Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Revelation ch 31

 At The Quartermaine gatehouse- Michael was talking to Willow about what happened at Aurora.”I’m sorry you lose your position “Thanks I just wish I was still CEO. I haven’t thought about the new position that Skye offers me” If you want something else, I will stand by you” I know you will “Why would Skye do this to you and Drew” It’s business, Which I don’t blame Skye for it, I was over my head in running the business “Michael said as his cellphone rang.” Michae l Qua rtermaine, No thank you”Michael said he hang up the phone,”That was Anna with bad news, Sonny dead and my mother was arrest by the FBI for Rico charges “No,I’m sorry about Sonny”I know this day would come “Michael said 

At a Cabin- Monica came into the cabin and turn on the lights as Lorenzo came in,”I hope no one follows you “You need to learn to trust me”Yes Pikeman”I got the job done! More then you did,Sonny is gone and Carly is facing Rico charges now we need to talk about what’s next “Monica said 

At The Police station- Anna was looking at a tape from the security cameras of last night when Felica came by,”Anna,Why did you call me”Felicia I need you to help me find who this pikeman is I been thinking it’s another mob boss but what if it wasn’t a mob boss what if we are looking at the wrong person “If I can help with it I will “Good”I heard about Sonny “Yes I don’t know what happened we had security around him and now with Carly being arrested it’s just going to get worse I believe “Maybe or it will be safe”

At The FBI -Carly was in the interrogation room.‘I’m not going to say anything without my lawyer “You have nothing else to lose, Did you heard the news Sonny dead”John said “What happened “I don’t know’I won’t give up , I will fight the charges “Carly said as she was crying a little as Michael came in.”Michael “Mom, I called Diane she on her way we will get you out of this”We have a strong case”John said 

Revelation ch 30

 At Ava’s -Ava was having coffee when there was a knock on the door it was Skye.”Skye, Why are you here “Because we need to talk, I know why you help me find my daughter I know who sent you”You know”Yes I know that Lorenzo is alive, I know what his plan is”To take down Sonny and Carly “Yes, Right now Carly being arrested for Rico charges and Sonny is gone! He died last night in jail and there will be no one to trade it to anyone”No, There will not be, I will finally have my daughter to myself “Yes you will “What about Jason”We will deal with him next”When will Lorenzo come home”Soon,I should go”You don’t like me”No, You are the reason my brother was shot! I was trying to save myself something I know you know will”Yes I do, But AJ was my best friend just like Julian was your “Yes he was”

At General Hospital- Alexis was talking to Portia.”Kristina can go home but I don’t think she should live alone right now she going to need help”I will help her,Thank so much for everything “Alexis said as her cellphone went off.”Alexis Davis,Carly what is it “Alexis ask as she hang up the phone it was Sam and Molly who came by.”You’re sister can go home now”That’s good, Yes she has to stay with me, I just got a call from Carly she needs a lawyer “What is she arrested for “Sam ask “Rico charges “Let her stay in jail that’s why Jason stay away from the boys because he was protecting her”Sam said “I’ll tell her to call Diane “Alexis said 

The paramedics came in with Sonny who was on the stretcher and Alexis saw him and went by Sonny.Alexis relieved he was dead.”You’re gone, my daughter can now be free of you “Alexis said as Kristina came in the hallway in a wheelchair and push herself and saw Alexis by someone and push herself.”No! Dad gone”Kristina yelled “I’m sorry baby “Alexis said she hug her daughter.

Revelation ch 29

 At The Quartermaine, mansion- Monica was in the den alone pouring herself some coffee when her cell phone went off.”Dr.Monica Quartermaine,Thank you I’m glad it’s take care of’Monica said as Brooklyn came are in as Monica hang up the phone.”Brooklyn,How are you doing? I’m sorry about your break up “I really loved him Monica”I know you did and I know this isn’t easy but you will get through this’Yes I will “You will come off stronger then ever “

At Metro co- Olivia was looking at the hotel one last time before she told the staff about her resignation as Carly came in,”Olivia, What did you want to tell me”I’m following my dreams it’s not the hotel , I want to open my own restaurant “I’m happy for you follow your dreams, I would like to buy your share of the hotel “Carly said as Tracy came in.”Did you tell Carly you sold  your share”To Whom! Tracy’Carly yelled “Yes the Quartermaine our my family “We own this hotel before “Yes I remember then it burned down! Why would you do this! Carly yelled “Because my husband ask me too, Carly you would do the same you put the hotel at risk when you lose the hotel to inside trading “Olivia said “I can’t believe you throw that in my face, So your partner with Nina”Carly ask as Nina came in.”No I sold my share to Tracy too”It’s all mine! I can’t wait to redecorate it and rename it, This hotel is name after a late stripper “Tracy said as John came by.”John, Why are you here “Carly ask “To arrest you for Rico charges “No! You can’t do this “Yes I can,Carly Spencer your under arrest “John said 

At The Police station- Sonny cell- Sonny was laying on the ground when the cop came by and saw him and called for help.

Anna came into the cell and help the paramedics get Sonny helped.”Can you save him”No it’s to late, Sonny Corinthors is gone”

Revelation ch 28

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy and Ned and Olivia were talking.”I have brought a restaurant I’m going to open my own Italian restaurant “I’m happy for you Olivia you will be happy “Tracy said “Yes I will, I know you want my share of the hotel”Can I have them”Tracy ask as Brooklyn came in she was crying.”Brooklyn,What’s wrong “Ned ask “Chase called off the wedding his moving back to Chicago “No”Brooklyn I’m sorry you deserve someone better “Tracy said as Ned hug his daughter.”Yes you do”Ned said as Skye came in,”Skye,Your still here, How is Lila Rae”She going to recover, Brooklyn are you alright “My fiancĂ© just broke up with me “I’m sorry “Thanks,We will help Lila Rae, no one should ever have to deal with that”No one mess with this family “Monica said as she came in,”Monica, I hope I can stay here, I do have some business news you may not like”What’s that”It was business not personal I just brought Aurora And I’m now the CEO, I ask Michael to be the executive associate “Skye said “Michael does need more business experience to be CEO”Ned said “I understand that’s business “Monica said‘Thank “We have a lot to celebrate, Olivia is going to open her own restaurant “Ned said “That’s wonderful “Yes I want something of my own”What about the hotel “I will sell you my share “Olivia said 

At The Prison, jail cell-Sonny was in his cell leaning against the bars when a cop came by and gave him an injection and Sonny fell to the ground.

Outside-Alexis was outside on the docks and put something inside her pocket as Valentin came by and saw it.”Alexis, Are you alright “Yes just take care of my family “Yes, We are family too if you need anything‘Thanks’Why don’t I walk you home”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Brooklyn was ripped all the pictures she had of her with Chase as she cried.

Tracy was by the foyer when there was a knock on the door it was Nina,”I have made a decision about the hotel “Nina said 

Revelation ch 27

 At Ava’s - Ava was at home when there was a knock on the door it was Valentin.”Valentin, What do you want”Our plan is almost finished in bring Sonny down “Yes he will be in jail soon “Yes, Now what about Jason we can’t let him take over the business “We won’t, He will be eliminating soon”

At Bobbie’s- Carly was thinking about what would happen when Sonny goes to prison as Jas came in and sat by the counter.”Jason,If Sonny goes to prison’s what will happen “We can’t talk here but I will be running things “I can’t believe you try to save me for Ricco charges you missed your sons because of it”I will do it again “How are the boys “They are upset with me”I hope they come around “Me too”

At Sam’s -Sam and Emily were reading together on the couch when there was a knock on the door it was Drew.”Drew come in,”Sam said “Emily how are you doing “Drew ask he couldn’t believe that she didn’t want to be called Scout anymore .”Emily it’s good to see you”Drew said “I miss you Dad”I know I been busy but I will now have time for you”Drew said “What’s going on”I lose Aurora, I don’t have a job anymore I’m sorry “You lose the company how”Jax sold his stock to Skye who just took over my company,I’m sorry I let you down Emily , Aurora was supposed to be your legacy “What happened “The board lost trust in me when I went to jail “Drew said as Emily went upstairs.”So because of Carly you lose your job besides jail time “Yes”I’m so sick of Carly! Jason stay dead because of her! His work with the FBI to help bring a mob boss Down if he didn’t Carly would be charged with Ricco crimes! Danny and Jake lose years with their father and Emily lose months with you because of her! I’m done with it”Sam yelled “I’m sorry you’re upset “I’m sorry you lost the company but I’m not surprised “Sam said 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Revelation ch 26

 At Nina office -Nina was working on crimson when Tracy came in,”Tracy, Why are you here “We need to talk about the hotel “Tracy said as she sit down.”What about the hotel “My family used to own this hotel till it burned down in a fire and Jax brought it was supposed to be only his till Carly swept in, I believe we have that in common Carly, I want you to sell my your share of the hotel it will be worth it for you” What about Olivia” Olivia will be fine” How much are you talking about “

At A Old Restaurant- Olivia was walking by and it had a for your sale sign on it Olivia pull up her cellphone and call the number for information on it.

At Bobbie’s-Carly was upset for Drew who left as Michael came in,”Michael, I heard about Skye taking Aurora did you lose your job”Skye is now CEO she offered me exclusive assistance “I’m sorry are you going to take it”I don’t know, I do need more experience in running a business, I was CEO of ELQ when we lose it to Valentin “You’re Just young “Yes I’m “Whatever you decide you will be alright “Yes I will “

At General Hospital- Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was waking up as Skye came in with food,”I have food for you, How are you doing “I’m tired, Mother I’m sorry I got into this”This isn’t your fault, I’m sorry it happened to you it’s my job to keep you safe’You have”I love you baby girl “I love you to mother is this our new home “Yes it is “

At the empty restaurant- Olivia was meeting with Ned,”Ned, I want to buy this and run my own restaurant I want something of mine own “If you want this you should have it”Thank “What about the hotel “I guess I could sell my share “I was wondering if you would sell it to my family “Why”Because my family want the hotel back”

Revelation ch 25

 At Aurora-Skye was sitting at the desk talking to Tracy.”Why are you still here? I have a lot of work to do”Yes you do, Now that ELQ is back with the family it’s time we also get what should of been ours and I will make sure of it”What are you talking about “This hotel it was the family hotel “Yes it was”Carly lose it because of insider trading and Nina is running it, I’m hoping she will sell me her share”Oh Tracy I hope she does”Thanks “I want Carly and Sonny to suffer for what they did to AJ”Skye said as Michael came in.”Skye, Trac y why are you here? Where is Drew”I should go, see you at the house,” Tracy said and left,

“Michael have a sit, I’m running Aurora now and I’m going to make some changes here, I’m going to be the CEO and I still want you to work here but you don’t have much experience in business I think you will do best as an Executive assistant you need to learn about how a business is run”I will think about it, How much does it pay “Less then what you were making “What another change will you make‘I’m going to change the name of this business, I want to keep your biological father memory alive “I miss Aj too”Really you forgive Sonny for killing him”I have my issues with Sonny “

At Bobbie’s-Carly was pouring coffee to customers when Drew came in carrying a box and sit down.”Drew, What’s in the box? You look sad”I’m, I found out who took over my company “Who”Skye, She is now running Aurora”How did that happen “Jax give her his share and she took over “I’m sorry “I let my board members down because I went to jail for you, I should of never done that I lose their trust “I’m sorry I never wanted you to do that for me”I know “Is Michael out of a job”I’m not sure,Skye and Tracy look so happy about me losing the company “Tracy was there too”Yes”

Revelation ch 24

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was in the living room alone when there was a knock on the door she opened it was John,” John, I’m glad you came we need to talk, I want Carly Spencer charge with Rico charge I’m working on it” Good, I hope you don’t take this too personal and have any feelings for Carly “I don’t have any feelings for her “Good she needs to pay the cost me three sons one is dead because of her “I will do everything by the book” John said 

At The Metro Co- Skye was in the lobby when Tracy came in,”Skye, I heard your back, I’m sorry about Lila Rae, How is she doing “Lila Rae has a lot of recovery to do, why do you care “No one should be treated like that “No they should not”I heard you were running Chandler enterprise “Yes I’m and it’s been successful because of me, Jr was ruined it”Yes I head , I also know a deal you just got”You do”Yes and I’m happy you have it, I don’t have any use for Drew or Michael they are not Quartermaine like us”You know consider me an Quartermaine”Unfortunately you are Alan daughter “Yes I’m, it’s been good caught up but I need to go tell Drew about Aurora “I want to be there when you do”

At Aurora- Drew was in his office on the phone.”What! Do you know who just took over my company “Drew ask as Skye and Tracy came in and Drew hang up the phone.”Tracy, Why are you here? Who are you “I’m Skye Quartermaine, You’re half sister and I just took over this company, You are looking at the new CEO”Skye says as Drew got up he was upset.”How did this happen “It was easy, I have Jax stock and then I talk to the board members who were not happy with you for admitting you committed insider trading and it was really Carly , the board doesn’t trust you and this company has been failed since you came back “So your just going to take my company like that! This is my daughter legacy! Drew yelled “This isn’t my fault that you couldn’t handle a business if you just stay focused on it and not fall for a woman who doesn’t deserve you! Anyway you’re daughter will be fine “I’m a Quartermaine too”No you’re not a true Quartermaine like Skye is! Tracy said “You should get your belongings and go”Skye said Drew box up his belongings and left as Skye went on the desk and put her feet on it,”I want to make some change in this company start by the name “Skye said 

Revelation ch 23

 At Sonny’s trial- Kristina had just finished testifying and was getting off the stand.”I call my client Michael Corinthors”Diane said Sonny went on the stand.”What happened that day in question “I was talking to Dex about becoming a cop” Were you holding a gun” Yes” Where are you going to shoot him” I plead the fifth “Do you feel guilty for what happened to Kristina “Yes I do, I hate that I couldn’t protect my daughter, I’m sorry Kristina that you were hurt I love you “Sonny said “Do you suffer from bipolar “Yes” You were not thinking that day, Were you” No I wasn’t “Sonny said “You’re honor I don’t care that Sonny wasn’t thinking he still shot his daughter “The jury will take that off the record “The Judge said “I’m done questioning my client “Diane said 

Robert questioned Sonny.”If you really love your children you would do the right thing by plead guilty and going to jail so your children will be safe from your business, I don’t care that your bipolar and your medication was an lower dose, No one is safe from you, Robert said Sonny got off the stand and went by Diane,”Is there anymore witnesses “ The Judge ask “Yes I call one more”You’re honor I didn’t I know about this”Diane said “I will allow it”The Judge said “I call Dex Heller to the stand “Robert said Dex came in and got swear in.”Dex, What happened that day”I meet Sonny at the warehouse he had a gun he was going to kill me because I’m now a cop “Dex said “Sonny was worried you would tell the commander what he does in his business “Yes, I wish he did shot me instead of Kristina”Where you going to turn against Sonny”Yes,I was going too”Dex said 

Diane was feeling helpless on her case.”Ms.Miller do you want to question Mr.Heller”No your honor “Is this all the witnesses for today “Yes”The Jury will be dismissed for now”The Judge said 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Revelation ch 22

 At The Courthouse- Sonny trials- Carly and Michael And Josslyn were there.”How are you doing Michael “I believe Dad should go to jail for this”I know this is emotional for all of us‘Carly said as Molly and TJ came in.”Molly, I’m sorry about the baby”Carly said “Yes we are”Thanks “Molly said as Alexis came in pushing Kristina in a wheelchair.”Kristina, How are you doing “Michael ask “I’m doing alright “Kristina said “I’m sorry about all our fighting we been having “Josslyn said “Me too”Kristina said as Robert came in.”Kristina since you are testified I’m going to take you to a witness room “Robert said “I’ll go with you “Alexis you know you can’t “It’s all right Mom , I’ll be just fine “Kristina said as Robert push her away.”Alexis, Kristina will be just fine, our kids will be fine “I hope so, but I’m worried if another mob boss come in”Me too, I need to talk to you later “Alright “

Inside the courthouse- Diane was getting ready for court when Robert came by.”Good luck councilor “Same to you “Diane said as Sonny came in and saw Carly and Alexis and the kids he missed his family as the judge came in and everyone stood up.”Is everyone set for court “Yes” Yes” Robert said “Let’s start opening statements “The judge said “This isn’t the first time an innocent person has been shot by being with Sonny, Michael was shot by an enemy of Sonny when he was a little boy and was in an coma now his daughter was shot who was carrying a baby for her sister that ended up dying, It’s time this town is safe from Sonny and all his employees “Robert said as Jason came in and sit down.”I’m finish”Robert said Diane got up,”Yes my client son Michael was shot by an enemy and so was his daughter but it was an accident my client love his daughter he is bipolar and was on a lower diagnosis of his medication by mistake “Diane said she sit down and Sonny was upset that she mentioned his bipolar.

“I call Kristina Davis to the stand “Robert said as a cop push Kristina into the room and push her by the stand and Kristina got swear in,”Kristina, What happened that day”I went to my father warehouse to talk to him he was holding a gun on Dex and he shot me”Do you think it was an accident “I don’t know but I want the violence to stop “Kristina said “What we’re your injuries “I was shot in the heart and stomach, I was carried my sister baby and I lose it, It’s time for all this to be shot, I’m glad I wasn’t as injured as my brother Michael was”Kristina said Diane was about to question Kristina when Sonny stop her,”Leave her alone, put me on the stand “Are you sure “Yes”

Revelation ch 21

 At General Hospital-Lila Rae’s room- Lila Rae was resting from her exam as Skye was watching her,”I will protect you”Skye said as Elizabeth came in the room.”Lila Rae is going to be resting for awhile now”Oh, maybe I’ll run some errands then”Skye said’Are you staying in town”Yes we are ,Elizabeth how do I help my daughter through this”Just be there for her, Lila Rae is going to need all the support she can get “She will have it she my miracle child “Skye said she went into the hallway as Robert came by.”Skye, I heard about Lila Rae, I’m glad you found her”Me too, I just hope more girls have an ending like this “Me too” Robert said 

At Kristina’s room- Kristina had just finished her session with Kevin as Alexis came in.”Kristina, How did your session with Kevin go”it helped “Kristina said as Robert came in,”Kristina, I hope you’re recovering good we need your statement for the trial today “I want to testify today “Are you sure about it”Yes I’m “Alright I will call you to the stand “Thanks,I want to put my father behind bars “Kristina said Robert left.”Kristina,I’m sorry about all this” You protect me from Dad lifestyle since I was a little girl And I thank you for it, I had an normal childhood then Michael And Morgan “Yes you did, I don’t regret keeping you safe”

At Ava-Ava was settled back in her old house when there was an knock on the door it was Skye,”Skye come in,”I know why you wanted to come with me to save my daughter I know it was Lorenzo who sent you”You know he was alive “Yes I know everything that’s going on”Oh”I’m all in on this plan through Sonny shot Kristina wasn’t part of the plan “No it wasn’t “

At General Hospital- Alexis was in the hallway pushing Kristina in a wheelchair as Valentin came by,”Kristina, I’m glad you’re alright “Thanks “If you need anything “We are just ahead to the trial “I’ll escort you to it”

Revelation ch 20

 At General Hospital- The next day-Alexis was holding some coffee about to go to Kristina room when Skye came in with Lila Rae,”Elizabeth, My daughter needs to be look at”Skye said “Skye, Lila Rae “Yes”I’ll get a doctor, Lila Rae come with me”Elizabeth said Lila Rae was all bruised and had a hard time walking as Elizabeth help her to a wheelchair and Skye pull Elizabeth to the side to talk.”Lila Rae was a victim of sex trafficking “I had a feeling, We will give her the best care “Elizabeth said as she pushed Lila Rae to the exam room.

Skye was feeling emotional about all this and let out a scream as Alexis came by,”Are you alright “I feel a little better now”I saw Lila Rae come in , Is she alright “No, I just save her in Amsterdam she was a victim of sex trafficking “No, I’m sorry “You should see all those women who were a victim too, I feel like I should do something to help them too”It’s a sad situation that this still happens in America “Yes it is,Felicia told me about Kristina I’m sorry‘Thank “I hope Sonny get years in jail “ Me too his trial start today, I will make sure he doesn’t hurt my daughter anymore “Both our daughters need us “Yes they do “

Lila Rae room-Lila Rae was sitting on the table as Elizabeth was getting her set up for an exam.”Dr.Robinson is going to exam you she a great doctor you can trust her, We just want to help you I know this is scary but you’re safe now”Elizabeth said as Portia came in.”Lila Rae, I’m Doctor Robinson I will exams you , if you feel uncomfortable at all just let us know”Can my mother be here “Lila Rae ask “I’ll get her‘Elizabeth said she went out of the room and went by Skye,”Skye, Lila Rae needs you ,We are going to exam her”Elizabeth said Skye went with Elizabeth.

Lila Rae room- Lila Rae was sitting on the bed as Skye was holding her daughter hand as Portia was exam her and Elizabeth was assisting in it.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Revelation ch 19

 At General Hospital-Alexis was in the hallway worried about Kristina when Kevin came by.Alexis, How is Kristina”She angry about this situation “I was wondering if I could talk to her”Yes, please , I don’t want Kristina to be full of anger though I’m too”Alexis said they went to Kristina room.”Kristina, I thought maybe to help you recover from this”Kristina I think this is a great idea “Alexis said “Alright I’ll talk to Dr.Collins “Kristina said Alexis left.”Kristina this is a safe place you can tell me anything “I’m angry that my father shot me and I lost Molly, baby, I adore my father, yes I know about his business but I don’t think he would hurt me” Kristina said 

At Molly/TJ- Molly And TJ were getting rid of the baby stuff together.”I’m sorry this happened to our baby” I didn’t want this to be happening but I had a feeling it would happen “Yes I know”Molly we are young we should heal together before we try again “Yes, I want to be a successful lawyer “I want to be an successful doctor this is going to sound wrong but I think we were to young to be parents “Me too, I was always a career person first “Molly said as there was a knock on the door it was Alexis and Jordan.”We want to check on our children “We are just getting rid of the baby stuff and suggest that we focus on our career now “We just want you both to be alright “Yes, Kristina feel terrible about this’I know it’s not her fault “No it’s not “

At Sam- Sam and Elizabeth were having coffee together when Danny and Jake came in,”We decided we didn’t need him anymore we had two wonderful mothers we raise us and that’s all we needed besides our siblings “Yes we both were involved in each other life growing up as brothers with two different mothers “We want you both to know each other’Yes we did and that wouldn’t change “Sam said as Dante came in,”What’s going on”Just close the past”Yes”

Revelation ch 18

 At Bobbie’s -Carly was pouring coffee when John came in,”Carly”Why are you here! I know that you blackmail Jason about me”Yes I did, You broke the law when you were running Sonny business “So are you going to arrest me “Carly ask as John cellphones rang.”I have to get this “John said he went outside he was upset that Carly knew about the charges .”John, Yes I help the situation,Now we need to work on are next steps,He done work with us”John said he hang up the phone and left.

