Monday, February 26, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 38”

At Tea- Tea was in her son room rocking him.”I love you son,I will not let anyone hurt you “Tea said as Blair came into the room.”I just came to say that I’m glad your son is home “Blair said as Tea got up and Blair touch Matthew. “Thanks,Im glad his back too,Im sorry about Jack “Tea said “Thanks, I just wish we had a body and know who did it”Blair said “Yea “Tea said “I was at The Police station when Lucky was question Heather, She claims that Vicki paid her" Blair said "Payback for Victor"Tea said

At Lorenzo/ Skye- Lorenzo was at home relaxing on the couch drinking brandy when Sierra came into the room. “Daddy! How could you! Sierra yelled “Sierra, I was just relaxing now what is it! Lorenzo yelled and got up..”I try to get my money out of the trust fund but the teller wouldn’t let me because my father is a control freak!! Sierra yelled “Just calm down, What do you want? Lorenzo ask “Why do I have to ask for my money?Sierra ask “You're money? I earned to for you ,It’s my money!!! Lorenzo yelled “Yes,You are right, I’m sorry “Sierra said “What do you need that much money out”? Lorenzo ask “I want to buy a new house “Sierra said as Skye came into the house. “What’s going on”Skye ask “I’m trying to get my money out of the trust ,You only put the claws in it so you can control me Daddy “Sierra said “Why do you want a new house? You love that house “Lorenzo ask “Amanda Barrington has passed away and the house is up for sale,Grayson always wanted to take everything they had, When we can be together again he will love that house”Sierra said “You still have to act like his wife “Lorenzo said “I know, So call the bank “Sierra said 

At The Police station-Lucky was working when Sydney came into the room “I need to file a missing person's “Sydney said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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