Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 10

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 10”
Cynthia was walking when she ran into Millie. They didn’t get along; it went way back. “Cynthia “Millie I heard you're open a business with Jacqueline,She can’t trust you”Actually it didn’t work out “Good for Jacqueline “Cynthia left..

At Jacqueline office-Jacqueline was setting up her office when Cynthia came into the office.”Jacqueline, I ran into Millie what happened between the both of you”I decided to run this company on my own , I’m bringing back my father company “Oh Jacqueline” “You we’re one of the top actress here,Would you come back “Maybe”“Let Me know”“I will”Cynthia had Secret about Robert ”Thanks for the first time I believe in myself that I can do this”It’s Nice to see the old Jacqueline “Thanks, I got lost in myself take care of the children “Jacqueline phone rang. “Jacqueline Rockefeller,I will take care of it”Jacqueline hang up the phone.”What is it”My daughter’s are not in school “I hope everything okay “Thanks me too”

At Plan Parenthood-Celeste and Poppy we’re their,”You can’t go though with this without our parents permission “Poppy “Celeste,Don’t do this I know you’re scared but still don’t “

At Jacqueline/Alistair-Jacqueline came home.”Poppy,Celeste! Jacqueline went into Celeste room and went through it as Alistair came into the room,”Jacqueline,What are you doing here “Both our daughter’s are not in school Something is going on”Jacqueline “Jacqueline saw a pregnant test in the garage and pick it up.”No! One of our daughter’s is pregnant “No! “I have an idea of where they are”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 9

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 9”
At Jacqueline/Alistair-Celeste and Poppy we’re downstairs.”Celeste,How long will you keep this secret “Poppy not now”I’m just worrying about you”As Jacqueline came by.”What are you both up to”Nothing Mother we sure go”It’s early for school,Have some breakfast “We have an test today “Celeste took her sister hands and they left as Alistair came into the room.”Our daughter our up to something “I’m sure it’s nothing,Jacqueline you always look for trouble “Maybe, I did marry into it”You keep complaining about our marriage I want to make Love last night and you push me away “Can we talk about this later? I need to meet Millie “Yes”Jacqueline left.

At Isabella-Isabella was having breakfast with her mother she always intimidated her.”Mother,Have you thought about how long you're staying “Isabella,I’m old and I need someone to help take care of me ,If you want you're inheritance then you will let me stay “If not”Then you will be kick out of the will”Isabella smirked at her mother.

At at office space-Jacqueline was in it looking around when Millie came into the room.”So what are we going to do”I been thinking of reopening my father’s company production company “Really “What do you think of it”I like it,I don’t know much about it”I do I remember going to work with my Daddy he was a smart businessman and it’s Time I remember where I came from a Fairbanks “Jacqueline smile for the first time she was happy.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 8

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 8”
At Jacqueline/Alistair -Jacqueline And Alistair were getting ready for bed,”We were a great team tonight “When it come to our children we have always been on the same page “Yes,Alistair you’re right,I haven’t been happy so I’m going to open my own business with Millie “Whatever you want to do I will support it”Yes, I sure go to bed”Do you want to make love “No Thanks “Jacqueline walk by Alistair and went into the bathroom.

At Elena/James-Elena and James we’re having dinner,”Jacqueline came by today she told me you wouldn’t help her “No lawyer will go after Alistair his a powerful man that no one will cross “Yes”How was your charity today”Good,We raises a lot of money for the Hospital “Good”

At Millie/Benjamin-Millie and Benjamin we’re having drinks together,”Jacqueline and I our going into business “Doing What”We haven’t figured that out “Well just watch you're back when it come to the Rockefeller “I will “

At Jacqueline/Alistair-Jacqueline when to check on her daughters. “Celeste,How are you”Good Mother “Do you need anything “No mother “Well,Goodnight my darling daughter “Jacqueline left and went to check on her younger daughter but she was sleeping.Jaqueline went back into her room and Alistair was in bed sleeping and Jacqueline felt a slight of relief

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power , The Passion Part 1 Ch 7

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 7”
At Sandra/Ronald-Sandra and Emma were having some wine together. “Emma,What’s going on”I think my husband is having an affair “Emma, Michael love you he wouldn’t cheat on you”We been so stressed trying get pregnant it’s been hard on our marriage “I’m sure it had been ,Our you going to keep trying “I’m not sure it’s been so disappointment “If you can’t get pregnant you can always adopt “Maybe,How’s the art gallery “Good we our hosting another fundraiser for the Hospital “Nice ,I’ll donate “Thanks “Ronald came into the room.”I brought some dinner,Emma do you want to stay “No I sure be going,Sandra thanks for listening “Emma left,”What’s going on “Emma thinks Michael is having an affair “Wow”He better not”

At Katherine/Winston-Katherine was looking over legal documents for a case when Winston came into the room holding a bag,”I brought us some food”Thanks my wonderful husband “Katherine Kiss Winston. “Do you really have to work “No I can take a break”

At Emma/Michael-Michael was on the phone when Emma came in and he hang up the phone. “Michael,We need to talk, You been on the phone sneak around and I just have to ask our you having an affair “No, Emma I’m not”Our you upset that the fertility drug not working “No it’s not that it’s been business that’s all”Do you want to keep use the fertility drug”I want a child but I know it’s been hard on you,We can always adopt “Thanks “I love you Emma “They share a kiss.

At Jacqueline/Alistair-Celeste was in her room on the phone . “I miss you”She hang up as Poppy came into the room.”So when our you going to tell our parents ‘Never,How about that “Celeste you have to tell them that you’re pregnant “Daddy going to kill me”No just him”Yeah “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power , The Passion Part 1 ch 6

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 6”
At Jacqueline/Alistair-Jacqueline was fixed the vase with flowers in it when Alistair came into the room.”We need to talk,Jacqueline I don’t understand why you want a divorce you’re not unhappy here you’re just bored if you want something to do then I will support you”Alistair it’s not just that you don’t love me ,I wasn’t the woman you want to married “We can’t change the past.We our stuck together till death do us part my darling “Alistair Kiss Jacqueline passionately and Jacqueline was in shock by it as they pull apart.”The Children sure be down for dinner “Yes”Celeste and Poppy and Alistair Jr came into the room.”Is everything okay “Yes, Let’s have dinner “They sit down.”My beautiful daughters how was you're day “Good Daddy “Hopefully you’re grade our good “Yes they are”Good you’re both our smart girls “Thanks Daddy “Father,We need to talk”If it’s about the business we don’t talk about it here “It’s okay Alistair “I want to open my own company ‘About what”A Technicality company ,Father I need to be on my own “Alistair was upset and left the room.”It’s okay, I’ll go talk to him”Jacqueline left the room.

Alistair was in his home office when Jacqueline came into the room.”Alistair, I know you’re upset about our son but he wants to be on his own we have to support him”Who will take over the company when it’s time for me to step down “Maybe one of our daughters “Jacqueline “Alistair,We made a promise to be different then our parents “You’re right,I’ll try “Alistair Jr came into the room.”Alistair,I will support you're company I just want to pass my company to you”I know Father and I enjoy working with you”Do you need any funds for it” Yes “We will Give you funds”Thanks “You’re going to be successful “Thanks Mother “Yes you will our family the Rockfellere our a successful family “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 5

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 5”
At The Lexington-Amanda was at home having a drink when Calliope came into the room.”I’m sorry about our fight I just want you to be successful “I know and I will figure out my life “You better soon, I will not keep on supporting you”You can’t cut me off”Yes I can”Amanda took another drink when Matthew came by,”What’s going on “Mother,is going to cut me off”You're Mother not going to cut anyone off”Calliope left the room.”Matthew,Why can't you support me”Not when it comes to this”My  daughter is wasting her life “

At Emma/Michael-Emma and Michael were having dinner.”How was you're day “Alright, The Hotel is doing well”Good”Yes”I heard from Sandra today she having a party at the art gallery today “Oh Nice “Yeah”

At Alistair/Jacqueline-Jacqueline was at home when Her younger daughter Poppy came into the room.”Poppy,How was school “It was good “Good,Poppy Don’t Changed for anyone “I wouldn’t “Good “As AJ came into the room.”Mother,Can we talk”Sure “Poppy went upstairs,”What is it”I don’t want to work at the empire anymore I want to open my own company,I’m just not sure how to tell Father “I will help you ,I want my children to be happy “Thanks Mother “Aj left. Jacqueline took a picture of her family off the shelf.”I love my children and will do anything to keep them happy not unhappy like me “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power , The Passion Part 1 ch 4

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 4”
At Alistair office-Alistair was at work he was a smart businessman and very successful and Restless when it came to power when Alistair Jr came into the room. “Son,Did you get the deal we need “Yes Father “Good, Maybe one day you will run this company after all”Father “We don’t have time to talk,I need to go to another meeting “Alistair left, Alistair Jr want to tell his father he didn’t want to run the company anymore he want to be on his own.

At The Country club-Cynthia was having a meeting when Jacqueline came by. “Jacqueline “She sit down.”Cynthia,Thanks for seeing me”You’re Welcome,What do you want”I just want to see my friend that’s all”Really? Jacqueline What’s going on”I’m thinking about opening my own business “That’s wonderful,You our a smart woman “Thanks,I need something in my life my children don’t need me anymore “They are just grown “Yes”What’s the business “I haven’t figured out all the details but I’m thinking of working with Millie Buchanan “Really? Millie Buchanan you cannot trust her”Oh Cynthia you need to stop the feud you have with Millie “ she started it “

At Isabella-Isabella was making the house perfect when Sophia and Gabrielle came into the room.”Mother,Why our you so work up? When is Grandmother coming over “The doorbells rang.”Today “Really! Yes” Isabella open the door.”Hello Mother,You Remember my girls “Yes by different fathers “Mother”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 3

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 3”
At Elena/James-Elena was on her away out when Jacqueline came by,”Elena , I need to talk to you “About what “You’re husband,I want to get a divorce and Alistair stop James from being my lawyer “I’m sorry but I don’t interfere with my husband business “Of course you don’t “Jacqueline , I’m sorry about you're marriage, I was on my way out to the tea”Yes I know”Jacqueline,If you want to talk “I just feel lost the children our gone, Now what “You can reinvent yourself,Jacqueline you’re smart “Yes I’m “

At Isabella - Isabella and Gabrielle and Sophia were having bunch together.”Mother,What are you up to”I’m not I just want my children here “We know you better then that”Alright, You're grandmother is coming to town”No,For how long “I’m not sure,I know my mother can be a handful but she got getting younger “No,so that’s what this is about “Yes I want you both to behave “We will try”Good “

At The Country club-Elena and Jacqueline and Amelia ,Millie were at a charity having tea and raising money when Jacqueline had a idea and went by Millie,”Millie, We need to talk I have an business proposal for you”Really,What is it”I think we should go into business together “I’m ready for some kind of change “Me too “What we’re you thinking “Fashion Or we could raise money for charity we both our good at it”Yes we our”

Amelia went to make a toast, “I want to thank everyone for the fundraiser we have raise a lot of money to open a woman centered “Amelia step down,”Thanks Madam mayor “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 2

“The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 2”
At James Huntington office-James was working he was a wonderful lawyer he always won his case their wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for a case just to win when his phone rang.”James Huntington,Yes I will take care of it”James hang up the phone as Jacqueline came into the office.”Jacqueline,What can I do for you”I need a lawyer,I want to divorce my husband “Jacqueline, I’m sure you and Alistair are just going through something you will get passed it “Alistair talk to you ! Didn’t he! “His  a powerful man,No lawyer will go after him,Maybe find a new hobby “Jacqueline was upset and left.

