her decision she hasn’t been happy since her relationship ended with Chase and I would love my daughter to be happy again “Ned said “Me too” Tracy said 

Lois was in the hallway listening to Tracy talking about her daughter as Brooklyn came home and went by her mother.”Mother,Why are you by the den”Tracy wants to push you towards Jr Chandler! Did you go upstairs in a room with him at the hotel “Yes, I did but if I want a relationship with him it’s up to me”Yes it is, I just want you happy “I just want some fun “Fun is good “Lois said they went into the den,”Brooklyn “Ned said “I heard my relationship with Jr has been talking about, It will be up to me how this relationship goes”Yes we just want you happy “Ned said “Yes”AJ said as Elizabeth came in  with Monica And Carolyn and Sara and Hayden.”AJ,I want you to meet my sisters Sara and Hayden “Elizabeth said “Hayden it’s good to see you “Tracy said “You too, Tracy’Hayden said “Nice to meet you both, You can stay here “AJ said “Yes they are” Monica said “Did you find a dress “AJ ask “Yes, I think I try on every dress that Gabriella had in her store she probably exhausted “Elizabeth said “I want you to have everything “AJ said “I do “Elizabeth said she kiss AJ as Jake and Ayden came in,” Jake, Ayden this is your aunt Sara “Nice to meet you “You too, Ayden I heard your a cook” Yes, I’m going to cater the wedding “That’s wonderful “Yes it is” Elizabeth said 

At Skye’s-Skye was holding the dress to her body and looking at it when Gabriella came in,” Mother you look beautiful “Thank “Where is your wedding ring “I stole it” Why! I would of like to have it”You can have a new one it’s time for a new start for all of us, Now Kim is on her way and we can have some dinner I want you to be nice to her “I’ll try”She not used us she has her own money “Alright, Where is Lila Rae”She moved back to the brownstone,Dex check it for safety “Oh,Maybe I’ll get a room there too”You can but there no staff you will have to cook for yourself “Skye said knowing her daughter wouldn’t do that as Kim came in,”Sorry I’m late I had errands to run’What kind”Gabriella she is allowed to have private ,Now I ask the maids to have just some snacks for us for dinner, A cheese board and some vegetables “Perfect “Yes”Gabriella said she didn’t want to live her with Kim.

What lies ahead part. 2 ch. 11

 At Gabriella closet’s-Elizabeth was trying on wedding dresses with Laura and Monica and Carolyn .Elizabeth was showing them the wedding dress she was trying on when two women came by.”Looks like we are in the right place “The woman said “Sara! Hayden! How did you know to find me! You both don’t know each other “Elizabeth said “We met when we were both away, Mother called us about the wedding and we had to come “Sara said “Yes, I wanted to be here for you “Hayden said “Where isViolet ”She with Finn but if you want she can come to the wedding “Hayden said “I’m just glad you’re both here, So what do you think about this dress “Elizabeth ask Hayden look at the tag,”Wow, This store had designer clothes “Yes, My Great Niece run this store, This whole shopping center is run by an Quartermaine “Monica said “That’s wonderful “Sara said “Elizabeth, You look great, My mother wanted to be here too but she has something personal to take care of”I know, I was there this morning at the hospital ,I understand “Elizabeth said “Sara, I’m so glad your here “Carolyn said “Me too, I’m glad you and Elizabeth have wotk it out, Elizabeth I’m glad you will finally be happy “Sara said “Thank,You both could be my bridesmaid with Portia and Robin”Elizabeth said Yes! Let’s pick out a dress “Hayden said 

Skye was alone at the house and picked up a picture of her with Lorenzo and remembered that happy time they shared in this picture and threw it,” It’s time to move on” Skye said grabbed her purse, and left.

At Lucy-Lucy was at home with Scotty and Christy who just came out to them .”We want you happy and never feel like you have to hide anything “I will, I should go “Alright, Are you dating anyone “Not yet but now that I’m free and not living a lie I can fine someone “Yes you can “Scotty said 

At AJ’s Hotel- Brooklyn and Jr we’re in bed together from the after glow of having sex.”Jr, That was wonderful “Yes it was, I had a lot of relationships and they have always ended horribly now I’m just looking for fun”I could use some fun,Besides I know you’re not use me for my money “No”

At a Pawnshop- Skye walk in she never been to one and went by the salesman.”I would like to sell my ring “It’s beautiful are you sure “Yes, The marriage ended it’s time to move on, I don’t care how much it will get, I don’t need the money just a new Start”I feel you”

What lies ahead part 2 ch 12

 At The Brownstone-Lila Rae was sitting in back at the brownstone she liked living there when Christy came in .”Christy, Are you alright “Yes, Now I’m, I’m glad you’re back here”Thanks “Lila Rae can I ask you something personal “Yes go ahead “How did your parents take the new about you being an lesbian? I just told my parents and they say they love me but they were in shock I can tell”Christy said “My father didn’t agree with it , Daddy say he still loved me but I could tell our relationship changed,my father is an complicated man, My Mother handled it well she was very supportive, Christy it is a lot to take it just let them come around “Thanks,I hope they do but I’m glad not to live a lie”Yes”Lila Rae said as Emma came in from the hospital.”Hi, I have to get ready, I’m late “For what “Looking at wedding dress with Elizabeth at Gabriella store “Emma said 

At AJ’s-Lucy went by the bar and order a drink as Alexis came in.”Alexis, Can we talk”Lucy ask “Sure”Alexis said as she came by.”Lucy, Are you in some kind of trouble “No,But I need your advice on as a mother “Alright not sure if I can help”Alexis said she sit down by Lucy.”You may, My Christy just came out to me and Scotty, How did you and Sonny handle it when Kristina came out “I was in shock it took me a while to come around I regret it, I blame myself but I finally came around, And still love Kristina she was still my baby “Yes, My Christy is the little girl I always wanted to have and Serena, Christy biological mother put her through hell when she was just a little girl and I pray she doesn’t remember it, I will always love her I just was in shock and that she fell the need to stay away because of this” Just support her and love her” Thanks “

At Skye’s-Skye was at home when Gabriella came  in she was holding a bag and sit it down as she was exhausted from helping Elizabeth try on dress and bop on the couch.”Gabriella! Skye yelled “What! Gabriella ask “Why did you just bop on the couch “Because I’m tired, Elizabeth and her wedding party most of try on every dress in the store”Nice, Did Elizabeth find something “Yes she did and her sisters who are in town and the bridesmaid and mother in law and GrandMother have there dress,You should of come “ I know, I just didn’t feel like going out “I have a dress for you “Gabriella said she got up and pull out the dress it was long sleeve black dress.”That’s beautiful “Thank “

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 10

 At A Cabin-Kim was there with Faith, “I told Skye who I am and she knows you raised me” Well that’s unexpected, I’ll have to move my plans fast” What plan! Were you the one who tried to kill my mother in the crash? Kim asks “Now look here she's not your mother! I’m I raise you’No Nannie’s did! You just wanted me for revenge you didn’t love me, You don’t love anyone! You even killed your grandmother “You're right I did because she betrayed me! Just remember that! Faith yelled  “Are you threatening me” Maybe, Anyway I need your help?”Faith said as they walked into a room and saw an injured woman on the bed,” Who is she” Don’t worry about that just heal her, The only good thing about raising you is that you’re a doctor “Faith said “I’ll need my medicine bag” Kim said she pick it up and helped the woman.

