Sunday, September 8, 2024

Redemption ch 5

 At The Police Station-Anna office-Anna was working when Jordan knocked on the door.”Anna, You wanted to see me”Yes come in”Anna said as Jordan sit down.”What is this about “I was wondering if you want to come back to work here”As what” my Assistant Commissioner , I could use a second hand “Two women running this station “Yes, What do you say? I think we would be wonderful at it”Me too, Yes I will take it” That’s wonderful, I’ll show you an office “

At ELQ-Skye was working when Ned came in.”Skye, How is everything “Great, I’m going after a deal that Cassadine wanted, Anyway that’s not why I called you,” Alright, I do hope you get the deal from Cassadine, So what is going on” Calista doesn’t want to run Lila Charity, I believe that Lucy has been doing more of the work “Well that’s not going to happen I don’t want Lucy on it but we know someone who would be good at it and Grandmother would approve “Who” Laura “Yes she would be great at it, Calista is interesting in the shopping center “That’s great, “Ned said “Ned, I do hope you win as mayor, Tracy would want it” Yes she would, “Ned said as Laura came in.”Laura we were just talking about you”Really I hope it’s good”Yes, Would you like to run Lila Charity at the hospital “Yes I would love to but I hope after I share my news I can still do it”What is your new “I’m gonna to help Felica win “I had a feeling you would after Felicia announced her run, I do hope whoever wins we can fix Charles street”Me too, Now when do I start Lila Charities “As soon as you can, Talk to my daughter Calista and Lucy about it they been running it”I will “Laura said she left.

At Jax house-Josslyn and Carly were going through Jax belonging when Lucas came in.”I wanted to see if you needed anything “Thank Uncle Lucas, Were you at the hospital that night? I can’t remember “Yes I was and there was nothing we could have done to save him Jax was all ready dead, I’m sorry he was a great person he loved you so much “Thank Uncle Lucas” I’m glad you’re mother is here to help you”Josslyn has all of us”Yes I do “

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