Wednesday, February 28, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 3”

“Michael Quartermaine”
At AJ/Cassie-AJ was about to drink he was in so much pain from losing Michael even though he has another children and a woman who loves him and family it wasn’t the same. There was a knock on the door it was Bobbie. “Bobbie,Why are you here.? AJ ask “I loved Michael to he was my grandson and I lost My husband that night too, I know the pain you’re going through and AJ drinking isn’t going to help you “Bobbie said “Carly now has our son”AJ said “Carly would want him here not with her,She would hate that Michael was dead “Bobbie said“Is that all”AJ ask “I get you're pain but this isn’t the way to honor Michael,You have children who need you and grandchildren “Bobbie said ‘Sabrina will take care of the children she a great mother “AJ said “Yes,She loved Michael ,You’re not the only one who lost him”Bobbie said and left.

At Sabrina-Sabrina was trying to get Lillian ready for the day but she didn’t want to get dress and Sabrina didn’t want to fight with a five year old when there was a knock on the door it was Monica. “Sabrina, I thought you would need some help,You’re not alone in this,We are you're family too”Monica said “Thanks Monica,I’m trying to get Lillian ready “Sabrina said “Let me,Go take a break “Monica said “I do need to get ready too”Sabrina said and left. Monica went to help Lillian. “Lillian,You’re father loved you so much,He loved all of us”Monica said

Sabrina took a shower and cried for her husband.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 2 ch 2”

At General Hospital-Sierra was by someone bedside. “You have to wake up,We need you,You’re the glue that holds us together “Sierra said as Skye came into the room. “How is you're father ‘Skye ask she took his hand. “Still the same,Mother I hate this it’s been six months “Sierra said “Sierra,We been over this before you're father will wake up”Skye said Sierra kiss Skye on the cheek and left.

“Lorenzo,You have never given up on me and I’m not going to give up on you,You will come back to us,A lot has changed since the nurse ball,Michael didn’t make it and I don’t know how to help AJ”Skye said as she cried a little.

At Lorenzo Jr/Gina-Lorenzo and Gina we’re having breakfast together, “I’m glad we got back together,I just wish my father would wake up and I could help my uncle AJ”Lorenzo said “I know,But I don’t think everyone can take the pain of losing a child “Gina said “True “Lorenzo said

At Richard/Emma- Emma was looking at a picture of her wedding day when Richard came into the room. “You look so beautiful on our wedding day “Richard said “I’m glad we had one,After the nurse ball and you getting shot at I didn’t think you would make it”Emma said “It’s not the first time I was shot at,I always make it”Richard said “We'll never again ,I think we both sure quite being spy”Emma said “Emma,I like my job and so do you “Richard said “I don’t want to take the risk anymore,How much risk can you take in life “Emma said “Life is about taken risk”Richard said “Richard ,I’m serious about this “Emma said “Then what will we do”Richard ask “We could help the cop ,Be investigative for them”Emma said “I do like that Idea, All right let's try it”Richard said “Thanks “Emma said they share a kiss,

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 2 ch 1”

“Dealing With Lose”
Six Months later-It’s been six months since the robber at the nurse ball and whoever robbed them and shot at them was still on the run.

At The Police station-Tea who has been there everyday trying to find the person who did this.Lucky came by. “Tea,We want to caught this guy just as much as you do this person shot and killed a family member of mine too”Lucky said “Yes he or she did,I just can’t do anything at the hospital so I want to do something “Tea said “I understand that feeling of helplessness “Lucky said “It’s the worse feeling ever “Tea said 

At Sabrina-Sabrina was looking at a picture of her and Michael.”I can’t believe you’re gone,My husband the love of my life,It’s been six months and it’s still hard”Sabrina said she sit on the couch and cried..

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and Alan were talking. “It’s been a hell of six months after the nurse ball,losing Michael,AJ going the deep end and Skye dealing with her pain,I don’t know how to help our children “Alan said “Alan,We been helping AJ all we could,I don’t know if Cassie can help either,I understand why AJ drinking, I can’t believe Michael is gone”Monica said “Me either “Alan said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was looking at a picture of her and Lorenzo. “My love “Skye said and left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 69”

“A Nurse Ball To Remember”
At The Quartermaine hotel- The nurse ball-Skye was on stage singing when the lights went off. Lucy went on stage.”Don’t panic,I’m sure the emergence lights will come on”Lucy said “I don’t think so”A woman said the light went back on as she came into the room and all covered up and holding a gun.”This is heist just empty you're purse and you pocket and you're jewelry and no one gets hurt,Don’t try anything,I have my men with guns all around this place, I don’t want to hurt anyone “The Woman said she came by everyone and they put their belongings in a bag she was holding. She went by Sierra who saw her hands and remembered something.”Why are you doing this”Sierra ask “Because I’m “The Woman said after she was done taking what she wanted she shot her gun and left. 

“Who’s hurt”Robin ask “Richard “Emma said “Richard “Skye said he was on the floor bleeding and Richard and Ric and Monica and Lorenzo. “Lorenzo! Skye yelled “Monica shot too”Alan said “Michael too!! Sabrina yelled Tommy Jr and Robin and Patrick and Alan work on them. 