At General Hospital-Tracy and Gabriella were in the hallway as the lab came by.”Here are your test results “The man said and left as Tracy opened them and read them.”So what is it” She is your sister “No” I know we need to support your mother Yes I guess we do, Mother is going to need us, Althea died this morning “I heard “

At Lucy’s -Lucy and Scotty were talking to their daughter Christy.”So Christy, What is your news” It’s a very difficult thing to hear but I can’t live a lie anymore I know you both will still love me” Yes we will no matter what we miss you so much” Lucy said “This was one reason why I stay away so I could live my life and not in secret, I’m a lesbian “Oh, Well we still love you “Scotty said “Yes we do, You’re the little girl that I fight to raise and love and I’ll always love you, I never want you to feel ashamed “No, Your mother and I love you “I love you both so much, I’m glad to be home and not live a lie anymore “Me too”

At Gabriella, Gabriella was hanging up some wedding dresses when Elizabeth and Carolyn and Laura and Monica came in.”Elizabeth,I’m glad you are here for a wedding dress, I just pull out some dress that will look beautiful on you “Gabriella said she show them to Elizabeth.”Wow,They both are beautiful “Elizabeth said “Yes, I’m surprised ‘Carolyn said All my dresses come from Paris , I have a lot of friends in the fashion industry “Gabriella said “Why don’t you try them on”Monica ask “Yes, Who is going to be your maid of honor and bridesmaid “Dr,Robinson is going to be in my wedding but she working today “Elizabeth said “Aunt Monica this will look great on you “Gabriella said “Thank, Elizabeth I’m so happy for you and my son”Me too”I called Nina and told her about the wedding after all she saved my son that night with Britt “Yes she did, is she coming for the wedding “She may”

What Lies Ahead Part 2 ch 9

 At Skye's -Skye was going through the boxes she had sent to the house from Althea and pull out a picture of them together and felt a little emotional when Cecil came in the maid help her into the room.”Cecil,How did you get here”Skye ask “The driver drove me,m”Skye, I know we still haven’t work things out between us but I heard about Althea and wanted to help you “Cecil said “I miss our relationship,I want to trust you again, to have someone to talk too “Me too,I’m just looking at pictures of Althea and I “Are you having an funeral for her “No, Althea doesn’t have any family besides me, She didn’t want one”Oh”Cecil Why don’t you sit down And I’ll have the maids make us some tea”Sure, I would love that “Cecil said she and Skye sit down on the couch.”I have some news, Kim is my daughter r “Wow” Yes she anger just like I was talking about karma “You can help her” I will, You will never guess who her adopted mother is “Who” Faith Rosco she in the mob” No” Yes she an dangerous woman “Skye said 

At AJ hotel- Brooklyn and Jr we’re having lunch together.”So are you going back to Pine Valley after everything is settled in your business with ELQ”I’m not sure it depends “Jr said as Tracy came in and was happy to see her granddaughter with Jr and went by them.”Jr Chandler it’s nice to see you with my granddaughter “We are just having lunch together “Yes, Maybe it could be more”Grand”Brooklyn said “Well Jr is handsome like his father “Tracy said and left.”I’m sorry about her “It’s alright, I have listened to your music I really like it”Thanks, Lila Rae and I are going on the road again soon”Nice”In away I guess we are family because of Skye “I’m only related to Skye and her girls”Yes,That’s true, Jr I’m going to be on the road soon long distance relationship doesn’t work”We could just have some fun, I think we could be fun together “I could use some “Jr said they got up from the table and left,

Tracy watched them leave and was happy about it when her cell phone rang .”Tracy Quartermaine,Yes I will be there “She said and left,

At Ava’s-Ava was looking up information on mob boss that were in Port Charles and came across information on Faith Rosco.”She sounded like my physcho sister “Ava said to herself.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 8

 At Ava art Gallery- Ava was getting her art gallery set up when Dex came in.” Ava, We need to talk”About what” I have some information you may want “What is that” A new mob boss is trying to come to town” What do you know about this” Ava asked 

At General Hospital-Tracy was in the hallway waiting on Gabriella who called her to meet her at the hospital as she came in.”Gabriella,Why did you want me to meet you here “Tracy ask “I have a cup from Kim with her DNA on it and Mother hairbrush “Oh Gabriella you are a true Quartermaine “Thank, I wouldn’t let her hurt my mother “Me either “Tracy said they went to the lab.

Althea room-Althea was in bed and Skye was sitting by her,”Althea I talk to Kim and we are going to start over and have a relationship, I need to know my another daughter “I’m happy for you”I’m glad we put the past behind us”Me too”Althea said she wasn’t feeling good and close her eyes.”Althea! Mother ! Skye yelled as Althea flatlined And Elizabeth came in and checked her.”I’m sorry she gone”Elizabeth said “No,Mother “Skye said she touch Althea face.”You are finally at peace and we are finally at peace I don’t hate you anymore, I’m free of the past and your free of the pain you carried all your life “Skye said “Skye, I need to clean Althea up”Alright,Thanks Elizabeth “Skye said and went into the hallway and Lean against  the wall as Tracy and Gabriella came by .”Mother,Are you alright “No, Althea is gone” No, I’m sorry “Me too” I need to plan a funeral, Gabriella can you come with me” Yes Mother, “Gabriella said “Skye, I’m here for you too” Tracy said “I know, I just need to be with my daughters” Skye said 

At Tea-Tea was at home when her cellphone rang.”Tea,Lorenzo is this you,Whoever you are stop calling and hanging up on me! Tea yelled and hang up the phone.

