Monday, June 24, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 31

 At Michael- Jax was home sitting on the couch doing paperwork when Michael came in.”Michael, How are you? Great my Dad and I just brought the haunted star ‘For what “A casino “That’s a great idea “Thanks we were working on it when Dad got the call from Skye, Lorenzo was shot at” No, Is anyone else hurt” No” That’s one thing that’s good about it” Yes, Jax I’m glad you’re home for Josslyn sake” Thanks, I’m here for you too”

At The Warehouse- Manny Jr was there tie up in a chair as Anna and Mac came in with the bodyguard.”So you are Manny Jr’Anna ask “Who are you both”We are law enforcement! Police commissioner Anna Devan and Mac Scorpio, we need to question you about shooting Lorenzo! In front of his daughter! Anna yelled “Yes I shot him for vengeance of my father “Manny said “Untie him”Mac said The bodyguard untied him and he got up,”Manny Ruiz Jr you are under arrest for the shooting of Lorenzo’Anna said 

At General Hospital- Skye was waiting on news about Lorenzo when Ava came by .”Skye, I heard about Lorenzo how is it”Lorenzo was shot in the head his in surgery “Skye said “I’m sorry where are the girls “They went to get some food “Skye said “Do you need anything “Why are you being nice to me? We don’t even know each other “ No but I understand what you’re going through and this business “I guess you do” Skye said as AJ came by holding coffee.”AJ, it’s good to see you “Ava said “Ava, You’re the reason I was shot at! AJ yelled “What! Skye ask “Sonny thought it was me who killed Kate Howard but it was Ava ! She the reason I lose years with my son! AJ yelled “Ava! You should go! Skye yelled Ava left.”Skye “I’m sorry “ It’s alright I need to think about something Lorenzo ask me before he went into surgery “What‘Lorenzo ask me to marry him and I say yes”

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