Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 12

At AJ / Lydia-AJ was looking at a picture of Tea when Lydia came in. “I'm not looking at the picture because I loved Tea , I’m worrying about my daughter in this and if Genevieve did this it will change the family “AJ said “Yes it will, Have you talk to Skye”Lydia ask “Yes I can't get an answer from her about this I know she keeping something from me and I would do the same for our children “AJ said “I would too”Lydia said their was a knock on the door AJ open it was Constanza and Dani, “Come in, How are you both “AJ ask “I try to get Genevieve to open up to me but she lied to me”, I want payback “Constanza said “Constanza I know you're upset and want to get revenge but it will not bring back you're mother or make it all better I have been their and the only person who get hurt is the person who plan the revenge “AJ said “I just want my mother! I can't believe that Genevieve lied to my face! I get she lose without Alexander but she hurting not just herself “Constanza said “I know”AJ said “While don't you both stay here, You're not alone either of you”Lydia said “Thank you Lydia, You always been their for us”Constanza said “I love you both too and you're father right revenge will just hurt you, We both have been their”Lydia said Dani and Constanza went upstairs. “AJ, You're doing the right thing here,Tell Constanza that revenge isn't the answer “Lydia said “No it's not , Genevieve is family too “AJ said “Yes, No one wins in this”Lydia said and went upstairs.

AJ pick up his phone. “Skye , We need to talk, I need answers “AJ said and hang up.

At General Hospital-Hallway-Genevieve was in her wheelchair and Lorenzo was holding it as Genevieve was saying goodbye to Skye and Luis and John and Laurel and Skylar and Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander. “I love you all”Genevieve said Skye whispers in Genevieve ears. “Genevieve get help listening to the doctor.”Skye said “Yes Mother “Genevieve said as she cried, “Princess let's go “Lorenzo said he push Genevieve into the elevator and they left.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 11

At Genevieve-Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Lorenzo, You were intimidate Genevieve back their “Skye said “Yes and it work just like it did when Genevieve was little,”Lorenzo said “Easy up on Genevieve she just missed Alexander like you missed me when you thought I was dead “Skye said “Yes I was in a dark place and Genevieve keep trying to save me”Lorenzo said “Yes now Genevieve needs saving “Skye said “Again “Lorenzo said Skye went by the fireplace and look at a picture of Genevieve and her, “I give Genevieve this she an alcoholic because of me”Skye said Lorenzo went by Skye and touch her shoulders . “This isn't you're fault “Lorenzo said “It's a disease that I carry and I give it to our baby ! Skye said as she look at Lorenzo and cried.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was looking at a piece of paper and put it in the fire when Monica came in. “Alan , Are you okay “Monica ask “Yes it's been a long night for our family “Alan said “Yes it has, Is Genevieve responsibility for the crash”Monica ask “Genevieve wasn't drinking if that's what you're asking “Alan said “That's good”Monica said she didn't believe him.

At General Hospital-Genevieve was in a wheelchair in her younger children room. “Skye and Lorenzo and A’Dora Belle I'm glad you're all right if something happened to either of you it would kill me, I love you all so much “Genevieve said as she cried. Genevieve didn't want to leave her children but know it was for the best.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, February 24, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 10

At General Hospital-The Hallway-Constanza and Dani and Alexis were their, “Genevieve lied right to my face I know she did this, They all are lying to me”Constanza said
“I'm sorry I don't have evidence on this case I'm sorry   but we have to closed the case “Alexis said “We understand “Dani said Alexis left. “Dani I will not accept this “Constanza said “Me either “Dani said they left .

At Genevieve room-Genevieve was still talking to her parents. “What do I tell my children,I can't ask them to keep a secret “Genevieve ask “Just that you need some rest”Skye said “I hate all this,I still have to help Sunday Rose, The another day she breast feed A’Dora Belle and didn't deal with it and Nikolas-Alexander is working so much not deal with the pain”Genevieve said “You can help you're children when you come back because you are going, If you don't get help and stop drinking I will get medicine guardianship of you, We know about the pills”Lorenzo said he fix Genevieve blanket and look at her. Genevieve know he was trying to scare her and so did Skye. “Yes Daddy “Genevieve said as Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander came in. “Mother, You're awake we were so worrying “Sunday Rose said “Why don't we go get you something and let you talk to you're children ‘Skye said “Thanks Mother, Can you pack me some picture “Genevieve ask “Sure”Skye said Skye and Lorenzo left.

“Mother, What is going on”Nikolas-Alexander ask “I have to go to get some rest , I love you both but I miss you're father so much”Genevieve said “Where will I stay” Sunday Rose ask “At my parents house, I'm sorry I want to be a better mother to you both”Genevieve said “You are a great mother , I love you”Sunday Rose said “I love you to Mother, I think this is a good thing “Nikolas-Alexander said “When I come back I will be a better mother “Genevieve said “You are, I will get a wheelchair so you can see the twins and A’dora Belle “Sunday Rose said she left .

“You know don't you “Genevieve ask “That you were drinking and driving, Yes I will help cover it up , Just get help “Nikolas-Alexander said “I will, Thank you son I hate what I did “Genevieve said “I know”Nikolas-Alexander said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 9

At General hospital-Genevieve room-Genevieve was laying in bed thinking about the accident when Skye came in. “Mother, I mess up “Genevieve said Skye sit on the bed.  “Yes you did, We also know about the pills”Skye said “Yes,Mother I loved Tea I need to do the right thing here and confess to the cops no more secrets “Genevieve said “Genevieve,If you do that you will go to jail think of you're children , You're father and I think it's best if you go to rehab out of state “Skye said “Rehab “Genevieve ask “Yes, It will be out of state, We will not tell anyone where you're going “Skye said “I can't leave my children“Genevieve said “You have no choice, The children will stay with me “Skye said “Who is going to take me”Genevieve ask as Lorenzo came in. “I'm going to take you I call a rehab place we will leave tonight, You are going rather or not , You have no say in this”Lorenzo said as he look at Genevieve. “You can't intimidate me anymore Daddy, I will not leave my children, They all need me “Genevieve said “You sure of thought about that before all this”Lorenzo said “Genevieve you need help I know you don't want to drink anymore you're children need a mother who their for them not drinking “Skye said “I'm a good mother and I need to see my children first “Genevieve said “Yes you can , Genevieve I'm just doing this out of love “Lorenzo said as Constanza came in.

“Genevieve, I'm glad you're alright I love you we grow up as sisters and we're close “Constanza said “Yes, I love you too and I'm sorry about you're mother “Genevieve said “Thank you I just wish I know how she died, Do you remember the accident “Constanza ask “No I don't,I'm sorry “Genevieve said “Just like you want justice for Alexander I want justice for my mother “Constanza said “Constanza we love you, You are family “Lorenzo said “I'm, My mother loved you all” Constanza said and left. Genevieve start to cry, “I just lied to my best friend my cousin “Genevieve said “I know that was hard,Skye said

“In rehab if I talk to a counselor and about all my secrets they have to tell the cops if I broke the law “Genevieve said “I will take care of that, Genevieve we are all clean this up for you “Lorenzo said “I just hate all the secrets I have. I wish Alexander was here, I need my husband “Genevieve said “I know”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 8

At Tea-Constanza came into her mother's house and pick up Tea jacket that was on the table and cried for her mother as Dani came in. “Oh Dani “Constanza said Dani and Constanza share a hug, “I can't believe she gone, I wasted so much time being anger at the past “Dani said “Mother loved you, She loved us”Constanza said “Yes, Do you know what happened “Dani ask “No I haven't talk to the police yet or Genevieve “Constanza said “Do you think Genevieve hit mother car”Dani ask “I hope not, Have you called Victor”Constanza ask, “Yes he didn't care that Mother is gone his still anger about the affair “Dani said “I think Mother regret it too”Constanza said “Let's go talk to the police about this”Dani said “Alright, I do hope Genevieve didn't do this , She been so lost without Alexander “Constanza said

In Llanview-Victor house-Victor was drinking and holding a picture of Tea when Blair let herself in. “Victor “Blair said “Why are you here”Victor said “I'm sorry about Tea”Blair said as she cried , “I don't care that she gone! Tea play me for a fool! She cheat on me with AJ Quartermaine! I'm glad she gone! Victor yelled “That's not true , You loved Tea”Blair said “Why do you care about Tea? You Both would fight all the time”Victor ask “I never want this, Have you talk to Dani and Constanza “Blair ask “Dani on her what to Port Charles “Victor said “We sure go”Blair said “I'm not going “Victor said “What about the funeral ? Blair ask “I don't care, I don't care who cause the accident “Victor said “You're lied you care”Blair said “No I don't “Victor said

At Port Charles-The Police Station-Alexis was looking at a file when Dani and Constanza came in. “Alexis , Do you know anything about our mother car accident “Dani ask “I was just going to call you, Ric and I went to the accident scene and both cars were gone all the evidence on this case is gone”Alexis said “Uncle Lorenzo “Constanza said “We think so, I'm going to question Genevieve “Alexis said “Let me,I can tell when she lying “Constanza said “Are you sure”Alexis ask “Yes”Constanza said “Alright, I'm sorry about you're mother. I respect her as a lawyer and Mother she loved you both “Alexis said “Thanks “Dani said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 7

At General Hospital-Alan office-Alan and Skye and Lorenzo we're in the office. “Dad, What is it”Skye ask Alan pull out a paper. “I found this in Genevieve file it's from when the ambulance workers found Genevieve they just her alcohol level it was high “Alan said he give it to Skye who look at it. “No, This is bad”Skye said Lorenzo look at it too. “What are we going to do, Maybe we should not hide this”Skye said “I think Genevieve just needs rehab “Lorenzo said “How do we do that ,,In Rehab Genevieve will have to talk to someone and it may come out and the counselor have to tell the cops if they admit to a crime “Skye said Lorenzo touch his face.“I will fine one out of state it's the only way out of this, Genevieve needs help “Lorenzo said “Dad, What do you think”Skye ask “I think it's the only way to get Genevieve to stop “Alan said “Genevieve does need help she hasn't been taken her pills either but can you do this keep this secret from AJ “Skye ask

Genevieve room -Genevieve was in bed crying when Skylar came in.”Oh Genevieve “Skylar said “I mess up “Genevieve said “Yes you did”Skylar said “I can't believe I killed Tea I loved her and respect her has a lawyer, How do I look at Constanza after this”Genevieve ask Skylar took her hand, “You need to get help stop drinking and take you're pills”Skylar said “You know, Does mother and Daddy now”Genevieve ask “Yes”Skylar said “This isn't good”Genevieve said “No it's not”Skylar said “I need to do the right thing on this”Genevieve said

At Alan office -Alan and Skye and Lorenzo were in the office. “I will keep this secret I think it's best if Genevieve gets help she has children who need her”Alan said “Thank you Dad”Skye said “Thanks Alan”Lorenzo said “You're welcome “Alan said “We sure go see Genevieve “Lorenzo said “Let me talk to Genevieve alone she need to have a mother daughter talk “Skye said “Alright “Lorenzo said Skye left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, February 20, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 6

At General Hospital-Genevieve room-Genevieve had just wake up and Lorenzo told her what happened. “I can't believe I killed Tea , I loved her , Daddy I'm sorry “Genevieve said “I know you are, You need help “Lorenzo said “I know, Are my children alright “Genevieve ask “Yes I just wish you listened to me and this would not happened “Lorenzo said “I know I'm sorry “Genevieve said “Genevieve just rest I will go get the doctor “Lorenzo said and kiss Genevieve on the forehead and left.

In The hallway-Skye was talking to AJ. “AJ , I'm sorry about Tea”Skye said “Thank you , Was Genevieve the person who hit Tea”AJ ask “I don't know Genevieve not awake yet”Skye said “I hope Genevieve wake up but I hope Genevieve didn't do this”AJ said “Me too”Skye said as Skylar came by. “Mother, I got you're message I was in the city,What happened “Skylar ask “You're sister was in a car accident we don't know what else happened “Skye said “Tea was hit too, She gone “AJ said and left. “Mother, This isn't good is it”Skylar ask “No it's not you're sister was drinking “Skye said

Lorenzo was in the hallway by Genevieve room when John and Luis came by. “Father, We took care of it “Luis said “Thank you, We have to clean up another mess of you're sister “Lorenzo said as Skylar and Skye came by. “Genevieve awake “Lorenzo said “That's good”Skye said “We need to have a family meeting “Lorenzo said “Let me check on the youngest children first “Skye said Alan came by. “Genevieve awake “Lorenzo said “I will sent Dr. Webber to check on her,Skye and Lorenzo I need to talk to you”Alan said as Susan came by.

“Susan, Why are you here”Skye ask “The maids we're cleaning and they found Mrs. Cassadine pills, She been hiding them instead of taken them”Susan said “What! How could you let that happened! You're Genevieve nurse! You're job is to make sure Genevieve take her pills! Lorenzo yelled “I handed them to her I trust Genevieve to take them “Susan said “Susan you're fired “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo “Skye said “It's fine”Susan said and left, “I will go check on the children “Skylar said “Thanks you”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, February 17, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 5

At General Hospital-The Hallway -AJ and Lydia were talking. “I'm worrying about my daughter “AJ said “I know,Me too I love Constanza too”Lydia said as Alan and Monica came by. “AJ , We are sorry about Tea”Monica said ‘Thanks, I know you both try to save her”AJ said “Yes “Monica said “ How is Constanza “Alan ask “She acting strong. She calling Dani right now “ AJ said “Good, We are here for her too”Monica said “Do you know if Genevieve was the one who hit Tea car”AJ ask “We don't know “Alan said “I hope she wasn't drinking “AJ said

Genevieve room-Genevieve was still unconscious. “You're mother will wake up , While don't we go check on the younger children “Skye said “Sure”Sunday Rose said “I”ll be right their “Nikolas-Alexander said Skye and Sunday Rose left. “Papa, I think I know what happened, Mother has been drinking “Nikolas-Alexander said “I know, Skye and I try to stop it.  I will not let your mother go to jail for this , Even though Tea pay the price , I hate that she gone”Lorenzo said “Mother loved Tea to she going to be upset “Nikolas-Alexander said and left.

Lorenzo went by Genevieve and took her hand. “Genevieve, You have to wake up the children need you , I will fix it”Lorenzo said Genevieve wake up. “Daddy, What happened “Genevieve ask “Oh Genevieve I'm glad you're awake, You were in a car accident, Oh Genevieve you mess up big time but I will fix it”Lorenzo said “What are you talking about “Genevieve ask “You were driving and you had been drinking and you hit another car”Lorenzo said “Did I kill someone “Genevieve ask “Yes Tea”Lorenzo said “No, What about my children “Genevieve ask “They are find , I will take care of this if you agree to get help Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 4

At General Hospital-Genevieve room-Genevieve was still unconscious when Nikolas-Alexander and Sunday Rose came in. “Mother, You have to wake up we need you , I love you, I can't lose another parent “Sunday Rose said “Mother will wake up she going to fight this “Nikolas-Alexander said as Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Why isn't mother wake up “Sunday Rose ask “I don't know but Genevieve will wake up”Lorenzo said “Yes she will “Skye said she was worrying that Genevieve would not wake up.

In The Hallway-Alan was looking at Genevieve chart from when the ambulance brought her in and took a piece of paper out of the file and put it in his jacket.

Constanza and AJ came in when Lydia came in. “Constanza, I'm sorry about you're mother I really am”Lydia said “Thank you, I'm going to call Dani”Constanza said and left. “AJ , Do you know what happened, Did Genevieve hit Tea car? Lydia ask “That's what I want to find out I pray it wasn't Genevieve, It will ruin this family “AJ said “Yes it well “Lydia said

At The scene of the accident-Alexis and Ric we're finally their but it was too late both cars were gone. “This isn't good “Ric said “No, This has Alcazar all over it”Alexis said

On the Docks-Luis and John were their. “We did the right thing , Genevieve can't go to jail “Luis said “No she can't but Genevieve need help “John said “Yes, Let's go”Luis said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 3

“An accident changed everything “

At General Hospital-In the Hallway-Skye and Lorenzo we're still their when Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander came in. “Papa, Nana , Where is our Mother “Sunday Rose ask “Genevieve was in a car accident she unconscious “Skye said “No ,Was anyone else hurt “Sunday Rose ask “Yes Tea she gone”Lorenzo said “No”Nikolas-Alexander said “Young Skye and Lorenzo Jr and A'dora Belle were in the car too”Skye said “No, Is A'dora Belle alright “Sunday Rose ask “Yes, Sunday Rose it's okay to feel something towards A’Dora Belle “Skye said “I may not want to be her mother but I don't want her to die, Can we go see Mother “Sunday Rose ask “Sure, We will be right their”Skye said Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander left.

“Lorenzo, Are we doing the right thing ? Tea is dead because of Genevieve “Skye said as she was close to Lorenzo. “I do hate that Tea is gone I loved her too but Genevieve can't make it in jail and the children “Lorenzo said “I know, Let's go see Genevieve “Skye said

At Tea room-Tea was lying on the bed and Constanza and AJ came in. “Mother, I love you and I'm glad that we made up for the past, I will always remember you “Constanza said “Tea, I love that you came into my life we had a great daughter “AJ said “I wonder how this happened “Constanza said “Me too, Who hit who's car”AJ ask “Can you help me look into it”Constanza ask “Yes, But are you sure you want to find out”AJ ask “Yes, I love Genevieve but I lose my Mother “Constanza said “I know”AJ said “I need to call Dani “Constanza said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 2

“An accident that changed everything “

At General Hospital-Genevieve room-Genevieve was still unconscious while Alan was working on her. “Genevieve , You have to wake up “Alan said as a nurse came in. “I need to draw blood “The nurse said “Why”Alan ask “We have to check her alcohol level “The nurse said “No, You don't need to”Alan said the nurse left.

At Tea room-Monica was trying to save Tea but it wasn't looking good. Her heart monitor was going off. “No she flatline “Monica said and try to save Tea,

At the Hallway-Skye and Lorenzo and AJ and Constanza came in. “Why are you here? Skye ask “Tea was in an accident “AJ said “So was Genevieve “Lorenzo said as Alan and Monica came in.  “Daddy, Monica what is going on with Genevieve “Skye ask “Is my mother okay”Constanza ask “Genevieve is unconscious, The younger children are still being look at”Alan said “No, Is Genevieve in another coma”Skye ask “No”Alan said Monica went by Constanza . “Constanza, I try to save Tea I did but I'm sorry,Tea didn't make it “Monica said “No!!  Constanza yelled and cried for her  mother and AJ took his daughter in his arms. “Constanza,I'm sorry “AJ said “Can I see my mother “Constanza ask “Yes “Monica said “Do you want to me to call Dani “AJ ask “Not now I want you to come with me “Constanza said “Constanza, I'm sorry I love Tea too”Lorenzo said “I know you do”Constanza said AJ and Constanza left.

“It's so sad about Tea”Skye said “Yes it is , She family, Alan was Genevieve drinking, We been trying to stop it”Lorenzo said “Genevieve was drinking, We need to get Genevieve help I will cover this one but I hope we can get her help “Alan said “Thanks Daddy , Genevieve blame herself for Alexander death”Skye said as Steven came by. “Young Skye and Lorenzo Jr and A'dora Belle are fine just cuts and bruises on them “Steven said “Thank you”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, February 13, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 2 ch 1

An a Accident that change everything “

At General Hospital-Alan was working when the ambulance came in and Genevieve was on one stretcher she was unconscious . “No Genevieve “Alan said another ambulance came in with young Skye and Lorenzo and A’Dora Belle who were crying and had bruises on them and scared.Another ambulance came in with Tea on a stretcher who didn't look good. “No, This Isn't good, Do you know what happened? Who was driving “Alan ask “It was Mrs. Cassadine “The man said “No”Alan said as Monica and Steven came in.”No”Monica said “Let me work on my Granddaughter “Alan said “Are you sure”Monica ask “Yes, I'll call Lorenzo first then work on Genevieve “Alan said they took Genevieve to a room. “Alan, Are you sure about working on Genevieve “Monica ask “Yes”Alan said he call Lorenzo .

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was at home looking at paperwork when his phone rang. “Lorenzo, Alan What's up, Oh no, We will be right there,Alan , Genevieve been drinking “Lorenzo said as Skye came in and Lorenzo hang up the phone. “Lorenzo, What is it”Skye ask Lorenzo went by Skye and touch her arm. “Skye, That was Alan , Genevieve been in a car accident “Lorenzo said “No”Skye said “Let's go”Lorenzo said “Why was Genevieve even driving she usually use a driver”Skye ask “I don't know if she has been drinking, It will not be good “Lorenzo said “No it will not “Skye said “Skye, If Genevieve was driving drunk I will cover it up “Lorenzo said “We have to get Genevieve to stop “Skye said “Yes, Let's go”Lorenzo said

At Constanza -She was working when their was a knock on the door it was AJ, “Daddy, Why are you here”Constanza ask “You're Mother,Been in a car accident “AJ said “No”Constanza said “Let me take you to General Hospital “AJ said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Friday, February 10, 2017

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 61

At Tea-Lorenzo and Tea we're talking. “So,You and AJ”Lorenzo said “Yes I mess up,Bad Victor left me and I have a bad feeling his going to get payback “Tea said “I'm sorry, Why don't you stay with me”Lorenzo ask “No I will be fine “Tea said “Tea, I need you're help with my daughter Genevieve is falling apart she drinking and we are worrying “Lorenzo said “I will talk to Genevieve later today “Tea said “Thank you”Lorenzo said “How are you and Skye “Tea ask “We are okay just a rough patch but we will be fine “Lorenzo said and left.

At Genevieve-Genevieve was having another drink of wine. “I love you Alexander “Genevieve said to herself .

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was at home worrying about Genevieve when Lorenzo came in, “Skye, How did it go”Lorenzo ask “I don't know if we can get Genevieve to stop drinking “Skye said “I'm worrying with the drinking and the pills “Lorenzo said “Me too, I ask Genevieve if she taking her pills and Genevieve would not answer “Skye said “No”Lorenzo said

At Genevieve-Genevieve was getting the younger children ready when the maid came in. “I'm take my children out,”Genevieve said “You're going to drive “The maid ask “Yes,I'm “Genevieve said she was still drunk and took the children and put them in the car and into the car seats and Genevieve went into the car and drove and hit another car.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 60

At The Skye-Lorenzo and Nikolas were their talking. “If the courts failed my son I need you're help in getting justice “Nikolas said “If I kill My brother, How do I know I can trust you in not use it against me “Lorenzo ask “For our Grandchildren sake, I love them as much as you love them”Nikolas said “Yes I do, I have already come up with an plan , Yes if the courts failed then I will take care of them”Lorenzo said “Thank you, I'm glad that it wasn't you”Nikolas said “Thank you “Lorenzo said

At Genevieve-Genevieve was in the living room having a drink she had the maid put back the alcohol when Skye came in. “Mother,Why are you here?Did you knock “Genevieve ask “No, We need to talk”Skye said Skye took Genevieve drink and they sit down. “Genevieve, I know you're in pain but you can't drink, Are you taking you're pills”Skye ask “Mother, You don't know my pain, I'm the reason Andrea killed my husband! Don't you get it! Genevieve yelled “Genevieve you need to go to counseling not drinking,You're pills”Skye said “Mother, Just go tell Daddy he can't come to my house and order my maid around “Genevieve said “We are just worrying about you, We love you”Skye said “I know you love me but I don't want to feel anything! Genevieve said “Genevieve, You're head toward a bad path and it's scary and who know if anyone will get hurt ,Genevieve right now you're hurting yourself but you could be hurting you're children and I know you don't want that,”Skye said and left.

At Emma-Emma was talking to Robin. “Mother, I been thinking about my secrets I think it's I told Anna who her father is”Emma said “Are you sure”Robin ask “Yes I hate that I lied but I had my reasons too , The history with our family and what he does ,”Emma said “Whatever you want to do I'm here to support you “Robin said “Thanks Mother “Emma said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 59

At The Courthouse-Sunday Rose was worrying about her mother when Lorenzo and Skye came by. “Sunday Rose, Where did you're Mother go”Lorenzo ask “Papa , Mother want to be alone “Sunday Rose said “Did you're Mother drive here”Skye ask “No we took a driver”Sunday Rose said “We can give you a ride “Skye said as Nikolas-Alexander came by. “What's going on”Nikolas-Alexander ask “Nothing,Mother left can you give me a ride home “Sunday Rose ask “Yes”, Come on”Nikolas-Alexander said Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander left. “Skye, We have to help our daughter “Lorenzo said “I will go and talk to Genevieve “Skye said and left.

Nikolas walk by Lorenzo. “We need to go somewhere and talk”Nikolas said “The Skye “Lorenzo said Nikolas left.

At Lydia/AJ -Lydia was at home when Constanza came in. “Constanza, Why are you here”Lydia ask “To say I'm sorry about my parents and how they hurt you”Constanza said “It's not you're fault about this I don't blame you, I love you Constanza I love raising you”Lydia said “I love you to, You were a great mother to me when my mother wasn't there , You and my sister “Constanza said “Yes”Lydia said “Are you leaving Daddy”Constanza ask “No we are going to work it out “Lydia said as AJ came in.”Constanza “AJ said “Daddy, How was the bail hearing “Constanza ask ,”No bail”AJ said “Daddy I hope you and Lydia make it work “Constanza said “Constanza, Thank you for being on my side “Lydia said “You're welcome “Constanza said Lydia went upstairs . “Daddy, Who's idea was it to have an affair “Constanza ask “It's both you're mother and I fault “AJ said “Victor left Mother “Constanza said “I heard”AJ said “Are you going to make it work “Constanza ask “I want to “AJ said “I hope so,Mother we'll be fine “Constanza said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 58

At The Courthouse-Emily and Nikolas and Jenny and Nikolas-Alexander and Alan and Monica and Alexis and Skylar and Luis and John and Laurel and Skye and Lorenzo came in. “Genevieve sure be here”Lorenzo said “Don't be to hard on her,I will talk to Genevieve after the hearing “Skye said “Alright “Lorenzo said Genevieve came in and she wasn't feeling good she had a hangover. “Mother,Just lean on me”Sunday Rose said “Thank you “Genevieve said “It's my turn to take care of you”Sunday Rose said Nikolas-Alexander came by. “Mother , It's going to be okay”Nikolas-Alexander said “Yes it is”Genevieve said they all went inside as Andrea and Luis came in with the policeman and their lawyer.

Ric came in and everyone stood up as the judge came in. “Andrea Floyd,How do you plead? The judge ask “Not guilty you're honor”Andrea said “Luis Alcazar”The Judge ask “Not guilty “Luis said “You're honor I have a confused from Andrea herself “, We also have a confused from Andrea say Luis help her”Ric said “Do you have it on tape”The Judge ask “Yes”Ric said He give it to the judge who played it it did say that Andrea did it.. “The state is asking for no bail at all, Mr. Alcazar has power in another state he can leave the country “Ric said “No bail”The Judge said “Thank you ,You're honor “Ric said “The trial will start soon. Case dismissed for now”The Judge said Andrea and Luis went back to their cell.

“That's it for now”Genevieve said “Mother, As a lawyer does it look good for us”Sunday Rose ask “Yes but we will not get you're father back, I need to be alone right now”Genevieve said “Are you sure “Sunday Rose ask “Yes I'm find “Genevieve said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 57

At Genevieve the next day-Genevieve was still in bed sleeping when Sunday Rose came in. “Mother, Wake up we have to go to court “Sunday Rose said Genevieve wake up. “Sunday Rose my beautiful baby girl “Genevieve said “Mother, Are you okay “Sunday Rose ask “I just miss you're father so much “Genevieve said “I miss Daddy too”Sunday Rose said Genevieve touch Sunday Rose hair. “Mother the twins and A'dora Belle are with the nanny ‘Sunday Rose said “Thank you for taking care of them,I will go get in the shower “Genevieve said Sunday Rose left and Genevieve got up and put the flask into her purse and went into the shower.

At Nikolas/Emily-Emily was looking at a picture of Victor and Alexander when Monica came in. “Emily, I want to check on you before we go to court “Monica said “Nikolas blame Genevieve for us losing both our sons I don't blame Genevieve if Genevieve wasn't in our son Alexander life we would not have our Grandchildren “Emily said “No you would not have you're grandchild , You didn't know that this would happen and Alexander was happy with Genevieve and the children “Monica said “True my son loved Genevieve “Emily said as Nikolas came down. “Monica, Emily we should go”Nikolas said they left.

At Genevieve-Genevieve was all dress looking at a picture of Alexander,,”I will always love you Alexander, I will never forget you and never married again “Genevieve said as Sunday Rose came in she was worrying her mother. “Mother , Let's go”Sunday Rose said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 56

At Genevieve-Genevieve was pass out in bed when Sunday Rose came in. “Mother “Sunday Rose said she try to wake Genevieve up but she couldn't get Genevieve to wake up and left the room.

In A’dora Belle room-A’dora Belle was wake in bed when Sunday Rose came in and look at her. “It's the right thing to let mother raise you,Mother isn't like another mother but she a great mother , She just missed Daddy right now, We all are”Sunday Rose said she left the room.

Nikolas-Alexander house-Nikolas-Alexander was looking at paperwork when Jenny came in she was wearing Nikolas-Alexander shirt. “Nikolas-Alexander,Are you okay “Jenny ask “Yes, I'm trying to get this deal that Father wanted but it's not working “Nikolas-Alexander ask “Let me look at it”Jenny said Nikolas-Alexander give Jenny the paperwork and she look at it. “I just want this deal especially since it was the last one father work on”Nikolas-Alexander said “Yea, Offered them this “Jenny said and wrote it down, “Thanks “Nikolas-Alexander said “You're welcome, Let's go to bed “Jenny said they went to bed.

At Nikolas/Emily-Nikolas was looking at a picture of Alexander and Victor. “Both my sons are gone! All because you loved Genevieve! Nikolas yelled as Emily came in. “You can't blame Genevieve on this”Emily said “Emily, If our boys didn't fall in love with Genevieve they would still be here! Nikolas yelled “Do you regret our grandchild “Emily ask “No I just am so upset that we lose both our sons! Nikolas yelled “I'm upset that both our sons are dead but I loved our grandchildren “Emily said “I love them too,”Nikolas said “Let's go to bed, Tomorrow is the bail hearing “Emily said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 55

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was pour a drink as Genevieve came running in she was so upset. “How dare you! Genevieve yelled “What are you yelled about! Lorenzo yelled “You told the bartender at the hotel not to give me a drink I'm not a teenager! You can't control me! Genevieve yelled “You can't drink you're pills I'm doing the right thing! I'm you're father and I'm take care of you”Lorenzo yelled “Well call the bartender and tell them you were wrong! Genevieve yelled and hit Lorenzo on the chest and Lorenzo grab her arms as Skye came in.”What is going on here “Skye ask “Genevieve if you just calm down we talk about this “Lorenzo said and let go of Genevieve arms. “Nothing new mother, Daddy is control me! Genevieve yelled “Genevieve been drinking which isn't good for her pills, So I told the bartender at the hotel not to serve Genevieve any drink! I'm take care of you're health , Genevieve I know you are missing Alexander but he would not want you to fall apart you have children who need you “Lorenzo said “I'm a good mother! I just am missing my husband it's my fault Alexander was killed “Genevieve said “Genevieve I know it's hard missing someone you love but drinking isn't going make it better or help with you're pain”Skye said “I need to go home, Sunday Rose will be home soon, Daddy work on you're marriage with mother leave me alone! Genevieve yelled “I'm not going to let you fall apart”Lorenzo said “Daddy “Genevieve said “I'm not calling the bartender end of story “Lorenzo said “Daddy “Genevieve said “I say enough! Lorenzo yelled as he spoke in Spanish and Genevieve know he was serious about it and Genevieve was scare and left,

“Lorenzo “Skye said “I'm doing the right thing you know that you have to agree with me that Genevieve can't drink “Lorenzo said “Yes I know , Did you threaten the bartender? Skye ask “Yes, Is Genevieve keeping a secret “Lorenzo ask Skye thought about telling Lorenzo. “No, Genevieve not keeping a secret “Skye lied and fall guilty about it.

At Genevieve-Genevieve came in and went by the bar and saw all the alcohol gone all that was on the bar was water and juice when the maid came in. “Was my father here? Did he order you to remove the alcohol ? Genevieve ask “Yes I'm sorry “The maid said “I'm you're boss not my father! Genevieve yelled “I know but he threatened me”The maid said “Of course Daddy did”Genevieve said she went upstairs and into her room and pull out a drawer it had a flask in it and pick it up.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we're talking. “So did you go through all Genevieve belongings at home too”Skye ask “No but I sure of I just ordered the maid to remove the alcohol “Lorenzo said “I want to help Genevieve with this but I want to work on us to “Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 54

At AJ/Lydia-Lydia was at home when AJ came in. “AJ , Why are you here “Lydia ask “To fight for our marriage I'm not give up on us”AJ said “I went to see Tea, She wants you “Lydia said “Well I want you, I want to fight for our marriage so do you want to save us to”AJ ask “Yes I do”Lydia said “Good, We can go to counseling “AJ said “Sure, I want you to stay in the guest room “Lydia said “Fine I will “AJ said he went upstairs

At The Quartermaine hotel-Genevieve came by the bar. “I would like a drink of red wine “Genevieve said “Mrs. Cassadine, I can't serve you”The waiter said “Why not”Genevieve ask “I was told not to by you're father “The waiter said “You don't have to listen to my Daddy I'm not a teenager “Genevieve said “Yes I do”The waiter said “Daddy theart you didn't he”Genevieve said The waiter didn't say anything and Genevieve left she was so upset.

At The Police Station-Andrea jail cell-Andrea was in her cell as Garrett came by.”Tomorrow you're bail hearing, You're not going to get out of this mess you will be in jail for years and I lose my job as Mayor of this town! Was it worth it”Garrett yelled “To get payback on my son, Yes it was! Andrea yelled “I regret marriage you! You could not even give me a child! Garrett yelled and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 53

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ was alone looking at the bar when Skye came in . “Don't, AJ “Skye said as she went by him. “I really mess up Skye I blow it! Lydia loved me and I mess it up all for Tea! Why! AJ yelled “You can't give up , Fight for your marriage “Skye said “How , Lydia well not talk to me “AJ said “Move back in”Skye said “Maybe I will, How are you and Lorenzo “AJ ask “We are trying to fix it, I thought Luis was my husband and I slept with him “Skye said “You didn't know”AJ said “No but my daughter know it wasn't Lorenzo! Skye said “Skye, Don't be hard on yourself”AJ said “Thanks, I'm going to fight for Lorenzo just like you sure fight for Lydia “Skye said “You're right, We finally have someone who love us and we must fight for them”AJ said “Yes”Skye said

At Genevieve-Genevieve wasn't home when Lorenzo came in. “Mrs. Cassadine isn't home “The maid said “I know, That's why I'm here I need you're help “Lorenzo said

At Tea-Tea was having dinner with Constanza. “Mother, Where is Victor? What is going on? Daddy staying at Grandfather and Grandma house “Constanza ask “You're father and I been having an affair “Tea said “Oh my God, Do you want to be with Daddy? Constanza ask “I don't know what I want, I'm sorry about this”Tea said “Did Victor leave you,”Constanza ask “Yes”Tea said as she cried. ,”I'm sorry Mother, I'm here for you”Constanza said “Thank you “Tea said

On the Dock-Emma was looking at the water when Lucas and Luis came by. “Emma”Luis said “Luis, Lucas it's good to see you both”Emma said “You too”Luis said Emma left. “You and Emma were close once were you “Lucas ask “It was when I try to hide who I'm ,I'm glad I came out”Luis said ‘Me too”Lucas said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 52

At Genevieve office-Genevieve was in her office looking out the window and drinking. “Alexander, Bianca I'm sorry “Genevieve said to herself.

In the hallway-A bodyguard was watching Genevieve and heard Genevieve talking to herself and called Lorenzo. “Boss, You're daughter is losing it”The man said and hang up the phone.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo had just hang up his phone. “What is it”Skye ask “That was one of Genevieve bodyguards think she losing it, Skye do you know what is going on with Genevieve “Lorenzo ask Skye and Lorenzo got up. “I think Genevieve just loss from losing Alexander “Skye said “Maybe,I'm going to check on her”Lorenzo said “That's fine , I have a meeting with the board let me know how it goes “Skye said “I will “Lorenzo said he kiss Skye on the lips and left.

At Tea-Tea was at home when the doorbell rang, Tea went to open it was Lydia. “Lydia “Tea said Lydia slap Tea. “How dare you slept with my husband! Do you love AJ! Lydia ask “I have feelings for AJ “Tea said “Well you're not going to get him”Lydia said “I'm sorry “Tea said “I hope Victor leave you”Lydia said “He did now I'm alone maybe I will go after AJ! Tea yelled Lydia left.

At Genevieve office-Genevieve was in her office drinking looking out the window when she heard someone opened the door. Genevieve put her glass in the draw as Lorenzo came in. “Daddy , Why are you here”Genevieve ask “I came to check on you, Show me the office “Lorenzo said “Daddy it's just this a desk and a window not much “Genevieve said Lorenzo went by Genevieve . “So why are you here so late? Lorenzo ask “I have some work to do”Genevieve said Lorenzo open the drawer he didn't see the glass “Daddy, You can't read any of my legal papers, Now I have work to do”Genevieve said “You been drinking I can smell it on you”Lorenzo said “No I haven't now go home and be with mother “Genevieve said “Let me take you home “Lorenzo said “I have my driver ,Daddy when we thought Luis was you we got close I took care of you after you were shot and we let the past go”Genevieve said “I want to let it go,I'm worrying about you, Alexander would not want you to fall apart “Lorenzo said “I know Daddy,I will see you at the bail hearing tomorrow “Genevieve said Lorenzo kiss Genevieve on the forehead. “I will always take care of you”Lorenzo said and left.

Genevieve open the draw and pour another drink.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 51

At Genevieve-Genevieve was sleeping on the couch and Nikolas-Alexander wake her up.”Mother, Are you okay “Nikolas-Alexander ask “Yes, Why are you here”Genevieve ask “I came to check on you”Nikolas-Alexander said Genevieve got up and went to the bar and pour herself some water. “I'm fine “Genevieve said as Sunday Rose came in.”Mother, It's time to take me to my Greek lesson “Sunday Rose said “I forgot you have them today “Genevieve said “Yes, Daddy want me to take them remember “Sunday Rose said “Yes,”Genevieve said “I can take Sunday Rose “Nikolas-Alexander said “Thanks, I may go to the office “Genevieve said Sunday Rose and Nikolas-Alexander left.

Genevieve went by the bar and pour another drink of brandy and drink it and hide the glass behind the bar as Susan came in with a plastic cup with pills in it. “I have you're pills “Susan said she give them to Genevieve and Genevieve hold the cup. “Thanks you”Genevieve said “You're welcome, I have to go pick up you're pills”Susan said and left. Genevieve put the pills behind the bar where the other were Genevieve had another secret she wasn't taken her pills. Genevieve put on her wrap that was on the chair and left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we're having a nice pizza dinner. Lorenzo pull Skye into his arms. “We will get pass this , We have been thought a lot”Lorenzo said “Yes we have but the love will not change “Skye said “No”Lorenzo said Lorenzo kiss Skye on the lips. “Soon I will get pass this “Lorenzo said “I will be waiting “Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 50

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was still talking to Rae went Lorenzo came in. “Rae”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I'm glad to have you back “Rae said “Thanks Rae”Lorenzo said “Mother, Thanks “Skye said “You're welcome “Rae said and left. Lorenzo went by the bar and pour a drink and Skye went by him. “So how was it seeing Luis and Andrea “Skye ask “How did you know “Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo, I know you, Are you going to take care of him”Skye ask “I'm going to let the courts handle it and if it doesn't go my way yes”Lorenzo said “I'm not mad at you if you do anything I love you for who you are”Skye said “I love you too, We will figure this out “Lorenzo said “Yes,Lorenzo have a seat , I have a surprise for you “Skye said Lorenzo sit down and Skye left and came back with a tray it had pizza on it . Skye sit down by Lorenzo. “Lorenzo , Remember our first date we were going to go to the opera but I hurt my ankle so you order pizza”Skye said as she handed Lorenzo a piece. “Yes I do and then you shave my beard “Lorenzo said “Yes I did”Skye said “We will be okay Skye I love you , I'm going to try to get past it but I have to ask , When you made love how did you not know it wasn't me “Lorenzo ask “Luis was different he was rough but I thought it was something you wanted, I'm sorry “Skye said as she cried, “It's going to take time for us to get pass this “Lorenzo said “I know, What did they do to you”Skye ask “I was keep in that room and tie to the chair I was untie for meals and to use the bathroom, I thought I would die their! Lorenzo yelled and throw the glass. “Do you feel better “Skye ask “Yes, I do”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo don't shut me out “Skye said “I will not, This was a great gesture “Lorenzo said “Thanks, I have always loved you it's always been you”Skye said “I have always loved you too”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Secrets and Lies part 1 ch 49

At Genevieve-Genevieve was alone looking at a photo album of Bianca and drinking and missing Bianca and Alexander. “Oh Alexander, Can you ever forgive me”Genevieve ask herself

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Rae were having tea. “I'm sorry I wasn't here for breakfast I was needed at the hospital “Rae said “It's okay”Skye said “How are you and Lorenzo doing “Rae ask “I had to tell Lorenzo a secret I'm worrying it well hurt our marriage but I could not keep the secrets “Skye said “What secrets is that “Rae ask “I slept with Luis when I thought he was my husband ! Why didn't I know it wasn't Lorenzo! What kind of wife I'm ! Skye yelled “Skye, Don't blame yourself and I know you can get through this, Lorenzo love you “Rae said “I hope so”Skye said

At Tea/Victor-Tea was having a drink as Victor came in with bags in his hand. “Victor, Don't leave me! Tea yelled “To bad! I'm going back to Llanview I will get divorce and you will get nothing! Victor yelled “Victor, We can work this out”Tea said as she cried. “No”Victor yelled and left and Tea fell to the floor.

At Genevieve-Genevieve was passed out on the couch and a empty glass was on the table and the photo album was on the floor when Nikolas-Alexander came in. “Oh mother “Nikolas-Alexander said he took the glass and pick up the photo album and saw a picture of Bianca. “What's going on, Why are you looking at pictures of Bianca “Nikolas-Alexander ask he was worrying about his mother.

Copyright by Skye's the limit