At Skye’s -Lila Rae was sitting on the couch writing when Skye and Gabriella came in.”Mother, What’s wrong “Althea dead”No I’m sorry “I need my daughter right now “Always “Lila Rae said as Dex came in,”Dex, What’s wrong “Skye ask “I have information we all need to be very concerned about, There a new mobster coming “No! Do you know who it is”No! I double on the security “Thank you “Skye said as Kim came in.”Kim,This is Dex my stepson, Dex Kim is my daughter “Skye said “Nice to meet you “You too”I have to go”Dex said “I’ll walk you out “Skye said they went by the door.”Dex, I have some information for you, Faith Rosco she was a mobster here she alive and raises my daughter Kim”No”Yes she could be the person  “I’ll look into it”Thanks,Have you heard from Lorenzo “Yes, He want to come home but he couldn’t stay in jail “He made it worse by running “Yes”

What lies ahead part 2 ch 7

 At The Quartermaine mansion- AJ and Elizabeth were talking about the wedding.”Do you want a church wedding “Yes and I was thinking we could have the reception at the hotel “Anything you want “Thanks “If you want to stop working as a nurse you can too” No, I love my job “You are a great nurse, Gabriella say you helped her with her eating disorder “I just give her some encouragement she needs to hear and some advice the rest was up to her” Elizabeth said as Jake and Ayden came in from upstairs.”Did you both pick out a room”Elizabeth ask “Yes we did, Thank you AJ “Jake said “I want you both to feel like home “AJ said as Monica and Tracy came in,”Jake it’s so good to see you”Monica said she hug him,”You too Grandmother “Jake said “Elizabeth and the boys are moving in”This is there home too”Monica said “Yes Unfortunately Jake is Jason son”Tracy said “What does that mean “Jake ask “Jason hated us “No he didn’t, Tracy you will behave towards my grandson and make Ayden feel welcome too, You were married to his grandfather Luke you are family “Monica said “you married Luke “Ayden ask “Yes,That was his unfortunate mistake “AJ said “Can we just try to get along “Elizabeth ask “Yes, It’s so nice to have family in this house again “Monica said as Gabriella and Lila Rae came in with bags,”Girls,Why do you have your luggage “Monica ask “Mother want to move back in our house “Gabriella said “Oh, Where is Skye”AJ ask “Talking to Kim, It turns out she is our half sister “Lila Rae said “Wow”AJ said “Skye needs to do a DNA  test “Tracy said “Yes she does “Gabriella said 

At Skye’s- Skye was showing Kim around the house,” You can have any of those rooms” Thanks for making me feel welcome “I’m glad you are here and we can work together, The girls should be here soon” Skye said as they went downstairs and Gabriella and Lila Rae came in.”I’m glad to be home, I miss this house “Lila Rae said “Me too it’s just missing Daddy” Gabriella said as Skye and Kim came into the room .”Girls, Kim is staying with us, We talked and she is my daughter “Skye said “Mother, Do you have proof “Gabriella asked “Yes I do “I’m not here to get money I have my own” Kim said “Why don’t we have a late dinner and get to know each other “Skye ask “Alright, I’m hungry “Lila Rae said they went into the dining room and sit down to a meal.”So Kim, Why did you get into medicine “I wanted to save lives and heal the sick” Kim said she took a drink of tea.

What lies ahead part 2 ch 6

 At General Hospital -Skye just confronted Kim about the truth about her being her biological daughter when Gabriella and Lila Rae were by her,”Kim, Let’s go to my house and talk this needs to be private conversation “Skye said “Yes it does”Kim said “I know you were here with a plan of revenge, I saw the way you look at my mother in the hospital in New Jersey you know who she is “Gabriella said “Yes I did but I don’t want revenge I have a lot of questions “Kim said “Gabriella,Lila Rae , I need to do this alone, Go to the Quartermaine mansion and get your belongings we are moving back to the house “Skye said “Mother “Lila Rae said “I’ll fill you in on this later”Skye said she left with Kim. “I can’t believe she our sister “Lila Rae said “She nothing to us”Gabriella said “Gabriella,We will support mother in this “Lila Rae said as Monica and Tracy came by.”Where Skye”Mother went home with Kim, She mother daughter “Gabriella said “What! Monica ask “When we went to London to see Althea she told us that Skye give up a daughter “Tracy said “Was mother raped “Lila Rae ask Tracy just look at her granddaughter and she know the truth.”No”Lila Rae said “I still believe Kim is up to something “Gabriella you are just like Daddy always being someone has an agenda “Lila Rae said 

At Skye’s-Skye And Kim came into the house.”This is a lovely house “Thanks you, Lorenzo made it for me , Kim I understand your anger about giving up for adoption, I was angry too when I found out about my childhood, At first I always thought Althea was my biological mother she was very abused to me and I was angry when I found out I wasn’t her daughter with Adam because I adore him now it turn out I’m his daughter with Tracy a woman I despise since the day I met her. Kim I didn’t know that you were raise by Faith I know that woman and I wish you had a better mother “Skye said “Faith never care for me she let nannies raise me, I hardly saw her she told me that my biological mother lived here in this town and you didn’t want me or love me”Kim said “Kim, I block you out I had to survive “Survival what”I was raped, That’s how you were convinced “Skye said as she cried “I’m a daughter of a rapist “It’s not your fault or is it mine fault, It’s the man who did this to me “Skye said “Did you want to keep me”I wanted to but I wanted to protect you from the violence I face with Althea”Skye said “If she hurt you that badly why are you making sure she has the best care’Kim ask “Althea and I made peace I need to let go of the anger and end this circle of abuse “Skye said “You’re right it does need to end, I’m not here to hurt you or your  family I just want to know you I have enough money of my own “I believe you”Skye said 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 5

 At General Hospital-Monica was in the hallway when Skye came by,”Monica, How is Althea”Skye ask “Her blood sugar was low, Skye it’s almost time the cancer is killer her”I thought she was dead for so long I hate her but when I saw her in London we made peace and I don’t want to say goodbye yet “I’m glad you made peace with Althea”Me too”Skye said “You can see her “Monica said Skye left.

Althea room-Althea was sleeping when Kim was talking to her.”I had everything money could buy, Mother had money to support me but she a psychopath a killer who had to fake her death so many times! I hate that Faith raises me! Kim yelled as Skye came in.”Kim.Why are you yelling “Skye ask as Althea woke up.”What’s going on”Althea ask “You are in the hospital, your blood sugar is low “Skye said “Skye, We need to talk alone “Althea said “I’ll be back “Kim said as she left.”Skye,I have a confessing to make, it’s about how Kim was adopted by Faith Rosco”Althea said “I still can’t believe that”Skye said “Faith is my half sister “What! Skye yelled “That’s Kim got her, Faith was in town when you gave birth and took Kim she wasn’t going to be raised by Faith she was supposed to be adopted “So she was stolen just like me” Yes and she is angry, I wasn’t sleeping and I heard everything that Kim say,  she angry that Faith raised her” I don’t blame her, I need to be her mother “Yes you do, It’s time you let Lorenzo and the past go and be a mother to your daughter and get your life back “Yes it is, Althea I wish you were not dying “Skye said “Me too, I wish I was a good mother to you “Althea said “You couldn’t help it, You were sick” Skye said 

