Friday, November 3, 2017

All The Love We Give Part 1 ch 59

At Tea/Victor-Tea was sitting on the couch with Juanita who was holding her grandson Matthew. “Tea, I'm happy for you, You have a son and a husband who loves you ‘Juanita said “Yes I do, Mother I'm glad you're back in our life, I want you to be a grandmother to my son,”Tea said ‘I want that too, It was hard to be awhile from you and you're sister and brothers”Juanita said “Do you know where Lucian is”Tea ask “I do have my men looking for her,Juanita said “Good it's been ages since I heard from her”Tea said “One thing I can count on is all my children are strong and independent,”Juanita said “That's true , You did teach us that”Tea said 

At Blair/Todd-Todd was at home not sure about what to do when Vicki came in the room. “I thought you may need me”Vicki said “Sis, How to I help my son”Todd ask “Jack needs to admit what he did”Vicki said “I agree and I believe he should go to jail but Blair doesn't believe it,”Todd said “I have to admit I'm shocked that you don't want to get Jack out of this but the right thing to do is have him go to jail “Vicki said “Yes it is”Todd said 

At Dorian /Paul-Blair and Dorian we're sitting on the couch talking. “I hate that my son did this! I hate that he may go to jail! Blair yelled Dorian pull Blair into her arms. “I'm sorry “Dorian said “I can't save my son,”Blair said 

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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