Thursday, May 9, 2024

What lies beyond ch 25

 At ELQ-Skye’s office- Skye was sitting at her desk looking at the paperwork she had on Lorenzo thinking about what to do with it when Lorenzo came in.”Lorenzo,Why are you here”We need to talk “Lorenzo said he closed the door and walk by Skye’s desk as Skye got up and walked by him,”We have nothing to talk about “I know that you had a meeting with FBI agents John Cates, I hope to believe you wouldn’t say anything about me to him , Skye didn’t I mean anything to you? We have two beautiful daughters together and years of forgiveness and a relationship and love”Lorenzo said he touch Skye face.”You were the first man who love me completely and never try to change me and I will always love you for our children but I can’t have a relationship with you again “For the love of our daughters please don’t turn me in, You want the violence to end but it wouldn’t if you give John the information it will provoke my enemies and it will get even worse you will provoke men that I can’t protect you and our daughters from”Lorenzo said Skye walk by her desk and pick up the box of information and give it to Lorenzo.”Do whatever you have to  do” Thanks Skye” This doesn’t mean anything I just want the violence to end and for our daughters to be safe, “Skye said “I want that too,” Lorenzo said as he left with the boxes,

At John office-John was talking to another FBI agent.”So Gabriella Alcazar is a stolen baby girl who lived in London, Do you have her biological parents information “Yes I do it’s right here”The agent said he give the file to John.

At a hotel- Carly was looking around it inside as Tracy was watching Carly who was inside the hotel as Lorenzo came in,”Now after the paperwork is signed we are done here”Carly said “Oh I don’t think so you are using my money to pay for this hotel”Yes because I’m keeping a secret safe for you about Gabriella you know I almost told her today after our run in she is just like Skye no one would know she not Skye biological daughter “Carly said as Tracy heard about it and was shocked by it,

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