Kim was in the hallway when Skye came by.”Kim,I know you know the truth about me, I’m your mother “Skye said as Gabriella and Lila Rae and Monica came by.”Yes! I’m the daughter you give away! The one you didn’t want “Kim yelled “It wasn’t like that, I can expect it,Why don’t we go somewhere and talk”Skye said 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

What lies ahead part 2 ch 4

 At AJ’s-Skye was finishing lunch with both her daughters her oldest who she give away and her youngest daughter who she raised.”Have you found a place to live? I know you been staying here”Skye ask “I’m still looking I may get a room at the brownstone “Kim said “We are moving back to my house, You could stay with us “Skye said Gabriella wonder what was going on and about to say something when Skye cellphone went off.”Monica, What is it, I’ll be right there”Skye said as she hang up the phone.”We need to get the hospital it’s Althea”Skye said as they got up.”Mother it will be alright “No it won’t, Althea is dying she raises me we didn’t have a good relationship but she can’t die yet “Skye said 

At Dex- Dex was at home packing up when there was a knock on the door it was Ava,”Ava, What do you want “I wants you to tell me where you’re father is or you will be shot at! Ava yelled as she pulled out a gun on Dex,”I don’t know where he is”Then why are you packing “Because I’m moving out”Dex said “I don’t believe you”Look why do you care that my father is on the run, You can still run this town without him ,Lorenzo can’t come back “Dex said as Ava put the gun away.”I’m sorry, You’re right I can still run this town “Yes Lorenzo is an wanted man “Yes he is, I’m sorry I understand the loyalty in this business it’s important “Yes it is “Dex said 

At General Hospital- Elizabeth was working when Skye Gabriella and Kim came In “Elizabeth, I’m here about Althea” Skye said “Monica is with her “Why don’t I look at her” Kim asked “Thank you” Skye said Kim went to see Althea,” Mother, What is going on between you and Kim” Nothing I just want to know her she a great doctor “Yeah I guess, But why did you invite her to stay with us” Because she should stay at a nice place, Gabriella I can’t do this right now” Skye said 

Althea room- Althea was resting when Kim came in,”You’re the reason that I was raises by her and Skye give me up! You should suffer “Kim said 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 3

 At AJ’s Hotel-Skye and Gabriella were having lunch together.”I know you miss your father but even if Lorenzo comes back he can never be free “No he can’t “You have been great at running the boutique and helping Sasha with the magazine and almost finishing graduate school you need to stay focused on your future “Skye said “I’ll try mother”You’re father would want that too,”Skye said as she saw Kim who just came in,”Mother’Gabriella said “Kim walked in,We just have her join us”Why”Because she doesn’t know anyone in town and it’s polite “Skye said she wasn’t sure yet about telling everyone who Kim was as Kim came by.”Kim,Why don’t you join us “Thanks Skye”Kim said as she sit down and look at her biological mother and wanted to, say something but wasn’t sure about it.”Gabriella it’s good to see you “Kim said “You too,” Gabriella said she wondered what was going on,” Kim, How is the hospital “It’s going good,” Kim said 

At The Quartermaine mansion -Althea was in the den sleeping on the couch when Monica came by and checked on her pulse as Althea woke up,” Althea, Are you alright “No I don’t feel good “We should take you to the hospital “Alright I don’t want any chemotherapy or radiation “I understand that, Althea I had Breast cancer And as a patient, I understand what you’re going through “Monica said “You been so good to me since I came to town” Althea said as she got up.

At Bobbie’s -Carly was working at the dining hardly anyone was there between AJ's diner and the hotel she had competition and was trying to save her mother's legacy when Jax came in.”Carly, What is the emergency “I need your business help in saving my mother legacy “I’m sure between both of us we can come up with something “Jax said 

What lies ahead part 2 ch 2

 At Crimson-Gabriella office-Gabriella was writing an article she enjoying working at Crimson and the boutique when Skye came in she felt that Gabriella was keeping something from her about Lorenzo.”Gabriella we need to talk “Skye said as she close the door.”Mother,Is this about my work “No it’s about your father,You need to tell me everything so I can keep you safe”Skye said as she sit down.”Mother you know everything about what I did feel like you’re keeping something else, Gabriella I understand you love your father but I don’t want you to go to jail for him” Skye said “You’re right I been keeping something from you about Daddy” What is it “A few weeks ago he sent me a letter, Daddy told me where he is” Where! Skye ask “No, I don’t want to tell you will call the cops “No, I wouldn’t “His in South Africa in a new house “Gabriella said Skye was upset and put her hands on her face,”You can’t keep anything about this from me, We both have to be on the same page “Do you want Daddy to go back to jail “I just want this to be over the dangerous “Do you still love him”I’ll always love your father he give me you and your sister “Skye said “Daddy maybe a dangerous person but he love us”Yes, Let’s go get some lunch “Skye said 

At AJ’s hotel-The Lobby-Jr was in the lobby looking at his phone when he bumped into Brooklyn.”Hi! Watch it! Brooklyn yelled as Jr look up at her and was taking back.”Sorry I wasn’t looking “No I guess not”I’m Jr Chandler “Brooklyn Quartermaine “She said as Skye and Gabriella came by and Skye thought there could be something between them. “Jr, I’m glad you meet my niece Brooklyn,I want you to meet my youngest daughter Gabriella “Skye said “Gabriella it’s nice to meet you, Brooklyn it was nice to meet you too”Yes it was “We are going to have lunch ,Do you both want to join us”No thanks “No, I’m meeting Lila Rae here about our next tour “Brooklyn said “You’re the one who sings! I went to that concert “Jr said “Did you like it”Yes it was amazing “Jr said “Gabriella let’s go into the dining room “

Skye And Gabriella went into the dining rooms and sit down.”Mother, Do you have any regrets in marriage Daddy”No, I don’t, I don’t regret having you and your sister “Skye said as Kim came by,

What lies ahead part 2 ch. 1

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Althea and Tracy were having tea together.”Tracy, I have made peace with our past “Althea said “Me too, I’m sorry I slept with your husband, Yes it was wrong but I loved Adam” You and Adam were a better fit than me, He loved you” Thanks “Now it’s your time to take care of Skye and the girls, I’m dying and I want her to be alright “Skye will be alright “Yes she strong “Yes she is “Tracy said 

At AJ’s hotel- Monica and Carolyn were having breakfast with Elizab eth and AJ.”So what is this news” Monica asked “We are engaged “Elizabeth said as she showed them the ring,” That’s wonderful “Carolyn said “Yes it is congratulations “Monica said “Do you have a date set” Not yet” We have a lot to do” It doesn’t have to be a big wedding “No it doesn’t but whatever you want Elizabeth “Aj said as they share a kiss.