At Alistair office-Alistair was on the phone.``Thanks you for understanding my wife is just going through something that’s all”Alistair hung up the phone as Jacqueline came into the room and was upset. “You bastard! Jacqueline slap him.”I’m  powerful you know why you married me, I don’t know why you want a divorce but you’re not going to get it! “Alistair,You’re not happy either “No but if we divorce it could cost us our money and I’m not going to let that happen “Alistair “Jacqueline , go do something with you're life, I’ll support Whatever you want just not a divorce “Jacqueline was upset and left.

At Isabella-Isabella was getting the place ready she was having her daughters over for bunch when they both came inside the room.”Sophia,Gabrielle,come in and make yourself at home “Mother,What’s going on”Nothing, I just want my children here “Isabella left the room,”She up to something “Yes she is”Gabrielle and Sophia were wonder what was going on with their mother.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

The Power, The Passion Part 1 Ch 1

“The Power, The Passion ch 1”
At Jacqueline/Alistair's-Jacqueline was at home looking at a picture of her and Alistair on their wedding day everyone would think they were a happy family but they were not happy at all.Alistair came into the room.”Jacqueline,Are you okay”Not Really “Jacqueline look at Alistair. “I want a real marriage,I want us to be close and make love”We slept in the same room,We our close “Alistair “We both agree to this kind of marriage,We have three wonderful children and all the money we need “Yes it’s wonderful “Jacqueline was upset and left the room..Alistair pour himself a drink.

At Lexington Home-Amanda was having breakfast with her brother Matthew and daughter Calliope.”Calliope,Have you decide on going back to school “No I don’t want to go back to school,I’m going to open my own business “But you could be a great lawyer like me”Mother,We been over this a million times I don’t want to be a lawyer like you”Calliope left. “Amanda,You’re pushing her like mother did to you”I just want the best for Calliope “I know but don’t push to hard “

At The Herrington Hotel-Emma was working when Jacqueline came into the room and sit by the bar.”I would like something strong “Emma pour a drink and give it to Jacqueline.”Thanks,Here to divorce “Jacqueline pick up her glass,”You’re divorcing Alistair “Yes I’m ,I want my freedom back and my independent “Here to that,Jacqueline we go back and I know you still love Alistair , I remember the way you dating the way you look at him,Sometimes we get lost in everything ,Remember the good time “Jacqueline was thinking about what Emma said,

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 12

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 12”
At Alexis-Alexis and Julian we’re in bed together.”I’m so glad we are back together “Me too,I miss you”I miss you too ,We make sense to be together “Yes we do “They got up from the bed and got dressed and went downstairs and sit down on the couch as Kristina came into the room.”Mom,What’s going on”Julian and I are back together “Wow! Are you sure “Yes,Kristina this is what I want “Alright,I support you decide “Thanks “I’ll make you're mother happy “I hope so”Kristina left.

At a mansion-A man was there with his wife and children.”It’s so good to be back home where we belong,We will get the Barrington back on top”You’re going to run the company just like you're grandfather “Yes I’m “He also break laws”Yes and I’m going to do it too”Good,That’s why I married you”Yes I know Marcy “Harrison Jr try to kiss his wife but she pulls back.”I’m not really yet “Alright ,I hope this can be a new start for us too”Maybe “

At a park-Kristina was sitting down on the bench she was worrying about her mother when a woman came by.”Are you okay “I don’t know you”I don’t know you either,I’m new in town”She sit down.”I’m Kristina Quartermaine,”I’m Katherine Barrington everyone calls me Kitty “Nice,I heard of you're family “Yes The Barrington used to live here,They did business with you're family “I’m sure “Would you like to show me around town “Sure why not! Kristina and Katherine left..

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 11

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 11”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Rae was looking at a picture of John she still loved him and was jealous of Monica with him as Skye came into the room,”Rae,Are you okay “Why didn’t you tell me that John was in town and dating Monica “I thought you were over him,I know it ending bad between you both but that’s all”Yes it was bad between John and I “Mother,Do you still love him”Yes”Oh no”I know”As Lila Rae came into the room.”Mother,Where Daddy? I have wonderful news “As Lorenzo came into the room,”What’s going on “Lila Rae has News”Yes! I got a job! A real journalist job”Where at “Now be open minded but Carly just bought a newspaper and hired me ,I know you’re past with her but I had nothing to do with it”Lila Rae,I will buy you a company of you're own”I don’t want to hand out I want to do this on my own ,Please Daddy “Alright,I will support this “Me too you look,happy “I’m ,Things are also getting serious with Spencer “You really like him”Yes”Alright ,He better make you happy “He will”As Nellie came into the room.”Nellie “I found a place to live,I’m moving in with my mother “Really “Yes I want to get to know her,Skye thanks for helping Daddy with me”You’re Welcome,I love you “I love you too ,Lorenzo I’m going to work on Forgive you “Thanks “

At General Hospital-Dr Munro came into the Hospital and went into Monica office.”Dr Quartermaine,Thanks for seeing me “You’re Welcome,So you want a job here “Yes”I have look at you're resume and you are just what this Hospital needs “Thanks “You’re Welcome “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Dillon were talking.”We have to help mother out of this “Dillon,I Don’t think we can help mother if we do then Lorenzo will go after her”Then we hide mother out of the states “Dillon”I’m not letting mother go to jail “I hate this too”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 10

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 10”
At Julian bar-Julian was at the bar when Alexis came into the bar and sit down,”Alexis,Are you okay “I’m trying not to still love you but I do”Oh Alexis,I still love you too but can you forgive me “Yes I can”Julian kiss Alexis,”I hate that I hurt you”I know you do”I do have a confession to make ,You have to keep it a secret “What’s that”Julian Lean toward Alexis.”I’m in the business with Lorenzo “Oh Julian “I can't not be in it”Alright,I still love you and want you ,I have been lonely without you”Me too”

At Edward/Lila-Lila Rae was looking at the wanted ads when Spencer came by,”Lila Rae,What are you doing ‘I’m just looking at jobs I want to get a job as a writer “As Carly came by,”Lila Rae,Did you say you want to write “Yes,I have my degree in journalism “Really “What is it”I’m buying the old newspaper and I need staff “You want me to work with you? “Our family history “Yes I know but you have nothing to do with it,You we’re not borne then”I will take it! Let me tell my parents “Sure “Let’s go”Lila Rae was so happy they left as Felicia and Tess came into the room to have dinner.

Felicia and Tess table-Felicia and Tess we’re talking.”Are you like Port Charles “Yes I’m, But I need a job “What did you do”I was a journalist “Really “Yes “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 9

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 9”
At The Old Newspapers building-Carly was their looking around as Bobbie came by.”Carly,What is this”The old newspaper building that is closed,What do you think of me buying it”What do you know about newspapers “I can  learn I need this”Alright,I will support you,Now you just need staff “Yes I do,I need a new project “I’m happy for you”Thanks “,I will try to get along with Scotty I know he makes you happy “Yes he does”

At Alexis-Alexis was at home when there was a knock on the door it was Ric. “Ric,What do you want “I need to tell you something before you heard it from someone else “What”I’m married “To whom”Brenda “Really? You and Brenda? Do you love her or is it about revenge on Sonny “I just want to tell you”Ric,I always hope you would let you're vengeance on Sonny go,You’re smarter then him and now you’re alive his not “Yes I know”Were you behind it”No ,I wasn’t in town “Ric left..

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo came home with their son.”Why don’t you go take a nap”Mommy,I just slept for a long time “You need to take it easy ,Why don’t you go watch a movie “Yes I’ll go with you”Skye left with her son as Ric came into the room.”We need to talk about our next plans “We have done everything !Sonny gone and you're married to Brenda and living in his house,Julian and I have his business “Yes but what about Carly “Carly a mess without Sonny and Jason she lose too,I’m done with it”You better not say anything about how I help you”I will not”Good “Ric left..

Xavier was sleeping and Skye was watching him. “I will not lose you son”As Lorenzo came into the room.”No ,We will not,Tomorrow Tracy will pay”Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 7

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 7”On the Dock-Olivia was thinking about Ned and the Twins holding the songrame in her hand as Skye came by,”Olivia “Skye,I’m glad I ran into you,I didn’t know that Ned was covered for Tracy,I left him and I’m not sure if I’m taking him back when the Twins are borne”You’re having twins too’Yes”Olivia I know you wouldn’t support that,You and Ned have a Son together “Yes,Skye I know Ned didn’t want to cover for Tracy he just wants his mother loved “I get that too,I want Tracy to pay “I understand that,I’m glad that Xavier is up”Me too,I need to go see my son”Skye  left.

At The Police Station -Tracy was in her cell when Lorenzo came by. “You have a choice to make Tracy “What’s that”Jail time or you're life you mess with the wrong family! “Lorenzo! It was an accident “You hate Skye and wanted our son dead! “No I didn’t “You better hope you stay in Jail “Lorenzo left.Tracy was scared about Lorenzo..

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and John we’re having breakfast together as Rae came into the room.”Rae,Why are you here”I thought we could talk”John Sykes this is Rae Cummings,Skye Mother “We know each other “You do! “Yes we dated , Went I lived in Llanview”Yes,It’s good to see you “You too “Monica was jealous.”So what do you want Rae”I want to throw Skye’ a baby shower,We need something good “You’re right we do,You can have it here”Thanks I’m glad you and Skye have a relationship “Me too,Are you Moving here”Yes “Rae it was good to see you”You too”Rae left. “so why didn’t you and Rae work”You Don’t have to be jealous “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 6

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 6”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Rae we’re having tea together.”I’m glad you’re back “Me too,Skye I know you want revenge on Tracy but you need to think about the children “I just want Tracy to pay for what she did”She will “As Nellie came into the room.”Nellie “You know Lorenzo will make sure of it” Yes,Nellie how are you? I know it was hard “Yes it was,Skye I’m not mad at you but I’m mad at Lorenzo for lying and use me to get revenge on Sonny”Lorenzo does love you”I know,I’m glad that Xavier is awake “Thanks “I’m going to look for a new house “Nellie left,”This will change their relationship “Yes”Let’s go check on my son”Skye and Rae left..

At a press conference-Ned was holding a press conference.”I love this town but I’m resigning as mayor of this town and I will back Laura Spencer as Mayor Of this town “Ned ended the press conference..

At Kelly’s-Bobbie and Scotty we’re having breakfast together. ``”We should go away for the weekend. “I love that “Good,Wherever you want to go”I will plan it and let you know”Bobbie kiss him as Carly came into the room,”Really! “Carly,We are dating you need to get use to us”His Just going to hurt you “Carly be nice to Scotty”I’ll try”I will see you later “Scotty left..”Is it get serious with you and Scotty “Yes,We are going out of town “Really! I’ll try “Carly,You need to move on and be happy “I’m going to try “Good “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 5

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 5”
“Carly’s bad Day”
At Edward/Lila Hotel-Ric and Brenda we’re having breakfast together when Carly came into the room and saw them. “Ric you’re in town too? Are you both dating “Actually we are married”What! “Yes oh we also brought Sonny old house,I can’t wait to redecorates it! “You both will never be happy! Carly left..

Olivia was having breakfast alone when Ned came by.”Ned”Olivia,I know you have a doctor appointment today and I want to go with you”I don’t know what will happen to us but I want you to be in the baby's life”Thanks “Ned and Olivia left..

In the lobby-Ava and AJ came in holding hands as Carly came by.”Just Great,So you are dating “Yes we are and happy ,Avery love AJ who knows Maybe AJ will be her new Daddy “Sonny her Daddy! “His dead and it’s my choice to decide what to do, you're not in Avery life anymore,Thanks God”How does it feel to lose! “You will not have it all! AJ you will destroy you're happiness like you always do! Carly left..Ava,I will not let hurt you “I know.We can’t let her get to us”No”

At General Hospital-Dr Nero was exam Olivia.”You’re babies are healthy “Did you say babies “Yes, you're having twins “That’s wonderful “Yes”Are they healthy “Yes,Do you want to know the sex”Yes”It’s one boy,One girl”Twins,I still can’t believe it”Me either “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 4

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 4”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo came into the room.”Lorenzo,I want to go to the Police station to make sure Tracy pay”You need slept,I will make sure Tracy pay “Alright ,I’m going to call the hospital and check on our son”Alright,Then bed”Skye went upstairs as Nellie came into the room.”Nellie,I’m glad you’re here”Me too,We need to talk ‘Nellie,I lied to keep you safe from him”Or did you just use me to get revenge on Sonny! I made it look like I slept with him”I didn’t tell you to sleep him Sonny I just want you to get revenge that’s all”You use the fact of who I’m to you're advantage “Nellie,I love you! “I’m going to find my own place it’s time “Nellie “Don’t stop me”Nellie went upstairs.

At Carly’s-Jax brought Carly home from the party.”I can’t believe that Nellie is Sonny daughter! It makes sense that Lorenzo use her for revenge on us! His own daughter! “Carly,Getting upset will not change anything besides Sonny died”Yes he is “You're still not over him”No I’m not,I’m sorry if you have feelings for me “Jax left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ was telling Monica about Tracy. “I can’t believe that Ned cover for her “Me either,I heard Olivia left him “Ned came by.”Ned! Was it worth it! To cover for you're mother! “I didn’t want to do it but I was worrying that Lorenzo would kill him”I understand that but a little boy could have died! “I know “

At Ric House-Ric was in his house as there was a knock out the door it was Brenda.”Brenda,Come in,I heard about the party”Yes I finally told the truth and meet my daughter,This house looks different “I redecorates it “Yes”Do you have you're belongings “Yes”Brenda kiss Ric.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 3

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 3”
At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was about to leave she had her bags when Skye and Lorenzo came into the room.”I know what you did! You bitch! You hit my son! “It was an accident “Skye slap her.”You’re going down for this! We will make sure you pay either way”I never want to hurt Xavier “You will pay “As Mac came into the room,”Tracy Quartermaine,We are here to arrest you for a hit and run of Xavier Alcazar “Mac arrested Tracy.”You will stay in jail as an old lady “Tracy left as Ned and Olivia came into the room.”You missed you're mother she been arrested! How dare you Ned cover for you're mother! My son could of died! Skye yelled “I’m sorry I didn’t know what to do,Tracy my mother “So you finally want to help you're mother who you can’t stand half the time! You pick a little boy over you're mother! “I didn’t want Xavier to die! I love him too,I had to resign from my re-election I was blackmail “Good! I’m glad! Olivia “I just found out last night, I wanted Ned to do the right thing “I know you did”Skye,Let’s go”I’m glad Xavier wake up”Skye and Lorenzo left.

Ned pour a drink.”I’m glad the truth is out “Yes,It’s not Over “What “I’m leaving you,I can’t believe you try to cover this up! What if this was our son or this baby I’m carrying! “I would do the same for you too,Olivia I love you,”It’s not about love”Olivia left..

At The Police station-Mac was question Tracy about the hit and run.”Tracy,We have evidence that you hit Xavier we have a camera from the store next door and we found a Part Of you car,When we fine you're car we will have a close case,So you sure just confess “Yes! I did it it was an accident I was reading a text and didn’t see Xavier he sure of never been in the streets “Were you drinking “No”Let’s Get you to a cell”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 Ch 2

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 2”
“Secrets “
At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was getting ready to leave when Ned and Olivia came into the room.”What’s going on “I’m leaving town”Do you know what this has cost me! Cover for you in the accident,Laura and Alexis blackmailed me to give up my re-election! You need to do the right thing and tell the cops that you hit Xavier “AJ was listening to them and left.

At The Dock-Nellie was thinking about what she learned tonight when Michael came by.”I thought you may need a friend “Yes I do,But are you sure “Yes,I know what you’re going through being upset that you’re family lie to you”I always wonder who my mother was but I was told she loved me and passed away “That’s all they told you”Yes”,So it looks like Sonny is my father''Wow ``”Yeah”Sonny did have his faults but he loved his children “Yes,I sure go home even though I’m upset with Lorenzo “Did you hear that Xavier wake up”No,That’s wonderful “Yes “

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo were talking to Rae.”So how long will you be here “Forever “Good” Yes”I’m just so happy that our son wakes up “Me too,Skye,Lorenzo I know who hit you're son”AJ said as he came by.”Who hit my son! “I overheard Ned and Olivia talk to Tracy at the house,It was Tracy “No! That bitch! I want her but in jail! “Skye ,Clam Down We will get justice for our son! “You better believe it,If Tracy doesn’t go to jail”I’ll deal with it”You better call now Tracy wants to leave town “Let’s go”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 1

“Toil and Trouble Part 3 ch 1”
“Family Secret “
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo came into the hallway As Dr Nero came by,”We heard our son awaken “Yes he is”How did this happen “Xavier just wake up On his own”Thank you”Their a woman in his room “Who”I don’t know if she say she was Family “Skye and Lorenzo went into their son's room,

Xavier room-Xavier was up as a woman was talking to him and Skye and Lorenzo came into the room.”Mother “Rae turn around.”Skye,Lorenzo I had to see my grandson “Of course,Xavier I’m glad you’re awake,We love you so much “What happened “You had an accident “But you're alright now”Yes”

At The Police station-Mac was working when Robert came into the room.”I found a piece of the car”Robert Give it to Mac it was it a plastic bag.”This will tell us the type of car”Yes”Have you heard from Anna”No”Duke alive “Really! That’s great for Anna”Yes”

At Anna/Duke-Anna and Duke we’re getting used to each other when there was a knock on the door it was Griffin.”Griffin”I want to get to know my parents “I would like that too “Thanks “Do you have a place to stay “Not yet”Stay here “Thanks “Duke came by. “Our Son home”Yes”

At Edward/Lila -Nellie birthday party was breaking up as Carly was confronting Brenda.”Who’s Nellie Father! “wouldn’t you love to know! I guess I can tell you,Nellie know who her father is now,It’s Sonny “What! “Yes! I had Sonny child! The only biological child you had with Sonny is gone”Carly was about to slap Brenda but Jax stop her.”Jax”Carly,Enough! Carly left.”Thanks Jax”I did it for Carly,So Nellie is Sonny daughter “Yes”Why did you let Lorenzo raise her “I wasn’t well”Are you okay”I’m now”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Monday, January 6, 2020

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 53

“Toil and Trouble Part 2”
“Secret “
At Edward/Lila Hotel-Nellie birthday party-Lila Rae was talking to Spencer.”Lila Rae,Are you okay “Yes it was wonderful “Yes it was”As Skye came by,”Lila Rae,What’s going on”I’ll let you talk,Skye I hope you’re son wakes up”Thanks “Spencer left,”You and Spencer look close “Yes we are”Lila Rae,Did you slept with him “Yes”Lila Rae was it you're choice “Yes”Did you use protection “Yes”I’m happy for you”Skye hugged her daughter.

Carly and Jax were talking.”Do you know who Nellie Father is”No,I beat It’s Luis “That would make sense “Yes,Are you happy to see Brenda “It’s Over between Brenda and I”

Outside-Nellie and Brenda were talking.”So you just let Lorenzo raise me”I know Lorenzo Brother we dated and when Lorenzo saw me in London pregnant at first he thought you were Luis daughter but even when I told him the truth he wanted to help me “Yes because of Sonny “Don’t let this ruin you're relationship with Lorenzo and Skye,Skye and I go back but she has been there for you she love you like her own daughter “Skye and Lorenzo came outside.”Nellie,We love you”Why didn’t you tell me! Why keep this from me! “it was to keep you safe “Nellie “I need some time”Nellie left,”You sure of not come back! Look what you did! “I want to know my daughter! Skye phone rang it was the Hospital.”That’s wonderful! Skye hang up the phone.”Lorenzo,Our Son is awake “Let’s go”As Ned came by,”Skye,Lorenzo we need to talk”Not now,Our Son awake”That’s wonderful “Skye and Lorenzo left.

“So Brenda Nellie is you're daughter “Yes”Why did Lorenzo and Skye raise her “I wasn’t well all through Nellie childhood “Who’s the father “Sonny “As Carly came by,”What did you say”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 51

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 51”
“Secret “
At Lila/Edward-Skye and Lorenzo came into the room.”Olivia,Thanks for helping “You're Welcome,How’s Xavier “The Same”The Quartermaine came into the party and Spencer.”Spencer,I’m glad you’re here “Thanks “As Carly and Jax came into the room.”Why are you here? This is Nellie birthday party “Yes we want to get along with Nellie she the mother of my grandson “Alright,Just Don’t ruin this party “I will not”How’s Xavier “The Same”If you need anything “Thanks “As Nellie came into the room. “Happy Birthday! A birthday party for me! “Yes”Wait,Their one more guest! As Brenda came into the party.”Who are you”I’m you're mother “What! My mother is dead! Daddy what’s going on”Lorenzo went behind Brenda.”You’re supposed to leave! Town”I’m done running it’s time for the truth “You’re Nellie Mother! Carly was in shocked.”Yes
,Nellie Let’s go somewhere and talk alone “You’re not my father are you! Nellie was upset and Lorenzo came by her.”I love you Nellie it will never change ! “Skye,Did you know this”Nellie I love you “Let’s go and talk outside “Nellie and Brenda left.Skye was upset by it as Jax came by.”You raise Brenda daughter? “It wasn’t about my hate toward Brenda,it was about a little girl who needs me’”Who’s her father? It it Luis? Jax just stay out of this “Some party”Yes”Michael do you have feelings for Nellie still “Mother,I’m just trying to deal with the mother of my child “

Ned was outside when Alexis and Laura came by.”We know what you did ,Ned hidden the car that hit Xavier,Coving for you're mother “How do you know “We took pictures,Is it worth it “What do you want “We want you to resign from the election and do the right thing and tell the cops”As Olivia came by.”What’s going on “Olivia I made a mistake,I know who hit Xavier “Who”Tracy “You have to tell the cops”No,I will not turn my mother in ,I will resign “Ned ,If you don’t we are going to the cops”So you want both”Yes”Lorenzo will kill my mother “A little boy is in the hospital!

