Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1. Ch 22

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 22”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Genevieve was studying as Skye Came Into the room.”Genevieve,You’re Father told me about what happened with Jacques “Skye said “I don’t want to be with him”Genevieve said “You don’t have to,I have to ask why don’t you take school seriously? Why do we keep having to nagging you about studying “Skye ask “Because I don’t need it, Kristina is going to do the talk show and I’m one of the cohosts” Genevieve said “Talk Show gets canceled they don’t last long, Genevieve I want to watch you graduate with Lila Rae, I miss so much with you” Skye said “I’ll try Mother “Genevieve Said Skye left the room and went downstairs as Rae Came Into the room.”Skye,What is going on”Rae Ask “I have decided to work on our relationship,I want you to move in here”Skye said “Really? Rae ask “Yes it wouldn’t be easy but I want to try”Skye said “I want that too, I miss You”Rae said “I miss you too”Skye said they share a hug,

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was with Althea.``Why are you here? Alan Ask “I just wanted to meet the father of Antoinette ``Althea said “Who’s Antoinette? Alan Ask As AJ Came Into the room.”Antoinette is Skye's real name “Althea said “You're Skye's adoption Mother “AJ Ask “Yes, I love her and I want to fix my relationship with her Althea said “Really! If you’re a good mother why does Skye keep pushing you away! AJ yelled “I made a mistake as mother but I loved her”Althea said “How did you end up with my daughter! Alan yelled “Edward Give me her ,He knows my father and Grandmother “Althea said “Who’s you're Grandparents and Father? Alan Ask “My Grandmother is Amanda Barrington and my father is Malcolm “Althea said “I do remember that my father know Amanda before we moved here “Alan said “I’m sure they did,I’m sorry for what happened but I loved her she my daughter “Althea said “You wouldn’t get away with hurting Skye anymore “Alan said Althea left.

At General Hospital-Monica was working when Skye Came by.”Monica,Can we talk”Skye Ask “What’s is it”Monica Ask “I’m glad that Emily back ,Anyway it's about my mother she wants a change with me and her job back,Please I know what Rae Did was horrible but she sure get another chance,You have made mistakes too”Skye said “Skye,It's not easy to let go”Monica said “I know it’s horrible what Rae did “Skye said “I understand why you want to forgive her but I can’t “Monica said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 21

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 21”

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was inside looking at a picture of her and Rae trying to decide if she should give Rae another chance as Lila Rae Came Into the room.”Mother,Are you alright “Lila Rae Ask “Yes,How was school? Skye ask she didn’t want her daughter to know what’s going on,”Great,I have some more homework for Genevieve “Lila Rae said “Thanks,I think she upstairs studying “Skye said as the maid Came Into the room.”Sally,Is Genevieve upstairs still “Skye ask “No she been outside by the pool “Sally said “What! She is supposed to be studying! Skye yelled and went outside as Lila Rae followed her.

Genevieve was wearing her bikini as Lorenzo was talking to her.``Genevieve I will handle Jacques he wouldn’t hurt you anymore “Lorenzo said “This was my fault from the beginning “Genevieve said as Skye Came outside,”Genevieve! You are supposed to be studying, not tanning by the pool! Did you study at all today! Do you even want to graduate from school! Skye yelled “Mother “Genevieve said “Don’t Mother me! Skye yelled “Genevieve,Did you work on you're schoolwork “Lorenzo ask He Give Genevieve a look.”No,I just wanted a break,I'll go studying soon but I need to go see Alistair,I Have to explain what happened with Jacques “Genevieve said “After you studying! Skye yelled Genevieve was upset with her mother and look at Lorenzo.”Daddy “Genevieve said “Listen to you're mother “Lorenzo said Genevieve went inside as Lila Rae followed.”Lorenzo, We have to be on the same page with Genevieve “Skye said “Yes we do Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I want to work on forgiving my mother, I was wondering if she could stay here “Skye said “Whatever you want I’ll support you” Lorenzo said “Thanks “Skye said

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was having some coffee he finally felt like himself after everything when Althea Came Into the room.”Who are you “Alan Ask “I’m Althea Patterson,I raise Skye as my own”Althea said “Oh,Why are you here”Alan Ask

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter of the Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 20

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 20”

At Lucy-Lucy was having coffee with her husband David when there was a knock on the door it was Christy.”Mother,I have something to tell you “Christy said “What is it”Lucy Ask “Kristina and I are going to have a baby “Christy said “Oh,How”Lucy Ask “Kristina going to carry it and Lucas is going to be our donor”Christy said “That’s wonderful,I’m happy for both of you”Lucy said “Thanks I really want this”Christy said 

At The Quartermaine mansions-Ned was having coffee when Monica and Alan And Emily and Alistair Came Into the room.”Emily. I'm  glad you’re alright “Ned said they shared a hug.”Thanks,We are glad to be here too,Right Alistair? Emily Ask “Yes Mother,I’m going to put my belongings in a room , “Alistair said “Have the maid give you the room by mine” Emily said Alistair left he didn't want to be there.”What’s going on”Ned Ask “Nikolas shot Valentin and it hit my son.Valentin is gone”Emily Said “That’s a blessed “Ned said “I just cannot forgive him for shor my son”Emily said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Genevieve was outside by the pool tanning wear a bikini when Jacques Came by.”You still look hot even after two children ``Jacques said as he took off his sunglasses.”Jacques,Why are you here “Genevieve ask as she got up.”I just Came to see you and our daughter,I want to see you,Genevieve where do we stand? Are we back together or just raising our daughter together. ? Jacques Ask “I don’t know”Genevieve said as she turned to see him and Jacques saw Alistair come by and pull Genevieve Into a kiss.Alistair was watching it and upset he wanted another chance with Genevieve and Came by.``Genevieve! Alistair yelled as he went by her.''Alistair,You’re Alright I heard you were shot at”Genevieve said “Yes,I was I Came Over here to see if we had a chance but we don’t! You’re with him! You made you're choice, haven't you! Alistair yelled “Alistair! I didn’t pick him,Jacques just kiss me”Genevieve said “Oh Darling we have been getting close and raise our children together ,You should move on,Genevieve has “Jacques said Alistair left as Genevieve was upset.”Darling you made a great choice “Jacques said “I didn’t! You bastard! I don’t want to be with you! Genevieve yelled and slapped him. Jacques grabs her arms “You will regret that! You will marry me and I will adopt  you're son and we will be happy “Jacques said as Lorenzo Came by.''Let go of my daughter! Now! Lorenzo yelled at Jacques ``Let Genevieve go.”Now leave! Don’t ever come by my daughter again! Lorenzo yelled at Jacques.

“Genevieve, What happened “Lorenzo Ask As Genevieve starts to cry.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Monday, September 13, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 19


“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 19”

The next day-The Quartermaine mansions-Dillon was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper when Ned came Into the room.”So Dillon ,Are you staying in town?” Ned Ask As Dillon got up. “Yes,I’m staying in town but I want to keep my dream as a director “Dillon said “Maybe I can help”Kristina said as she Came IN The room.”Dillon,Do you remember Kristina? Ned Ask “Yes I do,Are you looking for a director “Dillon Ask “I been trying for years to do this talk show and now I’m finally going to do it but my director and producer just drop, “Kri“Dillon said “Great,” Kristina said she left.”Dillon,Are you hope that you and Georgie will just get back together “Ned Ask “Maybe “Dillon said “You don’t know what she been thought “Ned said “I know”Dillon said 

At The Park-AJ was with his grandson Wiley when Elizabeth Came by.”AJ,Wiley is getting so big “Elizabeth said “Yes he is ,He looks like Michael so much “AJ said “Yes he does “Elizabeth said “I regret hurting you”AJ said “We could of had a great relationship “Elizabeth said “Yes,could we have enough change “AJ Ask Elizabeth Kiss AJ.” Yes “Elizabeth Said “Do you want to have dinner tonight “AJ Ask “Yes,At Lila’s place”Elizabeth Ask “Yes,I’ll pick you up at six”AJ said “Sounds good “Elizabeth said and left.

At Lucas-Lucas was drinking coffee when there was a knock on the door it was Bobbie.”Come in”Lucas said “I just want to make sure you Sure about Donor to Kristina “Bobbie Ask “I’m.I miss Wiley so much and I want to love another child “Lucas said “I just don’t want you to get hurt again but I’ll support you”Bobbie said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 18

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 18”

At Lila’s places-Bobbie and Jerry, we’re finished having dinner as Alexis and Julian were at their tables finished dinner as Kristina and Christy and Lucas Came Into the room.”You’re both here” Lucas said as Bobbie and Jerry got up and went by the children as Alexis and Julian got up.”What’s going on “Alexis Ask “We our having a baby together “Kristina said “What? Julian Ask “I’m going to Donor my sperm to Kristina and Christy “Lucas said “Lucas “Bobbie said “I want to do this,We are going to raise the baby together “Lucas said “Yes,We want Lucas in the baby life”Christy said “Mother “Kristina said “I support this”Alexis said “I do too”Bobbie said she hug her son.”Thanks Mother “Lucas said 

At Lorenzo coffee shop-Lorenzo was showing Diego around the coffee shop.”Father you really have it all now,A family and the business now that Sonny gone”Diego said “Yes,I just have to deal with Jerry Jack”Lorenzo said “You can deal with him”D Diego said “Yes,Nothing can stop me” Lorenzo said “So what are you up to now” Diego Ask “I’m looking for a kidney donor for Genevieve she sick “Lorenzo said “We will find her  one” Diego said “Yes I will kill anyone for one” Lorenzo said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was holding Alana.”You will never feel the pain I did just like you're siblings,We May have a compilation life but none of you will feel the pain I had”Skye Said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 


Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 17

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 17”

At Carly’s Bakery -Althea and Rae we’re still talking.''You're a psychological right? Althea Ask “Yes,Why”Rae Ask “Could you help me repair my relationship with Antoinette,I meant Skye “Althea Ask”You’re not the only one that Skye upset with,It’s going to take a while for the healing to begin “Rae said “I just hate what I did,I was drinking when I hit her “Althea said Rae was know having a understanding of why Skye is so untrusting.

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was resting on the couch and fell asleep.”Mommy! Don’t hit me! Skye Said in her sleep as Lila Rae and Genevieve Came Into the room and heard their Mother talking in her sleep.”Sure we wake Mother up”Genevieve ask “I don’t know “Lila Rae said “Mommy! I’ll be good just stop hitting me! Skye yelled Genevieve and Lila Rae were sad for there mother and Genevieve try to wake Skye up.”Mother,Are you okay “Genevieve ask as Skye wake up.”Yes I just feel asleep “Skye said “You had a nightmare about that woman who raised you”Lila Rae said “I did! Skye ask “Yes,You keep saying don’t hit me,Did That Woman hurts you”Genevieve ask as Skye got up.”Yes she did,She wasn’t nice to me “Skye said she was heartbroken to tell her daughters about how she was raise as Rae  Came Into the room.”Mother,Why are you here “Skye Ask “Lila Rae ,Genevieve can I have a moment with Skye “Rae Ask “Sure “Genevieve said she left with Lila Rae.

“What did I walk into? Rae ask “My nightmare,My daughter’s found out about my relationship with Althea,Why are you here? Skye ask “I just talked to Althea,I’m sorry you were hurt if I know you were out there I would have looked for you, I miss you Skye and I hope one dasaid “I understand that I don’t want to ruin your relationship with the Quartermaine, You have come a long way,” Rae said “Yes, I have I understand why you did it, You wanted Alan,” Skye said “Yes and I want his love but in his heart, it belongs to Monica, “Rae said “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 


Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 16

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 16”

At Kristina/Christy-Kristina and Christy, we’re having Lucas over for dinner.”Thanks for coming “Kristina said “It was a wonderful dinner,So What is going on”Lucas ask “We want to have a baby and we want you to be the donor and be part of the child life”Kristina said “Why me”Lucas ask “You're one of my best friends you support me when I first came out”Kristina said “I have become to like you to”Christy said “So I would get to raise the child “Lucas ask “Yes we both want our child to have a father “Kristina said “Let’s do this”Lucas said “We our having a child! Kristina yelled and they all cheered.

At Lila’s Place-Bobbie and Jerry we’re having dinner together they have been dating for awhile now.”Jerry , How did it go witcame into the room and Alexis look at them and sit down.”Look like Jerry and Bobbie are back together “Alexis said “We’re they serious “Julian Ask “Yes they almost married till he was arrested on the wedding day “Alexis said “Oh”Julian said 

At Felicia/Mac-Felicia and Mac were having dinner with Maxie and Georgie .”Georgie have you been enjoying seeing Dillon”Maxie Ask “Yes,I’m surprised he hasn’t move on yet from me”Georgie said “He love you”Maxie said “Yes”Felicia said “I’m just glad to be home now,With my family,I want to get my life back”Georgia said “You will,We our glad you're back too “Mac said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit  

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 15

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 15”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was on the phone when Genevieve Came Into the room.”Thanks for calling me”Lorenzo hung up the phone.``Gene-on mother,A Antoinette had nannies to help me, I wasn’t there great news “Genevieve said “Yes Valentin didn’t make it”Lorenzo said “Oh”Genevieve said as Skye Came Into the room.”Genevieve,I brought you you're favorite treats from Carly’s”Skye said “Thanks “Genevieve said she took them and left the room she could tell her mother need to talk to her father.”Skye,What it is”Lorenzo Ask “Althea is still in town! I wish she would just leave town! Skye yelled “Do you want me to take care of her “Lorenzo ask “No,I just don’t want her in my life! Skye yelled as Lila Rae Came Into the room.”Mother,Are you okay”Lila Rae Ask “Yes,What is it “Skye Ask she didn’t want her daughter to know about great news “Genevieve said “Yes Valentin didn’t make it” Lorenzo said “Oh”  Into the room.”Lila Rae,I have the perfect dress for you,My dress from Paris just Came yesterday “Genevieve said “How much does that cost me “Lorenzo ask “It’s doesn’t cost you anything,Lila Rae come upstairs with me”Genevieve said they went upstairs.”I don’t want the children to know about Althea “Skye said “Whatever you want on how to handle her, I'll stand by you” Lorenzo said 

At Carly’s -Rae and Althea we’re talking.”I wasn’t a hands on mother, A Antoinette had nannies to help me, I wasn’t there for her as I should have make it up” Rae Ask “Yes, Antoinette was a handful always getting into trouble, I think she was hoping that Adam would come to see her” Althea said “Did Adam ever visit “Rae Ask “Not much he would just send money, I didn’t need it I come from money my mother family had money, I do regret what I did to Antoinette that’s why I’m here to make it up, I hate that I hurt her “Althea said “What do you mean to hurt her “Rae ask “I abused Antoinette “Althea said as she cried. Rae was angry but wanted more information about Skye and realized why Skye is the way she is.”Do you think she could forgive me?”Althea Ask “I don’t know,”Rae asked. She was shocked.

Skye/Lorenzo-Genevieve was in her room showing Lila Rae her dress.”Oh Genevieve they are beautiful “Lila Rae said she Show Genevieve one of them as Skye Came Into the room.”Oh Lila Rae That green dress is beautiful on you”Skye was feeling emotional.”I also have a yellow one”Genevieve said “No Yellow doesn’t look good on either of you,Take the green one”Skye said “I also have shoes and a purse for it”Genevieve said “Genevieve,Are you should about it”Lila Rae ask “Yes,We can share dresses together “Genevieve Said she wasn’t feeling good and sit down.”Genevieve ,Are you okay!Skye Ask “I’m just tired that’s all “Genevieve said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 14

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 14”

At Greece-Hospital-Alistair room-Alistair was in bed when Emily Came Into the room.”Mother “Alistair said “Sweetheart,You’re going to be find”Emily said “How’s Father “Alistair Ask “He didn’t make it,I’m sorry “Emily said “No! Nikolas killed my father “Alistair said “Alistair,Let’s just get you healthy and back home “Emily said “Why would I want to go back home! They're nothing for me! Genevieve doesn’t want me”Alistair Said “Alistair,The Quartermaine Our Family And they want to know you”Emily said as Monica and Alan Came Into the room.”I’m glad you’re alright,We want you and Emily to come home with us,You can stay with us at the mansion “Monica said “Thanks “Alistair said Emily left the room as Nikolas Came by,”Emily,How is Alistair “Nikolas Ask “Anger at you for shooting his father! You could of handle this different “Emily said “I was so angry that he was with you! He only married you to get revenge on me! He never loved you! Nikolas yelled “I don’t think we can ever go back to the way things were with us,” Emily said “Emily! you love me! Nikolas yelled “My son wouldn’t let this go I know him! Plus you shot my son! How could I forgive you! Emily yelled as Laura Came by,” I lost the woman I love again “Nikolas said Laura hugged her son.

At Port Charles -Carly’s bakery’s -Skye Came Into the room to order Genevieve her favorite sweets when Althea Came Into the room and by Skye.”Antoinette “Althea said Skye turn around.''What do you want! Why are you still here ! Skye yelled “I’m not leaving town till we can heal together. I want to get to know you and you're family “Althea said Skye picked up Her order. “if you don’t leave I’ll have my husband deal with you! You don’t want that! Skye yelled and left the room.Althea was hurt by that she wanted to be in her daughter life she sit down and had some coffee as Rae Came Into the room and sit by her.”I want to know what Skye was like as a child “Rae said “Why would I tell you” Althea Ask “Because like it or not we both our Skye’s Mothers''Rae said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 13

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 13”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Genevieve Came Into the House from the Hospital, Genevieve was tired from having her kidney dialysis.”Mother,I should check on the children then I want to rest “Genevieve said she keep closing her eyes.”Just go into the den and rest,The nanny is with the children “Skye said Genevieve left.Skye touch her face as Lorenzo Came Into the room.”You look wired”Lorenzo said I’m! Genevieve need a kidney she look so horrible from the dialysis “Skye said “Skye,I’m looking for a new kidney for our daughter,I wouldn’t let her die not on my life”Lorenzo said “Just make sure it healthy “Skye said “I will”Lorenzo said as Diego Came Into the room.”Hello Paps,Skye “Diego said “Diego “Skye said “I’m back! I want to be with my family “Diego said “Why don’t I let you both talk”Skye ask “No,Stay Skye ,Diego If you want to be a Part of our family you will follow some rules ,I hope you have change “Lorenzo said “I want to work with you”Diego said “I would like that but I want you to respect Skye and our children “Lorenzo said “I want to know my siblings and I have always like Skye “Diego said “Go pick out a room”Skye said Diego left.”Lorenzo “Skye said “I may have my son back “Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said as Lorenzo phone rang.”Lorenzo,Thanks you”Lorenzo said he hang up the phone.”What is it” Skye Ask “Emily and Alistair have been found “Lorenzo Said “That’s Great, “Skye said “No it’s not, Alistair been shot,” Lorenzo said as Genevieve Came Into the room.”Alistair been shot! Genevieve yelled “Yes,” Lorenzo said “Is Alistair alright “Genevieve ask “I don’t know,” Lorenzo said “I want to go be with him” Genevieve Said, “He's Still in Greece, G Genevieve I’m sure he's going to be okay, “Lorenzo said He touch her arms.”I hope so”Genevieve said “Genevieve ,Do you want to be with him or Jacques “Skye ask “I don’t know “Genevieve said 

At Alexis/Julian-Alexis was working at home when Her cellphones rang it was Nikolas updating her about what happened.”Nikolas,I’m glad you’re alright I love you”Alexis said she hung up the phone.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 12

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 12”

At Alexis/Julian-Alexis was on the phone trying to reach Nikolas.”Nikolas just call me and let me know you're alright and on you're way home” Alexis said she hangs up the phone she was worrying about Nikolas when Julian Came in with Avery she was over for the weekend.’Alexis”Julian said “I’m worrying about Nikolas he went to look for Emily,I just have a bad feeling about it “Alexis said

At Greece Hospital-Emily and Nikolas and Laura and Alan and Monica were waiting on news about Alistair And Valentin Who we’re shot at.”Emily “Nikolas said he went to touch her but she pulled away.”No! You shot my son! How dare you! Emily yelled “I was trying to save you! Nikolas yelled “By shooting my son! Emily yelled at Monica to look at Emily.”Let’s go for a walk and I think you need to be looked at” Monica said “He didn’t rape me, Alistair was protecting me from him, my beautiful son” Emily said she cried and Monica took her away. “Oh Mother,I mess up “Nikolas said “Just Give Emily time she forgive you “Laura said “How will we get her back home “Nikolas Ask “We will”Alan said 

Emily and Monica were talking.”Mother I know it’s wasn’t idea of how I had my son but I love him Alistair a great boy”Emily said “We sometimes don’t plan our children but we always love them,Alistair love you “Monica said she touch her daughter hair as the doctor Came by.”Is my son alright? What about Valentin? Emily Ask 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 11

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 11”

At General Hospital-Genevieve was getting her dialysis and Skye was with her watching her Skye was worrying about Genevieve and getting a new kidney. Genevieve had just finished her homework and was tired and fell asleep as Skye touched her daughter's face and went into the hallway.

Rae was in the hallway talking to Kevin.``I want my life back, I got my license back and I want my job here at General Hospital back “Rae said “I’ll see what I can do but it wouldn’t be easy with Monica “Kevin said “I know, I want to stay in town my daughter needs me” Rae said as Skye Came by.”Mother,What’s going on “Skye Ask “I’ll let you talk “Kevin said he left,”Skye,I want to fix things with us I know it wouldn’t be easy but I want too and I need my job back “Rae said ‘You Maybe push it with Monica “Skye said “I know,How’s Genevieve “Rae Ask As Dr Robinson Came by.”Skye,Genevieve all done with her kidney dialysis today “Dr Robinson said “Thanks,How long can my daughter wait to get one? She look so pale”Skye Ask Skye touch her face she was worrying about her daughter “It’s the kidney failure she needs one soon,She on a list “Dr Robinson said and left.”Skye “Rae said “I cannot lost my daughter “Skye said “I know,How are you dealing with Althea being back “Rae Ask As Genevieve Came by,”Hello Grandmother “Genevieve said “Hello Genevieve “Rae said Genevieve was tired.”Darling Let’s go home”Skye said “Is everything okay “Genevieve ask “Yes! Good luck on getting you're job back “Skye said they left.

At Cassadine island-Emily and Alistair were with Valentin.”You can’t keep me here! Our family is in Port Charles! Emily yelled “You're my family! You’re still my wife! Valentin yelled “Father,Let Mother go,I can stay here ,We can work together “Alistair said as Nikolas and Monica and Alan and Laura came into the room.”Valentin! You’re alive! Nikolas yelled as Monica went by Emily and touched her.”Are you okay ! Did he hurt you! Monica ask “No I’m okay”Emily said “You're going to let Emily and her son go! Alan yelled “Why would I! She is still my wife! Valentin yelled at Nikolas to pull out a gun.”Don’t! Shot my father! Alistair yelled and went in front of Valentin.”No! Emily yelled

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 10

“Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 10”

At General Hospital-Dr Collins was in his office talking with Georgie.”Whatever you tell me to stay with me” Dr. Collins said “It’s been hard being back I’m not the same person I was” Georgie said “No, You been thought a lot” Dr. Collins said “Yes I have a lot of pain” Georgie said “Did you get hurt when you were away “Dr. Collins Ask “Yes, Helena men hurt me she didn’t care what happened to me she just wanted me to get hurt! No one saved me! No one knew what I was thinking! Georgie said “No but we can help you.No one will hurt you again, “Dr. Collins said 

Felicia was in the hallway waiting on Georgie when she saw Rae come by.”Felicia, How’s your daughter? I’m so glad she is alive” Rae said “Thanks, She talking to Kevin, I’m sure she been thought a lot when she was away, “Felicia said “Yes just be patient with her''Rae said “Yes, Why are you here “Felicia Ask As Skye and Genevieve Came by.”That’s what I would like to know, Rae What are you up too “Skye Ask “I’m working on getting my license back and my job here” Rae said “Monica not going to let that happen “Skye said as Bobbie Came by,” Genevieve, I’m here to take you to you're appointment “Bobbie said “I’ll be there soon “Skye said Genevieve left.”Mother, You're just going to make it worse “Skye said she left and Rae walk away upset as Georgie and Kevin Came by.”How did it go” Felicia Ask “It did helped talk to someone, “Georgia said “Good” Felicia said “I would like to come back, “Georgie Said “Sure, I’m here for you,” Kevin said “Thanks, “Felicia said 

In the dialysis, room-Bobbie walk Genevieve into the room and she saw all older patients getting it and felt out of place and went to a chair and Bobbie helped her sit down and get her set up as Skye Came by.”Genevieve here you’re school work you can do while you’re doing this” Skye said “Cannot I just read a magazine “Genevieve ask “Nope “Skye said she handled Genevieve her school work.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 9

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 9”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo, we’re talking.``We have to be on the same page with Genevieve “Lorenzo said “I agree “Skye said as Genevieve Came Into the room.”I just got Morgan Lila to calm down she was upset that Jacques left”G Genevieve said “Oh, I’m glad she okay, Y You sure come to a custody agreement with Jacques “Skye saidis something we need to talk about, Do you remember having a breakdown a couple of weeks ago! You just lay in bed crying “Lorenzo said “No,I don’t “Genevieve said “We are worrying about you're mental health,You May want to talk to Dr Collins “Skye said ‘Mother,I’m okay”Genevieve said “You also need to focus on school so you can graduate with you're sister,The school is sending you some assignment you need to do,Just because you’re wealthy doesn’t mean you can’t work “Lorenzo said “I know and I have an idea of what I want to do,Kristina is still going to have the talk show “Genevieve said “Grades come first'' if you don’t graduate,You will not get you're trustful! Lorenzo said No! You can’t do that! Genevieve yelled “Yes,We can ,Now go get ready you have dialysis soon”Skye said Genevieve went upstairs  she was upset as John wheel himself in the room.``John,Are you okay about Jerry “Skye Ask “So His Jax brothers “John Said “Yes,Do you want to talk”Skye Ask “No I’m okay”John said 

Jacques was at home looking at a picture of Genevieve.”I will get you back my love, You’re mine not his and I will destroy anyone to have you” Jacques said to himself.

 Out of state-At Cassadine mansion, Emily was nervous dealing with Valentin he was threatening her she was trying to come up with a plan to leave when Valentin Came by.”You wouldn’t leave me,This time you’re my wife “Valentin said “You can’t control me anymore “Emily said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 8

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 8”

At Nikolas -Nikolas was trying to figure out where Emily was. He was worrying about her when His cellphones rang.”Nikolas,You found her! That’s great”Nikolas said he was happy and hung up the phone.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was pouring himself a drink of scotch when Skye Came Into the room.”I guess we can never have a simple nice day with our children, So what did Jerry want “Skye Ask Lorenzo look at Skye.”I think Jerry want my business but he wouldn’t get it or John, I'll keep him safe” Lorenzo said “I know you will, I still want you to adopt John” Skye said “I will, Is Genevieve inside “Lorenzo ask “Yes, Oh Lorenzo I overheard what Jacques was saying to Genevieve, I promise you but we need to talk to Genevieve about school and her future, She can’t just live off her trustful “Lorenzo said “I agree “Skye said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was at home when Nikolas Came Into the room.”I found out where Emily is,I’m leaving today “Nikolas said “I’ll go with you,Emily May need medical care”Monica said “Sure,What about Alan”Nikolas Ask as Alan came in the room.”What’s going on “Alan Ask “I found Emily,” Nikolas said “I’m going with him. Do you want to go with me” Monica ask “Yes “Alan said “Let’s go” Nikolas said as Laura came into the room.”I’m coming with you,If Emily needs help from a Cassadine I can help “Laura said “Let’s go”Nikolas said 

 Copyright by Skye’s The limit

Matters Of the heartstrings Part 1 Ch 7

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 7”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo, we’re outside having lunch by the pool with their children.”It’s sure a nice day out,S Soon we'll be swinging in the pool” Skye said as they eat lunch and the girls were worrying about their work mother.”Yes I can’t wait to swim,I sign up Morgan Lila for swim class “Genevieve said “That’s good,Hopefully she go through with it”Lorenzo said “What does that mean”Genevieve ask “Nothing,Lorenzo Not now”Skye said “Alright “Lorenzo said “Mother,I can handle it”Genevieve said “I know,Genevieve while you’re waiting for a new kidney you have to stay on a diet and do dialysis “Skye said “I know”Genevieve said “I’ll make sure you get a kidney “Lorenzo said “I will too”Jacques said as he Came outside.”Daddy! Morgan Lila yelled and got up from her chair and ran into his arms.”Morgan Lila”Jacques said as he picked her up.”I miss you, Genevieve could we go and talk” Jacques Ask “We are having a Family lunch “Lorenzo said he didn’t like Jacques.”Daddy it’s find”Genevieve said she got up.”Let’s go walk around and see the horse”Genevieve said she walk with Morgan Lila and Jacques.

“John, Do you want to do something fun this summer “Skye Ask “I want to learn how to play baseball, “John said “Sure, We can add a baseball count here,” Lorenzo said “Thanks Dad”,” John said as Jerry Came by .”His not you're father “Jerry said Skye was upset.”Lila Rae can you take you're brother inside the house “Skye ask “Yes Mother “Lila Rae said she got up and wheel John Into the House.”Why are you here! Skye yelled as she and Lorenzo got up.”To see my nephew you can’t erase that Jax is John Father! He maybe died but that boy is a Jack “Jerry yelled “Yes! Jax is his father and the reason his in that chair! You are nothing to my son”Skye yelled “Jax made a mistake,Lorenzo not a perfect father either! His the reason you’re daughter was raped! Jerry yelled “I think it’s time for us to talk alone”Lorenzo Said “I’ll let you handle it”Skye said as she left.

Outside by the barn-Genevieve and Jacques, we’re walking with their daughter.”Genevieve we can be happy with our daughter and you're baby and our future children,Genevieve I can make you happy I wouldn’t hurt you and you wouldn’t ever break” Jacques said “Break! What are you talking about “Genevieve ask “You don’t remember? You had a little breakdown because of Alistair,Genevieve I love you “Jacques said as Skye was walking by.”Why do you want to be with me “Genevieve ask “Because i love you,We have passion,Remember when we went to Paris “Jacques Ask “Yes I do” Genevieve said Jacques was touch Genevieve hair.”We belongs together ,You would never want for anything,You could do whatever you want,Work or not”Jacques said he kiss her.”Jacques,I'll think about it,I need to check on my son”Genevieve said “You had a son”Jacques Ask “Yes, Xavier Lorenzo “Genevieve said “I'll walk you back “Jacques said Skye listening and couldn’t believe that her daughter was easy to multiplication and control a daughter.

Jerry and Lorenzo were by the pool.”If you go either my son or hurt him or anyone in this family I will kill you! I don’t care that Jax is John's biological father! I love that boy and you wouldn’t walk in my house talking to my son that way! Understand! Lorenzo yelled “Yes “Jerry said he left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limitMatter Of The Hearts

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 6

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 6”

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was talking to her daughters.”My adopted mother Althea is alive.That woman hurt me she blames me for not saving her marriage, that's why she brought me from the black market “Skye said “Wow! Did she abuse you?”Lila Rae ask “Yes! It was so bad that I wanted her gone”Skye said “You're trying to kill her! Do I have two parents who are killers! Genevieve yelled as Lorenzo Came Into the room.”Genevieve! Enough “Lorenzo yelled “Genevieve I had no choice she had to go”Skye Said “You’re Mother had to do what she had to do and we will support her now”Lorenzo said “Thanks Lorenzo “Skye said as John push himself in the room.”Mother,I’m hungry “John said “Let’s have lunch by the pool it’s nice outside,I’ll get Alana and Morgan Lila “Skye said they went upstairs.

At Laura/Kevin-Laura was sitting down talking to Nikolas.”Emily and Alistair are missing I need to go find them, I believe they are at a Cassadine house, I have guards look around for all The Cassadine house and no sign of them, Is there any house that you may know of” Nikolas ask “Not that I remember but if I can help in any way “Laura said “Thanks, We have to Fine Emily we just got her back “Nikolas said “We will, Alistair does love his mother “Laura said “Yes” Nikolas said 

At Carly’s bakery -Bobbie Came in and open the bakery and look around as Lucas came in the room.”What are we going to about this”Bobbie Ask “It’s up to you “Lucas said “Carly loved the hotel and when it was taken it broke her heart “Bobbie Said “Yes”Lucas said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 5

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 5”

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye Came in and was upset about what happened with Althea and went by the bar and poured herself a drink and was about to drink it but she put the glass down and went upstairs.

Genevieve had set up the nursery room for Xavier and was putting pictures up and Came across a picture of Genevieve and Brenda she was looking at it she didn’t hate Brenda for what happened to her when Skye came in she was still upset about Althea.``Genevieve “She turn around and look at her mother who saw the picture Genevieve was holding.”Why do you still have pictures of her! Why do you still care for the woman who took you from me! What if that happened to you! That someone took you're children from you! Wouldn’t you be angry “Skye yelled she was crying.”I know what Brenda did was wrong but she never hurt me,This isn’t about Brenda,This is about something else “Genevieve ask as Lila Rae Came Into the room.”What’s all the yelling! Lila Rae ask “I need to tell you both something,Let’s go downstairs “Skye said 

At Lila’s Place-Rae was sitting down having a drink wishing she had someone she could talk to when Lucy Came by.”Rae,Are you okay “Lucy Ask “No I’m not,Do you want to join me”Rae ask “Sure”Lucy said she sit down.”You look upset when I Came Into the hotel “Lucy said “I’m,Althea the woman who stole Skye and Raise her is alive, That Woman hurt my daughter friend, This town still hate me” Rae said “I know how that feels “Lucy said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 4

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 4”

At Lila’s places-AJ was at the desk when Skye Came by,” What room” Skye ask “12, I thought it would help them talking “AJ said “It’s okay, I don’t blame you” Skye said “Do you want Antoinette “Althea said, “I don’t go by that name, I go by Skye now” She explains “How did you get that nickname “Althea Ask “Uncle Stuart, Anyway it doesn’t  and it was getting nasty.”Did you know that baby was stolen! Loved by her biological mother “Rae yelled, “I didn’t care” Althea said there was a knock on the door it was Skye,” Antoinette “Althea said, “I don’t go by that name, I go by Skye now” She explains “How did you get that nickname “Althea Ask “Uncle Stuart, Anyway it doesn’t matter now! Why are you here! You’re supposed to be dead! Skye yelled “Rae,Do you want to know why Antoinette thought I was dead! Althea yelled “No! Why”Rae asks “Do you want to tell her or should I! Althea yelled and pointed at Skye.”I was getting so sick of Althea and her drinking and abusing me so when we went on our ski trip I made sure her ski poles were damaged! I wanted you gone! To be free of you and go be with Daddy “Skye said “You are just like you're husband! A cold hearted killer “Althea yelled “How did you make it! Skye yelled “I ended up in a coma and I was paralyzed for a while.Someone you loved to know I was alive all this time “Althea said “Who! Skye ask “Adam,The parent who was never there for you but you loved The most,I loved you! Althea yelled “You didn’t love me! You hurt me! You wouldn’t anymore ! I’m powerful and rich and I have my own family and a husband who adores me and would do anything for me! They love me! Rae and Alan Who are my biological parents and never got to raise me because you and Edward love me! You don’t know what Love is! So I suggest you leave if you want to leave alive! Skye yelled “Is that a threat “Althea yelled “I’m a mob wife! Come on mother let's go” Skye said “Don’t go! I love you”Althea said “No! You never loved me ! You blame me for you're marriage. You can’t ask a child to save you're marriage “Skye said she tried not to cry and left with Rae.

Althea was upset about what Skye said and poured herself a drink.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 3

“Matter of the Heartstrings Part 1 ch 3”

At Lila’s Places-AJ was working the desk when Rae Came by,” AJ, I need a favor” Rae said “For you! After what you did to my parents “AJ said “It’s about Skye,Is Althea here? I want to talk to her “Rae said AJ pause.”AJ it’s for Skye,This Woman hurt Skye so much when she was a little girl I want to know if she is back to hurt Skye “Rae said “Alright,For Skye “AJ said he look at the computer.”Room 12”AJ said “Thanks “Rae said and left.Aj wondering if he did the right thing.

Althea was in her room looking at a picture of Skye as a little girl wondering if she get a chance with her when there was a knock on the door it was Rae.”I’m sure you know who I’m “Rae said “Gretel “Althea said as Rae Came Into the room.”I go by Rae now,You can tell me how you ended up with my daughter and why you hurt her! Rae yelled “I had to save my marriage to Adam. It was falling apart and Adam went on his business trip again so I came up with a plan since I couldn’t get pregnant,I would steal a baby”Althea said “My daughter! Rae yelled and pointed at herself.”Yes,I brought Antoinette on the black market after adoption. It didn’t work ,I wish I did adopt a son. Maybe it would have helped and I blame Antoinette for it “Althea said “You abused her! Rae yelled 

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo had arrived home with Genevieve and Xavier who was upstairs with the children and Skye had poured herself some water wishing it was stronger when her cellphones rang it was AJ.”AJ,No! I’ll be right their”Skye said and hang up the phone.”Skye, What is it” Lorenzo Ask “Rae and Althea are at the hotel talking, I have to go, “Skye said “Do you want me to go with you” Lorenzo Ask “No, I need to deal with this “Skye said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit


Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 2

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 ch 2”

General Hospital-Genevieve room-Genevieve was in bed all dressed  when Skye and Lorenzo Came Into the room.``Good morning Genevieve you and the baby can go home today ‘Skye said “We have a lot of things to talk about “Lorenzo said he was serious about it.’You sounds serious Daddy “Genevieve said “I’m! Lorenzo said Skye helped Genevieve Into a wheelchair.''Let's go get you're baby”Skye said she looked at Lorenzo.

At Dr Hubbard room-Kristina and Christy were in her office about having a baby .”Either of you are both healthy to carrying a baby,You just have to decide which one and you will need sperm”Yes we are going to ask a friend “Kristina said “Good,Let me know if You need anything “Dr. Hubbard Said they left.

At Felicia/Mac-Felicia was having coffee with Laura,”How is it going with Georgie “Laura Ask “Something happened to Georgie she not letting me in”Felicia said “It take time ,Maybe have her go see Kevin “Laura Ask “Maybe ,I’m just glad she alive and I found her”Felicia said she smile at Laura.

At The Police station-Mac was working  when Frank Came Into the room.”Mac” Frank it’s good to have you back, “Mac said “Thanks, “Frank said he smiled at Mac.

At Bobbie-Bobbie and Jerry we’re sitting on the couch having breakfast talking.”So you are going to settle down “Bobbie Ask “Kind of, I’m going to work with Lorenzo, “Jerry said “Really! Bobbie Ask “Yes after Jax I realize how short life is and I want to be with Josslyn too and you”Jerry said “Really “Bobbie Ask “Yes you’re the woman for me”Jerry said they share a kiss.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 1

 “Matter Of The Heartstrings Part 1 Ch 1”

Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was standing up looking at the only picture she had with her and Althea wishing she still was dead when Lorenzo Came Into the room.”Skye,L Let me in” Lorenzo said he touched Skye's face,” Why is she still alive! What does she want from me”Skye ask “I don’t know but she can’t hurt you anymore,I wouldn’t let her”Lorenzo said “I know you will keep me safe but don’t do anything till I say”Skye said “I wouldn’t “Lorenzo said his phone rang .”Lorenzo Alcazar, Thanks to you” Lorenzo said he hung up he was upset.”Lorenzo,What is it “Skye ask “It was the girls school,Lila Rae could caught up fast enough to graduate but not Genevieve she has a lot of assignment not finished! Lorenzo yelled and Skye was upset and touched her face.”Lorenzo,L Let’s just calm down, Genevieve coming home today “Skye said “It’s just she never completed anything, “Lorenzo said Skye was upset she didn’t need anything else to deal with.

At The Quartermaine, mansion-Monica was on the phone trying to get a hold of Emily and worrying about her.”Emily ,Please call me back “Monica said she hang up the phone as Nikolas Came Into the room,”Nikolas,Thanks for coming,” Monica said “No problem, What’s going on with Emily” Nikolas Ask “She took Alistair on a trip And was keep in touch with me but she hasn’t called back in a few days, I’m worried about her, “Monica said “Do you know where they went” Nikolas ask “No, I Cassadine house,” Monica said “I’ll look for her and keep you in touch, “Nikolas said “Thanks, We just got her back I can’t lose her again, “Monica said “We wouldn’t, “Nikolas said they left.

At Bobbie-Bobbie was in bed with Jerry they been having an affair since he Came back and didn’t tell anyone.”Jerry,How long are you staying in town “Bobbie Ask “I was thinking for good “Jerry said “Really,What about a job”Bobbie Ask “Let’s have breakfast and talk”Jerry said “Alright “Bobbie said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Monday, September 6, 2021

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 58

“Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 58”

At General Hospital-Monica and Dr. Hubbard were exam Genevieve who still was unconscious.”We have to figure out what’s going on”Monica said “Yes”Angie said 

In the hallway-Skye and Lorenzo and Lila Rae were waiting on news about Genevieve they were worrying when Ned and Olivia and AJ and Rae Came by.”What’s going on “Rae ask “Genevieve delivered the baby at home and lost a lot of blood she unconscious,I cannot have another family member of mine go in a coma again! Skye yelled as Rae comforting her as Monica and Angie Came by.”What’s going on with our daughter “Lorenzo ask “Genevieve is awake,Her kidney is damaged she going to need another one”Monica said “We will fine her one,Can we see her “Skye ask “Yes she want to see the baby”Dr Hubbard said “Is he okay”Skye ask “Yes”Monica said 

Genevieve room -Genevieve was in bed when Lorenzo and Skye Came Into the room.”Genevieve,You’re going to be okay we will get you a new kidney ”Lorenzo said “I want to see the baby”Genevieve said as Elizabeth Came Into the room with a wheelchair.”I’m here to take you to see the baby “Elizabeth said she help Genevieve Into a wheelchair.”Thanks, Elizabeth “Genevieve said she left and Skye push her out of the room and they went to the nursing room.

Genevieve and Skye and Lorenzo and Lila Rae were looking at the baby.” I have a name for him” Genevieve said “What is it” Lila Rae Ask “Xavier Lorenzo “Genevieve said “It’s beautiful, His going to be okay and so are you” Lorenzo said “Yes, I’m going to get my life for my children “Genevieve said “Good “Skye Said 

Elizabeth was at the nurses station when a woman Came by,”I’m looking for a woman name Skye “She said “she by the nursery room “Elizabeth said 

Skye was pushing Genevieve's wheelchair with Lorenzo and Lila Rae when the woman Came by.”Antoinette “She said Skye looked at the woman and was in shock.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit


Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 57

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 Ch 57”

Skye/Lorenzo-Genevieve was feeling labor pain and was scared and went downstairs.''Daddy! The baby is coming! Genevieve yelled and look for someone when Skye and Lila Rae Came Into the room.”Genevieve,Why are you yelling “Skye ask she was happy to see her daughter up.”The baby is coming “Genevieve said “Alright,Let’s go to the Hospital “Skye said “I don’t think their is time”Genevieve said “Alright,Lay on the couch,Lila Rae stay with you're sister,I’ll call Monica “Skye said she went to get her cellphones and Lila Rae took Genevieve's hands.”I’m glad you’re awake”Genevieve said “Thanks,I miss you sis”Lila Rae said 

Skye was on the phone.”Monica, Genevieve is in labor can you come over it’s too late to get to the Hospital “Skye said she was nervous about it and hang up the phone as Lorenzo Came Into the room.”What’s going on”Lorenzo Ask “Genevieve in Labor “Skye said she was remembered when she give birth to the twin in a house just with her and Lorenzo and Luke.”It’s going to be okay”Lorenzo said they went over by Genevieve and Skye helped Genevieve deliver the baby and Lorenzo and Lila Rae hold her hands.”I Don’t Blame him,I love him”Genevieve said “We all love him”Lila Rae said as Genevieve was delivered her baby someone was outside watching them.

Inside-Genevieve was pushing as Monica Came in.”Let me help”Monica said “I’m glad you’re here”Skye said she let Monica take over and helped pull the baby out as Genevieve lost a lot of blood and went unconscious.”Genevieve “Lila Rae said she try to wake her sister up. “Monica! What’s happening! We can’t lose Genevieve or have another child in a coma! Lorenzo yelled “We Need to take Genevieve to the Hospital now”Monica said “I’ll call 911”Lila Rae said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 56

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 56”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was sitting down having coffee alone when Genevieve Came Into the room and Lorenzo was shocked that she was up.”Genevieve,Come sit down by me we can talk and you can have some tea”Lorenzo said Genevieve look at her father and sit down,”Where Mother “Genevieve Ask “She took Lila Rae to the Hospital for a checkup,You’re sister wake up yesterday “Lorenzo said “Oh”Genevieve said Lorenzo give her a cup of tea and she drinks it she was so thirsty.”Genevieve,I’m sorry I help break you and Alistair up,I just wanted to keep you safe when you were in that car accident with Alistair it scared me, I hate that I hurt you and you broke yesterday “Lorenzo said “I just had a setback but I’ll be okay “Genevieve said “Genevieve, You need therapy and I will not listening in on-again, I love you, I’m sorry my father hurt you “Lorenzo said he touch his daughter's face.”I don’t blame you,I’m going to check on Morgan Lila”Genevieve said she went upstairs as one of the guard Came Into the room and Lorenzo got up.”What is it”Lorenzo Ask “I found out who was the driver in Genevieve accidents It’s Someone from the past”He said 

At General, Hospital-Skye was waiting for Lila Rae to be finished with her checkup when she looks at her cellphones and the number that called last night when Rae Came by,” Skye, How is Lila Rae “Rae Ask “She wanted some space “Skye said “Why isn’t Lorenzo here” Rae Ask “I wanted him to stay home with Genevieve “Skye said as Lila Rae and Dr. Hubbard Came by.”Skye,Lila Rae is just Find”Dr Hubbard said “Thanks “Skye said “Lila Rae,Just Take it slow “Dr Hubbard said “I will”Lila Rae said they left.

At A house-A Woman was in it as Lorenzo Came Into the room.”I was wondering when you would find me”She said “Faith Rosco,Why are you in towns “Lorenzo Ask “Can you imagine all the things we could do If we work together! Faith ask “No,I’m not working with you”Lorenzo said “I heard you are married to Skye,Isn’t she boring?Faith Ask and kiss him.”I love my wife! You will not take over this town! I have worked so hard on it! Sonny gone I now run this town”Lorenzo said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 Ch 55


“Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 55”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lila Rae was greeting her family who was so happy she was awake and it was a little overwhelming for her as AJ Came by.”Lila Rae,I’m glad you’re awake,You’re Mother was so worrying about you”AJ said “Thanks “Lila Rae said as Spencer Came by.”Lila Rae! It’s so good to see you “Spencer said Lila Rae took his hand.”Excuse me”Lila Rae said she went outside with Spencer.”Are you okay “Spencer Ask “Not really,It’s just a lot of people here”Lila Rae said “Yes,Do you want to go for a walk around the ground “Spencer Ask “Yes”Lila Rae said

Inside-Skye was reflecting that Lila Rae was wake but worrying about another daughter when Alan Came by.”Skye, What is it” Alan Ask “I’m happy that Lila Rae is awake but I’m worrying about Genevieve she having some kind of breakdown, and she is pregnant and needs to take care of herself, “Skye said “Do you want me to go upstairs and see Genevieve “Alan Ask “No I think tonight we leave her alone,” Skye said “We will support Genevieve and help her through this “Alan said “Thanks, “Skye said she hugs Alan.

Rae was by the bar when Monica Came by.”How is Genevieve “Monica Ask “Still the same.Skye think we should leave her alone”Rae said “It’s not going to go away “Monica said “No”Rae said 

Outside-Lila Rae And Spencer were walking around holding hand.”I miss you so much”Spencer said he kiss her.”Nothing going to come between us anymore,After what happened with Genevieve I don’t think my parents will mess with our love life anymore “Lila Rae said “Probably not,I do hope Genevieve okay”Spencer said “Me too “Lila Rae said

Inside-Skye was looking for Lila Rae when she received a text message on her cellphones and looked at it and was shocked.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 54


“Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 54”

At Skye/Lorenzo -Genevieve room -Lorenzo had the guard removed Jacques from the house and look at his daughter in bed and lay down by her.”Genevieve,I’m sorry I should of never push him to be with you,Genevieve please forgive me”Lorenzo said Genevieve touch her father face and Lorenzo kiss her on the forehead and left the room.

Skye was downstairs she was happy that Lila Rae was wake but worrying about Genevieve when Lorenzo Came Into the room.”Skye,You were right about Jacques,I overheard him threatening to take Morgan Lila away from Genevieve”Lorenzo said “No”Skye said “Yes I will deal with it,How’s Lila Rae”Lorenzo Ask “Great,John with her,I was thinking of having the family come over they all wanted to see Lila Rae”Skye said “Sure, I think Genevieve Need time and she gets better “Lorenzo said “Good, We will leave her alone “Skye said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned was in the room when Dillon Came Into the room.”Dillon,How was it with Georgie “Ned Ask “It was wonderful,I’m so happy she alive ,I want to ask her to marry me”Dillon said “Take it easy first,You don’t know what Georgie been through “Ned said “True,A lot has changed since I been gone”Dillon said “Yes”Ned said As AJ Came Into the room.”AJ, I’m sorry about Michael, He was a great young man” Dillon said “Yes he was” AJ said “Yes” Ned said “Skye called me, Lila Rae is awake from her coma, She wants us to come over and celebrate “AJ said “So Skye is married to Lorenzo “Dillon Ask “Yes so far they are happy “AJ said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 Ch 53

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 53”

At General Hospital-Nikolas's room-Nikolas was in bed still unconscious when Laura was by his side.”Please wake up,I love you”Laura said as Nikolas wake up.”Nikolas “Laura said “What happened “Nikolas Ask “You were shot at”Laura said “No”Nikolas said “You helped Felicia and Mac Find their daughter “Laura said “I remember “Nikolas said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re talking alone about what to do with Genevieve.”We had to play with her love life! If we just let her make her decision “Skye yelled “Skye! We did the right thing! Besides Genevieve hasn’t deal with the rape “Lorenzo said “No she hasn’t, So what do we do” Skye ask 

At Emily's vacation house-Emily and Alistair were having dinner when a man Came Into the room.”My beautiful family “He smiled “Valentin”Emily said she felt frightened of Valentin.”Father “Alistair said he was happy to see his father. Alistair got up and hug his father.”It’s so good to see you son” Valentin said “You too, “Alistair said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re not should on how to handle Genevieve when Jacques came in the room.”The maid let me in,Where Genevieve “Jacques Ask “She having a nervous breakdown we our thinking about put her in a Hospital “Lorenzo said “No! I want to see her! Jacques demanded “She upstairs “Lorenzo said Skye was upset that Lorenzo Let Jacques go upstairs.”I don’t want him neither my daughter! Have you ever thought Why a grown man is with a teenage girl! Skye yelled and left.

At Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was wake and Monica was finished up exam her when Skye Came Into the room.”How’s my daughter “Skye ask “Lila Rae is going to be okay “Monica said “Thanks “Skye said 

Genevieve room-Genevieve was in bed just laying down when Jacques Came storming Into the room and went by the bed.”Genevieve! Darling snap out of this! If you don’t I will take our daughter from you! You know I can! Jacques yelled as Lorenzo Came by.”I don’t think so! You will not take my granddaughter! Maybe I was wrong about you! Lorenzo yelled “You don’t want to cross me”Jacques yelled “Really! You’re threatening me, I can make you disappear today if I want too”Lorenzo said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3. Ch 52

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 52”

At A house-Alistair was on a trip and hated it he wanted to get back to Genevieve when he found a phone and try to call Genevieve but there was no service when Emily Came Into the room.”What’s going on”Emily Ask “Mother,You can’t keep me here from Genevieve we our not teenagers “Alistair said “It’s to keep you safe “Emily said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was sitting on Genevieve bed touch her hair and she didn’t say anything when Lorenzo Came in with Monica and Rae.”Skye”Lorenzo said Skye got up.”Genevieve hasn’t say anything she just laying their “Skye said “Has Anything upset her”Monica ask “Alistair they broke up “Skye said “Let us look at Genevieve “Rae said “I have one daughter in a coma and now this “Skye said she left with Lorenzo.”Genevieve “Rae said she try to reach Genevieve.

At Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was in bed when Skye and Lorenzo Came Into the room.”Lila Rae,We love you so much “Skye said she touched Lila Rae's hair.”Mother “Lila Rae said as she woke up.”Lila Rae! You’re awake “Skye was exciting “What happened “Lila Rae ask “You been in a coma “Lorenzo said “No”Lila Rae said “I know you would come back to me like you're father did”Skye said as Rae  and Monica Came Into the room.”My baby is awake”Skye said “Lila Rae,It’s so good to see you “Monica said “Yes it is”Rae said “Monica can you look at Lila Rae”Skye Ask “Yes”Monica said Rae left with Skye and Lorenzo.

“This is so wonderful that Lila Rae is awake”Skye said she was so happy.”Yes it is, Now What about Genevieve “Lorenzo Ask “We believe that Genevieve is having a mental breakdown “Rae said “No” Skye cried “We can take her to a hospital or I can treat her here” Rae said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 Ch 51

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 Ch 51”

At Felicia/Mac-Felicia and Georgie we’re sitting on the couch having Tea.``I been thinking I know it’s hard what you went through,Maybe you sure see Dr Collins “Felicia said “I do need help”Georgie said “It’s okay that this take time and we are here for you “Felicia said as the doorbells rang and Felicia got up and open it was Dillon.”Is it true? Is Georgie alive”Dillon Ask As Georgie Came by.''Georgie,You’re really Here! Alive! We sure of never give up on you “Dillon said as he touch her face.”I don’t blame anyone for thinking I was dead I’m sure Helena made should you couldn’t find me”Georgie said “Yes “Felicia said “Dillon ,What are you up to this day “Georgie Ask “I’m a director “Dillon said “I’m glad you followed you're dreams ``Georgie said “You’re mine dream “Dillon said he kiss Georgie.

At General Hospital-Alexis and Laura And Spencer were in the hallway with Dr Webber.”Can you save my son”Laura Ask As Leslie Came by.”What’s wrong with my grandson “Leslie Ask As Laura look And was shocking that her mother was back.”Nikolas is having an allergic reaction to the anesthesia that’s why he isn’t wake up”Dr Webber said “No,What can you do”Laura Ask “We Give him some drugs that will help him “Dr Webber said “Rick,It’s good to see you”Leslie said “You do,Laura Nikolas will wake up”Leslie comfort her daughter and they share a hug.

At The Police station-Erica was in her cell when Kendall and Bianca Came by.”I want you both to go back to Pine Valley and move on”Erica said “We are not leaving you here,Lorenzo could go after you”Bianca said “I’m safe here,Just go”Erica said “We will visit and call you “Kendall said “Yes”Bianca said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 50

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 Ch 50”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo Came in from the trial and were relieved on the outcome.”Skye,Are you satisfied about the charge “Lorenzo ask He touch Skye Face.”I’ll be more satisfied when our daughter wake up”Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said Morgan Lila was upstairs and started to cry.”I wonder if Genevieve is home “Skye ask as Morgan Lila cry again.”I’ll go check on our granddaughter “Skye said “I’ll call Genevieve “Lorenzo said Skye went upstairs and Lorenzo try to call Genevieve who didn’t answer her cellphones.

Morgan Lila Room-Morgan Lila was stand up in her crib crying when Skye came in and pick her up.”Darling Mimi is here for you,Where is you're mother “Skye ask she went into the Hallway with the baby and heard Genevieve cell phone ranging and went into her room and saw Genevieve laying in bed.”Genevieve,You’re daughter needs you”Skye said she looks at Genevieve and knowing she had been crying.”Genevieve “Skye said she try to touch her but Genevieve didn’t move as Lorenzo Came Into the room.”Genevieve! Why are you in bed! Lorenzo yelled at Genevieve, ``Look at Lorenzo.”I believe she is having a breakdown.Let's call my mother “Skye said as they went downstairs.

Rae was on the dock thinking about the mistake she had made when Monica Came by,’Monica “Rae said “I only wanted you back to help Skye but I will never forgive you for what you did but we can try to get along when we have too”Monica said “I agree “Rae said as her cellphones rang it was Skye.”Skye,What is it? I’ll be their Monica is with me I’ll tell her maybe she can help too”Rae said she hang up the phone.”Genevieve having a breakdown “Rae said “Let’s go”Monica said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 49

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 49”

“Welcome Home “

At Felicia/Mac-Felicia was watching Georgie sleep She was tired from her visit and Felicia was still in shock that her daughter was home when she heard the doorbell rang it was Monica.”Monica “Felicia said “I want to see how you are doing with Georgie being back I know it can be overwhelming “Monica said they sit down on the couch.”It is overwhelming I don’t want to say something that will upset Georgie I want to know everything that happened to her ,I cannot lose my daughter again “Felicia said “It’s hard when Emily came back I was so happy but I didn’t want to lose her the same with Alan “Monica said “It’s like a dream our love ones who were taking from us our back”Felicia said “Yes it is”Monica said”Did Alan and Emily have therapy ‘Felicia Ask “Yes And it helped “Monica said “Maybe Georgie should see Dr Collins “Felicia said “I do have to tell you something “Monica Said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Brooklyn was holding her son .”Oh Johnny today was so hard ,I,loved you're father so much ,I didn’t even know it till now”Brooklyn said “A new Quartermaine ``The person said as he Came Into the room and Brooklyn look at him and smiled she was happy to see him.”Dillon,I know you would be here soon “Brooklyn said “Monica call me and told me I should come home , Is this you're son” Dillon Ask “Yes Johnny Edward,.”Alan,AJ You’re alive “Dillon was in shocked “Yes and So Emily “Alan said “Wow! I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner I been Director a movie “Dillon said “Well you may want to sit down for this one”AJ said “Who else is alive''Dillon Ask ‘The Love of you're life, Georgie “Brooklyn said “Don’t! Lie about that”Dillon was in shock.``I’m not! I wouldn’t do that to you “Brooklyn said “I have to see her “Dillon said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 ch 48

 “Matter Of The Hearts Part 3 Ch 48”

Skye/Lorenzo-Genevieve was in her room and she was upset about Alistair and heartbreaking about it. She never felt that way before and was devastated about it. She lay on her bed and cried.

At The Courthouse-The court was on break and Skye and Lorenzo were in the hallway.”What did Jerry want”Skye ask “Jerry upset about Jax “Lorenzo said “You can’t trust him”Skye said “I know “Lorenzo said Jerry was looking at Lorenzo As Alexis Came by,”Jerry,I know you’re upset about Jax,I’m too but le the courts handle this “Alexis demand Julian Came by and saw the way Alexis was looking at Jerry.

Inside-Ric And Jackson were talking.”My client will go to jail for a year “Jackson said “You think this town will let her go to jail for a year,You’re client put a mob boss daughter in a coma ,She isn’t going to walk free either way”Ric said as everyone Came back in and the judge.”You’re Honor The State is asking for five to ten years in jail no exceptions “Ric said as Erica look at Jackson.”I will agree to it. Your Honor I would like to say something, “Erica said as she stood up.”I would like to say I’m sorry for the hurt I caused,I wish I could take that night back “Erica pleaded and cried.

Skye felt something towards Erica and leaned back towards Lorenzo.”Let Erica live , She feels remorse “Skye said Lorenzo kiss his wife on the cheek and left and Jerry followed him.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit