Monday, May 13, 2024

What Lies beyond ch 35

 At General Hospital-Skye was waiting on news about Gabriella with her family.”Skye”Cecil said “I don’t care that Gabriella isn’t my biological daughter I love her and I can’t lose her “Skye said “A love of a mother never goes away, I still love you as my daughter,Gabriella will make it”Cecil said “She has too, I don’t know if I should be angry at Lorenzo for never telling me about my daughter dying and replacing her with Gabriella I don’t know what I would do without her”Skye said 

Lorenzo was on the phone.”Dex, I need you to look into who hit your sister Gabriella she in the hospital, I’ll update you about it”Lorenzo said as he hang up the phone and went by Skye as Robin and Elizabeth came by.”Any news about our daughter “Skye ask “Yes we do, Gabriella was hit by the car on her side her kidney is damaged she going to need a replacement “No”Skye said “She be on dialysis for awhile now‘Robin said “How long”Till we get a new kidney for her”Robin said “How long will that be”Lorenzo ask “I put her on the donor list we just have to wait “Elizabeth said “Can we see her “Skye ask “Yes , Don’t be long and don’t upset her”Robin said “Let’s go Lila Rae”Skye said “I’m going to “Lorenzo said they went to Gabriella room.

At Laura’s hotel-AJ and Lucky were looking at the security cameras to find out who hit Gabriella the video was dark and it was hard to make out the car,”No we can’t see anything we have to find out who hit Gabriella “AJ said “We will, I can see something on the side of the car “Lucky said “Yes I see it, I think we need to have someone help us with this tape”Who”Spinelli his great at technology “Yes he is, I’ll run it by Mac and we will call him”Lucky said “I need to get to the hospital, I’m sorry about tonight I want to honor Laura not air dirty laundry “AJ said “I’m sorry too it was my cousin.I don’t know why Carly like to destroy people life”Lucky said “She does”AJ said 

Outside-Mac was looking for evidence on who hit Gabriella as Anna and Ric came by,”Have you found anything about who hit Gabriella “Anna ask “No “Mac said “We have to find this person before Lorenzo does”Ric said as AJ and Lucky came by,”Did you find anything on the security camera “Mac ask “No it’s to dark,AJ suggested we have Spinelli help us with it”Lucky said “Yes do it, AJ thanks for your help’Mac said “You’re welcome I hope you find the person who hit my niece she was hit today with a lot of news”AJ said “Yes she was”Ric said 

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