At Sam’s -Sam was still upset but not surprised that Jason picked Carly over their son when there was a knock on the door it was Elizabeth and Jake.”You heard”Yes, Jason just told us”I thought Danny and Jake could help each other with this news”Yes, Danny upstairs he upset too “Sam said Jake went upstairs.”I’m not surprised that Jason picked Carly”Me either,But I’m upset and if Danny doesn’t want to see him anymore he doesn’t have too”I agree, with what happened with Kristina I think it’s best if Jason isn’t in Jake life”I agree with you on that,How is Finn”Sam ask “Finn took Violet to Chicago to handle Gregory estate “Oh, I hope he comes back “I think it’s a good thing , our relationship was dying “I’m sorry “It’s alright I will be fine “

Danny was in his room looking at a picture of him with Jason when Jake came in,”Danny”Did Elizabeth tell you about Jason”He told me, I thought he loved me”I feel the same way, we don’t need him’

At The Police station -Sonny cell- Sonny was in his cell when Dante came in,”Dante you have to help me I can’t go to jail “I have been over this case as a cop,I’m sorry but you will probably go to jail “Do you know how Kristina doing”She still in the hospital and has a lot of recovery to do”I never wanted this to happen “I think it’s best if you take the plead deal”

Revelation ch 17

 At Amsterdam- Skye and Felicia and Ava went to the location where the organization that was helping missing women who were sex trafficking.”Hello my name is Skye Quartermaine, my daughter is missing I think you have her”Skye said she show the woman a picture of Lila Rae.”Yes she is here”The Woman said  they went into the house and saw at least a hundred women in the house.Felicia and Skye and Ava felt overwhelmed.”Are all those women a victim of sex trafficking “Ava ask “Yes it happened here a lot and all over the country “The women said “No,Does it happen in New York “Ava ask “Yes”I have to work to stop this,We can’t let this happen anymore “Ava said “You do have power to stop it”Felicia said as Lila Rae came by,”Mother “Lila Rae said she was all bruised and her hair was long and she didn’t look like herself .Skye was taken back by the way she looked .”Lila Rae, Baby let’s get you home”Skye said she hug her.”Where”To Port Charles,We want to help all these women go home to their families’Skye said “Yes we do, I have an contract that will help you get all those girls safe”Felicia said she give them the information.

At Port Charles- Sam’s - Sam came home upset about Jason as Danny was in the living room.”Mom, Why are you upset “It’s about your father I found out why he stay away all this time you need to know the truth “What is it”Jason had to work with the FBI in order to save Carly from going to jail , you lose years with your father because of her”Dad chose her , He could of come home”Yes”He must love her more “I’m sorry “It’s not your fault “

At Elizabeth -Elizabeth just got home from work she was feeling emotional from work and wondering what Jason news was when Jake came in,”Jake, I have some new, You’re father is on his way to talk to us “Why”Just be open minded about it”Elizabeth said as there was a knock on the door it was Jason,”Jake, How are you doing? Elizabeth “Just get to the news”Jake said “The reason I stay away all these years is because I had to work with the FBI to help them bring down a mob boss “Like you”Jake! Elizabeth said “Yes like me” Why did you have to” If I did the FBI was going to charge Carly with Rico charges “Carly the reason our son lost years with you! We thought you were dead! Elizabeth yelled “I hope it was worth it! Danny and I could of use you”Jake said “You should go “Elizabeth said 

Revelation ch 16

 At Amsterdam-Skye and Felicia and Ava arrived in Amsterdam airport.”Felicia where do we go from here”I have a location on a house that is a safe house for women trying to leave sex trafficking and Lila Rae is there they will meet us somewhere to get Lila Rae”Good, Felicia I can’t thank you enough for helping me”If this was my daughter I would want someone to help her”Same here”Ava said they left.

At Port Charles-General Hospital-Elizabeth was going over the charts as Jason came by.”Elizabeth, Do you have a minute to talk? Jason ask “Not much time,Is everything alright “I owe you and Jake the truth of why I stay away from town”Jason said “Why don’t we meet at my house tonight “Alright “I get off at five “Thanks Elizabeth “You’re welcome “Elizabeth said Jason left as Elizabeth went to check  on Kristina who was just waking up.”Kristina,How are you feeling “Alright I just can’t believe what happened “I know it’s a shock to you “Yes it is, it had to be an accident, My father would never shoot me on purpose “Sonny does love you I’ll give him that,” Elizabeth said 

In Kevin office- Kevin was talking to Diane about Sonny health for his case.”Sonny was taking his medication but it was an lower dose “Do you know if anyone play with it”I don’t know it could of just been an pharmacy mistake “A deadly one”Yes”

In the hallway- Alexis was in the hallway drinking coffee when Laura came by,”Alexis, How is Kristina”In shock that her father shot her,I hope you’re not here on Sonny behalf “I’m not, I think it’s time Sonny face his consequences of his actions “Me too”Alexis said as Diane came by.”Why are you here “To get my client out of this situation “I can’t believe you’re Sonny lawyer still, we are not friends anymore “Alexis said “I will miss our friendship “Diane said as Carly came by,”Alexis, How is Kristina “She just resting and confused on what happened “I’m sure she is”Carly said “I need to go back to her room “Alexis said “I needed to get back to the office “Laura said she left.”Diane, Are you sure about being Sonny lawyer “Yes I just got a Lean on the case,Sonny was on his medication but it was a lower dose “It can’t change anything “Carly said 

Revelation ch 15

 At The Docks-Jason was thinking about what Monica say when Sam came by,”Jason, What’s wrong you look upset “ Monica is upset with Me”Why”I told her the reason I stay away”Why did you? You haven’t told us about it! Our son would like to know “Sam said “I did what I had to do to protect someone “Your protection someone? Let me guess it’s Carly! That’s why Monica upset she can’t stand Carly which I don’t blame her at all! What was so important to protect Carly from! Sam yelled as Carly came by,What’s going on? Why did you say my name”You’re the reason my son and Jake lose years with their father! Jason was protecting you ! Sam yelled ‘From what “You could of been charged with Rico charges if I didn’t help the FBI agents bring down Pitman “Why would you do that “You know why”Don’t act like you’re surprised “Sam yelled “I’m sorry the boys lose years with Jason , I did too, Jason you don’t have to protect me I can handle this”Carly said “Drew protect you too! My daughter lose her father because of you! Sam yelled and left,”I’m sorry “Jason said “I hate that you did this for me”I know”Whatever it is that the FBI want me they can have me “Carly said 

At General Hospital- Kristina's room- Kristina was in the bed when Alexis was there.”Mom”Kristina how are you feeling “Alright I’m a little tired “I’m sure you are,Kristina I love you”I love you too”Do you remember anything “I went to Dad warehouse and he had a gun on Dex and he shot me it was an accident “Kristina, Your father is in jail for this he may go to prison “No”Kristina I know you love him but Sonny needs to be locked up”Alexis said “What about Dad bipolar “He can manage it in jail”

Diane was talking to Kevin in the hallway.”I have legally papers to get Sonny medication records “I only saw him once as a therapist but you can have them”I also need his lab on his medication “Diane said 

Revelation ch 14

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was in the den as Jason came in.”Jason,Why are you here “To see Monica “She in the library reading “Thanks “Jason. I’m glad you’re back “Me too”Jason said as he left to see Monica.

In the library-Monica was reading the lasted medical books when Jason came in,”Mom”Jason said Monica looked at Jason,”Are you alright “Jason ask as he sit down by Monica.”Yes I’m just caught up on medical journals “Nice, I just wanted to see you’Jason,What happened to you while you were away “I was saved on Cassadine island by the FBI , I’m working with them”On who”I’m trying to bring down a mob boss it was to save Carly”Carly “Yes she could be charged with Rico charge Jason said as Monica got up. “I’m so sick of losing my sons to this woman! Carly took Michael from AJ which leads him to drinking! Drew went to Jail for a career she committed! I don’t want to hear about Carly and she not welcome in this house! Jason you lose years with your sons! Can you say she would do the same? Monica ask “I understand you feel this way but Carly is my family “We are two and so is your Sons Danny and Jake! They need their father “Monica said 

At General Hospital- Kristina's room- Kristina was in bed sleeping when Alexis came in.”I love you Kristina I will make sure you’re safe and no one will hurt you anymore “Alexis said she touch her daughter hair,

On the plane- Skye was worrying about Lila Rae thinking of what happened between them the last time they saw each other.

Felicia thought Ava was up to something,”Why are you here? Why do you want to help Skye you never met her”I just want to help Lila Rae I have connection that will save her”I do hope you want to help “We work together before “Yes we did “

Revelation ch 13

 At The Metro Co-Nina was talking to a woman.”I’m so glad you’re here, Do you have your luggage “Yes it’s check, I’m excited to start this new project “Me too, Why don’t we go somewhere and talk” Nina said they left the hotel.

Drew was watching them wondering what was going on,”Do you think it’s Nina”I ask her she say no “I hope you figure it out “Thanks,Are you alright “Not really, Skye was here , Her daughter Lila Rae may of been sex trafficking “No I hope they find her, I would like to meet my sister “Your not missing much, Skye and I had our share of problems but I won’t want this “Carly said 

At the airport- Skye and Felicia were about to go on the plane when Ava came by,”Skye Quartermaine “Yes”I’m Ava Jerome and I heard about what happened to your daughter I would like to you find your daughter “How did you know about my daughter “I’m a very connected woman’ Oh you’re in the mob “Yes”Why do you want to us help “Felicia said “Because I have a daughter I would want someone to help us, you both need Me “Alright why not, I just want my daughter “Skye said they went on the plane.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Olivia was at home thinking about what she wanted in life when Ned came in,”Ned, Did you find information on Lila Rae”We believe she is sex trafficking, Skye and Felicia went to find her”Why didn’t you go help Skye”Olivia ask “Skye didn’t want me to go”Ned said as Tracy came by,”Why are we talking about Skye”Skye is in town , Lila Rae is missing she went to Amsterdam for a trip with girlfriend and hasn’t been home, Skye believes she is Sex Trafficking “Ned said “No. I can’t stand Skye but I would never want this”Me too, I’m going to make some more calls “Ned said he left the room,

“I hope Skye finds Lila Rae she going to need a lot of help “Yes she is “Tracy said 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Revelation ch 12

 At The Police station- Anna office-Anna was in her office when Skye and Felicia came in,”Anna, Thanks for meeting us”You’re welcome, Felicia told me about Lila Rae I’m sorry about this”Thanks, I just wanted my daughter back and safe”Me too, I have called my contact in the WSB I’m just waiting for them to return my calls “Anna said as Robert came in,”Skye, it’s good to see you”You too,Robert “What’s going on”I believe my daughter is a victim of sex trafficking, Felicia and Anna are helping me find her”Skye said “No we will find Lila Rae “Robert said as Anna phone rang.”Anna Devane ,Yes Thank you for this information’Anna said she wrote it down and hang up the phone.”I have information on where Lila Rae is in Amsterdam, I believe you should take someone with you “I can do this on my own I know how to use a gun, I’m going to save my daughter “Skye said 

At The Cabin-The man was there going over his plans to take Sonny down as his cellphone rang.”What is going on with my daughter? What! How did this happen! He was upset and hang up the phone and made another call.”I need your help in saving my daughter “He said 

At The Metro Co- Jason was on the phone with Skye telling her about the information he had on where Lila Rae could be,”I do hope you find her”Jason said he hang up the phone.

