Sunday, June 30, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 44

 At Michael/Willow-Josslyn was downstairs when Jax came in.”Josslyn, How are you doing “I have decided my future, I decided to quit medical school, and I’m not sure what I’m going to do” Whatever you do it will be good, Maybe we can work together on something “Maybe “

At The Federal Prison- Carly’s Cell- Carly was in her cell as Lucas came in.”Lucas, It’s good to see you,How is everything “The children are doing great, Donna miss you, it’s been great through having Jax home too”Yes I’m glad he came back to town, I’m glad my children have both of you “His been trying to get you home early “I now it’s hard on everyone but this is my fault, So anything new with you”Not really been working at the hospital, Lorenzo died last night’What happened “It’s a long story but it turns out the man who dated Lorenzo daughter Calista is Manny Ruiz Jr”No! Manny has a son! “Yes”That’s horrible that he use Lorenzo daughter “Yes it is”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy and Ned were talking.”I called Dillon his on his way’Ned, I’m glad we fixed our relationship “Me too, I’m glad you came home I know it was hard on you losing Luke” Yes it was he was my heart”

Skye and The girls came home.”Why don’t you both get ready for bed? Tomorrow is your father funeral it will be a long day’Yes it will”

On a Plane- A woman was on the plane holding a newspaper.”I need to be there for your family,They are mine too”

Revelation part 2 ch 43

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Calista was looking outside thinking about Lorenzo's death as Skye came in,” Calista, Are you alright “Not really “Why don’t we have a cup of, tea “Skye asked as Calista looked at her.”No I don’t want any tea, I actually hate tea”Oh okay, What do you want”Skye ask as Lila Rae came in.”I finish Daddy's obituary, Calista do you want to read it? Lila Rae ask ‘Yes”Calista said “Tomorrow is the funeral “Yes and I sent Daddy favorite suit to the funeral home “You both are handing it well”Skye said as Calista phone rang and she answered it,”Calista,Yes I’ll be there “Calista said she hang up the phone.”That was Anna she want a statement from me about Daddy murder “I’ll go with you, Mother I can handle it”I know”Skye said she left with her daughters.

At The Haunted Star-Michael and AJ were fixing it up for a casino.’What should we call it” Quartermaine Casino “I’m a Quartermaine still” Yes, Michael I know Monica was hard on you but you have to understand she was upset and felt betrayed every time you let Carly and Sonny in her house and your life” I do I just wish I know it upset her when they came in the house, I would have not let them in” I know “I hope this is a successful casino “Me too, I need a win” Me too”

At The Police Station-Anna was in the hallway reading files when Skye and her daughters came in,”Anna, if you want to talk to my daughter I will be in the meeting with you “Mother I can handle this”Alright”Skye said “Let’s go into my office “Anna said they left.”Lila Rae, How are you doing with all this? I can’t believe Daddy is really gone”Me too, I do think it’s best that we stay at the mansion for now “Skye said 

Anna's office- Anna and Calista were talking.”Fredrick and I were talking and then Daddy came in saying he wasn’t who I thought he was and then Fredrick pull out a gun and shot Daddy”Thanks you for your statements it will help the case”I hope so he killed my family, I will testify if you need me”Thanks “

Revelation part 2 ch 42

 At The Park- Tracy was tired from doing the photoshoot as Maxie and Brooklyn came by.”The Photo shot was a hit “Yes you were great”Maxie said as Lucy came by,”What’s going on! I still love this company, What are you doing Tracy”I’m the new spoke model for Deception “You! Lucy ask “We are doing a new product that focuses on older women “Maxie said “Well you will need a lot of wrinkle cream  before you do a photo shot again’Lucy said And left upset as Ned came by.”How did it go”Great,We have a hit with Grams as our model”Brooklyn said “Good, Are you all finished “Yes”Why don’t we go home”Dad, What is going on! Is everything alright “Brooklyn ask as Tracy took her hand,”You’re father is worried about me, I just told him I have cancer it’s terminal’No! You can’t give up your a Quartermaine we don’t give up! Brooklyn yelled “I want to fight but I can’t “Tracy said “Thank for doing the photoshot for me”I have enjoy fix our relationship and you have come out stronger with your break up with Chase, You need to help this family “I will, I promise you”

Felicia was on a walk when she saw the Brownstone up for sale and looked at the sign as Mac came by,” Felicia “The Brownstone is up for sale it looks like it needs a lot of work “Yes it does, We had some great time in it” Yes we did, Do you want to buy it” Yes” Go ahead “I need a new project and I’ll bring it back to the glory days of the brownstone in honor of Bobbie “Yes she and Tony loved it too “

At Skye’s new office building- Skye was outside looking at the new sign that was just put up as Jax came by.”So you’re moving Aurora’Yes it’s now Quartermaine media, I have a lot of ideas for it’I’m sure you do, I’m sorry about Lorenzo “Thanks, I know how you feel towards him”Yes, I do but I hope now you and your daughters will be safe “We will,I’ll make sure “

Revelation part 2 ch 41

 At a empty building- Skye came in it and looked around as a woman came in,”So what do you think about this office “I’ll take it”Skye said she shake the woman hands and sign paperwork.”I hope you like it”I will”Skye said as the woman left and Skye pick up her cellphone.”Nina. I need you to meet me at an office building I’ll text you the address that 

At ELQ ho,tel-Alexis and Jax, we’re having lunch together.”Alexis is there any way we can get Carly out early? Her children need her”I know you want to save her but Carly made this decision on her own and needs to face the consequences of her actions, it’s not up to you to save her”I know it was a stupid mistake she lose the hotel but still “You’re not upset that you don’t owe the hotel anymore “I do miss it but finalizing I’ll be alright’What about Aurora media “I was bored with it that’s why it was easy for Skye to get it, It was a mess with Drew running it, he wasn’t a good businessman,Anyway how is everything with you”Good, I was just offered to be on Robert team as prosecutor “That’s wonderful, I’m glad you got your law license back “Me too, I miss the law”What about the newspaper “Kristina and Lila Rae are running it together And I have a feeling it will be a successful’Me too”

Ava came in and went by Alexis and Jax table.”Ava, Now that Lorenzo is gone are you going to try to run the business’I don’t know “I just want to warn you that I’m working on the prosecutor team and I will go after you if I need too,So for Avery sake I hope I don’t have too “Alexis said 

At an Empty building- Skye was looking around as Nina came in,‘Skye,What is this building’This is going to be my office for all my media company I run’Skye said as Kristina and Lila Rae came in,”Mother this is our office too”Yes I want to make this media company even bigger, I have decided to change the name to Quartermaine Media’Skye said “Skye, I think this will be a great start “Nina said “Me too “Skye said 

Revelation part 2 ch 40

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Tracy was in the foyer on the phone.”Do you have my test results “Tracy ask she hang up the phone as Brooklyn came by,”Grams, I have news, Maxie and I would love to have you be our model for the new product, we have a photo shoot today about it’Brooklyn said “I would love too’Tracy said she was feeling emotional about her test results.”Good, We have the photo shoot in two hours at the park “I’ll meet you there”Tracy said Brooklyn left as Tracy broke down and cried as Ned came by,”Mother, Are you alright? Why are you crying “Oh Ned, I made many mistakes in my life,The way I raise you by nannies and board school “We have gone past that now what is it”Ned ask “Let’s go into the Den”Tracy said they went into the den as Skye and AJ were sitting there.”Mother and I need to talk alone”No it’s fine, Aj I’m glad you’re alive, I really am we are family and I know Monica was at peace when she died knowing her son was home,Skye, I’m sorry about changing the test results you our a Quartermaine and I was jealous of your relationship with Daddy, He would be proud of you taking over Aurora‘What’s going on! Why are you so nice to us? Skye asked “I haven’t been feeling good so I went for a check and I have cancer it’s terminal, “Tracy said “No, We can get you another doctor, “Ned said Tracy touched Ned's face,” No doctor will save me, I love you, son,” Tracy said “Tracy, I’m sorry, one reason I want to come home is to make peace with everyone for what I did, Alan death” Skye said “We were wrong to blame you, Alan wouldn’t want that Tracy said “Tracy, You are a fighter you can’t give up, We need you” AJ said “Right now my granddaughter needs me to be a model for her new products that’s coming out and that’s what I need to go to” Tracy said “You don’t have too “Ned said “I know “Tracy said and left.

“Ned, I’m sorry “Skye said “Thanks you,I’m going to try to get Dillon to come home”Yes he needs to make peace with Tracy for his safe”AJ said they left as Olivia came in.’Ned, What’s wrong “My mother has cancer she dying “No”Olivia said and hug him.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 39

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Skye arrived in the mansion with Calista who was holding her sonogram in her hand as they went into the living room Tracy was there by the bar.”Skye, Calista it’s nice to see you “Why are you being nice to me”Because I’m feeling nice today, I’m sorry about Lorenzo “No your not”Calista I’m sorry about your father I know it’s hard losing a parent “Tracy said and left the room.”Mother,We need to plan the funeral “Yes I know Honey , You’re father didn’t have a lot of friends because of who he is”I know”You’re going to heard some stuff about your father “Mother, I can handle it , I can handle everything that is thrown to me”Yes you can, I want you to know it’s not your fault “Skye said “I just hate that I was use by Fredrick he never loved me”Calista said “You will find someone who love you completely “Like you and Daddy loved each other “Yes”Skye said she was feeling guilty about her secret.”Mother, I’m going to get something to eat”Alright I’ll be in the Solarium”Calista said and left the room as AJ came into the room and close the door.”Skye, What is really going on here! How deep are you in this”In what”Did you have anything to do with Lorenzo shot”AJ ask “AJ,I don’t know what you are talking about “Yes you did,Skye you can tell me anything I know when you’re lying “You’re right, I hated Lorenzo when Lila Rae was a baby he took her away from me to punish me,When I finally got her back I had Jason take care of Lorenzo but then I found out he was alive in London “Skye said “What happened then “We had a horrible fight which lean to sex, Which leads to another daughter! I guess Lorenzo is the only man who can get me knocked up” Skye yelled “What happened next” AJ asked “I wanted out of the relationship and when Lorenzo was hiding to get revenge on Sonny, I got a call from Ava to help her and Selina to take out Lorenzo but I didn’t know that Fredrick was Manny or that he was used my daughter “Skye said “Oh, Skye I understand why you did this” To protect my daughters, Do you have my back anytime “

At Elizabeth- Jeff was sitting on the couch looking at photo of Elizabeth and the boys as Carolyn came in.Jeff how was your day “Great, I spent the day with our daughter, We miss a lot in her life the good and bad, Did you know that our daughter was raped and we were not there “No! We failed Elizabeth and all our children “Yes we did”

Revelation part 2 ch 38

 At Bobbie’s - Elizabeth and Jeff were having coffee together.”I can’t believe Bobbie is gone”Me too she was something special to me, She help me through a different time in my life “What was that”You and Mom don’t know , I never told either of you but when I was sixteen years old I was raped “Elizabeth said as she cried.”I’m sorry, I wish you told me, Did he go to jail “Jeff ask “Not for my raped”I’m sorry I should of been there for you,both your mother and I “Jeff said “Bobbie and Gram were my great support system “I’m glad you had both of them, I wish I could make it to you “We miss so much time together,Marriage and divorce and children, Why don’t we move forward? Life is short “Yes it is, I like, that, “Jeff said as Laura came in.”Jeff”Laura it’s good to see you “You too, I’m glad you’re back in town‘Thanks,I’m glad my daughter had you in her life “Elizabeth is a wonderful woman “How is Lulu”She is doing great, I’m just glad she finally wake up from her coma”Me too”

At General Hospital - Portia was in a room exam Calista doing an ultrasound sound on her as Skye was holding her hands.”Do you know the sex of the baby”Yes and I have some other news “Is the baby okay? We don’t need any bad news’No we don’t’

At The Newspaper building-Lila Rae was in her office writing an obituary on her father as Kristina came in.”Lila Rae,Why are you here? I’m sorry about your father “Thanks,I’m trying to write my father obituary he was more then just a mobster And I want other to know that”I understand how you feel,I felt the same way “It’s hard loving a man like my father “Yes it’s not easy having a mobster as a father you love someone who killed somebody “Yes”The one thing my father did right is loving us “A father love never goes away’No”

Revelation part 2 ch 37

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Olivia was in the den sitting down on the couch writing in a pad thinking about names for her restaurant that would be opening soon as Ned came in.”What are you up too”Ned ask as he sit down.”I’m trying to come up with names for my restaurant “What about Olivia’s” Ned asked “Maybe I was also thinking about Connie” Whatever you decide this restaurant is going to be perfect, What else do you have to do” I need to hire some staff, Ned thanks you for the support “That’s what we do” Ned said he kisses Olivia.