Brenda and Nellie were talking.”Why did you give me up”It was for you're safety and I’m not well I have been in and out of mental hospital,I had you're brother and after he died it push me to the beak point “Who’s my father “His a dangerous man but it doesn’t matter anymore “Is Sonny my father! I fake that I slept with him to break up with him and Carly”You didn’t know,Yes Sonny you’re father “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 50

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 50”
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo came into the hallway.”Monica,We been thinking about the new drug,We will Wait it’s not worth the risk”No it’s not,I’m glad you’re doing this”Thanks “Well you be at the party tonight''Yes ``”Good “

At Lila/Edward hotel-Olivia Who was pregnant and tired was getting it ready for the party she wanted to help Skye out. Kristina came into the party with a bag,”Thanks for the decorating “You’re Welcome,Let’s Get The party ready we need some fun”Yes we do,Have you heard from you're father “No”Ned not answering his cell phone”Maybe his just busy “Yes”

At Laura/Kevin-Laura was thinking about the plan she had with Alexis as Nikolas came inside the house.”Mother,Are you going to the party “Yes ,Are you”Yes,How’s the election going “Oh Don’t worrying ,Alexis and I are going to win this ``ReallyYes ``Are you blackmailing Ned”Laura smile at her son.”Just Be careful “I will “

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was getting dress as Lorenzo came into the room. “Skye,We can cancel this”No it’s okay,I love Nellie too and I need this”Alright,I’m glad Nellie had you”I’m glad she had both of us”Yes”Skye and Lorenzo share a kiss.

At The Quartermaine mansion -Tracy and Ned came into the room,”Mother,You can’t run “Alright “Now just stay here ,Don’t go to the party”I don’t care about Nellie anyway “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 49

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 49”
At General Hospital-Dr Nero was looking at Xavier chart when Skye and Lorenzo came by.”How’s our son “Still The Same,There's a new treatment that we can give him”What are the side effects “We aren’t not sure it’s new to the market “It will work “Yes I believe It will “Then use it”As Monica came by.”What’s going on “I was just telling Skye and Lorenzo about the new treatment that’s out their for Xavier we can try “I don’t think it’s a good idea “Why”It could kill him”So it could wake up our son or kill him” Yes,I don’t think you sure use it”Let’s go see our son”Skye and Lorenzo left.”Dr Nero,I trust you as a doctor But next time talk to me first before going to the family “You know this will work “

At Xavier Room-Xavier was in bed when Skye and Lorenzo came by.”We have to save our son,Let’s do it “Skye it’s not worth losing our son”I just want him to wake up”Me too”

Tracy was watching them and left before anyone could see her..

At Alexis-Alexis was having coffee with Kristina when Alexis phone rang.”I need to take this “Alexis left as Kristina saw the file on the table and read it.”Oh No”As Alexis came into the room,”You were supposed to see that”It’s okay,I know I saw Daddy “Kristina,I’m going to do the right thing “Good,I hate this “Me Too “

At The Airport-Tracy was about to go on the plane as Ned came by.”I don’t think so,You’re not leaving town “Ned,It’s better this way”No it’s not”

At a Hotel- A woman was in a room holding a picture,”Today,You’re birthday I need to see you,It’s time for the truth “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 48

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 48”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re getting ready to leave for the Hospital,”We sure eat before we go”Alright “Skye and Lorenzo sit down at the table,”I wonder if Lila Rae still sleeping”Me too”

Lila Rae was upstairs getting ready for the day as her phone rang she answered it was Spencer.”Last night was wonderful “Lila Rae forget to close the door and Nellie heard it and came into the room as Lila Rae hang up the phone.”Lila Rae,I heard you're conversation,You slept with Spencer “Yes,Don’t say anything to Daddy “I wouldn’t,Did you use protection “I think Spencer use a condom “I hope so”Me too,I really like him”Good “Let’s go have breakfast “

Skye and Lorenzo were having a quiet breakfast together.”I’m going to have my men look into the accident,I promise that we will fine the person “Yes”As Nellie and Lila Rae came downstairs.”Nellie,Happy birthday “Thanks “Lila Rae,You seem different “How different “I don’t know”I did my hair different “That must be it,Tonight we are having dinner at the hotel “Alright “We sure go to the Hospital “We can go with you”Come after you eat,I love you both”Skye and Lorenzo left.”Can you Tell I had sex”No”

At Alexis-Alexis and Laura we’re talking.”We sure go to the cops”Yes and we can use this to our advantage “Yes we can”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was getting ready to leave as Tracy came by.”How’s Xavier “His still in a coma”Well he wake up”I not sure,Whoever did this to him will pay either in jail or by Lorenzo ,I need to go back to the Hospital “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 47

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 47”
“Dirty On Ned”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was having a drink when Ned came into the room.”I took care of it,Mother this is the last time I’m going to do you a favor “Thanks you son,I do hate what I did it was an accident “I believe you” I will never forget what you did for me”

At Alexis-Alexis was at home when a man came in holding a folder. “I have some dirty on Ned Quartermaine “Thanks you”Alexis paid the man and he left as Alexis open the folder and saw the pictures of Ned with Tracy car.”No”Alexis made a phone call.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was pouring some hot water when Skye came in wearing a robe.”How was you're bath”Great,Have you heard from Lila Rae “No,I haven’t,Do you want some tea”Yes”Lorenzo and Skye sit down and had some tea.”Our son will wake up,”Yes”Lila Rae came into the room,”Lila Rae,Where Have You been”Just take a break from everything,How’s Xavier “He will wake up”I hope so”We are still going to have you're sister party tomorrow “Alright “

At Jax-Jax and Josslyn we’re having dinner together.”Josslyn,Now that you're old enough I want you to come work with me”Alright,I will love to learn the family business “Good,Now That It’s Just Me I need someone to pass the business into “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 46

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 46”
At Nikolas-Nikolas was at home when AJ came into the room.”I know you’re going after ELQ,You will not get it,I know you’re Secret “What Secret”What you have been up too”How do you know”I been around while I was hiding “Really “Yes So you will leave ELQ alone “Yes”Good we both can still have successful company “Yes”AJ left..

At General Hospital-Skye was sitting down thinking about her son when Kristina came by.”Skye,How’s Xavier “Monica doing more tests on him”I hope his okay”Me too ``Thanks for coming “You’re Welcome “As AJ came by.”Skye,How’s my nephew “Monica doing some tests on him”Do you need anything “No Thanks,Lorenzo and I have been talking we are still going to have the party tomorrow “I will text everyone “Thanks “Monica and Lorenzo came by.”So far Xavier brian activates looks good,”But his still in a coma “Yes,I think it’s for the best if you just go home it’s getting late”Alright “Tell the nurse to call us if anything Changes “We will “Lorenzo and Skye left.”We have to find the person who did this “Yes”

At Spencer-Spencer and Lila Rae were in bed.”Are you okay”Yes it was wonderful “Yes it was,I sure go home “Lila Rae kiss Spencer.

At Felicia/Mac-Felicia was talking to Anna and Duke As MAC came into the room.”Felicia”Duke turn to look at him.”Duke,You’re alive! “Yes,The Cassadine had me”Oh this is wonderful “Thanks”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 45

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 45”
At General Hospital-Lorenzo was talking to Monica.”Do you think my son will wake up? Or are we just hoping for a miracle “Lorenzo,We don’t know what we are dealing with ,All we have to do is wait,We need to do more test”As Skye came by.”What’s going on “We are going to run more test on Xavier “What kind “A MRI just to see what we are dealing with “Alright,Take care of my baby “I will “Monica left.”Skye”We need to talk about Nellie birthday party,Sure we cancel it? “Let’s still do it tomorrow “Alright “Skye,I do love our son”I know you do, I just want him to wake up”Me too “

At Spencer-Spencer was showing Lila Rae his new place.”It’s a wonderful house “Thanks,I figured it was time for me to move out “I’m happy for you”Lila Rae kiss Spencer.”Are you sure “Yes”They made love for the first time.

At ELQ-AJ and Michael we’re having a meeting.”We have a problem,Nikolas is going after ELQ”We need to stop him,We have to Find something to blackmail him,”I have a better idea “

At Nikolas-Nikolas was at home when Anna came into the room.”Anna,Why are you here “I found Duke,His alive”I’m sorry about my Grandmother “I want her to stop “She will be”Good “Anna left..

At The Quartermaine garage-Ned was taken care of the car he was pushing it outside when Kristina came by.”Daddy,What are you doing “Kristina,Pretend you didn’t see this”Did you hit Xavier “No,My Mother did”So you're risky you're chance of re-Election for her”Yes,She My Mother ,Please Don’t say anything “Fine but she not worth it”Kristina left..”No she not “Ned was pushing the car as someone was taking pictures.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 44

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 44”
At Kelly’s-Skye and Tea we’re having lunch together.”I just can’t lose my son”You will not,Xavier is a fighter “Yes he is”Skye phone rang ,”Skye Alcazar,I forgot I’m not sure if we will have it”Skye hang up the phone.”I plan a birthday party for Nellie,now I’m not sure if I want it”It maybe a good distraction for you “Yeah maybe,How are you like Port Charles “It’s difference I need a new start”As Carly came into the room.'' you two know each other? “Yes,We our family “How! “I’m Lorenzo sister “Isn’t that convenient! “Carly,I don’t need this right now,Tea Thanks for this I’m going back to the Hospital “I do hope Xavier Alright “I know”Skye left..”So you came to town to help you're brother taken down my husband “Sonny was a criminal “So Is Lorenzo “Tea left..

Outside-Bobbie was about to come in when she ran into Nellie.”Nellie,I’m glad I ran into you,I want to thank you for saving me”I did it because it was the right thing,I’m trying to turn my life around “We all make mistakes,I’m not perfect and either is my daughter no matter how much I love her,I’ll give you a chance “Thanks ,I had a lot of disappointment in my life,It’s time for a new start “Yes “Bobbie went inside.”What took you so long “I ran into Nellie,It’s time we give her a chance,We both have made mistakes and she saved both Josslyn and I “Alright,I’ll try but she better not hurt my son”She will not “

At Crimson -Nina was talking to Kristina and Maxie.”I think we sure cover Xavier accidents,Yes we our a fashion magazine but we own it to Skye to help fine the person “I agree “Me too”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 43

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 43”
At The Police Station-Tea was about to leave when Ric came by.”Tea Delgado “Yes,That’s me”I’m Ric Lansing “Yes I remember you,So you're going to be my assistant DA”Yes I’m “That’s great,I need to go check on a family member “Alright,I will take things over from here “As Mac and Robert came by.”Ric Lansing,You’re back”Yes,I’m going to be Tea assistant DA”Really “Yes “We Just got back from the accident scene “What accident “Xavier Alcazar was hit by a car”No,Do you know who it was”No all we have is a witness ,Carly Corinthos and she said it was a woman driving a black car”We need to find the driver “Yes” I need to go but I know you will  find him”Tea left.”So you’re going to be just an assistant “Yes”

At General Hospital-Xavier room-Xavier was in bed and Skye was by her son bedside as Ava came into the room.”Skye,I brought you some tea”Thanks ‘If you need anything I’m here for you,You help me get my daughter back “Can you look for the person who did this to my beautiful son”Yes”Thanks “Ava left the room,.