Nina was working at the hotel when Drew came by.”Are you should your not trying to take over my company? Someone is buying a lot of stock in my company”No I have no interest in your company my company is about to be a hit “What company “Drew ask as a woman came in.

“Excuse me”Nina said she left as Carly came by.”You look upset “I’m someone is trying to take over my company, my legally to my daughter “Drew said 

Revelation ch 11

 At The Metro Co- Olivia was working when Ned came in.”You look happy “You are looking at the new CEO of ELQ! Valentin step down and I got my job back “Ned said “I’m happy for you”Thank you it goes back to the family where it’s should be”Yes”Olivia said as Carly and Michael came in,”How did Sonny bail here go”Not good for him , Sonny has to stay in jail “No”I think maybe it was a good thing‘Carly said as Felicia came by,”Felicia, Do you want a table “Yes I’m meeting someone here”Felicia said “Who”Ned ask “Me”Skye said as she came in,”Skye, Your back”Ned said “Ned it’s good to finally see you instead of talking on the phone “Skye said “You both talk on the phone “Olivia ask “Yes, I’m CEO  Chandler enterprise,’Skye said “How did you get that job”Carly ask “I don’t have time for this, I need to find my daughter that’s why I’m here, Felicia let’s go talk “Skye said “Skye, What’s going on? You our family “Ned said “She not an Quartermaine “ Carly said “ You have no say in what happened in our family “Ned said and left with Felicia and Skye,

“Michael, How did your ELQ meeting go” Valentin sold his share of ELQ to Ned who is now the CEO,” Michael said “Are you alright “Yes I was over my head in it” I wonder what is going on with Skye and Lila Rae,” Carly said 

Skye was talking to Felicia and Ned about Lila Rae.”Lila Rae went on a trip with friends from her school to Amsterdam and Lila Rae hasn’t been back and she didn’t answer her cellphone which isn’t like her I’m worrying about my daughter “Skye said “What did they do in Amsterdam “I’m not sure it was right neither the school “Bobbie passed away in Amsterdam and was working on a secret mission in saving women that were sex trafficking “No! Do you think that’s what happened to Lila Rae? Skye ask “It could be , We will find her”Felicia said “Yes you can use any of our sources “Ned said We could have Anna help us”Felicia said “We have a lot to do”Skye said as they got up from the table as Jason came in and went by Carly.

Skye went by Jason and Carly.”Jason you’re alive”Yes”I wish AJ was alive too”Me too”I may need your help too, my daughter Lila Rae was in Amsterdam with friends and I haven’t heard from her since, Felicia was telling me about what Bobbie was doing in Amsterdam, which I’m not surprised I just hope my daughter isn’t being sex trafficking “Skye said “Me too, I hope you find Lila Rae”Carly said “Me too, I will use my sources “I thought I was keeping Lila Rae safe raise her alone away from Lorenzo lifestyle, I should of never let her go on this trip‘Skye said “Skye it’s not your fault “Carly said “We should go and work on this”Felicia said 

Carly was feeling a little emotional if Lila Rae was sex trafficking.”Carly,Are you alright “I just hope Skye fine Lila Rae no matter what I feel towards her I don’t want this to happen “I know “After finding out that’s what my mother did I thought about keeping her legacy going “It’s dangerous “I know but that never stops me before “Carly said 

Revelation ch 10

 At Crimson-Nina office- Nina was working when her cellphone rang.”Nina Reev e, Yes I understand that”Ava said she hang up the phone and left the office.

At Deception office-Maxie and Brooklyn were working.”I have an idea about an older woman campaign for make up “Wow! That will be a hit “Yes I have an idea of who can be the model “Who”She live in Pine Valley and is coming but there is a condition “What’s that”She want to be half partner in our company but I believe this will help business “Who is she”Brooklyn ask Maxie whispering it to her,’Yes! We have to get her ! Brooklyn said 

At The Courthouse-Sonny bail hearing- Carly and Jason were waiting for Sonny,”Jason,I have decided no matter what happened in here Sonny isn’t going to have custody of Donna “I understand but I think something off here”I just have to protect my daughter “Yes”Jason said as Sam and Alexis and Molly came in and Diane and Robert came in,”So you’re going to be his lawyer! He shot my daughter! I thought we were friends! Alexis yelled “Everyone deserves a good lawyer “Diane said “I have my license back and I will destroy you in court “Alexis said as the cop came in with Sonny and he walk by Diane as the judge came in and everyone stood.”Is everyone ready “Yes sir “Mr.Corinthors how do you plead “Not guilty “The state is required no bail and asset frozen “The court agreed.Mr.Corinthors you are being charged with manslaughter your own daughter “The judge said “It was an accident your honor’I know what kind of man Mr. Corinthors is his been in my court before, I will see you again soon in my court “The judge said he dismissed the case for now. Sonny was about to go back to his cell as Nina came in and walk by him,”Sonny I’m sorry this happened “Me too”What happened “I don’t know’

Robert went by Alexis.” Alexis I’m glad you’re a lawyer again, I’m sorry about Kristina “Thanks you I want to work with you “I would love that “Thanks you”

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Revelation ch 9

 At London-Skye was on the phone.”Lila Rae, Please call me back, I’m worried about you , I need to go out of town for awhile “Skye said she hang up the phone and made another phone call.”Hello, I’m Skye Quartermaine, I was just wondering if Lila Rae and Denise are back from Amsterdam? Denise is, Have you seen Lila Rae? Skye ask she was worrying about Lila Rae and not should want to do and worry about her daughter.

At A house- The mysterious man was talking to Ava and Valentin.”So Ned got ELQ back I now can investors in this organization “I believe when I get what I want you both will be trusted to work with me”what is your plan? It looks like Sonny will probably go to jail “Ava ask “Yes and I will take over his organization “I look you up, I know who you are”I’m not surprised , I know who you are ,A Jerome you ran the business for awhile your not a pushover “No either are you, We could work will together “Yes we could “

At General Hospital-Molly was looking at the babies she was missing her baby when Sam came by,” I hate that my baby is gone, I don’t think TJ and I can make it” I’m sorry “ I should of just concentrate on my career like I wanted in the beginning “Molly said as Alexis came by,”Mom, Where did you go? Sam ask “ To see Sonny , his bail hearing is today’Yes, Robert is going to be the DA on that case”I have some good news in all this, I got my license back “That’s good “ Yes I’m going to make sure Sonny pays”Alexis said as Portia and Elizabeth came by,”How is Kristina surgery “She did good, She had a bullet in her heart we had to remove, she needs to rest now I suggest you go home and come back tomorrow “Alright “

Revelation ch 8

 At The Police station- Sonny was in his cell having a panic attack when Alexis came by.”Alexis, How is Kristina “ Having another surgery, She lost Molly baby she was carrying I hope you stay in jail forever “Alexis said “I never wanted this to happen “Tell me what happened that day”I was in the warehouse holding my gun I wanted to kill Dex”And Kristina got in the way “Yes’I hope you die in jail! You are poison to your children “Alexis said as her cellphone rang she pick it up.”Alexis Davis, Yes! Thanks you will not regret it”Alexis said she hang up the phone.”I will make sure you stay in jail! Alexis said and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was having some coffee when there was a knock on the doors she went to open it was Valentin.” Valentin, Why are you here ? “I called an ELQ meeting “Valentin said as Lucy and Michael came to the door and they went inside where Ned was waiting for them.”What is the emergency meeting “I have decided to sell back my share of ELQ”To whom”Tracy ask “To Ned”Valentin said “What! Why Ned”Michael ask “Why Ned! My son is more an Quartermaine then you! You only use your power of this family to get what you want! Your last name is still Corinthos! You were not raise a Quartermaine And you’re not a great CEO! When you were running it you last it! Tracy yelled “Mother “Ned said “Tracy right I did lose ELQ on my watch, I disappointed this family and I’m sorry “Michael said “You just need more experience “Ned said “Ned, Can we go over the details “Yes”Ned said they left,

At Carly’s -Carly was at home playing with Donna when there was a knock on the door she went to open it was Alexis,’ Alexis,Why are you here? Should you be with Kristina! I will be there soon she in surgery I just got my law license back and I want to help you keep your daughter safe since I couldn’t save mine”Congrats, You were always right about him , I’m sorry that this happened I have been thinking of wanting to keep Donna from Sonny no matter what happened today “We both we’re wrong about him, I should go”I hope Kristina surgery goes good, ‘Me too”

Revelation ch 7

 At General Hospital -Kristina room-Kristina was in bed resting and Alexis was by her bed sleeping in a chair when Kristina's heart ventilation when off and Alexis woke up as Portia and Elizabeth came in to check on Kristina,”What happened! Alexis yelled “Alexis you should wait outside “Portia said Alexis went outside and put her head on the wall as Sam and Molly came by,”Mom,How is Kristina “Molly ask “I don’t know her heart ventilator went off! Molly I’m sorry about the baby”Alexis said “I wish the baby was here I wish this never happened “Me too”We all wish this didn’t happen “Sam said as Portia came by.”We got Kristina stable enough for surgery, she needs more surgery on her heart “When will you do the surgery “Now”Will it help my sister “Yes”Do whatever you have to do to save my daughter “I will “Portia said she left.”I should go to court today is Sonny's bail hearing “Alexis said 

At Carly’s-Carly and Michael were talking about Kristina shooting.”I can’t believe Sonny shot Kristina “Me too, I wonder if his off his medication “What are you going to do about Donna”I’m going to fight for custody no matter what happened in court today, Sonny shot his own daughter and this time I won’t stand by him”Carly said 

At the warehouse it was taped with police tape around it when Jason came in to look around it to try to find evidence on what happened when Anna came by.”You should not be here, this is evidence in a criminal and I can arrest you for it”I just think something off ! Sonny would never shot his own daughter “He wanted to shot Dex”, Jason you have to let me do my own job I don’t want to arrest you for it”Anna said Jason left.

Revelation ch 6

 At General Hospital Alexis was in the hallway worrying about her daughter when Ned came by.”Alexis, I’m sorry about Kristina, I will get you anything you need “Ned said Alexis touch Ned face,”I should of kept you as Kristina father I wish Sonny never found about her”Alexis said”We can’t change it’Ned said as Carly and Josslyn came by.”Alexis, I’m sorry”Don’t! I try to keep Kristina from Sonny when she was a little girl you just had to make sure Sonny was in her life! You have her blood on your hand too! Josslyn why are you here! You and Kristina haven’t been getting along “No we haven’t And I’m sorry I never wanted this” Me either “

Portia and Finn came by,” How is Kristina” Ned ask ‘We have her stable for now, Kristina lost a lot of blood, “Portia said as TJ and Molly came by,” What about our baby that Kristina was carrying “Molly ask as Sam and Blaze came by.”Molly I’m sorry the baby didn’t make it”No’Molly said “I’m sorry “Alexis said “Alexis you can see her but try not to upset Kristina “Portia said as Jason came by.”You are responsible for my daughter getting shot too! If either of you help Sonny out of this I will come after you both ! I almost have my law license back! Alexis yelled and went to see Kristina.

Carly and Jason went to talk.”Did you see the warehouse “I try to but cops are all around it, This isn’t good “Jason said “The FBI have always wanted to get Sonny now they may have by him shooting his own daughter’Yes” What about you’Dont worry about me”Jason said 

Kristina room- Kristina was in her room on the bed sleeping and a ventilator was on her as Alexis came in,” My baby girl I can’t lose you”Alexis said as she touched her hair.”I will make him pay I don’t care that his your father it’s time to stop him”

Molly and TJ were in the hallway crying over the baby as Sam came by.”Molly I’m sorry “I should of know this would happen “Molly said 

Outside- John was about to come in the hospital when his cellphone rang.”Why are you calling! Yes I understand the situation,I will protect you, I just wanted Sonny gone”Johh said 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Revelation ch 5

 At The Police Station -Sonny had arrived in with Anna he was handcuffed when Alexis came running it she was upset.”No! You shot our daughter didn’t you! I just came to see what happened and I just got my answer! You bastard you shot our daughter! You promised to keep her safe! I regret let you in her life! I will make sure you go to jail for this! Alexis yelled as Molly came by.”Mom,Why are you here! Why are you yelling “You’re sister Kristina is in the hospital fighting for her life because her own father shot her! Are you going to say anything? Alexis yelled and aDiane came by,’ If you defend him for shooting my daughter Kristina we are no longer friends “Alexis I didn’t know that happened I just came to see my client “Diane said  “ Mom, Let’s go to the hospital “Molly said “I hope Kristina make it” Diane said Alexis and Molly left.

At A cabin-Ava and Valentin came in.”I’m finally going to meet Pikman”Yes he here”Valentin said as a man came in wearing Italian suits.’”So you’re him, Now what do I get in helping you bring down Sonny”Besides full custody of your daughter what do you want “I would also like to know about you, Why are you coming after Sonny “ He try to have me killed this is my revenge “Alright so do I get your name “Not now’

At General Hospital-Sam was in the hospital waiting on new about Kristina when Molly and Alexis came by.”I haven’t heard anything yet, Mom where did you go”To see Sonny he shot Kristina! He did this! Alexis yelled “Kristina is going to be alright and the baby”Molly said as TJ came by.”TJ.Do you know anything about Kristina “No, I don’t “She has to be alright “Molly said 

At The Police station- Anna was upset about Kristina shooting when John came in.”Anna, What happened “Sonny was trying to shot Dex and ended up shooting his own daughter, Sonny has bipolar and I think his off his medication, I think you finally have him”I wanted Sonny but not like this, I didn’t want anyone innocent to get hurt “I know you didn’t “

Revelation ch 4,

 At Crimson-Nina was working when Drew came in.”Why are you here”I want to know if you’re trying to steal my company”Drew ask “If I wanted to steal Aurora you would know about it, I’m a very wealthy woman “Nina said as she got up .”Yes you are but I also know you want crimson for yourself “I could just take it or make a whole new magazine, I’m not a helpless woman like Carly, now I have work to do,Why don’t you go figure out who is taking your company “Nina yelled Drew left.

At Sonny Warehouse -Sonny was holding the gun and his hand was bleeding and Dex was trying to save Kristina who was bleeding on the floor as Anna and the paramedics came in.”What happened! Anna yelled “It was an accident “Sonny said “Why are you here”Anna ask Dex,”Sonny ask me to meet him here And Kristina came in”You were going to shot Dex and you accidentally shot your own daughter! You have the right to remain silent “Anna yelled as the paramedics took Kristina to the hospital.

At General Hospital- Finn and Chase were talking to Elizabeth Alexis and Brooklyn.”Thank for being here for us”Yes we appreciated the support “Of course we will support you both ,Your father was a good friend to me”Alexis said as the paramedics came by and Elizabeth saw them and went by.”What do we have here”A pregnant woman who was shot at the Corinthos warehouses “The Paramedics said as Alexis heard it.”No! Alexis yelled and went by Kristina.”No! Kristina “Alexis yelled “Alexis let the doctor look at her, do you want me to call the girls “Just save my baby “Alexis said Elizabeth took Kristina to a room.”Alexis “Finn I need to go to the police station and find out what happened’Alexis said 

On the Docks-Dex was walking by as Josslyn and Carly were there and Josslyn saw the blood on Dex hands.”Dex! What happened! Is this your blood “No it’s Kristina, Sonny try to shot me and she ended up getting shot “No! Carly yelled “No we been fighting but I don’t want this’Josslyn said 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Revelation ch 3

 At Crimson-Nina was in her office working answering emails and fixing the magazine from when Carly ran it for a day when her cellphone rang.”Nina Reeves,Yes I was expecting you to call me “Nina said as she talked to her.

At Sonny Warehouse- Sonny was at his warehouse feeling unhinged and seeing people who were not there and picking up his gun.

At Elizabeth- -Jake was at home doing homework when there was a knock on the door it was Jason.”Mom is at work “I just wanted to see you , I thought we could caught up”I don’t want too, I never need you when I was little, Lucky is the father who found me”I’m always grateful that Lucky found you”Me too”I understand your upset about me being away I’m too”But you cannot tell me anything “No I can’t “Jason said 

At Sonny warehouse-Sonny was feeling unhinged and holding a gun when Dex came in.”Dex, you betrayed me! I heard you are a cop now! You’re going to try to bring me down! No one bring me down! Sonny yelled “Sonny give me the gun, I don’t want any trouble’You should have never team up with my ex wife and son ! Sonny yelled as they fight over the gun and Kristina walk in and was shot at.”No! Kristina! Sonny yelled 

Outside of the warehouse- Ava and Valentin were watching.”No! This wasn’t part of the plan “Ava said “No it wasn’t, We should go”Valentin said they went into the limousine and left.

Revelation ch 2

 At Carly's -Carly And Jason were talking about what has happened in her life since he been gone.”How did you lose the hotel “I invested money in Aura and I committed insider trading and lost it”I can get it back for you”No I love you for it but I want to do that on my own”Alright, I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you lose the hotel and Bobbie “Losing my mother hurt worse “Yes it would “I can rebuild a hotel I can never get my mother back “

At Aura-Drew was at work when the phone rang.”Drew Cain, No what happened! Drew yelled he slammed the phone down and left,

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy and Ned were alone talking.”When we get ELQ back we need to get Drew and Michael out of the company “I agreed they both are not business enough for it”No, Aura is losing money since Drew came back “I want you back as CEO “Tracy said as Ned phoned rang it was Brooklyn.”Brooklyn.Whats going on”Ned ask he hang up the phone.”Gregory is dead”No”Tracy said 

At Carly’s-Carly and Jason were talking.”So what’s next”I want to get back to work and my son’s life”Danny and Jake need you”Carly said as there was a knock on the door it was Drew.”Drew,Why are you here “I need to ask you,Have you heard from Jax”No why”Someone has brought share of Aura, I was just wondering if you know if it was Jax”No”Jason, I heard you were back it’s good to see you”You too,Last time I was alive you were dead I’m sure that Monica is glad you’re home “Not as much as she is that you’re alive you should see her”I will “I hope you figure out who is taking your share of the company that effects Michael too “Yes it does”

Revelation ch 1

 Valentin was at home on the phone.”So that is the next plan”Valentin said he wasn’t happy about it and ended the call.

At Ava/Sonny-Ava was helping Avery get dressed for school when her cellphone rang.”Ava, Yes I understand that”Ava said she hang up the phone.”Avery lets go”Ava said they left the house.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Michael and Tracy were talking about ELQ.”We have to get ELQ back away from Valentin! I will not let anyone who isn’t a Quartermaine run it! Tracy yelled “Mother stop stressing about it we will get it back “Ned said “We better “Yes we will “When we do get it back we need to make some changes said 

At General Hospital- Chase Brooklyn and Alexis were waiting on news about Gregory when Finn and Elizabeth came by,” Chase, I’m sorry our father is gone” No” His not in pain anymore “No”

At Valentin- Valentin was at home preparing for a plan of his to do when there was a knock on the door it was Ava and Avery,”Why is Avery here”I need someone to watch her while we do our plan”I guess Charlotte could “Yes”Soon this will be all over “Yes and we will get what we want”Ava said as Charlotte came into the room.”Charlotte I need you to watch Avery for awhile “What’s going on”Just stay here and don’t let anyone inside “Alright “Keep your phone with you”Valentin said 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

What Lies Beyond ch 63

 At General, Hospital Skye went into the hallway and saw Lorenzo with Juliette and was wondering who she was as Skye came by,” Lorenzo, Who is this “Skye asked “I’m Juliette” Gabriella's biological mother “Yes I just came to see what I can do I don’t want to take Gabriella from you both I just don’t want her to die” Do you want to meet her” I met her once at a fashion show, Gabriella has a future in fashion “If she gets one” Skye said “We wouldn’t let her die” No we won’t, Juliette is going to donate her kidney “That’s good “Yes” Lorenzo let’s go see Gabriella “Skye said she wasn’t sure about Juliette as they went into Gabriella room and Juliette look at them and was a little jealous about it as Robin came by,” We need to run some test to see if you’re a match “Yes ‘Juliette said and left with Robin.

Gabriella room-Gabriella was awake when Skye Lorenzo and Lila Rae were in the room.”Gabriella we found a new kidney for you “Lorenzo said “You did? Who”It’s anonymous donor”Skye said as Gabriella was feeling tired.”Why don’t we go and let you rest “Skye said as they left the room,

Juliette was in the hallway and left the hospital.

At The Cassadine Empire-Nikolas and Spencer were in the office .”We just stole ELQ”Great, They should of never mess with us”No they should not”

Monica was driving in her car when she didn’t see another vehicle and crashed into it.

At General Hospital- Skye was feeling emotional meeting Gabriella biological mother as Gabriella was in her room and the ventilator went off as Robin and Portia ran into her room and try to revive her.

Skye and Lorenzo ran by the room as Portia and Robin came by them.”Gabriella “Skye said as Lila Rae and Aj and Ned and Tracy came by,”I’m sorry she gone”Robin said “No! Skye yelled “No! Lorenzo yelled 

Monica and Juliette came in with the paramedics and Robin went by Monica.”Mom! We can’t lose you too”AJ said “I’m sorry they both are gone”Robin said 

What Lies Beyond ch 62

 At General Hospital- Skye Lorenzo and Lila Rae were waiting on news about Gabriella when Robin and Portia came by,” Dr.Robinson, Dr.Scorpio how is my daughter “Skye asked “Our daughter “Yes, Gabriella is going into kidney failure she needs a kidney soon as possible I put her on top of the list and she on more medication “Portia said as Monica came by,” Are we going to lose our daughter “Skye ask “We will do our best to keep Gabriella stable we don’t want to lose her either the eating disorder also played a part on Gabriella body “Portia said “You can see her” Robin said “Thanks, Lorenzo you stay here you upset my daughter enough’Skye said “Find, I’ll give Gabriella some space “Lorenzo said as he saw a woman in the hallway as Skye and Lila Rae went into Gabriella room.

Lorenzo walk by the woman and grabbed her arms .”We need to talk I know who you are “Lorenzo said as they went into a room.”Lorenzo it’s been awhile “Juliette,Why are you here? I don’t want you neither my daughter “She mine! Anyway I don’t want Gabriella but I don’t want her to die either, I’m just here to give her my kidney then I’ll leave town and go back to London “You will do that all without saying a word to Gabriella “I just have to see her”No you don’t! You will follow my advice or deal with me”Lorenzo said 

At Gabriella room-Gabriella was in bed resting when Skye and Lila Rae came in.”We have to save your sister “We will mother “

Lorenzo went into the hallway with Juliette.”Portia, This is Juliette she is going to donor her kidney to Gabriella she will match she is Gabriella biological mother “Do you want to donate “Yes I do”This is good we can start the transport tomorrow “Thanks”

What Lies Beyond ch 61

 At The Park-Robin was walking when she ran into Elizabeth who was pushing the twins in a stroller.”Robin”Elizabeth, How are the twins “Good, We just had lunch with my parents trying to fix our relationship “I hope you do, I just had lunch with my daughter and your son Jake, You know they are dating “Yes I think they are cute together “Me too, Jake reminds me of Jason before the accident “Yes,” Elizabeth said “Well I need to get to the hospital “Robin said she left.

At a car repair shop it was abandoned when Jake came in and took the for sale sign off the wall.”I think this is it”Jake said to himself.

At General Hospital- Skye and Lorenzo and Lila Rae were waiting for news about Gabriella who was being looked at by Portia when Robin came in.”Robin, Can you look at our daughter ? Gabriella had her first kidney dialysis today and she passed out at home “Yes I’ll go see what I can find out “Robin said she left,”If Gabriella never found out about her being adopted then she would focus on her recovery, I wish I just know the truth Skye said “I never wanted her to find out”Of course you don’t! You were never going to tell me! Now I find out you brought her! Just like I was stole to the highest bidder! Gabriella is going through the same process I did”Skye said “Yes hopefully she wouldn’t fall in all your foot steps like drinking “Lorenzo said Skye slap Lorenzo.”Can you both stop! All that matters is getting Gabriella better’Lila Rae said “Yes you’re right “Yes”

A woman was watching them fight in the hallway.

Gabriella room- Portia was looking at Gabriella when Robin came in.”Dr.Robinson, Do you need any assistance? “Patient is going in to kidney failure we just add her to the top of the donor list and have put her on more medication to stabilize her”Your heading in the right direction’Yes I hope so,Gabriella isn’t doing well but she always puts a lot of pressure on her body before this with a eating disorder “Yes that affects your health “Yes it does “Robin said as Gabriella was waking up a little.”What happened “You passed out, You’re family brought you here “What is going on”You need a new kidney as soon as possible, put you on more medicine, you need to rest “That’s hard to rest, I got into a fight with my father before I came here”You need to remind calm, I’ll go get your parents ‘My adopted parents “Gabriella said “Gabriella they love you “Portia said as she left the room with Robin.

What lies beyond ch 60

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Gabriella wake up from her nap and went downstairs to have some tea she didn’t look good or feel good at all as Lorenzo came in carrying a bag of food.”Gabriella, I have some lunch for you, How was dialysis “Great! I can’t wait to do it again! Gabriella yelled “Gabriella “I’m just frustrated I been shot in the head and now I need a new kidney! I found out my father kidnapped me when I was a baby and my biological mother doesn’t want anything to do with me!  My life is great! Gabriella yelled  “I understand your frustration, We will get you a new kidney, I know you’re upset about how you came in my life but I’m glad I did it, I have no regrets “How did you know that my biological mother didn’t want me, What if she changed her mind “Gabriella ask “I talk to Juliette about you in the hospital that night I told her I would take care of you “Lorenzo said as Skye and Lila Rae came in.”Did you pay her for me? Gabriella ask Lorenzo just looked at her.”I take it as a yes, You brought me! Gabriella yelled as she cried and Lila Rae comforted her sister.”Gabriella I did what I had to do “Lorenzo, Let’s go talk “Skye said 

Lorenzo and Skye went into the foyer and Skye closed the door.”You brought Gabriella! Skye yelled “Yes”Lorenzo said Skye touch her face.”How much? Does it matter! I don’t regret it”I don’t regret having Gabriella in our life either I’m glad you give her to us”Me too,Gabriella is angry’We have a lot going on these past few months “Yes we have “Skye said 

Lila Rae and Gabriella were sitting on the couch drinking tea when Gabriella put the tea cup down and failed as Skye and Lorenzo came in,”Gabriella! Skye yelled as Monica came in and look at Gabriella,”We need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible “


What Lies Beyond ch 59

 At ELQ-Lila Rae was working in her office making calls and emails that Skye ask her to do when Spencer came into the office.”Lila Rae, You’re working here”Yes, Why are you here”I’m here to see your mother we have a meeting “Oh she not here yet, So it’s just you and my mother in the meeting “No my father on his way, So I thought you were in the music business “Yes I just need to help my family right now “Yes, I’m sure you know why I’m here”Yes I do”You may not wanted to work here now”

Skye’s office- Skye walked into her office to find Nikolas at her desk sitting at her chair.”Why are you here”Because we need to talk I know that you were trying to take over my business “Nikolas said as he got up and walk by Skye.”I didn’t try I did”Oh you may have my empire for now but I will get it back “How? Skye ask “You will just have to wait, Skye you are a smart and beautiful woman, Lorenzo was stupid to lose you, We could have some fun together “Nikolas said as he touch Skye cheeks.”Oh Nikolas you are younger then me and were in love with my sister “Yes I was”Nikolas said as Jr and Ned came in.”Why are you here “I was just telling Skye for now you have my family business but I will get it back, “Nikolas said as he left,” What was that about “Ned asked 

At Lila Rae office- Lila Rae and Spencer were talking.”So you are putting your dreams on hold to help your family “Spencer ask as he went by Lila Rae desk and looked at some mail as lila Rae turned away poured herself some coffee.”Believe what you may”Lila Rae said as Spencer put the mail in his pocket and walk by Lila Rae.”You know we should go out to dinner one night we have a lot in common “We probably do but aren’t you seeing someone “Yes,Trina but she away right now visiting her friend in London “Sounds fun.You should go”Lila Rae said “Yes it’s been fun”Spencer said and left as Skye came by,”Lila Rae, Why was Spencer here? He wanted to see you “Really! When I came in my office Nikolas was waiting for me they are upset about the facts that we have the Cassadine empire “Are you going to give it back “No way! In business you sometimes make enemies that’s just the way it is”Yes, How did Gabriella kidneys dialysis go”Alright she tired and hopefully sleep “Yes”We are going to get your sister a kidney “

What Lies Beyond ch 58

 At a cabin-Ava and Lorenzo were in bed together they had just had sex together.”Why do we keep doing this! Having sex just to destroy each other “Lorenzo ask as he got up. “Because we both want the same thing power in this town to be the only one “Ava said as she got up and put on her robe.”Yes, why don’t we become ally’s and help each other out “I like that idea “Good now we need to get down to business “Lorenzo said as his cellphone rang he pick it up it was the source from the police station.”What’s going on? Thanks you” Lorenzo said as he hung up the phone.

At General Hospital-Gabriella was having her kidneys dialysis reading a book it was taking a lot on her body and she was feeling tired as Skye came in with some water for her.”Gabriella , how are you doing? I have some water for you “Thanks I’m tired “I know baby”Skye said as Portia came by.”You are all set with dialysis “Thanks, it’s very tired “Yes it is”Portia said “Let’s get you home”Yes just take it easy “

At Robin- Robin and Emma were having lunch with Jake. Robin wanted to know about Jake,”So Jake what have you been doing “Lately I been helping Ayden at the restaurant fixing it up for him etc “That’s nice “Yes,I know I’m not successful as your daughter but I care about her “I know you do and I happy for both of you “Thanks “Emma said “You’re parents are good friends of mine”Yes I know “

At The Quartermaine mansion- Gabriella and Skye came home.”Gabriella do you want anything “Just to rest I’m tired “Alright, I may go to the office “That’s fine, Mother “Alright you call me if you need anything “Just a new kidney”Gabriella said and went upstairs.

What Lies Beyond ch 57

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella and Lila Rae were sitting on the couch having tea.”Gabriella do you have any questions about mother drinking “Lila Rae ask as Skye came in.”You can ask me about it, I’m sorry I let you down and drank it’s just been a lot going on lately, I’m sorry “I didn’t know you drank” I know baby, I had a slip yesterday and I’m sorry, I’m going to back on track, I’m going to a meeting today “That’s good “Yes, Do you have any questions “No” No” Alright, Gabriella are you ready for kidney dialysis “Yes” Good, Grab some magazines we should go soon” I have my bag all ready “Good, Lila Rae will you go to the office for a while and make some calls” Skye ask “Yes, who do you want me to call “Lila Rae ask Skye give her a list,” I’ll take care of it mother “Thank, let’s go” Skye said 

At Jr/Brooklyn - Jr was in the den it had flowers all around it as Brooklyn came in and Jr got on his knees and pull out a ring.”Brooklyn, Will you marry me”Yes! Brooklyn said Jr put the ring on her finger and got up and kiss her.”I can’t wait to marry you”You either “

At Jeff- Jeff and Carolyn were having breakfast together with Elizabeth and the twins.”How are the twins doing “Perfect,I love taking care of them but I have been missing work ‘You a wonderful nurse “Thanks I do love my job”Yes,I’m glad we move back here to work on our relationship “Me too “

At General Hospital-AA meeting- Skye was in the meeting.”I haven’t had a drink in years and yesterday was the first time I had a slip I have a lot going on right now in my life, my daughter Kim who I give up at birth is in jail for shooting my another daughter and dangerous patients here and my another daughter Gabriella I found out she not my biological daughter and is need of a new kidney, I’m worried I will lose my daughter I can’t “Skye said as she cried.

What lies beyond ch 56

 At The Quartermaine manison-Skye woke up in bed and had a headache from drinking and put her hands on her head.”No, I drink”Skye said to herself as Tracy came in with a tray of coffee on it.”Skye, I have some coffee for you, I thought you may need it”Tracy said as she sit on the bed and give Skye the coffee cup.”I had a slip last night for the first time in a long time”Yes you did, The girls are worried about you”No my babies “Skye said as she touch her face.”Yes, I suggest you go talk to them after you clean up”I will I need to go to a meeting too”Yes, Skye I know you have a lot going on right now but you can talk to me”I know”Skye said “I’ll let you get dressed “Tracy said as she got up and left the room.

Gabriella was in the den trying to figure out what pills to take now when Elizabeth came in pushing the twins in a stroller.”Aunt Elizabeth, Can you help me figure out what pills I need to take “Yes”Elizabeth said she sit down by Gabriella on the couch.”How are the twins “They are perfect, Gabriella take this two pills now after you eat in the morning “Thanks I need to organize the pills”Yes I can help you,”I have my first kidney dialysis today “Do you have any questions about it”No I look it up online it doesn’t hurt “No it doesn’t bring some books to read”Thanks “You’re welcome, I’m going to see my parents “Elizabeth said as she got up and push the twins out.

Skye was in her room all dressed for the day and looked at herself in the mirror as AJ knocked on the door and Skye open it as he came in.”Skye, Do you need to talk “I’m going to talk to my girls then go to a meeting awhile Gabriella at kidney dialysis “Good I hate that you drink”Me too with everything going on,I found out information about Gabriella biological mother she doesn’t want to met Gabriella, she was convinced through rape just like my Kim “I’m sorry I wish this never came out “You know about it”Yes, I try to keep it from you and Gabriella to protect you”I know you did, I love you for that “Yes I did I would do anything for you and the girls “Same here”Skye said as they share a hug,

What Lies Beyond ch 55

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella was shocked by AJ and Lila Rae news,”So mother is an alcoholic “Yes, I wanted to protect you”Lila Rae said as she took her sister hands.”You have since I was a baby but now I’m a big girl and I can handle the truth “It’s been ages since mother had a drink”I was scared this would happen “Because mother learned the truth about me, that I’m not her biological daughter you think that push her “Yes and what happened with Kim”AJ said as Tracy and Cecil came in,”Why are you both talking about and looking worried “Tracy ask “Skye started drinking again “No, I need to be there for my daughter “Tracy said “Me too, We both have to help her”Cecil said “Yes”Tracy said as Gabriella was feeling tired and sit down.”Gabriella, Did you have dinner “No Grandmother no not yet” You should have something and take your medicine, “Tracy said “I will” Let’s go check on Skye,” Cecil said Tracy and Cecil went upstairs.

At Ava cabin house-Ava was in the house hiding out sitting on the couch reading a magazine as there was a knock on the door she got up and grabbed her gun.”Ava, it’s Lorenzo open up “Lorenzo said Ava open the door as she was holding her guns.”Why are you here”I was going to ask you the same thing I find it interesting that the day my daughter was hit by a car you came up here! Did you hit my daughter with your car! Lorenzo yelled “No, I came up here to rest and be away from you! I still want to be the only mob boss in town”Ava said “I thought you wanted us to work together “I try but now I want the power to myself “Ava said 

At Laura’s hotel- Nina and Sasha were having dinner together “I’m glad you’re back and we are working at crimson together “Me too, I know you would like work at it like I do”Nina said “Yes I do”Any man in your life “Nina ask “No, What about you”Sasha ask “No but I’m ready for love”Nina said “Maybe we both will find it”Sasha said 

What lies beyond ch 54

 At The Quartermaine mansion -Gabriella was worried about Skye she had never seen her mother like this before and picked up her cell phone to call Lorenzo.

At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was talking to his men.”I found Ava, you will never believe what she is up too”Tell me”Lorenzo said as his cellphone rang and he saw on the id it was Gabriella.”Gabriella,What’s is it? I’m sure your mother has her family to take care of her”Lorenzo said he hang up the phone.”Now what were you going to tell me”Lorenzo ask. He wanted to rescue Skye but he know it was time to let her go.

At Laura’s hotel- Lila Rae and Adam Jr were having dinner together when Jr and Brooklyn came in.”What is going on with my son and Lila Rae? Isn’t she gay”She like both “Oh”Jr said “Why don’t we go and say hi”Brooklyn ask as they went by the table.”Adam, Lila Rae what’s going on”We are just finishing up dinner “Yes I should go home and check on my sister “ Gabriella was resting before I left”Brooklyn said “Good, Adam I had a nice time “Me too, Why don’t I walk you home “I have my car here”Lila Rae said “Alright, can I call you”Yes”Lila Rae said she left.”Adam,What’s going on? Jr ask “First of all she is my cousin”Yes I do, She beautiful and we had a nice conversation “I just don’t want you to get hurt “I’m a grown man father “Yes you’re right “Jr said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Gabriella wasn’t sure what to do with her mother when Lila Rae came in,”Lila Rae, Your home, good something is going on with mother’What do you mean “She upstairs resting and I was having an hard time walking “Gabriella said “No,That means “Lila Rae said as Aj came in.”Yes, You’re mother been drinking “AJ said 

What Lies Beyond ch 53

 At The Quartermaine, mansion-Skye was upset about the fact that Gabriella's biological mother didn’t want to know her and that they learned Gabriella was convinced through rape she went by the bar and poured herself a drink.

Maya and Tommy came into the foyer.”I had fun talking to you today’Me too,Maya it may be a lot of work but we can reopen your great grandmother center “I think we can too”Maya said as Skye came in drunk.”Maya, Tommy you both look cute together, Maya his a great catch, a doctor unlike me who falls for bad mob bosses”Skye said she almost fell over and Maya caught her.”Tommy, I’m sorry “It’s alright I should go”Tommy said and left,”Skye, Why are you drunk! Why did you ruin your year of sober “Maya ask “Because I still love him! I still love Lorenzo no matter how much I try not too! Skye yelled as AJ came by.”Skye,You broke your sober”Yes I did, I have a lot going on! My daughter Kim is in jail for trying to kill everyone in this town and my another daughter isn’t my biological daughter! I thought she was! Skye yelled as Elizabeth came in,”Skye! Be quiet my twins are sleeping “Hold your children close to you “Let’s get you to bed “AJ said “I’ll help you “Maya said 

Lila Rae was walking when she ran into Adam Jr.”We haven’t been formally introduced I’m Adam Chandler Jr”I’m Lila Rae Alcazar “Yes you’re Skye daughter “Yes “Do you want to get something to eat”Sure why not”Lila Rae ask 

At The Quartermaine mansion- AJ and Maya were helping Skye to bed as Gabriella came in she never saw her mother drunk.”Mother “Gabriella said as Skye was having a hard time walking.”Gabriella I love you baby girl “What is going on”Nothing your mother just needs to rest”Alright I go”Gabriella said she left the room .”Skye his not worth it”AJ said “Yes he is”Skye said 

What Lies beyond ch 52

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella went to rest in her room and dropped the photo without knowing it as she left the room and Skye saw it and pick it up she know right away who that was left.

At a old house- Maya and Tommy were walking by it,”The old Bradley Ward house”Yes it was an orphanage it was very popular till someone set it on fire I remember everyone being upset about it”Tommy said “Do you know who did it”Yes it was an old mob boss Damian smith “Why did you bring me here? I saw it last time I was in town”Because I think it’s time we bring it back to the town it could be something else then an orphanage “Tommy said “I Love that idea, But I don’t have the funds for it”I’m sure we could find it, This whole town adore your grandmother “Yes they did, Maybe we could bring it back “Maya said 

At Lorenzo- Lorenzo was at home drinking when Skye came in.”Skye, Why are you here”We need to talk about our daughter, Why was Gabriella at the store “I don’t know I went there because she maxed out her credit card I almost yelled at her, I can tell our relationship has changed “I feel the same way, Gabriella yelled at Tracy earlier saying she isn’t a Quartermaine so why should she care about her and I saw Gabriella looking at something she clam it was a photo of an fashion dress but it isn’t, Gabriella look up her biological mother “Skye said she show Lorenzo the picture.”We are losing our daughter I can feel it”Skye said “Lorenzo I have some information about Gabriella biological mother “Tea said as she came in the room.”What information do you have “Skye ask “Skye, I didn’t know you were here”I ask Tea to get information on Juliette in case we need her for a kidney “Well she not going to give us one, Juliette want us to leave her alone she doesn’t want anything to do with Gabriella she didn’t even care that you kidnapped her’It wasn’t kidnapping “Lorenzo,She doesn’t care about Gabriella could be dying “No”What about Gabriella biological father “That’s complicated one, Gabriella was convinced through rape that’s why Juliette doesn’t want her “No”Skye said as she cried a little.”Yes, I’m sorry I wasn’t much help”So what do we do! What if none of us are a match for Gabriella kidney”Skye ask “We will get Gabriella a kidney we will not lose her”Lorenzo said “I hope not, Lorenzo you saved her when she was a baby now we have to save her again “Skye said Lorenzo touch Skye shoulder.”We will save her, I still love you Skye we could be a family again‘Lorenzo said “No we can’t, I need to go get Gabriella her favorite tea “Skye said as she left.

What Lies Beyond ch 51

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Gabriella was in the living room drinking tea and she pull out a picture from her purse it was her biological mother and she looked at it. She wanted to know her and if she loved her and wanted her.

Tracy was in the foyer worried about Gabriella as Skye came into the house.”Skye, I’m glad you’re home”What’s wrong? Is it Gabriella “Yes it’s not her health, She angry about not being your biological daughter. She snapped at me saying that I shouldn’t not care about her”No, I need to talk to her, I understand why she angry I been there”Yes you have “Did Gabriella at least rest”I don’t think so, Lorenzo brought her home “Thanks “Skye said she went into the living room and saw Gabriella sitting on the couch looking at something.”Gabriella “Skye said Gabriella saw Skye and What put the picture away.”Gabriella, What is going on? What were you looking at? A picture of some clothes that are all” I heard you got upset with Tracy” I’m sorry about that” It’s alright I understand your anger and have questions about all this and I understand that I have been through it but you also need to focus on yourself and your health “Yes I do, I do have an confection to tell you “What’s that” I went to my store to order some clothes I can’t just stand around “No you can’t, Gabriella I love you, I loved raising you “I love you to Mother “Gabriella said 

At Laura’s-Maya was eating her food when Tommy came by.”May I join you”Sure”Maya said as Tommy sit down.”So are you enjoying being back home”Yes I’m this town had changed since I been here “How old were you when you left? “I was six years old, my mother got a job at a different hotel “So your mother is a doctor too “Yes she was a pediatrician, she raised me alone awhile my father was in Africa being a doctor there” I was too raised by a single mother “Do you have any siblings “Yes a sister Zoe”Nice, You know your great grandmother was a legend in this town’Did you met her “Yes I did she was a very generous woman “I wish I could of met her”Maya said as Brooklyn came by and saw them talking and smiled.”Come with me, I have something to show you “Tommy said 

Monica and Lucy and Carolyn and Naomi came in.”Now we are almost done with the charity event for the hospital “Yes it will be in two weeks and black and white ball”Hopefully no more drama “Yes hopefully we just need to financially the hospital we are troubled if we don’t raise anymore money I don’t want to close it,“We can’t let that happen “No”

What Lies Beyond ch 50

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy and Brooklyn were talking about her future.”Maybe I’ll do something in fashion like makeup I know my way around a makeup business “You will do better then Lucy”Tracy said as Gabriella came in.”Sorry to interrupt, I just want to have some tea then I’ll rest”It’s alright how are you doing’Why do you care, You’re not my grandmother, I’m not a Quartermaine so why do you care about my health “Gabriella yelled “Gabriella, I don’t care that you’re not a Quartermaine biological you are a true Quartermaine you love your family and will do anything for them that’s a true Quartermaine,We love you and we will help you get an new kidney “Tracy said “Yes we will, You will not die “Tracy said “Gabriella we love you, I understand your anger about it but sometimes love is all that makes a family “Brooklyn said “Thank for the support and love”We will get you a new kidney “Tracy said  as she hug Gabriella.”Thank I’m sorry I was upset it’s just been a lot of emotional lately “You been through a lot”Yes you have but you will come out of it stronger “

At Laura’s-Maya was walking in the lobby when Skye came by,” Maya, How are you! It’s been a while “I’m alright I been working a lot”Yes, Do you have time for some coffee “Sure”Maya said they went into the dining room and sit down.”Skye, How are you doing with the fact about Gabriella “I’m angry that my daughter died and I didn’t know about it, But I love being Gabriella mother I can’t imagine not being her mother even though it was wrong, Lorenzo didn’t legally adopt her he stole her”Skye said as she cried.”Do you think the woman know about Gabriella? All I know is she in the fashion business I’m sure Gabriella met her”Maybe “How is working at the hospital? “I’m enjoying it, I like my colleagues “Any particular one”Skye ask as Tommy came by the table and look at Maya,”Oh Maya his cute and a doctor “Yes Tommy is smart I like working with him”Maya I know you been scared of love but you need to open your heart being alone isn’t fun’Skye said “Maybe you’re right “It was nice chatting up I need to go home, I’ll see you there”Skye said and left.

At Tea-Tea was at home looking at documents when her cellphone rang.”Tea, Yes I been trying to get a hold of you “Tea said 

What lies beyond ch 49

 At Gabriella’s closets -Gabriella was sitting on her desk thinking about her biological mother and trying to contact her she felt emotional as Charlotte came by.”Did you order those clothes “Yes I did”I’m surprised we could afford it, The sales haven’t been that good around here to afford that many clothes “I know I may of maxed out my own credit card but I don’t care “Gabriella said “Really! You don’t care about spending my money “Lorenzo said as he came in,”Daddy,Why are you here “Why are you here! Gabriella yelled “Because you spent your trust funds the card company call me about it”I just had to order some clothes for the store that’s all”To use your personal money”It’s just money”I guess let’s go home you need to rest”I will not let this kidney take over my life”I know but you been through a lot “Yes I have some is your fault! Gabriella yelled as she got up and didn’t feel well.”Let’s get you home “Lorenzo said he didn’t want to fight in front of Charlotte.”Charlotte call me if you need me “I will” Gabriella and Lorenzo left.

At ELQ-Skye was enjoying showing Lila Rae around.”Why don’t I show you what deal we are working on? It’s a deal that will make us millions but we will also destroy a family in town”Mother “Business cannot be personal you have to just take deals that you want, you have to be ruthless “Skye said as Ned came in,”Yes you do, So Lila Rae you are coming to work here”Yes I need to do something besides my music “I was just going to tell Lila Rae about our deal, going after the Cassadine empire “Yes it’s almost done “Ned said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy was in the living room with Brooklyn.”Now that you’re taking a break from music what are you going to do”I don’t know I was thinking of starting my own business “Like what “I haven’t thought that far”Whatever you want it will be amazing “Tracy said 

Lorenzo and Gabriella came into the foyer.”Daddy, I’m home you can go”You should rest”I will “I understand your upset with me but you can’t push me away I’ll always be there for you I’m your father you stood by me when no one did. I love you I don’t regret you in my life “Lorenzo said he kiss Gabriella on the cheek and left.

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 At Lorenzo-Lorenzo was on his phone.”Do you know where she is! Well you better find her or it’s your life! Lorenzo yelled he hang up the phone and throw a glass as Tea came in.”Lorenzo,Why are you so upset “Tea ask as she looked at him.”I don’t know maybe because my family is falling apart! Carly had to tell Gabriella in front of the whole town about her paternity and Gabriella was hit by a car now she needs a new kidney! Lorenzo yelled “Yes it’s been a long going on,is that why you call me”I wanted to know if you contact Gabriella biological mother “Lorenzo ask “I try but I couldn’t get a hold of her just her assistant who told me to go away “Tea said “We may need her for a kidney “I have a feeling this women doesn’t care about Gabriella because it will hurt her career “I don’t care! I will not let Gabriella die! Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo I understand your concern but you need to clam down, You could be arrested in London for taking Gabriella we both know you didn’t do it legally “I don’t care, it was worth it, When I saw Gabriella in the hospital nursing all alone I know I had to have her”I understand but you can’t just take a baby “Tea said 

At Gabriella's store-Gabriella was sitting at her desk looking at the computer screen on information she found about her birthday mother Juliette she couldn’t get over how she looked like her and that they had met before as Charlotte came by.”Gabriella “This is my biological mother I have met her before in fashion show, I remember commenting about her eyes she has the same color as I do,Green eyes I always wondered where I got them from, Daddy clams it was from a long distance relative he was lying it’s from her’Do you want to reach out to her”I don’t want to tell her through email that I’m her daughter, I’ll order some more clothes from her line that maybe she come here “Maybe “Charlotte said Gabriella pull her credit card and order some clothes.

At Lorenzo- Tea and Lorenzo were talking.”I know what I did was wrong but I was trying to spare Skye any pain of losing that baby and then I found out about Gabriella who had no one it was meant to be, I have no regrets taking Gabriella I would of even if our baby didn’t die”Lorenzo said “I will try to fix this for you “Thanks you “You helped me with Dex, You raise my son”We our family “Yes”Tea said as Lorenzo phone rang,”Lorenzo Alcazar, Yes I will approve it”Lorenzo said he hang up the phone.”Gabriella should be resting but she at her shop over clothes on her credit card she just maxed out “Didn’t you tell Gabriella not to do that before “Yes but when it comes to spending money she doesn’t listen, her love of fashion come from her biological mother “Lorenzo I been thinking maybe they knows each other maybe they met without knowing how they are connected “Tea said “Maybe, I’m going to get Gabriella she needs to rest”Just don’t get too upset “Tea said 

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 At ELQ-Skye was showing Lila Rae around the office.”I’m glad that you want to work here, I want to pass this business down to either you or your sister or both “I want to learn the business you are a great businesswomen “Yes I’m, I learned from the best Adam Chandler “Skye said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Gabriella got up from her nap and went downstairs carrying her iPad and sat down on the cou ch and googled the name of her biological mother.”No”Gabriella said she was shocked about it and picked up her iPad and left.

Elizabeth and Ayden came into the living room.”Ayden,Thank you for the food it was really delicious “You’re welcome, I just wanted to take care of you “You have”I should get back to the restaurant “Ayden are you happy “Yes I’m “Ayden said he smiled and left the room.

At General Hospital-Emma was in the lab working on lab work when Robin came in,”Emma,What are you working on”I have some information from a colleague in London about a disease that may come here soon”No. This isn’t good “Robin said “No we need to stop it “Emma said 

At Gabriella’s closet -Charlotte was working when Gabriella came into the room,”Gabriella, Are you supposed to be resting “Yes but I think I found my biological mother and we sell her clothes here “She a fashion designer “Yes it make sense that my biological mother is a fashion designer, I wonder if she really give me up or did Daddy just steal me! My father just take what he wants to be dame about anyone else “Do you want to know her”Yes we have her contact number in the office, I love my mother but I’m curious about her”You have a right to know her”Yes I do, I don’t want to hurt my parents but I need to know the truth “

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 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Lorenzo we’re having lunch with the girls as they knowing Gabriella was getting tired from the visit.”Lila Rae, Are you going to quit music “No,but I need a plan b just in case’Your sister is right about that, Lila Rae you will like ELQ I need someone to past it down”Skye said “Yes I know”Lila Rae said “I should go”Lorenzo said “No”Gabriella said as she yawned.”Gabriella you need to rest, I’ll be back later “Lorenzo said he kiss Gabriella on the forehead,”You’re father right, I’ll walk you out”Skye said as Lorenzo and Skye left the room.”Gabriella, Are you alright “No, I don’t know how I feel about Daddy he lied to me” Yes he did, but you are my sister, “Lila Rae said as her cellphone rang she got up to get it.

Skye and Lorenzo were in the foyer and the door was open as Gabriella walk by the door to listen to them.”Lorenzo, I want the truth you do have information on Gabriella biological mother “Yes I do, she in fashion her name is Juliette she  never wanted Gabriella “Did she legally give up Gabriella “No, but I will not let anyone take her away not even a kidney, I will find our daughter one”I do believe you will, as much as I should not support this I’m glad Gabriella is ours”Skye said “Me too, I’ll be back later “Lorenzo said he left the house and Skye went back in the room to find Gabriella at the bar.”Where is your sister “On the phone “Oh,Gabriella let’s get you upstairs “Skye said 

At The Nursing room-Aj was watching the twins sleeping.”Ian and Lyra I love you so much,I will promise you will have a great childhood “AJ said as Ayden came in with bags of food,”AJ, Where is my mother? I have some food for her”Elizabeth is resting now, Thanks Ayden”You’re welcome, I’m glad you make my mother happy “Thanks, What about you? I know you just got the restaurants but you need more then that”I know and you’re right “Ayden said 

At Gabriella-Gabriella was in her room sitting on the bed and looked at picture of her with Skye and Lorenzo And Lila Rae,”I don’t look like either of you, I should of know “Gabriella said as she put the photo down and lay in bed thinking about her biological mother.

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 At Lucas-Lucas was on the phone.”Carly, I wish you would pick up the phone you need to come home this isn’t going to end good we both know that”Lucas said 

At Olivia restaurant- Ayden was working on the reopening of his restaurant when Lulu came in,”Ayden, this looks great “Thanks the reopening will be soon”Yes I’m here to help you”Good we have everything set so far just the decorations “I can handle it”Lulu said “Alright, I want to make some food for my mother “Go ahead “Lulu said 

At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye and Lorenzo were coming in with Gabriella who was all scar up from the accident.”Why don’t we go sit down? I’ll have the cook make you something “Skye said they went into the living room,”Gabriella do you remember who hit you “No I don’t, just like I told the police commissioner I don’t remember that part just about my paternity that I’m not your biological daughter “Gabriella you our are daughter no matter what “I want to know the truth, Did my biological parents give up their rights “Yes”Lorenzo lied “Do you know there name “No,Gabriella you need to focus on your recovery, we will get you a new kidney, we love you no matter what “Lorenzo said “You’re father is right now we should go over your medicine “Skye said as she sit down on the couch and Gabriella sit by her and Skye pull out the bag of pills it was about ten bottles of pills.”That’s a lot of pills “Yes it is, I’ll put it in a Day container for you”Skye said as Lila Rae came in.”Lila Rae, I’m  glad you’re here”Gabriella said “Yes me too” I’m glad Gabriella all right “Lila Rae said  “We all are” I have some news I have a lot of time from my music I was thinking of working at ELQ” Really” Yes” I would love it” Thanks”

Elizabeth and AJ came in with the twins.”Ian and Lyra welcome home “AJ said “Two innocent babies they are so cute, I have been trying to get designs clothes for them but I haven’t found it yet “I think they will be alright without them but thanks you we are glad you’re alright “Me too”We should get the twins to bed “AJ said