Thursday, March 22, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 35”

“For The Love Of Mine Son”
At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra and Grayson and the nanny we’re talking to Lucky about Preston kidnapped. “Did you see anyone or heard anything “Lucky ask “No,Preston was sleeping in his stroller and not even crying “The nanny said Sierra was worrying and picked up her son blanket and hold it against her chest. “I will put a bug on you're phone just in case you get a ransom call “Lucky said “We both know this could be a enemy of my father in law”Grayson said “Yes we are looking into that too,We will be having cop around you're house “Lucky said “Thanks “Grayson said “Mrs.Cassadine,I’m sorry “The nanny said “This isn’t you're fault “Sierra said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo and Skye were having dinner when one of the guards came into the room.”Sir, I have some bad news,It’s about you're grandson “The guard said “Preston “Lorenzo said “Yes he was kidnapped “The guard said “No! Skye yelled “How did you let that happen! Lorenzo yelled “I wasn’t watching you're daughter,But I will find out,I have every man on this”The guard said “Thanks “Lorenzo said the guards left. “We need to see Sierra ,She probably losing it”Skye said “Yes, I will do whatever I can too get our grandson home “Lorenzo said “I know you will “Skye said they left..

At Faith Jail cell-Faith was in her cell when AJ came by. “You bitch you think you can just shot my son and get away with it! You will not get away with this!! AJ yelled “I was not aimed for Michael , I wanted Lorenzo “Faith said “I don’t care! You killed my son! My grandchildren don’t have their father! AJ yelled and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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