Thursday, March 22, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 44”

“Faith Jerome”
At General Hospital-Faith was in her room laying on her bed when Robin came into the room. “Faith you’re going to be just fine,You got a blood transfusion “Robin said “From who”Faith ask as Juanita came into the room. “From me”Juanita said “Who are you “Faith ask Robin left the room. “My name is Juanita Alcazar Jerome , I’m Lorenzo and Tea and Lucian and Julian Mother ,When I was pregnant with Julian I was expected twins ,Victor wanted a son so bad but he wasn’t happy about the girl I was expected and told me she was dead “Juanita said “Why are you telling me this”Faith ask “You're my daughter “Juanita said “No my mother is Mary Rosco,Father Mel”Faith said “I’m sure you love them and I’m not here to take you're memories away, I just want to get to know you “Juanita said “Are you sure you want too? You’re son Lorenzo will hate that”Faith said “Yes he will,You killed his son Lorenzo Jr”Juanita said as Skye came into the room. “You bitch you did this! First you shot at my family and shot my husband and kill Michael then kidnapped my grandson and ended up killing my son! I will make sure you pay for this! Skye yelled “Lorenzo Jr sure of never been their in the warehouse “Faith said Skye slap Faith and left. “I’m sure Lorenzo will go after me too”Faith said “No he will not”Juanita said 

At The Police station-Alan was their when Rae came by. “Alan,What’s going on”Rae ask “Our daughter needs you to come home “Alan said 

At Bobbie-Bobbie was on the phone trying to get a hold of Luke. “Luke you need to come home “Bobbie said as someone came behind her.. “Barbara “Luke said she turned around. “Luke,You’re Home “Bobbie said “Yes,What is it”Luke ask “Lucky was on a case Preston Cassadine ,Skye and Lorenzo grandson was kidnapped by Faith Rosco and Lucky went to fine him with another family member.,There was a explosion in a warehouse,Lucky didn’t make it”Bobbie said “No! My son!” Luke yelled Bobbie hug Luke.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 43”

“Saying Goodbye”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo room -Lorenzo was laying in bed as Skye came into the room. “Skye,How’s our son”Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo Jr who I have loved since I was pregnant with him and wanted to keep him safe and I didn’t want him in you're lifestyle but I had no choice,I couldn’t save my son from you're lifestyle and I wish I could but I cannot our son is dead!! Skye yelled “No! Lorenzo Jr!! Lorenzo yelled Skye lay in the bed with Lorenzo who hold Skye close to him. “I’m so sorry Skye,I never wanted my lifestyle to touch our children and now it has touch all our children “Lorenzo said “I feel so dead inside “Skye said they cried for there son.

At The Mortuary-Laura and Liz and Nikolas and Lulu and Bobbie we’re their to say goodbye to Lucky.”Lucky my beautiful son, I love you so much you were a great son and father and Police office “Laura said Liz went by his body. “You were a great friend to me and husband I love you”Liz said Lulu went by his body. “You were a great brother, I love you “Lulu said “I’m glad we end up becoming friends and brother,You saved my grandson ,Thanks you”Nikolas said “We loved you Lucky “Bobbie said As Grayson came into the room.” I just want to say Thanks you to Lucky for saving my son,I’m so sorry “Grayson said “Thanks Grayson,Hold your children close to you”Laura said “I will Grandmother “Grayson said they left..

Skye came in pushing Lorenzo in a wheelchair and Lila Rae and Sierra and Gina and Alan and Monica and Richard “Lorenzo,I’m sorry you’re gone this is my fault you wanted to be like me grownup and I Sure of stop it, I Sure of let you be you're own person,I love you so much son”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo,My beautiful son I love you so much and I wish that I could bring you back to us,I will get justice for you,If it’s the last thing I do this person will pay “Skye said “Lorenzo, I love you you’re my big brother we were closed growing up, I will make sure everyone is okay and look out for our family just like you would want “Lila Rae said “Lorenzo, I love you thanks for fine my son, I will tell my son all about his Uncle “Sierra said “Lorenzo,I’m sorry that in the past we didn’t get along,I did love you ,I just wanted better for you “Richard said “We love you so much “Alan said The man came into the room. “I need to take the body “The man said “His not just a body his my son! Skye yelled as she went to touch Lorenzo Jr . “Lorenzo you were the love of my life and their will never be another man”Gina said they left.

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 42”

"Lorenzo Jr"

At General Hospital-Sierra and Grayson and Lila Rae and Skye and AJ and Alan and Monica and Morgan and Juanita and Tea and Alexis and Kristina and Liz and Bobbie and Laura and Richard were their . “Where is our son”Sierra ask as Patrick came into the room. “Sierra,Grayson You're son is find his with Dr.Webber said “Can we see him”Grayson ask “Yes”Patrick said they left. “What about my husband andSon”Skye ask as Robin came into the room.”The explosion caused a lot of pain to everyone who was in it,Faith is in need of a blood transfusion “Robin said “Who care about that bitch she did this! What about my son and husband “Skye ask “Lorenzo is going to be fine,Skye we try everything we could to save Lorenzo Jr but we couldn’t “Robin said “No! Not my son! Skye yelled and felt to the floor and AJ came by and pick her up. “Oh AJ”Skye said they share a hug..

“What about my father “Richard ask “Ric just broke his arm he will be fine “Robin said “Robin,What about Lucky “Laura ask “Laura,Liz I’m sorry he didn’t make it “Liz said “No! Laura yelled “No ! Lucky! Liz yelled as Nikolas came by. “Mother “Nikolas said “Lucky is gone “Laura said they share a hug as Sierra came by holding her son with Grayson. “What’s going on? Mother,Why are you crying “Sierra ask “You’re brother was killed in this “Skye said as Gina came by.”No”Gina said “No not Lorenzo “Sierra said “I can't believe this “Lila Rae said “I’m going to see you're father and tell him”Skye said she left. “This is going to destroy our parents “Lila Rae said “Yes it is,Gina I’m sorry I know you love Lorenzo Jr”Sierra said “Yes I did”Gina said 

Juanita went to talk to Robin. “I can do Faith blood transfusions,I’m her mother “Juanita said as Julian came by.”What did you say”Julian ask “I will set it up “Robin said and left. “Is Faith my sister “Julian ask “Yes she you're twin sister,I was told by you're father that she was dead”Juanita said “Faith is my twin sister and Lorenzo sister who is responsible for the death of Lorenzo son and kidnapped of his grandson which started all this “Julian said “I know this isn’t going to be good but I want my daughter in my life “Juanita said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 41”

“Who Survived and Who Dies” 
At A boathouse-A man with a gun was their with Preston who was in arms as Faith and Lorenzo and Lorenzo Jr and Ric and Lucky and his team came into the room. Faith went by her guy, “Give me the baby “Faith said as she took the baby and went outside while everyone else was still inside the warehouse blow up..

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was talking to Cecil and Bliss. “I know you have some questions about today and where you’re brother is”Sierra said “Yes,Where is he”Bliss ask “He was kidnapped but you’re Grandfather who love us is going to bring him home to us”Sierra said “Why was he kidnapped “Cecil ask “I don’t know,Why don’t you make you're brother a picture for when he comes home “Sierra ask the girls when to their art tables. Sierra didn’t know how to explain to the girls about Lorenzo work when Lila Rae came into the room.”How do I explain to the children about Daddy lifestyle “Sierra ask “Just that Daddy has a powerful job and sometimes things happen and we have to be careful “Lila Rae said “I hate this ,If something happened to my son I don’t think I can forgive Daddy it’s my son”Sierra said as Skye came into the room. “Mother “Sierra said “I understand that you’re worrying about you're son,You're a mother but you’re father love you and it hurt him when a enemy hurts his children,I understand that this is hard to let go”Skye said “Thanks Mother,It was hard to love Preston but I do I don’t see Luis in him”Sierra said Skye touch her daughter. “I don’t see Luis in you”Skye said they went downstairs as Sierra phone rang it was Liz. “Liz,What is it”Sierra ask she hang up the phone. “The cop have my son at the hospital and there was a explosion at a warehouse and Daddy and Ric and Lucky and Lorenzo Jr and Faith were in it”Sierra said “No Lorenzo “Skye said they left.. 

Copyright by Skye’s The limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 40”

At The Quartermaine hotel-Bobbie and Laura we’re having dinner together. “How are you doing “Laura ask “I miss both my husband and Grandson so much it kills me,I hope that Faith pay “Bobbie said “She will “Laura said 

At The Park-Felicia inauguration-Felicia and Maxie and Georgia and Robin and Anna were their when Bobbie and Laura came in. “Thanks for support me”Felicia said as Jackson and Erica and Dorian and Alexis came in. Dorian hold the Bible as Felicia and Jackson were swear into office.

At Sierra/Grayson-The Family was their still waiting on new about Preston sierra was worrying and really wanted a pill when AJ came by. “Sierra,Are you doing okay”AJ ask “No I’m scared and I want a pill so bad”Sierra said “I know it’s hard but don’t give in”AJ said “I’m trying “Sierra said Skye phone rang it was Lorenzo. “Skye ,Faith is going to lean us to Preston “Lorenzo said “Be careful,Is Lorenzo Jr with you “Skye ask “Yes and Ric he want to help “Lorenzo said he hang up the phone.

“Sierra,I called all my connection with the WSB “Richard said “Thanks Sierra said “Sierra,You’re father has a lean on where Preston is “Skye said “Who has him”Sierra ask “Faith “Skye said as she look at Juanita.,

At Felicia inauguration-Felicia was just swear in as Mayor. “My first ordered of business is to handle is to have a special election for DA”Felicia said “I’m going to run,I want my old job back “Alexis said “Good “Felicia said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 39”

At The Police station-Lucky was questing Faith as Ric and Lorenzo came into the room. “Can we be alone with Faith “Lorenzo ask “I have to full out some paperwork anyway “Lucky said “Don’t leaves me with them”Faith said Lucky left.Lorenzo when by Faith and Ric close the door and the blinds. “Where is My grandson! Preston better be alive if you care about you're life “Lorenzo said “I will bring your grandson home if the changes are dropped,Preston back and I’m free”Faith said “That’s not up to me”Lorenzo said “No but you can make that happen,All I have to do is make one phone call and Preston come home alive or dead”Faith said 

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was in her son room holding his blanket when Grayson came into the room. “We will get our son home and when we do,We need to make some changes,I don’t want you're father around our children “Grayson said “Grayson,Right now we are more emotional and scared about this, I hate my father lifestyle too but his my father,It’s will be hard to not see him and for my mother to have to pick “Sierra said “I just want Preston home “Grayson said “Me too,Let’s go downstairs “Sierra said they went downstairs..

Downstairs-Skye and Tea were talking..”If this is Faith it’s not good “Skye said “No it’s not, I talk to my mother about this,Faith is Julian twin sister “Tea said “Is you're mother going to say something “Skye ask “Yes,Faith was taken from her “Tea said “This isn’t going to be good “Skye said as Sierra and Grayson came downstairs as Juanita came into the room. “Sierra,We will fine you're son”Juanita said “Thanks Grandmother “Sierra said as AJ and Sabrina and Alan and Monica came into the room. “Thanks everyone for coming and supporting us”Sierra said “You will get you're son back alive “Alan said “I hope so”Sierra said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 38”

“Gone Baby Gone”
At Sabrina-Sabrina was folded the laundry when there was a knock on the door it was AJ. “AJ,You’re Home “Sabrina said “Yes,I’m,I want to get my life back “AJ said “AJ,Michael would want us both to not fall apart and take care of ourselves “Sabrina said “Yes,You were the love of my son life,You will always be a Quartermaine so if you need anything “”AJ said “I like living here it’s Were Michael and I made memories and made our children, I loved Michael for himself not for money”Sabrina said “I know But you’re not alone and you don’t have to deal with it alone “AJ said “Thanks,I now just have Lillian to take care of ,The rest of the children are grown up and in college “Sabrina said “They do grow up fast,Sabrina We will get justice for Michael “AJ said “Yes we will “Sabrina said AJ phone rang. “Skye,What? I will be their”AJ said and hang up the phone. “What’s going on “Sabrina ask “Preston was kidnapped “AJ said “No,Sierra must be a mess, I will go get Lillian and come with you,Michael always look out for Sierra “Sabrina said “Yes he did “AJ said

At The Police station Faith was in the room and Lucky was questions her. “Did you have anything to do with Preston Cassadine kidnapped “Lucky ask ‘No, I don’t know the boy,”Faith said “His Lorenzo Alcazar grandson,Now where is he!Lucky yelled

Ric was in the hallway as Lorenzo was their. “Why are you here! Lorenzo yelled “Look we both want the same thing to bring Preston home safe,Let’s work together on this “Ric said “I guess we could work together,I will do anything for my family “Lorenzo said “Me too,Rather you like it or not you're family is mine too,I love Preston too”Ric said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 37”

“Gone Baby Gone”
At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was with Skye and Lorenzo worrying about her son when Lila Rae and Morgan came into the room. “Sierra,We will fine you're son “Lila Rae said they share a hug. “Thanks for coming “Sierra said “You’re Welcome,Do you need anything “Lila Rae ask “Just my son, I’m going to make some tea,Does anyone want anything “Sierra ask “No,Do you need any help “Skye ask “No, I need to do this myself “Sierra said she left.”Lorenzo,Do you know who did this “Morgan ask “I think it’s Faith, I want to go talk to her without Lucky following me “Lorenzo said “I will distracted him “Morgan said “Thanks “Lorenzo said

Skye and Lila Rae we’re talking. “Lila Rae, If we don’t fine Preston alive,It will not be good “Skye said “I know Mother,We will find him alive “Lila Rae said Grayson came in with the girls the nanny took the girls upstairs. “Where my wife “Grayson ask “Making Tea”Morgan said Lorenzo was about to sneak out of the house and Grayson saw him. “If this is one of you're enemy this will be the last time you are allowed in my house! You will never see my children again and I’m sure my wife will agree! Grayson yelled as Sierra came into the room with a tray of tea and snacks. “What’s going on”Sierra ask “Grayson blame me,Do you blame me”Lorenzo ask “Yes,Daddy if this was you're enemy , I don’t know what will happen between us,I’m a mother and my children come first “Sierra said “I do hate that my enemy has touched you're son,I do love him”Lorenzo said as Lorenzo Jr and Gina came into the room. “Father,Let’s go get some air,Sierra I’m sorry we will fine you're son “Lorenzo Jr said they left.

“Sierra,I’m sorry “Gina said “Thanks,I need a distraction from this,How are you “Sierra ask “Great both Lorenzo and I HIV statistics is doing great,We are thinking about having a baby “Gina said “I would be careful if I were you,with Lorenzo jr Job”Sierra said “I know it’s risky “Gina said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 36”

“Gone Baby Gone”
At Sierra/Grayson-Lucky was putting the bugs on the phone and Sierra was looking at a picture of Preston when Skye and Lorenzo came into the room. “Sierra,We are so sorry,My men are looking for Preston “Lorenzo said “Was this one of you're enemy Daddy!! Sierra yelled “I don’t know,I want Preston safe and sound “Lorenzo said “You don’t hate my son anymore “Sierra ask “No”Lorenzo said “What’s going on? Sierra all the information we need will help us fine you're son”Lucky ask “I don’t want this public but Preston is Luis son,My biological father “Sierra said “We will keep it between us,Lorenzo we know you want you're grandson home safe so let us handle it,If you have any information on this case”Lucky said “Daddy,Please “Sierra said “Yes, I will help “Lorenzo said “Sierra we will fine you're son safe”Skye said “Thanks “Sierra said as Ric came into the room. “Sierra “Ric said “Daddy Ric”Sierra said they share a hug. “We will fine you're son”Ric said “Please “Sierra said “Sierra,What was you're son wearing “Lucky ask “A top with ducks on it and jeans “Sierra said “Thanks “Lucky said “Where are the girls “Skye ask “Grayson is pick them up from school “Sierra said 

At Lila Rae-Lila Rae was having a drink with Morgan. “Morgan, I’m sorry that I walked out,Can we try again? I still love you “Lila Rae said “We both made some mistakes ,Yes Let’s start over “Morgan said they share a kiss as Lila Rae photo rang it was Skye. “Mother,Oh no,We will be right their”Lila Rae said she hang up her phone..”What’s going on”Morgan ask “Preston is missing “Lila Rae said “No,Let’s go see Sierra “Morgan said “She must be losing her mind “Lila Rae said “Yes it could be you're father enemy “Morgan said “If it is and Preston isn’t found alive it will destroy my family “Lila Rae said they left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica we’re having a drink when Alan phone rang it was Skye. “Skye,Oh no, I will be right their “Alan said he hang up the phone. “Preston been kidnapped “Alan said “No this isn’t good “Monica said “No, I sure go see Sierra “Alan said “I’ll go with you “Monica said they left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 35”

“For The Love Of Mine Son”
At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra and Grayson and the nanny we’re talking to Lucky about Preston kidnapped. “Did you see anyone or heard anything “Lucky ask “No,Preston was sleeping in his stroller and not even crying “The nanny said Sierra was worrying and picked up her son blanket and hold it against her chest. “I will put a bug on you're phone just in case you get a ransom call “Lucky said “We both know this could be a enemy of my father in law”Grayson said “Yes we are looking into that too,We will be having cop around you're house “Lucky said “Thanks “Grayson said “Mrs.Cassadine,I’m sorry “The nanny said “This isn’t you're fault “Sierra said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo and Skye were having dinner when one of the guards came into the room.”Sir, I have some bad news,It’s about you're grandson “The guard said “Preston “Lorenzo said “Yes he was kidnapped “The guard said “No! Skye yelled “How did you let that happen! Lorenzo yelled “I wasn’t watching you're daughter,But I will find out,I have every man on this”The guard said “Thanks “Lorenzo said the guards left. “We need to see Sierra ,She probably losing it”Skye said “Yes, I will do whatever I can too get our grandson home “Lorenzo said “I know you will “Skye said they left..

At Faith Jail cell-Faith was in her cell when AJ came by. “You bitch you think you can just shot my son and get away with it! You will not get away with this!! AJ yelled “I was not aimed for Michael , I wanted Lorenzo “Faith said “I don’t care! You killed my son! My grandchildren don’t have their father! AJ yelled and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 34”

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was in Grace room packing her belongings she did miss Grace but she know it was the right thing to do. Grayson came into the room.”Sierra”Grayson said “I’m just packing up some of Grace things “Sierra said “Sierra,What is it”Grayson ask “I know it was the right thing to give Grace to Lila Rae ,She Grace Mother but I missed her, I like taking care of her”Sierra said “Well we could do something about that,We could have another child “Grayson said he kiss Sierra. “The Girls are at school and Preston at the park “Sierra said they went into their room and made love..

At The Park-Preston was in his stroller and the nanny was looking at her phone when someone came by and took Preston..

At Cassie/AJ-Cassie was reading when AJ came into the room. “AJ,You’re Home “Cassie ask “Yes,I’m sorry about the last few months and I will make it up to you “AJ said “I know you will,I have some news about who shot Michael,It was Faith Rosco she in jail “Cassie said “Faith,a enemy of Lorenzo and Sonny “AJ said “Yes let the cops handle this “Cassie said “I will She better go to jail “AJ said “She will,Do you want to go see you're parents “Cassie ask “No , I want to be with you “Cassie said they share a kiss..

At Faith Jail cell-Faith was in her cell when a man came by.”It’s done”He said “Good “Faith said

At The Park-The nanny realized that Preston was kidnapped and call Sierra.

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra and Grayson were in bed holding each other when Sierra phone rang. “Sierra,What! Sierra yelled and hang up the phone. “Sierra ,What is it”Grayson ask “Our son was kidnapped “Sierra said “No “Grayson said they got out of bed, “I hate to say this but it could be Daddy enemy “Sierra said “Yea, I will call the cops “Grayson said “My baby “Sierra said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 33”

“Family Or Power”
At Juanita-Juanita was at home talking to Lucian. “Mother,If I get off this I will get my life in order “Lucian said Juanita touch her face. “You will get out of this,I made sure of it but why did you do this “Juanita ask as Tea and Lorenzo came into the room. “Yes,Why did you do this “Tea ask “I had a hard time in Mexico getting my life back,Mateo was busy with his business and Gabriel is now a big time model so when I met Faith and she told me about her plan I couldn’t say no,I’m not the only one who has broke the law”Lucian said “That’s true”Tea said “Did you know that Faith planned on killing anyone at the ball”Lorenzo ask “No and I’m sorry anyone was hurt,Lorenzo I’m glad we didn’t lose you “Lucian said “Thanks,You will get you're life back,Faith is going down for it”Lorenzo said “You will get you're life back we all make mistakes “Tea said “Thanks,I’m going to shower “Lucian said “I need to go too”Lorenzo said and left. Tea closed the door to the living room. “So Mother when are you going to tell everyone that Faith is you're daughter! My sister! Tea yelled “How did you know “Juanita ask “Skye readed you’re journal”,Is Faith Daddy daughter that you keep from him”Tea ask “No Faith isn’t Santiago daughter, She Julian twin sister,She Victor daughter, I thought Faith was dead I didn’t know she was alive till now I took a piece of paper out of her file and ran a DNA test”Juanita said “Why did you think Faith was dead”Tea ask “When I was pregnant with Faith and Julian it was a hard pregnancy I was bed resting and went it was time to deliver the twins, I passed out and Victor and a nurse was only in the room ,I sure of know that Victor made sure we didn’t have our daughter,He always thought girl are useless”Juanita said “Mother,I’m sorry about this but you know Lorenzo will hate this “Tea said “I know but I lost so much with Faith,All my children “Juanita said “So you are going to tell you’re secrets “Tea ask “Yes”Juanita said 

At Faith Jail cell-Faith was in her cell when Julian came into the room. “Who are you “Faith ask “Julian Jerome”He said “Oh I heard about you're father he was a powerful mob boss,We could run this town “Faith said “We could but you try to kill my brother! Julian yelled “Lorenzo you’re brother “Faith ask “Yes we share the same mother and we are close “Julian said “To bad you’re loyal to him we could be so powerful “Faith said Julian left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 32”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was at home having a drink when Skye came into the room. “Where have you been”Lorenzo ask “At the office,Are you okay “Skye ask “Yes I will be if Faith goes to jail “Lorenzo said “If she doesn’t “Skye ask “I will take care of her ,She means nothing to me “Lorenzo said Skye Flashback to the secret she found out and told Tea they decide to keep it a secret. “Skye,Are you okay “Lorenzo ask “Yes”Skye said Lorenzo kiss Skye. “I need to go to my office “Lorenzo said he left and Skye Flashback to the kiss she shared with Ric..

At The jail cell-Faith was in her cell when Ric came by. “Ric,It’s good to see you,So are you going to get me out of here “Faith said “It depends what do I get out of it”Ric ask “What do you want “Faith ask “I want my ex-Wife back,Skye “Ric said “You and Skye. ? What it that everyone want her? Faith ask “What do you want”Ric ask “Power “Faith said 

At Gina/Lorenzo Jr-Gina and Lorenzo Jr were home talking. “Do you want a baby”Gina ask “Yes I do”Lorenzo Jr said “Me too,Let’s try”Gina said they share a kiss and made love. 

At The Aids/HIV center-Scott was running it and Robin was helping him by being a doctor to those in need of care. “Robin,Thanks for helping me this center is what I want”Scott said “You have done a great job,You’re Mother would of loved this I’m sure “Robin said “Yes she would “Skye said as she came into the room. “Skye,What are you doing here”Scott ask “To see if you need anything “Skye said “We Still have the money you give us”Scott said “Good”Skye said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 31”

At Ric-Ric was drinking when Skye came into the room she was so worrying about Ric yes they were divorced but she cared for him still. “Ric,I know you’re upset about lose the election but you have so much to live for,Richard love you”Skye said “Why are you here”Ric ask “Richard called me,Ric you're still a lawyer “Skye said “My first act of mayor I was going to get the changer of Rae drop you would of had you're mother back “Ric said “Thanks, I’m working on get her out “Skye said “It doesn’t make sense that I lost the polls had me wining and everything was going great till he had to come back in my life “Ric said “Who”Skye ask “My father, I don’t know why his back”Ric said “Maybe he just missed you,Now what are you going to do? You can’t just drink “Skye said “I can do this “Ric said he kiss Skye. “Ric,I’m with Lorenzo “Skye said “We had something special our marriage was something it was good and honest and you never had to worry about me not coming home “Ric said “Yes we did have a great marriage but it’s over between us,What about Kate “Skye ask “She wasn’t you “Ric said “I need to go,Ric take you're life back “Skye said and left. “You’re right “Ric said and left. 

At General Hospital-Dr Webber was looking at Lorenzo Jr. “You’re statistics is doing great you’re number are study”Dr Webber said “Thanks,How is Gina “Lorenzo Jr ask as Gina came into the room. “Sorry,I’m here for my check up”Gina said “I would like to stay if it’s okay “Lorenzo Jr said “Yes,How was you're “Gina ask “My statistic is doing great “Lorenzo Jr said “I have more great news Gina number are doing great too that new drug is helping both of you “Dr Webber said “If we have a baby will the baby get HIV “Gina ask “We can make sure that baby doesn’t get it you can have a healthy child “Dr Webber said “Are you pregnant “Lorenzo Jr ask “Not yet”Gina said “I would talk to Dr Kelly first “Dr Webber said “I will “Gina said 

Alan office-Alan was talking to Kristina. “Dr Kelly is retirement and we would like for you to replace her “Alan said “I would love too”Kristina said “Good, I know you will do great here”Alan said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“”The Great,Least.Richer.Poor Ch 3 “

At Genevieve/Julian bedroom-Genevieve and Julian were in there bedroom. Genevieve was sitting down taking off her earring as Julian was take off his shirt .”Julian,I’m sorry about my sister “Genevieve said “I’m use to her,But I don’t know if I can't stand having her here “Julian said “Me either “Genevieve said as she got up. “I need to talk to you about JJ”Genevieve said “Genevieve,It’s best that JJ stay in military school,It was the only way to keep him out of jail “Julian said “You act like you never made a bad choice “Genevieve said “Genevieve,Not tonight! Julian yelled

Fallon was in her room looking at a picture of her and her father. “I will find out how to died “Fallon said she put the picture away.

At Townsend-A woman had just got off the phone and was upset as a man came into the room. “Do you have anything to tell me! She yelled “Carolina,I’m sorry “He said “Sorry! The bank say you lost all our money! Carolina yelled “It was a bad investment “He said “Bad investment! We our broke Alistair! Carolina yelled “We are not that broke! Alistair said “How are you going to get the money back “Carolina ask “I’m going to fix it”Alistair said “You better “Carolina said “We have each other and that’s all that matters “Alistair said they share a kiss.

At A house-a Woman was sitting on her couch on the computer typing when a man came into the room, “Celeste ,What’s Are doing “He Ask “I just had a idea for a song and I had to write it”Celeste said “Can I read it”He ask and sit down. “Dominch ,I don’t know if it’s any good “Celeste said “I’m sure it is,You’re a good songwriter “Dominch said “Thanks ,I sure go to bed,Tomorrow I’m meeting with Genevieve she want me to sing at her father funeral “Celeste said “He died so unexpected “Dominch said “Yes,Genevieve was so close to him.Celeste said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“The Great,Least,Richer Poor ch 2”

At Genevieve/Julian-Genevieve and Julian we’re having dinner with Jedediah and Fallon. “So how Jedediah,
How is school “Fallon ask “Great,Soon I will be graduate from school “Jedediah said “That’s great,Have you decide On College “Fallon ask “Not yet”Jedediah said “Well you will be successful then you're brother “Fallon said “Fallon! My son isn’t a loser ,His just in Military school “Genevieve said “When you are under our house,You will not talk bad about my children “Julian said “This is my father house “Fallon said “Daddy give me the House”Genevieve said “Of course he did,Anyway I’m sorry,I have some news of my own”Fallon said “What’s that”Genevieve ask she took a glass of wine. “I’m moving back home “Fallon said as Genevieve spill some of her drink, “Why”Genevieve ask as A older woman came into the room.”Genevieve Darling,Fallon my wonderful step daughter “The woman said “Mother,I thought you were going to stay away tonight “Genevieve ask as she got up,”Genevieve,You always worry so much “The woman said “Yes my wife does,Millie it’s good to see you “Julian said “You too,Can I join you”Millie ask”Yes Mother,”Genevieve said she and Millie sit down. “So When is the funeral for Daddy “Fallon ask “Tomorrow “Millie said “How did Daddy die”Fallon ask Genevieve and Millie share a Look. “Daddy,Was just old”Genevieve said “Yes I’m sure that’s what it is”Fallon said as she took a slip of her wine and look at Genevieve and Millie she thought they were keeping something from her.

At Fitzgerald house-a Woman was sitting on her couch looking at her laptop when her phone rang. “Sophia Fitzgerald,Yes how are you,I will have it done “Sophia said she hang up the phone. Sophia went back to her computer she was google her father who was murder and the killer was never caught, “I will get justice for you Daddy “Sophia said 

At Lockwood-A woman was sitting on a bed with a young boy reading him a book. “I think that’s it for tonight,you need to go to bed”The Woman said “No one more “He said “Samuel,It’s time for bed”She said as a man came into the room. “Daddy “Samuel said “Samuel,Gabrielle”He said “Cord,We were just saying goodnight “Gabrielle said “Goodnight,Son I will be home tomorrow we can spend the day together “Cord said “Cool”Samuel said they left the room. “our son is growing up so fast “Gabrielle said “We could have another one”Cord said then kiss her, They went into there bedroom and made love..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“The Great,Least,Richer,Poor Ch 1”

At Genevieve/Julian-Genevieve was in her house looking out the window when Julian came into the room. “Genevieve “Julian said Genevieve turn around. “Julian,Fallon is on her way,I know my sister can be a pain but can you try with her”Genevieve ask “Yes,I will,How are you doing “Julian ask “I can’t believe that Daddy is gone”Genevieve said “I know you’re sad but you’re father was old”Julian said “Yes Daddy was”Genevieve said “Where is you're mother “Julian ask “I ask mother to stay at a hotel right now,I can’t handle her and Fallon fighting,They will both try to make sure they get their fair of Daddy money”Genevieve said “Yes they will,Do you want a drink “Julian ask “No Thanks,I heard from JJ today “Genevieve said as a young woman came into the room.”Mother,I’m sorry about Grandfather “Jedediah said “Thanks Jedediah ,I’m glad you’re home,You’re Aunt Fallon will be here soon”Genevieve said as the doorbell rang. “That must be my sister “Genevieve said she went to the door and opened it was a older woman. “Fallon “Genevieve said they both didn’t get along. “Genevieve “Fallon said she was wearing a black dress and a hat.

At The Houghton-A Woman sit down and took off her shoes her feet were killing her as a young man came into the room. “Mother,Are you okay “He Ask “Matthew,Yes it’s just my feet,I sure of never wore those shoes at work last night “Calliope said “Do you have to go back to the diner today “Matthew ask “Yes,I’m working another double “Calliope said “Why,Mother you’re working to hard “Matthew ask “Because I have responsibilities and I want you to go to college soon”Calliope said “Mother,Stop worrying about me”Matthew said Calliope got up. “I will always take care of you and give you the best,It’s always been us”Calliope said “Yes”Matthew said as a older man came into the room. “Calliope,How was work”He Ask “Reginald, “Good,I’m going to take a bath”Calliope said “Alright “Reginald said Calliope left. “My mother works to hard,I wish we were rich like the Delatour”Matthew said “I know,I wish we did,We used to be a powerful family “Reginald said “Yes Uncle Reginald ,I just hate seeing my mother work hard”Matthew said “I know,You’re mother has always loved and cared for you since you were a baby “Reginald said “If My Dad never took offf,She wouldn’t have to work so hard”Matthew said “Yes”Reginald said “Do you know who he is”Matthew ask “You're better off without him”Reginald said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Great,Least,Richer, Poor Note~

I'm going to post a oringial soap opera that I have wrote staring Ted Kind and Robin Christopher! I hope you like it! Thanks

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 30”

“Family Secrets”
At Alexis/Julian-Alexis and Julian were at home talking. “Julian, I know what I want to do now that I lost the election I still want to be in politics,I want to run for DA”Alexis said “You do”Julian ask “Yes ,We can still date “Alexis said “What if you have to arrest me”Julian ask “It’s not going to be easy but I think we are both strong to handle this “Alexis said Julian touch Alexis face. “I love you if this is what you want we can handle it”Julian said “Thanks,I’m going to fill out the paperwork “Alexis said and left.

At Tea-Tea and Skye we’re talking .”What is going on”Tea ask “Today when I pick up you're mother she was acting odd and I found her journal and read it”Skye said “You readed My Mother journal,! Tea yelled “Yes and you’re going to be glad I did this secret isn’t going to be good if it comes out”Skye said “What’s the secret “Tea ask Skye told her. “No what are we going to do “Tea ask “This is going to kill Lorenzo “Skye said “Yes it is”Tea said 

At The Jail cell-Faith was in her cell when Lorenzo came by. “You are Lucky that you’re in here you’re safe for now “Lorenzo said “It’s going to be fun playing with you”Faith said Lorenzo left..

At The Police station-Alexis was fill out paperwork for being the DA went Felicia came by, “Alexis,I’m sorry about you're lost”Felicia said “You ran a great Champaign and I know you will do a great job,I’m moving on and running for DA”Alexis said “You will make a great DA”Felicia said “Thanks “Alexis said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 29”

At The Courthouse-Skye and Juanita and Sierra and Lorenzo Jr and Gina and Alexis and Julian and Monica and Tracy and Bobbie and Sabrina and Ned and Olivia and Morgan and Lila Rae and Alan and Lorenzo and Cassie and Peter were their when Faith came into the court with a cop who help her inside..

Scotty was Faith lawyer as the Judge came into theroom. “Where is the DA”The Judge ask “You're honor,Ric was but he try to run for Mayor and we never replace him”Scotty said “Well this isn’t good but we can do the hearing without a DA but we need one before the case”The Judge said “Yes You’re honor”Scotty said “Faith Rosco how do you plea”The Judge ask Faith got up. “Not guilty “Faith said “I have evidence that you did it,The confession that you give the commissioner,No bail “The Judges said “You're honor “Faith said as the cop took her away and Lucian came into the room. “Lucian Alcazar,How do you plead”The Judges ask “guilty, I made a mistake you're honor and I’m truly sorry “Lucian said “Bail is sent at ten million dollar”The Judges said “Thanks you’re honor I’m sorry for what happened “Lucian said she left..Lorenzo came by Lucian. “Let’s get you home “Lorenzo said

Skye pull Tea to talk. “We need to talk alone “Skye said “What is it”Tea ask “A family secrets “Skye said

At The Park-Felicia was having her first press conference. “Thanks for election me as you're new mayor,My first act of due is having a emergency election for a new DA”Felicia said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 28”

At Ric-Ric was so devastated about losing the election there was empty alcohol bottle all over the house when Richard and Kristina came into the room, “What are you both doing here? Do you want a drink? Ric ask he pour himself a drink. “Ric,I know it must hurt to lose a election but you still have much more “Kristina said “What do I have? I lost the woman I love to my enemy “Ric said “You still love Mother? What about Katie “Richard ask “We broke up”Ric said “Father,I’m devastated too that you lost But it not over you still have a lot going on”Richard said “Yea I’m sure you could find something “Kristina said 

At Alexis/Julian-Alexis was home with Gina and Julian and Nikolas, “I’m going to be okay,Yes I really wanted to win but Felicia will do great job “Alexis said “Yes she will,Have you decide what you’re going to do next “Gina ask “No but I will”Alexis said “Alexis,I’m sorry you lost but you are not alone “Julian said “Thanks “Alexis said “I need to go to courthouse “Julian said “I will go with you”Alexis said they left.

At The Courthouse-Lorenzo was in the hallway waiting for his family he hoped that Faith didn’t get bail so he could keep his family safe when Alan came by and went up to Lorenzo. “Lorenzo,You have my back on this if you need to do anything I will make sure you are not dealing with the police “Alan said “We both want the same thing and we will get it”Lorenzo said as Skye and Juanita and Sierra and Lorenzo Jr and Gina and Alexis and Julian and Monica and Tracy and Bobbie and Sabrina and Ned and Olivia and Morgan and Lila Rae came by. “We all want the same thing,Justice for our love ones”Sabrina said “We will get it”Bobbie said as Tea came by. “Sorry,I’m late “Tea said “It’s okay,Let’s go inside “Lorenzo said they went inside..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 27”

At Juanita-Juanita was looking at a old journal she had that relieve a secret in it when there was a knock on the door. Juanita opened it was Skye. “Skye,Why are you here”Juanita ask “We are driving to the hearing together,Remember for security “Skye ask “Yes, I will go get my coat “Juanita said she put the journal down on the table and left as Skye pick it up and read it she thought her mother in law was acting old and then when she found out her secret it all made sense.Skye put the journal down as Juanita came back into the room. “Let’s go”Juanita said “Yes, I hope Faith goes down for this ,It’s killing Lorenzo and my other family “Skye said they left.

At -The Quartermaine hotel-Casey and Sierra we’re having a meeting. “I want this to be a big costume ball to raise money in honor of my Grandma “Casey said “Sure we could see if we could do it in a old mansion “Sierra said “That’s a great idea ,Why didn’t we get along in high school? We are alike “Casey said “Yes we are,But the reason we didn’t get along is because you want Grayson “Sierra said “True,But I have move on from Grayson, and had a couple of marriages but now I want to focus on myself and honor my grandmother “Casey said “Good, I want to forget about the past , I don’t have much girlfriends besides Gina “Sierra said “How is Gina doing “Casey ask “She doing good,She make my brother happy,Anyway I sure go”Sierra said “I’m sorry about you're cousin “Casey said “Thanks “Sierra said she left.

At The Courthouse-The Judge chamber-The Judges was in his office when Alan came into the office and closed the door. “What are you doing here Dr Quartermaine “The Judge ask “I want you to make sure Faith Rosco doesn’t get bail”Alan said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 26”

“Quartermaine Family”

At The Quartermaine mansion-The next day-Monica and Alan and Ned and Tracy were talking about Faith. “So what are you going to do about Faith Rosco”Ned ask “I called in flavor from judges and Faith will not get free from this,She mess with the wrong family “Alan said “Yes she did “Tracy said as Sabrina came into the room. “Are you talking about my husband killer”Sabrina ask “Yes,We are not going to let her out of this,Sabrina while this is going on you sure stay with us “Monica said “I want that bitch to pay for what she did to My husband”Sabrina said “She will “Alan said “I don’t think that I need to stay here”Sabrina said “Sabrina,Faith has no limit when it come to free herself “Ned said as Bobbie and Morgan came into the room. “We all want the same thing payback for Michael and my husband “Bobbie said “Michael loved all of us,We can work together “Alan said “Yes we can”Monica said 

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was on the phone with Casey, “I’m sorry I had to reschedule our meeting last night “Sierra said she hanged up the phone as Grayson came into the room. “Why are you meeting with Casey”Grayson ask he was worrying about a secret. “She want to open a fundraiser in honor of Amanda “Sierra said “You can’t stand Casey”Grayson said “No but it’s good business,Now I have to go”Sierra said “Sierra,Are you okay with Grace gone “Grayson ask “Yes we did the right thing “Sierra said 

At Juanita-Juanita was looking at a piece of paper thinking about her past and her secrets. 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 25”

“The New Mayor Of Port Charles Is”....
At Felicia/Jackson Champaign office- They we’re waiting on new about who won. “Jackson,Thanks for helping me with this, I need it”Felicia said “I need it too,We make a great team”Jackson said “Yes we do”Felicia said as Erica came into the room.”So any new yet”Erica ask “Not yet “Jackson said “Well I want to wait with you my husband “Erica said she was getting jealous of how close Felicia and Jackson were becoming. 

At Ric/Alexis office-Ric was nervous about his father, “Your father can’t stop you from following you're dreams “Alexis said “I hope you're right,I wonder how he found me,I haven’t talk to him in years “Ric said the reporter came on the news. “We have the results in on the mayoral election,The next Mayor of Port Charles New York is Felicia Scorpio “The reporter said 

Ric was watching and upset about his loss.” I’m sorry “Ric said “We ran a great Champaign and we can still do what we want to do.We are both powerful lawyers “Alexis said as Kristina and Gina and Richard and Julian came by. “I’m sorry you both lost “Kristina said “Father “Richard said “I need some air “Ric said and left.”I’m worrying “Richard said “Me too “Alexis said 

Felicia and Jackson Champaign-Felicia and Jackson were on the stage. “Thanks you for voting for me I will do my best as you're mayor,I want to Thank my partner Jackson and his wife and my family,Mac this is for you “Felicia said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo and Skye we’re watching the election and happy that Ric didn’t win. “Let’s celebrities “Lorenzo said he kiss Skye and they made love as someone watched them. 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 24”

At The Police station-Faith Jail cell-Faith was in her cell when Monica and Alan came into the room, “You bitch! You killed our grandson and it has ruin our family! You will die in jail forever! Monica yelled “I just wanted what was mine what this town own me”Faith said “This town doesn’t owe you anything! You will regret mess with our family ,Us Quartermaine are powerful too! Alan yelled and left. 

At Lila Rae-Lila Rae was having dinner with Grace. “Grace,Are you happy about this being back with me”Lila Rae ask “Yes,Why did you leave me? Was I bad.? Grace ask “No you were not bad it had nothing to do with you and more to do with me”Lila Rae said “Aunt Sierra told me that you love me a mother love never stop “Grace said “She right,I always loved you and I want to make it right “Lila Rae said 

At Sierra/Grayson-Sierra was in Grace old room and picked up her doll she missed Grace but know it was the right thing to do.

At The Police station-Faith Jail cell-Faith was in her cell when Sabrina came into the room. “You! Killed my husband! My children will grow up without a father! How dare you! I will destroy you! Sabrina said “You don’t scare me,Who was you're husband”Faith ask “Michael Quartermaine “Sabrina said she left. 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was on the phone. “Livia Cudahy ,It’s Skye Chandler,I go now by Alcazar I need you're help “Skye said she hang up the phone. 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 23”

At Felicia/Jackson-Campaign-Felicia was nervous about it waiting for the results as Dorian came into the room. “Felicia, I just want to say I hope you win,You are what this town needs and I want my predecessor to be you”Dorian said “Thanks,You done a lot for me”Felicia said “Us Woman have to stick together “Dorian said “Yes”Felicia said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo came into the room he was worrying about Faith being alive when Skye came into the room. “How did it go with Lucian “Skye ask “Lucian bail hearing is tomorrow,Skye I know you’re upset with Lucian for robbery Sierra,I’m too but I believe Faith is on this whole thing and my sister needs a second chance “Lorenzo said he took Skye hands. “Alright,I will let it go”Skye said “Thanks, I’ll called a family meeting,Security need to be tighter “Lorenzo said “I agree with Faith alive “Skye said “Yes and if Ric wins it’s not going to be good for all of us”Lorenzo said “Ric maybe stop soon”Skye said “What did you do”Lorenzo ask “I brought Ric father to town”Skye said Lorenzo touch Skye face. “That’s why I love you,We make a great team”Lorenzo said “Always “Skye said they share a kiss as Sierra came into the room.”Sierra ,You came,What about the restraining order against me “Lorenzo ask “What”Skye ask “I canceled it,Grayson wanted to protect me that’s all in his mind he blames himself still for the rape and it wasn’t his fault,You have to understand he wants to protect the woman he love just like you would for mother “Sierra said “I do, I understand and I’m sorry that I went to far”Lorenzo said “It’s okay Daddy, I forget you “Sierra said they share a hug. “I’m glad you both work it out “Skye said “It’s not the only thing I work out today, I give Grace back to Lila Rae she her mother I just wanted to protect her “Sierra said “I know you would come around, I know you “Skye said “I’m glad you did,Family stick together “Lorenzo said as Richard and Lorenzo Jr and Lila Rae came into the room. “What’s going on “Richard ask “My enemy Faith Rosco is alive she was in charge of the robbery and is in jail ,Now that she back it’s going to be more dangerous so we need to tighter security and everyone needs to listen to the bodyguard,Understand “Lorenzo said “Yes Daddy “Lila Rae said “Yea,I need to go now “Richard said and left, “Father we will handle this “Lorenzo Jr said “Sierra “Lorenzo ask “Yes Daddy”Sierra said “Good ,Sierra you robbery was my sister Lucian but she need a change her whole life was in sex trafficking “Lorenzo said “Alright, I was give her a chance “Sierra said “I’m glad you both have made a agreement about Grace,Sierra you did the right thing Grace need her mother” Skye said “I’m glad too”Lorenzo Jr said “Thanks “Sierra said “Sierra,I will always be grafted that you took care of my daughter “Lila Rae said as Sierra phone rang,

“Sierra Cassadine, I will be right their just hold On Casey “Sierra said she hang up the phone. “Is everything okay “Skye ask “Yes it’s Casey Barring,She need me to work on a fundraiser for Amanda “Sierra said “I thought you hated Casey because she wanted Grayson “Lila Rae said “Yes but she lost I won”Sierra said she left. “I sure go too,I want to make Grace a special dinner “Lila Rae said “I’m glad it worked out “Skye said Lila Rae left. “Lorenzo come back in the morning “Lorenzo said “Yes Father “Lorenzo Jr said and left.

“Lorenzo,After visiting with my mother in jail I need to save her”Skye said “Sure hire the best lawyer,Whatever you need “Lorenzo said “Thanks,Lorenzo stay safe”Skye said “I will “Lorenzo said “I’m glad that you and Sierra work it out and Sierra and Lila Rae”Skye said “Me too “Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 22”

At Ric/Alexis Champaign office-Ric was nervous about his father who just walked into the office saying he was going to stop him from being mayor. Ric and Trevor went to talk alone. “Why are you here to stop my dream? As a parent you’re supposed to support my dream “Ric ask “I stop being you're father when you went after me and put me in jail “Trevor said “You broke the law, I didn’t put you in jail,You did! Ric yelled as Richard came by. “Father,What’s going on”Richard ask “This is you're son”Trevor ask “Yes Richard Jr,This is my useful father Trevor “Ric said “Nice to meet you “Richard said “My father is upset because I put him in jail so he want to stop me from winning and if you do tell anyone why I put you in jail they will all be on my side! You killed my Mother!Ric yelled “You sure go”Richard said “I will be back “Trevor said and left. “Father,Are you okay “Richard ask “Yes”Ric said 

At Felicia/Jackson Champaign office-Felicia and Jackson were working when Robin and Maxie and Georgia came into the room. “Are you ready? You could be making history and breaking that glass ceiling again “Robin ask “Yes,I just wish Mac was here “Felicia said “We all do”Maxie said 

At The Police station-Tea and Juanita we’re talking to Lucky. “The bail hearing is tomorrow,Lucian will have to stay in jail till then “Lucky said “What are you changer Lucian with? You know Faith was in it more “Tea ask “Robbery,Faith is being changed with murder “Lucky said Tea and Juanita went into the room to see Lucian. “You’re bail hearing is tomorrow “Tea said “We are going to get you out of this “Juanita said “Thanks Mother “Lucian said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica were watching the new. “Faith Rosco was arrested today for the robbery and murder of Michael Quartermaine and John durant and Lucian Alcazar was also in on it”The reporter said “She better stay”Monica said they left. 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 21”

At The Park-Grace and Lila Rae we’re talking. “Grace, I’m sorry that I mess up but I love you and I want to make it right,Can I be you're mother again “Lila Rae ask as Sierra Rose came by they didn’t see her. “Yes,I miss you Mother “Grace said she hug Lila Rae. From that moment Sierra know what she had to do. “Grace,Lila Rae”Sierra Rose said “Aunt Sierra Rose,Why didn’t you tell me Mother was back “Grace ask “I was going to,Why don’t we go to my house and talk “Sierra Rse ask “Sure “Lila Rae said she know her sister was going to do the right thing. 

At The Police station-Lorenzo and Tea we’re talking to Lucian as Juanita came into the room. “So what do I have to fix”Juanita ask “Mother, I mess up”Lucian said “Yes but we are family and we will help you “Juanita said “Thanks Mother “Lucian said “I will see if I can get you out of here “Tea said “I will go with you “Juanita said and left. “Lucian if you ever hurt my daughter again “Lorenzo said “I understand,You really love Sierra Rose “Lucian said “She my daughter not his,I was their he wasn’t “Lorenzo said “You’re a good man,Nothing like Daddy “Lucian said

At Ric/Alexis campaign office-Alexis and Ric we’re making one last call before the vote tomorrow. “So this is it”Alexis said “Yes, I think we ran a great Campaign we didn’t play dirty “Ric said “No we didn't “Alexis said as a man came into the room, “Ric”He said “Father,why are you here “Ric ask “Stop you from a dream”Trevis said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit