Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Always part 5 ch 63

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo had just finished having a nice breakfast with Genevieve when Genevieve phone rang she picked up her bag that was on the chair and open her purse and pull out her phone.”I have to take this”Genevieve said she took the phone to another room. “I think that went well”Skye said “Yes, But Genevieve and I will always fight “Lorenzo said “I know but I just hope it never goes too far”Skye said “It will not “Lorenzo said

Genevieve was in the living room on the phone. “Let me write this down “Genevieve said she walk to Lorenzo desk and took a pen and write on the divorce papers that were upside down. “Thank you “Genevieve said as Skye and Lorenzo came in Genevieve hang up her phone.”I was just writing on a pad”Genevieve said she put the paper in her purse not knowing it was the divorce papers.”It's okay, I have to go I sure not be long”Skye said “Alright bye Mother “Genevieve said “Be safe”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye and she left. “So Daddy are you really going to give up you're business to John and Luis “Genevieve ask “Yes I can't work anyway,”Lorenzo said “So what are you going to do just stay home all day”Genevieve ask “I promise you're mother we will travel “Lorenzo said “Yes in you're vows you say you would give her the world “Genevieve said “Yes, Why don't we go for a walk “Lorenzo ask “Sure it will be good for you to walk, I'm going to get a wrap from Mother room“Genevieve said and went upstairs. Lorenzo pick up his phone and made a phone call. “We are on are way to the park”Lorenzo said as Genevieve came in wearing the wrap. Lorenzo hang up the phone. “Is everything okay”Genevieve ask “Yes let's go”Lorenzo said they left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan and Monica were having coffee as Skye came in. “Skye, How are you “Alan ask “Good, I just pull of a miracle I got my stubborn husband and daughter to get along “Skye said “How did you do that “Monica ask “Genevieve been taking care of Lorenzo while I'm working at the center and I made them make peace I'm just sick of fighting “Skye said “I get it “!Monica said “Yes I don't want to be in the middle of it anymore I'm just tired “Skye said “It's hard to be in the middle of you're children fighting with their father's Monica said “Yes it is, I'm just done”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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