Lorenzo was in the hallway as Tea came by.”Lorenzo,I’m here for you,We will fine who hit my nephew “Thanks Sis”You’re Welcome “Tea hug Lorenzo.”It’s hard to see my son like this,Skye think he will wake up but I’m not sure and if it does what if his different “You will still love him and help him”Yes”Skye came by,”Skye,We will find this person “Yes I know “Skye,Why don’t you take a break “No I just need to pee”Skye,You’re pregnant “Alright,I’ll take a break “Why don’t I take you to get something to eat “Alright “Lorenzo kiss Skye on the forehead and left with Tea.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 42

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 42”
At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was upset when Ned came into the room.”Ned,I need you're help and it almost means you’re loyalty to me “What do you need mother “Tracy took Ned hand and went inside the garage and Ned saw a car that had a dent in it. “Mother,What did you do”It was an accident I hit a child”No! Who! “Skye son,I need you to help me hide it”No! I’m not going to do this! Clean up you're own mess and make it right! I’m you're mother “Mother ,This is a little boy no matter how you feel about their parents “I know but I cannot go to jail and if I don’t you know Lorenzo will kill me! Help you're mother “Ned didn’t want to do it,”This will destroy my run for re-election if it comes out that I help you”It will not come out! So what are you going to do”

At The Park-The accident scene Mac was looking at the scene when Robert came by,”Why did you want me to meet you here “A little boy was hit here today by a car,I need you're help in this case “Sure,Do you have any witness “Just Carly she saw it and push the little boy out of the way “Who is the little boy”Xavier Alcazar “it could be an enemy “Yes ,I don’t want another mob war”Me either,Let's find this person “Yes”

At Felicia/Mac-Felicia was at home when the doorbell rang she opened it and was shocked it was Anna with Duke.”Duke! You’re alive! “Yes I found him,The Cassadine had him “Felicia “Duke hug Felicia.”It’s so nice to see you”You too”Tess came by,”Who’s this Anna ,Duke,This is my Mother Tess,This is Anna and Duke my good friend “Nice to meet you”You too”Tess went into the kitchen.”I thought you didn’t know who you're mother is”My Grandmother died and it lead me to my mother “How do you feel about it”Good,We are working on it”Good,Looks like we both get a chance with our loved ones “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 41

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 41”
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo we’re waiting on news about there son when Dr Nero and Monica came by.”Xavier is in a coma “No! My baby! “Will our son wakes up “Yes he will! Lorenzo our children are fighters “Yes they are”You can see him”Skye went to see her son.”Lorenzo,You need to stay positive “Well Xavier make it? What if he doesn’t wake up”We don’t know anything all we can do is pray”Daddy,Xavier is going to make it”I hope so”Lorenzo went to see Xavier.

Xavier room-Xavier was in a come when Skye came by and took her son hands.”You have to make it,I love you “Lorenzo came into the room,”Skye,I love our son and I want him to make it”I know you do,Remember when we found out I was pregnant “Yes,It was after we got back together “Yes,I hope for a boy I know you would want a son”I just want a healthy child”Yes Me too,”Skye I will find a doctor if our son needs a better one “Yes I know”

On The Docks-Lila Rae was sitting down thinking about her brother hoped he will wake up when Spencer came by.”Lila Rae,Are you okay “No.My Brother was hit by a car today,His now in a coma “Oh no,If you need anything “Thanks,I just want my brother to be better “Yes Me too”

At Jax-Carly came into the house.”What are you doing here “To pick up my belongings “Oh,That’s right ,Carly are you okay “No I’m not,Xavier was hit by a car today I try to pull him out of the way as fast I could “No,Is he okay “No Xavier in a coma “No,I hope his okay”Me too “Did they find the person “No,I remember what she looks like”Did you tell the cops “Yes”Good ,Skye must be a mess no matter how much I’ll mad at her I wouldn’t want this”No me either “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 40

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 40”
“Xavier Alcazar “
At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo we’re trying to get news about there son when Monica came by,”Monica,Do you know anything about Xavier he was hit by a car “No I just came back from a meeting,I will check it out”Thanks “Skye you need to sit down, “I’m not relaxing till my son is okay “Carly came by,”Skye ,You’re Not doing good you're son good by not taking care of yourself “You’re right,I just can’t lose my son,Thanks for saving him”You helped save Josslyn I owe you”We both our mother and would save any children “Yes”We are going to find the driver “It was a woman,I’ll tell the cops everything “

Xavier room-Xavier was being looked at by Dr Nero and Liz As Monica came into the room.”How’s Xavier “It’s not good,His Losing a lot of blood and hasn’t woken up yet”No this isn’t good “Skye and Lorenzo look through the window.``whoever did this to our son will pay “Yes”

At A garage-Someone had just pulled into the garage and got out of the car.”Oh what I’m going to do!

At General Hospital-Carly was waiting on news when Mac came by,”Do you remember anything “It was a black car and a woman she was wearing a hat and sunglasses “Do you remember anything else who hit Xavier “I would question Carly she hit Xavier “As AJ came by. “AJ,I didn’t hit Xavier I wouldn’t hurt a child no matter how I feel about their parents “As Skye and Lorenzo came by,”What’s going on “Skye,Are you sure It wasn’t Carly that hit you're son”No the nanny who we just fire told us that Carly saved him! Right now that’s all that matters to me! “Skye was getting upset.”Skye,Clam Down”As Nellie and Lila Rae came by. “Mother,Daddy “Xavier,Going to be okay”Yes”

As Dr Quartermaine and Dr Nero came by.”How is my son”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 39

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 39”
“A Crash Changed Everything “
At Edward/Lila Hotel-Ava and AJ we’re having drinks.”This has been so nice spending time with you’Yes it is”as Carly came by. “Well look at two of the town loses hang out”Well look who’s has nothing this hotel used to be your! But my sister stole it from you! You have nothing! I will get it back everything “A security guard came by.”Take her away from the hotel “I’m going “Carly left,”That was fun”Yes it was but I would be careful she up to something “Yes she is “

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was sleeping on the couch when Lorenzo came into the room.”Skye”Skye wake up.”Skye,Are you okay “I’m just tired “Oh we’ll we have a doctor appointment “Yes’Lorenzo help Skye up.”Where Xavier's with the nanny at the Park “Alright “Skye and Lorenzo left..

At The Park-Carly was sitting down thinking about her life when she saw Xavier with his nanny the nanny was on the phone and Xavier walk away to see The Ice cream man and a car was about to hit him when Carly try to grab him but it was too late.”No! Xavier you stay with me baby I’m going to call for help “Carly pick up her phone as the nanny came by. “what happened “You Sure Of been watching him! Carly yelled “I was just on the phone for a minute “It only takes a minute “

At General Hospital-Dr Nero was looking at Skye.”How’s twin “The Twins Are Fine But you have placental abruption”I had it with my last two pregnancy “Then you know what to do”Yes I do

In the hallway-The paramedics came in with Xavier and Carly.”What happened “Liz ask “Xavier was hit by a car”No,Skye and Lorenzo are here in Dr Nero office “I’ll go tell them I try to push him out of the way “Good “Liz left with Xavier.

Skye and Lorenzo were getting ready to leave the room.”Skye,You need to take it easy “I will”Carly came into the room.”Why are you here “Something wrong,What is it”Yes Skye something wrong “Carly took Skye hand. “Someone hit Xavier I was in the park and I saw it I try to pull him away “I believe you”We need to see our son”Yes”Do you remember the car”It was black “Skye and Lorenzo and Carly left the room.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 38

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 38”

You’re my son”
 ”At Greece-A Hospital-Luke was looking at Dr Munro as Anna came by.”Luke,What are you looking at”I have news about Dr Munro,I knowing how he keeps looking at Duke and you so I did a test to see if their a connection “Connection “Yes,Anna Dr Munro is you're son with Duke”No,That baby died”No he didn’t “Luke show Anna the paperwork.”How? That baby died”I don’t know “Griffin came by.”Griffin,You’re my son,I don’t know how this happened but it did”Yes I’m you're son”You know”Yes “Who raise you”Faison “Faison,Did he hurt you “No his my father “No his not! Faison stole you from Duke and I ! Please come with us to the states and we can get to know each other “No I have a job here a Life “Griffin,Don’t hate us”I need to go”Griffin left.”Just give him time to come around “Yes,Thanks Luke “You’re Welcome “

Duke room-Duke was in bed remember everything from his past when Anna came into the room.”Anna,I remember everything from our past,Robin who I love and Emma Robin daughter “You do”Yes”Oh Duke,I just found out news from our past the baby we lost is alive right here in the hospital “Who”The doctor who saved you ,Dr Munro “His our son “Yes and he angry,Faison raised him”No”Yes I want him back “Give it time ,In the meantime let’s go home “Anna took Duke hand,”Yes Let’s go home “

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was resting on the couch when her phone rang.”Skye Alcazar,Oh I haven’t heard from you in a long time,Yes you can stay here “Skye hung up the phone and went to sleep.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 37

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 37”
At Carly’s new house-Carly came into the house with Bobbie.”I want you to stay here till you get back on you're feet”Carly”No I want you here “Alright, It’s a beautiful house “Thanks I like it”as Josslyn came into the room.”Grandmother,I’m glad you’re home “Me too ,We Spencer are going to be just fine “Yes we are “Lucas came into the room with a bag of food. “I have some food for us”Oh Lucas ,Thank you”Bobbie hug her son.”Let’s eat”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lila Rae was holding AJ who was crying,”It’s okay ,You’re Mother will be here soon”As Nellie and Skye and Lorenzo came into the room. “Nellie,your son needs you”Lila Rae Give AJ To Nellie,”Thanks Lila Rae “You're Welcome,I’m glad you’re alright “Me too “Nellie look at her son,”I love you this will be our new start “Skye felt the Twins kick her,”Skye,Are you okay “The Twins just kick me “Lorenzo felt his Children.”We are going to be happy “Yes”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was having dinner with John and Olivia and Ned and AJ when a man came into the room.”Excuse me,Who are you”His my son “Yes I’m John Jr”Oh will come and Join us”Thanks “This is my son AJ and my nephew Ned and his wife Olivia “Nice to meet you”How long are you staying “For awhile I hope “What do you do”I’m studying to be a doctor “Nice “Thanks “I’m a doctor I work at General Hospital “I heard it’s one of the best hospitals “Yes it Is “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 36

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 36”
At General Hospital-Nellie room-Nellie was getting ready to leave with Skye and Lorenzo. “Nellie,We want you to take it easy “I will,I can’t wait to see my son I miss him”AJ missed you too”Nellie and Skye and Lorenzo went into the hallway and ran into Carly.”Nellie “We are leaving “No wait,I just want to say that I’m willing to put the past behind we are family you’re the mother of my grandson and you saved both my daughter and mother,I will let it go but if you hurt my son again it’s over “I will not hurt Michael “You better not”Carly left.

Bobbie room-Bobbie was getting ready to go home as Carly came into the room.”Mama,Let’s Get you home “Yes,Is Luke in town”Luke calls me his help a friend “Oh I’m sure it’s for a good cause “Yes”Luke can’t stay in one town anyway “No”

At Greece -A Hospital-Duke room -Duke was in bed as Dr Munro came into the room.”How are you doing “I’m feeling better “Good “As Anna came into the room.”How’s Duke “His doing great,You can go home soon “Thank you”Dr Munro left.Anna lean towards Duke.”Anna,I remember you,I remember everything “Oh Duke ,I’m glad I found you”Me too”Anna kiss Duke.Dr Munro was watching them as Luke came by.”What’s going on”Nothing just check on my patience “Dr Munro left and Luke knew he was up to something.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 35

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 35”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was sitting down planning the party when Lila Rae came into the room.”Mother,What are you doing “Sit down”Lila Rae sit down by her mother.”I’m planning a party for Nellie it’s a surprise “Oh ,How is Nellie ‘She doing great ,We didn’t tell her about her parents “As Lorenzo came into the room.”You told Lila Rae about Nellie “I will not lie to our daughter “Daddy I will not say anything “Thank you,I’m going to check on Nellie “As Xavier came into the room with the nanny.”How was school “It was good,I have homework “I’ll help you with it son”Thanks Daddy “While Don’t you go get a snack “Xavier left with the nanny.”Lorenzo,Let’s spend time with our children today “Alright “

At Felicia/Mac-Felicia was sitting down looking at a picture of Georgia when Tess sit down with her.”Felicia “This is my daughter Georgia,I miss her every day I mess up as a mother I left my children to Chaz my ex husband around the world if I didn’t leave my Georgia would still be here,I have forgiven you I did the same thing to my daughters”You’re not like me,I never saw you,You came back “Why don’t we just forgive each other and start over “Yes,I would like that “

At General Hospital-Bobbie room-Bobbie woke up as Scotty came in with flowers.”Scotty”Bobbie I’m glad you’re alright,I have feelings still for you”Scotty kiss Bobbie.”Oh Scotty,I’m willing to try it”Good,We can take it slow “Good “

At Lila/Edward hotel-Laura and Kevin were having dinner together.”So How did it go with the Debate “Great,Alexis and I decide to run together “That’s wonderful “Yes it is,Two Woman running together “Good,I’m happy for both of you “Thanks “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 34

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 34”
At Port Charles-Felicia was getting dinner ready for her mother and Husband and daughter.Felicia still had mixed feelings about having her mother in her life.Maxie came into the kitchen.”Mother,Are you okay “It’s just mix emotions for me with my mother here”I’m sure it is”Maxie and Felicia took the food out as Tess was in the dining room.”Tess ,This is my daughter Maxie”You name her after mother “Yes I did”Nice to meet you”You too “They sit down as MAC came into the room and sit down.”So Maxie What do you do “I work for a magazine “That’s nice”Maxie has two children “Oh wonderful “Yes”

At Skye/Lorenzo Skye was on the phone.”That’s perfect “Skye hang up the phone as Lorenzo came into the room.”What’s going on “I’m planning a surprise birthday party for Nellie “Skye “Nellie needs it,Is she here”No I sent her back “Good,I’m trying to get Nellie over Michael “She does need to move on but with whom “I don’t know”Skye,How’s the baby”Good the twins are find”Good,I cannot lose either of you”Lorenzo touch Skye Face.

At Edward/Lila hotel-The debate we’re over. Nikolas and Hayden were talking.”Oh This isn’t good My Mother and Aunt running for the same job”Yeah Who are you going to pick”I’m not sure “

Laura and Alexis we’re talking.”Looks like we have the same issues that we believe in”Yes we do”Maybe we can put it to good use”Maybe “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 33

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 33”
At Greece-A Hospital-A man was working as Anna and Duke and Luke came into the hospital.”I need you to look at my husband,His been held captive here”The doctor took Duke to a room.”I’m going to go with him “Anna it’s going to be okay now”Yes”

At Port Charles-Laura was at the hotel getting ready for her debate with Ned as Ned came by.”Good luck”You too”No hurt feelings in this”Same with you”Lila Rae and Spencer and Nikolas and Olivia came into the room.”Lila Rae,Thanks for coming “You’re Welcome “How’s you're sister “Nellie good”That’s good,I’m glad Bobbie is good “Me too “Lila Rae smile at Spencer she was falling for him..

Laura and Ned were about to start their debate as Alexis came by.”Alexis,What are you doing here”I’m entering into the run for Mayor “What! As Nikolas and Olivia came by.”What’s going on “Alexis is entered into the race”What! “I love this town and I have experience “Well Good Luck To Everyone “The debate start. “Welcome Everyone to the debate “How do you feel about medical for all”Everyone sure have free healthcare and the right to choice “Yes ,Everyone has a right to healthcare “Ned,What do you feel about abortion “I’m pro life “I’m pro choice “I’m pro choice “What about limit guns “Their are some guns that sure not be allowed ,We sure have backgrounds check on Everyone “Yes”

At Greece-The Doctor was looking at Duke.”You look formal to me”We never meet”What’s you're name “Dr Griffin Munro”Can you check for posin”Yes”Dr Munro left.”Anna touch Duke Face.”I love you,I’m here with you”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 33

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 33”
At Greece-A Hospital-A man was working as Anna and Duke and Luke came into the hospital.”I need you to look at my husband,His been held captive here”The doctor took Duke to a room.”I’m going to go with him “Anna it’s going to be okay now”Yes”

At Port Charles-Laura was at the hotel getting ready for her debate with Ned as Ned came by.”Good luck”You too”No hurt feelings in this”Same with you”Lila Rae and Spencer and Nikolas and Olivia came into the room.”Lila Rae,Thanks for coming “You’re Welcome “How’s you're sister “Nellie good”That’s good,I’m glad Bobbie is good “Me too “Lila Rae smile at Spencer she was falling for him..

Laura and Ned were about to start their debate as Alexis came by.”Alexis,What are you doing here”I’m entering into the run for Mayor “What! As Nikolas and Olivia came by.”What’s going on “Alexis is entered into the race”What! “I love this town and I have experience “Well Good Luck To Everyone “The debate start. “Welcome Everyone to the debate “How do you feel about medical for all”Everyone sure have free healthcare and the right to choice “Yes ,Everyone has a right to healthcare “Ned,What do you feel about abortion “I’m pro life “I’m pro choice “I’m pro choice “What about limit guns “Their are some guns that sure not be allowed ,We sure have backgrounds check on Everyone “Yes”

At Greece-The Doctor was looking at Duke.”You look formal to me”We never meet”What’s you're name “Dr Griffin Munro”Can you check for posin”Yes”Dr Munro left.”Anna touch Duke Face.”I love you,I’m here with you”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 32

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 32”
At The Cassadine island-Luke and Anna were looking for Duke.”We have to find him”We will,Anna if the Cassadine have Duke Who knows what happened to him”I can handle it”They went into a room and saw a man tie up sitting on a chair.”Duke! Anna went up to him and untie him and touch his face.”Duke,It’s really You “Anna cried,”I don’t know you”Its Me Anna”Let’s Get him to a doctor “Yes,This is our friend Luke his going to help us”Yes I’m “They we’re about to leave when Fasion show up.”You’re not going anywhere “Fasion “Anna,My darling “Luke went behind him as Anna and Duke moved away and shot him.Fasion fell to the ground,”Is he dead”Yes”Good! How dare you hurt Duke! You will rot in hell! Anna and Luke left with Duke.

At Port Charles-The Cassadine office Nikolas was working when Michael came into the office.”Nikolas,i'm glad you’re back but you need to leave my company alone”We are both in the same business it’s going to happen “Then I’ll play dirty “I hope you do “

At Edward/Lila Hotel-Ava and AJ we’re having lunch together.”This is nice “Yes it is,So how does it feel being back “Good I miss my family “I’m sure you did and now that Sonny gone it’s so much easier for you,Did you have anything to do with his deaths “No”Oh I know a good liar when I see it”AJ smirk at Ava.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 31

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 31”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was home talking to the woman,”You need to stay hidden and leave soon”I want to stay here “It’s not safe”I’m not leaving my daughter anymore! She left upset and Lorenzo and his men followed her.

On The Docks-Carly was looking out into the lake as Jax came by.”Carly,Are you okay “I’m just thinking about everything I have been through this year,Losing Morgan and the baby and Sonny,Almost Losing My Mother,Michael still anger with me and AJ return “You thought a lot”Yes you have”I want to more on and find a new life “I’ll help you “They share a moment as the woman was watching them and crying.

At Nina-Nina was packing when there was a knock on the door it was Skye.”Skye,I’m glad you’re here I’m leaving town and I want you to have my company “Don’t leave ,Nina I know this is hard with Valentin and Sasha but you can do this we were raised to be strong “We have no choice “No ,We didn’t “Nina ,You're not alone we are family too”Alright I’ll stay “Thanks “Thanks You for reminding me “Anytime “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and John we’re unpacking his belongings when Tracy came into the room.”This isn’t going to last”Tracy if you can’t be supported them you can leave “Monica,You’re making a mistake,You still love Alan “Tracy left.”I do love Alan and always will but his not here and it’s time to move on”I feel the same about my late wife “John kiss her.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 30

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 30”
“Mystery Woman “
At General Hospital-Nellie room-Nellie was waking up as Skye and Lorenzo came into the room.”Nellie “Skye ,Daddy I’m okay “Yes you’re going to be just find ”Good,How’s my son”His perfect at our house “Good,How’s Bobbie “She made it you save her “Good “Nellie smile.

At Bobbie room-Bobbie was in her room with Carly.” I cannot believe that Nellie saved me”Yes for some reason she had three kidney “It is unusual “So is Nellie”Yes she is”Do you want something to drink “Sure”Carly went into the hallway

A woman was walking toward Nellie room she was dressed in a coat and black dress when she ran into Carly. “excuse me,Watch where you're going”Sorry “Carly look at the woman who was wearing sunglasses.”Who are you “The Woman left..Carly was upset about it and left.

Nellie room-The Woman was looking into Nellie room as Lorenzo came by,”You sure not be here “Lorenzo left with the woman.

Inside Nellie room-Nellie was in bed and Skye was talking to her,”Nellie,I know it’s hard to let the person you love go but you need to move on from Michael and fine someone else “It’s hard I know it was Part of a scam but I loved him”You will find someone better it’s time for you to get you're life back “You always want me to be strong “Yes I do want that,I love you Nellie like a daughter “I love you too like a mother “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 29

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 29”
At Nina house-Nina look around her house that she share with Valentin she misses him so much when Alexis came into the room.”Thanks for coming “You’re Welcome “I want a divorce “I will start the paperwork “I also want to give Skye my company “Are you sure “Yes I’m leaving town,Their Nothing left for me “Alright I will work on it” Thanks “I’m sorry about Valentin “I was warning about him”It still hurts “Yes it does”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye came into the house as Lorenzo came into the room.”Thanks you Skye for you're support through this”You’re Welcome,I found something about the baby “Is the baby okay “Yes we are having twins “Twins! That’s wonderful “Skye and Lorenzo share a kiss.”You’re Happy “Yes “Good, Is she here”Yes, I need to check on Nellie “Lorenzo left..Skye went upstairs and into a room..”Skye”Hello,“How is she”Nellie okay she going to have a lot to deal with “Yes,Thanks you for being a mother to my daughter “You’re Welcome I love her “Me too,I just hate that I couldn’t raise her”You did the right thing in putting her first “Yes”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica called a family meeting and everyone but Skye was there.”So What is this meeting about “It’s about me,John and I are getting close and I want him to move in”Really “Yes it’s time I’m happy I haven’t felt like this since Alan”I’ll support you” Yes “So you're going to move you're boyfriend in the house that you’re late husband brought you! “Yes and if you don’t like it you can leave”We will all support you”Yes Grandmother “Thanks “How’s ELQ goin “We lose a deal to the Cassadine “Oh that’s great , How much money did we lose! “Tracy It’s not always about money “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 28

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 28”
At General Hospital-Bobbie room-Bobbie was in bed and Carly was talking to her as Felicia came in with flowers.”Bobbie,I’m glad you’re okay,These are for you”Thanks Felicia “You're Welcome,Sorry I wasn’t here”It’s okay Where did you go”My Grandmother died so I was in Texas “Oh I’m sorry “Thanks you never guess who I found “Who”My Mother she came back with me”That’s wonderful “It’s completed but I want to know her “Yes “I’ll let you both talk”Carly left,”Felicia,I have a secret I need to tell Carly but I don’t want too “What is it”It’s about her father “

Nellie room-Nellie was in bed when Carly came into the room.”Thanks you for saving Josslyn and now my mother I’m willing to let the past go,You are the mother of my grandson we are family and need to get along”Thanks “I do hope for Little AJ sake you’re better “I’m ,I love my son “As Skye came into the room, “What’s going on! Leave Nellie alone! “Skye,It’s okay” Yes I was telling Nellie that I’m willing to let the past go”Good”As Monica came into the room.”I need to look at Nellie “Skye and Carly left the room.”I’m not going to say anything “Thanks you”I know what Nellie going to feel when she find out “It was to protect her “Yes, I do regret that I couldn’t protect Morgan from the business “Yes”Skye wasn’t feeling good.”Skye,Are you okay “I’m pregnant and I have been stressed “You sure see Dr Nero”Yes”Kim came by.”Dr Nero,Skye need you”Let’s go to a room, “Carly,Can you go with me? I don’t want to be alone “Sure “

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was in a room talking to a woman.”Thanks for everything you did for us”I love Nellie too”Yes I know you do”

At General Hospital -Dr Nero office-Dr Nero look at Skye as Carly was in the room.”You’re baby healthy “Thanks you”Do you want to know the sex”No,Lorenzo not here “Alright “Skye look at the sonogram.”So the baby is okay “Yes,You’re having twins”Wow,Twins “I Sure go”Thanks Carly”You’re Welcome “

At Nellie room-Nellie was in bed when Monica was giving her the blood transfusion.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 27

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 27”
At a house-Carly came inside the house that was for sale.”I would like to take it”Sure “

At Alexis-Alexis was at home reading the newspaper when there was a knock on the door she opened it was Ric.”Ric,You’re back”Yes I’m “For how long “For good,It’s good to see you “You too,Does Molly know you're here”Yes”Oh”I brought Sonny old house “Are you still holding on to the past “No ,I just want everything I Sure Of had,That House Sure Of been mine,I’m going to get everything I lose”Ric,I do wish you well”I regret cheat on you”Ric left..Alexis had feelings for Ric still.

At Charles-Lucas was having a drink as Julian came by,”How’s Bobbie ‘She doing great “Good,I’m glad”Thanks I need to go back “Lucas left..

At ELQ-Michael was working when his phone rang,”Michael Quartermaine,No This isn’t good “Michael hang up the phone.

At General Hospital-Bobbie room-Bobbie was in bed when Carly came into the room.”Mom,How are you feeling “Good I’m glad I’m okay”Me too”So Nellie saved me”Yes she has three kidney “That’s uncommon but it happens “Yes I found out a secret about Nellie,She Luis daughter I wonder who her mother is”Carly you need to hear this but you need to get on with you're life and. Leave the past alone “I’m ,I just bought a house “GoodYes''Have you seen Luke “He called me he had to help a friend “Oh”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 24

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 24”
At Jax-Carly came into the house and poured herself a drink as Jax came into the room. “You look upset “I’m! Guess who’s back! “Who “Ric he at Sonny house! How dare he buy it! Carly,We need to talk ,I want you back but I can’t deal with you obsessed with Sonny and the past”Oh Jax,I do still love you,You are the father of Josslyn but I’m not ready to move on and let the past go”You need to It’s time”Thanks for letting me stay here,I’ll go find a place to live”You don’t have too”Yes I do “Carly left..

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was pouring a drink of water when Lorenzo came into the room.”Skye ,Are you feeling better “Yes”Good,Are we alone “Yes I told Lila Rae about Nellie you know I don’t like lying to our daughter “Yes it’s Fine,I have an Idea I need your help with “

At Kelly’s-Carly was reading the newspaper for ad about house for sale when AJ came into the place.”Oh this is Great “Yes it is for me,So nice to see you having nothing! You lose Sonny and you’re house and hotel and money “I will give it back I’m a survivor and you will be down on you're luck soon ,You will blow it and Michael will see you for who you really are! Carly yelled.

At John -Monica was at the Governor's house they were making out.”Monica,it’s been great but I want more from you”I want that too,You sure move in with me”Are you sure “Yes it’s time I do move on”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 23

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 23”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was just waking up from her nap on the couch and read a note from Lorenzo as Lila Rae came into the room.”Mother,How’s Nellie “Nellie made it through surgery,You're Father went back to the Hospital,Lila Rae come sit down I need to tell you something “Lila Rae sit down next to her mother.”Sounds serious ‘It is,Nellie going to learn a secret soon and she going to need all of us,We are a family “What is it”You’re Father isn’t Nellie Father”Who is”You're father’s Brother Luis ,He was a dangerous man more then you're father “Is he still alive “No and he never know about Nellie “Who’s Nellie Mother “She Someone Who Luis hurts too,I don’t get along with her but I promise her that I would take care of her daughter “I’m glad you did”Me too,We will need to support Nellie”We will ,Thanks for telling me”You're Welcome “

At The Park-Michael was holding his son as Carly came into the park. “Mother,I’m glad Grandmother is Alright “Me too”I need you to promise me that you will leave Nellie alone she the mother of my child and she saved Josslyn and Grandmother “Yes I will leave Nellie alone,I found out who her father is”Mother “You need to know it’s Luis “Oh”I wonder who her mother is”It doesn’t matter “

At General Hospital-Nellie room-Nellie was sleeping as Lorenzo was sitting by her.”I did the right thing by you from the start I wouldn’t change it”

At Sonny old house-Carly came into the room and saw someone in her old house.”Who’s here “He turn around.”Carly,I miss you “Ric! Why are you here! “This is my hometown where my daughter lives and I brought this house! “You just love that you now owe Sonny house you were always jealous of him! “Yes I was Well now his dead and I’m alive!! Now get out!

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 22

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 22”
At Kelly’s-Anna was their picking up some coffee when Luke came inside.”Luke,I didn’t know you were back “To see Bobbie “How is she”She doing good the surgery went well”Good,How are you “Good I’m on my way to find Duke”What “Nikolas told me Duke alive on the Cassadine island “You’re going alone “Yes,I need to find Duke”I’ll go with you”Really? What about Bobbie “She going to be find now,Let’s go you can’t go alone “Thanks “Anna and Luke left..

At General Hospital-Lorenzo was in the hallway worrying about Nellie when Monica came by with Skye.”Lorenzo ,You’re not a match “That’s What I was afraid of”As Carly came by.”So I’m right,Luis is Nellie Father! “Yes! Biological Luis is her father I raised Nellie since the day she was born! Happy Now Carly! “No,I understand the secret “Let Me tell Nellie”Alright ,Who’s her mother “You will know soon I’m going to call her and I can’t wait for you to find out! Lorenzo left..”Are you really going to keep quiet “Yes, I understand “Skye wasn’t feeling good.”Are you okay “Yes I just need to eat something I’m pregnant “Skye left..

At Felicia/Mac -Felicia and Mac came home with Tess.”You have a beautiful home “Thanks “You’re Welcome,So do you work”I’m a PI and Mac is the Police commissioner “Wow ,Well I can't wait to meet my granddaughter “Yes”

At General Hospital-Skye was sitting down having some tea when Lorenzo came by.”Did you call her”Yes she coming in”Good,Let’s go home for now “Skye and Lorenzo left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 21

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 21”
At General Hospital-Everyone was waiting on news about Bobbie when Monica came by,”How did the surgery go”Great Bobbie is going to make it she hasn’t woken up yet “Thanks “What about my daughter “Nellie is doing good”Good,I want to see my daughter “Yes you can see Nellie “

Bobbie room-Bobbie woke up as Luke and Carly and Lucas came into the room.”Carly,Lucas What’s going on”You had surgery you need a new kidney “Sounds serious you’re here Luke “I love you Barbara Jean you’re my little sister “Luke kiss Bobbie.”Who’s kidney did I get “Nellie she has three kidney “Wow”You’re going to find we were worrying about you”

Nellie room-Nellie was in bed when Skye and Lorenzo came into the room.”Nellie,You're going to be Fine you did a get thing they owed you”Nellie felt line ..”No! Nellie “Liz and Monica came into the room.”Please save my daughter “Monica got Nellie back.”Nellie”Monica,Did it Work”Yes you save Bobbie “What’s going on with my daughter”Nellie is going to need a blood transfusion “Daddy can give me some “Yes”Nellie,We love you,Skye and I”I know you do”Skye was worrying about the truth coming out and left..

Inside the hallway-Carly was relief about Bobbie when Skye came by,”Carly ,We need to talk alone about family “Fine “Carly and Skye went into Monica office.”You’re right,Nellie isn’t Lorenzo daughter but you need to leave it alone the secret doesn’t matter to you,It will only hurt Nellie,Would you want someone to tell you're children a secret about you're family! Just leave Nellie alone you owe it to her,She saved Josslyn and now Bobbie “It’s Luis isn’t it,That’s Who Nellie Father is”It doesn’t matter Lorenzo love Nellie “I will leave it alone for now “Thanks “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 20

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 20”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Carly was trying to get away but the guard wouldn’t let her.”Come On I need to get back to the Hospital “You’re not going anywhere until the boss comes “As Lorenzo came into the room.”I’ll take it from here “The guard left.”So what are you doing in my house! My daughter is saving you're mother just like she saved you're daughter! “I know you’re not Nellie father something is up “It’s none of you're business! “I know it was you who killed Sonny just to get his business! Lorenzo grab Carly arms.”Be Nice to me! Now get out, “Fine! I wish you were dead and not Sonny! Carly left..

At General Hospital -Outside-Luke was thinking about Bobbie when Tracy came by.”Luke Thanks for telling me about Bobbie “You’re Welcome,How is Bobbie “Still in surgery “Bobbie will make it”Yes”

inside-Lucas was waiting on news when Carly came by.”Carly,Where did you go”You don’t want to know ,Have you heard anything “No not yet “Jax and Josslyn came by with bags,”We have food”Thanks,Josslyn can I have a hug”Yes”Carly and Josslyn hug,

Lorenzo came by Skye,”What happened “Carly fishing for the truth about Nellie “We have to stop her “Yes somehow “

Carly was worrying about her mother and Jax took her hand.”It’s going to be okay”It has too,Thanks for letting me stay with you”You can stay as long as you want “

Monica came into the room.”How did the surgery go”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 19

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 19”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Carly sneak into the house use the back door and went by Lorenzo desk and was about to open it when the guard came in and stop her.”Who do you think you are coming here “The guard called Lorenzo.

At General Hospital-Skye and Lorenzo we’re waiting on news when Lorenzo phone rang.”I’ll be right their”Lorenzo hang up the phone,”What is it”Carly broke into the house “What! “I’ll take care of her “Lorenzo left As Luke came by,”Luke,I’m glad you’re here and I do wish Bobbie well”Thanks,I know my sister will make it,So you're with Lorenzo “Yes I’m happy to “Good”Luke are you happy “Yes I been traveling “Good”

Lucas was worrying about his mother he wanted to do the surgery so bad when Laura came by,”Lucas,I know you’re worrying but you’re Mother is going to make it she a fighter “Yes my mother is,I just wish I could do the surgery “You’re a son here not a doctor “Yes,Thanks Laura “

At The Quartermaine mansion-Olivia was sitting on the couch saying a little prayer when Ned came into the room.”Olivia,Are you okay “Yes I’m just saying a prayer for Bobbie she having her surgery today “Yes I heard and Nellie is her donor “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 18

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 18”
“I’m Your Mother “
At Texas-Mariah funeral-Felicia was on talking about Mariah.”My Grandmother was not just My Grandmother but my mother she raised me and loved me,I never knew my mother,I will miss Mariah”Felicia sit down and cried as everyone was leaving the funeral.Mac help Felicia up as a woman came by,”The funeral is over “I know,Felicia “Who are you”You’re Mother “You’re my Mother “Yes I’m Tess ,Mariah daughter “Why did you give me up”Can we go somewhere and talk”Sure,This is my husband Mac”They left..

Port Charles-At General Hospital-Skye was worrying about Nellie when AJ came by.’You look worried,”I’m ,This maybe not go well for Nellie “Carly heard them talk and left.

At Texas-Mariah House-Felicia and Mac were their with Tess.”Do you want any tea”No Thanks “I’ll let you both talk “Mac left.”You have a great husband “Yes Mac is a great man”Let’s see where to begin, I was a teenager when I got pregnant with you and I wasn’t ready to be a mother and you're father wasn’t ready either so I did what was best by giving you up,My Mother was upset that I did that she never forgiven me that’s why she had to fine you, I took her granddaughter away “Did you ever want to know me “Yes,Mother told me about you ,I’m sorry “What about my father “He died in a car accident “Oh,Do I have any siblings “No,Felicia I want to get to know you if you can forgive me” I have made mistakes as a mother,I want know you”You have Children “Yes Maxie,My daughter Georgia is dead”I’m sorry “Thanks,I’m also a grandmother “Wow”Yeah come back to Port Charles with me” Yes “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 17

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 17”
At General Hospital-Carly and Lucas and Michael were worrying about Bobbie when Nellie and Lorenzo and Skye came by. “I’m going to do the surgery “You’re just doing this so you can get you're teeth into Michael it’s not about my mother and I will not let you “You can’t stop Michael if he want me,Besides I’m you're grandson mother so we will always be connected “Mother,leave Nellie alone “Monica came by.”Nellie,Let’s Get you ready”Monica and Nellie left..”Carly,I will not have you talk to my daughter that way “You’re daughter is unstable “You have a history of doing things too! What you did to AJ! “Why are you upset! Nellie not you're daughter “I love Nellie like mine daughter and I will do anything for her!

Luke was sitting on the couch when Laura and Nikolas came by.”Luke”Laura Luke got up. “I’m glad you’re back for Bobbie “Me too”Nikolas,It’s good to see you”You too”How’s Bobbie “Their getting ready for surgery they found a match in Nellie “Wow”Yeah “

Nellie was pulling into surgery as Lorenzo and Skye watched.”Nellie has to be okay “She will “As Monica came by.”Please bring my daughter back to me”This surgery is safe,Do you know that Nellie has three kidney “No”Monica left.”Lorenzo,You're daughter is going to be fine she a survivor “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 16

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 16”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re having breakfast with their children when Nellie cell phone rang . Lorenzo give her a look as she pick up the phone.”Nellie Alcazar,I’ll be right their”Nellie hang up the phone and smile.”Nellie,What’s going on”I’m a match for Bobbie who needs a kidney “Nellie,You can’t donate “Why not! This is away too get Michael back “Nellie I forbid you to do this”You can’t do that! I’m an adult “Lorenzo,Let’s go and talk”Skye and Lorenzo went to another room and close the door.”Skye,If Nellie does this She can fine about who her parents really are “We will not let that happen I will make sure I love Nellie too”I know you do,Even when you found out who her parents are you still love Nellie”You can’t help who you’re parents are “No,I was hoping Nellie would be over Michael “Me too “Nellie came into the room.”Daddy,I’m going to do this “I know you are,We will support you but Nellie You May not get Michael back “I know”Let’s go”

At Valentin trial-Valentin came in and look at Nina who came into the courthouse.Nina sit down as Nikolas and Laura and Alexis came into the courtroom and Tea As the judge came into the room and everyone stood up..”Have you reach you're verdict “Yes”The Judges was handle the paper and read it and give it back to the jury and Valentin stood up. “Valentin Cassadine we fine you guilty of trying to kill Nikolas Cassadine,Ten To twenty years in jail”No! Valentin was upset and look at Nina.” Yes! Nikolas was happy about it.”Nikolas “This is a great thing “Yes I’m going to check on Bobbie “I’ll go with you “

Tea was cleaning up her notes as Alexis came by.”You are a great Lawyer “Thanks I never lose a case”Good luck being the DA”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 15

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 15”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Nellie was downstairs holding her son ..”Soon we will be a family ,mommy has a plan “As Skye came downstairs.”What’s your plan? Nellie What are you up too”Skye ,Just trust me “Nellie I know you’re not my daughter but I love you like a daughter and I don’t want you to get hurt “I’m not going to get hurt “Skye didn’t believe Nellie and know she was up to something.

At General Hospital-Bobbie room-Bobbie was in her room sleeping fade away when a man came into the room.”You’re not going anywhere we will save you “as Carly came into the room.”Luke”Carly,We will save you're mother “Thanks,We need to find a match for mom”We will “I’m glad you’re here “Me too”

At Texas-Felicia and Mac were in Mariah  house.”I can’t believe Grandma is dead she the only family I had,Did you know I ask Mariah  about who my mother is”What did she say”That it was better not to know her “Felicia,I know it’s not the same but I’m here for you”I know you are after everything I did to you”That’s in the past “Mac kiss Felicia.”We sure go to the funeral “Yes”Mac and Felicia left..

At General Hospital-Monica was looking at a file when Carly came by.”Do you have a match for my mother “Yes we do”Great,Who’s the match? As Lucas and Luke and Michael came by.”You're not going to believe it but Nellie is a match”What! How she give her kidney to Josslyn “Nellie has something that’s very rare she has three kidney “I don’t want her to donate! “Carly I don’t care about you're feelings for who this Nellie is she going to save Bobbie! Luke yelled.

“I will call her”Monica left.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 14

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 14”
At General Hospital-Nellie came into the hospital and went by Liz,”Liz,I would like to be tested to save Bobbie “Really “Yes”Alright,Let’s Get you tested”Thanks “

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was setting up a romantic dinner for Lorenzo who came into the room.”Skye,What’s this”I want to have a romantic dinner with you”Oh I love it “Lorenzo and Skye sit down,”Lorenzo I also have news”What”I’m pregnant we’re going to have another baby “That’s wonderful new”You’re alright “Yes I’m happy I just want you to be careful with you're health “I will be”Skye and Lorenzo share a kiss.

At Jax-Jax and Carly came home.”All you need is a nice bath before bed “Yeah”Josslyn came into the room.”I’m sorry about Grandma “Thanks Baby “Josslyn hug her mother,”I want to be tested “You can’t you were had a new kidney remember “Yeah I just want to help Grandma “We do too”Josslyn went upstairs.” Thanks for letting me stay here I can’t be alone right now”You will not”

At Sonny old house-A man came into the room.”This is mine now,It should of been ,I’m back to Port Charles “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 13

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 13”
At General Hospital-Carly was sitting on the couch scared and crying as Jax came by with food.”I have some food for you junk food “Oh Jax,Thanks I cannot lost my mother,I already lost to much “You will not lose you're mother “Carly leaned her head on Jax shoulders.

Lucas was in the hallway when Laura came by.”Lucas,Do you need anything “My Mother to be well “Bobbie will get better I left a message for Luke and Lulu and Lucky “Thanks “Laura left..Carly and Jax came by with Monica.”Bobbie is just going to sleep tonight “Alright call us if anything changes “Of course , I don’t want Bobbie to die either “They left..

At Skye/Lorenzo-Nellie was in her son room watching him slept.”You need a family I wish I had both my parents but it was just Daddy and I Till Skye came around and I’m glad she did I just wish I know my mother and I’ll will make us a family,I know what to do”Nellie went downstairs as Lila Rae was there.”Lila Rae,Can you watched my son his sleeping “Sure”Thanks Sis”Nellie left as Spencer came into the room.”Spencer,Why are you here “I want to make sure you Alright “Oh that’s sweet of you and I’m fine ,I’m sorry about my father his overprotective “I understand that,Lila Rae would you like to see a movie someday “Sure”Skye came into the room.”Spencer “Mrs Alcazar,I like you're daughter and would like to take her on a date one day “I will talk about it with my daughter “Spencer left.”Mother,I really like him”Oh Lila Rae,I'll talk to you're father “Thanks Mother “

At Tea House-Tea was sitting on her couch when there was a knock on the door it was Lorenzo . “Lorenzo,Why are you here “Hello sis”Lorenzo came into the room.”To make sure you keep the end of you're deal”I will,you help me get this job and I will not charge you with anything “Sis,I’m glad you’re here too”Me too I need a change in my life “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

Toil and Trouble Part 2 Ch 12

“Toil and Trouble Part 2 ch 12”
“Duke Alive “
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was sitting on the couch reading her son a book.”Xavier,Do you like you're new school “Yes Mother “Lorenzo came into the room when Nellie came in with her son.”Nellie,I didn’t know you had you're son today “Well Michael callee me he needs me to take our son,Bobbie is sick”No,What’s wrong “She needs a new kidney “Oh”Yeah Michael a mess “He will be fine, I have a meeting “Lorenzo left.”Nellie,Do you still have feelings for Michael”I still love him Skye “Oh Nellie,It’s hard loving someone who doesn’t love you” Yes it is “

At Nikolas-Nikolas was unpacking his belongings he was glad to be back into his house when Anna came into the room.”Nikolas,Why did you call me”I know something about someone you love”Who”Duke is alive”What! Where is it”His on the family island still he not doing good,My Grandmother took him”Helena had him the whole time! “Yes with Fasion”Fasion is behind this! “Yes,I will go with you after the trial tomorrow “Alright ,Thanks for telling me”Anna left As Hayden came into the room.”You told her “Yes”So now what is the next plan”To get my company back on track “Good”What about you”Oh I have an idea “

At Lorenzo/Julian office-Lorenzo and Julian we’re talking.”We got the shipment “Good,I’m working on buying the haunted star we can use it as a cover “I like that idea “Me too”Who know I would like to work with you”Me either “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit