Monday, May 6, 2024

What Lies beyond ch 14

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye was in the den looking at all the medicine that Gabriella was on and worrying about her daughter when Monica came in.”Monica, Are you doing alright “Skye ask as Monica sit down.”Yes I’m. I just wanted some tea,So Gabriella is home”Yes and she now on all this medication “Skye said as Monica look at it.”It may be overwhelming but this will help Gabriella recover “I hope you’re right, Dr.Robinson want to make sure Gabriella eats when she on this medication “Yes it’s important too,We will make should she does”Yes, I blame Lorenzo for this because it’s was easy but deep down I blame myself it was my daughter who shot my another daughter “Skye said “As a parent we try everything to keep our children safe and sometimes it’s out of our control that we can’t “Monica said as Gabriella came into the room.”Monica it’s good to see you “You too. come have some tea with me”Monica said as Tracy came in.”Gabriella I’m glad you’re home, Skye we need to talk about a deal at ELQ”Tracy said “Can it wait”No”Tracy said they went into the foyer.”What is it Mother “I heard you were having dinner with Ric last night, What is going on” Tracy asked

At Lorenzo -Lorenzo was at home pouring himself a drink as Tea came in she left the door open.”Lorenzo I have all the paperwork set all you have to do is sign it and somehow Skye “I can forge Skye signed “I didn’t hear that “So does this mean that Gabriella adopted is legally “Lorenzo ask “Yes we just need to find her biological parents so we can have them sign their rights away and Gabriella is all yours “Gabriella can never know she adopted “Lorenzo said as Carly came in,”Gabriella adopt! Carly yelled “You heard that! Yes! I have a feeling Skye doesn’t know and there more to the story “Yes there is,Skye doesn’t know that our baby she was pregnancy with dead,You better keep your mouth shut! Lorenzo yelled “Oh I will I don’t care that Gabriella is adopted but I will keep my mouth shut for a price! Carly yelled “How much! Lorenzo yelled “I want to open my own restaurant or hotels, I need more than Bobbie’s dining “Fine! I will I will do anything for my baby girl “Deep down your children bring the best out of you’Carly said “Lorenzo you don’t have to do this, You can tell Skye”Tea said “Skye hate me and she hate me even more “Lorenzo said 


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