Monday, February 26, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 52”

At Skye’s office- Skye was in her office having a meeting with Audrey. “Audrey, Thanks for helping with the company awhile I was gone,I would like you to stay on”Skye said “I would loved too”Audrey said as Katie and Ava came into the room. “Skye, What’s going on”Katie ask “I would like Ava to stay on and help us”Skye said “Sure”Ava said “Yes, It would be great “Katie said “Thanks “Audrey said

At The Quartermaine hotel- Alexis and Ric were working on their champions when Ned and Olivia came into the room. “We just you're news”Ned said “So what do you think “Alexis ask “It’s going to be a tough race”Olivia said “Yes it is but we can do it, Felicia doesn’t have the experiment in the law as we do “Ric said “Yes, Just Jackson does on Felicia team, We need to hire the best champion manager “Alexis said “Who are you going to hire.? I have a suggestion “Olivia said “Who”Alexis ask “Me ,Back home in Brooklyn I work on one for city council and that person one”Olivia said she give Alexis the information.”You’re hired, Why not”Alexis said “Yes”Ric said as Skye came into the room. “Ric, Alexis I heard about the news and I do wish you both the luck but leave my husband and son alone “Skye said “If you’re husband and son follow the law you sure not have anything to worry about”Alexis said Skye left..

At Skye/ Lorenzo-  Lorenzo was at home when Julian came into the room. “So what are we going to do, If Ric wins”Julian ask “We will make sure that doesn’t happen and that if Felicia wins we are safe”Lorenzo said “Do you have a plan”Julian ask “Don’t I always? I will always look out for our family “Lorenzo said “Yes me too, I’m glad we are getting closer as brother ,I wish that Mateo didn’t have to leave town just as we were getting close “Julian said “Yes”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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