Saturday, May 11, 2024

What Lies Beyond ch 29

 At The Hotel-Carly and Lucas came in.”What I’m looking at? Why are we here “This hotel is mine! It’s my new start I’m going to decorate it and make it a wonderful hotel like the Metro Co”That’s awesome but how did you get the money for it”Don’t worry about it, I know how to survive “Who did you blackmail “Lucas the least you know the better “Alright so what are you going to name it? I’m thinking after our mother “That’s sweet “Yes, Mom believes in both of us’Yes she did”Are you going to the reopening tonight’I wasn’t planning on it, What about you”I think we should go it will be fun”Carly, Are you up to something “No”I hope not, When is Josslyn coming home “Soon it’s a mess in London with Jax estate “No”

At John's FBI agents- John was working when Ric came in,” So, How is your plan to bring down Lorenzo going good I almost evicted him but his ex-wife Skye changed her mind well maybe we can find the evidence ourselves we have to bring him down “I have an idea, I’m using someone as a spy for us” Who” Ava Jerome, We have a deal with her” I want to be in the plan as lieutenant mayor “I think we could work together just don’t get in my way” I would” Ric said 

At Laura gravestone-Lulu was at the grave.”Mom, I miss you so much today is the reopening of the hotel and AJ name it after you which touch my heart, you are the heart of this town still and always I love you , Kevin misses you so much and Nikolas And Lucky, I’ll do my best to be there for them like you did , Love you mom”Lulu said And blow a kiss and walk away,

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