“So much for a great nurse ball”Lucy said 

Outside-John went outside to look around as someone shot him as Morgan and Josslyn came by. “Grandfather “Josslyn said as Lorenzo Jr came outside. “Why are you both here! Are you responsible for what happened tonight!!Lorenzo Jr yelled as Lucky came by. “We don’t know what happened we just got out of jail “Josslyn said “Someone robbed all of us and shot everyone “Lorenzo Jr said “Who’s hurt”Morgan ask as a ambulances came by and a paramedics came by and look at John. “Richard,My father,Ric,Monica ,Michael “Lorenzo Jr said “No”Josslyn said “We have to find the person “Morgan said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 68”

“A Nurse Ball To Remember”
At The Quartermaine hotel-Nurse ball-The Quartermaine and Spencer and Cassadine and Alcazar and Jones were there as Lucy had just entered on stage. “Our first guest is Ned Ashton and his wife Olivia “Lucy said as Tracy came into the room. Ned and Olivia perform a song together., 

Bobbie went by the bar as someone came by her. “Bobbie ‘He said Bobbie turn around. “Noah “Bobbie said “Bobbie,It’s good to see you”Noah said “Why are you here “Bobbie ask “To perform”Noah said as John came by. “Noah this is ny husband John”Bobbie said “Oh, I didn’t know,Congratulations ,I Sure get ready “Noah said and left. 

Skye was getting a drink when Rae and Tommy Jr came into the room together. “Mother,Are you to a item”Skye ask “Yes we are”Rae said “Wow,You better make my mother happy “Skye said “I will “Tommy said 

AJ and Monica were talking, “You don’t like Cassie do you”AJ ask “It’s just going to fast that’s all”Monica said “I’m in love you don’t have to worry “AJ said “I always worrying “Monica said 

Bobbie was talking to Cassie. “I’m happy for you and AJ”Bobbie said “Thank,I do love him”Cassie said 

Lorenzo and Grayson we’re talking. “You better not hurt my daughter “Lorenzo said “I love Sierra “Grayson said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 67”

“A Nurse Ball To Remember”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was on the phone. “I need to find out who mugged my daughter and I want it soon! Do you heard me! Lorenzo yelled as Skye came into the room from the upstairs all dress up for the nurse ball when Lorenzo hang up the phone.”Skye,You look wonderful “Lorenzo said “Thanks,Tonight is going to be a night to remember “Skye said “Yes it is “Lorenzo said they share a kiss. 

At The Quartermaine hotel- A woman and a couple of man came into the room and went by the security camera..

At The Quartermaine mansion-Alan was in the den when Monica came into the room all dressed up. “Monica,You look beautiful “Alan said “Thanks ,Tonight going to be wonderful “Monica said “Yes”Alan said they left.

At The Quartermaine hotel-Backstage Felicia was helping Lucy get ready. “Felicia, I think you should do a speech about how you want to be mayor here tonight “Lucy said “No tonight is just about the cause “Felicia said “Alright “Lucy said “You look beautiful “Felicia said “Thanks,This is going to be the best nurse ball ever “Lucy said 

The Dining room-The Quartermaine and Spencer and Cassadine and Alcazar came into room, “It’s beautiful “Skye said “Yes it is “Monica said as AJ and Cassie came by,”I have some new,Cassie say yes”AJ said “That’s wonderful “Skye said “Yes it is,We sure go to our table “Monica said “I’m happy for the both of you “Alan said as they sit down and Sierra came into the room with Grayson. “Who’s table do we sit at”Sierra ask “With you're parents “Grayson said as Scott and Aubrey came into the room together and Emma and Richard and Lorenzo Jr by himself. 

Aubrey and Scott sit down by Skye’s table. “This is my cousin Scott Chandler “Skye said “Nice to meet you,AJ Quartermaine “He said as Michael and Sabrina came into the room and Olivia and Ned.. 

Everyone was sitting down as Lucy came on to the stage. “Welcome to the 2018 nurse ball”Lucy said everyone clapped.. 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 66”

At Bobbie/John-Bobbie and John were home.” I want to thank you for bringing back Morgan and Josslyn, Thank you" Bobbie said "They our my grandchildren too. I couldn't save Carly but I could save my Grandchildren"John said "Yes"Bobbie said "We sure get ready for the ball" John said

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas and Hayden were in the living room when Grayson came into the room,”Mother,Father,I have some new,Sierra and I are back together “Grayson said “That’s great “Hayden said “Yes”Nikolas said “I know that I have mess up disappointed both of you, I let greet win and killed my own brother but I want to fix it,”Grayson said “How can you fix it! You can’t bring Spencer back to us! Nikolas yelled “No , I can’t and I’m sorry “Grayson said “You may have Sierra back but you're not getting the empire back “Nikolas said “I don’t want it,I’m going to make my own business “Grayson said “I do wish you nothing but the best”Nikolas said Grayson left. “Nikolas,Who’s going to be you're heir now”Hayden ask “I don’t know but not Grayson “Nikolas said 

At Clint/Vicki-Clint was talking to Tea. “Thanks for coming,Tea I have news about Vicki she better and would like to come home but the court will not let her out early without you're permission “Clint said “I know that Vicki broke down because she was missed Victor , I will talk to the judge “Tea said “Thanks you,Viki would never hurt Matthew “Clint said Tea left.

Copyright by Skye’s The Limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 65”

At The Quartermaine hotel-Lucy and Christy and Serena we’re working on getting the nurse ball which was tonight. “Serena,Who did you get to perform “Lucy ask “Yes,His name is Jesse McCartney his a great singer “Serena said “Is he in town “Lucy ask “Yes his staying here “Serena said ‘Good,Noah Drake is singing and Skye and Ned,Anna and David will be dancing and Monica and Alan and Bobbie and John, I think we are all set in performance “Lucy said as Gina came by. “Lucy, I want to do something special “Gina said “Okay,What do you want to do”Lucy ask “I would like to give a speech “Gina said “About What “Lucy ask “HIV,AIDS “Gina said “Sure”Lucy said 

In The Lobby- Scott was looking at a sign about the nurse ball as Skye came by. “Scott,Are you coming tonight “Skye ask “What is the nurse ball “Scott ask “A fundraiser for HIV and Aids,You sure come and make a speech about you're center “Skye said “It’s a great idea “Scott said “I will introduce you to Lucy the woman who runs it”Skye said they went into the dining room..Lucy was making sure the room was perfect when Skye and Scott came by. “Lucy,This is my cousin Scott Chandler he runs a center for HIV/AIDS and he would like to talk to you “Skye said “Sure,Nice to meet you “Lucy said “You too, I would want to make another center here but I need funds,Maybe you can help me “Scott said “I would love too”Lucy said 

Skye saw Gina and went to talk to her. “Gina,How are you doing “,Skye ask “Today I’m having a good day”Gina said “Good,If you need anything I’m here for you and I wish you and Lorenzo Jr could make it work,You both we’re good for each other “Skye said “Thanks “Gina said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 64”

At Alexis-Alexis was at home with Julian and Ric. “It’s time I pick who I want to be with,I want to be with Julian but Ric I still want to run with you,We did have our time together “Alexis said “Yes we did,I don’t regret it”Ric said “Me either,We just ended because we are too much alike “Alexis said “Yes,Julian make Alexis happy”Ric said “I will”Julian said Ric left. “I’m glad you picked me, I love you “Julian said they share a kiss..

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was at home talking to his men.” I have a feeling that the danger isn’t over with,I want extra security on my family,No mistake at all”Lorenzo said “Yes sir”The man said and left as Skye came into the room. “Lorenzo,I’m afraid to ask but is something going on”Skye ask “Yes,You’re right,‍Whoever mugged Sierra is still out their and I’m scared “Lorenzo said “No,What do we do”Skye ask “I called a family meeting,Everyone needs to let the bodyguard do there job”Lorenzo said “I know you will protect us,What about Lila Rae”Skye ask “I have bodyguards on her too”Lorenzo said Good , I wish she would come home “Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said as Richard and Sierra and Lorenzo Jr and Tea came into the room. “What’s going on”Lorenzo Jr ask “ I need everyone to listen to the bodyguard and let them do their job by follow you,The person who mugged Sierra is still out their”Lorenzo said “Does The Police know Anything “Tea ask “No”Lorenzo said “I will use the guards,I have some news,Grayson and I are back together “Sierra said ‘Not surprised by that “Richard said “Thanks “Sierra said “Sierra,We are happy for you and I hope everyone listened to Lorenzo “Skye said “Yes, I will “Sierra said “Yes”Lorenzo Jr said “Sure, I have to go”Richard said and left. “Tea,I need you're help and I want to divorce Tony,He left town and isn’t coming back ‘Sierra said “I’m sure his not,I will help you “Tea said “Thanks “Sierra said Tea left. “Sierra,You are rushing this “Lorenzo said “Daddy, I just want to be with the man I love beside Tony not coming back “Sierra said “No”Lorenzo said Sierra left.

“Father,Do you have an idea on who this person is”Lorenzo Jr ask “No”Lorenzo said 

On a Jet- A woman was on the jet. “It’s time to get what’s mine “The woman said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 63” Cont”

At Skye/Lorenzo Skye and Lorenzo were at home. “Hopefully this will be the end of Sierra and Grayson “Lorenzo said “You never care for Grayson at all”Skye said “No he was never good enough for Sierra “Lorenzo said as Tad came into the room. “Tad,Why are you here “Skye ask “I need to hire Tad”Lorenzo said “Do you want me to leave “Skye ask “No stay “Lorenzo said “So what do you need?Tad ask “Dirty on Ric Lansing about his Mother death “Lorenzo said “Isn’t he you're ex husband “Tad ask “Yes one of many “Skye said “Please do this for me I will pay more “Lorenzo said “I’ll do this because I want Felicia to win”Tad said and left. Lorenzo walk to the bar and pour Skye some water and give her the glass and himself a drink.”So we will have Ric out of our life ones and for all”Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said “We make a great team “Lorenzo said “Always “Skye said they share a kiss..

At Nikolas/Alexis- Nikolas and Hayden were at home when Alexis came into the room.”How is it going Alexis,The champagne”Nikolas ask “That’s why I’m here,We need funds for the champain”Alexis said “I can help you with that, I’m great at getting money out of rich people “Hayden said “I’m sure you are”Alexis said Alexis,My wife could run a fundraiser for you “Nikolas said “Sure why not? Ric and I want to win this “Alexis said “You will “Nikolas said “It’s not going to be easy,Felicia and I are friends “Alexis said “Don’t take it personal “Nikolas said “I will not, Hayden How about we meet tomorrow at Ten”Alexis ask “Sure ,Quartermaine hotel “Hayden ask “Yes”Alexis said and left..

Felicia/ Jackson office- Jackson and Felicia were working on their champain when Erica came into the room.”I want to make sure this happened for Jackson last time this didn't happened because of me and I want to make sure this times it does so what can i do”Erica ask” We need funding “Jackson said “Well i can do that”Erica said “Thanks “Felicia said “You’re Welcome “Erica said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 63”

At Sierra-Grayson and Sierra we’re laying in each other arms. “I’m glad we are back together “Grayson said “Me too,Grayson their something I need to tell you,It’s the reason Daddy is upset with you,After the car accident I ended up on pills, I went to rehab “Sierra said as she cried and Grayson wiped her tears.”I’m sorry,It’s my fault about the car accident “Grayson said “No it’s not,I sure of know you were drunk”Sierra said “I will never do that again especially with our children “Grayson said “I know “Sierra said

At Michael/Sabrina-Bobbie and John we’re over,”I have some great news,Josslyn and Morgan are getting out”John said “That’s great,How did you make that happen “Michael ask “I just use my contact “John said “Good,Both Spencer and Grace need their parents “Bobbie said “Yes,But It’s not going to be easy “Michael said “No but we will handle it”Bobbie said “Yes”Michael said

At The Quartermaine hotel-A Private room-It was all set up for a romantic evening it had candles and flowers around the room as Cassie and AJ came into the room. “Is this all for us”Cassie ask “Yes,Cassie I never thought I would feel this way again especially my ex wife Carly twin sister but I do,I love you for you,Will you marry me “AJ ask as he was kneel down and holding Cassie hand. “Yes, I love you”Cassie said they share a kiss..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 62”

At Sierra- Grayson was waiting for Sierra to tell him how she felt towards him. “Do you love me”Grayson ask“Yes”Sierra said “Then Let’s make this work,I can’t be apart from you any longer Grayson ask “Yes”Sierra said as she cried. Grayson wiped her tears.. “We lost so much time together no more,No one is going to come between us anymore”Grayson said they share a kiss.

At A office space- Ric and Alexis were working on their champaign with Olivia and Richard. “We need to raise money for the champaign “Alexis said “We could ask Sierra to help she great at fundraising “Ric said “Has Sierra talked to you since you put her mother in jail “Alexis ask “No”Ric said “Why don’t we ask Nikolas for help “Richard ask “Sure “Alexis said “You don’t think Sierra will help me”Ric ask “No I don’t “Richard said Ric was hurt by that..

At The Quartermaine mansion- Monica was having tea with Felicia. “Felicia, I think it’s wonderful that you are running for Mayor and I want to support you “Monica said “Thanks, I haven’t felt so alive since Mac”Felicia said “I know “Monica said she took Felicia hand..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 61”

At General Hospital- Lorenzo and Skye came into the hallway to check on Sierra they went into her room and Sierra wasn’t their. “Sierra “Lorenzo said as Liz came into the room. “Where is our daughter “Skye ask “Sierra checked herself out this morning “Liz said “No”Skye said “We couldn’t stop her “Liz said Skye and Lorenzo left.

At The courtroom- Dorian and Nora were their and Tracy and Tea. “We are going to win this “Nora said as Paul came by. “Dorian drop this “Paul said “No, Oh what could've been “Dorian said as the judge came by. “We have a lawsuits here in the name of alienation of affection “The Judge said “Yes your honor my client is the victim here”Nora said “Your honor my client wasn’t the only one!! Paul is the husband who cheat here too”Tea said “Yes that’s true “Nora said “What does Mrs Hornsby what out of this “The Judge ask “Besides the money we are asking for my client wants a apologize Public from Tracy and Paul “Nora said Tracy shock her head. “We agree “Tea said “Good case dismissed “The Judge said Tracy went by Dorian. “We could've been friends, His not worth it”Tracy said “No”Dorian said 

At Sierra- Sierra was home looking at a picture of her with her children and thinking of what the doctor told her as Skye and Lorenzo came into the room. “Sierra, Why did you leave the hospital early “Lorenzo ask “Because Daddy I’m find I don’t need to be at the hospital anymore “Sierra said “Sierra you were mugged,You need to take it easy”Skye said “I will,I’m sorry about the necklace “Sierra said “I don’t care about the necklace just you “Lorenzo said “I know “Sierra said “Sierra,Why didn’t you have the bodyguard with you “Lorenzo ask “I didn’t want them to come it gets annoying “Sierra said “Sierra promise me you will not do that again ! You need the guards”Lorenzo said “Find “Sierra said as Grayson came into the room. “Sierra,We need to talk alone, I want to talk about our future “Grayson said ,Mother and Daddy we’re starting for a late breakfast “Sierra said “Sierra, We have to go and you both need to deal with this “Skye said she kiss her daughter on the cheek and left..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 60”

“Planning The Nurse Ball”
General Hospital-At Lucy office- The next day-Lucy was planning the nurse ball with Sabrina and Christy and Serena. “It’s so nice to have you all here to help me plan the best nurse ball ever! We have so much to do,I want a special singer to performance at the ball tonight “Lucy said “Who were you thinking about the performance “Serena ask “Noah Drake”Lucy said “Why don’t I find some younger act”Serena ask “All right but I want to have the final say”Lucy said “Find “Serena said “Christy,Do you have any idea “Lucy ask “What is the theme “Christy ask “I haven’t pick one yet, Why don’t you come up with one “Lucy ask “Sure”Christy said “Where is it going to be at”Sabrina ask “I was thinking The Quartermaine hotel “Lucy said “I will make sure it happens “Sabrina said “Thanks “Lucy said 

At Sierra room- Sierra was lying in bed sleeping and Grayson was by her bedside holding her hand as Sierra wake up..”Sierra “Grayson said “Where you here all night “Sierra ask “Yes, We been apart for so long,I’m not going anywhere,I was so worry about you “Grayson said “I’m going to be okay,I want out”Sierra said “I will go see what’s going on”Grayson said he kiss Sierra on the cheek and left.

At Skye/ Lorenzo- Lorenzo was talking to Sierra bodyguard. “From now on you are not to lose sight of my daughter or you are fire do you understand!! My daughter was attacked last night and it’s you're fault! Lorenzo yelled as Skye came into the room.”Yes Sir”The man said and left.”Lorenzo,It’s not their fault “Skye said “I know it’s mine! Lorenzo said Skye touch his face. “No it’s not “Skye said 

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Monday, February 26, 2018

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 59”

At General Hospital- Sierra room- Sierra was lying in bed sleeping when Skye came into the room and by her bedside. “Sierra my baby “Skye said she brush her daughter hair as Sierra wake up. “Mother “Sierra said “Sweetheart,Do you remember what happened? Skye ask “I remember going for a walk,I was on my way to Kelly’s for ice cream when someone came behind me “Sierra said “Well I’m glad you’re okay and that Richard found you”Skye said “Richard saved me ?Sierra ask “Yes,He found you “Skye said Sierra touch her neck.”My Pearl necklace is gone,Daddy give it to me today “Sierra said “You we’re wearing it”Skye ask “Yes”Sierra said