At ELQ-Ned and Skye were having a meeting Skye was trying to come back to work and Ned was filling her in on what happened when Jr came in.”Skye”Jr said as he came in.”Jr, It’s so good  to see you,Ned this is Jr Chandler “Nice to meet you,” I want to thank you for helping me save my company “Jr said “I did it for Adam “I know, I’m glad you are a Chandler after all” Jr said 

At Dex house-Dex was home recovering from being shot at when Gabriella came in with bags of food,”I brought you some supplies,How are you”I’m alright,Gabriella you need to tell me everything you did to help Lorenzo and if you heard from him “I planned on telling you”Good let’s talk “Dex said they sit down on the couch,

Monday, March 4, 2024

What lies ahead part 1 ch 63

 At AJ’s hotel-AJ was setting up a private romance dinner outside for Elizabeth he had rose on the table when Elizabeth came in wearing a red dress.”You look sexy “Thanks, AJ this is wonderful “You’re welcome before we sit down I have something to ask you “AJ said as he knelt down and holding a ring .”Will you marry me? I love you so much “AJ said “AJ, I love you to and it’s been great for us, Yes I will marry you “Elizabeth said AJ got up and Kiss Elizabeth and they sit down.”Elizabeth, I’m so happy you say Yes, Everything except losing Michael has gone my way”You have earned it, You didn’t fall apart when Michael died and I’m sure that was so hard”Yes it was,I love you and your boys “I know you do the way you helped Ayden means lot to me “I love the boys too”AJ said “Yes, We have a lot to discuss “Yes we can live at your place or mine house “AJ said 

At Skye’s house- Robert was there he had a search warrant to look around as Skye came in,’ Why are you in my house? Skye yelled “I got a search warrant to look around for anything to help us find your ex-husband “Lorenzo isn’t going to leave a clue here! His not a dumb criminal “Skye said “No his not, Where is his office “Robert ask “I’ll show you “Skye said they went into the office and it was empty.”Did you clean it out”No, I been living at the family mansion “Skye , if you’re daughter did this she in legal trouble more then helping Lorenzo escape “Robert said “Gabriella didn’t do this “Skye said 

At The Cabin- Lorenzo and Johnny were hiding in as the guard came in with a woman.”About time you arrived “Lorenzo said “Who’s this”Johnny ask “You are sexy! I’m Faith Rosco a old friend of Lorenzo “Faith said “How can we trust you “Johnny ask “We can,Faith helped us expose she had the power turned off “Yes the authority think you did it but it was me,  I even cleaned your home office you can escape and have a good life Now here is what we will do next “Faith said “But I’ll never see my children or Skye again “No you can’t look back “

What lies ahead part 1 ch 62

 At General Hospital-Dex room-Dex was in bed when Tea came in.”Dex, It’s just us so please tell me did you shoot yourselves to distract the authorities so Lorenzo could escape “Tea ask “No I didn’t shot myself ,I was shot at”Dex said “Do you know who did this “No”Dex said “Do you know where Lorenzo could be? Gabriella could be in trouble for helping Lorenzo escape “What! Gabriella help him”Dex yelled “Yes she brought Lorenzo a cell, phone and received calls on her secret phone, “Tea said “No this isn’t good” No it’s not, I need you to tell me everything you know, “Tea said “As a lawyer or my mother “Lawyer, I’m going to help my brother even though he doesn’t deserve it” Tea said 

Gabriella was in the hallway walking when Ava stop her.”You bitch! How dare you help my brother killer out of jail! Ava yelled “Like you wouldn’t do anything for your family! Like you haven’t broke the law! Gabriella yelled as Skye came by,”Leave my daughter alone”I just want justice for my brother “You’re brother isn’t innocent either, his the reason my car brake stop and I hit Michael car! And Michael died! Skye yelled as Kim was watching them with Portia by her,”Skye family has a lot of drama “Kim said “Yes, Skye ex husband is a mob Boss who is on the run,His very dangerous “Portia said “Really “Yes I hope the cops find him”Portia said 

At The Police Station- Anna and Robert were looking at the security cameras from the prison when Mac came in,”Did you find anything on Dex shooting “It wasn’t an self inflicted wound “So we do have a shooter on the loose too”Anna said as Alexis came by.”We need to find Lorenzo and Johnny and this shooter I promise to keep the town safe”Alexis said “We will “Anna said “Yes we will stop them”Robert said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella came home and saw the mail on the table one was an envelope addressed to her and she opened it and read it was from Lorenzo and she put it in her purse.

What lies ahead part 1 ch. 61

 At General Hospital- Monica was showing Kim around the hospital as Steve and Portia and Elizabeth and Robin came by.”Everyone thank you for coming this is Dr, Kim. Williams are new residents “Monica said “Welcome to the hospital, “Elizabeth said “Thank you I’m happy to be here,” Kim said as Skye came in with Gabriella and Lila Rae Kim looked at them she was having mixed feelings telling Skye who she was she didn’t want to get hurt.

Dex room- Dex was in bed and Josslyn was sitting by his bedside talking to him,” I’m sorry about my father but I still care for you and want to be friends “You do” Yes, What do you think I hate that we couldn’t work it out but I miss talking to you “Me too” Josslyn said as Gabriella and Lila Rae came in.”Dex, We wanted to see you” Have you heard from Lorenzo? “Dex asked “No” No” I hope he doesn’t get caught, “Dex said as Mac came in,” Dex, I need to question you about Lorenzo's escape, “Mac said as Tea came in,” Not without me, “Tea said “Let’s go get Dex something to eat “Lila Rae said She left with Gabriella and Josslyn.”I haven’t visited Lorenzo in jail and didn’t help him escape I was shot” Yes that’s convenient “I didn’t plan on getting shot at” Dex said “We looked at the camera and couldn’t find a shooter in the coffee shop you accused me of shooting myself’Dex ask “That is ridiculous! I believe we are done here’s said Mac left,” Dex, Did you shoot yourself” No! I don’t “Dex said 

Portia and Steve were at the nurse station when Mac came by,” Who worked on Dex” I did” Portia said “Was it a self-inflicted wound “You think Dex shot himself “Yes to distract us from Lorenzo's escape jail “It didn’t look like one” Portia said “I will need to see his chart, I’ll go get a court order “Mac said And left,

Skye was in the hallway when Tea came by,” Tea, What’s going on you look upset ‘I’m at my brother for what he's doing to our children to get out of this situation! Mac is accusing Dex of shooting himself! I wish Lorenzo would just take his punishment and leave us alone “Tea said “I agree I hate what he did to Gabriella he manipulated her, I do hope he is never found and we can move on”Skye said  “Me too , We need to be free of him”Tea said “Yes”Skye said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 60

 At Carly/ Jax-Carly and Jax were sitting down on the couch having coffee together.”Where is Josslyn “Jax asked “She went to the hospital to see Dex, I know you don’t like this relationship and I get it, I never wanted Josslyn to fall in love with a person in this business but it happened and we need to be supportive or we will lose her” Carly said “That’s it I don’t want to lose Josslyn “I don’t want to lose another child to the mob either I lose two sons “Carly said “Yes you did, We have to stop it” Jax, You can’t control this “Carly said as Jax pick up the tv remote and turn on the Tv,” I wonder if the cops found Lorenzo and Johnny “Jax said “Someone probably helped them escape “Who” I believe it was Gabriella she wanted Lorenzo out of jail so bad” I hope not, she would be facing charges “Me too” Carly said 

At The Police stat,ion- Anna and Mac were talking about the case.”Maybe we can strike a deal with Gabriella instead of charging her”Anna said as Ava came in,”Did you say that Gabriella helped het father! You have to fine the bastard that killed my brother! Ava yelled “Ava”Anna said “How did this happen! Ava yelled as Robert and Alexis came  by,’Ava, We understand your upset but we are going to find them “Alexis said “You better and give them a longer sentence’Ava yelled “Ava, let us do our job “Robert said Ava left,”I question Gabriella but she didn’t answer me “Alexis said “We need to have a cop follow Lorenzo love ones and maybe they will lead us to him”Robert said “Yes and Johnny too”Anna said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye was thinking about what Althea told her about Kim when Gabriella and Lila Rae came by.”Mother,We are going to see Dex”I’ll go with you both, Now if Lorenzo contact you both you need to tell me “Skye said “I hope Daddy doesn’t contact us because it will lean the cops to him”Gabriella said “Yes it will”Lila Rae said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 59

 At Stateville-Anna and Mac we’re looking at the severance camera of any visitors that Lorenzo had.”Most of the visitors were his daughter Gabriella “Mac said “Yes , She wanted him out of here’Anna said “You don’t think Gabriella help him escape “Mac ask “I hope not, Alexis is going to talk to her “Anna said as they watch another visit of Gabriella and saw her hand Lorenzo a notebook and a cellphone.”This isn’t good”Anna said “No I don’t want to change a teenager with hindering apprehension “Mac said “Maybe we can get Gabriella to tell us where Lorenzo is “Anna said “Maybe “Mac said “I’ll call Alexis “Anna said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Althea and Monica and Olivia and Tracy were having breakfast with Lila Rae and Brooklyn and Gabriella.”So what is everyone going to do today “Olivia asked “Nothing, “Gabriella said as the maid came in with Alexis.”Alexis, Why are you here “I need to Question Gabriella about her father escape and the visit she had with him”Alexis said “You’re not questioning my daughter without a lawyer “Skye said “Call one”Alexis said as her cellphone rang and she went to take it.”Mother “Don’t worry earlier I called Tea she come to talk to you “Skye said 

Alexis was in the foyer on the phone with Anna when there was a knock on the door and the maid opened it was Tea who came in as Alexis hang up the phone.”If you’re here to question my niece you’re not going to without me “I haven’t questioned her yet,Gabriella going to need you I just got evidence that she helped Lorenzo escape “Alexis said “You don’t want my niece you just want Lorenzo”Yes he is responsible for killing my daughter “Alexis said 

Gabriella was in the den with her family when Alexis and Tea came in,”Gabriella, I’m your lawyer and Alexis or anyone isn’t questioning you without me present “Tea said “Now that you’re here I can talk to Gabriella, Gabriella I know you had the best tension of helping your father but you broke the law it’s called Aiding and abetting, we have it on camera that you give Lorenzo a phone and a notebook”Alexis said “That’s all you have! It’s nothing “Tea said “We don’t know who Lorenzo made the phone call too but we have proof that they knocked out the cops on duty and cut the power off”Alexis said “Are you changing my client with anything “Not yet but we will,If any of you hear from Lorenzo you are to report to the authorities “Alexis and And left,

What Lies Ahead Part 1 ch 58

 At The Quartermaine manison-Gabriella was in her room sitting at her vanity looking at herself in the mirror and worrying about her father who was on the run and she was worried if she would be in trouble with the law for helping him as there was a knock on the door.”Gabriella, Come down for breakfast “Skye said as she opened the door and Gabriella looked at Skye.”I’m not hungry mother “Gabriella, Please come down and just have some fruit, I know you’re upset about your father but you can’t stay in here all the time “Skye said as Gabriella got up.”I’m not upset, I’m glad Daddy got escaped I’m just worried about him and myself “Me too, I know you want him home I get it, I wish when I was a little girl I had a Daddy that love me as much as your father does, I know Lorenzo love both of you and Lila Rae and Dex so much “Skye said “Yes he does”Gabriella said “Go downstairs, I’m going to check on Althea”Skye said and Left the room,

Althea room- Althea was in her room looking at some papers when Skye came in.”Althea,Are you alright “Skye come sit down I have something to tell you”About what”Skye ask as she sit down on the bed,”I know who you’re daughter is, You know her too”Who is it”The Doctor who saved you Kim”Kim is my daughter “Yes”That’s why she moving to town”Yes and you know who adopted her, it’s all in this box,I’m sorry for all the hurt I cause you, I do regret it”Althea I have let the pain go, I want to move on and have a relationship with you”I want that too but the cancer is getting worse, I’m going to die soon but I’m glad we found each other again and made peace “Me too”Skye said as she cried and Althea whip her tears away,”Skye you have a great life an business and respect from your family and two daughters who love you and a man who may not be perfect but he love you and I know no matter how much you try you love him too’Yes but loving Lorenzo has cost me a lot, From losing Alan to a few months of being away from Lila Rae”Yes but you and Lorenzo are soulmate “Oh Althea”You can’t be afraid of love”I know,How long do you have “I’m not sure “Well let’s enjoy each other “Yes”

What lies ahead part 1 ch 57

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and Tracy were in the Den. Skye was upset that Gabriella helped Lorenzo escape jail and was scared for her daughter.” I could kill Lorenzo for asking Gabriella to help him escape she didn’t even know who she was talking too! Skye yelled ‘Skye this isn’t good “I know we can’t let the authorities know this! Gabriella can’t go to jail! Skye yelled as Monica Ned AJ and Olivia came in,” Why would Gabriella go to jail? What is going on”AJ ask “Does this have something to do with Lorenzo And Johnny escaping from jail “Ned ask “It’s nothing “Skye said “Skye we are family and protect each other you can tryst us”AJ said “ Yes that’s the Quartermaine way”Monica said “Lorenzo use our daughter to help him escape he had Gabriella use a phone he give her for emergency to call someone, Gabriella doesn’t know the person identity, I can’t have my daughter go to jail”Skye said “She wouldn’t “Ned said “Olivia “Skye said “I’m with my husband on this “Olivia said “Thanks, Gabriella just want# her father’s home she doesn’t think about the danger “Skye said 

