Monday, September 16, 2024

Redemption ch 11

 At Lila Rae coffee shop- Lila Rae was at the shop opening it for the day when Alec knocked on the door and Lila Rae opened it.”I’m the first customer today “Yes you are coming in” Lila Rae said as Alec came in.”I’m Alec” Lila Rae” Oh you own this” Yes I do, What kind did I get you “Lila Rae asked 

At A office- Lucy was there looking around.”This will do” Lucy said as Brenda came in,” I’m glad you’re here this is our office for our new cosmetics company “It looks nice now what are we going to call it was thinking Serenity remember the spa that used to be in town, I was a co-owner of it” Yes I remember it, I like it, We should open a spa too, Lois told me that the Quartermaine are going to open a shopping center by the waterfront “Yes they are, Maybe but we do have a lot of work to do “Yes we do, You still have your business contacts and I have my model ones we will be alright “Brenda said “Yes we will “Lucy said as there was a knock on the door and Lucy open it was Maxie.”Maxie, come in” Lucy, Brenda what is going on” Welcome to Serenity cosmetics company, We are partners and We would like you to join us” As what” Marketing for young people, Brenda And I don’t know much about the internet but you do” I would love too, But we need to hire more people, Who’s going to be the model “I’m, I need a comeback in modeling “Oh that’s great “Yes but we do need more staff “I have a suggestion “

At The Quartermaine mansion- Calista and Brooklyn were having breakfast together.”Have you seen my mother's “Not since yesterday “I hope she is okay. I thought by now she would come down for breakfast my mother doesn’t sleep in” I’m sure she's fine maybe Skye went to the office early “

Skye’s room- Skye was in bed sleeping with Ric by her side after a late dinner, and they had sex she was getting her life back when she woke up and touched Ric who woke up,” Last night was wonderful “Yes it was but you should go why? Skye if you’re worrying about your children you shouldn’t they are older and you have a right to life “Yes I do “Skye said as she kissed him.

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