Sunday, June 30, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 42

 At The Park- Tracy was tired from doing the photoshoot as Maxie and Brooklyn came by.”The Photo shot was a hit “Yes you were great”Maxie said as Lucy came by,”What’s going on! I still love this company, What are you doing Tracy”I’m the new spoke model for Deception “You! Lucy ask “We are doing a new product that focuses on older women “Maxie said “Well you will need a lot of wrinkle cream  before you do a photo shot again’Lucy said And left upset as Ned came by.”How did it go”Great,We have a hit with Grams as our model”Brooklyn said “Good, Are you all finished “Yes”Why don’t we go home”Dad, What is going on! Is everything alright “Brooklyn ask as Tracy took her hand,”You’re father is worried about me, I just told him I have cancer it’s terminal’No! You can’t give up your a Quartermaine we don’t give up! Brooklyn yelled “I want to fight but I can’t “Tracy said “Thank for doing the photoshot for me”I have enjoy fix our relationship and you have come out stronger with your break up with Chase, You need to help this family “I will, I promise you”

Felicia was on a walk when she saw the Brownstone up for sale and looked at the sign as Mac came by,” Felicia “The Brownstone is up for sale it looks like it needs a lot of work “Yes it does, We had some great time in it” Yes we did, Do you want to buy it” Yes” Go ahead “I need a new project and I’ll bring it back to the glory days of the brownstone in honor of Bobbie “Yes she and Tony loved it too “

At Skye’s new office building- Skye was outside looking at the new sign that was just put up as Jax came by.”So you’re moving Aurora’Yes it’s now Quartermaine media, I have a lot of ideas for it’I’m sure you do, I’m sorry about Lorenzo “Thanks, I know how you feel towards him”Yes, I do but I hope now you and your daughters will be safe “We will,I’ll make sure “

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