AJ was in the foyer as his cellphone rang.”AJ, Skye how is Lorenzo? I’m sorry yes can come here “Aj said he hang up the phone and went into the living room.”AJ, What’s going on? Ned asks ‘I just talked to Skye, Lorenzo died this morning “I hate to say this but Skye and the girls will be better off” Ned says “Yes they will “Olivia says “I told Skye they could stay here “Of course they can, We our family “Ned said 

At The Police Station- Anna and Mac were talking.”I just was informed that Lorenzo died this morning, So Fredrick or Manny Jr whatever his name is will be changed with manslaughter “Anna said “Well least one more mobster off the street “Yes”

At Robert office- Robert and Alexis were talking.”Why did you want to see me about “I would like you to join this office as prosecutor “I would be happy too, I missed being a lawyer “You are one of the best ones “Thank you”Alexis said as her cellphone rang .”Alexis, Diane what’s going on? Oh I’ll miss your friendship “Alexis said she hang up the phone.”Diane is moving out of town “That’s to bad I’ll miss her”Robert said as Anna came in.”Alexis, Robert, Can I talk to you “You can talk to Alexis she join my team’That’s great, Alexis you will make a great prosecutor, Lorenzo died this morning‘Alright we will charge Manny Jr will manslaughter’Yes and the streets are clean now”Yes we just have Selina and Ava to deal with “

Revelation part 2 ch 36

 At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye came into the house with the girls who were sad about losing Lorenzo.”I can’t believe Daddy gone! Now what do we do! How can we live in this house without him” Lila Rae asked “Girls I know you loved your father but we will get through this, We should stay at the mansion, Go get some of your belongings, and Calista you have a doctor's appointment later today “Yes I know I could change it” No it’s important to keep it, I know you miss your father he loved you both so much “Skye said “Yes we know “Calista said the girls went upstairs.

Elizabeth-Jeff was at home having a hard time walking to the couch when Elizabeth came home from the hospital.”Dad, Where is your cane”Elizabeth ask “I left it upstairs, I wanted to walk without it”You should not of,It’s alright to use it, Why don’t I change and we can go for a walk “Sure, I could get out of this place “Yes I’ll show you the new thing around town”Elizabeth said 

At Skye/Lorenzo- Skye was secretly happy that Lorenzo was gone as there was a knock on the door she open it was Ava,”Ava, Why are you here”I need to get some file of Lorenzo before the authorities come”Alright I’ll show you the office, I don’t want my daughters to see you here”Skye said Ava and Skye went to the office.”Take whatever you need, Ava I hope you keep your promise in protecting me and my daughters’Skye said “Skye. we don’t know much about each other but we both have been in similar situations and I would do anything to protect Avery from Sonny just like you did for your daughters”Ava said “I can’t have my daughters find out what I did”They wouldn’t “Ava said Skye left the room and close the door as Ava look through Lorenzo paperswork.

Revelation part 2 ch 35

 At General Hospital- Skye was in the hallway waiting on news about Lorenzo with her daughters when Elizabeth and Lucas came by.”I’m sorry but Lorenzo didn’t make it”No,Lorenzo is gone! Skye yelled “Daddy! Lila Rae yelled Cal ist a just stood still.”No! Daddy is gone”Lila Rae yelled “What happened “Skye asked “We don’t know what happened, “ Lucas said as Anna and Alexis came by.”Anna, Alex is why are you here”How is Lorenzo “Alexis ask “Not like you care Alexis but his gone”Skye said “I’m going to see Daddy, one last time’Calista said she went into Lorenzo room with Lila Rae. “well Skye his finally out of your life “ I loved Lorenzo have a heart,Now you excuse me my daughters need me”Skye said she left.

Lorenzo room-Lorenzo body was on the bed covered up as the girls came in and Lila Rae removed the sheets,” Daddy we loved you were the best father I could have had, Both of us” I wish this never happened, I’m sorry “Calista said as Skye came by.” Calista this isn’t your fault that this happened it just did”Skye said “What is going to happen now” Lila Rae ask “ I don’t know baby but I’m here for both of you, Lorenzo I loved you “Skye said “ I loved you to Daddy”Calista said Skye left with her daughters as a man came in to take the body a way he was supposed to take it to the morgue but he took the body in the garage and put it in a van.

At The Police station -Manny was in his cell as Anna came by.”So I have some new you will be charged with manslaughter “Anna said 

At The Warehouse- Ava and Selina were talking.”Now it’s just us”Yes it is,But I don’t think I can trust you”Ava said as she shot Selina and she fell to the ground.”Now I will be in charge “Ava said 

Revelation part 2 ch 34

 At The Warehouse- The next day-Skye was in the warehouse meeting with Ava and Selina.”You didn’t tell me part of this plan to get rid of Lorenzo was to use my daughter! She pregnant by Manny son! Skye yelled “That wasn’t part of the plan “Ava said “No it wasn’t “Selina said “So now what is the plan “Skye ask 

At Skye/ Lorenzo-Lila Rae and Calista just came downstairs looking for Skye and saw a note on the table by some baked goods and coffee and tea.”Girls, I had to run an errand,meet you at the hospital “Love mother “Lila Rae read.”Lila Rae, what would happen to us if Daddy “Doesn’t go there besides his going to make it, Daddy is strong “Yes he is, This is my fault” No it’s not, You didn’t know That Fredrick was An enemy of Daddy’s “Let’s go see him” Yes”

At Mac/ Felicia- Felicia was reading the Do newspaper as Mac came by.”Good morning “Good morning, did you know that the brownstone is for sale? Felicia asked “No” Mac it was a special place for me, I have many memories of Bobbie there” Yes we do “I want to buy it “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Mac said 

At Deception- Maxie and Brooklyn were having a meeting, “I have an idea for the perfect model”Who”Maxie ask “ Me”Tracy said as she came in.”You want to be our model “Maxie ask 

At General Hospital- Lorenzo room- Lorenzo was in bed as the girls came into the room and Lorenzo ventilator went off.”Daddy! Lila Rae yelled as Lucas and Elizabeth came in and work on Lorenzo as Skye came by.”Girls let’s go into the hallway “Skye said “Just save Daddy”Lila Rae said they went into the hallway.

Lucas was working on trying to save Lorenzo.”You know it’s to late “Yes his gone”Lucas said 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 33

 At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye came in with the girls and saw the blood on the carpet that was Lorenzo.”Mother “Girls, Why don’t you go to bed? It’s been a long day “Yes it is, I’m just glad Daddy is okay too” Skye said the girls went upstairs and Skye went by the carpet and sat down on the floor and touched the blood and cried,

At The Police station-Manny was in his cell as Selina came by .”What happened? Why did it go wrong? Selina asked “Do you think it’s a good idea to talk here” You’re right, I’ll post your bail tomorrow and then we will talk” Selina said as she left.

At Skye/ Lorenzo-Skye was in Lorenzo's bedroom and picked up a picture of them together with the girls.”This wasn’t how it was supposed to be “Skye said 

At General Hospital - Lorenzo room- Lorenzo was in bed sleeping he had gazing on his head as someone came in.”I should just unplug the cord and you will be gone and I’ll take over the mob”Ava said as Selina came in.”We can make it happen “

Revelation part 2 ch 32

 At General Hospital-Skye was sitting on the couch with the girls. Lila Rae was sleeping as Calista was wake blaming herself for this,”Calista‘Mother this is all my fault I was a fool to think he loved me that he wasn’t using me, Daddy has always warned us to be careful who we trust and I didn’t listen “This isn’t your fault, You are a victim of Manny too”Was Manny Sir evil too “Yes he was”Skye said “Daddy had a lot of enemies “Yes unfortunately your father isn’t a normal father “No”

At The Police station- Alexis was looking over a file for a case as Anna and Mac came in with Manny who was arrested.”Anna, Mac what’s going on”This is Manny Ruiz Jr, He shot Lorenzo tonight in his house in front of his daughter Calista “I love Calista”You were just using her to get to her father “Anna said “So are we going to have a mob war! Alexis ask “I would like a phone call “Manny said a cop took him away.”Do we know if Lorenzo is going to make it” Alexis asked “No we don’t “Mac said 

At General Hospital - Skye was walking pace around as Jax came by.”Skye, I heard about Lorenzo, is he ok “Why do you care”I just want to support you we been through a lot in London we share something”Yes we did we both were in a bad place “Yes we were we helped each other’s “Yes”Skye said as Portia and Lucas came by and the girls got up and walked by Skye. “Lorenzo's surgery went will we fix the damage from the bullet in his head he's going to need a lot of recovery, Lorenzo will be walking with a cane and he needs to stay away from stress, “ Portia said “ Just like last time, “Skye said “Yes Lorenzo was shot in the same spot like before “Lucas said when Sonny shot him” Skye said “Can we see Daddy” Lorenzo is sleeping I suggest you see him in the morning Portia said “Alright we need to rest anyway “Skye said 

Revelation part 2 ch 31

 At Michael- Jax was home sitting on the couch doing paperwork when Michael came in.”Michael, How are you? Great my Dad and I just brought the haunted star ‘For what “A casino “That’s a great idea “Thanks we were working on it when Dad got the call from Skye, Lorenzo was shot at” No, Is anyone else hurt” No” That’s one thing that’s good about it” Yes, Jax I’m glad you’re home for Josslyn sake” Thanks, I’m here for you too”

At The Warehouse- Manny Jr was there tie up in a chair as Anna and Mac came in with the bodyguard.”So you are Manny Jr’Anna ask “Who are you both”We are law enforcement! Police commissioner Anna Devan and Mac Scorpio, we need to question you about shooting Lorenzo! In front of his daughter! Anna yelled “Yes I shot him for vengeance of my father “Manny said “Untie him”Mac said The bodyguard untied him and he got up,”Manny Ruiz Jr you are under arrest for the shooting of Lorenzo’Anna said 

At General Hospital- Skye was waiting on news about Lorenzo when Ava came by .”Skye, I heard about Lorenzo how is it”Lorenzo was shot in the head his in surgery “Skye said “I’m sorry where are the girls “They went to get some food “Skye said “Do you need anything “Why are you being nice to me? We don’t even know each other “ No but I understand what you’re going through and this business “I guess you do” Skye said as AJ came by holding coffee.”AJ, it’s good to see you “Ava said “Ava, You’re the reason I was shot at! AJ yelled “What! Skye ask “Sonny thought it was me who killed Kate Howard but it was Ava ! She the reason I lose years with my son! AJ yelled “Ava! You should go! Skye yelled Ava left.”Skye “I’m sorry “ It’s alright I need to think about something Lorenzo ask me before he went into surgery “What‘Lorenzo ask me to marry him and I say yes”

Revelation part 2 ch 30

 At General Hospital -Skye was waiting on news about Lorenzo with her daughters and AJ. Calista was feeling guilty about it as Portia and Lucas came by.”How is Lorenzo “Lorenzo needs brain surgery he was hit in the head we are going to get ready it will take a while “Can we see Daddy before you go into surgery “Yes really quiet no stress, “Lucas said “Thank you, “Skye said she left with her daughters. “How bad is it”AJ ask “This is serious, it’s not the first time Lorenzo was shot in the head “Lucas said 

At Lorenzo’s room-Lorenzo was in bed and glazed was on his head as Skye and the girls came in .”Daddy” Lila Rae said “We just wanted to let you know how much we care for you,” Skye said “I know how all of you feel towards me,” Lorenzo said “Daddy, I’m sorry this happened to you I never meant for this to happen “Calista said “I know you didn’t, Calista and Lila Rae I love you both, Skye can we talk “Lorenzo ask Lila Rae and Calista left the room.”Skye, I love you and life is to short to not be with the one you love, Skye I love you and I want you to be my wife “Lorenzo said he kiss Skye as Elizabeth came in,”Lorenzo it’s time for surgery “Elizabeth said “I hope when I come back you have an answer for me”It’s a yes”Skye said “Oh Skye, you just made me happy “Lorenzo said As Elizabeth push him into surgery and Skye prayed he would make it.

At Lorenzo/Skye house-Anna and Mac were looking around for evidence and talking to the bodyguard on what happened.”Manny shot Lorenzo” Where is this Manny? Anna asked “I’ll show you, I just had to take him out of the house “Did you beat him up” Mac asked “Not yet,” The bodyguard said Anna looked at the blood on the carpet.”That’s Lorenzo blood “Yes”We have cameras in the living room I’m sure you can have it “Only Alcazar would have cameras in his living room “

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 29

 At The Police Station- Anna was in her office when her cell phone rang.”Commissioners Devane,Thank you”Anna said she hang up the phone and went into the hallway,”Mac, I have news , Lorenzo was just shot at in his own home “No this isn’t good we may have a mob war “No it’s not”Anna said “ Let’s go and see what happened “Mac said 

At The ELQ hotel- Jax was having a drink as Nina came by.”Jax, I heard you were back “Yes, I’m my daughter needs me” Yes I’m sure “ How are you doing “I’m doing great now that I have full control of Crimson” That’s good “ Yes it will be a successful magazine, Skye is doing great at running the media company “Skye is great at business, Anyone in your life” No” You” No”

At General Hospital- Skye was waiting with her daughters on news about Lorenzo.”Calista,What happened‘Fredrick use me! His not who he say he is, This is all my fault I just wanted someone to love me’Who is Fredrick”His real name is Manny Ruiz Jr”Calista said as Anna and Mac came by,”Manny Ruiz Jr shot Lorenzo! Anna yelled “ Yes, he pretends to be someone else my professor Fredrick who I had an affair with who is the father of my child! Who is this man! His he dangerous’ Calista ask “Yes he is,Who saw the whole thing “Anna ask “I did, I’m Calista “Calista, Did your father shot Manny”No,Manny shot Daddy then the bodyguard came in’Where is he”We don’t know”Skye said 

AJ came in,” Skye, What happened “Lorenzo was shot at, Anna are we done”Yes”Anna said she and Mac left.”AJ, I love Lorenzo yes we are not married but it’s just complicated because of his business, I don’t want to love him but I do, he give me two beautiful daughters “I do want to know more of Lorenzo, I want my sister happy, I do hope he make it”This isn’t the first time he was shot and unfortunately it won’t be the last “Skye said 

Revelation part 2 ch 28

 At Skye/Lorenzo- Calista was talking to Fredrick.”I'm the father “Yes, I was going to tell you but you left town and I had to come here to our new home with my family “I want to be with you and raise the baby’What about your wife”I’m leaving her for you, I love you”Fredrick said he kiss her.

Lorenzo was in his office reading the file on Fredrick and find out who he really is and was upset as he pick up his gun and put it in his jacket and went into the living room.”Calista , I need you to go upstairs, I need to talk to Fredrick alone “No! Daddy you can’t control me! Whatever you need to say you can say in front of me! Calista yelled “Find! He used you! His name isn’t Fredrick! His name is Manny Ruiz Jr! His an enemy of mine! He use you Calista! Lorenzo yelled “Fredrick is this true “Yes! I use you to get revenge on my father dead! I had to get vengeance on his dead it’s the only way to honor my father! Now his legacy will go on! Manny yelled “Get out of my house! Lorenzo yelled as Manny pulled out his gun.’Manny”Calista yelled as he shot Lorenzo as Lila Rae and Skye came in.

The bodyguard took Manny away as Skye went by Lorenzo who was bleeding on the floor.”Lorenzo! Don’t die on me! I love you I been a fool”Skye said “I’ll call 911”Lila Rae said as Calista was in shock that this happened and an enemy of the family use her.

The paramedics came in and took Lorenzo to the ambulance.”I want to ran with them.Girls have the driver take you, Calista we will talk at the hospital “Skye said she left.

“Calista “This is all my fault “Lila Rae said 

Revelation part 2 ch 27

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Tracy and Brooklyn were talking.”How is deception going” Not good we were going to have Erica Kane as our model but Crimson stole her, We need an older model for this new product “How old? Tracy asks “Around 40 years old and more” What about me? Tracy asks “You want to be my model” Why not? It should be fun besides I have stock in Deception and I want it to be successful “Why don’t we go talk to Maxie? Brooklyn asked as Ned came in.”What’s going on” Grandmother is going to be a model at Deception “Wow! Really “I’m not dead! I still look good “Yes you do, I think that will be wonderful, “Ned said as AJ and Michael came in,” AJ, Michael What have you been up to” Ned asked “We brought the old Haunted Star and are going to turn it into a gambling casino “That is a great idea “Ned said “Thanks we just need to come up with a name “Michael said “Yes, it’s nice to go into business with my son” AJ said “Yes “Michael said “Michael, Are you doing okay “Yes I’m “

At Laura/ Kevin- Lulu was looking around she was feeling overwhelmed when there was a knock on the door it was Nikolas.”Nikolas, I’m so glad to see you “You too, I’m so glad you’re awake” Me too,” Lulu said as she hugged Nikolas.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was in his office when his bodyguard came in.”Sir, We have the information on that Fredrick “Good, I want to know everything about the bastard who got my daughter knocked up” Lorenzo said he was about to read it when he heard the doorbell ring he went into the living room to answer it was a man.”Can I help you “Lorenzo asked as Calista came by.”Fredrick, Why are you here” This is Fredrick,” Lorenzo asks “Yes Daddy “Calista you’re pregnant! Is the baby mine? Fredrick yelled as he came in.”Don’t yell at my daughter! I should throw your ass in jail for sleeping with minors! Do you know who I am? Lorenzo yelled “Daddy! Can I just talk to Fredrick? Calista asks as she puts her hands on his chest.”Alright, You have ten minutes “Lorenzo said he went into his office and picked up a file on Fredrick.

Revelation part 2 ch 26

 At The Haunted Star- AJ and Michael walk into the boat.”We could easily get a gambling license “I hope so” We should change the name of the boat” Michael said as Nikolas came in.”N ikolas, Why are you here”Lulu owed this yacht till she was in a coma and I became a charge of it,So you both want to buy it”Yes, My son and I want to run it”Will you buy it for the same asking price’yes”Alright, I talk to Lulu she want something else to do so it’s all your “I’m glad Lulu wake”Me too”

At Laura/Kevin- Laura and Kevin came in with Charlotte and Rocco and Lulu,”Lulu, We want you to stay here for a little bit just to get use to being back “I’m glad I’m wake I miss so much “Yes you did Mother but it wasn’t your fault “No it wasn’t “Laura said as There was a knock on the door it was Dante .”Dante,”Lulu I’m so glad you’re awake , I miss you “I miss you too.Thank for taking care of the children “I love both of them “Why don’t we get some food “Kevin ask as they went into the kitchen to let them talk.”Are you dating anyone “Yes, Sam I’m sorry’ We were divorced when I went into a coma you had a right to move on” I prayed for you to wake up, “Dante said “Thanks, I’m going to get my life back “Yes I believe that just don’t push it” I wouldn’t” Lulu said Dante left.

At General Hospital- Elizabeth was tired as she was working by the nurse station and Portia came by.”Elizabeth, Are you alright “My parents moved back here and are staying with me, My father has MS” I’m sorry “Thanks I want to take care of him and also heal from the past “Your father is lucky to have you” I hope so it’s difficult seeing your love one sick than a patient here” Yes it is”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 25

 At Nina office -Nina was in her office talking to Erica as Sasha came in.”Nina, Why I’m here “This is Erica  Kane” Yes I know who she is” We are doing business together and would like you to be our model for this next business adventure, “Nina said “I don’t know “Sasha I will not let anything happened to you “I know you wouldn’t but I had breakdown before how can you trust me” Sasha being a model isn’t easy work I know from experience and the pressure it can get to you” I will make sure you don’t let that happen to you anymore “Erica said “Alright, I will try being a model again “Sasha said 

At The Intruder-Skye was showing Lila Rae around the building.”Lila Rae,This is all your you can change the name if you want too‘Thank mother I will not let you down “I know you won’t “I was thinking of writing what happened to me in Amsterdam “Are you sure about that? Yes I want to help another woman makes sure it doesn’t happen to anyone “Alright I understand why you want to do it, I just don’t want you it to much for you”It won’t, it will be like therapy “Yes it will “Skye said she was worrying about her daughter as Alexis and Kristina came in.”Alexis,Kristina why are you both here “I just came to get my belongings “Oh, Alexis you were a good writer I read some of your work but I’m glad you’re back as a lawyer “Are you should about that? Maybe one day I’ll take down Lorenzo “So Skye you’re going to run it”Kristina ask she try to change the subject.”No.Lila Rae is going to take over this newspaper “Nice, Good luck “Thanks we were just talking about that I want to write what happened to me in Amsterdam to help another woman “I think that’s a good idea “Alexis said “Me too, Do you have a job offer “Kristina ask “ You want to work here? Alexis ask “Yes, that just give me a idea”I would love for you to work here with me we probably have a lot in common “Yes probably both of our fathers are in the same business “Why don’t we go and let you both work together “Skye said she was a little nervous. 

Skye and Alexis were in the hallway.”I’m worried about Lila Rae writing what happened to her “Skye, If it will help her heal then just let her do this, Lila Rae is strong you are a great mother “Thank I don’t feel like one with what happened to my daughters , Lila Rae a victim of sex trafficking and then Calista being pregnant “We can’t control our children when they get older “No we can’t,Calista is a little wild then Lila Rae”Skye said “Isn’t that from you”Yes”

Revelation part 2 ch 24

 At Michael- Michael was looking at the computer for a job when there was a knock on the door he went to open it was AJ,” AJ, Come in” Michael said as AJ came in, Michael, I talked with Ned this morning and we both agreed you can come back to ELQ, You just need some guidance in running business‘I’m thinking ELQ isn’t for me, I was the reason we lose it “You made a mistake and     it’s alright you should not be punished for it, This is our chance to start over and have a relationship want a relationship with you too but I’m done with ELQ” Alright l understand, So what is next” I’m not sure I was just looking for a job” Maybe we can form a business together “ Maybe we can, I’m glad you’re here” Me too” AJ said as Wiley and Amelia came in with Willow.”Wiley, Amelia I want you to meet your grandfather AJ” Nice to meet you both,  Willow ‘ AJ said 

At Aurora- Skye was in her office showing Lila Rae around.”Lila Rae, Why don’t you work with me! I was going to name it after AJ but I’m thinking of a different name” What do I have to do “We need someone to run the Invader. You could change it to anything you want” I love it” Good, I’ll show you the offices's said 

At Nina office- Nina and Erica were finalists things on the deal for Crimson and Enchantment.”This deal is going to be a hit between both of our companies “Yes now we are just missing one thing “What”A model for it” I know the perfect person “ Nina said she made a phone call.

At Michael- Aj was enjoying meeting his grandchildren .” let’s go to the park “Willow said she left with the kids.”I enjoy meeting my grandchildren,Michael you are a lucky man” Yes I’m,,”I have an idea of what we can do, The Haunted Star is up for sale, We could run it turn it into a night club or gaming club “I like that idea “

Revelation part 2 ch 23

 At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ and Ned were having coffee together.”AJ, Do you want to join me at ELQ”Why do you want me at the company you always thought I wasn’t good enough “Yes I did and I’m sorry besides I need you there I can’t do it all on my own”What about Michael “I know he is your son but Michael wasn’t good at business we lose ELQ for while to Valentin “Maybe Michael just needs to learn from us he needs the support “Maybe “

At Elizabeth- Elizabeth was having coffee she was tired from driving all night with her parents in the car they came in when the boys were sleeping. Carolyn came in.”Good morning “Good morning “Your Dad is still sleeping, thank you for having us here” You’re welcome, How bad is it” Bad it’s in the finale stage “So maybe we should call Sarah and Hayden “You know about Hayden “Yes, she lived here for awhile she has a daughter Violet “I was hoping you wouldn’t find about her” Mom, You can’t always protect me by keeping the truth from me” You’re right, You are a long stronger then I thought you were raising three boys by yourself “Thank, I love my boys “Elizabeth said as Ayden and Jake came in.”Ayden and Jake, I want you to meet your grandmother,This is Ayden and Jake “ Nice to meet you both”You did, is Grandfather here”Ayden ask as Jeff came  in holding a cane.”Yes, I’m him”Jeff, Come meet our grandchildren Ayden and Jake,” Carolyn said “I’m glad to meet you both why don’t we have breakfast together “Yes”

At Skye/ Lorenzo- Skye and Lorenzo were having breakfast with the girls.”Calista did you make a doctor appointment “I will “You need to do it soon,you can’t put it off “I wouldn’t “Calista said as she roll her eyes.”Now what is everyone plans for the day? Lorenzo ask “I need to go to work “Me too”Lorenzo said “Mother I was thinking of getting a job somewhere “I think that’s a good idea you can work with me “Yes it is, Calista you can get a job too”No thanks “

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 22

 At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were finished up having dinner with their daughters.”Mother, We know that Grandmother Rae didn’t raise you, Who did”Calista ask “ It’s not worth mentioning, All you both need to know is I love you and you both have the support of us”Skye said “Yes,You’re mother is right “Lorenzo said “I’m going to take a shower “Lila Rae said “I need to unpack my room so more”Calista said she know her mother needs to be alone they went upstairs.”Skye, Are you alright “Not really, I try to forget my past and sometimes it’s hard to forget “Skye said Lorenzo took Skye hands.”You’re not alone anymore I love you “Lorenza o said as he kissed Skye,” Oh Lorenzo, I love you too but it doesn’t answer all our problems, “Skye said “It could, “Lorenzo said 

At The Long term care facility -Lulu room- Lulu was in bed wake trying to figure out what has happened the past years when Laura and Kevin came in.”Lulu “Laura said as she came by.”Mother, What happened “You were in a explosive and ending up in a coma,This hospital was the best care for you”We miss you”I miss you both and my children “Lulu said‘Rocco And Charlotte miss you too, They can’t wait to see you “Laura said “I have so many questions “We will answer them”Laura said as the doctor came in.”You are all set to leave “Thank you for the care you give my daughter “You’re welcome “

At Skye/ Lorenzo-Lila Rae was in her room wearing her Pajamas when Skye came in,”Lila Rae, How was therapy “It went okay, Dr.Collins wants us to go as a family’I think that will be a good idea, Your father and I will help you”Thanks, I want to heal, Mother it’s not your fault about this “I should of never let you go to Amsterdam yourself that was on me,”Mother I want to go with Denise and nothing you could do to stop me”Lila Rae said “Probably not, You are just like both of us your father and I “Skye said 

Revelation part 2 ch 21

 In California/Carolyn-Elizabeth were outside the door about to knock she was scared about facing them she took a deep breath and knocked on the door as Carolyn opened it.”Elizabeth, Come in” Mom” Elizabeth said as she came in,” It’s good to see you, Did you bring my grandson “No, I need to talk to you both before I leave you or my sons” Elizabeth said “I’m sorry about everything not be their for you, I thought I was doing the right thing letting your grandmother raise you, You were a wild child “I was just a teenager who wanted her parents love” You had our love that never changed “Carolyn said as Jeff came in walking with a cane.”Dad, What’s going on with you “Elizabeth asked “I have MS” No” Yes, Between a nurse and your mother who had been taking care of me “Why didn’t you call me? Elizabeth asks “With all the hurt between us we don’t want to burden you “You are not a burden, I was thinking maybe you both could come back to Port Charles so we could get to know each other again and you could meet your grandchildren, I do want to heal from this,” Elizabeth said “Me too” Carolyn said “Yes, Why not? Let’s go back home, You could visit Steven in jail I've been visiting him” Me too, We need to bring him home “Jeff said “Why don’t we go packing “Carolyn said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lila Rae told her sister what had been going on with her.”Why don’t we have dinner the new cook started today “Skye asked “Yes, Let’s sit down “Lorenzo said they went into the dining room and sat down.”So Calista have you decided on baby names “Lila Rae asked “No, I haven’t thought of how to raise this baby’Calista said ‘Well it’s happening so now you need to stop ignoring it “Lorenzo said “Mother, How did you pick our name “Calista ask “Lila Rae is named after my grandmother Lila Quartermaine who was very special to me and Rae is my mother you know that” What about my name “You’re named after my grandmother “Lorenzo said “Oh, I didn’t know that you never mentioned your family “Calista said “I know, I hate that I sent you both to board school but it was for your protection but now Calista you will go to a all girls school here and it will be different, We will try to support you on your pregnancy “Lorenzo said Calista was touch by it. Thanks, Daddy” Calista said “Name our important, You have to pick the perfect one,” Skye said “Mother, Where did Skye come from “Lila Rae asked “It’s not my biological name, it was a nickname by my uncle Stuart and I love it more then my name” What is it! Is it that bad” Yes it’s Antoinette’Skye said “After Marie Antoinette “Lila Rae asked “Yes, That’s why I legally changed it with another reason too” Skye said she was feeling sad thinking about her childhood.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 20

 At General Hospital-Elizabeth was working trying not to think about the news her father told her when Portia came by,Elizabeth,Are you alright “No I called my parents the another day and they want to see me “Do you want to see them’I’m having a hard time dealing with them my parents abandoned me and my siblings so they could travel the world “I understand how you feel about it but do it for yourself not for them”You’re right,it’s not going to be easy. I hope my boys don’t feel this way about their father “Elizabeth said as Laura came in,”Laura you look happy “I’m,Lulu just woke up “Laura said “That’s wonderful news! I’m so happy “Elizabeth said hugging her,” Me too,” Portia said “Thank you, I just came to pick up Kevin and then we are leaving, “Laura said 

Kevin's office-Kevin was finished up a session with Lila Rae.”I keep having nightmares about what happened to me! Will I ever recover from it? Lila Rae ask “Yes you will in time but don’t push it you only been in therapy twice so far” Yes, my parents blamed themselves and this time it’s not either of their faults it’s no one's fault “No it’s not, I suggest you and your parents do a session too” I think my whole family needs one” Lila Rae said “ Maybe, Time is up.” Kevin said “Thanks you”Lila Rae said she left as Laura came in.”Are you ready to leave “ Yes” Good, Let’s get my daughter “Laura said 

At Skye/ Lorenzo-Calista just ask her parents about what was going on with Lila Rae.”Calista, You’re sister went through a horrible situation that no woman should go through “Skye said “What is it? I know it’s something bad she been jumped a lot,What happened to my sister! Calista ask as Lila Rae came in,”I was in Amsterdam and I felt into a sex trafficking “Lila Rae said as she cried,”No, I’m sorry “Calista said as she cried and hug Lila Rae.”Thank you, it’s not your fault or mother and Daddy, it’s no one fault and I will get my life back “Yes you will “Yes, We are Alcazar and we get through anything “Lorenzo said 

Revelation part 2 ch 19

 At Laura/Kevin-Laura was so happy that Lulu woke up and was talking to Dante.”What does this mean for you and Sam? Laura asked “We divorced before the coma, We are still just co-parents to our children that’s all, I’m happy that she is awake” I know you are, “Laura said as there was a knock on the door it was Charlotte, and Rocco and Nikolas and Spencer.”What is your news? Is it good news” Charlotte asked “Yes it’s wonderful news, You’re mother is awake,” Laura said “Yes! That’s wonderful news “Charlotte said “Yes it is! I’ll go with you to the hospital and help you bring her home” Nikolas said “I want to go with you” Rocco said “I’m glad that Lulu is awake this is the best news ever, You both have your mother back you both need her” Dante said “We all do” Laura said 

At Skye/ Lorenzo-Lorenzo was having a drink as Calista came in carrying bags.”I hope that’s stuff for the baby “Daddy, I brought you something “Calista said as she went into the bag.”With my money” Lorenzo said as Calista pulled out the cufflink and gave them to Lorenzo.”Thank you, Calista we need to talk about the baby yes you will raise the baby here with us but it’s your responsibility to take care of the baby not just use a nanny” Lorenzo said as Skye came in,” What’s going on” Skye ask she didn’t want them to fight.”I was just going over the rules, I told Calista she will be raising the baby not just with a nanny, This baby is your responsibility you decided to get pregnant “Lorenzo said “It was an accident that I ended up pregnant, I thought Fredrick was used protection, I made a mistake I thought we had a future and I was wrong, maybe he was using me” Calista said “I’m sorry but you will find someone better “And appropriate for your age “Lorenzo said “Daddy” What is Fredrick last name “Lorenzo ask “Daddy, I’m not giving you it” Calista said “Calista, You need to make a doctor appointments “I will do that, Where is Lila Rae? “she at an appointment Skye said 

Revelation part 2 ch 18

 At The Park- Calista was walking around and looking at the children and babies thinking about the baby she was going to have when Charlotte came running by and almost ran into her.”Excuse me”Sorry I didn’t see you “That’s alright,Are you upset “I just had a bad day that all, Are you new in town”Yes, Calista Alcazar “Charlotte Cassadine “Nice to meet you, I could use a friend I usually go to board school but now I’ll be going to school here”I been to board school to it’s hard to be in board school away from your family “Yes it is”Calista said as Charlotte cellphone rang .”Grandmother, yes I’ll come oas ver “Charlotte said she hung up the phone.”Well I need to go”Yes me too. It was nice to meet you”You too”Charlotte said and left.

At ELQ hotel- Jax was having drinks when Alexis came by.”Jax, I’m so glad you’re back “Alexis said as she sit down.”Thanks, I’m glad to be home to my daughter needs me”Yes she does”I heard you have your license back “Yes I did , I’m opening my own law firm and working at ELQ”That’s good, What about Carly case could you get her out of jail “No, it’s a hard case, The Federal went after Carly because of Sonny and Jason they want to destroy their business “Yes, I try to tell Carly not to run the business but she wouldn’t listen to me”She never listened to anyone “No, So how is Kristina “She still trying to figure out her life , It’s not easy getting over your father shooting you “ No I’m sure it’s not”

At The Docks-Kristina was there when Dex came by.”Kristina, How are you doing “I’m trying to heal”I wish that day it was me who was shot not you “I don’t blame you, I blame my father I’m glad his gone and maybe the dangerous will be “

Revelation part 2 ch 17

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica room- Aj went into Monica room and pick up her sweater that was on the bed and smell it,”I’m going to miss you Mom, I’ll do my best to honor your memory “AJ said as he cried a little as Skye came in.”AJ, Are you alright “No, I miss my mom, I wish she was still here I hate that she went and I took forever to recover, I know she was there visiting me when I was in the hospital but I don’t know she was there all the time, “AJ said, “I think after getting revenge and knowing you were coming home it made Monica at peace and she was ready to go be with Alan, Monica was getting older and the cancer was taking a whole on her, “Skye said “ Yes she was glad that Sonny was gone, I wasn’t crazy that she took it out on Michael “I understand why she did, Michael always took Sonny and Carly side just like Jason,” Skye said “Yes, I didn’t like it either “Let’s go downstairs, “Skye said 

At Sam’s penthouse-Sam was downstairs making notes when Dante came in.”Sam,What is going on”I’m going to plan Jason funeral since the Quartermaine don’t want too”I understand why you want to do that “Yes it’s good for Danny and Jake to say goodbye to their father “Sam said as Dante cellphones rang .”Yes. She is my wife, That’s great news”Dante said as he hang up the phone.”That was Lulu hospital, She woke up! Dante said “That’s wonderful news “Thanks I’m happy for Charlotte and Rococo too I need to tell them”Yes, Go ahead “Sam said “Sam”I’m not upset I want Lulu to wake up”Sam said “I know you do”Dante said 

At Kevin/ Laura- Kevin and Laura just got home from Monica funeral when Laura cellphone rang .”Laura Collins, Yes I’m her mother , That’s wonderful news”Laura said she hang up the phone,”Lulu woke up! Laura said “That’s wonderful new” Yes, I need to call Nikolas and Lucky”Laura said as there was a knock on the door it was Dante who came in.”Dante! Did you hear the news, Lulu is wake! Yes, I was just coming to make sure you know”We should go to the hospital together to get her”Alright have you told the kids “I’m going to”This is just wonderful new”Kevin said “Yes”

Revelation part 2 ch 16

 At Michael house- Josslyn was at home trying to decide on a major when Jax came in.”Josslyn, What are you doing’Jax ask as he sit down,”Try To pick a major for class, I decided I didn’t want to be a doctor “What have you decided on”Nothing yet,Dad are you staying in town “Yes I’m this time for good, I went to see your mother to try to get her out of jail “Thank for trying, I’m upset that she ended up in jail if she didn’t take over Sonny business “I try to stop her”It’s not your fault, mom think for herself “Yes she does “

At ELQ hotel- Monica wake-Anna and Emma were talking.”So are you staying “Yes, Mom is trying to come home she working in this hospital in the lab” Yes I called Robin. What about you” I have been studying medicine “Nice “Anna said 

Alexis and Ned were talking.” I’m sorry about Monica and Jason and Drew “Thanks, now that Jason is gone and Sonny maybe the violence can end”That will be nice’Yes, How is Kristina”She trying to heal from being shot by her own father “Alexis said as Sam came by,”Ned, have you plan the funeral for Jason”Sam ask as Tracy came by,”No, You can if you want he isn’t a Quartermaine after that accident we lose him he disgrace this family when he was alive, Danny is allowed in this family “Tracy said “I understand you were hurt the way Jason treated you, I know Monica was”Yes she was “Tracy said 

AJ got you in front of the guests.”I want to say a word about my mother she loved with her whole heart and fight to for her love ones now she with Dad and Emily and Grandmother and Grandfather,I will honor her wish and keep this family legacy going, I will take care of her house that Alan give her and no enemies will come in thinking they owe it”AJ said as Brooklyn came by and sing a song.

Revelation part 2 ch 15

 At Skye/lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were having coffee together.”When do we need to leave “Lorenzo ask “I’m going with just the girls, You should stay here”You’re right “Lorenzo,Why were you jealous last night of Jax”Because I love you Skye, I been trying to marry you but you keep turning it down “It’s because I’m scared’Skye, We been living together for years now we had another daughter together, I love you’I love you too”Skye said as Lila Rae and Calista came in.”Let’s go to the funeral “Skye said as she got up and left with her daughters.

At The Federal prison- Carly’s cell-Carly was in her cell when Jax came in,” Jax, I’m so happy you’re back, our daughter needs you “I’m trying to get you out of this, This is my fault I made this mess, I took over Sonny business when we thought he was dead and you warned me against it, I don’t have any regrets in it but I committed the crime” What can I do for you “Just look out for my children “I will, I’m staying in town and last night I stay with Michael “Good, can you move in” I will “Thanks for trying to save me” Carly said 

At The Funeral home- Monica funeral- The Quartermaine were greeted everyone who came in Laura and Kevin and Anna and Felicia and Mac and Emma and Elizabeth and her boys and Lucy and Scotty and Nikolas and Spencer and Portia and Lucas .”Thank for coming as we say goodbye to Dr.Quartermaine “The father said as Ned got up.”Monica and I had a history it was controversial but I don’t regret it either does she, Monica was the key of our family “Ned said as He sit down and Tracy got up.”Monica and I had a compilation relationship together up and down but I didn’t regret how we became friends in the end”Tracy said as AJ got up.”I’m glad I got to see my mother before she died, I will make sure her wishes for the family stay true, I love you mom”AJ said as Skye got up.”Monica and I hated each other when I first came to town but I’m glad we made peace with each other, Monica say hi to Edward and Alan and Lila, The Funeral home- Monica funeral was finished up as everyone got up.”We will have the wake at the hotel for a luncheon “Skye said

Revelation part 2 ch 14

 At The ELQ hotel-Skye was there with her daughters.”Mother, Do we owe this hotel” Our family the Quartermaine do” Skye said as a man came in,” How did the Quartermaine have this hotel now” Jax! You’re here” Skye said as she hugged him.”It’s good to see you” You too, You remember my daughters “Yes I do” Why are you here “Because my daughter needs me “Yes she does so you staying in town” Yes I wish I was here for Sonny's funeral, I would of love to make sure he is gone” He is, I have some news, Monica and Jason and Drew died” How “Monica had cancer and Jason and Drew died in an explosion “Wow! The Quartermaine lost a lot “We found out that Drew is a Baldwin” Oh, He never fit in your family “No, We got the hotel back from Nina, she sold her share to Tracy and then Olivia did” Wow! Now you have Aurora “Yes, I have been thinking of renaming it, Why don’t you join us for dinner, “Skye asked “I’m hungry, “Jax said he sat down with them as Lorenzo came by and he was upset by it and went by the table,” Jax, it’s good to see you, I would like to join my family “Lorenzo said Lila Rae and Calista could tell that Lorenzo didn’t like Jax.”It’s alright I need to see my daughter “Yes you do” Lorenzo said as he sat down as Jax got up and left,” Lorenzo, Was that necessary “Yes I was making sure Jax knows where I stand “Lorenzo said he took Skye arm and kiss her hand.”Lorenzo “Skye said “Now we need to talk about your pregnancy Calista” I will keep the baby but I will have a say in how she or he is raised “Why don’t we just enjoy this dinner “Skye asked She didn’t want Lorenzo and Calista to get in a fight in public.‘Alright “Lorenzo said 

At Michael’s house- Josslyn was up reading on the couch when there was a knock on the door she went to open the door as Jax came in,” Daddy! I’m so glad you’re here” I should have come sooner “It’s alright I’m just glad you’re here, Maybe you can get mom out of jail,” Josslyn said “I have been trying over the phone but it’s not easy you don’t mess with the feds” No they are making an example out of mom” Yes because she is connecting with Sonny” Yes” I heard about Jason and Drew” Yes it’s sad, I can’t believe Jason went, mom was so upset she got to come for a day to the hospital “You’re mom and Jason had a connection “Yes they did, Do you want to stay here” Josslyn ask as Michael came in,” Jax, I’m glad you’re here” Me too, it’s nice that you can use this house I brought your mother‘I’m glad you let us use it” of course “Oh, Lucas is back and staying here” That’s good, I’ll stay here too”

Revelation part 2 ch 13

 At Skye/Lorenzo- Calista was in her room laying on her bed she just unpacked a little and was feeling tired and worried about her pregnancy when Skye came in.”Calista,Can we talk “Skye ask “Yes”Calista said Skye sit on the bed and Calista sit up.”Mother, Do you and Daddy still love me? Calista ask as Skye touch her hair.”Yes we do,  we are just a little shock about this that’s all, I have to ask ,Did this professional rape you “Skye ask “No mother it was consent “Okay, I just had to ask. why do you want an abortion “ Because I’m to young to raise a baby I’m not even 18 years old”I know how old you are, We can help you and hire a nanny “Will I have a say in how my child is raise”Yes,What would you change on how we raise you”Send to board school’ I understand that it was just to keep you safe but I miss you every day “Skye said “I miss you too,Mother I don’t want Daddy to deal with him , I love him”How old is he? Is he married “Mother “He is, They never leave their wives, “Skye said “I’m hungry “Let’s go get some food, “Skye said they went downstairs.

Lorenzo was pouring himself a drink thinking about all the power he has now as Skye and Lila Rae and Calista came in.”We are going to get some dinner, Do you want to join us”Yes! We have a lot to celebrate and to talk about “Lorenzo said as the bodyguard came in with Mac and Anna,” We need to question you Lorenzo” Daddy “ Lila Rae said “It’s alright, I’ll meet you at the hotel” Lorenzo said Skye left with the girls.”What can I do for you”Did you plan the bomb in the warehouse that killed Jason Morgan and Drew Cain “No I didn’t “ Where have you been today “At home with my girls”Anywhere else”My coffee shop it’s almost finished for opening day,Anything else”We will not have another mob war in our town innocent people dying “

At The Quartermaine mansion- Olivia and Brooklyn and AJ and Tracy and Ned came in from the hospital .”This was a horrible day”Olivia said “Yes it was, We all need some rest tomorrow is the funeral “Yes”

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 12

 At The Warehouse- Anna and Mac were looking around for evidence when John came in.”Why are you here? This isn’t an FBI investigation “No but I have some information, Jason and Drew passed away” No, This isn’t good” No we could have a mob war going on” Anna said “We need to question Lorenzo “Mac said “Yes and now this is an FBI investigation” John said 

At General Hospital- Jason's room- Jason was in the bed and Elizabeth came in to clean him up.”Jason, I’m sorry you are gone again this time you can’t come back, I did love you “Elizabeth said as Sam came in with Danny and Jake,”Dad, We love you and can’t believe you’re gone again “We should of known better you would end this way “Jake said “I loved you Jason”Sam said 

In the hallway- Carly and Michael were talking.”I want to see Jason”Carly said as John came by.”Why are you here “To take you back to jail”I need to say goodbye to Jason and my family needs me, can’t I just pay a feed”Carly ask “With what money? John ask as Lucas came by.”I will pay my sister fees “Lucas, I’m glad you’re home but I need to pay for my crime “Yes you do I’ll give you a few minutes “John said he left.”I will look after your children, I’m staying with them”I’m glad you’re here ,We need you “

Drew room- Drew was in bed and Elizabeth came in to clean him up.”I cared for you too”Elizabeth said as Carly came in.”Drew, I’m sorry it ended this way. I enjoy our time together I did love you “Carly said “it’s a sad day, Monica dies then Drew and Jason “Yes it is”Carly said as Scotty came in and she left.”Drew I really wanted to get to know you “Scotty said as Emily came in.”Daddy, I’ll miss you “Emily said 

Jason room-Jason was in bed when Carly came in.”Jason, I can’t believe you’re gone and this time you will not come back to us”Carly said she kiss him .

Revelation part 2 ch 11

 At General Hospital- Lucas was working on Jason as Elizabeth came in.”Dr.Jones do you need assistance Webber, Are you sure you can be here” Yes, I’m a professional, “Elizabeth said 

Portia was in Drew's room working on him he was bleeding a lot .”This isn’t good “Portia said 

In the hallway- Scotty and Lucy were in the hallway waiting on news about Drew,” I want to get to know Drew as my son but now this happened and I could lose another child to violence “Scotty said as the Quartermaine came in.”Is there any word on Jason and Drew “Ned ask “No there isn’t “Scotty said .”AJ, you’re back “Lucy  said as Portia and Lucas came by.”Do you have any word on Drew and Jason”Drew lost a lot of blood, He didn’t make it I’m sorry “No! My son is gone! Scotty yelled “Jason is stable for now but that could change “Lucas said “I want to see Jason”AJ said “Why “Ned ask “I want my face to be the last one he sees”AJ said he left.

At Drew room -Drew was in the bed his body was going to be moved when Scotty came in.”I wish we had time together “Scotty said 

In the hallway- Sam came in with Emily and Lucy went by them .”Is Daddy okay “Emily ask as Sam look at Lucy and know what happened.”Honey,I’m sorry your father is gone “Sam said “No! Emily yelled 

Jason room-Jason was in bed he wasn’t feeling well he kept waking up and going back to sleep with AJ came in.”AJ, you’re alive”Yes! Now I will get a second chance with my son! AJ yelled as Jason flatline 

In the hallway- The Quartermaine were stress about this situation and Monica passed away as Carly and Michael came run in.”Any news on Drew and Jason “Drew is gone “Ned said “So is Jason”AJ said as he came by.”No! You’re alive and Jason isn’t! Carly yelled “Why are you out of jail “It was an emergency “Carly said as Portia came by.”Jason gone “Portia said “No! Michael yelled 

Revelation part 2 ch 10

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Aj and Skye were talking as Ned and Olivia came in.”I just got some bad news, Jason and Drew were in an explosion they are at the hospital “Ned said “No, I haven’t met Drew “It turns out Drew isn’t a Quatermaine he is a Baldwin” Skye said “Yes, We should go” Ned said “I’ll meet you there, I need to check on my daughters” Skye said Skye left.

At The Police station - Mac and Anna were talking.”I can’t believe Monica is gone”Anna said “Me either “Mac said as a cop came in.”Commissioner I just got a call that there was an explosion at the warehouse, Jason and Drew were inside” The cop said “No this isn’t good “No it could be a mob hit” Anna said “We don’t need a mob war “Mac said 

At Skye/Lorenzo- Lorenzo was having a drink he was happy to almost be rid of Jason he just wish he could be really happy but with Calista news he wasn’t as Skye came in.”Lorenzo,Did you have anything to do with the explosion at the warehouse! Skye demanded “Skye, You know I can’t tell you”I take it as a yes then, Skye why don’t we finally get married! I want to make you as a honest woman “Lorenzo said he went to try to Kiss her.”Lorenzo,I do love you but I wish you did something else for a living “We been over this before “I know, We need to deal with Calista new”Yes we do, I know she doesn’t want to have the baby but we can hire a nanny so she can finish school “Are you looking into who the guy is! Skye ask “Yes, I’m “Lorenzo said 

At The Federal jail- Carly was in the visitor room when Michael came in.”Michael, What is it? Is it bad? Carly ask “I wanted to tell you something but then on the way here I just got some bad news, Jason and Drew were in a explosion at the warehouse, I don’t have any news about it”I need to see them! I need to be with Jason “Carly said 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 9

 At The Warehouse- Jason was working when Drew came in.”Drew, Why are you here”I want to tell you about Monica” I heard”Jason said as the warehouse blow up.

At The Quartermaine mansion- AJ was alone he finished writing Monica obituaries as Skye came in the room.”AJ, How are you doing “I can’t believe my mom is gone, I’m just glad I got to see her and that no one will be in my way this time “No they wouldn’t “Skye I have a secret “What? Skye asked AJ told Skye a secret. 

At The Warehouse -It was blow up as Elizabeth came by and saw Jason and Drew on the floor and she try to treat them and pick up her cellphone and called for an ambulance.”Jason, You have to make it, You too Drew”Elizabeth said 

At The Quartermaine mansion -AJ just told Skye his secret .”What are you going to do? I’m going to tell the family soon,I ask him to help me deal with the situation back here and he did”Yes he did”Skye said “Skye,Are you alright “No my youngest daughter is pregnant “No”Yes! It’s not good, Lorenzo is upset about it “I’m sure, So are you both married “No,We just have a relationship, I keep trying to end it but Lorenzo gets me, it’s just the danger is hard to deal with “Yes it is, is Calista going to keep the baby “She doesn’t want too she wants to have an abortion but Lorenzo thinks she should keep it, I just don’t want to lose my baby “No”

Ned was in the foyer looking at a list of relatives to call when Olivia came by.”Who is On your list to call “Some relatives my mother doesn’t want them to come “If they should be here then call them”Olivia said as Ned cellphones rang it was Elizabeth.”No, Thank you Elizabeth “Ned said he hang up the phone.”Jason and Drew were in the warehouse and it blow up”

Revelation part 2 ch 8

 At The Quartermaine mansion- AJ and Ned and Brooklyn and Olivia and Tracy and Skye and Elizabeth.”I’m glad Monica got to see you AJ”Skye said “Me too,We need to figure out who to invite “AJ said “We don’t need to invite any relatives we don’t talk to “Tracy said “We will invite anyone who loved my mother “AJ said “ I talk to Jason he want to be there’Ned said “Maybe,Jason did break my mother heart “You have done it too” Tracy said as Michael came in.”Michael, I’m glad you’re here” Ned said “Me too, We need to force on the obituaries, “AJ said “ I’ll pick out a dress,” Brooklyn said “I’ll help you” Skye said she and Elizabeth left.

“ I’m sorry My mother took her anger out on you she should of not have done that”I still love her”That’s what family does we love each other no matter what’Yes we do”Michael said as AJ pick up a picture of Monica and Alan together.”They are finally together now, my parents love and hate each other but it work for them”I wish I knew Alan more “Me too”

At Monica’s room- Brooklyn and Skye and Elizabeth were getting a dress for Monica and some jewelry.”I can’t believe she gone”Brooklyn said “Me too,Monica was a great doctor and loved by the community “Elizabeth said “Yes”Skye said she sit on the bed.”Skye, What is it “Elizabeth ask “Calista is pregnant! She told us today! She went to an all girl school and ended up in this situation “No! Who is the father “A professor, I’m worrying that Lorenzo will take care of him”Skye said “I’m sorry ,Calista is going to need you “Yes she is “

At Sam-Sam had just heard the news about Monica and ask her children to come down they sit on the couch.”I have bad news, Monica is gone”No”

Revelation part 2 ch 7

 A have Alexis-Alexis and Kristina were home talking.”I been thinking it’s time for me to get back to my apartment and my life, I need to get back to it” Just don’t push yourself, don’t want to overdo your recovery “I don’t either “Kristina said as Alexis cellphones rang it was Ned,” Ned, How is it going, No I’m sorry “Alexis said as she hangs up the phone.”Monica is gone”No”Kristina said “Yes and AJ is alive, The Quartermaine just keeps beating death sometimes “Yes”

At Jason Warehouse- Jason was working he was taking over the business when his cellphone rang it was Ned.”Ned, No I would like to come to the funeral “Jason said 

At Lorenzo office- Lorenzo was at his office talking to Ava and Selina.”Monica dead now we need to deal with Jason he will be distracted from this”Yes he will, We need to make it clean though “Yes we do “Selina said 

At Michael/Willow- Michael was at home looking on the computer for a job when AJ called him.”Father, What is it? No I’ll be there “Michael said he hang up the phone.

At Bobbie’s- Josslyn was running it now as Lucy came in with Scotty to get some coffee when Scotty cellphones rang it was Ned.”Ned, What is it! No”Scotty said as he hang up the phone as Laura and Kevin came in.”I have some bad news, Monica is gone “No”

Revelation part 2 ch 6

 At The Quartermaine mansion- The Mortuary transports had just pick up Monica body as Aj was signed the paperwork as Ned came in,”AJ”Mom gone”No”Ned said as the mortuary took Monica body to the funeral home.”AJ, Now is your time to take over the family like Monica wanted you to, I’m getting older now and I can use your help at ELQ” Ned said “ I promise to make my mother proud of me” I’m glad you’re home and Monica got to see you before she left” Ned said “Me too, I need to make some phone calls “AJ said “Yes we do” Ned said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo were upset about the news about Calista pregnancy.”Lorenzo, We have to handle this right, I can’t lose our daughter “I don’t want to lose her either but I don’t want this for her”Me either,Lorenzo I know you want to handle him but you can’t “Skye said as the phone rang it was AJ.”AJ, What’s going on? No I’ll be over “Skye said as she hang up the phone.”Monica is gone, I need to go to the mansion “Skye said “I’m sorry that Monica is gone “Me too” Skye said 

At Elizabeth- Elizabeth was thinking about her father and him wanting to see her when her cellphone rang it was Aj.” AJ, no I’ll be over “Elizabeth said as she hung up the phone.

At General Hospital- Portia was by the desk as the phone rang.”General Hospital, Nurse station Dr.Robinson speaking. No I’m sorry to hear that “Portia said as she hang up the phone as Lucas came by.”Monica just passed away”No”

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Revelation part 2 ch 5

 At Skye/Lorenzo-Calista just told her parents that she is pregnant.”How! You go to a private all girl school! Lorenzo yelled “Daddy it doesn’t matter,I want to have an abortion “Calista said “You want to have an abortion! Skye ask “No! Lorenzo yelled “Why not! You’re not a perfect person! Not like you are to judge me! Calista yelled “This isn’t the answer for you, We could help you raise the baby,We can hire a nanny, Now you didn’t answer me! Who is the father of your baby! Lorenzo yelled as Lila Rae came in and couldn’t believe the news that her sister is pregnant.’Does it matter! Calista ask “Yes! Was it a professor? Lorenzo ask Calista didn’t say anything.”Calista! How could you! What is his name! He could be charged with rape! Lorenzo yelled.”I’m not telling you anything! Besides it doesn’t matter “Calista yelled “ Look let’s just take a step back,Calista go unpack your belongings “Skye said “I need to make a decision about the abortion soon I’m only four weeks in”There will be none! Lorenzo yelled “Calista please go”Skye said Lila Rae went with her sister.”How could we let this happen! Skye I thought by sending Calista to school we did the right thing” Me too, I understand your anger I’m too but we can’t force Calista to have this child, I don’t want her to resent the child “Me either, I don’t know how to handle this “

At General Hospital- Portia was working the hospital was short staff and she had been working overtime as Lucas came in.”Dr.Robinson “ Dr.Jones, it’s nice to see you” You too! I have news, I’m back”Thanks you we need more doctors we are short handed “Well I’m glad I came home”Lucas said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- AJ came home it was all quiet when he went into the living room and saw Monica sleeping on the couch and he checked her pauses and kiss her on the forehead as Tracy came in.”Monica”She gone “No’I”m glad I got to see Mom before she passes”Me too,Now it’s up to you to take over the family with Ned”Tracy said 

Revelation part 2 ch 4

 At Bobbie’s old house- Michael had just opened the door to see AJ and Brooklyn, Michael was shocked that AJ was alive as he came into the living room.”Wow! You’re alive”I know this is a shock to you”Is this why you called me ? Michael ask Brooklyn “Yes it is “Did Monica know you were alive”Yes”Then why was she so been on revenge “Michael ask “I know you love your mother and Sonny but even though I was alive it doesn’t ease the pain they case my family and myself, I was forced to give you up! If you were raise a Quartermaine you wouldn’t have been shot at or in jail! Yes my family isn’t easy but you would not have any violence around you “AJ said “That is true, But I feel so angry about what Grandmother did to me, I was disinherited and I lost my job at ELQ” Yes I heard about that, We could go into business together on something, I’m sorry you were a victim of this” Thank, I’m just glad you’re alive “Me too” Where you in a clinic getting better “Lucas ask “Yes at a hospital in Switzerland I was still in a coma and then I had to learn how to walk again I was drug a lot” AJ said 

At Elizabeth- Elizabeth was at home she unpacked from the trip she was glad that she brought AJ home and visited with the Quartermaine made her think about her family she pick up the phone.”Dad, It’s Elizabeth “She said 

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Calista were talking.”So Mother do you and Daddy still have the same arrangement as you did when we lived in the UK? Yes, Calista let’s talk about you! What is going on? I heard you get sick a couple of time in the morning since you been back, Are you pregnant? Skye ask “Yes! I’m pregnant “Calista said as Lorenzo walk in.”Did you say you’re pregnant! Lorenzo yelled as he looked at Calista.”Yes! I’m pregnant “Calista said 

Revelation part 2 ch 3

 At Bobbie’s old house-Michael and Willow were playing with their children as Josslyn was getting ready to leave as there was a knock on the door she open it was Lucas.”Uncle Lucas,come in “Josslyn said as Lucas came in,”Uncle Lucas”Michael said as Lucas look at Wiley he still missing him.”I had to come after you told me what was going on with Carly “Thanks, How long are you staying “I got a job at the hospital so I can stay I just need a place to live’You can stay with us”Alright, I’m glad that this house is available’Lucas said “Me too, I’m glad my mother keep it after her marriage from Jax didn’t it’s paid for and Grandmother lived her before “Yes,Me too I wish I could of stop it”No one could I try my best to save my mother,Monica was determined to get revenge “I understand why she was upset “Me too but it changed my relationship with her “Michael said as his cellphone rang it was Brooklyn.”Brooklyn,Why would I want to come there”Michael ask as he hang up the phone.”Is everything alright “Yes, Why don’t we get you settled in,” Michael said “Alright, Amelia And Wiley look grown-up” Yes they are”

At The Quartermaine mansion- Brooklyn was in the foyer she had just hang up with Michael as AJ came in.”AJ, I try to get Michael to come over but he won’t “Where does he live? I’ll go to him “Alright I’ll take you, it was bad between Michael and Monica so he may need time”Alright, I heard you and Michael are close “ Yes we are”Brooklyn said as Skye came by.”What’s going on”Skye ask “Brooklyn is going to take me to see Michael, Skye we will caught up later “Yes go be with your son, I need to be with my daughters Skye said AJ and Brooklyn left as Skye went back inside the living room.”Skye, Where is Brooklyn and AJ”Monica ask “Brooklyn want to show AJ around,girls we should go”Skye said “Yes I need to go check on my sons” Elizabeth said “Elizabeth,Thanks you for bringing my son home”You’re welcome “Elizabeth said 

At Bobbie’s old house-Michael and Lucas were talking.”I’m sorry you were disinherited “It’s not your fault I understand why Monica was angry with my parents but I don’t understand why she angry with me “Michael said as the doorbell rang he went to open it was AJ and Brooklyn.’Dad, You’re alive! Michael said 

Revelation part 2 ch 2

 At The Quartermaine mansion-The family was fulling AJ who was back on everything that happened while he was away,”So You are a mob boss mom “I did what I had to for this family, Yes that made I had to turn my back on Michael but he keep picking Sonny over this family and I couldn’t have it, I hope your not upset with me”I understand why you did it,But what if you go to jail or worse “AJ said As Monica touch her son face,.”I’m not going to have that to worry about. I’m dying from cancer, I had to see you before I go”Monica said “You can’t leave us”I have no choice, AJ you take your place in this family and the house belongs to you “I just want to be with my family “AJ said as Skye came in with the girls and ran to AJ.”AJ! I’m so glad you’re back and that you keep beating death”Skye said as she hug him.”Skye, I’m so glad your here too, I miss you “AJ said “I did visit you in the hospital but you were never awake always sleeping from all the drugs you were on”Skye said “It’s alright, is this Lila Rae? I haven’t seen you in years “Yes and my youngest daughter Calista, she hasn’t meet our family “Skye said “Why don’t we have a family day”Monica ask “Yes, Mom I want to call Michael “Alright “Why were you so angry with him! Because he never choice you or us! He let go of the anger he had of Sonny for shooting you ! Michael let both Carly and Sonny in this house “Monica said “We will not let anyone disrespect the family but now Sonny is gone and Carly is in jail “Ned said “Yes” Skye said 

Lila Rae and Calista were taking back from the family.”Calista, How was school? Any boy “How could I meet a boy? I go to private girl school “I know I went to the same one”Yes you did”

Elizabeth was happy for the Quartermaine thinking about her own parents when Skye came by.”Elizabeth, I’m glad you brought AJ home”Me too, You’re younger daughter looks like you”Thank, she reminds me of myself, I think she hiding something “Skye said “What do you think it is? I hope I’m wrong but I heard Calista get sick in the morning,I just hope she not pregnant “If she is she needs to deal with it sooner “Yes,If she is that would not be great for my family, Lorenzo will hate it “

Revelation part 2 ch 1

 At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned Tracy and Olivia were talking about Olivia's restaurant opening.”I was thinking of naming it after me or Connie” Whatever you want to name it “Ned said as Elizabeth came in with AJ who was walking.”AJ, You’re back” Ned said “You know I was alive” Yes, Monica told us, We are glad you’re home,” Olivia said “Speak for yourself, AJ I know I should be surprised you beat death again but I’m not, You are a true Quartermaine you come back “Tracy said as Monica came in.”Yes you are, Elizabeth thank you for bringing my son home “You’re welcome, I’m glad I could do this” Elizabeth said “Why don’t we have coffee and catch up? Where is my son” AJ asked 

At Skye/ Lorenzo-Lorenzo and Skye were getting settled in living together again and helping Lila Rae deal with what happened to her and Skye was trying to figure out what Calista was hiding as they were having breakfast together.”Calista, I hope now that you’re home for the summer you get a job” Lorenzo said “Why do I need a job? I’m a heiress “Because you need something to do besides lay by the pool, Now I need to get to work, I hope everyone has a great day “Lorenzo said as he got up and Skye’s cellphone Rang she left to answer it.”Lila Rae, What is going on with you? Did something happen to you “Yes” Lila Rae said Calista took her hand.”When I was in Amsterdam, I was sexually trafficked “Lila Rae said as she cried.”I’m sorry that happened to you, I’m here for you don’t have to keep it from me” Thanks, I’m working on therapy with it,” Did anyone get arrested “I’m not sure but Daddy will deal with them he will “Calista said as Skye came in.”Girls, I want us to go to my family mansion, Calista you need to meet my family And I want you to meet someone important to me” Skye said “Alright, I’ll need to get my cellphone “Lila Rae said and went upstairs.”Mother, Why didn’t you tell me what happened with Lila Rae” Because we need to deal with it, Calista I know something is going on with you, What is it” Skye asked “Nothing I just ejected to life here” Calista said 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Revelation ch 2 part 3

 At Bobbie’s- Brooklyn was waiting for her breakfast order when Carly came by with it.”Brooklyn, Here you go”Thanks “Brooklyn said as John came by.”Agent Cates, Do you have any leads on LJ”Brooklyn ask “Nothing I can discuss in public “Oh, Well I should go”Brooklyn said she left .”What are you doing here”I would like some coffee, Carly are you mad at me”Well you did arrest me”You broke the law, I have paid my dues and now both Sonny and Jason are gone, So after LJ is found will you go back to California “Who knows, I go wherever the job goes”Yes I’m sure you do” Carly said as Nina came in.”Nina, Why are you here” I’m not allowed here” I’m just surprised you’re here with Ava opening a coffee shop “I don’t like either you or Ava but I just need some coffee, “Nina said “I’ll get you some “Carly said “With cream, Agent CatesWho are you going to arrest this time “I’m on the case of LJ kidnapping “I do hope that baby comes home soon, I know what Calista is going through “That’s one thing the whole town can agree on bring the boy home” Yes, Agent Cates if there is anything I can do,” Nina said “Thank, “John said 

At The Quartermaine mansion- Skye and AJ and Michael and Calista and Lila Rae and Ned and Dillon were in the living room when Brooklyn came in with the bag of food,” Thanks Brooklyn, We need to find a solution for our cook we can’t keep eating out” Yes we do need a new cook I’ll put an Ad out” I know who we can hire” AJ said “Who” Ned ask “Elizabeth son Ayden his a cook “Maybe “Ned said “So now it’s just us, Who will be head of the family “Skye ask “Ned, Grandfather wants him to be his running ELQ” Yes and making us richer, I just took a deal that will make us richer, The Barrington is selling their company and I’m this close in getting it” Ned said “Really? You think you got it? Skye ask “Are you trying to get it for Chandler interpret “Ned ask “Maybe “Skye said 

Calista was getting tired of hearing about business and put Graham and Callie in the stroller.”I’m going ti take the babies out for a walk “Alright I think that’s a good idea”Skye said “I’ll have my cellphone on”We will call you if we hear anything, “Skye said Calista push the stroller outside.”I’m worrying about my daughter “Skye said 

Revelation ch 54

 Lorenzo-Skye was in the living room pouring herself some water she just got Lila Rae to relax in a bath and made a decision about her life as Lorenzo came in he was shocked that Skye was here he still love her.”Skye, Why are you here? Thought it’s good to see you “Lorenzo said as he poured himself a drink.”I came to check on Lila Rae, She had a nightmare thought she lived it so I don’t know if that was a nightmare “Skye said “No it’s not, Skye I’m working on dealing with what happened to our daughter “I want to blame you for this because it’s easier but it’s my fault too, I should of never let her go” We both need to support her” Yes, I have decided to move in, Just like our life in London “Skye said “Sounds great “Yes, We will have the same rules as before “Alright “Lorenzo said as a young woman came in,” Mother, Daddy aren’t you going to welcome me home” The young woman ask 

At A hospital in Switzerland- Elizabeth came into a room and saw Aj on the bed he was sleeping as he wake up and saw Elizabeth.”Elizabeth “AJ, I’m glad you’re alive, Monica asked me to bring you home, “Elizabeth said 

At Port Charles -Ned and Tracy were talking.”Now that we have the hotel back who will host it”Ned ask “I have the perfect person “Tracy said as Brooklyn came in.”Brooklyn, Why don’t you host the hotel! You will be perfect for it”Tracy ask “Maybe “Brooklyn said “Only if you want too”Ned said as Monica came in,”What’s going on”Tracy want me to host the hotel”I think you will be wonderful at it”Monica said 

At Lorenzo - Lorenzo and Skye were shocked to see their younger daughter home.”Calista,Why didn’t you tell us you were coming home”Lorenzo ask “I just finished my school in Switzerland,I thought you would know I’m coming home,So this is our new place “Yes it is,You can pick any room “Lorenzo said “Yes, I’ll go upstairs with you”,I’m glad you’re home”Skye said “Thanks Mother, I have bags in the limousine “You took a limousine here”You didn’t think I would go in a taxi? Beside you ride  in them”Calista said as Lila Rae came in.”Lila Rae”Calista said she loved her big sister and didn’t know what happened to her.”Calista, I’m glad you’re home”Me too”

Revelation ch 53

 At Lorenzo- Lorenzo was having a drink when there was a knock on the door it was Selina,” Selina I been wondering if you would come here” Yes, We need to discuss our business plans” Selina said “Not here, Let’s go to the warehouse “Lorenzo said they left,

At The ELQ hotel- Lucy was walking in the hallway trying to come up with a plan for Deception when she ran into Erica.”Erica Kane! You are my solution to my problem! You need to be my model in my makeup company “I already have a job offer here with Nina”Really! You will not destroy me! Lucy yelled “This isn’t about your company’” Erica said 

At The Federal courthouse- Carly’s trial- Josslyn and Michael and Jason were waiting with Carly on her sentencing when the judge came in.”Ms. Spencer you have paid some of your feeds but not all you will be sentenced to 20 years in jail! You may get out early on good behavior “The Judge said as Diane got up.”Your honor, My client had a young child who needed her”She should have thought about her before she committed a crime! Seems everyone in the family are criminals! Case dismissed “The Judge said as Carly cried .”Mom,We will make sure Donna is alright “Yes we will “I’m sorry about this “We know “Michael said Carly left.

At Lorenzo-Lila Rae’s room- Lila Rae was sleeping when she had a nightmare about what she been through and yelling as Skye just came in and ran upstairs to her daughter room and woke Lila Rae up.”Lila Rae”Skye said as she conform her daughter.”Baby, Let me help you”Skye said she hug her daughter.

Revelation ch 52

 At The Savory- Olivia was setting up for her restaurant when Selina came in.”What is going on here”I brought this place, I’m going to turn it into a restaurant “Curtis sold his restaurant to you! Selina yelled “Yes! Now I know why you are here but I don’t want any mob around my place! Don’t you have a son with Sonny! Selina yelled and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was in the den when there was a knock on the door she went to open it was Elizabeth.”Elizabeth, Thanks for coming “You’re welcome, What is going on”I have another confession to make, the reason I did this is because I’m dying so I have nothing to lose, AJ is alive”What! Where is he “In a clinic in Switzerland, I was hoping you could bring him home, I’ll pay for everything, AJ was very foul of you, “Monica said “I’ll do it, I have some vacation time off” Thanks you so much” You’re welcome, I did enjoy AJ, I’m glad his alive,” Elizabeth said “Me too, Let’s go make arrangements, “Monica said 

At The Savoy- Olivia was thinking about name for the restaurant when Ayden came in.”Ayden why are you here “I was just wondering if you have any job opportunities “Yes I’m looking for a short order cook “I want to be a cook when I get older “Well why not start now! I can teach you how to cook”Alright “

At Aurora media- Skye was in her office sitting on her desk when Nina came in.”Nina, How is working with Erica “It’s going great, We have some idea to take over the makeup business “That’s good “Skye, Are you alright “Not really, Lorenzo want me to move in with him”Are you both a couple “In London we just raised our daughters together we share a house together but separate room on occasion we would get together that’s how we got our youngest daughter “Do you love him”It’s complicated “Love is”I heard you were with Sonny “Yes I do regret that”We both are smart women and will be alright’Yes we will “

Revelation ch 51

 At The Quartermaine mansion- Monica had just confessed to her family that her cancer has returned and she is terminal and want to leave the house to Skye as Tracy ask her if AJ is alive.”Is AJ alive”Monica ask as she looks at Skye.”Yes AJ is alive, I been working on getting him home,He had a lot of work to do with his health after Sonny shot him and he survived the coma he had to learn how to walk again “Monica said “Is he coming home “Ned ask “I been working on getting him home,He needs some medicine assistance to get home “I know who we can call”Monica said “Who”Skye ask “Elizabeth “Yes! She will help, Monica I’m flattered that you want to give me the house but it should go to AJ” Skye said “You are right” Monica said “Besides I may stay with Lorenzo now that he bought Sonny an old house there is a lot of room for me “Skye said “Monica I understand why you want revenge on Sonny but I wish you fought this cancer” Tracy said as Monica left.

At General Hospital- Elizabeth was working when Laura came by.”Laura, Are you alright “Yes just a check up and then visit my husband, Elizabeth how are you doing with Jason being back “I’m happy his alive but I’m upset that he stay away to protect Carly”I understand that”He didn’t put our son or Danny ahead of Carly “Elizabeth said as Her person cellphones rang.”Elizabeth, Dr.Quartermaine, Yes I’ll come over “Elizabeth said she hang up the phone.”Is Monica alright “Yes she just want to see me”Elizabeth said and left.

At Lorenzo house- Lorenzo was unpacking his belongings getting the house ready he loved that he finally had Sonny house and territory.”I almost have everything I want”Lorenzo said to himself.

Revelation ch 50

 At Lorenzo new house- Lorenzo and Skye were talking alone.”So are you going to deal with Jason”If I have too, Now will you move in? We did it before in London “Yes we did it worked for us before I guess I could move in”Good”So what is the next plan “Oh you will see,What about you “Lorenzo ask as Lila Rae came back in the room she wish her parents would admit they loved each other.”Why don’t we get our belongings and start moving in and start our new life in Port Charles “Lorenzo said “I have to go to the office “Skye said “Think about it Skye “Lorenzo said as he looked at Skye and she left the house.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Monica we’re talking.”Monica, I understand why you want revenge against Sonny and Carly I support it but why did you confess about it”I have nothing to lose, I’m dying from Cancer “Monica said as Olivia and Brooklyn and Tracy came in.”You’re dying of cancer “Ned ask “Yes, I thought about dying with this secret but I wanted to see the look on Jason and Michael face when I told them they betrayed this family “Monica said “why are you giving up? Olivia ask “Because of my age besides I’m terminal “Monica said “I’m sorry about this”Brooklyn said “I just have a couple wish before I die”Monica said “What is that”Tracy ask “One Carly is never to step into this house ever again and I want to leave this house to someone who is worth of it”Monica said as Skye came in.”No, I will accept her as Alan’s daughter but I don’t think Skye should be inheriting of this house “Tracy said “You’re giving me the house “Skye ask “I’m dying and I been thinking of who I want my house to go to who will follow my rules, Tracy I’m thinking about the future of this family and It’s Skye”Monica said “Are you sure about that? Skye ask “She doesn’t need it, I just heard that Lorenzo brought Sonny old house,she can live with him”Tracy said “We don’t have a relationship we are just parents to our daughters “Skye said “Did you say Daughters “Olivia ask “Yes,We had another daughter she in board school now Calista”Skye said “That’s a beautiful name, I’m going to call my lawyer to put this in my will”Monica said “Monica we are not done, I have one more question “What is that Tracy’Is AJ alive “Tracy ask 

Revelation ch 49

 At Lorenzo-Skye was talking to Lorenzo.”We need to talk about our daughter Calista she needs to come home”Skye said “She still has school it’s almost over, I want her to finish it and then come home we need to help Lila Rae besides you know she take a lot of attention “Yes the last time we spoke she was upset with me”Skye said “See it will be easy to focus on Lila Rae”Alright, You blame me don’t you! For what happened with Lila Rae “It was on your watch”Lorenzo said as Lila Rae came in.”Now why don’t we go check on the new house I just bought “Lorenzo said as they left.

At The Federal prison-Carly’s cell-Carly was in her cell when Michael came in.”Mom. I have some good news”What is it? Carly ask “Your house was sold but we didn’t make all we needed for your bail hearing “That’s ok, Do you know who brought it”No,How are you doing “I miss you and your siblings, How is Donna”She doesn’t understand what is happening “I’m sure she doesn’t,I don’t get it either, I know she your grandmother but I can’t believe Monica did this “Me too,Jason saw her earlier she dying so she doesn’t care about any of this’I know you loved Monica “Yes I did”Michael said as a guard came by,”Ms.Spencer you are due in court “The Guard said he unlocked the cell.

At Carly’s old house- Lorenzo and Skye came in with Lila Rae,”This house is huge”Lila Rae said “Yes and it’s very security which is important for us”Lorenzo said “Yes, Lila Rae you can stay here in between the Quartermaine “Skye said “Skye, I was thinking you could stay here , There enough rooms for you to have your own room “Lorenzo said as Jason came in with Diane.Jason”Why are you here? Lorenzo ask “I want to meet the new owner, I should know it was you’Jason said”I have the paperwork from the real estate agent, You just need to sign them if it happened “Diane said “Carly needs the money today, I’ll let you buy this house but for more then you agree on’Jason said “Jason, it’s all finale the paperwork just needs to be signed “Diane said “I’m sorry for Carly trouble “Lorenzo said as he signed the paperwork,‘I’ll walk you both out “Lorenzo said “No, We know the way”Diane said they left,

Revelation ch 48

 At Lorenzo’s - Lorenzo was at his house on the phone. “I would like to buy that house, I will make it worth your while “Lorenzo said as Lila Rae came in and looked at her father as Lorenzo hang up the phone.”Lila Rae, I’m glad you’re here”I want to see you “How are you doing? Do you need anything “Lorenzo ask as they sit down on the couch,”I’m starting to heal a little I been in counseling “I’m glad you’re in counseling, I’m sorry that happened to you, I failed you “Lorenzo said as Skye came in,”We both did”It’s not either of your fault, I want to stay in Amsterdam “We should of know you were in danger we should of saved you before it came to that! I hate that you were raped! I will take care of those man “Lorenzo said “Daddy, I don’t want to lose you “You wouldn’t’What about those women “I’m going to have my connection get them back to their families “Thanks “Lila Rae said as Lorenzo phone rang.”Lorenzo,Yes that’s great news “He said and hang up the phone,”Lorenzo, What are you up too‘Skye ask “I just brought Sonny old house “Why! What’s wrong with this house “Skye asked” You know why it’s not very secure and that house is” Lorenzo said “You just want it because it was Sonny” Yes that’s part of it, I want to show this town that I’m back” Lorenzo said 

At The Savory - Olivia was looking at it when Ned came in.”Olivia, Why did you want to meet here”Curtis want to sell this place and I brought it to make my restaurant “Is this what you really want “Yes”Then I will support you “Thanks you “Olivia said she kiss Ned.

Monica was walking in the park when she ran into Jason,”Monica, I just don’t understand how you could go this far ‘I had nothing to lose , I still don’t, I had to make it right for my family,You never really were an Quartermaine besides I’m dying there nothing you can do about it”Monica said