Friday, May 10, 2024

What Lies Beyond ch 26

 At AJ’s hotel-AJ was at the hotel and making sure it was all set for the reopening when Brooklyn came by,”Brooklyn,Are you ready for tonight? I’m so glad you’re performing “Yes it’s all set, Lila Rae and I are performing a duet together “Good, Do you need anything “No I’m all set I just wanted to do a sound check “Brooklyn said ant left as Monica came by,”AJ, This hotel looks great “Thanks “I was wondering if the hospital can use this Hotel for the hospital to have a fundraiser “Yes we will donate our hotel to it”Thank you”I know how much the hospital meant to Dad too”Yes it did, You’re father would be so proud of you “ Monica said she touch his face,”Thank I better get to work “Yes go”Monica said 

Monica went outside and thought about Alan who she missed so much as Jeff came by,”Jeff, How are you doing “I’m doing alright just taking a walk “Are you going to the hotel reopening tonight “I was why”Do you want to go with a old friend “I would love too “Jeff said he kiss Monica on her cheek as Carolyn came by,”Monica I’m glad I found you, I’m sorry I wasn’t at the meeting this morning “It’s all right we are having the fundraiser at the hotel we just need a date”I will handle the rest “Good, Jeff I’ll see you tonight “I’ll pick you up at the mansion  “Jeff said Monica Left.”You and Monica”We were married a long time ago “Yes didn’t she cheat with your brother “I’m a cheater too” Yes you are”

At Carly’s hotel-Carly and Lorenzo had just finished sign the lease for the hotel and Lorenzo left as Tracy came in,”What are you up too! Why are you hanging out with another mob boss ex of yours “Lorenzo give me a load for this hotel”Why would he do that! Lorenzo isn’t a stupid man! I heard you mentioned Gabriella and something that she not Skye biological daughter what do you meant by that! Talk now! Tracy yelled “You use to hate Skye now that she your daughter you all of sudden want to protect her”Yes it’s what a mother does! Now start talking! Lorenzo not the only one who can destroy you! I could make some phone calls and you will lose this hotel! Tracy yelled 

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