At The Hallway- Richard and Ric and Lorenzo Jr and Grayson and Lorenzo and Tea were waiting on news when Lucky came into the hallway. “Why are you here”Lorenzo ask “You're daughter was attack tonight,I need to check on here”Lucky said “I found Sierra “Richard said “Where at”Lucky ask “Sierra was about to go to Kelly “Richard said “For a midnight dinner “Lucky ask “No Ice cream”Grayson said “Where you with Sierra “Lucky ask”No, Sierra something gets crazy cravings for ice cream and fries “Grayson said “I would like to talk to her “Lucky said “Skye with her, I will go check on Sierra “Lorenzo said

At Sierra room- Sierra was lying on the bed. “I have to fine that necklace,It meant so much to me when Daddy gives it to me”Sierra said “Sierra it’s not you're fault “Skye said as Lorenzo came into the room.”Daddy,The person who did this to me ,Took my necklace “Sierra said “It’s okay,I’m not upset by that,Do you remember anything? What they look like or smell “Lorenzo ask “No”Sierra said “Where were the guards “Lorenzo ask “I didn’t let them follow me “Sierra said “Oh Sierra “Lorenzo said “I know “Sierra said “Lucky here to Question you “Lorenzo said as Lucky came into the room. “Sierra,Do you remember anything ,Was anything taken”Lucky ask “I don’t remember anything,My pearl necklace that Daddy gives me is gone”Sierra said

At a house- A woman was holding a pearl necklace “It’s back where it belongs “A woman said

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 58”

At The Park-Tea was pushed her son who was in his stroller he was having a hard time sleeping as Nora came by.”Nora,You’re in town? Tea ask “Yes, I’m “Nora said “Why”Tea ask “A New start”Nora said “Are you going to practice law in this town? Tea ask “Yes, I’m “Nora said as Alexis came by. “Well Look all Port Charles finest lawyer “Tea said “Alexis Davis”She said “Nora Buchanan “She said Tea phone rang,”Tea Delago,Lorenzo what is it? Are you in trouble “Tea said and hang up the phone, “I have to go my niece is in the hospital “Tea said “Is Sierra okay? Alexis ask “I don’t know she in the hospital ,Lorenzo think she was attacked”Tea said “No, Look I can watch you're son if you want “Alexis said “Yes, Thanks “Tea said she left..

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was sitting down wondering what to do about the lawsuit when Erica came into the room. “Tracy, What are we going to do now that Sydney left town”Erica ask “I have been thinking about the Talk Show,You really like it and our the best host ,I want to give you the Talk show”Tracy said “Thanks “Erica said as Ned came into the room.”What’s going on”Ned ask “You're mother give me the Talk Show”Erica said and left.”What are you up to Mother? Ned ask “I think we should go into business together “Tracy said “I do like that idea “Ned said “Good”Tracy said

At General Hospital- Grayson and Ric and Richard we’re waiting and worrying with Skye and Lorenzo when Alan came into the room.”Daddy,How’s my daughter? Skye ask as Rae and Tea came into the room.”Sierra, Has a concussion “Alan said “Can we see her? Grayson ask “Yes,One at a time “Alan said “Go Skye you’re her mother “Lorenzo said Skye left..

Lorenzo and Tea went to talk.”Lorenzo,I’m sorry about Sierra is this way you called me”Tea ask “I think it could be my enemy “Lorenzo said “No”Tea said “Another war”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Changed Part 1 ch 57”

At General Hospital- Monica and Alan were at the nurse station when an ambulance came in with Sierra and Richard came by them. “Sierra,What happened “Alan ask “I found Sierra pass out on the ground “Richard said “Take her to room nine,I will page Dr. Webber “Monica said “No, I will look at my granddaughter,Richard call Skye “Alan said “I did”Richard said Alan went to check on Sierra..

Richard was worrying about his sister wondering if this was Lorenzo fault when Skye and Lorenzo came into the hospital. “Where you’re sister? What happened? Skye ask as Grayson came into the hospital. “Mother,You want to know what happened to Sierra!! Ask you're husband!! I found Sierra passed out on the ground it looks like Sierra was attacked!! Richard yelled “Richard! It’s not Lorenzo fault “Skye said “How many time have you said that? Richard ask as Ric came into the hospital hallway. “Richard,Stop yelling now what happened ? Ric ask “Why are you here.? Lorenzo ask “Richard called me about Sierra “Ric said as Lorenzo Jr came into the room. “We all love Sierra and need to calm down “Skye said as Monica came by.”Monica,How is our daughter “Skye ask “Alan is looking at Sierra,Skye she came in with a bump on her head “Monica said “My Baby “Skye said “Skye,Our daughter will be find “Lorenzo said they share a hug.

At Sierra room- Sierra was unconscious on the bed when Alan and Patrick were looking at her. “DR. Quartermaine,Sierra not waking up”Patrick said “I know”Alan said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 56”

At The Park- It was getting dark but Sierra decided to take a walk she wanted some ice cream from Kelly’s when a man came behind her and grabbed the necklace from Sierra neck and then knock her out. Sierra fell to the ground..

At Ric- Ric was working on the champions when Richard came into the room. “Dad, What’s going on”Richard ask “I want you to help me win”Ric said “Sure, I want you to win this,But if you do leave Lorenzo Jr alone, It would kill Mother if he goes to jail “Richard said “Find,Now what about being my speech writer “Ric ask “Sure “Richard said

At Grayson- Grayson was on the phone. “Sierra call me, We need to talk “Grayson said as Nikolas and Hayden came into the room. “Grayson, Are you back with Sierra “Nikolas ask “We are taken it slow Grayson said

At Rae- Rae and Skye were having tea.”Mother,Is their anything you need to tell me”Skye ask “No”Rae said “Mother,Did you have anything to do with Althea disappear? if you killed her we can protect you “Skye said Rae look at Skye and touch her hair. “I did it for us”Rae said “ I understand and I will protect you Mother,I love you and we are now free”Skye said “Yes we are”Rae said

Richard was walking when he saw a woman on the ground and didn’t realize it was Sierra at first.”Sierra “Richard said he checked on her and called for help. “Sis stay with me”Richard said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 55”

On The Docks- Grayson on the dock when Lorenzo came by.”Grayson, I would be lied if I say it’s great to see you awake “Lorenzo said “Why are you so angry with me?Grayson ask “Because you have hurt my daughter Lorenzo yelled “I’m not perfect but you’re not either ? Grayson said

At Tea law office- Tea was in her office when Tracy came into the room. “Tea,I need you're help, I’m being sue for alienation of affection “Tracy said she give Tea the paperwork.”Who did you slept with “Tea ask “My ex husband Paul “Tracy said “Dorian sue you “Tea ask “Yes, Can you help me”Tracy ask “Yes”Tea said “Thanks, Now what are the chance of Dorian winning this.?Tracy ask “There was a couple of case that a woman won this”Tea said “I better win this “Tracy said “I usually win all my case”Tea said “Good”Tracy said

At Dorian- Dorian was meeting with Nora.”Thanks for meeting me, Now I want to win this case”Dorian said “So do I and I will “Nora said “I’m not doing this because I love Paul, I don’t he made a fool out of me and no one makes a fool out of me”Dorian said “I know , We will win this, A lot of women have won this case “Nora said “Good”Dorian said

At Nikolas/ Hayden- Nikolas and Hayden came home .”Well at least we had another honeymoon “Hayden said “Yes it was nice “Nikolas said they share a kiss

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 54”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Alan and Monica were at home when AJ came into the room with Michael and Peter came into the room. “What’s going on”Monica ask as Skye came into the room. “Sorry I’m late “Skye said “It’s okay, I haven’t told anyone why I called this meeting, I been happy this last couple of months with Cassie and I would like to ask Cassie to marry me, I hope everyone can support this and Welcome Cassie into the family “AJ said “Are you sure about this “Monica ask “Yes”AJ said “If Cassie make you happy we will support it”Alan said “Thanks Dad, I was wondering if I can have Grandma ring “AJ said“Sure,Let’s go get it “Alan said “Dad, I’m happy for you”Peter said “Me too”Michael said “Thanks “AJ said “She better make you happy “Skye said AJ and Alan left..”Monica,What do you think of this “Skye ask “I want to make sure Cassie isn’t just use AJ for money “Monica said “I agree, We have to be careful “Skye said

At Sierra- Sierra was picked up the children toys when Lorenzo came into the room.”Daddy, I don’t want to fight with you about my trust fund anymore “Sierra said “Me either,I’m here to bring you something “Lorenzo said he pull out a box. Sierra opened it was a pearl necklace. “A Pearl Necklace “Sierra said “Yes,It was my Grandma, You’re Great Grandma and I want you to have it “Lorenzo said he put the necklace on Sierra.”Daddy it’s beautiful, Thanks you “Sierra said from that moment she finally felt like Lorenzo daughter after learning about Luis she didn’t feel like his. Lorenzo look at Sierra. “You look like my Great Grandma, I know we been fighting Mi tesoro but I love you “Lorenzo said “I love you too,This means so much to me”Sierra said she kiss Lorenzo on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re happy ,I need to go to a meeting “Lorenzo said and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Monica was alone and just hanged up the phone as Alan came into the room. “I give AJ the ring his going to be so happy “Alan said “I hope so, But I’m worrying about Cassie she better not hurt AJ “Monica said “Monica,AJ can handle his own life”Alan said “I will always protect my son “Monica said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 53”

At Skye/Lorenzo- Lorenzo was pour himself a drink as Skye came into the room. “Lorenzo, Did you heard that Ric is running for Mayor with Alexis “Skye ask “Yes,Skye I need to stop him, Do you have any dirt on Ric from when you were married to him.? Lorenzo ask “Actually I do, I do know that Ric had something to do with his Mother dead but I don’t know what it is”Skye said “This will help, Anything else?Lorenzo ask “No,I hate this, I wish you and Ric could get along but I know that’s not possible “Skye said “Yes,I’m sorry Lorenzo said they share a hug.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was upset and worrying about the lawsuit when Ned and Olivia came into the room.”Where have you been “Tracy ask “Getting a job”Olivia said as Alan and Monica came into the room. “What’s your new job”Tracy ask “I’m going to help Alexis and Ric champions “Olivia said “That’s great”Alan said “Yes”Monica said “Yes it’s good “Tracy said “Mother, What is it “Ned ask “I been having an affair with Paul and now his wife Dorian is sue me”Tracy said “Sue you “Monica ask “Yes it’s called alienation of affection, It’s a real thing “Tracy said “Wow! If only I know about it I could of sue you're mistress “Monica said “Funny, Anyway did you fine a lawyer? Alan ask “Yes”Tracy said “Good”Alan said “Do you want to be with Paul”Ned ask “I don’t know”Tracy said

At Sierra Rose- Sierra Rose was at home sitting on the couch she was tired and didn’t know why.

Copyright By Skye’s the time

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 52”

At Skye’s office- Skye was in her office having a meeting with Audrey. “Audrey, Thanks for helping with the company awhile I was gone,I would like you to stay on”Skye said “I would loved too”Audrey said as Katie and Ava came into the room. “Skye, What’s going on”Katie ask “I would like Ava to stay on and help us”Skye said “Sure”Ava said “Yes, It would be great “Katie said “Thanks “Audrey said

At The Quartermaine hotel- Alexis and Ric were working on their champions when Ned and Olivia came into the room. “We just you're news”Ned said “So what do you think “Alexis ask “It’s going to be a tough race”Olivia said “Yes it is but we can do it, Felicia doesn’t have the experiment in the law as we do “Ric said “Yes, Just Jackson does on Felicia team, We need to hire the best champion manager “Alexis said “Who are you going to hire.? I have a suggestion “Olivia said “Who”Alexis ask “Me ,Back home in Brooklyn I work on one for city council and that person one”Olivia said she give Alexis the information.”You’re hired, Why not”Alexis said “Yes”Ric said as Skye came into the room. “Ric, Alexis I heard about the news and I do wish you both the luck but leave my husband and son alone “Skye said “If you’re husband and son follow the law you sure not have anything to worry about”Alexis said Skye left..

At Skye/ Lorenzo-  Lorenzo was at home when Julian came into the room. “So what are we going to do, If Ric wins”Julian ask “We will make sure that doesn’t happen and that if Felicia wins we are safe”Lorenzo said “Do you have a plan”Julian ask “Don’t I always? I will always look out for our family “Lorenzo said “Yes me too, I’m glad we are getting closer as brother ,I wish that Mateo didn’t have to leave town just as we were getting close “Julian said “Yes”Lorenzo said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 51”

At Dorian/ Paul- Paul was packing his clothes when Dorian came into the room.”It will not be easy ,Walking out on me”Dorian said “Dorian, It’s over our marriage their no hope it’s best if you let it go and move on”Paul said “No”Dorian said “Why are you fighting this “Paul ask “Because no man or anyone make a fool out of me! Dorian yelled as Tracy came into the room. “Why are you here.? Dorian ask “The maid let me in,So Dorian why are you sue me! Tracy yelled “What,! Paul yelled “It’s called criminal conversation “, I will win this I have a great lawyer “Dorian said “I understand you're hurt and upset but you are making a fool out of yourself “Tracy said she left.”Dorian, Please drop this”Paul said “No”Dorian said

At Bo/ Nora- Bo and Nora we’re sitting on their couch. “It’s sad to see Vicki like this “Nora said “Yes,Clint is so worrying about Vicki”Bo said “Did you decide about working for the Police Station “Nora ask “Yes,I’m going to just be a cop I don’t want to be Police commissioner anymore “Bo said “Good,Just be careful, Between your new job as Police office of Port Charles and my new job as owner my law firm here we are off to a great new start “Nora said “Yes”Bo said

At Anna-Anna was having tea when there was a knock on the door it was Felicia. “Felicia,Come in”Anna said “Did you heard the new “Felicia ask “Yes,Congratulations I do hope you win “Anna said “Thanks Me too,I need you're help I was wondering if you want to be my campaign manager “Felicia ask “I would love too”Anna said “Thanks, It’s been awhile since I had something to look forward too”Felicia said “Mac would be happy for you”Anna said “Yes”Felicia said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 50”

“The Next Mayor Of Port Charles”
At The Quartermaine Hotel-Alexis and Ric were sitting up to make their announcement. “Looks like Felicia and Jackson will be running against us”Alexis said “Yes, Can you handle it”Ric ask “Yes, Ric we need to talk about Us”Alexis said as Richard came by. “What’s going on “Richard ask “Nothing, I’m glad you’re here”Ric said “I came to support you both”Richard said “Thanks, We just found out that Felicia and Jackson are running too”Ric said “You both have more experience “Richard said “Thanks “Alexis said they went up to make their announcement. “Alexis and I love this state and we want to make it mob free, I will be running for Mayor with Alexis Davis as my running mate “Ric said

Julian Art Gallery-Julian had just watched the news about Ric and Alexis when Ava came into the room. “So it looks like your girlfriend is running with her ex husband “Ava said “Ric is still in Alexis life,I need to get ruin of him”Julian said “You’re not thinking about killing him”Ava ask “No, But he needs to be stopped “Julian said “How will you do that “Ava ask

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was at home when a man came into the room. Ms.Quartermaine”The man ask “Yes”Tracy said “Good day”The man said and left and Tracy read the letter.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 49”

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye had just came into the lobby when she ran into Scott.”Scott, I’m glad you’re here,How are you ? Skye ask “Good,I’m opening the clinic here “Scott said “That’s great if you need anything let me know,My Son has HIV and I blame myself for it for the way I handled and dealing with you're mother “Skye said “Skye, It’s not your fault, Stop blaming yourself “Scott said “It’s just hard when it’s you're own child,Are you married or with anyone “Skye ask “Not right now “Scott said as Audrey came by.”Scott Chandler, This is my Cousin Audrey Wentworth,Scott is my adopted cousin “Skye said “Nice to meet you”Audrey said “You too, I have to go”Scott said and left. “His cute “Audrey said “Yes he is,You both would be perfect for each other, Now Let’s go to the office “Skye said they went to the office

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was having a cup of coffee when Alice came into the room. “Mrs. Quartermaine, This came for you”Alice said she give the note to Tracy who opened it. “Sydney left town,This is odd first Tony Now Sydney “Tracy said “I wouldn’t go looking for trouble “Alice said “Trouble my sister name “Alan said as he came into the room and Alice left. “It’s just odd that Sierra husband Tony went missing and his Mother and Grayson just wake up “Tracy said “You think it was Lorenzo “Alan ask “Yes,We know that Lorenzo would do anything for his children “Tracy said “Leave it alone “Alan said “Find “Tracy said

At The Port Charles Tv Station- Felicia and Jackson were there, “Good Morning,Port Charles,  I love this town and I have decided to run for Mayor of this town,Jackson Montgomery will be my running mate “Felicia said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 48”

“Running For Mayor”
At Richard\Emma-Richard was thinking about what Ric told him about who his father is when there was a knock on the door it was Skye.”Mother,Why are you here?Richard ask “I heard that Ric told you about you're biological father, I wish I was with you when Ric told you,Are you okay? Skye ask “Mother,I’m all right about this I just wish he was alive but I found out that Lucy is my family “Richard said “Yes she is “Skye said “Did Rafe and Molly love each other?Richard ask “Yes they did, Under different circumstances they would of been married and raised you,I believe that and I did wish it could've happened “Skye said “Thanks Mother “Richard said “You’re Welcome, How are the wedding plans going?Skye ask “Great, Soon Emma and I will be married “Richard said “Good,I need to go”Skye said and left.

At Felicia-Felicia was having breakfast with Robin and Maxie and Georgia and Emma.”I have some news and I need all you're support on this “Felicia said “What is it”Robin ask “I’m going to run for Mayor and Jackson is going to be my running mate “Felicia said “Wow! That’s great mother “Georgia said “Yes! We will help you win”Emma said “Yes”Robin said “Maxie “Felicia ask “If this is what you want I will support you “Maxie said “Thanks,They're a lot to do, I’m going to make the announcement today “Felicia said

At Alexis- Alexis was having breakfast with Julian.”Today, Ric and I make our announcement about our run for mayor “Alexis said “Nice”Julian said “What? Alexis ask “You need to pick who you want to be with, Ric or I”Julian said “I know, I just care about both of you “Alexis said “You can’t love both of us”Julian said “I know”Alexis said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 47”

At Skye/ Lorenzo- Skye and Lorenzo were at home with Sierra as Lucky came into the room. “My wife is not talking to anyone without a lawyer “Lorenzo said “I just want to know if she seen Athea, She missing “Lucky said “No I haven’t,I have nothing to do with that woman “Skye said “I will be back “Lucky said and left. Skye closed the door.”That was close “Skye said “What’s going on? Mother did you kill Athea? Sierra ask “All you need to know is that night we were all here having dinner “Lorenzo said “But that’s a lie”Sierra said “Sierra,I’m helping you “Lorenzo said “All right I can help Mother, I don’t want Mother going to jail”Sierra said “I know,Thanks Sierra,I didn’t kill her”Skye said “I believe you “Sierra said “Good,I have something for you,Lila Rae faxed over some paperwork she wanted you to adopt Grace “Skye said she give it to Sierra. “Lila Rae isn’t the same isn’t she “Sierra said “No, She glad you took Grace into you're family “Skye said “I will go”Sierra said she left.”Skye you need to be honest with me, Did you kill Athea? Lorenzo ask “I did go to the place with ideas to kill her after everything she did to me but it was too late she was already died”Skye said “So if you didn’t kill Athea ,Who did? Lorenzo ask “I have a feeling it was Rae,she hated Athea more”Skye said “Athea took you away from here I can see why Rae would do it,Whoever did it I will help cover it up”Lorenzo said “Thanks “Skye said “Rae is a part of our family “Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said

At Kelly's- Richard was their with Emma.”So you found out who you're father is”Emma ask as Lucy walked in. “Yes it’s Rafe Kovich “Richard said Lucy stopped.”Did you say Rafe Kovich? Lucy ask “Yes,I just found out his my father “Richard said “Really? Lucy ask “Yes my birth mother is Molly,Who is Rafe to you? Richard ask “Rafe father was my cousin “Lucy said “So we are related “Richard said “Yes,You do look like him”Lucy said “It’s nice to have more family “Richard said “Yes”Lucy said

Sydney was walking in a parking garage when a man grab her..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

“All The Love We Give Time Are Changed Part 1 ch 46”

At Sierra- Grayson was sitting on the couch playing with the children and holding Preston. “Soon we all will be together “Grayson said Sierra was watching them. “Yes we will”Sierra said as her phone rang. “Sierra, Daddy calm down”Sierra said she hang up the phone. “Lorenzo “Grayson ask “Yes Daddy upset he speaking in Spanish “Sierra said “Go , I will take the children to my place “Grayson said “I wish we can be together “Sierra said “In time right now we will just be sharing our children “Grayson said “The Barrington House is up for sale, I try to get it”Sierra said “I will drop the children off at my parents and buy it”Grayson said “Bliss and Cecil be good for Daddy “Sierra said and left.

At The Police station- Lucky was in his office. “Commissions Spencer,I went to check on Athea Patterson and her room is empty “The cop said “This isn’t good “Lucky said “No the place was clean “The cop said “I hope we don’t have a murder mystery on are hands, I just closed the Manning case because we had nobody “Lucky said

At Skye/ Lorenzo- Lorenzo was having a drink as Sierra came in the room. “Daddy,Why are you upset you only speak Spanish when you’re upset “Sierra said “Yes,Did you tell Grayson what I did for you? Lorenzo ask “Yes, But we can trust Grayson he love me and we want to be together you can trust him”Sierra said “I hope so, I don’t want to go to jail or you're brother “Lorenzo said “I don’t want it either “Sierra said Lorenzo pull out a envelope and give it to Sierra. “What is this “Sierra ask “You're trust fund “Lorenzo said “I don’t want it back, I don’t need it”Sierra said “You’re Being silly you can’t live without it”Lorenzo said “Yes I can”Sierra said as Skye came into the room.”Are you both fight again “Skye ask “No, Grayson is back “Sierra said as Lucky come into the room with the maid. “I need to question you Skye “Lucky said “About what “Skye ask

Copyright by Skye’s the limit