Sunday, May 12, 2024

What Lies Beyond ch 32

 At Laura’s- The town was there to celebrate the opening of the hotel name after Laura. Carly just relieved a secret about Gabriella paternity and Lorenzo just confirmed it.”Daddy! What is going on”Gabriella ask as she cried,”Lorenzo start talking “Not here “Lorenzo said “Yes! Here! Skye yelled “Skye you remember how sick you were in the pregnancy with Gabriella “Yes I do”You went unconscious when you give birth ,You didn’t remember that the baby died when you give birth to her “No I didn’t know that! You never told me! Skye yelled “No I didn’t, I was in shock when the doctor told me so I went for a walk in the hallway and I heard a nurse say that a baby girl was just born and abandoned at the hospital “That was me? Gabriella ask “Yes, I made arrangements to adopt you and I never told Skye that our baby died I wanted to space you the pain of losing the baby, I love you Skye and it was for the best “Lorenzo said “We’re you ever going to tell us! Skye yelled “No! It doesn’t matter! Gabriella you our my daughter I don’t care about biological “Lorenzo said “I need time to be alone “Gabriella, I love you as my sister “Lila Rae said Gabriella went outside,”I can’t believe you did this! You had no right to play with my life! I should of know about my daughter who died”Skye yelled “Do you regret raising Gabriella “No! I love her” Skye yelled 

Carly was trying to sneak out as Tracy grab her.”Did you enjoy that! Destroying a young woman! Since when do you care about the truth! Tracy yelled “It was payback! If you didn’t shot my hotel down I wouldn’t of done it”Carly said 

Brooklyn got up on the stage.”I’m sorry about that incident but let’s get back to the celebration of the hotel I’m going to sing a little “Brooklyn said 

Gabriella was outside walking and not looking where she was going as a car came by her and hit her she fell to the ground.

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