Thursday, November 30, 2017

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 39

At General Hospital-Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was lying in bed and Skye was holding her hand. “Lila Rae, I order you to wake up”Skye said as she pleaded for Lila Rae to wake up as Monica came into the room. “Skye “Monica said “Monica, Is my daughter ever going to wake up”Skye ask “As a mother to another mother I want to say yes but it's hard Skye, We can't give Lila Rae anything it's up to her”Monica said “Monica, I'm scared, I feel like I'm failing as a mother, Sierra addicted to oxycodone and was raped twice in her lifetime and Lila Rae “Skye said “You can't shield  you're daughter's from life, You're a good mother Skye “Monica said “Thanks Monica “Skye said they share a hug as Rae came into the room she was jealous of how close Skye and Monica have become. “Skye ., Are you okay “Rae ask “Just wanted my daughter to wake up “Skye said “We all do, Where is Lorenzo “Rae ask ,”Tea want to see him”Skye said “Oh, Skye I'm here for you, We both are”Rae said “I know, Thanks “Skye said

At Tea/Victor-Tea was sitting having a drink of wine when Lorenzo came into the room. “Sorry, I just let myself in”Lorenzo said “It's okay”Tea said Lorenzo could tell she been crying. “Tea, What is it”Lorenzo said “Thanks for coming, I know you're busying with Lila Rae but I need a favor, Victor had an affair with Blair and I don't want him neither my son”Tea said as she pour another drink of wine. “Tea, I'm sorry, I will protect you're son”Lorenzo said “Thanks, You can even kill him if you want to”Tea said “Tea, Your upset so you need to really think about this, I will make sure his not near  you're son”Lorenzo said “Thanks “Tea said “Tea, I'm sorry about Victor, Your not alone “Lorenzo said “No I'm not or I'm weak I will be just fine “Tea said “Yes you will be, I lied to you earlier, Sierra never agree to the divorce papers “Lorenzo said “I thought it was all you, I do know you big brother “Tea said “Tea, Do you want to stay at my house “Lorenzo ask “No”Tea said “Call me if you need anything ,I love you “Lorenzo said “I love you too”Tea said Lorenzo left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 38

At General Hospital-Kevin office-Kevin was talking to Athea . “I want to get better for myself and I want to be a better mother to Skye she the only children I have left”Athea said “You had another child”Kevin ask “Yes, Valentin was my son, I loved him”Althea said “Did you raise Skye and Valentin together “Kevin ask “No, I had to hide Valentin from his father so he went to board school and Skye stay with me, She wasn't my daughter, I stole her from my sister “Athea said “Rae your sister “Kevin ask “Yes our parents didn't want Rae to have Skye so they help me steal her, Now that I'm getting closer to Rae I feel bad about it”Athea said “I hope you can fix it but it's a big thing to fix you can't undo it”Kevin said “I know, I wasn't a good mother to Skye either “Althea said

At Lila Rae -Lila Rae was lying in bed and Sabrina was looking at her when Lorenzo and Skye came into the room.”Sabrina, How is my daughter “Skye ask “Nothing Skye, I'm sorry “Sabrina said “I don't know why she not waking up, It's like she giving up “Skye said she took,Lila Rae hand, “We will not let her give up”Lorenzo said “Sabrina, What do you think as a doctor? Skye ask “I think you have to keep holding on to hope I would not give up either as a mother “Sabrina said “Thanks Sabrina “Skye said Sabrina left. “Lorenzo, You always say We Alcazar don't back up from a fight and we will not let Lila Rae back down “Skye said “No, Sierra came back to us and so will Lila Rae”Lorenzo said

Monica was by the nurse station when Rae came by. “Monica, I just want to say I enjoy working at the center, Today I meet a Veteran and it was nice to help him”Rae said “I'm glad you enjoyed it and I'm glad my father want to open one I just wish he could've been here to see how it's helping “Monica said “Me too”Rae said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 37

At Tea/Victor-Tea was looking at a wedding picture of her and Victor and crying about the fact that Victor was cheating on her with Blair. Victor came into the house.”You bastard!! I know you're cheating on me with Blair ! Tea yelled “Yes I'm “Victor said Tea slap Victor. “I want you out of here! I want a divorce and full custody of Matthew!! Your not going neither my son! Tea yelled “Matthew is my son! Victor yelled “Why!! Tea yelled “Blair and I both didn't think that Jack sure of gone to jail and we bond and it just happened, I'm sorry Tea, I love you”Victor said “I packed you're bags! I don't want you here! After everything we went through “Tea said “I want to say goodbye to Matthew “Victor said he went to see his son..Tea pick up a phone and called Lorenzo. “Lorenzo, I need you”Tea said and hang up the phone..

Matthew room-Victor went into his son room and pick him up.” I blow it son, I screw up and I'm sorry but I will be in you're life”Victor said Tea came in and took Matthew from Victor. “I will fight for our son and us”Victor said “Don't bother , I will make sure you don't go neither my son, My brother are in the mob”Tea said “Are you threaten me? Victor ask “You beat I'm!! Tea yelled Victor left and Tea sit down and rocking her son..”It will be okay my love “Tea said

At Blair /Todd-Todd was sitting down when Blair came in. “Back from you're hard day of having sex with Victor!! Todd yelled “I'm sorry yes I been sleeping with Victor it just happened we bonded after Jack we both wanted to keep him out of jail! But you and Tea didn't want to! You just give up on our son! Blair yelled “I just wanted Jack to deal with what he did! I don't want him to be like me!! Todd yelled “I know I want the best for our son to”Blair said “Well I hope it was worth it because it's over “Todd said “Todd”Blair said “Get out of here! Take Sam and leave! Todd yelled Blair cried and wipe her tears and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 36

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were getting dressed. “Lorenzo, You never told me why Tea was here”Skye ask “Fine, No more lies, I ask Tea to draw up divorce papers for Sierra “Lorenzo said “Did Sierra ask you too”Skye ask “No, But Sierra better off without Grayson, His going to jail anyway “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, You need to stay out of Sierra love life, You both work so hard at you're relationship don't ruin it”Skye said “I don't want to ruin my relationship with Sierra, Now that we got her back and she realized I'm her father but I don't want The Cassadine to go after our granddaughters either “Lorenzo said “I agree, But I have a feeling Sierra doesn't want a divorce she doesn't believe in them and she love Grayson, Yes he made mistakes we all have, Let it be between Sierra and Grayson “Skye said “I will, I hope your wrong about Sierra “Lorenzo said “What are you going to do about Faith”Skye ask “I will take care of her “Lorenzo said “I want to watch you kill her”Skye said “Skye, I get you're upset but I don't want you to”Lorenzo said “Fine, I'm going to check on the children “Skye said and went upstairs..

At The jail-Grayson was in his cell when Nikolas and Hayden came into the room. “Why are we here”Nikolas ask “I know you're both upset with me but I want you both to promise me that you will leave the children alone, Biss and Cecil belong with my wife, I know you both think that you failed me and want it to do right by my children but it's not you're fault that I did this,I'm taking responsibility for my actions “Grayson said “Good, I do love you and I want t fixed it for you but I can't, We just don't want to miss anything with our granddaughter “Hayden said “Do you really want you're daughter to be raised by the Quartermaine? Nikolas ask “What's so wrong about that family? Father please leave them alone “Grayson said “Fine”Nikolas said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were playing with their granddaughters when a man came in with a envelope. “I'm here to deliver this to Sierra Cassadine “He said “She not here, I can take it I'm her father “Lorenzo said “sure”The man said he give the envelope to Lorenzo and left. “Someone scared of you “Skye said “Good “Lorenzo said he open the envelope. “What is it? Skye ask “Grayson signed his right away for while his in jail “Lorenzo said “Grayson must think his going away for a long time”Skye said “Yes, This is a great thing “Lorenzo said “Grayson still their father, I'm going to see Lila Rae”Skye said she give the twins to the nanny. “I’ll go with you ‘Lorenzo said and they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 35

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were finally alone at home. “Skye, I know you're upset about Lila Rae, I'm too and I hate that someone hurt our daughter, I would take it back if I could but I can't or make it better, I know when Lila Rae wake up she going to be heartbroken when she finds out about the baby and I can't fix that either! I hate that I can't save both our daughters and both time your heart was broken “Lorenzo said “I know you never want to hurt our daughter's either but I wish it didn't, I want to know who did this to our daughter! Who put her in a coma!! Skye yelled “It was Faith Rosco she alive and at the safe house “Lorenzo said “Why did she do this “Skye ask “She wanted to hurt me, I'm sorry, If you want out go, It will be easy since we are not married “Lorenzo said he went by the bar and pour a drink. “Lorenzo, I'm not giving up when we have hard time, Not anymore, I love you but I also love our children “Skye said she went by Lorenzo and kiss him. “I'm glad you don't want to give up this time, We have a good thing here we can't throw it away we our soulmate”Lorenzo said he pull out a box from his jacket. “Skye, Will you marry me”Lorenzo ask as he pull out a ring.  “Yes!! Skye said they share a kiss and made love.

At Todd office-Todd was upset about Blair and Victor when Tea came into the room. “Todd, Why did you want to see me”Tea ask “I thought you sure see this “Todd said he show Tea the picture of Victor and Blair. “What! That bastard! Tea yelled Todd went by Tea. “We should make it even”Todd said They share a kiss. “Yes we should, Todd I want you to get everything from Victor “Tea said “We will get revenge on them “Todd said “Yes we will “Tea said

At The Joe Veterans center-Rae office-Rae was talking to James. “What do you need to talk about “Rae ask “I accidentally killed a child in Iran and it's been haunted me, It was a accident ISIS was holding her as I went to shoot him “James said “It was a accident you have to let the guilty go”Rae said “I can't , I see her in my dreams “James said “Did you talk to her parents “Rae ask “No, They didn't want to see me, I don't blame them “James said “Why don't you write this family a letter .Don't mail it just writing it may help “Rae said “Okay “James said “Then read it to me, I'm glad you came here , I can try to help you”Rae said “Me too, I'm glad this is here”James said “Me too”Rae said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 34

At The Jet-Lorenzo was on his jet on the phone. “Tea, I need to meet you at my house in a hour”Lorenzo said and hang up the phone..Lorenzo look at a picture of Sierra that was on his phone. “Daddy is going to keep you safe from now on, I'm going to get him out of you're life forever “Lorenzo said

At Todd office-Todd was working when Felicia came into the office. “I found out what Blair is up too”Felicia said she give Todd a file and he pull out the picture of Blair and Victor kissing. “I'm sorry “Felicia said Todd got up and give Felicia some money. “I will take care of it from here “Todd said Felicia left..
Todd pick up a picture of him and Blair and throw it.

At The Veterans center -Dixie was working when a man came into the center..”Can I help you “Dixie ask “I need to talk to someone like a counselor “The man said “Sure, We have a therapy on call today, My name is Dixie Martin what is you're “Dixie ask “My name is James Smith, I was a soldier for four years in Iran”James said “Thanks for you're service, I will call our doctor “Dixie said Dixie called Rae..

