Tuesday, February 27, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 60”

“Planning The Nurse Ball”
General Hospital-At Lucy office- The next day-Lucy was planning the nurse ball with Sabrina and Christy and Serena. “It’s so nice to have you all here to help me plan the best nurse ball ever! We have so much to do,I want a special singer to performance at the ball tonight “Lucy said “Who were you thinking about the performance “Serena ask “Noah Drake”Lucy said “Why don’t I find some younger act”Serena ask “All right but I want to have the final say”Lucy said “Find “Serena said “Christy,Do you have any idea “Lucy ask “What is the theme “Christy ask “I haven’t pick one yet, Why don’t you come up with one “Lucy ask “Sure”Christy said “Where is it going to be at”Sabrina ask “I was thinking The Quartermaine hotel “Lucy said “I will make sure it happens “Sabrina said “Thanks “Lucy said 

At Sierra room- Sierra was lying in bed sleeping and Grayson was by her bedside holding her hand as Sierra wake up..”Sierra “Grayson said “Where you here all night “Sierra ask “Yes, We been apart for so long,I’m not going anywhere,I was so worry about you “Grayson said “I’m going to be okay,I want out”Sierra said “I will go see what’s going on”Grayson said he kiss Sierra on the cheek and left.

At Skye/ Lorenzo- Lorenzo was talking to Sierra bodyguard. “From now on you are not to lose sight of my daughter or you are fire do you understand!! My daughter was attacked last night and it’s you're fault! Lorenzo yelled as Skye came into the room.”Yes Sir”The man said and left.”Lorenzo,It’s not their fault “Skye said “I know it’s mine! Lorenzo said Skye touch his face. “No it’s not “Skye said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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