Thursday, November 30, 2017

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 36

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were getting dressed. “Lorenzo, You never told me why Tea was here”Skye ask “Fine, No more lies, I ask Tea to draw up divorce papers for Sierra “Lorenzo said “Did Sierra ask you too”Skye ask “No, But Sierra better off without Grayson, His going to jail anyway “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, You need to stay out of Sierra love life, You both work so hard at you're relationship don't ruin it”Skye said “I don't want to ruin my relationship with Sierra, Now that we got her back and she realized I'm her father but I don't want The Cassadine to go after our granddaughters either “Lorenzo said “I agree, But I have a feeling Sierra doesn't want a divorce she doesn't believe in them and she love Grayson, Yes he made mistakes we all have, Let it be between Sierra and Grayson “Skye said “I will, I hope your wrong about Sierra “Lorenzo said “What are you going to do about Faith”Skye ask “I will take care of her “Lorenzo said “I want to watch you kill her”Skye said “Skye, I get you're upset but I don't want you to”Lorenzo said “Fine, I'm going to check on the children “Skye said and went upstairs..

At The jail-Grayson was in his cell when Nikolas and Hayden came into the room. “Why are we here”Nikolas ask “I know you're both upset with me but I want you both to promise me that you will leave the children alone, Biss and Cecil belong with my wife, I know you both think that you failed me and want it to do right by my children but it's not you're fault that I did this,I'm taking responsibility for my actions “Grayson said “Good, I do love you and I want t fixed it for you but I can't, We just don't want to miss anything with our granddaughter “Hayden said “Do you really want you're daughter to be raised by the Quartermaine? Nikolas ask “What's so wrong about that family? Father please leave them alone “Grayson said “Fine”Nikolas said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were playing with their granddaughters when a man came in with a envelope. “I'm here to deliver this to Sierra Cassadine “He said “She not here, I can take it I'm her father “Lorenzo said “sure”The man said he give the envelope to Lorenzo and left. “Someone scared of you “Skye said “Good “Lorenzo said he open the envelope. “What is it? Skye ask “Grayson signed his right away for while his in jail “Lorenzo said “Grayson must think his going away for a long time”Skye said “Yes, This is a great thing “Lorenzo said “Grayson still their father, I'm going to see Lila Rae”Skye said she give the twins to the nanny. “I’ll go with you ‘Lorenzo said and they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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