At Carly /Jax-Jax and Carly and Josslyn were home and had heard about the news about Lorenzo and Johnny.”I’m not surprised that Lorenzo and Johnny worked together on getting out “Carly said “Didn’t you date Johnny too”Yes! Carly said “We need to go away till the danger is over “Jax said “What about the hotel” Josslyn asked “We don’t have permission to make a hotel, The right belongs to the Quartermaine for any hotel” How does that happen “We don’t know, Anyway I think it’s a great idea to just get away “No! I don’t want to leave Dex”Josslyn yelled “Josslyn , I don’t want you with him”I’m not a child ! Josslyn yelled’You’re father just wants you safe “Carly said as she took Josslyn hands.”Yes I know”Josslyn said 

At a secret house-Lorenzo And Johnny had arrived and hide in the cabin,”Who’s cabin is this “Johnny ask “Mine, I brought it before I went to jail no one know about it we are safe here “What about supplies “It’s all stocked up food in the freezer and new ID and Money and a passport and phone “You are a smart mob boss”Yes I’m “Lorenzo said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 56

 At Stateville- Alexis And Mac came into the jail to find out the power was out,”No this isn’t good “No it’s not”Mac said as they heard someone screaming and found two cops tied to a chair with no clothes and they untied them ‘What happened? Who did this to you “We have two convicted on the run, Lorenzo Alcazar And Johnny Zacchara “The cop said “No this isn’t good” Mac said “No it’s not” Alexis said as she tried to make a phone call,” My Phone not working “We have a landline “The cop said Alexis use it to call Anna and Jackie.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and Gabriella and Lila Rae came home,”I’m glad that Dex is alright “Me too, Gabriella I understand you wanted to protect me but I’m a good judge of character and I trust Kim”I just don’t understand why she would quit her job to work here, She up to something “No she isn’t and I don’t want to hear it”Skye yelled as Tracy came in,”Is everything alright “My doctor Kim Williams may work at the hospital and Gabriella thinks she up to something “She could be! You can’t trust anyone “Gabriella said “Not outsiders no you’re right “Tracy said “Let’s just relax and watch a movie “ Lila Rae said she turn on the tv and Jackie was doing a news report.”Breaking News! Because of the storm the power went out of stateville and we have two convicts on the run, Lorenzo Alcazar and Johnny Zacchara they are armed and dangerous “Jackie said as she reported.

“Daddy isn’t dangerous! Maybe he can come home “Gabriella said “Sweetheart, You need to face reality this isn’t going to help your father get out of jail as soon as he will be found he will be back in jail, So If he connects any of us we have to tell the authorities or we can be in trouble too, Gabriella please don’t help him”Skye said as she cried and pleaded with her daughter,”I already have, I been helping Daddy all along “No! How! Tracy yelled “Mother please “Skye said as she closed the door from the den,”Daddy ask me to give him a notebook from the safe and use my secret phone to expect phone calls from a number and give them the information,I just want us a family like before “I know Baby”Skye said “This can’t leave the room “No, let me have your secret phone”Skye said Gabriella give it to Skye,”I’m sorry “I know Baby”Skye said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 55

 At The Police station- Alexis and Mac were talking.”We need to figure out who shot Dex and who course the crash of Skye plane it could be an new enemy “Yes I plan on talking to Lorenzo, not sure if that will work “Alexis said “ I’ll go with you “Mac said 

At General Hospital-Skye was getting ready to go home when Carly came by,” We need to talk “What could I have to talk to you about “We are connected through the business, I saw Gabriella talk to Kim and she doesn’t trust her and either do I” Like I care about who you trust “We know that you have to be careful who you trust in this lifestyle I get you want a life without Lorenzo but his enemies don’t care if you’re married or not” Carly said Skye touch her face,” I hope you’re wrong on Kim” Me too” Carly said as Lila Rae and Gabriella came by,” Let’s go “Skye said 

Dex room-Dex was in bed when Jax came by.”How much will it take for you to leave town and leave my daughter alone “Jax asked as Josslyn came in,” Daddy! You can’t play with my life  like that”I just want you safe”I understand that Mr,Jacks “Good I hope you both don’t get back together “Jax said and left,”I’m sorry about my Dad”He just love you “Yes”

Outside the storm was starting to come thunder and lightning as Skye was in the car with her daughters and the driver was taking the home.

At Stateville- The power went out of the jail and Lorenzo and Johnny use it to escape jail as dressed up as cops and broke into a cop car and drove to the hospital.

What lies ahead part 1 ch 54

 At General Hospital- Gabriella had her suspicions about Kim who wanted to work at the hospital,”So you want to move here and work at this hospital “Yes,Why do you care “Because no one hurt my family, I know you’re up to something, Do you know who my father is”No”Lorenzo Alaczar a mob boss, Daddy maybe in jail but he can still deal with anyone who hurts us “Gabriella said “You don’t need to threaten me “I’m not, I just don’t trust anyone that I don’t know”Gabriella said as Carly came by.”Is everything alright “Carly ask she thought something was going on.”Yes,This is the doctor who work on my mother in New Jersey and now is trying to work here”Gabriella said “I’m not up to anything, not everyone has the worst intentions “Kim said she left,”Yes they do! She up to something “Gabriella said “You are like your father “Well Daddy has always said because of his work we can’t trust anyone “Yes it's true “I don’t like the way she looks at my mother, Why do you care “Because our family are tied, Sonny is dead but his enemies are still out there and they are the same ones as yours father” Yes it was probably the one who shot Dex” Gabriella said and left.

Dex room-Dex was in bed visiting with Josslyn,” Josslyn I’m glad you found Me “Dex said as Skye and Lila Rae came in.”We are glad you came too”Lila Rae said “Yes Dex your family and we want you better “Thanks “Dex said 

At a house- Kim came in and turn on the lights to find her mother waiting for her,”Why are you here”I been following you, I know what you’re up too “What do you want”I need you to do exactly as I say, It’s about time you listen to your mother after everything I did for you “What is it”

At General Hospital-Gabriella had just updated Lorenzo on Dex's injury when Skye and Lila Rae came by. Let’s go home before the storm comes in” Skye said 

What Lies Ahead Part 1 ch 53

 At Stateville-Lorenzo and Johnny cell-Lorenzo was upset that Dex was shot and he couldn’t be at the hospital he walked around the cell.”Who is this Dex? Johnny asks “He my nephew I raise him as my son, Luis raped our sister and I raise him because Tea wasn’t in the best place to raise a child “I didn’t know you had a sister “Our father give her to his sister to raise he had no use for girl and when Luis found her” I’m sorry “I may be a lot of things but I’m nothing like him and I need to see Dex”Is he in the business's this is my fault,We need to get out of here “I have an idea,” Johnny said 

At General Hospital- Dex room-Dex was in bed when Tea came in.”Dex, I’m glad you’re alright I love you, I been enjoying getting to know you” I have been enjoying getting to know you too, Mother “You called me mother “Can I”Yes”Tea said as she cried “I wish you could leave the business “I know but I can’t, I know a lot of information that isn’t good “I know, I hate that my family is in this business, Because of this lifestyle my father didn’t want me and it wouldn’t cost me you! Tea yelled “How can I get out of it”Dex ask 

Skye was in the hallway worried about her family when she saw Kim talking to Monica and went by,”Monica, Kim why are you here”I ask Kim to come work here if she was interested in moving “Yes, Monica been telling me all about this hospital I may take her up on it”What about your life in New Jersey “It’s not much just work “What about your family “I’m a only child and I don’t talk to my mother she a psychopath “I’m sorry “Me too,Skye why are you here “Dex been shot”No is he alright “Yes his going to be fine, His my nephew by marriage “Skye said as Gabriella and Lila Rae came by,”Mother “Gabriella said she didn’t like Kim.”Gabriella , Lila Rae you remember my doctor Kim she may work at this hospital “Really” Gabriella ask “Yes, I need a new start “Kim said “I’m going to check on Dex ‘Monica said she left,”I’m going to see Him too”Me too”Skye said “I’ll meet you both in the room , I need to use the bathroom Gabriella said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 52

 At General Hospital-Josslyn was in the hallway waiting on news about Dex when Alexis and Jax and Carly came by.”Josslyn, Are you alright “Carly ask “Yes, I walked in the coffee shop after “Josslyn said “Thank God, Why were you there? I thought it was over between you both”Jax ask “Jax”Carly said as Skye and Lila Rae and Gabriella came by,”How is our brother “You still think of him as your brother‘Josslyn ask “Yes , Dex is family no matter what “Gabriella said “His still in surgery “Josslyn said “First you’re plane crash and now the shooting, I wonder if it’s connected “Alexis said “I thought with Lorenzo in jail the danger goes”Jax said “No it doesn’t, Please don’t make this into something “Skye said as she went to sit down she was feeling exhausted and worrying as Carly sit by her,’We both know a new mob boss could be on the way it’s the way it works”Carly said “Yes it is”Skye said as Tea and Daniella came by,”How is my son! I want to see him now! I demand it”Tea yelled as Skye got up,”Tea,Dex is in surgery just stay calm, Try too”Skye said “We are just getting to know each other “I know”Skye said as Mac came by.”Josslyn, Did you see anything “No”

Gabriella's secret phone rang and she looked at it was Lorenzo she went to take it.”I don’t know anything yet his in surgery “Gabriella said as Skye came by and Gabriella hang up the phone.”Why did your secret phone ring,It was your father wasn’t it”Yes he heard about Dex”Oh”We are all connected still “Yes I know, This is what I wish I could protect you from the violence your father lifestyle is”Skye said 

Carly was comfortable Josslyn .”I still love him mom”Oh Jose I wish I could’ve of stopped you from loving a man like this you deserve to love someone who not in the lifestyle “I know but I don’t regret it”Josslyn said as Tea came by.”Thank you for saving  my son”You’re welcome “You still love him don’t you” Yes” I hope you both can work it out you both deserve to be happy “Yes we do “Josslyn said “Dex and I were just starting to form a relationship “Tea said as Portia came by.”I have some new on Dex”Portia said “Go ahead you can share the news we all love him”Tea said “Some “Jax said “Dex is stable right now “Portia said 

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 At Stateville- Lorenzo was in his cell with Johnny.”I know you’re up to something “Johnny said “I’m not up to anything “Yes, I know you’re working on breaking out of here and I want in”Why would I help you”We could work together in business we both are alike and have a lot in common “Ava been running things “Will not anymore, What do you say”Yes”

At Alexis Mayor office- Alexis was working she enjoyed being a mayor when Carly and Jax came in.”Alexis we need your legal advice “Is this about the Quartermaine and hotel “Yes, You know”I was there lawyer before I became mayor “Anyway is there anything to stop this”No , The Quartermaine have a right to the hotel ownership it was all done legally by Edward before he died, The Quartermaine didn’t know till now”So we can’t own a hotel”Nope” Edward was a smart businessman, I like going head to head with him on business “Jax said “This is just good “Carly said as Alexis phoned went off and she answered it.”Mayor Davis, No! I’m be right there “Alexis said and hang up the phone,”There been a shooting “No, Who”Jax ask “Dex, he was shot at the coffee shop,Josslyn found him”Alexis said “No let’s go”Carly said they left.

At The Clinic- Lucas was working when Monica came in,”Lucas how is everything going “Great so far “Good “Yes it’s been a successful clinic “Yes it hasthe 

 At Stateville-Lorenzo And Johnny cell- Lorenzo and Johnny were in the cell as the sheriff came by.”Lorenzo, I have some bad news for you “What! Your son was shot”No! I need to see him”Lorenzo said “I’m sorry but that wouldn’t happen “

At The Quartermaine mansion-The Solarium room-Skye was finished having tea and sandwiched with Althea and her daughters she was enjoying the moment that she never thought she would have when Lila Rae phone rang it was Josslyn .”Josslyn what is it! No”Lila Rae said as she hang up.”Dex has been shot”No”We need to go to the hospital “Yes we do “Skye said 

What lies ahead part 1 ch 50

 At The Quartermaine mansion- The Solarium room-Skye was having tea with Gabriella and Lila Rae.”Gabriella I’m sorry I wasn’t here for your birthday “It’s alright,Uncle AJ threw me a party and Daddy sent me a gift”What did Lorenzo sent you”My own credit card with no limit,Mother Daddy may be in jail but he loves us”His not going to come home, We all need to move on,”You don’t want me to visit him”No you can but Gabriella you’re father isn’t getting out And I don’t want you to break your heart “Skye said as Monica And Althea came in,”Althea, Are you alright “Yes I was just resting “Althea said as she sit down.”I have to go to the clinic,I’m be back soon”Monica said as Skye got up.”Monica, I just want to thank you for letting us stay here and Althea too” You’re welcome, I enjoy having this house full again “Monica said and left as Skye sat back down again.”So you raise mother “Yes I did, I wasn’t the world’s greatest mother but I can tell you’re mother is” Yes she is,” Lila Rae said 

Gabriella went to pick up her purse and pulled out her secret cell phone that went off it was silent and she went into the hallway to take it.

At ELQ-Ned and AJ were working on deals when Tea came in.”Ned, Aj why did you ask me to come meet you”We need a lawyer for our company and was hoping you would “I would love too”Thanks “I would like a decent salary “Yes we will give you one”Great”

At Lorenzo coffee shop- Dex was running it since Lorenzo was in jail when someone came in and shot him as Josslyn came by.”Dex! No! Josslyn yelled and call for help.