Monday, June 10, 2024

Revelation ch 49

 At Lorenzo-Skye was talking to Lorenzo.”We need to talk about our daughter Calista she needs to come home”Skye said “She still has school it’s almost over, I want her to finish it and then come home we need to help Lila Rae besides you know she take a lot of attention “Yes the last time we spoke she was upset with me”Skye said “See it will be easy to focus on Lila Rae”Alright, You blame me don’t you! For what happened with Lila Rae “It was on your watch”Lorenzo said as Lila Rae came in.”Now why don’t we go check on the new house I just bought “Lorenzo said as they left.

At The Federal prison-Carly’s cell-Carly was in her cell when Michael came in.”Mom. I have some good news”What is it? Carly ask “Your house was sold but we didn’t make all we needed for your bail hearing “That’s ok, Do you know who brought it”No,How are you doing “I miss you and your siblings, How is Donna”She doesn’t understand what is happening “I’m sure she doesn’t,I don’t get it either, I know she your grandmother but I can’t believe Monica did this “Me too,Jason saw her earlier she dying so she doesn’t care about any of this’I know you loved Monica “Yes I did”Michael said as a guard came by,”Ms.Spencer you are due in court “The Guard said he unlocked the cell.

At Carly’s old house- Lorenzo and Skye came in with Lila Rae,”This house is huge”Lila Rae said “Yes and it’s very security which is important for us”Lorenzo said “Yes, Lila Rae you can stay here in between the Quartermaine “Skye said “Skye, I was thinking you could stay here , There enough rooms for you to have your own room “Lorenzo said as Jason came in with Diane.Jason”Why are you here? Lorenzo ask “I want to meet the new owner, I should know it was you’Jason said”I have the paperwork from the real estate agent, You just need to sign them if it happened “Diane said “Carly needs the money today, I’ll let you buy this house but for more then you agree on’Jason said “Jason, it’s all finale the paperwork just needs to be signed “Diane said “I’m sorry for Carly trouble “Lorenzo said as he signed the paperwork,‘I’ll walk you both out “Lorenzo said “No, We know the way”Diane said they left,

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