At Lorenzo/Skye -Tea came into the house. “Lorenzo “Tea ask as the maid came into the room. “I'm here to see Lorenzo “Tea said “His not here yet, Do you want anything “The maid ask “No thanks “Tea said the maid left. Tea was wonder why Lorenzo call her when he came into the room. “Tea, I'm glad you're here, Do you want anything “Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo,  Why I'm here? I'm here as a lawyer or sister “Tea ask “Lawyer, Sierra is away in rehab she was addicted to Oxycodone and Sierra ask me to file the divorce papers, She also wants full custody of the twins and a while  Sierra is away the twins stay with me and Skye, I don't want the twins neither Nikolas and Hayden “Lorenzo said “I'm sorry about Sierra but is this all you or Sierra “Tea ask Lorenzo pull out a envelope and give it to Tea. ,”Sierra signed this legal document “Lorenzo said Tea read it. “Sierra wants me to be her lawyer? She hate me”Tea said “Sierra was just upset about Jack she doesn't hate you, Please “Lorenzo said “All right, I will take care of it, Lorenzo I do hope both you're daughter get well”Tea said “Thanks “Lorenzo said as Skye came into the room. “Tea”Skye said “Skye, I hope Lila Rae wake up, Lorenzo I will get back to you “Tea said she left. “Lorenzo, What's going on”Skye ask “Nothing, Skye we need to talk”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 33

At Julian-Julian was at home when their was a knock on the door it was Ava with her daughter..”Ava, You're back”Julian said “Yes. Come meet you're nice Eve”Ava said “She beautiful, I'm happy for you, I wish I had children to leave behind.”Julian said “It's not too late, Julian I heard about the bomb , Did you do it”Ava ask “No,,Lorenzo found out who did it, It's Faith Rosco and I'm going to let him handle it”Julian said “Good”Ava said as the doorbell rang it was Anna..”Julian, I have questions for you, Did you cause the bombing”Anna ask “No, I would not hurt my niece”Julian said “I hope not, I will be watching you, I don't believe you got out of the business “Anna said and left.

At General Hospital-Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was laying in bed when Skye was sitting by her holding her hand. “Lila Rae, Please come back to me, I need you”Skye said as she cried and look down as someone came into the room and handed Skye a tissue, “Thanks “Skye said she took it and look up it was Ric.”Skye, I'm sorry about Lila Rae, I do want her to wake up”Ric said “I know you do you love Lila Rae too”Skye said “Yes I do”Ric said they went into the hallway. “I hate this Ric, Both my daughters are drowning and I can't save the , Sierra went to rehab today “Skye said “Skye you're girls just took a little fall but they will be okay”Ric said they share a hug as Juanita came by.,”Skye “Juanita said “Ric. This is Lorenzo mother Juanita , This is Ric Lansing , My ex husband “Skye said “I want to check on my granddaughter “Juanita said “I should go”Ric said and left. “Skye, I know you're stress right now about Lila Rae but Lorenzo love you and I know you love him, You both need each other “Juanita said “I know, I just want my daughter to wake up”Skye said “She will”Juanita said

George room-George was in bed when Ned and Olivia came in cover up.,
“You are going to be okay, We love you so much”Olivia said “Yes we do”Ned said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 32

At London-Betty Ford rehabilitation center-Lorenzo and Sierra came into the place. Sierra still didn't want to be here. “Can I help you “The woman ask “Yes My name is Sierra Alcazar”she said “Yes we been expected you “The woman said “My name is Lorenzo Alcazar, Sierra father “He said “I'll show you a room “The woman said they walk to a room. “Is this a private room “Lorenzo ask “Yes, I need to search you're bag and take you're cell phone “The woman said “Why can't I keep my phone “Sierra ask “Sierra, It's okay “Lorenzo said “What if you need to get a hold of me”Sierra ask “You're father can call the desk”The woman said Sierra handled her cell phone to the nurse and she seach Sierra bag and didn't find anything as the doctor came into the room. “Sierra Alcazar. I'm Dr. Gold “The Doctor said “Nice too meet you, This is my father Lorenzo Alcazar “Sierra said “Nice too meet you, You're going to have a busy schedule here with therapy and group therapy”Dr. Gold said “Just so you know I'm not addicted to Oxycodone, I just took some one day that's all”Sierra said “Well I sure go, Sierra please listen to the doctor “Lorenzo said he kiss Sierra on the forehead and left with the Doctor. “I want my daughter to stay here for at least three months “Lorenzo said he give the doctor some money and left.

At Port Charles-General Hospital-Morgan was about to see his wife when Anna came by. “Morgan, We need to talk about the warehouse bomb”Anna said,
“I don't know who blow up the warehouse, I do hope you fine them for my wife “Morgan said “I hope so too”Anna said as Skye came by. “What's going on”Skye ask “That's what I want to know, Who put the bomb in the warehouse “Anna said “I hope you find that person “Skye said “Thanks, I'm sorry about Lila Rae, Is Lorenzo here “Anna ask “No he went out of town”Skye said “I want to talk to him when he comes back “Anna said and left. “Morgan, How is Grace “Skye ask “She missing her mother, I hope we can share Grace, I don't want to go to court “Morgan said “We will not”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 31

At The Park-Ava was sitting down with a little baby girl when Skye came by. “Ava, You're back “Skye said “Yes Skye come meet my daughter that I adopted Eve”Ava said “She cute, I'm happy for you , Hold her close to you “Skye said “Skye, What's going on”Ava ask “My daughter Lila Rae was in a warehouse that blow up and is in a coma she also lose her baby and my daughter Sierra went to rehab she was become addicted to oxycodone “Skye said “I'm sorry, Was the warehouse mob related? Ava ask “Lorenzo looking into it, Ava don't let the mob touch you're daughter “Skye said “I will not, Do you want to hold Eve”Ava ask Skye hold Emma. “You are so beautiful and so innocent “Skye said she give Eve back to Ava.

At a hotel room-Victor was in the room waiting for Blair who came in and kiss Victor as Felicia was outside looking through the window taking pictures.

At General Hospital-Olivia and Ned we're waiting on news when Monica and Peter and Tracy and Alan and Brooklyn and Kristina. Ned went to talk to Tracy. “Mother, I'm scared “Ned said “Ned you're son is going to be find “Tracy said “I hope your right,”Ned said “Olivia , Do you need anything “Kristina ask “No,I'm glad you're all here”Olivia said as Patrick came by.. Ned took Olivia hand. “George made it out of surgery, He sure recovered just find “Patrick said “Is this over “Ned ask “Since George has Down syndrome he will always have heart issues and need to be check out and have medical “Patrick said “Thanks “Olivia said they went to check on their son.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 30

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was planning a charity event in honor of Emily when Piper came into the room. “Grandmother “Piper said “Piper, How are you “Monica ask “Good, I have some news is Grandfather here”Piper ask “No his at the hospital, What's up”Monica ask “I want to be called Peter from now on”Piper said “Peter, Are you sure about this? It's life changing “Monica said “Yes, I'm happy “Peter said “Peter, I love you as my grandson “Monica said “I love you to Grandmother, What are you working on”Peter ask “I'm planning a fundraiser in honor of my daughter Emily, She would've loved you “Monica said “I wish I know her “Peter said Monica phone rang it was Alan. “Alan, What is it”Monica ask and hang up the phone. “What is it”Peter ask “George is having heart surgery “Monica said “No let's go”Peter said

At General Hospital-Olivia was in the hallway worrying about her son when Skye came by. “Olivia, What's wrong “Skye ask “George is having heart surgery, Skye I'm worrying about my son”Olivia said Skye took Olivia hands. “You're son is going to be fine just like my daughter, Our children our strong”Skye said “Thanks, I hope both our children are find “Olivia said Ned came by. “Olivia, Ned I hope you're son is fine, I know he will be”Skye said “Lila Rae will be okay too”Ned said Skye left. “Ned, I'm scared “Olivia said they share a hug.

At Alexis-Alexis and Julian we're sitting down on the couch “Alexis, I been enjoying our time together “Julian said “Me too, I need to know if you are out of the mob for good “Alexis ask “I'm trying but I need to know because I will not lose my job for any man or my principles “Alexis said “I understand and I will support you're principles “Julian said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 29

At Skye/Lorenzo-Sierra was holding daughter Bliss, “I failed you as a mother , I failed all my children “Sierra said as Lorenzo came into the room. “Sierra, Our you okay “Lorenzo ask “Daddy, I don't need to go, I haven't had a pill all day and I'm find “Sierra said “Sierra, You need help “Lorenzo said “Daddy, Please, I will be good”Sierra said “Sierra, You need help if not you will go down a dark path “Lorenzo said “Daddy, I'm scared “Sierra said “My daughter Sierra doesn't get scared “Lorenzo said “Well I'm, I'm not the same daughter as before, Why can't any of you see it! Sierra yelled “You're right you are different but you need to deal with this, I will protect the children “Lorenzo said “All right, but I'm not staying long “Sierra said

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas and Hayden were talking. “I think we need a new start, Sell this house and find a new place “Nikolas said “I agree, It was hard watching our son in court “Hayden said “Yes it was, What did we do wrong? Nikolas ask “I don't know. Grayson has always jealous of Spencer but I didn't know it would go this far”Hayden said “Me either, We need do something so we can make sure we see the twins “Nikolas said “Do you want to go after custody”Hayden ask “Yes”Nikolas said

At The Park-Bobbie was at the park with Grace who went to play on the swinging and Spencer Jr came by, “Spencer, Are you okay “Grace ask “My uncle killed my father, He better pay “Spencer Jr said “My mother is in a coma “Grace said “I'm sorry “Spencer Jr said as Bobbie came by. “Spencer, Who are you here with “Bobbie ask “My Nanny , Grandmother “Spencer Jr said “Oh”Bobbie said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 28

“Family Matters”
At The Starr-Lorenzo Jr and Gina were there when Richard and Julian walk into the boat. “Why are you here”Lorenzo Jr ask “To see me”Lorenzo said as he came into the boat. “Now what is it, Who hurt my daughter! Lorenzo yelled “Faith Rosco”Julian said “She in town”Lorenzo said “Yes, I'm! Lorenzo it's good to see you! I heard you're married to Skye that's unfortunately for you “Faith said she touched his jacket. “Faith, Why are you in town? Did you think you could get passed me? You hurt my daughter! Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo, We are one in the same, It's business “Faith said “I sure killed you right here! Lorenzo yelled “Not in front of everyone!! Faith yelled “We would not care! Julian yelled “Julian Jerome “Faith said a man came into the boat. “Take her away “Lorenzo said The man took Faith away.  “Lorenzo, This time I have you're back,”Richard said “Thanks “Lorenzo said

At General Hospital-Lila Rae room-Skye sit by Lila Rae bedside. “I do love you're father but I hate what happened to you because of his choices, You're my life you and you're brothers and sister”Skye said

In the hallway-Olivia was waiting on news about her son when Ned came by. “Ned, I'm scared about our son”Olivia said “Olivia , Our son is going to be fine “Ned said as Patrick came by. “I have some news, George hole on heart”Patrick said “No”Olivia said “We need to do surgery right away “Patrick said “What are the risk”Olivia ask “If we don't fix the heart you're son is dead”Patrick said “Go ahead “Ned said “Yes”Olivia said Patrick left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 27

At Todd office-Todd was in his office when Felicia came into the office..”Todd Manning “Felicia said “Felicia Jones Scorpio , I need you're help in following my life I believe she is cheating on me”Todd said “You're wife is Blair right”Felicia ask “Yes, Do you need a picture “Todd ask “No, I will see what I can fine “Felicia said “Thanks “Todd said

At Erica/Starr office-Erica and Starr were talking. “My Dad give us a big donation for our foundation “Starr said “This is great now we can start “Erica said “Yes”Starr said

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo we're talking. “Sierra with Lila Rae “Skye said “Good, Skye can we make this work”Lorenzo ask “I don't know “Skye said as Sierra came by. “Lila Rae , Is the same “Sierra said “Sierra, Are you ready? Lorenzo ask “I need to pack”Sierra said “Sierra you can do this “Skye said “Yes Mother “Sierra said “I think you sure divorce Grayson before you leave “Lorenzo said “Daddy please”Sierra said “We sure go , You can pack and I have a errand before we leave “Lorenzo said “Daddy, You don't have to go with me “Sierra said “Yes I do”Lorenzo said “Fine, Just remember that Lila Rae would hate that you both are fighting “Sierra said and left. “Sierra right “Lorenzo said he kiss Skye and left.

At The Park-Christy was sitting on the bench when a man came by. “Can I sit here”The man ask “Sure, Our you know in town”Christy ask “Shane Balsom”He said “Christy Collins, Do you want me to show you around town”Christy ask “Sure”Shane said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The love We Give Part 2 ch 26

At General Hospital-Skye was talking to Rae. “Skye, Do you blame Lorenzo for what happened to Lila Rae”Rae ask “I was always worrying that Lorenzo work would hurt our children and I was right. But this is on Morgan too, It could be his enemy too, Between this and Sierra who has always been strong I don't know how I can do this, I raise my daughter's to be strong and independent, Sierra acting like her life is over now that Grayson going to jail”Skye said as Sierra came by and listening to it. “This is also my fault that Sierra addicted to something it runs in the family “Skye said as Sierra came by. “Mother, Grandmother, How is Lila Rae “Sierra ask “I'm about to check on her”Skye said and left. “Sierra, I heard what is going on, Do you want to talk “Rae ask,”I'm going to rehab but I'm not addicted to pills “Sierra said

Olivia was holding George as she came by Liz. “Liz, Something is going on with my son”Olivia said “Let's take a look “Liz said they left.

Lorenzo came into the hospital as Julian stop him. “Lorenzo, We need to talk “Julian said “What”Lorenzo ask “I know who did this”Julian said “Who”Lorenzo ask as Richard came into the hospital. “Lorenzo, We need to talk “Richard said “Is this about who did this to Lila Rae “Lorenzo ask “Yes”Richard said “I found out too” Julian said “Meet me at the Starr in a hour “Lorenzo said “Sure”Richard said they left.

Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was laying in bed as Skye came into the room. “Lila Rae, You need to wake up, I need you “Skye said as Sierra came into the room. “Mother, Can I have a minute? Sierra ask “Sure”Skye said she left. “Lila Rae, My big sister, I love you, I need you're help I don't know how to deal with the secrets without those pills, I'm scared “Sierra said as she cried.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 25

A man was on the docks looking spoon island when Sierra came in by and ran into him. “Sorry “Sierra said as she look at him. “It's okay,”The man said “I have to go”Sierra said and left. “This town is promising “The man said

At Bobbie/John-Bobbie was having breakfast with Grace and John . “When is my Daddy coming “Grace ask as Morgan came into the room. “Grace,, We need to talk “Morgan said they sit down and talk. “You're mother was hurt last night she in a coma “Morgan said “What's a coma “Grace ask “Like a long nap, No doctors can wake her up, You're mother has to wake up on her own “Morgan said “What about the baby “Grace ask “We lost it “Morgan said “Can I see Mother? Grace ask “Yes”Morgan said “Grace, Go get you're bag”Bobbie said Grace left. “How did I do”’Morgan ask “You handled that great, Morgan if you need Grace to stay here she can”Bobbie said “Thanks Grandmother , I'm worrying Lila Rae will not wake up “Morgan said

At The Courthouse-Grayson was talking to his lawyer Scotty. “Can you get me out of this “Grayson ask “It's not going to be easy “Scotty said as Alexis and Laura and Nikolas and Hayden and Courtney and Josslyn came into the courtroom. “Mother, Father did I lose you too? Grayson ask “We are torn on what to do, We loved both of you “Hayden said “Why? All for money “Nikolas ask “I wanted you're respect too”Grayson said as Paul came into the room and the judge came into the room. “Grayson Cassadine on the temple murder of Nikolas Cassadine and murder of Valentin Cassadine and Spencer Cassadine and the car crash that killed Lydia Quartermaine , How do you plead “The Judge ask as AJ came into the room. “Not Guilty “Grayson said “You're honor the state is asking for five to ten years and no bail”Paul said “Do you have proof”The judges ask “Yes, We have evidence and a confession “Paul said he show the Judge the evidence. “No bail, The trial will be in a few weeks “The Judge said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 24

“Saying Goodbye “

At The Church-Lydia funeral-AJ and Piper and Alan Jr and Michael and Sabrina and Alan and Monica and Aubrey were their saying goodbye to Lydia. The father was talking. “We are here to say goodbye to a mother and wife and friend”The father said Piper got up. “My mother and I did have some hard time this past month but she still my mother and I loved her, I wish mother was here “Piper said as she cried. Piper sit down as Aubrey got up. “Lydia and I are sister she didn't accept me at first because she didn't want to deal with the true but she end up being my friend and we were going to open a business together “Aubrey said she sit down. AJ got up. “I loved my wife Lydia was my everything and I will miss her”AJ  said as he cried and sit down. Monica got up. “I loved Lydia for loving my son and giving me grandchildren “Monica said she sit down and Alan Jr got up. “I love my mother and I will make sure that person pays for killing my mother “Alan Jr said Michael and Alan Jr and AJ carrying the casket out. Piper was crying and feeling guilty about Lydia death. “Piper “Monica said “This is all my fault, Because of me mother was in that car”Piper said “Don't “Monica said

At The Police station-Grayson was in his cell when Sierra came by.”Sierra, I know you would be here for my bail hearing “Grayson said “I'm just here to say Goodbye, I need to go away and rest “Sierra said “Sierra , What is going on”Grayson ask Sierra flashback to Lorenzo telling her not to say anything. “I just need a break from this, I still love you and I'm not sure about us”Sierra said “Sierra, I need you “Grayson said “Why did you do this”Sierra ask “For our girls, I wanted what was mine”Grayson said “You make enough money you didn't need to do this and Spencer is you're brother! Isn't family important to you? Sierra ask “I never cared for Spencer he useful a bastard child “Grayson said “Grayson this isn't the man I love “Sierra said “You're not acting like the woman I love “Grayson said Sierra left as she cried.

At General Hospital-Skye came into the hospital and sit down as she cried as Rae came by. “Skye, What's wrong? Sorry I couldn't make it this morning “Rae said “It's okay, I know you have patience, Sierra addicted to oxycodone “Skye said as she cried. “I'm sorry “Rae said “We got her to agree to rehab but I'm scared for both my daughters “Skye said Rae hug Skye. “You can't always save you're children “Rae said “No”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, November 27, 2017

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 23

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was pouring a drink as Alan and Monica and Richard and Lorenzo Jr and Ric came in.”Lorenzo, Why I'm here”Ric ask “I called all of you here because my daughter Sierra needs help. She been addicted to oxycodone”Lorenzo said “No, It was Sierra “Alan said as Skye came into the room. “What was Sierra “Skye ask “Some oxycodone was missing last night “Alan said “No, Sierra not admitted she needs help”Skye said “We need to get Sierra into rehabilitation “Alan said “I have called one now we just have to get Sierra their”Lorenzo said “Why is Sierra taking pills”Lorenzo Jr ask as Sierra came into the room. “What is going on, Why are you all here? Ric”Sierra ask “Sierra, You need help you need to go to rehab before it's too late , I know it's scary but you can do this, You need to deal with everything “”Alan said “This is a intervention! I'm not addicted to oxycodone”Sierra said “Sierra this is serious “Monica said “Some oxycodone was stolen last night “Alan said “It was me, I hide in my bra, I'm sorry “Sierra said she give the bottle to Alan. “Sierra, This isn't like you “Ric said “I can't go to rehab, My children need me”Sierra said “You sure of thought about that first, Your going to rehab”Lorenzo said “Daddy,,Nikolas could go after the twins if I leave “Sierra said Lorenzo touch Sierra face. “I will protect the twins and you're son , I love him like I love the twins “Lorenzo said “You do”Sierra ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “What's going on”Lorenzo Jr ask “I guess I need to tell everyone. There was no Ian on the island, Luis is my son father “Sierra said as she cried. “I'm sorry “Richard said “Sierra you need to get help before this gets worse”Skye said “What about Lila Rae? I can't leave her or the trial “Sierra said “Sierra, Lila Rae would want you to get help “Skye said “I can't leave our family and I have to be here for Grayson, I still love him “Sierra said “Sierra, Your no help to you're children if you're high and we will watch over you're children “Skye said “Sierra, You are going “Lorenzo said “Sierra, This isn't like you, You are not weak”Ric said “Sometime we can't all be strong “Sierra said “Sierra please get help, Addicted runs in our family “Alan said “Where is the Rehab “Sierra ask “Their one in London you can go to and use another name so Nikolas will not find out,Lorenzo said “Fine but I need to see Grayson and Lila Rae “Sierra said “Okay,”Skye said “This is a good thing “Lorenzo said Sierra was scared about going.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 22

At Skye/Lorenzo-The next day-Skye and Lorenzo were drinking coffee on the couch. “Skye you know what we have to do, Sierra needs to go to rehab “Lorenzo said “I agree but Sierra isn't going to”Skye said “We have to get Sierra to rehab or it's not going to be good “Lorenzo said “I know, Sierra needs to deal with what happened on the island”Skye said

At Sierra room-Sierra was laying in bed when the maid came in with a tray of food. Sierra stand up in bed and are a little of the toast. “Thanks Rose, You always been a good maid to us”Sierra said “I work for you're family for years, Ms. Cassadine this isn't you “Rose said as Skye came into the room. “Sierra, We need you to get dress and come downstairs “Skye said “Yes Mother “Sierra said

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas and Hayden were talking to Alexis. “Alexis, We need you to draw up some paper “Nikolas said “What kind”Alexis ask “We need you to draw up paper I want to take everything that I give Grayson he doesn't deserve anything “Nikolas said “Nikolas , Are you sure “Alexis ask “Yes, Our son doesn't deserve anything “Nikolas said “Nikolas, I get you're upset but this is you're son “Alexis said “Yes, My son killed my another son”Nikolas said “We don't know what to do”Hayden said “I understand and I will draw them up”Alexis said she left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 21

“Up all night “

At Skye/Lorenzo-Sierra was laying in bed under the cover she was so cold even though it was summertime when Lorenzo and Skye came into the room. “Sierra, Why are you in bed? It's early”Lorenzo ask “Because I'm so cold. You must keep the air conditioner on so high “Sierra said “The air isn't on that high “Lorenzo said “Sierra, You’re having withdrawn “Skye said “I will admit I did take more oxycodone than I should've of but I'm not addicted to it “Sierra said “Sierra you're body wants more pills “Skye said she crawled into bed with Sierra , “Sierra you need help”Skye said “No rehabilitation “Sierra said

At Bobbie /John-Bobbie and John were having wine when Grace came into the room. “Where is Daddy “Grace ask “His still at the hospital “Bobbie said “What is going on”Grace ask “You're father will tell you when he come home “Bobbie said

At The Quartermaine mansion -Olivia was rocking George who was crying as Ned came into the room. “What's going on”Ned ask “George has a high fever “Olivia said as Monica and Alan came into the room. “Can either of you look at our son? He has a high fever “ Ned ask “Sure”Monica said she went to look at George as Alan phone rang it was the hospital telling him that someone stole some oxycodone,

“I think George just has a fever give him a cold bath “Monica said “Thanks “Olivia said they went upstairs. “What was that about “Monica ask “Someone is stealing oxycodone”Alan said “ No”Monica said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 20

At The Quartermaine hotel-Todd and Starr were having dinner together. “Where is Mother “? Starr ask “She had to work at the club , She been working their a lot lately, Anyway what did you want to talk about “Todd ask “I need some money for the charity that Erica and I want to run”Starr said “Sure, But are you sure you want to work with Erica “Todd ask “Yes”Starr said “I will give you whatever you need “Todd said “Thanks, With this charity my daughter live on”Starr said “Always “Todd said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo came into the house with Sierra. “I'll let you both talk,I'm going to check on my children “Sierra said “Leave you're purse here “Lorenzo said “Daddy “Sierra said “What is going on”Skye ask “Nothing Mother “Sierra said “No start talking! Skye yelled “You heard you're mother “Lorenzo said “Mother it's nothing, Daddy is just making a big deal out of nothing “Sierra said Lorenzo went by Sierra and touch her face. “Sierra,you need to face this you're addiction to oxycodone , You can deal with this face on remember our family memo we are Alcazar and we don't back down from a fight “Lorenzo said “No we don't but I'm find I don't need the pills anymore, I was just taking them for my back “Sierra said “You had 10 days of pills and only have 3 left”Lorenzo said “Sierra. I know this is scary but you need help,You could become addicted to heroine “Skye said “I will not. I'm going to be fine I don't have anyone pills”Sierra said Lorenzo took Sierra purse and look inside. “Nothing. “Lorenzo said “See! You need to worry about Lila Rae “Sierra said “Sierra this is serious addiction runs in our family “Skye said “I'm not addicted “Sierra said she went upstairs.

“Lorenzo, What are we going to do? Both our daughter are drowning “” Skye said “I don't know, I wish I could save them both, Skye I know you blame me for Lila Rae I never wanted my work to touch our children “Lorenzo said “I know but it did! I will not lose our daughter”Skye said “We will not”Lorenzo said “Sierra needs rehab “Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said “I'm going to check on Sierra “Skye said “Skye, We will be okay “Lorenzo said “I hope so”Skye said she went upstairs.

Sierra room-Sierra was in her room and pull out the pills in her bra she stole from the hospital . Sierra look at the pills and hide the bottle as Skye came into the room. “Sierra, I know you're scare but I raise you and Lila Rae to be strong and handled whatever comes you're way “Skye said “I will be find and so will Lila Rae “Sierra said “Sierra, I can't save you're sister and I wish I could save you but I can't you have to save yourself “Skye said “Mother.  Worrying about Lila Rae”Sierra said Skye left.  Sierra pick up the pills and sit on the bed she was having withdrawals from the pills and wanted one so bad but wasn't sure if she should take one.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 19

“Lila Rae”
At General Hospital-Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was laying in bed in the coma and Skye was sitting by her holding her hand when Alan came in and stood behind Skye and took her hand..”Skye, I made arrangements that you can stay here as long as you need “Alan said “Thanks Daddy, Is my little girl going to come back to me”Skye ask “Yes”Alan said he lied to Skye. “I sure of stop Lila Rae from marry Morgan “Skye said as Morgan came into the room..”Skye I love you're daughter and I will find out who did this, I never wanted my work to touch my family “Morgan said Skye got up. “But it did! Look at my daughter! At The women you claim to love ! You did this!  You killed you're baby and my daughter!! Skye yelled “Skye, Let's take a break “Alan said they went into the hallway..

Morgan sit down by Lila Rae bedside. “You're mother is right, This is my fault, I'm sorry ,,I love you “Morgan said he kiss his wife .

In the hallway-Lorenzo and Sierra we're talking, “Daddy you sure stay here with Mother “Sierra said “I want to but you're mother doesn't want me here”Lorenzo said as Alan and Skye came by. “Skye, Are you okay “Lorenzo ask “No! Our daughter is in a coma because of the men in her life! Skye yelled “Skye attack Morgan isn't going to help “Alan said “Why don't we go home you can get you're belongings “Lorenzo said “Sure “Skye said “Mother, Lila Rae is going to make it. who's watching Grace”Sierra ask as Morgan came by. “My Grandmother is watching Grace “Morgan said “Good, Does Grace know”Sierra ask “No, I haven't told her yet “Morgan said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 18

At General Hospital-Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was lying in bed when Morgan and Skye and Lorenzo came into the room. Skye went by Lila Rae and took her hand . “Lila Rae , You have to come back to us, To you're daughter, We love you”Skye said “Yes we do, We will not give up on you Lila Rae”Lorenzo said “My first love my Lila Rae, I will do anything to get you to come back to us “Morgan said “We sure all agree on Lila Rae medical care”Lorenzo said “Yes”Morgan said “I guess, I want to be alone with my daughter “Skye said she look at Lorenzo she still loved him but was upset with him. Lorenzo kiss Lila Rae on the forehead and left with Morgan.

“You're father enemy did this , I know it with my heart, I can't lose you, This is both of our fault “Skye said

A office-Sierra went into a office where they locked all the pills and look for some oxycodone.,

In the hallway-Lorenzo came in when Richard came by. “How is Lila Rae”Richard ask “She in a coma “Lorenzo said “Was this you? Is my sister paying for you're crime “Richard ask “No, This isn't me or Morgan a enemy did this, I can't believe I'm saying this but we need to work together to stop this person she cross the line when she hurt my daughter “Lorenzo said “I will help, I love Lila Rae , I love this family “Richard said “Thanks, Have you seen Sierra”Lorenzo ask “No”Richard said

Morgan was worrying about Lila Rae when Michael and Bobbie came by, “Morgan “Bobbie said “I can't lose my wife “Morgan said “You will not,Lila Rae will get the best care”Bobbie said “Yes Lila Rae a fighter “Michael said

Sierra came back into the hallway and Lorenzo came up to her. “Where have you been “Lorenzo ask “I went to say a prayer for my sister “Sierra said “We will be talking about the pills when we get home “Lorenzo said “I can't wait “Sierra said Lorenzo give Sierra a look.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 17

“Bad News”
At General Hospital-Skye was waiting on news about Lila Rae with Rae and Alan and AJ and Monica on one side and Lorenzo was on the other side talking to Lorenzo Jr.

Sierra was sitting down she wasn't feeling good and pull out her pills and was about to take one when Lorenzo came by. “Sierra, What are you doing “Lorenzo ask “Taking a pill”Sierra said “Let me see you're bottle, “Lorenzo said he grab it from Sierra hand and open it. “How many have you had “Lorenzo ask “Daddy worrying about Lila Rae right now”Sierra said “Lorenzo open the bottle. “You had ten days worth of pills now you're down to 3 and you just got them, You're addicted to them”Lorenzo said “No , I'm not,Sierra said as Tea and Julian and Mateo came by. “Lorenzo , We are here for you “Tea said “Thanks, Sierra we will talk more about this”Lorenzo said he put the pills in his jacket pocket. “Daddy, Give them back to me” Sierra said “No”Lorenzo said he took Sierra hand as Dr. Hayward and Dr. Hardy came by.

“How is my daughter? Skye ask “Our daughter “Lorenzo said as he was holding Sierra hand. “Lila Rae is in a coma and she lose the baby”Dr, Hayward said “Can you save my wife like you saved Blair “Morgan ask “Lila Rae was hit hard on her head that's why she in a coma, My miracle drug can't save her”Dr, Hayward said “No! Skye yelled “All we can do now is wait and see”Dr. Hardy said “Can we see our daughter? Lorenzo ask “Yes”Dr.Hardy said “I want to stay with Lila Rae all day and night, I'm not giving up on my daughter “Skye said “I will take care of it”Alan said “Thanks “Skye said “Skye, I'm going with you to see our daughter “Lorenzo said he left with Skye.

Sierra was worrying about her family and wanted a pill so bad and remember where the key to the pills were kept.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 16

At General Hospital-Skye was upset with Lorenzo about Lila Rae. “How did this happened! Skye yelled “I don't know this one wasn't me “Lorenzo said “Really! Then why did you want us to go out to dinner ! It was a ability! Skye yelled “Lower you're voice! Lorenzo said “I will not back down if I lose my daughter it's over! Skye yelled “Skye, I love you and I know you love me”Lorenzo said as Sierra came by”Mother do you want some tea”Sierra ask “No! I want you're sister to be okay “Skye said “Lila Rae will be fine she strong we are survived “Sierra said “I'm going to see what I can find out “Skye said and left. “I hate that you're sister was hurt”Lorenzo said “I know Daddy “Sierra said she went to sit down as Lorenzo Jr came by. “Father, I didn't order this”Lorenzo Jr said “Me either, We have to find out who did this “Lorenzo said

At The Hospital church -Skye was sitting down saying a prayer..”Please, I know I haven't always been a good person but please don't take my daughter and Lila Rae baby, Please you can take whatever you want just not Lila Rae”Skye said as Alan and Rae came into the church. “Skye”Alan said “I can't lose my daughter “Skye said “I know, We all want Lila Rae to make it”Rae said “Do you know anything “Skye ask “No”Alan said

In the hallway-Sierra was sitting down as Morgan came by and sit down.”I can't lose Lila Rae she the love of my life “Morgan said “I know that you love Lila Rae she love you too and Lila Rae is strong she going to be find”Sierra said “I hope so, We have to find out who did this”Morgan said “We will “Sierra said

At the Warehouse-That blow up a woman came into the warehouse. “That's how you make an entrance ! I'm back” Faith said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All The Love We Give Part 2 ch 15

At The Warehouse-Lila Rae was still unconscious and Morgan was by her side. “Lila Rae, You have to be okay, You're the love of my life! Grace need you, I need you”Morgan said the ambulance came by and put Lila Rae on a stretcher.

Lorenzo Jr was worrying about his sister and pick up his phone.

At The Quartermaine hotel-Lorenzo and Skye and Sierra were having dinner. “The house on the hill is for sale, I always wanted it”Sierra said “We can go look at it tomorrow”Skye said Lorenzo phone rang. “Lorenzo, What! How did that happen! Lorenzo yelled and hang up the phone. “Lorenzo,What is it”Skye ask “That was Lorenzo JR , There was a accident at the warehouse and Morgan and Lila Rae in it, Lila Rae was hurt”Lorenzo said “No! My baby! Skye yelled she got up. “Mother, Lila Rae will be okay, Now let's go”Sierra said “She better be! Skye yelled and left with Lorenzo and Sierra.

Vicki and Rick table-”I hope Skye is okay”Vicki said “Me too”Rick said

At General Hospital-Tommy and David were working when Lila Rae came in “What do we have “David ask “She was knocked unconscious by a warehouse that blow up”The man said “What's her name? Tommy ask “Lila Rae Alcazar Corinthos , She pregnant too”The man said as Morgan and Lorenzo Jr and Skye and Lorenzo and Sierra came in. “Lila Rae “Skye said she went by Lila Rae and touch her hair. “You have to save my baby, My first born”Skye said “We will. Do our best”David said they took Lila Rae into a room.

Copyright by Skye's the limit