Monday, September 13, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 19


“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 19”

The next day-The Quartermaine mansions-Dillon was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper when Ned came Into the room.”So Dillon ,Are you staying in town?” Ned Ask As Dillon got up. “Yes,I’m staying in town but I want to keep my dream as a director “Dillon said “Maybe I can help”Kristina said as she Came IN The room.”Dillon,Do you remember Kristina? Ned Ask “Yes I do,Are you looking for a director “Dillon Ask “I been trying for years to do this talk show and now I’m finally going to do it but my director and producer just drop, “Kri“Dillon said “Great,” Kristina said she left.”Dillon,Are you hope that you and Georgie will just get back together “Ned Ask “Maybe “Dillon said “You don’t know what she been thought “Ned said “I know”Dillon said 

At The Park-AJ was with his grandson Wiley when Elizabeth Came by.”AJ,Wiley is getting so big “Elizabeth said “Yes he is ,He looks like Michael so much “AJ said “Yes he does “Elizabeth said “I regret hurting you”AJ said “We could of had a great relationship “Elizabeth said “Yes,could we have enough change “AJ Ask Elizabeth Kiss AJ.” Yes “Elizabeth Said “Do you want to have dinner tonight “AJ Ask “Yes,At Lila’s place”Elizabeth Ask “Yes,I’ll pick you up at six”AJ said “Sounds good “Elizabeth said and left.

At Lucas-Lucas was drinking coffee when there was a knock on the door it was Bobbie.”Come in”Lucas said “I just want to make sure you Sure about Donor to Kristina “Bobbie Ask “I’m.I miss Wiley so much and I want to love another child “Lucas said “I just don’t want you to get hurt again but I’ll support you”Bobbie said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

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